Where is the best place to plant peonies

Where to Plant Peonies for Getting the Best Results?

Peonies are a gardener’s delight! They are beloved for their bountiful blooms, bold foliage, inviting fragrance and exquisite beauty. Though they rarely bloom the first year of planting, when they do, they sustain a lifetime of beautiful flowers. Perhaps you are wondering to yourself, ‘where should I plant peonies to ensure abundant blossoms?’

Peonies like full sun and will bloom best in warm, bright spots. Be sure to plant the flowers away from tall trees or thick shrubs as peonies do not like to compete with other plants for sunlight, food or moisture. They must be grown in deep, fertile soil that is moisture-rich and drains well.

This article will focus entirely on peony growing conditions with emphasis on where to plant them, how much sun (or shade) they require, what type of soil is best, what plants or flowers make good companions and whether or not they are easy to grow. So, if you’re ready to learn more about where to plant peonies, let’s get started!

Where do Peonies Grow Best?

Peonies are generally not fussy on location, however, it is important to choose their planting spot wisely and carefully as they do not transplant well. They like plenty of sun and do well in areas that receive direct light. They are best planted in sheltered areas to prevent wind and hail damage. Soil should be deep and wet with a neutral pH level.

Do Peonies Need Full Sun or Shade?

Peonies like a lot of sun! They need 6 or more hours per day of sunlight for optimal growing conditions. They can manage with some shade but if they are planted in an area with more shade than sunlight, they will not flower well, if at all!

Do Peonies Grow in Shade?

Certain types of peonies actually prefer partially shaded areas as opposed to full sun. Unlike herbaceous peonies that require plenty of light and warmth, tree peonies thrive in spots with more shade and only 3 to 4 hours of sunlight per day. These varietals will grow faster with more sunlight (6 hours or greater) but the blossoms will ultimately burn and then vanish completely if this is the case.

What Type of Soil Is Good for Peonies?

Deep, well-fertilized soil that is moist and humus-rich is best for growing peonies. They are an adaptable flower but prefer slightly acidic soil with a 6.5 to 7.0 pH level. If you choose to plant them in heavy, clay-like soil, you must add compost and work it in well.

What are Good Companion Plants for Peonies?

Peonies really like companion plants! The best ‘friends’ for these flowers include alliums, bearded irises, columbines, roses, Siberian irises and spring bulbs. They also like small shrubs and trees as long as they are planted in such a way that they are not shaded and still receive plenty of sunlight.

Can You Plant Peonies in a Container?

Peonies can be planted in containers as well as gardens. Choose a fairly large, light-colored pot that has drainage holes at the bottom. These flowers have very large roots and need much deeper pots than most other types of herbaceous varieties. Soil should be at least 2 feet deep for young nursery peonies and even deeper for larger flowers.

Tree peonies, as mentioned above, will grow quite well for several years in containers that are at least 12 inches in diameter. They make great potted plants and will add gorgeous color to your deck or patio. Just be sure to use a soil-based compost and grow them outdoors in the spring or fall.

Can You Plant Peonies Indoors?

You can plant and grow peonies indoors in pots or containers during the winter months using the following steps:

Can You Plant Peonies Close Together?

Contrary to popular belief, peonies like a good ‘chill’ in the winter but still need to be planted fairly close together in soil that is approximately 2 to 3 inches deep. Planting them relatively close to the surface helps to ‘set’ their flower buds so they become more resilient.

Are Peonies Easy to Grow?

Peonies are sometimes considered difficult to grow as they fairly produce flowers in the first year of planting. It usually takes 3 years for them to produce blooms. However, once they do, all they require to grow well is rich, fertile soil that is well-watered in a garden that is beaming with sunlight!


In summation, peonies are long-life perennials that should be planted outdoors in the spring or fall. They can be planted indoors in pots or containers during autumn to grow over the winter months. These herbaceous flowers love sunshine and will thrive in warm, bright spots with 6 to 8 hours of light per day.

It is best to plant peonies in deep, wet soil that is nutrient-rich with good drainage. Be sure to grow them in areas away from large trees or shrubs that could deplete soil moisture and block-out much-needed. Good luck growing your beautiful peony oasis!

More about Peonies!

16 peony companion plants that will look great in your garden

Should Peonies be Deadheaded?

When and How to Use Fertilizer for Peonies

What Colors Do Peonies Come In?

Where to buy Peony plants or bulbs online? (Top 50 stores)

7 myths about planting peonies this plant expert wants you to know

Peonies herald the call for the start of summer, they epitomize the fun and joy that summer brings with their riot of color and gorgeous fragrance filling the air with the sweet, spicy and lemon scents.  

