Starting a flower bed for beginners

How to start a flower garden for beginners! A step-by-step guide

When I first started gardening, I didn’t really know what I was doing.  I planted anything to make my yard look prettier (with no mulch, LOL). Needless to say, I learned rather quickly that there was a lot for me to learn about gardening. This post will show you exactly how to start a flower garden, even if you’re a beginner!

Fast forward six years, I LOVE gardening now!  Spring is my favorite time of year for the sole purpose of making my yard look clean, well-kept, and inviting by creating beautiful gardens

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How To Start A Flower Garden

Planning Your Flower Garden

Figure out exactly where you want your flower bed to go in your yard.  Keep in mind what kind of sunlight will hit the spot that you choose, and base your flower choices on this information.

I find it’s easiest to draw out exactly how I want my flower garden to look in my bullet journal!

Writing my garden ideas down in my bullet journal helps keep all of my ideas organized and together.  If this sounds like something that would work for you, make sure you read my Ultimate Bullet Journal Guide for Beginners!

You don’t have to know exactly what flowers you’ll put in your flower garden, but be sure to have a rough idea of what you’d like to plant or what flowers will thrive best in that area.  Do a bit of research before you head to the store.

What You’ll Need

If you’ve NEVER gardened before, you’ll need to get a few tools in order to start:

You’ll also need soil (more on this later), mulch, and of course flowers!

Setting A Budget For Your Garden

Creating a flower garden can become expensive quickly.  Set a realistic budget that you can stick to when planning your flower garden.

If you aren’t trying to spend a fortune on your new flower garden, make sure you read my blog post 10 tips for gardening on a budget!

Designing & Prepping Your Flower Garden

Now the fun part!  Once you’ve decided where your garden will go, start digging up any grass or weeds in that specific area.  This is when your tiller comes in handy.

Once all grass and weeds have been removed, use your tiller to dig up and loosen the soil.

When I start a new flower garden, I usually buy good garden soil from Home Depot or Lowe’s and mix the entire bag into the area that I’m going to plant in, so the soil usually ends up being 50% native soil and 50% nutrient-rich soil that will help keep my plants healthy.

After the soil has been tilled and you’ve spread out your garden soil, pick out your flowers!

My advice is to pick out perennials first (the plants that will come back year after year) and then pick out annuals (you will need to replant these each year.  I have had a few annuals randomly pop back up in my garden, but it’s rare!)

Keep in mind how much space each plant needs and follow the guides on the plant tags accordingly.

Before you put them in the ground, place them in the flower bed while they are still in their pots, so you can get an idea of how they will look next to one another when they are completely planted.

Planting Your Flower Garden

When you’re read to plant, start digging!

Dig a hole twice as deep as the container the plant came in.  When you put the plant in the ground, be sure to rip at the roots at the bottom of the plant a bit, so that it’s easier for the roots to take in the soil.   Cover the roots, and lightly press the plant into the ground.

A useful tip is to incorporate different heights of plants in your garden.

When I first started, all my plants looked really uniform and were all the same height. Adding various heights will give your garden dimension and will make your yard SUPER eye-catching!

If you’re looking to plant sunflowers like these, check out my post on how to grow sunflowers from seeds!

At the beginning of this post, I mentioned that my first garden didn’t have mulch and all of my soil washed away. 

I didn’t know how crucial mulch is for flowers!  Mulch helps to control moisture, protects soil from being washed away, and makes all of your hard work look neat and landscaped.

Flower Garden Maintenance

After you’re done planting all your flowers, make sure you take care of them according to their instructions on the flower tag that came with the container (if it helps, hang on to the tags until you know exactly how much water/sunlight/plant food each plant needs).

I highly recommend using plant food.

Make sure you follow the instructions on the package according to what kind of plants you are feeding! It’s possible to over-feed your new plants and accidentally kill or burn them.

Watering your new plants is important also!  But don’t OVER water them.  Sometimes it’s best to wait a few days in between watering (depending on the plant, of course).

There’s a ton of DIY tricks and tips out there for feeding and nourishing your garden. Some of them I’ve found to be helpful, others not so much. Gardening is a lot of trial and error. Thankfully, once you find what works for you, you’ll get so much better at it!

My shade garden from last year!  It came out so pretty, I was in love with it!

Comment below & let me know how your garden came out! What other tips have you found to be helpful when on how to start a flower garden? Comment below and let me know how your garden came out!

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How to Start a Flower Garden: 3 Steps for Beginners

Learn how to start a flower garden or make your existing flower beds burst with color and excitement By Linda Hagen; updated 9/3/20

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5 Tips for When You Create A New Flowerbed

Discover five considerations when planning a new flowerbed in your landscape.

