Tv in your bedroom
18 Good Reasons to Get the TV Out of Your Bedroom
Before we made the decision to intentionally live with less, we were just a typical family of four living in the suburbs. But since finding a rational approach to minimalism, our lives have changed in countless ways – some big, some small.
One change that seemed small at the time actually had a profound impact on the quality of our lives, marriage, and family. We removed the television from our bedroom. At first, it was just a 30-day experiment. But given the overwhelming benefits that accompanied its removal, it is a change we look back on with great fondness.
Consider the benefits:
1. More/Better sleep. The same statistics that tell us Americans watch over 35 hours of television/week are the same statistics that make it clear the lure of the screen is just too strong to turn off. No one sets out to spend 5 hours/day watching television. The temptation is too great… especially when we are tired. Not only does television in the bedroom keep us up later at night, but there are also studies that indicate watching television before bed actually disrupts sleep cycles. Removing the television from your bedroom results in more sleep and better sleep… which means you’ll have a better rested, more productive day.
2. What you think about last matters. The evening provides valuable opportunity to meditate, evaluate, and assess your day. This examination leads to learning from our mistakes and growing as humans. Unfortunately, many people will sacrifice this opportunity for the sake of entertainment.
3. What you think about first matters. Every morning begins with a clean slate and brand new opportunities. Allowing your television to guide your morning thoughts takes that blank canvas and begins painting. We would be wise to choose carefully who/what directs our morning thoughts rather than blindly allowing television producers to do it for us. After all, it sets the stage for the rest of the day.
4. Example for your kids. Children with televisions in their bedrooms score lower on school tests and are more likely to have sleep problems. Also, having a television in the bedroom is strongly associated with being overweight and a higher risk for smoking. And that’s a pretty strong argument to remove theirs and yours.
5. More conversation. As a married couple, some of your most important, intimate conversations will take place in your bedroom during the waning hours of the day… unless of course, the television is on instead.
6. More/Better sex. Couples who keep a TV in the bedroom have sex half as often as those who don’t. Probably because there are over a million things more stimulating than a man watching ESPN SportsCenter. And if you ask me, that should be reason enough…
7. Less clutter. Your television takes up space (even when hidden). And I haven’t met anybody who actually enjoys more clutter in their homes.
8. Less advertisements at your weakest. Studies reveal what we already know to be true: Consumers are more susceptible to advertisements when they are tired. Depletion leads us to feel as if we’ve been more thorough and thoughtful in our processing and therefore, we become more certain in our attitudes.
9. Realistic expectations on your marriage. In almost all regards, television rarely depicts the world and life accurately. As a result, too much television results in disillusionment about what to expect from the world around us. This can be most detrimental to our relationships when the unrealistic expectations are applied to our marriage, family, love, romance, and sexuality.
10. Rooms serve purposes. Kitchens are for cooking… Dining Rooms are for eating… Toy Rooms are for playing… Offices are for working… Rooms serve purposes. The better we define those rooms and their purposes, the more productive they become. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex by taking work materials, computers, and televisions out of the sleeping environment.
11. Televisions attract dust. All electronics attract and trap dust… something about static electricity. While I don’t understand the physics, I see the result. And isn’t there enough dust already in your bedroom… why would you want to attract more?
12. Get ready faster. Having the television on while getting ready in the morning adds extra time to the process. And who wants to spend more time getting ready?
13. More reading. Light reading in the evening helps many fall asleep faster. But even if it doesn’t help you sleep, the benefits of reading still far outweigh the benefits of television. Removing the television from your bedroom will almost always encourage more reading in your life.
14. Going to sleep together. While some couples have successfully navigated the television schedule and actually go to sleep together (We watch the King of Queens every night and then fall asleep), we never could. Perhaps we’re less disciplined… but more likely, she liked watching TLC far more than I did. Removing the television helps foster intimacy by not just going to bed at the same time, but by falling asleep at the same time as well.
15. Less electricity/energy use. Household electronics continue to use energy and electricity even when powered off. It’s called standby-power and it amounts to 5-10% of your total electricity bill. One less television means one less financial drain on your checkbook.
