When to plant herbs in the garden
7 Perennial Herbs to Plant Now
Annual herbs like basil and dill must be planted anew each year, but most other commonly used herbs qualify as perennials. They will go dormant where winters are cold, only to perk back up again each spring.
You have two options when it comes to starting perennial herbs: You can plant them directly in the ground or grow them in pots. Early spring is the best time to plant outdoors, but you can put the herbs in the ground any time of year that it’s not frozen. If going the potted route – a great option for those in colder regions looking to get started right away, or anyone who wants year-round harvests – make sure there’s a sunny window (or grow lights) available.
Harvest no more than 10% of the plant at a time if you want it stay alive and thriving.
The small stature of perennial herbs make them great candidates for windowsills, patios, balconies, and decks. All of the following varieties will thrive in two- to three-gallon containers. Instead of running to the store when you need a sprig of this or that, simply step out your back door. Just remember, you can only harvest a small portion of the plant at one time – ideally no more than 10 percent – if you want it stay alive and thriving.
Uses: Flavoring for beverages and desserts; flowers may be used in dried arrangements, and herbal remedies, like tinctures
Growing Instructions: Plant in well-drained soil in a sunny location; cut off the flower stalks as they fade
Tip to Keep It Thriving: Lavender likes its soil on the dry side – be careful not to overwater
Bonus: Lavender blossoms are very attractive to butterflies
Uses: Meat, pasta sauces, and other savory dishes
Growing Instructions: Plant in well-drained soil in a sunny location
Tips to Keep It Thriving: Cut the stalks back by about 30 percent each fall to encourage lush new growth
Bonus: There are many varieties of sage besides the standard culinary herb – try pineapple sage for iced tea
Uses: An essential ingredient in many savory dishes; the woody stalks of the plant can be cut for use as flavor-enhancing shish kebab skewers
Growing Instructions: Plant in well-drained soil in a sunny location
Tips to Keep It Thriving: Rosemary likes its soil on the dry side – be careful not to overwater
Bonus: Try one of the low-growing, spreading rosemary varieties, such as ‘Prostratus’, for an aromatic groundcover
Uses: Flavoring for beverages and desserts
Growing Instructions: Plant in part shade and irrigate several times per week during hot, dry weather; tolerant of poorly drained soil
Tips to Keep It Thriving: As long as they have moisture, mints are hard to kill; more important is to know that you must plant them in pots if you don’t want them spreading all over the yard
Bonus: Lemon balm, a mint relative, provides a citrusy zest for your favorite iced beverage
Uses: An essential ingredient in many savory dishes, especially those that hail from Italy
Growing Instructions: Plant in well-drained soil in a sunny location
Tips to Keep It Thriving: Cut the stalks back 50 percent in fall to encourage lush new growth
Bonus: This low-growing plant is an excellent groundcover for planting between steppingstones, where it will release its delicious fragrance each time you walk by
Uses: An essential ingredient in many savory dishes, especially those that hail from Italy
Growing Instructions: Plant in well-drained soil in a sunny, or partly sunny, location
Tips to Keep It Thriving: Cut the stalks back 30 percent after they flower in summer
Bonus: Oregano has a drooping habit that is attractive in hanging baskets
Uses: Unparalleled in omelettes; use in any dish where you’d like to add a bit of onion flavor
Growing Instructions: Plant in a sunny location and irrigate at least once per week during hot, dry weather
Tips to Keep It Thriving: Chives grow from fleshy roots that can become overcrowded when confined in a pot – divide the roots into fist-size clumps and pot them up in fresh soil every two or three years
Bonus: The purple flowers also possess a light onion flavor – toss them in salads as a garnish
for a plentiful, fresh supply |
(Image credit: Istetiana / Getty Images)
When to plant herbs is important to know if you're planning to create a herb garden. Herbs have a multitude of culinary uses but are also used for their fragrance and for medicinal purposes, too.
Herbs can be grown in beds, borders or containers on a patio, plus many can be grown indoors in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, too, so it's well worth giving them a go. Herbs are a staple ingredient in many recipes, so it's handy to have a constant supply placed near the kitchen for picking, be they indoors or outdoors. What's more, herbs can also be grown as ornamental plants and are great for bringing fragrance, structure and flowers to garden borders.
