Wd 40 kills carpenter bees
How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees With WD-40
Last Updated: October 8th, 2022:
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If you’re dealing with a carpenter bee infestation it can be a nerve wrecking time as well as a destructive time. Carpenter bees are excellent drillers and build homes in wood, which can mean bad news for your home! That being said, carpenter bees do play an important part in our ecosystem, which means you should immediately resort to killing carpenter bees. But is there another option? In this guide we’ll be testing out how effective it is, and how to get rid of carpenter bees with WD-40!
WD-40 is a common, thin oil spray that is famous for its many uses. It is present in many homes because it serves many household functions. WD-40 is effective in stain removal, lubricating metal parts, and thawing frosted surfaces, but can it actually be used to get rid of carpenter bees?
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Hence, it is also used to get rid of carpenter bees. In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of WD-40 on carpenter bees, and how it gets rid of them. We also have a bigger guide on how to naturally get rid of carpenter bees.
What is WD-40?
WD-40 is a brand name for a water-displacing spray product. It is an oily substance that has very low viscosity and acts as a lubricant and penetrant. WD-40 is petroleum-based and contains mineral oil, carbon dioxide, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Though it lubricates rusty metal parts, it leaves little residue when applied. Due to this volatility, WD-40 should not replace an actual lubricant.
WD-40 also acts as a cleaner and adhesive remover. It prevents rust, frost, and corrosion from metal tools. As a result of this versatility, it is popular in various homes.
Does WD40 Kill Carpenter Bees?
WD40 will kill carpenter bees and just about any other insect if they come into contact with enough WD40 and for a long enough time period. WD40 contains a collection of mineral spirits which is toxic to insects and can kill most insects within around 5 minutes. So if you’re wondering will wd-40 kill carpenter bees, the answer is yes!
How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees With WD40!
Spray WD-40 directly into the carpenter bee holes using the long nozzle to fill the entire carpenter bee nest. Once sprayed, the carpenter bees should begin to start dying within a few minutes. After a day or two if you are still noticing carpenter bees, you should repeat the treatment until there are no more carpenter bees.
To be safe, don’t ever apply the spray near an open flame, and don’t ingest or spray the liquid into your eyes.
WD-40 As a Makeshift Pesticide
WD-40 is an oil-based product that is capable of killing carpenter bees and other insect pests. The mineral oil and hydrocarbons contained in WD-40 are toxic to insects. When it comes in contact with carpenter bees, it interferes with their respiratory system. This works by obstructing the free flow of oxygen and shutting off the air holes (spiracles) of the bee. This results in the blocking of the trachea and the death of the bee by asphyxiation.
The mineral oil contained in WD-40 can also kill carpenter bee eggs laid inside the holes on the wood. WD-40 can form a thin oil layer on the exterior of the egg. Hence, ceasing the exchange of gasses between the egg and its surrounding. WD-40 can act as a poison by interfering with the bee’s metabolism and causing a breakdown of its systems.
WD-40 As a Pest Repellent
WD-40 can also repel carpenter bees and other insect pests from attacking surfaces. Though, as light oil, it is volatile and leaves very little residue. Hence, it may not be very effective as a repellent for an extended period. Still, it can be effective as an insecticide.
Carpenter bees are sensitive to smell, using this sense to locate nectar-producing flowers. Strong-smelling substances like varnish, paint, or WD-40 can disrupt their olfactory senses. Applying these substances on wood surfaces can repel carpenter bees from making nests around your home. Deterring carpenter bees with wd 40 is a good way to get rid of carpenter bees without having to kill them.
How to Apply WD-40 To Carpenter Bee Nests
1. Find and identify infested regions in wood
Nest holes made by carpenter bees are almost round in shape and about a half-inch in diameter. Softwood such as cedar, pine, oak, and redwood is the best nesting choice for carpenter bees. Also, they attack wooden structures such as doorposts, railings, roof eaves, and decks. You may also find carpenter bees infesting unpainted or untreated wood. Observe carpenter bees hovering around your structures and inspect any hole you find.
2. Insert the WD-40 extension tube into the carpenter bee hole
The aerosol can of the WD-40 comes with a straw-like extension used to apply the spray in tiny areas. Stick the extension into the hole, as deep as it can go, and spray the WD-40. Spray for at least 10-20 seconds to coat the inner holes with WD-40. Foamy WD-40 will seep out through the hole, as the pressure created from the tiny hole will push excess of it out. Make sure to clean up any spilled WD-40 liquid on the ground or any other non-wood surface.