16. Your attention is far too valuable. There are very important people in your life who need your attention every single day. Removing the television from your bedroom will help you give it to the people who need it the most.
17. Masking problems in your marriage. When two imperfect people come together to form an intimate union that shares everything, there are bound to be some problems along the way. Successful couples notice them, discuss them, and find compromise that makes both sides better. Unsuccessful couples don’t. Our marriages require us to be intentional and thoughtful. And that rarely happens when the television is on.
18. Watch less television. Inherent in each of these reasons above is the reality that removing the television from your bedroom means that you will watch less television. And there are all sorts of good reasons for that: 11 Reasons to Ditch Your Television, 10 Reasons to Watch Less Television, 4 Simple Reasons to Sell Your TV.
If words on a page aren’t quite enough for you or your partner, commit to try it out as a 30 day experimentation. Unplugging the television and moving it into a different room will take less than 3 minutes. There is an end in sight. You’ve got nothing to lose. And maybe, just maybe, a whole lot to gain.
Again, I’m not saying you have to remove the television from your bedroom. I’m just saying your life will be better if you do.
Should Couples Have a TV In the Bedroom?
Much of our day-to-day lives involve some sort of screen. From making grocery lists on apps to scheduling appointments, communicating through texts, and punching in directions to our next destinations, we've come to rely on technology. Before smartphones and tablets competed for screen time, TV was a major source of entertainment and news. So as we spend our free time binging classics on Netflix or scrolling for documentaries, opinions are divided on the role of television in the bedroom.
Does having a TV in the bedroom help relationships or hurt them? How it affects your sleep may be a better question, and it can be a polarizing topic to bring up at home. To decide for ourselves, we'll look at the pros and cons of bringing our favorite shows to bed.
Below, keep reading to learn what Michael Phillips Moskowitz, CEO of behavioral health company AeBeZe Labs; psychology professor Gwendolyn Seidman, Ph.D.; screen time and brain development expert Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D.; clinical psychologist and sleep disorder specialist Michael J. Breus, Ph.D.; sleep specialist Dennis Rosen, M.D.; and real couples have to say about having a television in the bedroom.
TVs may get a bad rap, especially in the bedroom, but they're capable of making positive contributions, too. Here are three pros a television can bring to your nighttime routine.
Watching TV in Bed Can Be Relaxing
Some experts believe watching shows we enjoy can help us wind down and de-stress. "Not all content is toxic. Certain types of music, film, television, and digital media can deliver measurable psychological benefits," says Moskowitz. Because watching television is a passive activity that doesn't require us to be actively engaged—like when we're playing video games, online shopping, or scrolling through Instagram—our brains are more relaxed than with other forms of entertainment. What we watch may be more important to focus on: Moods can slip or rise depending on the shows or movies we choose, which is something to consider when debating over which show to put on with your partner.
Watching TV as a Bonding Tool
Sharing a common experience, like watching a show your partner enjoys, can strengthen the connection between couples. Just like sharing friends, enjoying the same movies is a form of social bonding. "Sharing more media with one’s partner [can create] greater feelings of closeness and commitment," says Seidman. Referencing the results of a study, Seidman notes that it's especially important for couples with separate social circles. "A lack of shared friends prompted partners to compensate [by] wanting to plop down on the couch and watch TV together." It's important to keep in mind that while these benefits do hold true, they can be just as present in joint TV consumption outside the bedroom.
If you enjoy watching shows with your partner in the bedroom, try turning off screens an hour before bed to wind down for sleep and counteract any of its adverse effects.
One couple views television as a treat to enjoy at the end of the day. For them, it’s not about whether the television is in the bedroom but rather who chooses the main feature. "There is no dispute. My love for television and film transcends her interest in watching any show,” says Gabriel, 27. “The one with better taste in television wins; the other simply has to watch on their laptop or join along on my TV adventure.”
It's Probably Better Than Scrolling on Your Cell Phone
While it's still better to have no screen time before bed, watching TV might be less harmful to sleep than using smartphones or computers. Scrolling on your phone can actually change your overall sleep structure. A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that severe sleep problems correlated to those with the highest levels of interactive screen time.
