Where does celery grow
Everything you didn’t even know you wanted to know about celery
Suddenly, celery’s all the rage.
Anthony William, the “Medical Medium” who converses with spirits, has inspired masses to drink big glasses of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every day, hoping to cure manifold ills. This may sound like a goofy sitcom plot, but celery’s wholesale price has soared tenfold in the last year, and supermarkets sometimes sell out. The most commonplace of vegetables has become an improbable star.
Cynthia Yedinak, a 32-year-old “integrative nutrition health coach” who was buying celery at the Hollywood farmers market on a recent Sunday, described the benefits she has experienced drinking the juice. “I wake up ready to go, with a clearer head, and have better memory, clearer skin and no bloating,” she said.
The history of celery is rife with such metamorphoses, booms and outlandish claims, some surprisingly local. Celery was claimed to purify blood, calm nerves and relieve stomach disorders, and celery nostrums proliferated, starting in 1868 with a tonic that remains popular today as Dr. Brown’s Cel-Ray soda. In the 1880s Colonel M.K. Paine made millions on his Celery Compound, which included cocaine and promised to cure everything from scrofula to piles. In 1903 Dr. Price launched a celery-flavored cereal, Tryabita, and a celery-flavored gum, Tryachewa — both, not surprisingly, flops.
In the 1930s and ’40s, when Los Angeles was the leading agricultural county in the nation, celery was its largest vegetable crop and Venice was the prime growing area. Yet the tale of celery’s glory years has remained untold.
Celery is an extreme example of man’s transformation of plants. Kin to carrots, parsley, parsnips and dill, celery grows wild in moist, salty soils in Europe and Western Asia. It started out as a bitter, semi-poisonous weed with thin, hollow stalks (botanically petioles), and was used by the ancients for ornamentation, for medical properties and as a condiment.
In the 1930s and ’40s, when Los Angeles was the leading agricultural county in the nation, celery was its largest vegetable crop
Celery was rare in the United States in the early 19th century because it was grown in trenches — blanched, or covered with a cloth so as to prevent photosynthesis and keep it pale in color, as is still done for endive today. This process was difficult and expensive, so celery was a luxury, and through the end of the century it was displayed on the dining tables of the wealthy in ornate celery vases.
The huge celery boom came in the 1880s and 1890s with the advent of “self-blanching” varieties, denser plantings and the use of boards to shade the stalks. A dozen books on the “New Celery Culture” appeared, cultivation surged and celery became readily available at moderate prices.
1891 — Celery farming begins in California
In California, celery farming began in 1891 in Westminster, where newly drained bogs provided fertile and easily worked ground. Cultivation soon spread to Chula Vista and El Monte.
In the early 1910s, as farmland in the West Adams district was developed for housing, Japanese immigrants started migrating to the Venice area to grow celery. This area — from Venice Boulevard to Jefferson Boulevard, from Overland Avenue to the ocean — soon led the Southland in celery production. Gardena and Compton also became important districts.
The Venice Celery Farmers Assn., founded in 1921, had an office near where Gold’s Gym stands today, and Venice Celery Distributors shipped around the country by rail from a warehouse on San Pedro Street in downtown. Its Venice Belle Celery labels from the late 1930s depict a gorgeous celluloid goddess of celery.
Celery acreage in Los Angeles fluctuated considerably because of disease and competitive pressures, peaking at 3,105 in 1933. In the early years growers used boards and earth to produce white or golden celery, but the old varieties suited for this, White Plume and Golden Self-Blanching, were highly susceptible to disease. In the 1930s growers shifted to varieties derived from Giant Pascal, such as Tall Utah, that were more resistant, productive and kept well. This “Pascal celery” was also cheaper to grow because it produced high-quality green stalks without blanching, similar to what we eat today, and by 1940 five-sixths of the Los Angeles crop was green.
1942 — Celery cultivation in California slows down
Celery cultivation flourished until spring 1942, when Japanese-Americans on the West Coast were forced into internment camps.
“When we were ordered to be interned, the celery crops were ready to harvest, but I don’t know by whom or how they were harvested and sold,” recalls Ray Uyemori, 88, whose grandfather and father grew celery near Olympic Boulevard and Centinela Avenue.
In 1945 the family was able to return and resume growing celery, although part of their land had been taken during the war for a Douglas Aircraft warehouse.
Celery cultivation in Los Angeles held steady until 1951, gradually declined for the rest of the decade, and then plummeted as houses replaced farms. Blanching ceased completely. Growers moved to Orange and Ventura counties, and by 1969 only 12 acres of celery farming remained in L.A.
Today — California still grows most of the nation’s celery
Today California grows about 28,000 acres of celery and accounts for 80% of the United States supply; Mexico, Arizona, Michigan and Florida produce the rest. The main growing areas in California are cool coastal districts: Salinas and Santa Maria, where the season is mid-June to early November, and Ventura County, which picks from November to mid-July.
The celery harvest resembles ballet with machetes. Recently, on a cool, cloudy morning at Deardorff Family Farms in Oxnard, the uniform, densely packed celery plants — 44,000 per acre — spread to the horizon like a knee-high forest, wafting a herbaceous aroma, subtle yet powerful. Expertly, each picker swiftly used the end of his razor-sharp celery knife to slice a plant out of the ground at the root; scrutinized it to make sure it had not started to go to seed; precisely chopped off the remaining root and the leaves, using the knife’s side blade; and placed the trimmed stalk in a row on the ground. A packer soon picked it up, instantly assessed its size, and put it in the corresponding carton, borne on a giant cart called the hump, pushed by hand.