Order best-selling flowers online from Proven Winners

If you’ve always dreamed of having a gorgeous flower garden, now is the time to make it happen. Starting a flower garden is both fun and rewarding. Follow these guidelines for beginners and you’ll be off to a great start.

Step 1 - Know Your Garden

Step 2 - Create Your Color Palette

Step 3 - Design Like a Pro

Bonus Flower Garden Tips

With seemingly endless design options, these tips will guide you in making the best choices when starting a flower garden, allowing you to sit back on a nice afternoon and enjoy the fruits—or blossoms—of your labor.

Tools for the Beginner Gardener
Starting a Kitchen Garden

drawing up rules, selection of plants, simple diagrams, recommendations

Which of the owners of a summer cottage would not like to decorate it with a beautiful, elegant and constantly blooming flower bed? Almost everyone. After all, you want the site to be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. However, arranging a flower bed is actually not so quick and easy: here you need to take into account various nuances (the choice of plants, the characteristics of their flowering, the combination of colors, design schemes, and much more).


Annual flowers for a simple flower bed

First of all, when organizing a simple flower bed, you should pay attention to the fact that all ornamental plants have a variety of life forms. There are annual flowers that need to be sown every year anew. There are biennials that bloom only in the second year of life. There are also perennial plants, blooming brighter and more magnificent every year. nine0003

If you plant plants from seeds to create a simple and beautiful flower bed, then only annual plants will be able to bloom this year. Some of them begin to bloom only after 13 - 15 weeks. These species include late asters, high marigolds, verbena, salvia, petunia, lobelia.

These flowers can be grown only through seedlings, while other annuals can be safely planted directly in the ground.

For example:

The above plants can be sown in early or mid-May and will be able to observe their beautiful flowering as early as July-August. Decorative annual plants appear only in the second half of summer.

It is worth noting that growing flowers through seedlings significantly accelerates their flowering time. And planting ready-made sprouts in a flower bed is somewhat more pleasant than waiting for seedlings. nine0003

Making a flower garden

To create a harmonious and beautiful flower garden, plants should be planted in groups: high ones are left for the background, low ones for the foreground.

There are two easiest ways to design a flower bed:

  1. White-pink gamma. For such a scheme, you can use pink, white lavater, pink cosmea, placing them in groups in the background. Closer to the center place white and pink zinnias. In the foreground, the phlox of Drummond and Godetia will look good. The edges of the flower garden for a more accurate design can be edged with allisum. Also a good highlight of such a flower garden will be a cornflower. nine0008
  2. Red-orange annual flowers. Here, scarlet amaranth with groups of decorative sunflowers will come into the background. You can also add groups of yellow and red zinnias, annual dahlias. While the zinnias are growing, the eschollia will look good between them. You can also add red and yellow asters, a little marigold, and undersized marigolds will be a great border for the edge of the flower bed.

Flowerbed layout

Before organizing a simple flower bed, you should carefully plan what and how to plant, in what order and color scheme. And for this, a couple of tips will come in handy. nine0003

Simple flowerbed in the country with their own hands (video)

How to organize continuous flowering

The most decorative look can be obtained by achieving a harmonious combination of annual and perennial plants. This combination will allow your flower bed to bloom almost continuously from the beginning of May until the onset of frost.

The use of perennial flowers has a number of undoubted advantages. They need to be grown and planted only once every few years. Such plants do not require overly careful care, but every year they delight with more and more lush flowering. Perennials are easy to grow from seeds that you can collect yourself, or can be purchased at a nearby store. nine0003

If you have planned to organize a flower bed of continuous flowering, be sure to use bearded irises and lupins. Already in June, your flower garden will be shrouded in multi-colored lupine flowers and very beautiful iris flowers, sparkling among the green foliage. Shade-tolerant and picky Turkish carnation, as well as red and bright lychnis, will pick up the flowering baton. Long-blooming and powerful foxglove and light, delicate butterflies escholzia will bloom almost simultaneously.

Flowerbed in the shade: which plants to choose (video)

Poppy, nastrutium, salvia, kosmeya, cornflower, calendula, marigolds, dahlias, gladiolus and lilies bloom in the Yule. At the end of August, magnificent asters will gladly take over the flowering round dance.

You can find out more by reading the article the device of a flower garden of continuous flowering.