With a huge variety available to grow, there are herbs that can be harvested all your round. If you're looking for herb garden ideas then this handy guide for when to plant herbs will help you work out when to buy seed or young plants so that you don't miss out on growing your favorite types.
(Image credit: Istentiana / Getty Images)
When to plant herbs
When to plant herbs will depend on whether they are annual, biennial or perennial, as well as whether you plan to grow them indoors or outdoors. It will also depend on your climate and the weather conditions in your area.
Annual and biennial herbs such as basil, dill, coriander and parsley can be planted from seed every year between March and August. These herbs are often used in large quantities, are short lived, and best picked young, so to ensure a fresh and plentiful supply make successive sowings from early spring until early fall at three to four-week intervals.
To give them a head-start these herbs can be sown in pots in a greenhouse in late winter and planted out in spring once the soil has warmed up.
If planting from seed, perennial herbs such as rosemary, sage and thyme are best sown undercover with warmth in spring and grown on in pots before being hardened off and planted out. Some perennial herbs such as mint are often best grown from small plants or propagated by division – in this case the best time to plant them is in spring.
(Image credit: Future/Leigh Clapp)
Mediterranean perennial herbs such as rosemary, sage lavender and thyme take well when planted from cuttings. You can either take softwood cuttings in spring, or semi-ripe cuttings in late summer or fall. These can then be overwintered indoors on a sunny windowsill or in a greenhouse and planted outdoors the following spring once the risk of frost has passed.
These herbs grow best in full sun and prefer dry, poor stoney soils. They are best planted in gravel gardens, by paths and or between paving slabs. These herbs also work well together in herb planter ideas as they require similar growing conditions, plus Mediterranean aromatic herbs are brilliant for planting in containers on a patio placed near seating areas where their scent can be enjoyed.
When to plant herbs outside
When to plant herbs outside depends on the types of herb you are growing, but generally herbs are best planted outside in spring in a sunny spot with fertile, free-draining soil.
Annual and biennial herbs can be planted outdoors from March to August. To give them a head start they can be planted as early as January under cover and planted out in spring. However, there are some herbs such as dill and parsley that do not like being transplanted so are best sown directly outside if possible.
By sowing in seed trays 'you have more control over the environment, soil conditions and thinning seedlings as they sprout,' says Sandra Nanka, herb expert and owner of Mudbrick Herb Cottage . 'This can result in a faster germination and also allow you to start seeds earlier in the season.'
Perennial herbs raised from seed or cuttings are best planted out once the risk of frost has passed in late spring early summer.
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
When to plant herbs indoors
Many herbs can be grown indoors in pots to give a fresh supply for all year round including thyme, parsley, mint, chives and French tarragon provided they have the right conditions and are placed in a sunny spot such as a greenhouse or sunny south-facing windowsill.
If you are planning on growing herbs indoors in a heated greenhouse then the seeds can be planted at any time of year. Sow in pots or trays onto the surface of moist peat-free seed compost, cover with a thin layer of compost and water. They should be placed in a propagator or covered with a polythene bag. For growing on windowsills or in an unheated greenhouse sow seeds in spring.
In winter, when sunlight decreases and temperatures drop, the growth rate of indoor herbs will slow, plus if placed on windowsills they may be exposed to fluctuating temperatures which can effect their growth. 'During the winter in northern climates, windowsills may be 15 to 30 degrees colder than the room’s temperature, which could slow growth and cause plants to struggle,' says Shannon Caringi of Trillium Living.
If you are planning to grow your herbs outside then many can be started off indoors in pots or trays from January for transplanting outdoors in spring.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Popular herbs and when to grow them
Basil – indispensable in Italian dishes and great for Thai curries, Basil is a half-hardy annual that thrives in sun and warmth and is best sown from seed indoors and grown in pots. If growing indoors basil can be sown out of season, alternatively, sow from February to June. Sow seed onto pots of moist seed compost and place in a propagator set to 59-77°F (15-25°C) or cover with a polythene bag and place on a sunny windowsill. Germination takes 2-3 weeks. Once seedlings have been potted and grown on they can be placed outside in early summer.