Packing freshly harvested celery in the field at Deardorff Family Farms in Oxnard in late April.
(David Karp / For The Times)
Co-owner Scott Deardorff, 56, surveyed the action with mixed satisfaction and apprehension. Because of an atypically cold winter, many of the plants were “seeders” that had bolted and lay discarded. The pressure was on to fill orders, because the price for a 57-pound carton was an unprecedented $60 to $75. This was up from $6 to $8 a year before, so low that growers reduced plantings.
The harvest ends abruptly on July 14, because from July 15 to Aug. 14, growers are forbidden to grow celery in Ventura County as part of a state-mandated “host-free period” that breaks the transmission of celery mosaic virus. During that time the county agricultural commissioner’s office also hires students to eradicate wild celery from parks and ditch banks, said Ellen Kragh, deputy agricultural commissioner.
There’s no such restriction in Santa Barbara County, which supplies much of the celery sold at Los Angeles farmers markets. Farmers market celery typically is fresher and thus more aromatic than store-bought stalks, but can be more variable in quality. The best artisanal growers, such as Finley Farms and The Garden of….., produce celery that is small but rich in flavor, starting in summer or early fall. In less expert hands, celery exposed to frost can be pithy, with a white, dry center; heat and lack of water, or overmaturity, can cause bitterness; and irrigation with saline groundwater can impart excessive saltiness.
In the cooler months, farmers markets are a good source of celery root, or celeriac, which is produced by plants of the same species (Apium graveolens) as regular celery, but a different type in which the base of the stem and upper root are greatly enlarged. There and at Asian markets one can also find Chinese celery, which was domesticated separately and is different from the celery cultivated in Europe and the United States; it has hollow, skinny, stemlike stalks, with more intense flavor, and is used in soups and stews.
Regular celery mostly derives from a narrow genetic base, from Giant Pascal, a French variety discovered in 1884, with a smidgen of celeriac for disease resistance. The major varieties grown in California, such as Mission, Command, Sonora, and Conquistador, are so similar that they are rarely marketed by name.
Just a few California farms produce heirloom or unusual celery. Martin’s Farm in Salinas grows Giant Red, an heirloom that looks like rhubarb, and Dorato Gigante, a yellowish-green variety from Italy. “They have profound, intense flavor only hinted at with the current kind of celery,” said farmer-owner Martin Bournhonesque.
Aaron Choi of Girl & Dug Farm in San Marcos raises greenhouse-grown white and Chinese Pink celery, which he cuts when the stalks are 4 to 5 inches long — “just small enough to serve as a functional garnish,” he said.
Choi, who sells to restaurants such as Rustic Canyon and Nightshade, has tried blanching celery. “The entire stalk become noticeably more tender, a little less fibrous, milder and sweeter,” he said.
While these few are pursuing bygone arts, millions of fervid converts are juicing celery, and the Medical Medium’s new book on celery is already being touted as a bestseller.
Recent, peer-reviewed scientific articles do maintain that celery is rich in minerals and vitamins; is a strong antioxidant and can scavenge free radicals; can improve hypertension and protect against cardiovascular disease; can accelerate bone healing; and can protect against oxidative damage to the brain.
How celery became the unlikely star of the produce aisle »
But almost every fruit and vegetable, when studied, is found to have beneficial effects, and nutritionists generally discourage making a fetish of any particular food.
From the nutritional and phytochemical standpoints, there’s “nothing superior” about celery, said Dr. Zhaoping Li, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA. The downside of consuming large amounts of celery juice, she added, would be “missing nutrients from other vegetables.”
Whatever its health effects, and even if the current craze subsides, celery’s colorful history and local provenance should add to the pleasure of its consumption.
How To Grow Your Own Crunchy Celery
Learning how to grow celery is simple. The main features this crop requires are rich soil, plenty of water, and protection from hot sun and high temperatures. Grow celery as a winter crop in the South, a summer crop in the far North, and a fall crop in most other areas.
Planting Celery
Dorling Kindersley/getty
You can buy transplanted crops from nurseries, but cultivar choices expand enormously when you grow celery from seed. You can choose standard varieties such as ‘Ventura’, experiment with self-blanching types such as ‘Golden Boy’ and ‘Tango’, or try red-stalked varieties such as ‘Redventure’. For a late-summer crop, sow seeds indoors 10 to 12 weeks before the last average spring frost. Soak the tiny seeds overnight to encourage germination. Fill a container with a mix of ½ compost and ½ sand, and plant in rows 1 inch apart. Cover the seeds with a sand layer ½ inch deep, then cover the flats with damp sphagnum moss or burlap until seeds sprout.
Place in a bright spot out of direct sun, and keep the temperature at 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and about 60 degrees at night. Provide plenty of water and good drainage and air circulation. Transplant the seedlings into individual pots when they are about 2 inches tall. At 6 inches, harden off the plants for about 10 days, and then transplant them into the garden in a bed that’s high in organic matter (from a cover crop or added compost).
Space the plants 6 to 8 inches apart in rows 2 to 3 feet apart. Set them no deeper than they grew in pots. Water in each seedling with compost tea.
For a fall crop, also known as a second harvest, sow seeds indoors in May or June, and follow the same directions, transplanting seedlings in June or July. Provide shade in hot, humid weather.
Growing Celery
Apply several inches of mulch, and provide at least 1 inch of water a week. Gently remove any weeds that might compete for nutrients with celery’s shallow roots. Feed every 10 to 14 days with compost tea or a balanced fertilizer. If night temperatures are consistently below 55 degrees, protect plants by covering them with cloches; otherwise, the stalks become weak.