For some though, long held myths about planting peonies has stopped them from choosing to grow these wonderful and virtually care-free plants in their garden. 

Alec White of Primrose Hall Peonies has had a love affair with peonies ever since he first started growing them 15 years ago and he believes every garden deserves at least one beautiful peony. So, he has shared the biggest peony myths and misconceptions with us and debunked them with simple explanations, in the hope that gardeners who have previously been put off from growing peonies might decide that they will finally give it a go and choose to grow a peony of their own.

Myth 1: Peonies are hard to grow

This myth is the most prolific and the truth is if you follow some simple rules with peonies, you will be able to have a gorgeous plant blooming in your garden from the first season you plant your new peony.

Myth 2: Peonies are delicate and don’t like the cold

It is not clear where exactly this myth has come from but a lot of peony beginners have been worried about the more recent cold snowy winters. The truth is that peonies have been popular for centuries and have been used in medicine and food in Europe and China for thousands of years.  

Parts of China and also Japan, which is well known for tree peonies, have much colder climates. There are well-known growers and breeders in northern states of America and even in Alaska, very well known for lots of snow. 

Peonies are hardy down to -25ºC and enjoy the colder weather which signals a dormant period above ground with buds forming below the surface on the roots ready to re-emerge when the weather starts to heat up towards Spring. Most growers will tell you the colder the winter that the better the blooms the following peony season.

A late frost can cause some damage to leaves but it won’t do any lasting damage to the plant, if you are worried you can cover your peonies with some netting to prevent the frost settling and prevent any burn.

Myth 3: Peonies will only grow in certain soil types

Myth totally busted: peonies are happy in any soil type even clay provided the soil is free draining. If you have particularly solid clay soil try mixing in some sand or pebbles through the soil to encourage drainage before planting.  

When planting a new peony in the garden we always advise adding some specialist peony fertiliser to enrich the root growth for the first season and you can continue to feed your peony once a year, this is not essential, but can encourage better blooms.

Myth 4: Peonies cannot be moved

A few bad experiences and maybe inexperience have promoted this myth about peonies.

Any plant is not super happy about being moved from its cozy spot which it had become accustomed to but peonies are absolutely fine with being moved. It is best to plan where you would like to move your peony to so you can have as smooth a transition as possible. The best time is also in the autumn once the plant has been cut back (and has been pruned if it is a tree peony).

There are a couple of errors to avoid when replanting a peony and these are usually the cause of the plant not flowering the following year; firstly ensure the eyes on the roots are not damaged in lifting, transport or replanting (these are the pink buds on the roots).

Secondly, ensure that the plant has not been buried or covered with too much soil. A herbaceous peony crown or top of the plant needs to be quite close to the surface only approximately 2 or 3in below. Be cautious when mulching your borders that you don’t cover up the base of your peony. 

The process is exactly the same when planting tree peonies, but with grafted peonies it is best to plant with the graft union about 10-15cm below the surface.

Myth 5: Peonies only last for a few years like normal perennials

This could not be further from the truth and may have come about because some peonies have not flowered and so people think they have essentially died, dug them up and not given them a chance. Peonies are in fact a long lived plant. They can last for decades in the garden and some varieties have been known to live for 90 plus years happily.

Peonies take a while to mature from seedling or cutting and so plants tend to only flower at 3 – 5 years old. To have the best success with peonies buy mature plants from a reputable nursery, a mature peony should bloom in your garden from the very first year and continue to produce more and more blooms every year. If you see or have a peony with 20 – 30 blooms, tip your hat and salute, as it may be older than you.

Myth 6: Peonies are not fragrant

Our favorite myth to bust, it is with delight that we love chatting to gardeners and telling them that most peony varieties are scented! Some varieties more than others though and it is not linked to color as we currently grow many peonies with fragrance in red, fuschia, apricot, yellow, white and cream! There are different types of peony scents ranging from spicy, sweet, powdery and citrus.

Our most favourite and highly scented peonies are the following:

Duchesse de Nemours – beautiful semi-double creamy white flowers with a strong, intoxicating scent.

Madame Calot – prolific, double pink flowers and strong fragrance.

Sarah Bernhardt AGM – very popular garden and cut flower variety, loved by gardeners and florists alike. Sarah Bernhardt AGM is a gorgeous fully double sugar-pink with crimson flecks on the outer petals and with a sensational scent.

(Image credit: Caron Saunders)

Bartzella– a luminous yellow Itoh peony with gorgeous lemony scents, holding up very well flowering for extended periods with side buds staggered blooming from the main buds.