‘Care must be taken to choose the best place for the plant: it needs sun and warmth, but root rot will set in if it's too damp. The ideal environment for basil is on a patio or window sill without direct sunlight,’ says Lindsey Hyland, gardening expert and founder of Urban Organic Yield . In cold damp conditions basil plants can be prone to dampening off.
Basil can be planted directly in warmer climates and in cooler climates once the risk of frost has passed. Basil is best picked young so it's recommended to make successive sowings.
(Image credit: Markus Spiske / Unsplash)
Coriander – this fast-growing annual herb is best planted outdoors from April until July. Alternatively it can be grown undercover as early as January ready for planting out when the soil warms in April for an early crop, this will also help protect the young plants from slug damage. Sow into a prepared seed bed in rows 0.5 inches (1cm) deep and set 12 inches (30cm) apart. A sowing in late summer can keep growing through fall and into winter with protection. For best results be sure to research how to grow cilantro.
(Image credit: Chandan Chaurasia/Unsplash)
Dill – An annual herb with delicate feathery foliage which is great in fish recipes. Dill does not like being transplanted as it has a tap root, so is best sown outside where it is to grow from March – July. Sow in drills 0.5 inches (1cm) deep and 6 inches (15cm) apart.
Mint – Mint is a hugely versatile herb ideal for use in savoury and sweet dishes as well as in drinks, from cold cocktails to hot infusions. Mint is a hardy perennial which is best planted as small plants rather than from seed. Plant from March – May in well-drained soil and in full sun or partial shade.
The important thing to remember when thinking about how to grow mint is that it is a vigorous grower with spreading rhizomatous roots, meaning it can easily take over. To keep it under control it is best grown in a pot on a patio or in a container sunken into a border.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Parsley - A popular herb for use in sauces, salads and fish dishes, parsley is a hardy biennial herb which is best treated as an annual and sown between April and July. Sow directly into free draining soil in drills 0.5 inches (1cm) deep and 6 inches (15cm) apart. Germination can be slow, taking up to six weeks. To ensure a continual supply make a sowing in late spring and another in late summer.
‘If there is a spell of warm days and cold nights, which often happens this month, it is a good time to sow parsley as the ‘high and low’ temperatures break the seeds’ dormancy; always use fresh parsley seed (this rule is the same for parsnips) as they don’t germinate well from old seed,’ say gardening experts at Hartley Botanic .
Alternatively parsley can be sown under cover from as early as February. Sow onto moist seed compost and place in a propagator at 65-70°F (18-21°C), or cover with a polythene bag and place on a sunny windowsill.
(Image credit: Parsley Caterina Bruzzone / REDA&CO / Universal Images Group via Getty Images )
Rosemary – Commonly used in cooking, particularly with lamb, this Mediterranean evergreen, perennial herb also makes a great decorative and scented edging for a path. It is drought tolerant and does not like waterlogged roots. It is best grown from small plants planted in spring from March – May, however, it can be grown from seed.
Sow undercover from February – June or from September – October. Sow in a seed tray or pot filled with moist seed compost – do not cover and keep at 70°F. Germination can be erratic taking anywhere between 1-2 weeks to 3 months. Transplant outdoors when the risk of frost has passed. Familiarize yourself with how to grow rosemary before you start.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Thyme – A brilliant flavoring for stews, soups and roasts, thyme is a Mediterranean perennial herb that thrives in sun and can tolerate dry soils. It can be sown from seed from February – April. Sow in trays or pots filled with seed compost but do not cover. Place in a propagator or at 56-60°F (13-16°C) or cover with a clear polythene bag. Pot on seedlings and grow on in cooler conditions. Before transplanting outdoors harden off plants for 7-10 days.
If you are wondering how to grow thyme then it's worth knowing thyme also takes well from cuttings - if planting from cuttings this is best done between May and July.
Young plants are best for culinary purposes, so while they are perennial, it is best to replace plants every couple of years.
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Can you grow herbs all year round?