Flowerbed designs

By selecting different plants, combining them, you can create an almost infinite number of variations of a simple but very effective flower bed. But if you are new to this business, it will be easier to use ready-made options and simple schemes for creating flower beds. nine0003

  1. Central flower bed - this scheme is the easiest to organize a flower garden. It is made up of circles. The center is filled with cannes with dark leaves, which are the soloists of the whole composition, then green-leaved cannes are planted in a circle around the border, the third row is decorative leafy gnafalium and the snapdragon completes this parade.
  2. Viennese flower. To create such an option, you will need to organize a six-leaf flower in a flower bed, the center of which will be white levkoy, the border for which will be alpine forget-me-nots. The outer edge is well organized with islands of viola, zinnia, primrose. nine0008
  3. A whimsical pattern is a round flower bed, which is decorated with a large number of undulating elements, decorated with colorful, sun-loving perennials. In the center of such a flower bed, you can place a squat hamerops, which has a beautiful crown of fan leaves. Its shadow will be a good background for dahlia zinnia, and the coleus will act as a contrast. Fancy curls can be created using begonias and pelargoniums, which will look very impressive against the backdrop of lawn grass.
  4. nine0079

    Suggested schemes are just a few of the many options. Or maybe you already have your own creative ideas for decorating a beautiful flower bed - an amazing decoration for your site?

    Flower garden in the country for beginners + photo


    • Basic principles of floriculture
    • Help for a beginner gardener
    • Basic rules for making a flower bed
    • Correct selection of plants for a flower bed 9 Arrangement and schemes
    • 0008
    • Conclusion

    Flower gardens in the country house are the decoration of any garden. Properly selected and planted according to the rules, compositions will delight with their riot of colors and bring more positive to life. But, often gardeners, this primarily concerns beginners, initially make flower beds incorrectly, as a result of which there are many negative points associated with excessive growth or insufficient flowering and a faded appearance.

    To avoid this, you need to plan the design of the flower bed in advance and buy those plants that will emphasize it more favorably and correspond to the conditions of growth and care, you can also make a beautiful flower bed from improvised materials. This article presents the rules and ideas for decorating flower beds. nine0003

    Basic principles of floriculture

    For beginners, it will be very useful to learn about those nuances, considering which you can achieve violent flowering and enjoy your flower garden:

    1. Abundant constant watering is not needed. The roots of all plants need not only water, but also air, so you need to ensure its approach deep into the earth. If the soil is heavily waterlogged, then, of course, there is no access to air, all the pores of the earth are clogged with moisture. From such conditions, many types of plants in flower beds simply die. nine0178
    2. Compliance with winter dormancy. This means that in winter you do not need to touch the plants in the flower bed, they do not need watering or top dressing.
    3. Maintaining a humid atmosphere. Be sure to monitor the humidity. On particularly hot days, plants in the flower garden require watering early in the morning and late in the evening.
    4. Compliance with the characteristics of growth. All plants are divided into shade-loving, light-loving and those that can equally well exist in any light. It is necessary to take this factor into account when choosing a landing site and designing a flower garden. There are also those plants that do not really like water, but they need moisture. This is ensured by spraying or fertilizing with wet peat. All these factors can be found in the description when buying seeds. nine0178
    5. Timely control of plant diseases. As soon as the first signs of a plant disease appear, you need to start fighting it, since at the first stage it is much easier to do than later, when the disease takes on a larger scale and mows down the entire flower garden.
    6. Planting in groups. Plants similar in content are best planted in a flower garden in groups. So they will look more profitable in the flower bed, and it will become much easier to provide them with proper care. Flowers look very nice in a group of tires. nine0178
    7. Knowledge of transplantation basics. This is a very important point, because a few years after planting, there is a tendency for plants in one flower garden to become not as attractive as they were before. You can solve this problem by top dressing, but if this does not help much, it will be necessary to transplant the plant and it will again become as beautiful and healthy.
    8. Availability of garden tools for maintenance of the flower garden. All work on the care of flowers and other plants must be carried out using special equipment and material. Gardeners who have been doing this for more than one year will probably have them, but beginners will need to buy fertilizers, special soil, a watering can, a sprayer, ropes and supports, a shovel, pebbles, spoons and forks for loosening the soil near plants (you can use old ones from a canteen set). nine0178
    9. Proper care. Each plant requires special care, so it is important to provide an individual approach to each plant in the flower garden.

    Help for a beginner gardener

    Every beginner, no matter what business, must learn the theoretical foundations, and then apply these ideas in practice. So it is with floriculture, first of all you need to find out everything, and only then introduce it into your site.