Blanching celery destroys some nutrients but prevents stalks from becoming bitter. It also protects fall crops against heavy frosts. You can grow a self-blanching variety, such as ‘Golden Self-Blanching’, or blanch conventional varieties by one of these methods:
Two weeks before harvest, tie the tops together, and mound soil up to the base of the leaves.
Cover the stalks with large cans (remove both ends first), drain tiles, or sleeves made out of paper or other material.
Water carefully after setting up your blanching system, avoiding wetting the leaves and stalks, or they may rot.
Line up boards, secured with stakes, along each side of a celery row to shut out the sun.
Celery Growing Problems
Celery’s main enemies are parsley worms, carrot rust flies, and nematodes. Celery leaf tiers are tiny yellow caterpillars marked with one white stripe; control by hand picking. Attacks of tarnished plant bugs show up as black joints or brown, sunken areas.
Common diseases that affect celery crops, as well as other vegetables, include early and late blight, which both begin as small dots on the leaves, and pink rot, which shows up as water-soaked stem spots and white or pink coloration at stalk bases. Crop rotation is the best control.
Distorted leaves and cracked stems can indicate a boron-deficient soil; correct by spraying plants with liquid seaweed extract every two weeks until symptoms disappear.
Harvesting Celery
Cut the plant off just below the soil line, or cut single stalks of unblanched celery as needed. To preserve a fall crop, pull up the plants and place them in deep boxes with moist sand or soil around the roots. Store in a cool place; they will keep for several months.
outdoor planting and care, growing from seed
The herbaceous plant celery (Apium) is a member of the Umbelliferae family. The most popular among gardeners is such a vegetable crop as odorous celery (Apium graveolens). Such a culture comes from the Mediterranean, and it is still found there in the wild today. Celery in nature can be found on the Hindustan Peninsula and in other Asian countries, as well as in America and Africa, while this plant prefers to grow in humid places. nine0003
People began to cultivate such a plant a very long time ago, for example, in ancient Greece celery was grown in a special way, and only leaf petioles were used for food. And in other countries of the Ancient World, this culture was a sacred plant, for example, in the Roman Empire and Egypt, celery was used to make decorations for graves, while food, which included such a plant, was used to commemorate the dead. On European territory, such a culture became popular in the 18th century, while at first it was grown only for decorative purposes, and only after some time it began to be eaten. Today, this plant is becoming more and more popular every year. nineOl000 4.2 Fertilizer
- 5.1 When to plant
- 5.2 Suitable soil
- 5.3 Lands Rules
- 6.1 How to water
- 6.2 Fertilizer
- 6.3 What to plant after celery
- 7.1 Diseases
- 7.2 Dagifers
- 8 Species and varieties of celery
- 8.1 Root celery
- 8.2 Leaf celery
- 8.3 Stem celery (petiole)
- 9Properties of celery: harm and benefit
- 9.1 Useful properties of celery
- 9.2 Contraindications
Brief description of cultivation Root celery is sown for seedlings in the last days of February, and leaf celery for half a month later.


Peculiarities of celery
The herbaceous plant celery is a biennial, it reaches a height of about 100 centimeters, its root is thickened. During the first year of growth, a root crop is formed in the bushes, as well as a rosette consisting of shiny pinnately dissected leaf plates of a dark green color. And in the second year of growth, shoots are formed, flowering begins in mid-July. Forming umbrellas consist of flowers of a greenish-white color. nine0003
Such a culture is moisture-loving and frost-resistant, seed germination is observed already at 3 degrees, while friendly seedlings appear at a temperature of 15 degrees. Young seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 5 degrees. The round, almost double fruit has thread-like ribs on each of the halves. To date, 3 varieties of celery are cultivated: leaf, root and stem (petiole). The most popular are the following green crops: celery, dill and parsley. nine0003
Root celery - growing in crop beds
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Growing celery from seed
When to plant
seedlings. Sowing seeds of root celery for seedlings is carried out 70–75 days before transplanting seedlings into open soil, for example, in the last days of February. At the same time, sowing leaf celery for seedlings is carried out half a month later. nine0003
Seeds require mandatory pre-sowing preparation, as they contain essential oils that greatly inhibit swelling and sprouts, in some cases the first seedlings appear after 20-30 days. In order for the seeds to sprout as soon as possible, they must be bubbled: the seed is kept in oxygen-saturated water for 24 hours, after which it is pickled, for this immersed for 45 minutes. in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), then it should be thoroughly rinsed using clean water and dried. There is another method of preparing seeds for sowing: for a start, they are dressed, for this they are immersed for 45 minutes. in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), then they are washed, and then immersed in Epin's solution for 18 hours (2 drops per 100 ml of water). nine0003
Treated seed should be spread in a thin layer on damp cloth, where it will germinate at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. The seeds that have hatched are sown in a box, which is pre-filled with a fertile substrate, it includes low-lying peat, soddy soil and humus (3: 1: 1), coarse-grained sand is also added to it. In 10 liters of substrate, add 1 tbsp. wood ash and 1 tsp. urea. After some of the seeds have hatched, they are combined with a small amount of sand and sown in a container with moistened soil mixture, in which grooves are made, while the distance between them should be from 30 to 40 mm. Seeds should be covered with a thin layer of sand, using a sieve for this, then the box is covered with glass or film on top and cleaned in a warm place. nine0003
Growing seedlings
If done correctly, the first seedlings should appear 7 days after sowing. When necessary, crops are watered with tepid water, using a fine sprayer for this. Before the seedlings appear, the boxes must be kept warm (from 22 to 25 degrees). After seed germination, the shelter must be removed, and the containers are transferred to a well-lit place where it should be cool (about 16 degrees).
