Very fragrant roses
The 10 Most Fragrant Roses Compiled Here
Who doesn't love pleasurably fragrant roses? As beautiful as roses are, one of their best characteristics is having a really enjoyable smell, which attracts us even more to their relentless beauty. We've built a special list containing the 10 most fragrant roses that'll have you inhaling nothing but fascinating scents.
You're going to want to get them all, trust us. The 10 most fragrant roses are Rose Prince Jardinier, Rose Yves Piaget, Rose Vitality, Rose Princess Charlene Of Monaco, Rose Keira, Rose Patience, Rose Cafe Latte, Rose Peony Pink, Rose Free Spirit, and Rose English Miss. Let's get this fragrant rose party started!
1. Rose Prince Jardinier
Rose Prince Jardinier is a member of the Meilland brand, which breeds and includes some of the most unique fragrance roses in the entire world. Rose Prince Jardinier is one of the 10 most fragrant roses, featuring a very pale pink rose with a very romantic aroma that blooms so spectacularly that can probably even grow to be larger than your fist.
Photo: Rosas Del Corazon
You will be poking your nose in the center pollen for days since the smooth, swirling petals open wide enough to reveal the fragrant smell. To know more about it read the article: 'The Perfectly Pink Prince Jardinier Rose'.
2. Rose Yves Piaget
Once you see Rose Yves Piaget, you'll never forget about it. This is a stunning dark pink rose with an average of 80 layers of petals and a beautifully powerful scent with a tinge of bright citrus, making it one of the 10 most fragrant ones out there. Similar to a huge scoop of strawberry ice cream, Yves Piaget's ruffled petals are a combination of dark and vivid to very light tones of pink and are very difficult to resist.
Photo: Star Roses and Plants
3. Rose Vitality
Rose Vitality is a lovely buttery-white rose that softly unfolds into a spiraling rosette. This garden rose is kept beautifully on sturdy stems and has a potent fruity fragrance, therefore listed as one of the most fragrant roses of all time.
Photo: Parfum Flower Company
For traditional hand-tied bouquets, Rose Vitality can be used alone, but it also blends wonderfully with other bridal roses.
4. Rose Princess Charlene de Monaco
This rose's aroma and color are enough to make you swoon. Rose Princess Charlene Of Monaco has apricot to shell pink ruffled petals and a luxurious, sweet fragrance that is totally deserving of the title of princess, making it into the top 10 fragrant roses.
Photo: Rosarium Lottum
This rose provides a fantastic choice for cut flowers due to its repeat blooming pattern. Large, gorgeously colored blooms are nicely framed by glossy, dark green foliage. If you're curious to know why this rose not only draws attention with its beauty but also with its incredible disease resistance and rain tolerance, read: 'The Enticing Rose Princess Charlene of Monaco'.
5. Rose Keira
Rose Keira makes part of the David Austin Wedding & Event Roses collection and features tones of marshmallow and blush making her sassy and gloriously unpredictable in terms of color. The scent of this rose is a medium-strong combination of myrrh, almond, marzipan, and vanilla.
Photo: David Austin Roses
Rose Keira is the most lovely shade of pink with an eclectic, modern edge and cupped blooms in every delicate pink hue, from raspberry ripple to clotted cream.
6. Rose Patience
Many brides have fallen in love with David Austin's Rose Patience because it is timeless and genuinely gorgeous. Her elegance and simplicity are ideal for any stylish occasion, plus has a very pleasant scent. Patience has a casual charm that lies in its creamy-colored center with a faint trace of buttery yellow revealed when charming milky buds ruffle out into ivory sculpted cups of delicate, lace-like petals.
Photo: Garden Roses Direct
7. Rose Cafe Latte
Any vanilla fans around? Although the Rose Cafe Latte features a dark beige, more caramel color, the scent points all the way to vanilla. This is a really remarkable rose with a distinct ethereal color and a strong vanilla aroma when it first blooms.
The odd vintage antique petals that make up the Rose Cafe Latte are legendary. Learn more about this stunning rose in the article: 'Café Latte Roses Will Quench Your Thirst'.
8. Rose Peony Pink
There is nothing else like the beautiful Rose Peony Pink which is a stunning garden rose to have at home. Considered one of the top 10 most fragrant roses, this beauty also blossoms so perfectly that it resembles a peony and has the most romantic fruity aroma with notes of lemon and almond. You can read more about it in the article: 'The High-risk, High-reward Heavenly Scented Rose Peony Pink'.
