What is a good snake repellent
How to Get Rid of Snakes: A Complete Guide [2022]
Snakes: they’re scaly, legless, and probably not an animal you want to share your backyard with.
Unfortunately, the things that make your backyard a pleasant place for you (shade, pretty landscaping, and maybe a bit of natural water) can also attract snakes.
If you’re wondering how to get rid of snakes on your property, you’re not alone.
Here at Smith’s Pest Management, our team helps get rid of snakes on Bay Area properties each day with our snake control services, so we know how to send the pests packing humanely and safely.
In this post, we’re sharing a few of our top tips for getting rid of snakes and keeping your backyard snake-free all summer and beyond.
Key Takeaways
- There are about 50 species of snakes in the US and 33 in California. Only 6 of these snake varieties are venomous or dangerous to humans.
- Snakes are attracted to areas that offer food and shelter.
Snakes eat small animals and rodents, like rats, mice, moles, fish, frogs, and snails.
- You can get rid of snakes in your yard and garden by eliminating food sources, getting rid of standing water, filling snake burrows, removing shelter, introducing natural predators, using natural repellents, or calling a wildlife control company.
- Keep snakes away from your home in the future by replacing grass with mulch or gravel, getting rid of bird feeders and bird baths, keeping pet food inside, trimming your bushes and trees, and installing snake-proof fencing.
How to Identify Common Types of Snakes
Right now, experts estimate there are about 3,000 species of snakes on the planet, with about 50 in the U.S. and an estimated 33 species in California.
Of these, only 6 varieties (all of which are species of pit vipers, including rattlesnakes, copperhead snakes, and water moccasins) are venomous and dangerous to humans.
If you have snakes in your yard or garden, the first step to get rid of them is to identify which species of snake you’re dealing with.
Here are the major snake species that invade homes and yards in California:
Gopher Snake
Gopher snakes are the most common species of snakes in Northern California. Often mistaken for rattlesnakes, gopher snakes have gray or dark brown bodies with alternating black and brown spots.
These snakes are diurnal, which means they hunt during the day and sleep at night. When threatened, the snake will do its best imitation of a rattlesnake – flattening its body and shaking its tail.
Gopher snakes are nonvenomous and not dangerous to humans. They eat small mammals and birds and their eggs.
Garter Snakes
Garter snakes are common across North America. These snakes have three stripes that run the length of their bodies. Their heads are arrowhead-shaped and larger than their necks. They can reach 54” in length.
Like gopher snakes, black snakes, and cottonmouth snakes, they eat small mammals, birds and their eggs, and insects.
Rat Snakes
Rat snakes are very similar to garter snakes. They vary in color and pattern but typically have dark bodies with light chins and underbellies. Rat snakes are skilled swimmers and climbers, and they tend to frequent areas with plenty of trees and water.
Kingsnakes are medium-sized, nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by constricting it.
Because they have bands of color down their backs, they are frequently confused with venomous species like coral snakes. They can grow to be 36-48” in length. They survive on a diet of lizards, rodents, birds, and turtle eggs.
While nobody wants to share a garden or home with snakes, gopher snakes, garter snakes, rat snakes, and kingsnakes are all non-venomous and not a threat to humans. The rattlesnake, however, is a different story.
Pacific rattlesnakes, the most common type in Northern California, have a triangular head and can reach a length of 5. 5 feet, with body colors ranging from dark gray to black, speckled with hexagonal markings.
When surprised or threatened, rattlesnakes will coil their bodies and rattle their tails fiercely. Pacific rattlesnakes are most active in the spring and summer months and hibernate from about November to February.
Differentiating Venomous and Poisonous Snakes
Because snakes vary so widely in appearance, it can be difficult to identify snakes accurately. With that in mind, here are some quick ways to determine whether you have a venomous or nonvenomous snake in your yard:
Venomous Snakes
- Triangular heads (although some nonvenomous snakes adopt this appearance to intimidate predators)
- Thin, vertical pupils in yellow or green eyes
- Color varies widely
Nonvenomous Snakes
- Rounded or spoon-shaped heads
- Rounded pupils
- Color varies widely
If you think you may have a poisonous snake in your home or yard and you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, contact Smith’s Pest Management immediately.
Our experienced snake control team will remove the snake humanely, keeping you, your family, and your pets safe.
What Attracts Snakes to My House?
Snakes, like all pests, are seeking two things when they enter your space: food and shelter.
As a general rule, snakes will hang around if they can find favorite sources of prey, including:
- Rats
- Mice
- Moles
- Fish
- Frogs
- Small farm animals
- Slugs
- Snails
- Grasshoppers
Snakes will also seek shelter to breed, hunt, and rest.