During the first 4-6 weeks, young seedlings grow rather slowly. When growing leaf and petiole celery, when 1–2 true leaf plates grow in seedlings, they are thinned out, while the distance between them should be from 40 to 50 mm, or they can be picked into a large container. At root celery, seedlings dive into individual peat-humus pots, while shortening the central root by 1/3. During picking, the seedlings are planted in the soil in pots only up to half of the hypocotyl knee. When the seedlings are picked, they will need protection from the direct rays of the sun at first, for this they use moistened paper sheets. During this period, seedlings will need the following temperature regime: in the daytime - from 15 to 16 degrees, and at night - 11-12 degrees. nine0003
No matter what variety of celery is grown, the seedlings will need to be well cared for, which includes timely watering and top dressing, as well as loosening the surface of the substrate. The first time the seedlings are fed 7-10 days after they are thinned out or picked, for this they use a solution of Nitrofoska (1 tsp per 10 liters of water), 2-3 tbsp is taken for 1 bush. l. nutrient mixture. If the plant is excessively pale, then they will need to be fed 2 or 3 times with a solution of urea with a break of 10-12 days. In order to prevent burns on the seedlings when they are fed, they will need to wash off the remnants of the nutrient mixture, for this they use clean water and a sieve. nine0003
When there are 7–10 days left before planting seedlings in open soil, harden it off. To do this, it is transferred to the street every day, while the duration of the procedure must be increased gradually, until the seedlings can be in the fresh air all the time.
We sow celery on cheesecloth. Excellent result! (02/21/16)
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Growing celery on the windowsill
Sow celery seeds and grow seedlings indoors in exactly the same way as described above. Such a plant on the windowsill can also be grown from a root crop, as a result, you can get the result much faster and easier. But keep in mind that a plant that was grown from a seed can last a little longer. If desired, a new root crop can be planted 1 time every 2-3 months, or you can wait a bit and grow this plant from a seed, such a bush can provide you with fragrant greenery for more than 1 year. nine0003
To grow such a plant from a root crop, you need to take a pot, the height of which should be about 20 centimeters. Depending on the size of the root crop, 1-3 pieces can be planted in it, and after planting, their upper part should rise above the surface of the substrate. The pot is filled with a substrate, which includes coconut fiber and biohumus (2: 1), it should be tamped and watered. For growing celery, you can take a different soil mixture.
Where can I get root crops for planting? It can be purchased at the market or dug up on your site. The collection of the first fragrant greens can be carried out in half a month. If the bush is grown from seed, then the first cutting of greens can be carried out only after about 6 weeks, but its growth will be observed throughout the year, and maybe even longer. It is recommended to sow the seeds of early ripe varieties of root celery. When the seeds are processed before sowing, as described above, they should be sown in a moistened substrate, deepening half a centimeter into it, then the container is covered with a film or glass. nine0003
How to water
This crop is moisture-loving, so bushes need to be watered frequently and plentifully this summer. In winter, they are watered less often and using less water for this. Tap water before watering should stand for 24 hours, while it should be at room temperature. The pot with the plant must be placed on a pallet, and after watering it must be drained of excess liquid.
In order to collect greens for as long as possible, bushes must be fed in time. Once every 15–20 days, 1 tsp must be added to the top layer of the substrate. Agrolife or once every 7 days, the bushes are watered with a solution of the Growth preparation (1 cap per 2 liters of water). nine0003
If celery is well cared for, then a bush grown from a root crop will produce greens for 3-4 months, and from a seed - longer than a year.
How to grow celery on a windowsill?
Watch this video on YouTube in height they should reach from 12 to 15 centimeters. At the same time, at least 50-60 days should pass from the moment the seedlings appear. When 2 to 3 hours remain before planting the bushes in open ground, they will need abundant watering. Transplantation of seedlings in open soil should be carried out in the middle of the first decade of May. Seedlings of root celery should not be overexposed, otherwise the chances of getting a high-quality and rich harvest are significantly reduced. Well-watered seedlings are very easily removed from the tank during transplantation, while they are taken along with an earthen clod. nine0003
Suitable soil
Before planting seedlings in open soil, it is imperative to prepare the site well. Such a culture needs a light loose nutrient sandy loamy soil, which should be slightly alkaline or neutral. The site should be open and well lit. For such a plant, areas where crops such as cabbage, cucumbers, legumes and tomatoes were previously grown. And bad predecessors are parsley, carrots, dill and parsnips. nine0003
Site preparation should be done in autumn. To do this, they dig the soil to the depth of the shovel bayonet, while it is necessary to add 20 grams of double superphosphate and 3.5–4 kilograms of compost or humus per 1 square meter of land. In spring, the soil in the garden must be loosened, while 35–40 grams of complex mineral fertilizer should be added to it per 1 square meter of land.
Planting Rules
When planting seedlings of root celery between bushes, a distance of 0.4 to 0.5 m should be observed, while the distance between rows should be the same. And when planting leaf and stem celery, the distance between the bushes should be from 15 to 20 centimeters, and the row spacing should be about 30 centimeters. If desired, celery bushes can be planted between the beds of potatoes, garlic or onions. nine0003
Pour 1 handful of wood ash and humus into each of the planting holes, while the fertilizer is combined with the soil. The plant during planting is buried in the ground up to the cotyledon knee. Then the soil near the seedlings is well tamped, and the planted plants themselves are watered abundantly. Transplanted seedlings during the first few days must be protected from direct sunlight with paper sheets.