Referencing the poll, Dunckley notes that being actively engaged in entertainment was more harmful to sleep than watching television. "Researchers evaluated sleep impairment factors in adolescents and adults (of all ages) and found that interactive screen time was a much stronger risk factor than use of passive media, such as television. " Social media enthusiasts, take note: It's time to put down your phone before bed.
As appealing as it may be to think there is no significant downside to watching television at bedtime, the best way to make the right decision is to have all the facts. Here are two cons to having a TV in the bedroom.
Screens in Bed May Keep You Up at Night
Sacha, 35, considers her home a television-free zone. “My room has been designed specifically for sleep, so having a television would disrupt the Zen."
Does binge-watching our favorite shows really disrupt our sleep? Breus notes a study that suggests the answer is yes. "Researchers found sleep disturbances from binge-watching were a result of mental stimulation. … Back-to-back episodes of your current favorite show may feel like a relaxing escape at the end of the day, but it’s actually getting your brain fired up, not helping it wind down." The study also linked binge-watching before bed to insomnia, fatigue, and poor sleep quality.
A Barrier to Intimacy, Less Sex
It might seem like a strange question, but can television can impact our sex lives? Referencing the National Sleep Foundation poll, Rosen says it can. "My first instinct [was] that perhaps people don't realize watching an extra hour of TV can lead to their sex lives being adversely affected. TV or sex: The choice seems pretty straightforward. If people knew cutting back on television could improve their sex lives, they'd be shutting their TVs off in no time," Rosen says. On the contrary, Rosen learned that almost half of British men were prepared to give up sex for six months for a new 50-inch plasma screen TV.
TV or sex: The choice seems pretty straightforward.
Newlyweds Cory, 29, and Raleigh, 24, started out with different television policies. “My husband grew up with a TV in his bedroom,” says Raleigh. "He literally fell asleep to it every night. My mom told me that if I were to get married, I should never have a TV near the bedroom. Now my husband agrees; a TV should never be in your bedroom if you want to have regular sex.”
Meghan, 27, and her partner don’t bother with a TV, but like many of us, they struggle with screen addictions. “Instead of reading books or magazines before bed, we read our phones and tablets. We tried instituting a ‘no-phone zone’ policy—our bed was off-limits for our devices. It only lasted a day or so.”
Instead of giving up, Meghan and her partner try to implement a "50-minute rule”: They don’t look at their phones for 50 minutes before bed. “It's hard, and we often fail, but I think making the effort shows that we both want to improve our relations by taking screens out of the equation as [much as] possible.”
If a full hour of screen-free time before bed seems like an impossible ask, starting with an increment as small as 30 minutes and building upward from there (if possible) can have positive effects compared to none at all.
Tips for a Good Night's Rest
The National Sleep Foundation outlines a number of tips for good sleep hygiene, including sticking to a nightly sleep schedule, and avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and heavy meals at night. They also point out that it's important to work with your body's natural circadian rhythm—those beloved blackout curtains can help block light that might otherwise interfere with your sleep patterns. The sleep experts at the National Sleep Foundation also recommend practicing a consistent bedtime ritual and finding the right mattress to ensure a good night's sleep.
All in all, if you're still pro-TV in the bedroom, you don't have to choose sleep over your favorite shows. Just be sure to listen to your body—and when it tells you it needs rest, make some changes in your routine that promote healthy sleep.
Registry & Gifts
Children who have a TV set in their bedroom have problems with being overweight
Komsomolskaya Pravda
HealthNews of medicineHealth: Lose weight!
Zakhar RADOV
March 6, 2014 8:12
It doesn't really matter how much time they spend watching TV televisions are undesirable for the first, say American scientists. They found that children from 10 to 14 years old, in whose room there is a TV, weigh on average half a kilogram more than their peers without TVs. The body mass index (BMI), the most common criterion for checking weight, has steadily increased over time. It is interesting that both those who spend hours watching TV and those who watch it a little gain weight. It is possible that the fatness is due to TV-induced sleep problems and food advertisements, many of which are specifically aimed at children. nine0004
Researchers at the Geisel School of Medicine in Dartmouth, New Hampshire analyzed the results of a telephone survey of 6,522 boys and girls aged 10 to 14, begun in 2003. Approximately 60% of survey participants had televisions in their rooms. The weight of the survey participants was recorded at the beginning of the survey and after two and four years. Those who had televisions weighed an average of 0.5 kilograms more. Two years later, BMI, writes the Daily Mail with reference to the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics, they increased by half a point, and after four - by 0. 75. nine0004
The authors of the study propose to combat child obesity, which has become an epidemic in the United States and threatens the health of the nation, to remove televisions and computers from children's rooms.