They enjoy thick brush, dense compost or leaf piles, and moist areas, such as the space beneath birdbaths, around natural or man-made ponds, or near a leaky faucet or garden hose.
You’ll also have snakes on your property if you have a low concentration of predators, such as raccoons and foxes.
How to Get Rid of Snakes In Your House: 4 Steps
Snakes may enter your home if you have a mouse problem, or if they inadvertently become trapped. Regardless of the cause, having snakes in your home can be frightening.
1. Remain calm
If you find a snake in your house, the first step is to remain calm. Avoid disturbing or harming the snake.
2. Open doors and windows
If you can open a door or a window to give the snake an escape route, do so.
3. Call a wildlife control company
If you cannot open a door or give it another exit or you think it may be a venomous snake, call a wildlife control specialist like Smith’s immediately.
4. Create a barrier around the snake
While you wait, use boxes or boards to create a barrier around the snake, which will make it easier to capture when the pest management company arrives.
A pest management specialist will remove the snake safely and address the underlying issue that caused the snake to enter your home in the first place.
How to Get Rid of Snakes In the Garage
Garages are the ideal habitat for snakes – they’re cool, dark, and usually easy to access thanks to small gaps around most garage doors.
To get rid of snakes in your garage, the key is to make it unpleasant for them.
Place snake repellent in the corners of the garage, or any place you’ve noticed snake activity. Remove pet bowls and other sources of standing water, and contact Smith’s if the problem persists.
How to Get Rid of Snakes In the Basement, Crawl Space, or Under the Porch
To get rid of snakes in the basement or crawl space, or under the porch, use all the same tactics as you would to remove snakes from your yard (see below).
Set up mouse traps to remove rodents (or call Smith’s for a rodent control plan), remove shelter sources like storage boxes and shelving, and place store-bought snake repellent pellets around the opening to the crawl space, or in the corners of the basement.
The smell of the snake repellent will deter snakes without harming them.
11 Ways to Get rid of Snakes In Your Yard and Garden
Snakes in the yard or garden are a common occurrence for California homeowners.
If you see a snake in your yard, confirm that the snake is nonvenomous before taking action. When in doubt, contact Smith’s for professional, safe snake removal.
If you can confirm that the snake is nonvenomous, here are a few approaches to try:
1. Spray it with a hose
Drench the snake from a distance. This will encourage it to move along, without harming it. Be aware, however, that this is only a temporary solution, and the snake may return.
2. Trap the snake
If you’ve contacted a pest removal service and intend to have the snake removed that day, you can trap it with an overturned garbage can. Again, only attempt this if you are certain the snake is nonvenomous.
3. Eliminate food sources
Snakes eat frogs, birds, rodents, insects, and even fish. If you have any of these animals on your property, eliminating them will help resolve your snake problem.
4. Get rid of standing water
Standing water sources like rain barrels, birdbaths, and ponds attract snakes. To prevent snakes from coming back, remove these sources of standing water.
5. Trap the snake
Use a store-bought snake trap to humanely trap and secure the snake. Once you’ve caught the snake, take it to a safe location far from your home to release it.
Again – only attempt this if you are sure the snake is nonvenomous.
Glue boards are a good option for humane snake removal. The glue board traps the snake without harming it.
To release the snake from the trap, simply pour some vegetable oil over the snake’s body to neutralize the glue.
6. Fill burrows
If you have old gopher holes or other burrows on your property, fill them with gravel or dirt to prevent snakes from using them.
If there are many burrows, reach out to a pest management company that specializes in burrowing pest control – such as Smith’s – to eradicate gophers, moles, and voles.
7. Remove shelter
Remove sources of shelter for snakes, including coiled hoses, firewood piles, tall grass, dense brush, and open areas under sheds and outbuildings.
Keep grass cut to 1” or shorter, and ensure all snake-proof fencing is flush with the ground, angled outward, made of steel mesh or plastic sheeting, and at least 3 feet high and 4 feet deep.
You can also plant snake-repellent plants, like marigolds and wormwood.
8. Use smoke
Snakes are sensitive to smells, including smoke. As such, digging a fire pit and allowing it to smoke for several days is an effective way to drive snakes off your property.
9. Consider natural predators
Cats, foxes, raccoons, turkeys, pigs, and guinea hens are natural predators of snakes.
Having these animals on or around your property is an effective natural way to keep snakes at bay.
You can also purchase store-bought fox urine to use as a natural snake repellent.
10. Use natural repellents
Natural repellents including sulfur, clove and cinnamon oil, and vinegar may help repel snakes.
Pour these substances around the perimeter of your property, any place you have noticed snake activity.
11. Call a wildlife control company
Dealing with a snake problem can be overwhelming.