There are herbs that can be grown and harvested all year round. When you plant them will depend on whether you are growing them indoors or outdoors, what type of herb they are and on your climate. In northern, temperate climates annual herbs are best sown in spring and summer for harvesting in summer and into fall.
In warmer climates ‘most herbs can be directly sown into garden beds all year round providing the soil temperature is around 70°F (21°C) which is required for germination to occur,’ says Sandra Nanka at Mudbrick Herb Cottage .
'Early spring, however, is the best and most consistent time of the year for planting herbs. This is when soil temperatures are ideal and the milder weather conditions means seedlings won't get a battering by extreme heat or cold.’
Hardy evergreen perennial herbs such as rosemary and thyme can be harvested all your round. Perennials like mint can be picked up until mid fall but the shoots die back over winter, emerging again in spring, however, if grow in a pot mint can be brought indoors and overwintered to provide a small crop out of season.
Mediterranean herbs like sage, rosemary and thyme take well from cuttings in summer. These can be brought into a greenhouse over winter to keep a small supply for fresh picking, they can then be planted into their final position after the frosts have passed in late spring.
Provided the conditions are suitable some herbs can be planted and grown indoors for culinary use throughout the year.
Pippa is Content Editor on Homes & Gardens online contributing to Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors print issues. A graduate of Art History and formerly Style Editor at Period Living, she is passionate about architecture, creating decorating content, interior styling and writing about craft and historic homes. She enjoys searching out beautiful images and the latest trends to share with the Homes & Gardens audience. A keen gardener, when she’s not writing you’ll find her growing flowers on her village allotment for styling projects.
How to plant lawn grass - do-it-yourself lawn preparation
So! You have decided to get a lawn in your area. A reasonable question arises - when and how to plant lawn grass?
Let's start in order.
How to choose lawn grass
When to sow lawn
Preparing the soil for lawn grass
How to plant lawn grass yourself
How to care for lawn grass
Seasonal lawn care
How to choose lawn grass
The decisive issue for the choice of lawn grass mixture is its intended purpose. Usually the name of the lawn grass that you see on the packaging speaks for itself. For example:
Sports turf is a turf for high traffic areas. It can be sports and playgrounds, playgrounds for active games of dogs. Such a lawn is resistant to trampling, but grows quickly, which requires frequent mowing. nine0004
Parterre lawn - a lawn with a decorative function, serves as a backdrop for solitary plants and flower beds. It has a bright color and a beautiful sheen. Requires regular watering and space open to sunlight.
Dwarf Lawn is a lawn that contains low growing, slow growing grass species, making it easy to care for and minimizing the need for mowing. It is more often used as decorative, because it is subject to trampling. nine0004
Slope Turf - In this lawn, the grasses are selected to form a strong root layer (turf) that is able to hold the soil on the slope and prevent erosion.
When to sow lawn grass
In central Russia, lawn grass seeds can be planted immediately after the snow melts (late April - early May) and until the very end of the confidently warm season (usually October). In a later period, it is not recommended to sow the lawn, since the plants will not have time to fully get stronger before wintering, and as a result, in the spring it will be necessary to oversow, or even re-sow the lawn. nine0004
The most favorable period for sowing lawn grass is the end of April - May and September - the beginning of October.
If fresh fertile soil is brought in, it is worth waiting 1-2 weeks before sowing. After spilling the soil, wait 3-4 hours, then sow the lawn.
If sowing lawn grass is carried out in the summer, it is worth waiting for rainy cloudy days.
Do not overdo it with watering. Before germination - watering every day, then no more than 1 time per week. nine0004
The first lawn mowing is done when the grass is about 15 cm high.
Before planting the lawn, a drainage system must be established, and, if provided, an electrical supply system and an underground irrigation system.
In order for the lawn to look perfect, it is necessary to level the soil. The slope can be 1-3% to facilitate surface water runoff. A large lawn area can be given a greater slope, but not more than 30%.
Soil preparation for lawn grass
Weed removal
Removing weeds will ensure friendly seedlings, improve the appearance of the lawn and make it easier to further care for it.
Weed control methods:
Freezing is the death of underground parts of weeds in winter. To do this, in the fall it is necessary to carry out deep digging of the soil. nine0004
Suffocation - a long-term method based on repeated cutting of weeds at a shallow depth (harrowing for 2-3 years), the effect is achieved by exhausting the rhizome.