The evenings are best to do this treatment because the adult bee is most likely to be resting in the nest hole.
3. Plug Nest Holes
Spraying the nest holes with WD-40 and plugging it immediately will limit airflow in the nest. then, speed up the killing of the bees. Use wood putty or caulking clay to cover the hole after spraying. Read our guide on repairing carpenter bee damage!
Using WD-40 to Prevent and Repel Carpenter Bees
1. Identify Pre-Existing Carpenter Bee Holes
Look out for holes and crevices in your wood structures susceptible to attack. Make sure to cover with small wood dowels, caulking, or wood putty.
2. Apply WD-40 On Unstained or Untreated Wooden Surfaces
WD-40 can repel carpenter bees from infesting wood. You can also use it to prevent other insect pests from invading your wooden surfaces. Paint or stain your wooden surfaces to make them unfavorable for carpenter bees.
Safety Procedures:
WD-40 is a petroleum-based product that may be corrosive and may cause allergies. So you should take great care when handling the product. Put on safety goggles and hand gloves to prevent droplets from getting into your eyes or on your hands. You can also put on a face mask to avoid inhaling it. Make sure not to spray close to open flame, WD-40 is flammable and may cause fires.
Adverse Effects of WD-40 on the Environment
Petroleum-based products—including WD-40—are unsafe for the environment because they are non-biodegradable. WD-40 contains carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas that depletes the ozone layer. It is toxic to carpenter bees and other insects and can kill them on contact.
Instead of killing carpenter bees, you can fend them off with repellents. You can also use live traps to capture them. You can also set bait wood, for the bees to exploit, rather than your wood structures.
Final Thoughts On Carpenter Bees and WD-40
One of the effective ways to get rid of carpenter bees is using WD-40. As a popular petroleum-based lubricant, WD-40 is toxic to carpenter bees. It has constituents that can repel or cause them to die off. Spray it in infested holes and cover them to kill the bees and prevent further attack. Also, make sure to carry out safety precautions before use.
About The Author:
David Floyd has 20 years of experience working as a pest control technician as well as running his own pest control company. His main goal is to provide accurate and helpful DIY tips to keep your home pest-free and how to identify different types of household pests!
Does WD40 Kill Carpenter Bees & Should You Use It?| Best Bee Brothers
• About Carpenter Bees • Bug Facts • Chemical Free • Prevent Carpenter Bees
When it comes to the bare necessities, there’s an old saying about making do with less: “You only need two things in life: Duct Tape and WD-40. If it moves and shouldn’t, use Duct Tape, if it doesn’t move and should, use WD-401. ” From fixing squeaky hinges to lubricating car parts and preventing rust, the patented aerosol formula has been used to fix just about everything... But what about when it comes to pests? Does WD-40 kill carpenter bees?
How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees with WD-40
While the proprietary formula has remained a company secret for over 60 years, we do know that the water-displacement (WD) lubricant consists of no more than 35% petroleum-based oil2. There has been a variety of documented research on the deadly effects of petroleum spray oils on a wide variety of insect species3.
When it comes to carpenter bee nests, applying WD-40 either directly to the boring holes in their nests or to the insects themselves is likely going to prove at least somewhat effective in eliminating your unwanted pests. Make sure when applying the aerosol spray, however, to keep a healthy distance so as not to accidentally breathe in the fumes, and don’t spray near heat sources or open flames.
So, does WD-40 kill carpenter bees? Yes…but there’s a cost.
WD-40’s Impact on Plants
WD-40’s proprietary formula contains ingredients that are harmful to humans when ingested. Because the exact percentages of these ingredients are trade secrets and unknown to consumers, using WD-40 spray as a treatment for carpenter bees, especially near your garden or in areas frequented by small children or animals is not advised. At Best Bee Brothers, we prefer a natural approach whenever possible.
h3: What Can You Spray to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees?
There are several all-natural, DIY carpenter bee repellents that are effective in deterring carpenter bees. Creating your own bee spray can save you money and eliminate the need for harmful chemicals that could have negative effects on children, pets or the environment. In fact, we’ve got a whole blog post dedicated to teaching you how to make your own potent repellent!
If DIY isn’t really your thing, don’t worry! Best Bee Brothers offers an easy-to-use and powerful citrus-based spray with the perfect blend of oils. It’s been heavily field-tested and proven to repel even the most determined carpenter bees. However, all this comes second to the highly reputed Best Carpenter Bee Trap.