Photo: Parfum Flower Company
The bloom form of the flowers is medium and cupped. When fully opened, its delicate shell-pink petals resemble a peony.
9. Rose Free Spirit
Rose Free Spirit resembles an old rose found in the parks and gardens of European nobility, attracting a big crowd to it not only for its beauty but for its fragrant smell. Its exceedingly uncommon combination of red, yellow, pink, peach, and fuchsia tones cheers and uplifts. If you want to know why it's considered among the top 10 most fragrant roses, you'll have to buy it to see what we're talking about!
Photo: La Bella Rosa Flowers
10. Rose English Miss
Rose English Miss is a small-sized spray rose that is embellished with double-shaped, camellia-like flowers and has a rich, sweet scent with a spicy undertone. The blooms are typically carried in big clusters in the traditional floribunda fashion. The color of Rose English Miss is a delicate light pink, frequently with deeper pink margins.
Photo: C. Gregory Roses
As we love to say, stop and smell the roses, you'll thank us later!
10 scented varieties for a garden |
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Fragrant roses are well known for their captivating scents, and one of the greatest pleasures of gardening has to include strolling between these beautiful, blousy blooms, breathing in the delicious perfumes.
Scent adds another dimension to your garden and is an increasingly sought after quality in roses, so is one of the elements to consider when planning your rose garden ideas.
Fragrant climbing roses can scramble over an arbour or pergola; potted roses placed on a patio next to a seating area, and shrub or tree roses planted near a window or next to a path to perfume the air.
Fragrant roses to plant
As well as their gorgeous range of flowers forms, ‘roses are enormously variable in fragrance, so it’s good to try and include all different types of fragrant roses in your garden,’ advises world leading rosarian Michael Marriott .
When you are considering how to plant roses, a key decision is the position of your sweet smelling choices.
‘Plant fragrant roses where you can best enjoy their scent, such as beside a path, next to a seating area, and at nose level,’ says garden designer Jo Thompson .
1. Fragrant rose 'Desdemona'
(Image credit: Alamy / Deborah Vernon)
Rosa 'Desdemona' has a terrific Old Rose fragrance, described as having hints of almond blossom, cucumber and lemon zest.
The bushy shrub rose has beautiful pale, pink-hued blooms and is a favorite of garden designer Richard Miers .
'Fragrance is always something I look for when choosing roses for my clients,' Richard says.
To enjoy more of the fragrant rose blooms around your front or back yard in the most cost-effective ways, learn how to take rose cuttings and nurture young rose plants.
2. Rosa ‘Zéphirine Drouhin’
(Image credit: Alamy / R Kautzsky)
'Dark pink flowered Rosa ‘Zephirine Drouhin’ Is one of the best climbing roses. It is free flowering and thornless, with an extremely strong fruity fragrance with hints of raspberry,’ says garden designer David Stevens .
'Most people want any plant to provide interest over as long a period as possible and fragrant roses such as climbers, floribundas and Hybrid Teas can flower from as early as May, right the way through to Christmas, albeit with less flower towards the end,' adds David.
Climbing roses usually repeat flower throughout the season, and it is important to know how to prune climbing roses to get a profusion of the best flowers, year after year.
Climbing fragrant roses can be trained to scramble up and over arbours or pergola ideas to surround you with the fragrance on all levels.
3. Rosa ‘Margaret Merril’
(Image credit: Alamy )
Rosa ‘Margaret Merril’ is a quintessential floribunda with an award-winning, sweet, citrus perfume. It is a favorite of Rosebie Morton of scented flower bouquet supplier The Real Flower Company , who described it as being 'my raison d’etre behind my career'.
This upright shrub rose with clusters of flowers is an ideal choice for borders, especially placed close to a pathway as a shrub for the front of the house to welcome visitors with its sweet fragrance.
Rosebie is passionate about restoring the growing of exquisitely fragrant roses and flowers, just as nature intended, and uses sustainable garden ideas, which in turn help to improve and enhance the natural scent of the blooms.
4. Rosa ‘New Dawn’
(Image credit: Alamy/ Jason Smalley)
A climbing rose with a sweet, fruity scent and glossy foliage, fragrant rose ‘New Dawn’ produces lots of medium sized, soft pink blooms.
‘I plant this for height, fragrance and its long flowering period,’ says designer Jo Thompson.