Celery transplanting
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Caring for celery
Stem celery should be grown and cared for differently from leaf or root celery. Any of the varieties of such a plant should be provided with timely watering, weeding, top dressing, mulching and loosening of the soil surface, and if necessary, the bushes should be treated from diseases and harmful insects.
In order for moisture to remain in the soil for a longer time, and no crusts appear on its surface, the bed with celery must be covered with a mulch layer (sawdust, peat or mowed grass). When 20 days remain before harvesting the stem (petiole) celery, the bushes will need to be highly spudded, this will bleach the petioles, as well as reduce the bitter taste in them and reduce the amount of essential oils that have a sharp aroma. If root celery grows on the bed, then in the middle of the summer period it is necessary to remove the soil from its upper part, while also removing the side roots and pressing the foliage to the surface of the site. If the leaves break at the same time, then this will not harm the bush at all, but will contribute to the formation of a larger root crop. Petiole and root celery are harvested completely during harvesting. And when harvesting the leaf variety, the bushes can be used for forcing at room conditions in winter. To do this, the bush is taken together with an earthen clod before the first frosts come, after which it is planted in a pot. nine0003
How to water
This crop is moisture-loving, so it is watered once every 7 days, spending 2-2.5 buckets of water per 1 square meter of bed. The earth must not be allowed to dry out. During the dry season, watering should be done once a day. The soil in the garden should always be slightly damp. It is necessary to water the bushes at the root.
To get a rich harvest of this crop, 4 top dressings will be required throughout the season. How to feed seedlings, described above. 7 days after transplanting seedlings into open soil, it must be fed with infusion of grass, and after another half a month, plants are fertilized with infusion of chicken manure or mullein. Then, at the end of July, superphosphate should be added to the soil (30 grams per 1 square meter of land). nine0003
What to plant after celery
Garlic, tomatoes, onions, beans and potatoes can be planted in the area where celery was grown last year.
Celery root - cultivation and care, the secrets of a good harvest. How to form a large head
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Diseases and pests of celery with photos and names
When grown in open soil, the following diseases can affect celery:
Signs of this disease can be detected at the beginning of the summer period. Brown-red pads appear on the surface of the underside of the foliage, petioles and shoots. Over time, the affected parts of the bush turn yellow and dry out, while they lose their taste. To get rid of the disease, the bushes must be sprayed with a solution of Fitosporin-M (4-5 milligrams per 1 liter of water), while 100 ml of the mixture will be enough to process 1 square meter of the plot. nine0003
White spot (septoria or late burn)
Shrubs usually become sick in the last weeks of the summer period. In affected plants, many yellow spots form on the foliage, and on the petioles there are depressed brownish-brown spots of an oblong shape. The disease develops most actively in damp cold weather. Sick bushes will need treatment with a solution of Topsin-M or Fundazol. When 20 days remain before harvesting, all treatments should be stopped. nine0003
Early burn or cercosporosis
Cold rainy weather with sharp temperature fluctuations contributes to the development of this disease. In affected plants, many rounded spots form on the surface of the foliage, which reach half a centimeter in diameter, have a pale middle and brown edging. Elongated spots appear on the surface of the petioles, and with high humidity, a purple coating forms on them. Over time, the affected foliage and petioles dry out. This disease is fought in the same way as with septoria. nine0003
Downy mildew
It affects the aerial part of the bush, while a whitish cobweb coating appears on it, as the disease develops, it becomes a felt film, on the surface of which there are black dots. The disease actively develops with sudden changes in temperature and humidity, and even with cold dews. Best of all, an infusion of field sow thistle copes with such a disease. To prepare it, you need to combine half a bucket of water with 0.3 kg of crushed thistle, the mixture should be infused for 8 hours.
Cucumber mosaic
This disease is viral. The signs of this disease directly depend on the type of strain that affected the bush: large rings may appear on the upper part of the celery, which contribute to its deformation, and very small rings may also form, slowing down the growth of the plant. All diseased bushes should be dug up as soon as possible and destroyed. Since this disease is not treatable, in order to prevent it, it is necessary to protect the culture from its main carriers: ticks and aphids. nine0003
In order not to use harmful chemicals for spraying diseased plants, you should follow the rules of prevention:

The following pests most often settle on celery bushes: bumps appear on the surface. The larvae that appear gnaw out the tissue of the foliage, while long passages remain after them. Because of this, the petioles become bitter in taste, while counting on a good harvest of celery is not necessary. In order for such pests not to appear on your site, it is necessary to pull out weeds in a timely manner, and you also need to plant an onion near the celery bed, which can scare away such a fly. nine0003
Carrot fly
It appears in spring and lays eggs under celery bushes, and the larvae of this pest injure their shoots, roots and leaf blades. During the season, this fly gives 2 generations. In order to destroy such a pest, it is necessary to carry out several treatments with an interval of 7 days; for this, the aisles are covered with a layer of a mixture consisting of sand, dry mustard and tobacco dust (1: 1: 1).