Sometimes it’s easier to let a professional wildlife control company like Smith’s take care of the issue for you.
How to Get Rid of Snakes in the Chicken Coop
Snakes in your chicken coop can pose a real problem. In addition to the fact that most snakes will eat chicken eggs, a chicken coop provides hiding spaces for a snake, making it difficult to remove them.
To get snakes out of your chicken coop, address the underlying problems. For example, if you have mice in your coop, snakes will follow. It’s also smart to cut grass, move debris piles, and trim any bushes near the coop.
Finally, collect all eggs frequently and consider making amendments to the coop – like raising the floor, installing snake-proof fencing, or adding an apron to the coop.
How to Get Rid of Snakes by the Pool or in the Pond
If you have a water snake by your pool or around your pond, ammonia is an excellent home remedy to consider. The smell of ammonia is powerful enough to deter snakes.
For best results, soak rags in ammonia and place them in unsealed plastic bags anywhere you’ve noticed snake activity. Change them daily for the best results.
Additionally, cut grass and trim back brush around your pond or pool to make it more difficult for snakes to access.
Contact Smith’s for professional snake removal if the problem persists.
How do Wildlife Control Specialists Get Rid of Snakes?
Wondering how to get rid of snakes fast? When you work with the team at Smith’s for professional snake removal, here are the steps we will take:
1. Inspection
When you contact us about a snake problem, we’ll visit your property for an initial inspection.
During this inspection, we’ll examine your property for signs of snake activity, identify the species of snake, and make an abatement and exclusion plan.
We take a holistic approach to snake removal and focus on a combination of tactics – including habitat modification and food source reduction – to remove snakes.
2. Treatment
During the treatment phase, our expert snake removal specialists will use commercial-grade snake repellents to create exclusion barriers around your property. This prevents snakes from returning.
Our repellents are effective enough to keep snakes away, but safe enough for the whole family – including kids and pets.
Finally, we’ll address underlying issues that could be attracting snakes, including invasive pests, small rodents, and more.
3. Follow-up and Monitoring
Here at Smith’s, we believe we do not need to capture or kill snakes to get rid of them.
Instead, we can eliminate their food sources, apply repellent to their hiding areas, or use exclusion methods so that there is no good place for these reptiles to hang around.
Getting rid of rodents like gophers, rats, ground squirrels, and voles is also a good way to keep snakes away. As long as we can make your property unsuitable for snakes, they’ll go away on their own.
When you work with our team, we will provide professional advice on how to create an unfavorable habitat. We also provide ongoing repellent services – including full home and yard pest management plans that takes care of all pest species.
How to Keep Snakes Away from Your House
To keep snakes from coming back, follow these prevention tips:
- Replace grass or mulch with gravel. Snakes can’t move or hide easily on gravel and other hard surfaces.
- Remove bird feeders, birdbaths, and other sources of food and water. Food and water sources attract snakes and their prey – mice, rats, and insects.
- Keep pet food inside. Feed pets indoors to deter rodents and snakes from gathering outdoors around an easy food source.
- Trim bushes and trees. This keeps snakes from climbing trees or using your landscaping as shelter.
- Reconsider water features. While ponds or fountains are beautiful landscaping elements, they can also attract snakes to your yard or garden and provide nice secret hiding places.
- Install snake-proof fencing. Thin fencing that sits just above or below ground is an effective way to keep snakes and small creatures from entering your property through multiple entry points.
Snake Control FAQs
1. Do natural snake repellents actually work?
Common store-bought snake repellents are easy and safe to use.
They work by interfering with a snake’s sense of smell and deterring them from nesting in your outdoor space. While store-bought snake repellents tend to be effective, natural or homemade snake repellents have a spottier track record.
Here are a few natural snake repellents to be aware of. While they may be effective in some cases, there’s no hard science to back them up:
Naphthalene is an ingredient in many commercial snake repellent products. If you want to save money, you can purchase pure naphthalene and place it anywhere you’ve noticed snake activity.
Powdered sulfur may be an effective ingredient to repel snakes. Since powdered sulfur irritates a snake’s skins, it makes your property an unattractive place for them. The smell can be irritating, though, so be sure to wear protective clothing.
Clove & Cinnamon Oil
Clove and cinnamon oil emit strong scents and may deter snakes. For best results, mix them in a spray bottle and spray them any place you’ve noticed snake activity.
Garlic & Onions
Garlic and onions contain sulfonic acid, which may be effective to repel snakes. Mix chopped-up garlic and onions with rock salt and sprinkle the mixture around your home and yard to deter snakes.
Ammonia emits a strong odor that may deter snakes. Use ammonia-soaked rags in plastic bags and place them any place you notice snake activity. Replace them daily.