Our Best Carpenter Bee Trap is the most effective and professional carpenter bee trap solution on the market. The patented design eliminates those wood-burrowing bees from destroying your home – without the need for sticky sprays, pesticides or harsh chemicals.
The trap collects the unwelcome pests in a sturdy, permanent bottom receptacle. Just pull the cord on the bottom lid to open when it gets full!
This customer image shows off the string that helps you easily empty a trap.Because Best Bee Brothers is committed to sustainable practices that protect our environment, we’ve gone a step further in our bee-catching design: every carpenter bee trap roof will now be produced using sustainable, recycled ocean plastics! With an emphasis on sustainability, our traps have removed more than 20,000 pounds of ocean-bound plastic this year alone.
Wrapping Things Up
If by the end of this article you’re still wondering: Will WD-40 get rid of carpenter bees? The answer is, yes, it probably will. However, just because a tool will work doesn’t always mean it’s the right one for the job. While WD-40 spray is renowned for its versatility in home and automotive projects, we don’t recommend it as a first-use option when it comes to eliminating carpenter bees – better to leave the harsh chemicals in the garage.
If you’re thinking about bee defense, we’ve got you covered (naturally)!
- WD-40, “40 Myths & Fun Facts: Facts about WD-40 Products,” accessed January 11, 2022, https://www.wd40.com/myths-legends-fun-facts/.
- WD-40, “WD-40 Multi-Use Product Aerosol Safety Data Sheet,” August 2, 2021, https://files.wd40.com/pdf/sds/mup/wd-40-multi-use-product-aerosol-low-voc-sds-us-ghs.pdf.
- A. J. Najar-Rodríguez, N. A. Lavidis, R. K. Mensah, P. T. Choy, G. H. Walter, “The Toxicological Effects of Petroleum Spray Oils on Insects – Evidence for an Alternative Mode of Action and Possible New Control Options,” Food and Chemical Toxicology 46, no.
9 (September 2008): 3003–14, doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2008.05.042.
how to get rid of tree wasps
Home » Pests » Insects in the apartment and in the house
Insects in the apartment and in the house
Author Arina Lerner Reading 5 min. Posted by
Carpenter bees, commonly called tree bees, are not the nicest neighbors. They appear in the house in late spring and scare your household with aggressive behavior. Such bees can easily destroy a house or agricultural buildings. In addition to their aggressive nature, these insects have a genetic memory that makes them return to the places of the previous generations settlement again and again. That is why it is possible and necessary to get rid of these pests in the shortest possible time. To fight, you can use: baits, traps, sprays, putty, but the most effective way to fight is trapping.
Carpenter bees are extremely dangerous, so you should get rid of them immediately.
Insects are solitary, so the methods of trapping carpenters' bees with any traps are most effective. Before proceeding with the destruction of wasps, you need to know a few facts about them and why they are dangerous:
- Like all insects, tree wasps bite. Only female wasps bite, males do not have any organs for this. Females hide inside the nest and rarely go outside, so if there is a chance of being bitten, then it is minimal. If you are bitten by a female carpenter bee, then you need to urgently seek help from a specialist, as their venom is very toxic. Such bites are most dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions to bee venom.
- Carpenter wasps or tree bees are very dangerous to your farm buildings. They are capable of destroying structures of any size by burrowing wide tunnels through them. Bees are able to completely destroy even a thick layer of wood in a few years.
- Wood wasps are also very attractive to woodpeckers. The smell of their larvae attracts birds and they can detect them from several kilometers away, flocking to the habitat of the wasps. Trying to get the larvae, woodpeckers additionally destroy the structure of the tree, destroying the structure.
- Carpenter bees have a good reproductive function. One adult female carpenter is capable of reproducing up to 6 individuals of wasps during the warm period. Therefore, measures to destroy these pests should be taken as soon as possible.
Active control measures
In addition to using specialized traps to catch single carpenter bees, local remedies can be used to get rid of annoying insects:
- Specialized pesticides. Wasps do not tolerate exposure to powdered pesticides, so their use is quite effective in destroying active wasp nests. You can use boric acid or carbaryl.
- If, for any reason, pesticides are not available to you, then use a recipe that has been proven over the years. It is necessary to fill all the moves in the wasp hive with gasoline or diesel fuel. Such a tool will easily help get rid of bees and their larvae, but you should be careful when working with gasoline. When working with diesel fuel or gasoline, you need to use personal protective equipment, wear a respirator and protective gloves. It is best to use a sprayer that is capable of making an aerosol out of liquid.