Provocation - a couple of weeks before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil, and when a lot of weed sprouts appear, they are loosened on the surface, thereby destroying them.
Mulching - covering the soil, depriving weeds of light. For this purpose, ripened compost is well suited, and crushed bark under trees and shrubs. nine0004
New primer is the most effective, but laborious and more expensive method. Removing the old soil and laying out the new soil with a drainage system - the soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm and laid out in layers: crushed stone, sand and black earth, and a rolled lawn is laid on top or seeds of lawn grass mixture are sown.
Herbicides - Weeds must be treated when they are actively growing, but must not be mechanically damaged. Within 5-10 days, the herbicide spreads over the entire area of the plant and after 20-30 days the plant dies entirely. Approximately 15 days after the action of the preparation, the land can be cultivated. Herbicides are best applied in the fall if lawn grass is planned to be planted in the spring. nine0003
Plots on which weeds have already been removed, it would be good to protect from those that have not yet been processed.
The surface of the soil under the lawn must be leveled - there should be no mounds or holes. As a result, water will accumulate in the pits, which will lead to wetting of the grass, and the bumps will make it difficult for the lawn mower to work.
Soil fertility
The thickness of the fertile layer for the proper development of lawn grass should be at least 10 - 15 cm.
The soil should be improved, depending on its characteristics.
The soil mixture and all its components should be mixed well and embedded in detail into the soil, loosened to a depth of about 40 cm, so that the lower layers do not subsequently move upward. When carrying out these works, it is necessary to remove from the ground all parts of plants that have previously been treated with chemicals, and their roots must also be carefully removed.
In order to make it convenient to care for the edges of the lawn, it is better to fix them. Borders are usually decorated with materials such as gravel, crushed stone or pebbles. You can also use a stone border or tile - this will also look advantageous in a decorative way, and will give you access to mow the edges of the lawn, which will make mowing much easier. nine0004
How to sow lawn grass with your own hands
- Level the soil with a rake.
There should be no bumps or depressions.
- Seeding rate for lawn grass is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Sowing is done by hand or with a special manual seeder, the site should be passed several times: in different directions (left to right, right to left and diagonally). This is done to evenly distribute the seeds over the entire area. nine0003 For convenience, seeds can be mixed with sand before sowing, then the seeds will not stick together, and sowing will be convenient and even.
- Then roll the seeds with a special roller or close them with a rake.
- Be sure to shed the soil well with a nozzle that sprays a fine jet of water.
How to care for lawn grass
During the period of growth of a young lawn, it needs to be provided with: nine0004
- sufficient watering
- removal of weeds that will attack a weak lawn
- lawn mowing 5-10 cm
A lawn is considered mature and mature after 2-3 seasons after sowing.
Seasonal lawn care
What useful herbs to plant in the country?
Healthy seasonings are the easiest way to add flavor to a dish. They are easy to grow even for novice gardeners, and experienced summer residents know that if you plant herbs among vegetables, their smell will scare away pests. nine0004
Things to remember when growing herbs
Points to remember when growing herbs
Most herbs grow well in neutral or alkaline soils. They do not need a lot of fertilizers and dressings. On the contrary, excessive nutrition reduces the concentration of aromas. Herbs need a lot of sunlight, so they are planted in the most lit, dry areas. Here they grow well in high beds or in pots.
A popular seasoning for summer salads and classic Mediterranean dishes. It is grown from seeds or seedlings. Purple varieties are more fragrant than green ones. Before flowering, the bushes begin to smell stronger. The basilica needs as much heat and light as possible, it can die from the cold. nine0004
❦ How to grow :
In addition to seeds, it is propagated by cuttings. It grows well in a greenhouse, where it can be planted from mid-April. Prefers moist, well-drained soil. Watering frequency - once every 3 - 5 days. To increase bushiness, pinch the basil as soon as it reaches a height of 10 cm.