Standard white vinegar can repel snakes around bodies of water, including swimming pools. Pour straight white vinegar any place you’ve noticed snake activity, such as the edges of ponds and pools.
Lime mixed with hot pepper or peppermint oil may help deter snakes. Mix the ingredients in a glass bottle and pour the liquid around the perimeter of your home or garden.
2. Are there any snake prevention myths I should be aware of?
When it comes to snake control, there are a few myths to be aware of.
Myth 1: Mothballs keep snakes away
This is an old wives’ tale, and studies dating back as far as 1985 can prove it. Mothballs have little impact on snakes, and will not prevent them from entering your property.
Myth 2: Snakes can’t climb trees or fences
Snakes are avid climbers, and can easily scale a tree or fence to access your property.
Myth 3: Pelletized lime will keep snakes away
Like mothballs, lime has little impact on snakes and will not keep them off your property.
Are Snakes Invading Your San Francisco Bay Area Property? We’re Here to Help!
Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we provide comprehensive and humane snake control and removal services to residential and commercial properties in Northern California – from Marin to Monterey.
Contact us today to learn more or to book your snake removal service now.
10 Natural Snake Repellent Ideas That Actually Work • The Rustic Elk
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Snakes…. Some of us have a fear of snakes. While others it doesn’t bother so much to even pick one up. The good news is the vast majority of snakes are harmless snakes. That said, it doesn’t mean we want them slithering around. Thankfully, there are some fantastic, natural snake repellents that actually work.
While I don’t like snakes, I don’t care to kill them. They do serve a purpose, and they can also be detrimental (they will eat eggs). But, they also eat mice and rats neither of which I want running around my house or property. So, while I do run the risk of them getting into our coop, we’ve found ways to combat them naturally and they stay in their part of the world and we all stay in ours. They keep the mice away, I keep them out of my chicken coop. It’s a win-win, really.
The problem with keeping them where they belong and away from our home can be difficult, though. We have children, dogs, and other animals all around our little homestead. And putting something down that could potentially harm me, my family, or my critters really isn’t an option.
Not only do I have to worry about the wrong someone or something getting into a harmful chemical, but I also have to worry about what it could potentially be doing to the land. I believe we are meant to care for the land and scattering chemicals all over it doesn’t fulfill that obligation. Since I don’t like snakes, but I think I like chemicals even less, I needed to find natural ways for how to get rid of snakes. Since we live close to the water and a wooded area, they are bound to come around, but we keep them at bay, naturally.
I’ve found a few effective ways to keep snakes in their side of the woods. While adding a few of these options is your best bet, any one of them will help your problem a little, though adding several options is going to be more effective.
Do mothballs repel snakes?
Not only are mothballs ineffective at repelling snakes, but it’s also illegal to use them outside. Mothballs are regulated by the EPA which means using them for anything other than their intended use is illegal.
Using mothballs is dangerous, especially outside where other wildlife, pets, and children can come into contact with them and be harmed by them. So, just don’t do it. They don’t work, anyway
The Most Effective Snake Repellents
All of these repellents are natural and will have varying success. That said, they are all-natural or made of natural ingredients because I’m not a fan of harmful chemicals to control anything. I’d rather deal with a snake problem than utilize questionable substances.
All of these repellents can help keep snakes out of things you do not want them in, but it will not kill them… leaving them to eat all the small rodents their slithering selves can consume… which, in my opinion, is a win-win.
A lot of these repellents are based on things that a snake doesn’t enjoy the smell of, so let’s discuss.
West Indian Lemongrass
Lemongrass is a great herb to grow on your homestead. It repels mosquitos, ticks, and also helps repel snakes.
Lemongrass is a great herb to grow on your homestead. Not only is it beautiful and easy to grow, it repels mosquitos, ticks, and also helps repel snakes.
You’ll want to plant lemongrass around the perimeter of the area to keep snakes away. You can pot it and bring it indoors for overwintering if you live in a climate where it’s not a perennial.
We put several pots out around our deck during the summer months when the bugs and serpents are out to help keep them a way. It’s definitely a favorite and I make it a point to grow it every year.
Garlic Spray to Keep Snakes Away
Garlic and onions are thought to be one of the most effective ways to repel snakes because they contain sulfonic acid, the chemical that causes us to cry when we chop onions.
You’ll want to infuse some oil with garlic so the odor is really potent. You can use the spray in any area you want to repel snakes away from.
This spray is perfect for places like doorways, windowsills, crawlspaces or basements, and even around the perimeter of your home. It can also be used around chicken coops and other outbuildings.
Be forewarned, though, it takes a large amount and you will have to reapply it after a heavy rain or every 2-3 weeks to maintain effectiveness.