- If you have an aerosol cleaner for cars with a carburetor on hand, this product is used to get rid of in a gentle way. This product is sold in aerosol cans, with an extended tube for better access to remote places, which will help you pour liquid into all the moves of the carpenters' active hive. You need to be very careful when working with this type of liquid, make sure that particles of the substance get on your face and eyes.
- The carpenter is very sensitive to noise, so you can get rid of them with a loud sound.
If you find a nest of bees in your garden, then take the audio system outside and turn up the music louder. The bees will not be able to calmly endure the vibration near their home and will leave the house as soon as possible.
- An effective method for carpenters to fight bees is a regular tennis racket, which will help knock down the bees and you can crush them.
Insect Prevention
If you have carpenter bees in your yard, getting rid of them once can't guarantee they won't reappear.
In order to prevent the bees from reappearing, it is necessary to use preventive measures for reappearance:
- After you have destroyed the bee nest, plug all holes with mineral wool, steel wool, or fill the hole with polyurethane foam. All these means belong to a series of sealing, after which the bees will not be able to re-enter the dwellings, and those remaining in it will die.
- Experienced gardeners know that carpenter bees do not attack wood exterior surfaces treated with paint products.
Bees are more attracted to untreated wood. Therefore, try to paint all the raw areas of your wooden buildings with varnish or paint.
- The use of citrus spray as a prophylactic is an effective method of combating the reappearance of bees. Such citrus-based products can be purchased at specialized garden stores, or you can make your own. It is poured into the passages of carpenter bees, insects die, and the genetic code of the insect reflects information that it is unsafe to settle in this place.
In order to effectively stop the reproduction of new offspring of insects, it is necessary to kill the larvae that the insects have laid in the house.
Therefore, to eliminate them it is necessary:
- Use insecticidal powders. It is this consistency of the poisonous substance that can not be absorbed into the wood for a long time, and not lose effectiveness until the delayed larvae hatch.
- After you have applied the powder killer, do not seal the passages and exits of the hive.
The hatched larvae will make new holes in search of a way out, where they can escape the strong insecticide.
After all the carpenter bees and wasp larvae have left the nest, or have been destroyed, close the insect passages.
By following all the measures to get rid of wasps, and using prevention tips, you can effectively get rid of the invasion of such pests and protect your home from their destructive effects.
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The question of how to get rid of bees in the wall of a wooden house is relevant for owners of private estates and outbuildings made of wood. Despite the benefits of insects (pollination of plants, the destruction of flies and caterpillars), they cause a lot of inconvenience. Such a neighborhood threatens with bites, the development of an allergic reaction and nervous shock. In addition, buildings are more likely to collapse as the bees gnaw through wooden walls to lay eggs and make a home for their offspring.
The carpenter bee is a large insect, the proximity to which threatens to bite and destroy wooden buildings. In addition, it causes fear with its impressive size and loud buzzing
You can cope with bees in a wooden house on your own, using insecticides, folk remedies and mechanical methods. The article contains effective methods of pest control and preventive measures that will protect you from the neighborhood with insects.
What wood bees look like and why they are dangerous
Wood bee (carpenter) - a large wild insect with a dense rounded black body. The body of the pest is crowned with transparent wings with a purple tint, and long antennae are located on the head. The paws of insects are covered with many villi, which allows them to carry a maximum of pollen at a time. Female carpenters possess a sharp stinger that they use as a defense.
Insects got their name because of the habit of settling in wooden buildings (walls of houses, dachas, bathhouses), on balconies, under the roofs of brick houses or in tree trunks (less often found in the garden in the ground). Carpenters do not feed on wood, but gnaw through it in order to lay eggs and create comfortable conditions for offspring. Insects multiply quickly, therefore they constantly expand the expanses of their abode, gnawing out new moves and increasing the voids in the tree.
Carpenters build a dwelling in dry tree trunks, walls of wooden buildings and fences
Bees that have settled in the neighborhood cause inconvenience and danger. The main risk is the carpenter's bite, which is not only painful, but also poisonous. In healthy people, swelling, redness, itching and discomfort appear at the sting site. In addition, during a bite, poison enters the human body, which has a depressing effect on the nervous system and causes shock. And in the presence of an allergic reaction, such a phenomenon can cause anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and lead to very sad consequences.