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Buying an LG TV, you can be left without a TV and without money (for a while) - Reception on
A story about LG's service policy in Russia and possibly how LG manipulates the defective statistics of manufactured products.
134 553 views
Choosing a TV in our time, unfortunately, has become a fairly non-trivial task. If earlier the plus or minus choice was reduced to the choice of the diagonal and the available budget, now to select a high-quality copy you need to know the backlight technology, the type of screen matrix, the refresh rate and other technical terms. At least if you want the purchased TV to please you with image quality and reliability. nine0004
There are several leaders in the TV market, including Samsung and LG. They are also leaders in the manufacture of matrices (displays) for other manufacturers. For example, this iPhone 11 Pro of yours uses a display made by Samsung. And Sony TVs also use a matrix manufactured by Samsung, and Sony OLED TVs use a matrix manufactured by LG. As the saying goes, live and learn.
But as it happens in other technological areas, our Chinese friends have long had their eyes on the TV market, creating great competition for the Korean giants. nine0004
On the one hand, you can buy a huge 4K TV from Xiaomi for literally $400-500 (let it be of mediocre quality, forgive me fans of this brand), but the Korean brands mentioned above are forced to follow the path of cheaper production, which inevitably leads to a deterioration in the quality of manufactured products. And apparently, I became one of the “victims” of these technological wars.
Last fall, after finishing the renovation in the bedroom, I decided to buy a new, beautiful, modern TV to solemnly hang it on the wall and enjoy 4K content before going to bed. nine0004
Since Samsung was the main supplier of TVs for our family before, in principle, the choice of a manufacturer was not particularly important. Based on the required characteristics, a certain TV model of this manufacturer was chosen, but after some time the “wow effect” from viewing 4K content passed, and the image quality somehow did not please the eye.
After digging in detail about this TV, I understood why it happened, so it was decided to merge this TV through Avito and more carefully approach the choice of another model. nine0004
To be honest, just a couple of years ago I would not have looked at LG products, as my experience and the experience of my friends was quite negative from using LG equipment.
But, apparently, someone in the leadership of LG realized that "it's impossible to live on like this" and it seems that LG began to produce good products. In general, it has become almost impossible to ignore LG products, especially when it comes to choosing a TV.
Last year, a good budget LG TV was bought for the dacha, a washing machine a few months ago, and at the end of December, after a long torment of choice, a fairly expensive TV from LG was purchased. But by the looks of it, I relaxed early and LG hit back. nine0004
After a week of tormenting myself with setting up a freshly purchased TV, it became clear that something was wrong with the TV. This something was wrong in the fact that quite strong light of the matrix was found on the entire screen of the TV.
For the uninitiated in the secrets of manufacturing modern TVs, I explain. A modern TV is a kind of sandwich that includes LED backlighting, a matrix consisting of hundreds of small LEDs and some kind of super nano coating on the screen (in the case of the TV I chose). All this should lead to a clean and bright picture. But if the TV is assembled crookedly, then the LED-backlight starts to light up the image on the screen, which leads to poor-quality display of the picture on the TV. nine0004
Since this situation is definitely a manufacturing defect of the TV, it was decided to contact the LG hotline. Based on the results of communication with the hotline, an application was made for the visit of an ASC engineer to diagnose a TV at home.
I won't talk about the fact that the engineer was only able to come the third time, because the first engineer had a concussion, and the second just seemed to get sick. So, miraculously, the surviving third engineer still reached me, saw my wonderful TV and joyfully reported that he had not seen such lights for a long time. nine0004
Here I was delighted, because the burden of proving the presence of a defect in modern goods is still a quest, but judging by the fact that the engineer was immediately ready to issue a technical condition certificate confirming the declared defect, I became confident that this TV could be returned, More specifically, the place of purchase.