- 10 Cloves of Garlic
- Garlic Infused Oil (how to make infused oils)
- Water
- Small glass jar
- Place a bit of water ( a couple tablespoons) in the bottom of a blender.
Add the cloves of garlic, blend until you have a paste.
- Add the oil and blend up a bit more. Then, pour the liquid into a jar and keep the lid on for at least an hour before using.
- Put a couple of drops wherever you want to repel snakes. Doorways, windowsills, crawlspace entrances, around the perimeter of your home, wherever.
- You’ll need to reapply the solution if it rains or every 2-3 weeks for it to remain effective.
Mother in Laws Tongue
Mother in laws tongue has sharp leaves that repel a snake’s senses.The mother in laws tongue is also known as the snake plant. It is a succulent variety that has sharp leaves.
It does not have an odor, unlike garlic and lemongrass, but it repels by affecting the snake’s senses. This succulent plant is very easy to grow and attractive. Simply water it a time or two every week and you’re good.
In cooler zones, this does best as a potted plant that gets set outside in the warmer months. In warmer climates, USDA zone 7 and above, it can be grown outdoors year-round.
Clove and Cinnamon Oil
Several commercially available, natural snake repellent products contain these two potent essential oils.
To use this, you’ll simply mix clove and cinnamon essential oils in equal parts in a spray bottle. You can spray it directly on snakes, but use caution in case they don’t slither in the opposite direction as they should.
You can also use this mixture on any porous surface such as a wood deck of the perimeter around your home. It does not work well on hard surfaces, though. You will need to regularly reapply this spray to see its benefits including after heavy rain or every couple of weeks if you don’t receive any precipitation.
Keep a snakes food sources to a minimum
A snake’s primary food sources are rodents. And where do rodents love to hang out? In places where they can hide like tall grass, overgrown shrubbery, overgrown plants, and garden areas where there is a lot of cover. If the mice love it, and the snakes eat mice, then you’re going to find snakes in these spots.
I know how hard it can be to maintain everything, especially when most of us work as well as homestead. But, the more trimmed and cleaned up the areas around your property are, the more you can curb snake activity.
I try to keep our lawn mowed at least once a week. We moved our hostas into pots and keep them further from the foundation block, and I try really hard to keep the garden weeded. Our garden sits right behind our garage, so I know if I don’t have it weeded, there will be mice in the garage and snakes slithering all around the yard, and close to our coop. Weeding can be a lot of work and time-consuming, but it keeps the snakes (and rodents) away.
Eliminate Hiding Places
Snakes are notorious for hiding in cracks and crevices. We have a woodpile at the very edge of our property for our winter heat and all summer long, while the snakes are active, you can see them peeking their heads out from between the wood.
If you have a woodshed that locks, great. But if you don’t, store your wood away from the main parts of your property until the snakes are either hibernating or going dormant (depending on the climate where you live).
Try to keep all scrap metal, trash, compost piles, leaf piles, and the like to a minimum and keep these things away from the main area of your property.
Check your home for cracks, broken screens, and such to make sure the snakes can’t find a way to slither inside your home. The same goes for coops and other outbuildings. They can slither into a really small space, so make sure you do your best to patch up any holes they can get into.
If you have piles of things near your home, you can lift them up off of the ground and that will help a little bit, too. With the snakes anyway. Keeping the spiders out is another story.
Keep feed tightly enclosed
Again with the rodents. Where you attract rodents, you’ll attract snakes. And leaving food open out here would result in the neighborhood raccoons having a feast anyway right outside the chicken coop. Keep all feed, pet food, chicken, rabbit, horse, goat, whatever you’ve got going on… in a tightly lidded container. We use metal trashcans with tight-fitting lids to store our feed in.
Just whatever you use, make sure the lid fits well, and try not to sprinkle too much feed all over the ground if your chickens aren’t going to eat it. Though ours like to get in the bowl and scratch it out all over the ground anyway…
If you keep the rodents out, you won’t have near the problem with snakes. This isn’t to say that they won’t come around, they will, but fewer rodents equal less snake activity.
Get some chickens, pigs, and/or guinea fowl
A few years ago, we finally added guinea fowl to our flock of chickens and ducks. We had 6, something ate 4 of them while they were young keets and we wound up with a pair.
Forewarning, guinea hens can be very annoying. They’re incredibly noisy. And they’re really not very bright. But, they will most definitely eat snakes. And ticks. Ours actually attacked a fox that was trying to get into the chicken run and chased off a rogue rooster from our neighbors (still don’t know how that rooster got all the way over here).
Pigs are another natural predator of snakes and can be a great addition to your homestead if you have the space. They’ll add a sustainable source of meat, help clear up land and keep the snake population in check.