Monsieur Jules Elie– beautifully fragrant variety with lavender pink double flowers which tend not to fade in full sun, making it an excellent cut flower.

Festiva Maxima AGM – a personal favourite, with a good scent and large, fully double white flowers with a crimson fleck on the outer petals. Makes a popular cut flower.

(Image credit: Caron Saunders Photography)

Myth 7: Peonies only flower in May

This myth makes sense but with the love we have for peonies who wouldn’t want them flowering in your garden for longer? We have separated our peonies into early, mid, mid-late and late flowering varieties. If you curate your collection with a variety from each category you could have a peony flowering in your garden from April to July.

See: Flower bed ideas – beautiful ways to create floral displays in your garden

Intersectional hybrid peonies, a cross between tree and herbaceous varieties, can produce huge fragrant blooms, which seem to hold better on the stem due to woodier tree peony DNA making them a sturdy plant and will often flower for twice as long as a normal tree peony (perhaps for 4-5 weeks).

We have put together the list below of early, mid and late flowers. Some varieties straddle the border so we would always advise choosing a few from each category to enjoy an extended peony season in your garden.

Jennifer is the Digital Editor at Homes & Gardens. Having worked in the interiors industry for a number of years, spanning many publications, she now hones her digital prowess on the 'best interiors website' in the world. Multi-skilled, Jennifer has worked in PR and marketing, and the occasional dabble in the social media, commercial and e-commerce space. Over the years, she has written about every area of the home, from compiling design houses from some of the best interior designers in the world to sourcing celebrity homes, reviewing appliances and even the odd news story or two.

Planting and caring for peonies

These flowers, absolutely stunning in their beauty, shape and color, open the summer lush flowering season. They bloom at the end of May and delight the eye until the end of June.

Peony is called the royal flower for a reason. He is so good that next to him all other flowers fade, except perhaps roses. Although densely double pink peonies can outshine her in their beauty and richness of shades.

In most regions of Russia, mainly herbaceous peonies are grown, giving preference to their large-flowered densely double and Japanese varieties.

In this article we will tell you how to properly plant peonies, how to take care of them and tell you which varieties are best to give preference to.


It is known from ancient chronicles that peonies were grown in Babylon and Ancient Egypt at the beginning of the new era.

In China, he was deified and worshiped as a sacred flower. And he grew up only in the imperial gardens, for which he received his second name "imperial flower".

In the middle of the 13th century, it was brought to Japan, where only the most noble people of the country were allowed to plant a peony. Here, he was also considered a magical flower that protects against witchcraft and incurable diseases.

It was in Japan that the amazing healing properties of the peony were scientifically substantiated, allowing it to be used not only as an ornament of a flowering garden, but also as a valuable medicinal plant. Although peony roots have long been used in folk medicine in ancient Greece.

By the way, in Greece the peony is still considered a symbol of wealth, success and longevity.

The peony was brought to Russia at the behest of Peter I. Interestingly, the tsar was interested in the healing properties of the plant. But, when he saw him during flowering, Peter ordered to build a huge flower garden of peonies alone near the royal palace in order to admire their unearthly beauty every summer.

Since the middle of the 16th century, breeders from England, France, Holland and other European countries have been breeding terry peony varieties, creating many simply amazing varieties. In Japan and China, scientists have taken a different path. Here preference was given to flowers with one or two rows of petals, but with a huge center consisting of narrow staminodes (modified petals).

Domestic breeders were also successful in breeding peonies. The varieties created by them can compete with the best representatives of the European and Japanese groups. This work continues to this day.


The above-ground part of herbaceous peonies dies off in autumn, and grows back next year. Therefore, when planting peonies, special attention should be paid to the root system.

There are, as it were, two waves of its growth.

The first one starts in the spring at the beginning of May. At this time, adventitious roots and thin sucking roots are actively growing. Then they thicken and thicken. It is in them that the nutrients necessary for the growth of the bush next spring are deposited.

The second wave of growth occurs at the end of August. At this time, many new suction roots are formed.

This physiological feature determines the timing of planting peonies.

In order for them to take root well, the plants must be planted (and replanted) before the mass growth of the suction roots, so as not to damage them during digging. Plants with a closed root system can be planted at any time.

The choice of planting site is of great importance for the normal growth and development of peonies. These plants are very photophilous, afraid of drafts and cold winds. Therefore, they should be planted in a sunny, well-protected place from the wind.

Planted in the shade, peonies will grow and bloom poorly. Some varieties may not form buds at all.