    Basic rules for making a flower bed

    If it is customary to plant a flower garden on the site, then you need to beware of the mistakes that beginners often make. Having entered the excitement, many plant as many plants as possible on the site, it seems to them that it is more beautiful. This can be done if you like, but taking into account the height of the plants, the timing of flowering and the conditions that they require. Consider the basic rules by which a flower garden can be drawn up:

    • To begin with, a flower garden diagram is drawn up on paper, indicating its size, design design and the prevailing color scheme. nine0008
    • The very first flower bed will be successful if you choose plants that bloom for more than one year and are unpretentious in care.
    • It is necessary to observe the measure in the number of planted plants in the flower garden, as their further growth will lead to a less decorative appearance.
    • Planting of plants should be carried out in groups so that the plants do not look lonely, but catch the eye with bright colors.
    • It is better to arrange a flower bed with spring, summer and autumn flowers. So the flower garden will delight with its beauty for quite a long time, some plants will already stop flowering, while others will already come into color. nine0178
    • Be sure to select flowers in a flower bed with the same requirements for soil and light.
    • It is not necessary to choose the same plant height. If in the foreground in the flower garden there are undersized, and then those that are taller are located, then such a flower bed will be aesthetically more attractive, and the idea is successful.
    • For a greater decorative effect and expression of your taste, you do not need to make the flower bed too colorful. It is better to limit yourself to a combination of bright colors and pastel shades of plants that are combined with each other. Flowerbeds made of tires of bright color in combination with delicate flowers look great. nine0008

    Proper selection of plants for a flower bed

    In order for a flower bed to please its owner and his guests with beauty for a long time, it is necessary to plant plants with different flowering periods on it.

    Important! The correct arrangement of plants is the key to the beauty and uniqueness of the flower garden.

    In March, if the weather is warm, crocuses or snowdrops may begin to grow in the flower bed. At the end of the month pansies appear.

    The following month is marked by the flowering of such plants as the liverwort, scylla, lungwort, anemone, muscarine, primrose, tulip and daffodil, as well as other early plants.

    In May, the beauty of bulbous plants such as tulips, daffodils and hyacinths is revealed. In addition to them, the flowering period also begins in styloid phloxes, perennial alyssium, ornamental onions, bathing suits, lilies of the valley, arabis, forget-me-nots and other beautiful plants.

    Peonies, daisies, numerous varieties of bluebells and carnations, lupins, poppies, irises, petunia, felicia bloom in the first summer month. Just on the first summer days, roses begin to bloom in flower beds, which will give a good mood until autumn.

    In July, phloxes, daylilies, dahlias, astilbes, nasturtiums, kosmeyas and cannes bloom actively.

    In August, some countryside July plants continue to bloom and chrysanthemums, ornamental sunflowers, rudbeckia, gladioli, and goldenrod begin to blossom. nine0003

    September is the time for asters, marigolds, dahlias and late varieties of chrysanthemums. At this time, you can see a new flowering of pansies, daisies, tea roses. These beautiful autumn flowers will give off their beauty until the first frost.

    Design and layout of flower beds

    Flower beds are divided into two completely different types:

    • Regular. These are such flower beds that have clear boundaries, that is, each variety grows separately, in no way mixing with another. Here it is necessary to take into account the flowering period. This design can be made from tires. nine0178
    • Irregular - a set of plantings in a random order. Flowers are planted so that after the end of flowering of one, another plant variety begins to bloom. This is the easiest option for arranging a flower bed, ideal for a beginner.

    The classic design is pink and white. If you learn to combine two colors in a certain order, you can get a very good flower bed in terms of decorative qualities. White bloom will be the background, and pink will bring the necessary accents. nine0003

    This can be done, for example, with the following planting: undersized white flowers or pink zinnias are planted on the main background, and Drummond's phlox is planted along the edges and in the background. A car tire will help to make a perfectly even planting.

    The combination of annuals in bright red-orange colors in the flower garden also gives an unrealistically beautiful result. The background is filled with amaranth with a small amount of sunflowers, dahlias go to the general plan, and free places are filled with esholcias. nine0003

    Color matching marigolds and asters or other plants can be used for edging. This idea for arranging a flower garden can be implemented in the shortest possible time.

    You can make a flower bed in completely different variations, but if you do not have enough experience, you can use ready-made combinations of plants to avoid the unpleasant consequences of creating yourself not according to the rules. The easiest option is to create a flower garden from tires. Here are some ready-made flower beds in the country for beginners with a photo:

    1. Central flowerbed - a collection of plants, presented in the form of a circular flower bed. In the center are plants with dark leaves, these can be cannes, then also in a circle one row of gnafalium and snapdragon.
    2. Viennese flower - a set of plantations in the form of a star with six ends. The center is decorated with white levkoy, and the shape is given with the help of forget-me-nots and primroses with violas or other plants.
    3. A whimsical pattern - a circular flower bed with undulating plantings of perennial flowers.

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