Chickens can be a great addition to any size homestead. My chickens go crazy over snakes, toads, and mice. If they see one, they’ll get it and fight over who’s going to eat it. They ganged up on a mole once and it didn’t end well for the mole.
Livestock can be incredibly beneficial in several ways. These particular fowl and porcine can help keep the snakes away.
Fox urine
Foxes are predators of snakes. And while I have no desire to invite them onto the property, their urine will do just fine. If you have fox indigenous to your area, go get some urine from the local sporting goods or farm store and spread it wherever you don’t want snakes. This is a great option for a backyard perimeter.
Cedar Oil
Cedar oil has a powerful scent and gives off phenols that repel snakes. You can use cedar oil anywhere you don’t want them to come around.
You can also use cedar shavings in places that are prone to snake problems so long as you don’t have livestock in those areas. Simply spread the shavings around and you’ve got yourself an easy snake repellent (that smells pretty good).
Vinegar is effective at keeping snakes out of bodies of water like ponds and swimming pools. So, if you find yourself with a snake problem and they’re getting into these areas on your property, put some vinegar in to help keep them out.
There are several ways to keep snakes out of your yard, but these are the best ways I’ve found. I hope this information can help keep the serpents away from your home or homestead.
How to get rid of snakes in the area so that no one gets hurt
July 17LikbezAdvice
You can scare away reptiles with the smell of kerosene, firecrackers and more.
0In spring, summer, and even autumn, you may encounter a snake in your garden or garden. It can be both a harmless snake and a poisonous viper.
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The grass snake is easily recognizable by its light, yellowish or orange head markings. Photo: Sebastian_Photography / Shutterstock
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Several species of vipers live in Russia, and all of them are dangerous to humans. Photo: All-stock-photos / Shutterstock
Among their favorite places are deposits of building materials and various debris, compost heaps, holes in the roots of old trees and under stumps, dense thickets and tall grass.
Snakes can settle in the compost heap. Frames: A Garden in the Moscow Region / YouTube The most dangerous thing in such a meeting is suddenness. You may simply not notice the snake, and it will perceive you as a threat and go on the defensive. Although in most cases, reptiles prefer to simply crawl to a safer place. They can show particular aggression in the spring after hibernation and in July-August, when they lay their eggs.
Don't kill snakes. Although not very attractive to many, they are an integral part of our ecosystem, are included in the food chain and participate in the regulation of the number of rodents. In addition, some species of vipers and other snakes are listed in the Red Book and are endangered.
How to behave when meeting with a snake
It is not always possible to avoid an unexpected meeting, so it is better to remember about safety measures. When you see a snake, just let it go and don't get close. Try to remain calm, do not wave your arms or make sudden movements. If the snake has taken a threatening posture, curled up into a ball, hisses and makes throws or lunges, try to slowly step back without turning your back.
Try to back away carefully if the snake is showing aggression. Personnel: HUNTING AND FISHING IN THE TAIGA Komi / YouTube Although experienced summer residents have their own method - to send a snake into a bag with a shovel or net, and then take it out into the forest. Doing this is permissible only if you are absolutely sure that you are dealing with a harmless snake. It can be recognized by the yellow markings on its head that other snakes do not have.
In order not to act on your own, you can call a special trapping service. Each region has its own, and the number can be checked on the Web. If the snake crawled into the house, it is better to immediately call the single number of the Rescue Service - 112.
How to get rid of snakes in your garden
The whole complex of measures can be reduced to a simple rule: do everything so that the reptiles are uncomfortable in your garden and there is no reason for them to visit there.
Tidy up the area
First, get rid of rodents in the house and on the yard. If the snakes have nothing to eat with you, they may prefer other places. In addition, mice and rats are not the best neighbors for people. They can damage your supplies and even wires, and also bring various diseases.
Remove any rubble that is on the site. Sell slate, roofing material and other unnecessary building materials or take them to a landfill. Close and close all the manholes under the porch of the house, into the basement and sheds so that snakes cannot enter there. Mow or trim the grass regularly, and thin out overgrown bushes. Uproot stumps and old trees.
This way the area will look neat and the reptiles will not find a secluded place for themselves.
Provide perimeter protection
Is the neighbor's plot abandoned or are there forests, swamps and ravines near you? It is from there that the snakes should be expected. The first barrier on their way will be a suitable fence. You can make a fence from a fine mesh. Stretch it so that all the supports are within the site, and not outside it, and deepen it into the ground by 20–30 cm. You can also strengthen the already installed fence by stretching the mesh directly over it.
Remember to make sure that the snakes cannot slip into the territory through the gate or gate.