Bean aphid
This aphid is the largest of all. The development of one generation of such a pest takes only half a month. The aphid is a sucking insect that is able to bite through the surface of the leaf plate and suck the juice out of it. It should also be remembered that such a pest is the main carrier of dangerous diseases for which effective drugs have not yet been found. In this regard, as soon as the aphid is noticed on the site, you must immediately begin to fight it. For example, the bushes can be treated with an infusion or a decoction prepared on the basis of the tops of potatoes, tomatoes or dandelions. Also, an infusion of citrus peels is suitable for this purpose, for its preparation it is necessary to combine water (10 parts) with peels (1 part), mix everything well and leave to infuse for 3-5 days. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out weeding of the site in time, and after the harvest is harvested, the site is cleaned of plant debris, and then a deep digging of the soil is carried out. nine0003
Root and cherry celery July 22 Prevention from pests
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Types and celery varieties
The above has already been said that the gardeners are most popular with sheet, root and stem (cherries) of celery .
Celery Root
This celery is usually cultivated to produce a root that has medicinal properties similar to those of ginseng root. The mass of root crops varies from 0.5 to 0.9kilogram. The minimum duration of the growing season for this plant is 120 days, therefore, only medium-early, medium and late varieties are isolated from it. The following mid-early varieties are the most popular:
- Prague Giant . Approximately 120 days pass from the moment the seedlings appear to the full ripening of the root crops. Large root crops have a turnip shape. Their fragrant tender flesh has a light color and high taste.
- Apple . This variety is characterized by high yield and disease resistance. The ripening time of root crops depends entirely on weather conditions and is 90–160 days. The mass of rounded root crops is 80–140 grams. The pulp, saturated with sugars, is painted in a snow-white color. Root crops are distinguished by good keeping quality.
- Gribovsky . The duration of the growing season for such celery is from 120 to 150 days. The shape of the root crops is round, their weight varies from 65 to 135 grams. Light fragrant pulp has spots of yellow color. In food, such root crops are consumed fresh, as well as dried. nine0010
- Globus . Large root crops have a rounded shape, their weight varies from 150 to 300 grams. Dense and juicy pulp of white color has rather small voids.
- Diamond . The variety is resistant to bolting, the duration of its growing season is approximately 150 days. Smooth, rounded roots have an average weight of about 200 grams. After heat treatment, the pulp retains its white color.
Popular mid-term varieties:
- Albin . This variety has a high yield, its roots ripen in 120 days. Root crops of a rounded shape in diameter reach 12 centimeters. Juicy pulp has no voids and is painted white.
- Egor . Fruit ripening lasts 170 days. Rounded, large and smooth root crops weigh about 0.5 kilograms, they are painted gray-yellow with greenery. The white flesh is sweet and fragrant.
- Esaul . Whitish-gray large rounded roots weigh about 300 grams, their ripening lasts 150-160 days. In root crops, the roots are in their lower part. nine0010
- Strongman . In this variety, the roots have a rounded shape, and they ripen in about 170 days. They are painted yellowish-white and weigh approximately 0.4 kg. The white flesh is fragrant and sweet.
- Giant . In this high-yielding variety, the roots are painted in a pale beige color, and they weigh about 0.7 kilograms.
The following late-ripening varieties are popular with gardeners:
- Anita . The grade differs in productivity and resistance to shooting. Root crops fully ripen in 160 days, they are painted in a pale beige color and have an oval or round shape, and their weight is about 0.
4 kilograms. After heat treatment, the snow-white flesh does not lose its color. nine0010
- Maxim . The ripening of round-shaped root crops lasts about 200 days, their weight can reach up to 0.5 kilograms. The pulp has a creamy color and a spicy delicate taste.
Leaf celery
Leaf celery is cultivated to produce fragrant, vitamin-rich foliage that is harvested throughout the summer. This variety does not form root crops. The following varieties are most popular:
- Kartuli . The mid-early variety of Georgian selection is drought- and cold-resistant. On the petioles of a dark green color are fragrant leaf plates, which grow several times over the summer. The leaves are eaten fresh and dried.
- Gentle . In this mid-early variety, the onset of technical ripeness occurs after 105–110 days from the moment the seedlings appear. The leaves can be eaten fresh or dried.
- Sail .
This early variety, distinguished by its yield, matures in just 85–90 days. The leaves are tasty and very fragrant.
- Zakhar . The variety has a medium ripening period and a very high yield. During the growing season, it gives 2-3 times more greens compared to other types of leaf celery. Delicate foliage is quite fragrant.
- Cheerfulness . A versatile mid-ripening variety with drought and cold tolerance. It ripens in 65-70 days. Shiny strongly dissected leaf plates are quite fragrant. nine0010
- Samurai . This medium ripening variety is the most popular among gardeners among all varieties of leaf celery. The leaves of the bush are strongly corrugated and fragrant, they are similar to curly parsley. This variety reaches maturity in 80–85 days.
- Spartan . The variety ripens in 80–85 days, large fragrant leaf plates are painted dark green.
Stem celery (petiole)
Petiole celery is valued for its fleshy petioles, their thickness reaches 40–50 mm. In this variety, root crops are not formed. Popular varieties of petiole celery:
- Malachite . In such a mid-early variety, juicy thick and fleshy petioles grow in 80 days. Foliage color is dark green.
- Gold . This mid-early variety ripens for 150 days. The peculiarity of very tasty petioles is that they can be bleached on their own.
- Tango . The maturation of this medium-late variety lasts 170-180 days. Strongly curved green-blue long petioles are special in that they do not have coarse fibers. nine0010
- Triumph . In such a mid-late variety, fleshy and juicy petioles of a dark green color grow, they can reach a length of 25-30 centimeters.
In addition to those varieties of celery that were described above, gardeners still grow such as: Yudinka, Snowball, Pascal, Odzhansky, Non Plus Ultra, Cascade, Zvindra, Delicacy, etc.
🌿 Celery varieties. #Celery root and petiole celery.