Carpenter bees are predominantly solitary insects, which makes it difficult to exterminate them. For the complete destruction of insects in a house or in a summer cottage, one should find and destroy their habitat, as well as kill the queen to avoid re-growth of the population.
Bees are also dangerous because of their behavior, which is provided by nature. By landscaping housing, such neighbors damage wooden floors and walls. This leads to the appearance of voids into which spores of the fungus fall, which in the future can lead to the destruction of the structure. In addition, in the passages laid by carpenters, grinder beetles can settle, which are no less dangerous for buildings.
Carpenter bees are quite impressive in size, black body covered with small fluff, and purple wings
Popular methods of dealing with tree bees
You can get rid of tree bees in the wall of the house yourself, using pesticides, available home or folk remedies. During the operation, it is important to observe safety measures, and in the case of the use of insecticides, strictly follow the instructions. In the article, we have collected the most effective methods of struggle that will help get rid of bees that have settled in the walls of a wooden house or on a plot.
When starting to exterminate pests, follow these simple tips:
- wear a protective suit, gloves and helmet;
- do not start work while intoxicated;
- do not smoke near insect habitats;
- do not use strongly scented perfumes;
- Avoid self-killing insects if you are allergic to bee stings.
When you go hunting for bees, wear a special protective suit or thick clothing. This will reduce the risk of being stung and protect against pest poison
Pesticides and insecticides
For the rapid destruction of adults and larvae, chemical compositions are used - pesticides and insecticides. Preferably, carbaryl or boric acid is used. The procedure for use is simple: dissolve a small amount of powder in water and treat the place where insects accumulate with the resulting mixture, or pour it into an earthen hive. When working with toxic compounds, observe safety measures: put on a respirator and a protective suit, avoid getting poison on the skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory organs.
Do not use insecticides that are not intended for bees. This will only increase the aggressiveness of the pests, and the evil swarm will actively attack people and animals.
Loud noise
Vibration and loud sounds are not acceptable for bees. To expel insects, place large speakers as close to the walls of the house as possible and turn up the music at maximum volume. You can also connect a special device that creates vibration. This will force the insects to get out of the nest and leave it for good.
Loud music and vibrations that pests can't stand will help get rid of carpenters in the walls of houses. Pour liquid directly into the habitat of pests and it will destroy insects. When working with gasoline or diesel fuel, take precautions to prevent fire. In addition to fire safety measures, take care of personal protection.
Carburetor Cleaner
Carburetor liquid will help to destroy the bees in the walls of a wooden house. To carry out disinfestation, simply spray the composition from a can in the habitat of insects. An unpleasant smell will scare away pests and deprive them of the desire to return again.
After the extermination of adults, take care of their offspring. To destroy the larvae in the cracks and passages of the bee dwelling, pour the insecticide in the form of a powder (the liquid will quickly be absorbed into the tree and the effect of it will be much lower), and in the autumn seal all the holes.
Traps for bees
Home-made traps installed on the sunny side will help lure insects out of the nest and remove them from the site or walls of the house. The order in which they are made is:
- Build a small frame out of wood with small holes around the perimeter.
- At the bottom of the trap, attach a regular plastic bottle filled with a mild soap solution (water and dish detergent).
- The scent of the wood will attract carpenters, and if they enter the wooden box, they will fall into a soapy solution from which they cannot escape.
A trap with bait will help to breed wild bees and get rid of single neighbors. This method has a number of advantages: safety, environmental friendliness, the possibility of making it yourself from improvised materials
Prevention of the appearance of bees
After expelling wasps or bees from the walls of your house, take care of preventive measures:
- cover the wooden part of the house with protective agents or paint;
- Spread citrus peel next to the former bee nest;
- treat wood with almond oil;
- seal the gaps with mounting foam, mineral wool or steel wool;
- plant plants around the house that repel insects - wormwood, lavender, mint, basil, calendula.
Sagebrush can help protect your yard or home from pests - plant it in your front garden, place dry twigs in your attic, or treat the wood with essential oil
. It is better to do this in early spring, when the insect population is low. To fight, use folk methods and chemicals, and after the complete extermination of pests, take the recommended preventive measures.
The process of fighting bees has its own subtleties and peculiarities. In order to competently and effectively carry out the extermination of insects, watch the video:
About the author:
Marina Nabilskaya
A young mother, wife and part-time freelancer. Being a lawyer by education, she is used to collecting and providing the most complete and reliable information.