Use snake repellents
Small special devices that are inserted into the ground will repel reptiles from your property. According to the principle of operation, they are ultrasonic, vibration and noise. All of them affect these animals and make their stay on the site uncomfortable.
Install the repeller strictly according to the instructions. Personnel: Repeller Kom / YouTubeDevices are powered by batteries, accumulators or solar panels. The coverage area may also differ, it is better to clarify this in the instructions or on the packaging.
Embrace scents
Not all scents are pleasant to snakes. And this can be used. The easiest way is to moisten small rags with plenty of kerosene or gasoline and dig in or just scatter them on the site.
You can also spread it along the fence and near the places that snakes love, and lightly sprinkle mothballs with earth, which help in the fight against moths. But don't forget to be careful. Make sure that the substance does not fall into the hands of children and pets, and do not experiment near the beds.
A more gentle option is snake repellent balls with a special composition of essential oils. You can scatter them on the site, one per meter, and make an additional barrier along the fence in increments of 50 cm.
You can also sprinkle dry mustard along the entire fence or plant garlic to deter.
Don't let the snakes enjoy the silence
Snakes don't hear sounds, but they perfectly feel air and soil vibrations from them. You can take advantage of this. If snakes have already crawled onto the site, try to scare them away with firecrackers, and even the cheapest ones. The method is valid, but not long-term, so you have to repeat it.
For permanent action, use pegs with rustling film attached close to the ground, noisy turntables on sticks, or bells hung from trees. Only the efficiency of such methods is many times lower.
Some summer residents also advise to turn on the music louder, and the snakes do not like any compositions. This method is probably good and effective, but your neighbors may not appreciate it.
Contact the experts
If you prefer not to risk, order the processing of the site from professionals. They will pick up the means that will get rid of snakes and advise you on preventive measures. The cost of the service will depend on your address and, of course, the size of the site.
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- Essential oils as a safe snake repellant
- Natural commercial snake repellants
- Plants that repel snakes
- Effectiveness of chemical snake repellents
- Do mothballs work as a snake repellant? Snake Repellent0081 What to do if you encounter a snake in your home
- Effective snake traps
- Talk
Depending on where in the world you live, you may need to use effective snake repellants to keep snakes away from your house. Many people have tried all kinds of repellents to get rid of snakes, but the results have been mixed. Some snake repellent methods contain chemicals that can harm humans and the environment, while some snake control methods using natural ingredients do not always provide 100% protection against snakes.
Of course, no one wants to live with these creeping reptiles in their home. Even non-venomous snakes are never welcome in anyone's home, let alone spotting a rattlesnake or viper in your garden.
This article looks at various tried and tested methods to keep snakes out of your yard or home. We'll also take a look at what the science says about the effectiveness of natural snake repellants and whether the use of chemicals to repel snakes is ever justified.
Are natural snake repellants effective?
Keeping snakes away from home is a difficult task because it is difficult to find effective remedies for snakes. Many people have tried to make their own anti-snake decoctions to scare away these slippery creatures. After all, there are effective natural ant repellents and natural products like diatomaceous earth that are great for killing cockroaches. But do natural snake repellents really work?
Over the years, people have been offering various home remedies to repel snakes. These include fox urine, skunk odor, smoke, and mixtures containing ingredients such as garlic, onion, and cayenne pepper. However, according to Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources Dr. Gary Sun Julian, none of these snake control methods have proven effective. 1
Essential oils as a safe snake repellant
The journal Pest Management Science has reported that some essential oils may be useful insect repellants against certain types of common snakes. Researchers have looked at the essential oils of cinnamon, cedarwood, sage, rosemary, juniper berries, and lavender as natural snake repellents. They found that 10 grams of essential oil per liter of water quickly repelled brown tree snakes when sprayed directly on them. 2
The researchers also tried another natural snake repellent with ginger oil and water. It also caused the snakes to get away when the repellant was sprayed on the brown tree snake.
However, fish and wildlife expert Professor Jim Parkhurst reported that the blend of essential oils as a safe natural snake repellant has not been shown to be effective in killing snakes over large areas. Natural repellent is only effective when sprayed directly on the snake. However, an essential oil snake repellent will not deter snakes from your yard if you spray it on grass, leaves, and flower beds. 3
Professor Parkhurst says the most effective way to keep snakes away from your home is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. This means studying snake behavior, eliminating things that attract snakes, and blocking access points through which snakes can enter the home.
Natural commercial snake repellants
Some websites offer natural snake repellants that they claim can help reduce or eliminate snakes in your home or backyard. They use a combination of organic material to keep crawling reptiles away from treated areas.