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Properties of celery: harm and benefits
Useful properties of celery
The composition of celery roots and leaves includes substances that are very valuable for the human body, for example: amino acids, carotene, nicotinic acid, essential oils, boron, chlorine, calcium , iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamins A, C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and fiber.
The set of vitamins, minerals, proteins and acids in this plant is unique, thanks to this, celery contributes to the stability of cells in the body, as well as slowing down the aging process. The greens of this culture are used during the treatment of nervous disorders that have appeared due to overwork, as it has a sedative effect. The essential oil contained in the plant stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Celery leaves contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of diabetics. It is also recommended to be eaten by people aged who need to stimulate water-salt metabolism in the body. The composition of the bush includes coumarins, which help eliminate pain in the head with migraines. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, while the culture helps to reduce swelling and eliminate joint pain in arthritis, gout and rheumatism. This plant also has a wound healing, antimicrobial, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and laxative effect. It tones the body and improves physical and mental performance. Celery juice helps cleanse the blood and get rid of skin diseases, especially if it is combined with nettle and dandelion juice. It is used for diseases of the digestive tract, with urticaria, diathesis and urolithiasis. Celery is also used externally in the presence of wounds, inflammations, ulcers and burns, for this, the greens are ground with a meat grinder and mixed with melted cow butter (1: 1). nine0003
Means made on the basis of celery help to strengthen male sexual function, eliminate insomnia, normalize metabolic processes and the functioning of the liver and kidneys, relieve various pains, reduce weight, and are also used to prevent atherosclerosis. During the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, celery root is used, thanks to which the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases, pressure decreases and the activity of the heart muscle normalizes. The composition of such a plant includes a lot of fiber, which helps to improve intestinal motility and get rid of constipation. The use of the root of this plant in food is recommended for men suffering from chronic prostatitis, as it contributes to a significant improvement in the functioning of the prostate gland by improving blood supply. In addition, this culture is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs that enhance sexual desire. nine0003
Medicinal properties of this culture are as follows:
- helps to get rid of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- strengthens the immune system and protects the body from infections;
- eliminates anxiety and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- helps to cure hypertension, diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
- promotes the stimulation of the digestive system;
- removes putrefactive processes in the intestines;
- for gastritis and gastric ulcer eliminates inflammation and pain;
- makes proteins easier to digest.
Celery - incredible benefits and healing properties
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Celery stimulates the digestive system, so it is not recommended for stomach ulcers, hyperacidity of gastric juice or gastritis. Also, it can not be used for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Also, it should not be consumed by pregnant women. It is also not recommended to eat it during breastfeeding, as essential oils can get into milk. nine0003
Petiole celery. Peculiarities of cultivation and care
Cultivation of petiole celery is quite promising, given the low volume of domestic products. But celery is becoming more and more popular with, of course, the buyer of green products. The beneficial properties of celery lead to the fact that its popularity is growing, which means that the potential of celery seeds is also growing.
varieties of celery are known : leaf celery, microgreen celery, root and petiole celery.
For those who are looking for an alternative to foreign hybrids, we have developed a simple search for a seed substitute from the Gavrish Shop catalog -
Seed Converter . The converter will help you choose a hybrid from professional and elite seeds, which will successfully replace imported vegetable hybrids.Our producers still cultivate petiole celery in small volumes, the market is far from being saturated with domestic celery
plants, which together made up the required mass (0.7-0.9kg). There is very little information on the industrial cultivation of this variety of celery.
What is petiole celery and its features that are important for a good harvest
Petiole celery is a biennial crop.
In the first year, a rosette of leaves with dense petioles grows. In the second, and sometimes already in the first year, at temperatures below 10 ° C, the plant forms a peduncle. Like other varieties of celery, petiole is a cold-resistant crop: it can grow at temperatures from 7 to 24 ° C, the optimum temperature for growth is 16-18 ° C. nine0003
It is better to plant celery in the field with seedlings
The vegetation period for petiole celery, depending on the variety and growth conditions, is 140-180 days.
Celery planted in the field as 70-80 day old seedlings
Direct sowing is not suitable because the seeds are small and germinate slowly. For seedlings, celery seeds are sown 80-90 days before planting in the field. If the greenhouse area allows, it is better to grow seedlings without a pick and sow in cassettes with a cell size of 2.5 × 2.5 × 3.5 cm. When cultivating with a pick, the seeds are sown in sowing boxes in the grooves. nine0003
High-moor peat with perlite, dressed with fertilizers is usually used as a substrate. Before sowing, the substrate is moistened. It is not necessary to cover the sown seeds, this will lengthen the germination period. Just water the substrate with seeds, cover with a film to retain moisture and put in a warm place (20-24 ° C). Under such conditions, seedlings will appear in 10-12 days, then the temperature must be lowered to 12-14 ° C for 5-7 days so that the hypocotyl knee does not stretch.
Next, maintain the temperature at 16-20 °C. If seedlings are grown with a pick, it is carried out when the seedlings have the 1st true leaf. This is the optimal phase for picking, when the intensive growth of the root system begins and the seedlings take root well and grow almost without stopping. You can dive later - in the phase of 2-3 leaves, but in this case, the plants stop growing and developing until the roots grow, which means that the seedlings develop longer. Care of young plants consists in watering and top dressing. It is impossible to water with cold water, otherwise the seedlings will begin to disappear from diseases (black legs), and a sharp temperature drop should not be allowed. nine0003
Feed with any water-soluble complex fertilizer with trace elements (15-20 g per 10 liters of water). This amount of top dressing is usually enough for 2-2.5 m2 of seedling area. Top dressing is carried out every 7-10 days. The root system determines the readiness of plants for planting.