The ASC engineer suggested two options for resolving the issue:
- Issuance of an act of the technical condition of the goods, which will confirm the presence of the declared defect on the TV.
And on the basis of this act, if the TV was bought in a decent store, you can try to return or exchange my copy. nine0081
- The second option assumed a rather long quest, which consisted in the fact that a new matrix would be ordered, then it would be replaced. But since, according to the ASC engineer and based on similar cases, we are talking about a factory defect in the manufacture of the TV, replacing the matrix will not resolve the issue. But based on the service policy of LG, the certificate of non-repairability (hereinafter referred to as the NRP certificate) is issued only if the claimed defect is confirmed at least three times during the warranty period. nine0083
Statement of technical condition issued by the engineer of ASC LG
Here it is necessary to make a small note that, according to the RFPO, if we are talking about a technically complex product, then indeed, for the consumer to have the right to return the product, the claimed defect must be either unrepairable, including the impossibility of repairing the product within 45 days, or the claimed malfunction has repetitive character. I may be wrong about the accuracy of the wording, but the general meaning, I think, is clear. nine0004
Since I did not want to waste time and the TV set was purchased in a store with which I have been cooperating for quite a long time and I buy almost all the equipment from them, it was decided to follow the number one path.
Some time ago I took the TV to the place of purchase along with the act and handed it over to the warranty department. Since it was a weekend, the specialist of this department asked me to wait until a weekday so that the management would consider this issue and decide on the return of the TV. But a few days later I was disappointed, because the store refused to take the TV back. nine0004
According to a store representative, LG is quite strict about returning their products, so a return can only be approved if the LG CAS issues an RRP to the customer. Which, as we remember, only happens if the claimed defect is confirmed after three repair attempts.
And this is where the most interesting thing happens. It turns out that, based on the accepted service policy of LG in Russia, in order to obtain an NRP act, you need to call a representative of the ASC three times to diagnose the TV, try to fix the TV twice, and only after that you can get the desired act. Even if the TV has a factory defect and replacing components multiple times will not solve the problem. nine0004
I can assume that LG is “more profitable” to spend a lot of money trying to repair a defective copy than to increase the marriage statistics, because if there was no sex in the Soviet Union, then the marriage rate of a modern technological giant should tend to zero.
And if the Korean authorities are unlikely to give money to local managers for the money drained for warranty repairs of defective TVs, then for each confirmed defective TV, apparently, both the Kaluga plant and local management notably grabs from the corporation's management. nine0004
As a person who has worked for several years in another excellent Korean corporation, I can assume that this may well be in the style of such a company.
But there is certainly a disclaimer here that the above is a purely personal value judgment, but I can’t think of any other explanations for this situation and LG’s great unwillingness to recognize the factory manufacturing defect of the TV, even if this information is broadcast through the LG ASC and from a representative a store that sells tens of thousands of LG TVs a year and, accordingly, is one of the largest sellers of this brand of TVs in Russia. nine0004
Since I used to work in the consumer business, including in the direction of TVs, I talked with friends who are still working in this direction and they all confirmed the existence of such problems with the return of LG TVs back to the manufacturer and a rather tough attitude LG to its suppliers, which leads to conflict situations between these suppliers (stores) and their customers.
I agree that the situation described above could have happened due to an unfortunate combination of various circumstances for me. Perhaps this was all invented by the LG ASC and the store in order to "merge" me with the return of the TV, but the information about the LG service policy is confirmed by several sources and is similar to the situation that I got into when I purchased the LG TV. nine0004
I am quite scrupulous in my choice of equipment, but from time to time I still encounter defective goods one way or another. And never before has the return of such equipment been associated with such complex procedures.
For example, Logitech has a very simple technology exchange process. It is enough to completely disable a defective mouse or keyboard (in agreement with Logitech), send a photo with confirmation, and Logitech will promptly send a new copy. nine0004
Harman Kardon speakers whistled - took it to the ASC, waited 20 days for pro forma, because this manufacturer does not supply spare parts to Russia, respectively, the main thing is that the ASC recognizes the presence of a marriage and after a while you receive an act of NRP and return the goods to the store.