She recommends designing a rose garden so that you are enveloped by the blooms around and overhead.
5. Rosa ‘Munstead Wood’
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
'Rosa ‘Munstead Wood’ bears sumptuous, very deep crimson velvety petals,’ says David Marriott.
It has an Old Rose fragrance with notes of blackberry, blueberry and damson. It is perfect for growing at the front of a border where its perfume can be better appreciated, or in more of a formal rose bed.
6. Rosa ‘Lady of Shalott’
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
With a pleasant, warm tea fragrance, with hints of spiced apple and cloves, 'Rosa ‘Lady of Shalott’ was bred by David Austin.
'The shrub rose has lovely deep orange blooms flushed with yellowy-pink that repeat-flower. It is a hardy and reliable fragrant rose, so is a great choice for beginners,' explains gardening writer and photographer Leigh Clapp.
As with all roses, know when to plant roses, and where to plant them, to ensure they have the right growing conditions to deliver the best results.
7. Rosa ‘Rambling Rector’
'For a vigorous rambling rose, you will find white Rosa Rambling Rector, with its powerful, musky scent, hard to beat,’ says David Stevens.
'As opposed to repeat flowering climbers, fragrant rambling roses tend to produce a spectacular but single flowering time,' he adds.
However 'there are some modern rambling roses that work beautifully in a naturalistic planting design, and will repeat flower through the summer months and into fall,' advises garden designer Colm Joseph .
8. Rosa 'Evelyn'
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Beautiful David Austin shrub rose ‘Evelyn’ has shallow cupped flowers flushed soft apricot and pink with a rich, fruity scent. It is a recommended variety to grow in Zone 7 by US rose consultant Paul Zimmerman .
'Rest assured this one is very fragrant,' he explains.
As with mixing plants generally, 'be careful with mixing roses. They should be chosen in relation to the space they occupy, and the surroundings,' explains David Stevens.
There will be some varieties of fragrant roses that do better in different climates, so check the ones recommended for the zone in which you live, or the position they will have in your yard.
9. Rosa ‘Bella Rosa'
(Image credit: Alamy)
Rosa 'Bella Rosa' is a patio rose with multi-toned lemon petals suffused with pink edges and a delightful fragrance, ideal for a compact design,’ says David Stevens
As a patio idea, smaller shrub roses are ideal for planting in containers around a seating area where their beautiful scent can be enjoyed to the full.
Choose hardy varieties such as this one that will require less maintenance.
10. Rosa ‘Paul’s Himalayan musk’
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Fragrant rose 'Paul’s Himalayan musk' has beautiful, little, rosette-shaped flowers that are a lovely pale pink colour and have a wonderfully strong, musky fragrance.
'Although it is only once flowering, its blooms are borne in great abundance, making a magnificent display. An exceptionally tall, vigorous climber, it produces many long, slim, flexible branches which trail gracefully, hanging down elegantly from their support,' explains Leigh Clapp, so is a great choice as a flowering climber.
Which roses are most fragrant?
Old garden roses, also known as antique and historic roses, which mostly flower once, tend to be the most richly fragrant roses. The classic perfume is found in gallica roses and their hybrids, such as damasks, while clove scents are found in musk roses.
Modern roses are repeat-flowering, with diversity of form, color and fragrance, with some being more scented than others. These include hybrid teas, floribundas, climbers, miniature and David Austin English roses.
Versatile shrub and tree roses can take the combined characteristics of the old and modern, so can be very fragrant.
Wild roses are considered the wildflower type of rose. Wild Roses, or 'species roses,' typically have a single bloom and can have a wonderful scent, as nature intended, to attract pollinators and wildlife.
'While repeat-flowering roses will probably be the basis of your rose garden, include ones that flower only once as they are often the most showy, tend to be healthier and many are beautifully scented,' advises Leigh Clapp.
Which color roses are the most fragrant?
While darker colored fragrant roses tend to have a more powerful fragrance than lighter colored varieties, each rose and color will have its own unique scent that will appeal for different reasons.
Red and pink roses can have a more classic old rose smell, while paler yellow and white roses tend to boast a lighter, more citrus perfume, or orange roses a fruitier scent.
Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, 'people react to fragrance differently and while the perfume of one rose might be attractive to some, it might not be to others, particularly if it's very heavily scented,' advises David Stevens.