However, there is no scientific evidence that these non-toxic repellents work against all types of snakes. Therefore, if you are interested in buying organic snake repellants, you should read online reviews of what users are saying about their effectiveness.
Snake Repelling Plants
Some websites offer various plants to repel snakes from your garden, as the specific smell of these plants is believed to repel snakes. However, there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness.
Effectiveness of chemical snake repellents
Even when it comes to repelling snakes with chemicals, scientists and experts cannot agree on the effectiveness of these repellents on venomous or non-venomous snakes. Some of the most popular ways to keep snakes away from your home are mothballs and products containing sulfur.
Do mothballs work as a snake repellant?
Naphthalene balls are usually recommended to keep snakes out of living quarters. However, mothballs contain a toxic chemical called naphthalene that can harm both humans and pets. According to the Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Agency, naphthalene can cause you to have too few red blood cells, causing anemia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and yellowing of the skin. 4
Professor Gary Sun Julian of North Carolina State University says mothballs are ineffective snake repellents that do not prevent snakes from entering premises. 1
Sulfur mixed with other compounds is also marketed as an effective snake repellant. Usually, these repellents also contain naphthalene and cause a strong odor. However, their effectiveness is limited. For example, Dr. Rex Marsh of the University of California found that snake repellant chemicals containing sulfur and naphthalene were not effective snake repellents. 5
Ineffective Snake Remedies
There are a number of other types of snake repellent that are either not scientifically proven to be effective or are not effective in preventing snakes from entering your home.
For example, Professor Gary Sun Julian (mentioned earlier) said that a mixture of garlic, onion and cayenne pepper is not effective in killing reptiles in an area. 1
You should also remember that ultrasonic snake repellents are not effective at repelling crawling creatures. Virginia Tech and State University say that snakes are not hearing and do not gather information through sounds. 3
While sulfur and naphthalene pellets have had some success, many people are reluctant to use these drugs as a snake repellent because they are toxic and can harm the environment.
How to keep snakes out of your backyard and home
Most experts agree that the best natural snake repellent to keep snakes out of your home is not to attract them. Professor Gary Sun Julian says that since most repellents are ineffective at getting rid of snakes, the best way to get rid of them is to reduce their habitat. 1
How to keep snakes away from home
Snakes tend to enter homes and properties in search of food (eg mice or rats) or in search of shelter. Therefore, effective methods for eliminating snakes in your home should prevent crawling reptiles from entering your home.
Researchers at Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia recommend 3 steps to get rid of snakes in your home. 3
Eliminate all food sources. If you have a problem with snakes entering your living area, make sure your home is free of rodents. Also, don't leave food containers open and don't leave pet food out overnight.
Close all openings through which snakes can enter. Be sure to cover or seal any large cracks or openings through which snakes or rodents can enter your home. So, check the places where the cables enter the house or where you have ventilation holes. Either plug large holes or cover the hole with wire mesh. Also, cover all areas under doors or around windows where mice, rats, other crawling bugs, or snakes can get in.
Remove bushes or plants from the foundation of the house. Snakes love to hide in bushes and undergrowth. You can help prevent these reptiles from entering your property by discouraging them from living or nesting right next to your home.
How to keep snakes out of your yard
To protect your family and pets from snakes, you should also take steps to eradicate them from the areas around your home. The ideal habitat for snakes includes food, water, and shelter. Therefore, the more you disturb or eliminate their habitat around your home, the less likely snakes are to appear in your home.
Iowa State University recommends several ways to keep snakes away from your property. 6
Keep your lawn short. Do not let tall grass grow around or near your property. This is because snakes love to hide there and take refuge. Do not overgrow vegetation or bushes.
Keep your landscaping simple. Try to reduce the number of gaps in the landscape where the snakes could take cover and hide. Be aware that ponds can attract frogs, which can be food for snakes. You can also try using pine cones, crushed stone, or rose bush cuttings around your garden to make those places uncomfortable for snakes to crawl.
Do not stack firewood. The stacked wood also serves as a shelter for snakes from aerial predators such as hawks. The gaps between piles of wood are warm spots for snakes and can attract them by helping to control their body temperature. If you need to stack firewood on your property, researchers at Pennsylvania State University recommend that you start stacking the stack at least 12 inches off the ground. 7
What to do if you encounter a snake in your house
However, although you do your best to keep snakes out of your home and out of your backyard, you can still encounter a snake in your home.
Virginia Tech and State University say that if the snake is not venomous, you can try to lure it into the large box on the side. Or you can dig out the snake with a large bladed shovel or broom handle. However, if you are not sure what kind of snake it is and do not know whether it is poisonous or not, you should not try to catch it.
Effective snake traps
You can also use humane adhesive snake traps to catch snakes that roam your home.