Ready seedlings are easily removed from the cell and have a well rooted substrate ball. Before planting, the seedlings are hardened by opening the windows and airing. It is better to additionally shed with a solution with growth stimulants Epin (1 ml/10 l) and Zircon (1 ml/10 l of water) . This will help the plants bear the stress and establish well in the field. Seedlings are planted when the temperature is set at about 16-18 ° C. At temperatures below 10 ° C, especially during prolonged cooling, plants undergo vernalization and form a peduncle.
Clay and loam soils with good water holding capacity are best suited for the production of petiole celery, but drainage is required. If drip irrigation is used, light sandy soils are also suitable. The site for planting seedlings must be prepared in advance. Shortly before it, the appearance of weeds can be provoked by watering, and their seedlings can be destroyed by disking the field. In a crop rotation, petiole celery is placed after crops under which a lot of organic matter was introduced: cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes and others. nine0003
Peculiarities of planting celery
You can not plant celery after plants of the Celery family - carrots, parsley, celery, lovage, dill, fennel
You can plant seedlings both manually and using transplanting equipment. growth should not be covered with soil, otherwise the celery will die. The planting density of petiole celery ranges from 65,000 to 81,000 plants/ha.
It is often planted in 2 rows of ribbons. The distance between the ribbons is 100 cm, between the rows - 40 cm, in the row - 20-23 cm. The planting pattern is selected so that it is possible to cultivate plants. After planting, seedlings for quick rooting are watered from above by sprinkling. As celery grows and weeds appear, the first cultivation is carried out. After it, lines for drip irrigation are laid out. nine0003
You can also irrigate by sprinkling and ditches. It is most rational to use a combination of sprinkling and drip irrigation, which allows you to maintain uniform humidity in all parts of the field, give timely top dressing and save water and fertilizers. To obtain marketable products, petiole celery must be constantly provided with water, not allowing the soil to dry out.
Petiole celery uses a large amount of moisture in the last month of vegetation, when intensive plant growth is observed, therefore, frequent watering is done 5 weeks before harvesting. 1-2 weeks before harvesting give abundant watering to nourish the soil well. The approximate water consumption during the growing season is from 5. 1 to 6.1 m3, this is with a combination of sprinkling and drip irrigation. When sprinkling or ditch irrigation, the water consumption increases to 9,1 m3.
Feeding celery, fertilizer application rates
Petiole celery is a very demanding crop
Thus, plants absorb 45-50 kg/ha of phosphorus per season. With a lack of phosphorus in the soil, and especially before the rainy period, 45-90 kg / ha of phosphorus should be applied when planting seedlings.
Petiole celery is one of the record holders of potassium consumption: 390-500 kg/ha per season. If the soil contains a lot of this macro-element, you can not apply potash fertilizers. However, to maintain the proper level of potassium in the soil, it is necessary to add 390-500 kg/ha in the main dressing and as top dressing.
Petiole celery is no less demanding on nitrogen content. High-yielding varieties endure 220-280 kg/ha of nitrogen per season. For example, in the first month, seedlings take out 22-34 kg / ha of nitrogen. As plants grow, the need for nitrogen increases, and in the last 8 weeks before harvesting, celery consumes an average of 17-22 kg / ha of nitrogen weekly, and the last 2 weeks - up to 39 kg / ha weekly. Usually, 230-310 kg/ha of nitrogen is required per season, of which 170-250 kg/ha is nitrate. nine0003
Fertilizer is applied before planting and as top dressing. Also, trace elements zinc, boron and others are important for petiole celery. Care of celery in his plantation includes cultivation, if necessary, manual weeding and pest and disease control.
Pests of celery and its diseases, protection and control methods
Of the pests of celery, caterpillars of scoops, moths, aphids, slugs can damage. Appropriate insecticides or entomophagous insects and biological products are used to control. In practice, in our conditions, celery is more affected by diseases than pests. Among the diseases are septoria (Septoria apiicola) and bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. apii), which develop on weakened plants in seedlings. After transplantation in the field, blight does not develop, and septoria, under conditions favorable for infection, can cause severe crop loss. Control measures: creating conditions for the development of strong healthy seedlings, if necessary, the use of fungicides or biofungicides, both in seedlings and in the field. nine0003
Celery can also be found Cercospora apii. This disease does not cause significant damage to crops. In the field in wet weather, the lower part of the petioles can be affected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum - pink rot and Rhizoctonia solani - rhizoctoniosis. In this case, fungicides or biological products are also used.
The most harmful disease for petiole celery is Fusarium blight (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. apii) . In the fight against this fungal disease, resistant and tolerant varieties are effective. As a preventive measure, celery is planted in fields free from this pathogen, which persists in the soil for a long time. nine0003
Crop rotation is ineffective. To free the soil from Fusarium, you can apply biological products based on microorganisms (Trichoderma, Glyocladium and others) under the crops preceding petiole celery
Harvesting of petiole celery
Harvesting begins when the petioles mature and become dense, without voids. The petiole celery is harvested by hand, cutting the whole plant with a small part of the root so that the petioles do not fall apart. Peel off the small outer leaves and cut off the leaves from the petioles. nine0123 For marketable products, the length from the base of the plant to the upper part of the petioles is 25-28 cm. Complete harvesting is carried out, since the development of plants is uniform. To increase labor productivity, special conveyor mechanisms are used, to which several people supply plants.
Harvested products are cleaned and sorted. Container for packaging - plastic bags, which are placed in cardboard boxes.