He recommends to visit to an established rose garden to see and smell different varieties. Or bury your nose in fragrant rose plants at nurseries and garden centers before buying to see if you like the specific scent.
Rachel is senior content editor, and writes and commissions gardening content for, Homes & Gardens magazine, and its sister titles Period Living Magazine and Country Homes & Interiors. She has written for lifestyle magazines for many years, with a particular focus on gardening, historic houses and arts and crafts, but started out her journalism career in BBC radio, where she enjoyed reporting on and writing programme scripts for all manner of stories. Rachel then moved into regional lifestyle magazines, where the topics she wrote about, and people she interviewed, were as varied and eclectic as they were on radio. Always harboring a passion for homes and gardens, she jumped at the opportunity to work on The English Home and The English Garden magazines for a number of years, before joining the Period Living team, then the wider Homes & Gardens team, specializing in gardens.
The most fragrant varieties of D. Austin roses
English rose `Boscobel` ®
Aroma: myrrh with hints of hawthorn, elderberry, pear and almond.
Flowers: red buds open at first into beautiful calyxes, which then bloom into classic salmon-pink rosettes. Flower diameter 8-10 cm.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
English rose `Desdemona` ®
Aroma: Intense old rose aroma with hints of almond, cucumber and lemon zest.
Flowers: peach-pink buds open into beautiful white cupped buds with a pinkish tinge. Flower diameter 8-10cm.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
English rose `Emily Bronte` ®
Aroma: hybrid tea roses with hints of lemon and grapefruit.
Flowers: rosette-shaped, 8-10 cm in diameter, pink with apricot hues.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
English Rose `Golden Celebration` ®
Aroma: tea roses with a fruity character thanks to notes of lemon, strawberry and lychee (Chinese plum).
Flowers: Large, 10-12 cm in diameter, golden yellow globular flowers.
Bush height: 120-140 cm.
Flowers: Large, dome-shaped flowers 12-14 cm in diameter, deep salmon pink, with a golden hue on the back of the petals.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
English rose `Lady Emma Hamilton` ®
Aroma: Fruity, with notes of pear, grapes and citrus.
Flowers: open, almost tangerine color on the inside of the petals, and more yellow on the outside. Flower diameter 10-12 cm.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
Flowers: light crimson in bud, but when open they become very dark, velvety burgundy, while the outer petals remain quite light. Flower diameter 8-10 cm.
Bush height: 100-120 cm. currants.
Flowers: cup-shaped, 10-12 cm in diameter, warm, luminous pink, surrounded by a circle of lighter outer petals.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
English rose `Teasing Georgia` ®
Aroma: sweet, fruity.
Flowers: creamy white at the edges and golden yellow in the center, densely double, cupped, quartered, 8-10 cm in diameter.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
English rose `The Ancient Mariner` ®
Fragrance: Intense myrrh fragrance.
Flowers: cup-shaped with many petals of intense luminous pink in the center, which fades towards the edges of the petals. Flower diameter 10-12 cm.
Bush height: 100-120 cm. stronger.
Flowers: large, 10-12 cm in diameter, deep yellow color that does not fade, with slightly lighter petals at the edges.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
Rose English `Vanessa Bell`®
Aroma: Green Tea with limon shades
9000 9000
9000 9000 9000 Flowers: 8-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 cm in diameter, delicate lemon color in the center and almost white on the edge.
Bush height: 100-120 cm.
All varieties of English roses >>
This variety is unique among English roses in that both of its parents are modern varieties. The flowers of Abraham Darby are classically shaped as an old rose, cup-shaped, copper-apricot color in the center, the petals become more pronounced towards the edge of the flower . | |
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Augusta-Louise blooms very unusually, the flowers are huge, nostalgic in shape, iridescent flowers. The color, depending on the weather, has shades of rose wine, champagne and peach. Good for cutting. (TAN) See full variety | |
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This rose has gigantic, globular flowers on elegantly drooping branches. The color is copper yellow, unusual for English roses. If you take a closer look at the petals, you can see that the effect is created by many small pink dots on a deep yellow . | |
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Vigorous shiny foliage with dark foliage. The flowers are rich orange, very fragrant, densely doubled in the old style. Very profuse re-flowering. The flowers are very good for cutting. Suitable for planting in arrays in flowerbeds on the rear ... Watch the variety completely | |
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The popularity of this branchy Klaimber was constantly being presented in 1977. Rosarium Uetersen flowers were now on the time. recognized, and the variety is grown . |