Peony soils need very fertile, rich in organic matter, loose with a neutral reaction (pH 6.8 - 7.0). Acidic - these plants are generally contraindicated. They will simply die on them. Plants planted in areas with a close occurrence of groundwater or in flooded lowlands will also look strongly oppressed.

Since the peony's root system is very powerful (the roots can go a meter or more deep), it needs loose soil in the root zone. Therefore, planting pits are dug with a diameter of 60 and a depth of 65 cm. The distance between plants is 80 cm. sand and compost or rotted manure in a ratio of 1:1:2.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and wood ash must be added to each pit.

When planting, the growth buds located underground at the base of the stem are buried no more than 4 cm, otherwise the bushes can grow powerfully, but not bloom at all. Peonies are well watered (2 watering cans for each), and then mulched with humus or leafy soil.


Planting peonies is not the most important thing. If the plants are not properly cared for, they can grow and develop poorly.

Peonies, like most perennials, are very fond of water, so they should be watered regularly, soaking the ground to the thickness of the root layer (4 watering cans for each plant). But water should never stand around the bushes, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. We have already written about this in the articles How to Grow Astilbes and How to Grow Dahlias.

In the first year after planting peonies, it is better to cut off the buds so as not to weaken the bushes. Then in subsequent years they will grow more powerfully.

Peonies will begin to bloom in full force only in the third year after planting.

Fertilizers are of great importance for peonies. In the first two years, they are limited to only two top dressings, since the fertilizers obtained during planting will be enough for the plants.

At the end of April, after the snow melts, the peonies are fed with a solution of urea (20 g per 10 liters of water). The second - with a solution of slurry - is carried out at the end of June.

Starting from the third year, half a bucket of rotted manure is applied under each bush in spring, and in autumn the plants are fertilized with a ready-made mineral complex for autumn feeding of perennial flowers.

Peonies can grow in one place for more than 60 years. However, over the years, the flowers become less. Plus, they shrink. Therefore, every 12 years in mid-August, the bushes are divided and planted. At least 4 growth buds are left on each division.

At the end of September, the entire above-ground part of the peonies is cut off, and the roots are mulched with fallen leaves or spruce branches with a layer of 20 cm. After 7 years, the plants are no longer covered. Peony roots are not afraid of severe frosts and tolerate winter well.


We have managed to collect an excellent collection of the best varieties of herbaceous peonies. We offer them to you.

Terry. Adolphe Rousseau, Barzella, Gilbert Bartelo, Mother's Favorite, Striped Lollipop, Sarah Bernhardt, Nancy Nora, Bunker Hill, Beauty Cup, Sherbet, Peter Brand.

Japanese. Japanese moon, Mrs. Hemerick.

Fine leaf. Rubra Plena.

You can see that planting peonies and caring for them is not difficult. But how much joy these luxurious flowers will bring if you take them a corner on your site.


In its spectacular appearance and aroma, peony boldly competes with a rose. We tell you how to properly plant peonies and care for them so that they continue to delight you with their royal beauty for many years.

Some introductions

So, peony is a perennial plant, it grows quietly in one place for 10-15 years. Peonies prefer sunny places or partial shade (otherwise the flowering will not be so plentiful). Drought and frost resistant. They have a large rhizome, deep into the ground, and a lush decorative deciduous part. Peony flowers are solitary, depending on the variety, they can reach from 15 to 25 cm in diameter, and are divided into pink, double and spherical in shape.

Peonies bloom in late spring - early summer. The duration of flowering depends on the variety and can vary from 8 to 20 days.

Want to impress? Use several varieties of peonies at once!

Planting peonies: choosing a place
Planting peonies: soil recommendations

In general, peonies are unpretentious and take root in any soil. However, rich loams filled with humus will be the best options for them.

Peonies will thank you for your efforts

If the ground is heavy, preliminary work saves the situation. We dig up the earth for future planting well, add sand, compost, peat and humus. And only after that we form a hole and make a landing.

How to plant peonies: a step-by-step guide

Propagation methods There are many ways to propagate peonies: dividing the bush, root tubers, cuttings, layering. One of the most popular and effective is propagation by root tubers.

Peony planting algorithm

On the left - a healthy division, on the right - a non-viable root tuber

Planting a peony in the ground

How to properly care for peonies

Subject to all the rules when planting, care in the next two seasons will be reduced to a minimum - loosening, watering and weeding. With well-filled soil, plants can be fed starting from the third year after planting.

The fact that all the efforts were not in vain, you will understand in a couple of years.

In spring, peonies need to be fed

Watering! Watering is one of the most important moments in growing peonies.

Learn more