✎ Please note! Before transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse, the culture is hardened, taking it out into the fresh air during the warm time of the day. nine0221
All parts of the plant are used for food: flowers are used as a side dish, bulbs and leaves add aroma and piquant taste to salads, soups and omelets. Chives are a good honey plant. It attracts bees and bumblebees, promotes pollination of horticultural crops.
❦ How to grow :
Hardy perennial that does not require special care. It needs 4-5 hours of sunlight per day and frequent watering to grow. If the soil dries out too much, the taste of the leaves is greatly reduced. In the first two years, a bed with chives needs to be loosened and weeded. In the future, the plant grows and independently suppresses weeds. nine0004
Fragrant spice, which is loved by cooks, cosmetologists and supporters of alternative medicine.
❦ How to grow :
A perennial that is very easy to grow. All mint needs is moist, acidified peat-based soil and plenty of sun. The soil on which legumes or carrots and beets used to grow is perfect for her. To increase the yield, regrown stems are cut every three weeks. nine0004
✎ Please note! Mint does not like being near flowers.
Many people know this culture as coriander. Despite the different names, this is one seasoning. Cilantro is called spicy greens, and coriander is called seeds. The crop is harvested when the seasoning grows to 20cm.
Since the whole plant is edible, it is very popular in cooking and is often used in Asian cuisine, including curries, Chinese and Thai dishes. nine0004
❦ How to grow :
This herb appreciates fertile soil and a sunny location, however partial shade is preferred as it helps prevent premature seed set. The cilantro beds are watered once a week. The leaves are cut off as the green mass grows, the seeds are harvested when they turn brown-brown.
During one season, dill yields several times. This hardy annual grows easily from seed and retains its fragrance even when dried. It is widely used in cooking and cosmetics. nine0004
❦ How to grow :
It grows well in a polycarbonate greenhouse - here it has enough heat and light. Likes frequent watering. The soil under the dill should be neutral; greens do not sprout well on acidic soil.
✎ Please note! Dill grows well next to any vegetable, but when planted in a garden bed, it should not be planted too close to the main crop, otherwise it will take away all the moisture and nutrients. nine0221
It is a perennial relative of celery. The aroma and anise flavor make this herb a great ingredient for both sweet and savory dishes. Young tender leaves are used for garnishes, salads and soups. Fennel is not only a spicy seasoning, but also a medicinal plant that improves the functioning of the digestive system.
❦ How to grow:
Fennel grows well in open sunny places and requires regular and plentiful watering. In the lowlands, the culture will not like it - it prefers light loose fertile soil. The crop is harvested as soon as the tuber grows to 10 cm in diameter. Good precursors for fennel are cucumber, potatoes, and cabbage. nine0004
This spicy-smelling perennial is also known as tarragon. The seasoning has a sweet anise smell and a licorice taste that are perfect for chicken. Tarragon is used to flavor vinegar and oil, and to make various sauces.
❦ How to grow :
Planted in a fertile bed, where the seasoning will receive a lot of heat and sunlight. In the shade, the plant can lose its taste and aroma, and even become sick with powdery mildew. Tarragon loves soil with a high content of humus and rare plentiful watering. nine0004
Along with dill, the most popular plant in summer cottages! This hardy biennial herb contains many beneficial vitamins. It is used in Middle Eastern salads, combined with basil for pesto, stews and fish cakes.
❦ How to grow
It grows well in beds after tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes or cucurbits. The landing site is changed every three to four years. Parsley prefers loose, fertile, light and non-acidic soil. When the first sprouts appear, the top layer must be loosened. Partial shade is allowed, but a sunny place is preferable. nine0004
It is believed that this seasoning is good for the brain and is associated in traditional medicine with a good memory. In cooking, weed is best suited for meat dishes. Blooming with white, pink, purple and blue flowers, rosemary is often used as an ornamental plant.
❦ How to grow
Grows best in well-drained soil. It is believed that the more sun the rosemary gets, the more fragrant its leaves will be. Drought and pest resistant. Poorly tolerates waterlogging and cold. nine0004
Sage is rich in many health-promoting minerals and is high in vitamin C and. Bright bushes are useful not only in the kitchen, but also for decorating flower beds and beds. The aroma of sage intensifies as its leaves grow.
❦ How to grow
Low growing evergreen shrub.