Small shade loving shrubs

30 Low-Maintenance Shrubs for Shade


David Beaulieu

David Beaulieu

David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience.

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Updated on 09/09/22

Reviewed by

Kathleen Miller

Reviewed by Kathleen Miller

Kathleen Miller is a highly-regarded Master Gardener and Horticulturist who shares her knowledge of sustainable living, organic gardening, farming, and landscape design. She founded Gaia's Farm and Gardens, a working sustainable permaculture farm, and writes for Gaia Grows, a local newspaper column. She has over 30 years of experience in gardening and sustainable farming.

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Fact checked by

Sarah Scott

Fact checked by Sarah Scott

Sarah Scott is a fact-checker and researcher who has worked in the custom home building industry in sales, marketing, and design.

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The Spruce / Catherine Song

Shrubs that grow in shade can add color and cheer to drab nooks as well as canopy-covered areas of your property. Ranging from short bushes to tall hedges, shade-loving shrubbery includes both evergreen and deciduous plants.

Some shade-tolerant shrubs produce beautiful blossoms, while others are famous for their attractive foliage. Many offer year-round appeal, making them perfect for shady yards where sun-loving plants simply cannot thrive.

Learn about 30 low-maintenance shrubs that will spruce up shaded areas of your lawn and garden without a lot of effort.

Low-Maintenance Shrubs for Shade

Article Sources

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. A Dangerous Garden Thug Exposed: Daphne Laureola. Master Gardeners Association of British Columbia.

  2. Labossiere Alexander W., Thompson Dennis F. Clinical Toxicology of Yew Poisoning. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 591-599, 2018. doi:10.1177/1060028017754225

  3. Amelanchier alnifolia. Missouri Botanical Garden.

  4. Hamamelis virginiana. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, University of Texas.

  5. Red Buckeye. University of Kentucky, Department of Horticulture.

  6. Japanese Skimmia. Washington State University Extension PNW Plants.

29 Best Shrubs for Shade Gardens


Vanessa Richins Myers

Vanessa Richins Myers

Vanessa Richins Myers has a BS in horticulture and over 10 years of training and experience as a professional horticulturist and gardener.

Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process

Updated on 06/15/22

The Spruce

It can be tough designing a garden in a shady area. You have to make sure you choose the right shrubs for the conditions. Without the proper amount of sun, flowering shrubs may fail to produce blossoms or bloom poorly, and many shrubs will perform poorly overall. Deep shade can even kill your plants unless they are species that naturally grow in shade. The following plants are able to grow in at least part shade, and some can handle full shade.


Many shrubs that grow in shade are toxic, including:

How to Design a Garden for Partial Shade

Article Sources

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Ribes alpinum. Missouri Botanical Garden

  2. Aucuba japonica. North Carolina State University Extension

  3. Rhododendron. Missouri Botanical Garden

  4. Forrester, M B. Pediatric Nandina domestica ingestions reported to poison centers. Human & experimental toxicology vol. 37,4 (2018): 338-342. doi:10.1177/0960327117705429

  5. Hydrangea blooms turn colors based on soil pH levels. College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, UGA Cooperative Extension

  6. Pieris japonica. North Carolina State University Extension

  7. Idaho Panhandle National Forests - Learning Center.

  8. Aesculus pavia. North Carolina State University Extension

  9. Skimmia japonica. Oregon State University, College of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Horticulture

  10. Toyon, Heteromeles arbutifolia. California Native Plant Society, Calscape

What shrubs grow in the shade, names, photos, characteristics

Dacha owners want to grow different plants, including large trees that shade part of the area. The desire to beautifully decorate the territory of the site raises the question of which shrubs grow in the shade, which herbs and flowers will serve as companions for them, and help create original compositions in a semi-shaded area.


How shade affects the development of shrubs in the garden

yut on the quality of lighting .

Light-loving crops, when planted in a shaded area, feel uncomfortable, their growth and development slow down, budding on them is weak, the color of the leaves becomes faded, or even completely changes.

Shade-loving ones can hardly stand bright light, suffer from the sun's rays that burn the foliage, and eventually dry up.

Does the intensity of the shade matter

Which shrubs grow in the shade is the main question that we will consider, but before proceeding to it, it should be clarified that the shade can be different. According to the quality of the shade, the choice of plants is made.

Shady corners of the site can be divided into several types:

Are there any advantages to a shaded area

Definitely yes, first of all - the possibility of organizing a recreation area not in the sun, as an option - building a gazebo or installing a bench.

The range of plants used to improve a shaded area is wide, but to get the desired result, you need to take into account:

  • too poor soils will need to be enriched with nutrients, when choosing them, the acidity of the soil should be taken into account;
  • soil moisture level, for shade-tolerant deciduous shrubs, it is important that the soil remains moist in hot weather;
    the need to equip a drainage system for too wet and heavy soils. Pebbles or pieces of brick laid on the bottom of the planting holes can be used as drainage.
  • Depending on the parameters of the shaded area, it can be wet or dry. To select suitable shrubs, you need to determine the type of shade and select varieties accordingly.

    If the shaded area is occupied by large fruit or ornamental trees, then the shade will be dry, because large plants have a strong root system and are able to pump water out of the soil, and with it nutrients. Wet shade is formed on dense soils in the absence of drainage.

    What varieties of shade-tolerant shrubs are planted in the garden

    The list of plants that do well in shady areas is quite long and allows you to apply different techniques to create different styles of landscape design. Shrubs are used for the following purposes:

    Ornamental shrubs, which are commonly used in landscape design, are divided into 2 groups:

    Let's watch a useful video about which shrubs grow in the shade:

    How to choose shade-tolerant ornamental shrubs

    To determine which shade-tolerant plants will suit the site, study their characteristics and visual assessment of the photos on which they are depicted.

    Let's present the most popular varieties that surprise with their decorative effect and attract with relative ease of care.


    This representative of the Heather family looks beautiful during the flowering period, pink or lilac petals of its inflorescences, densely covering the branches, have a bright color. Dense, fleshy leaves, oval or ovoid in shape, look attractive.

    Rhododendrons are very hardy, easily enduring conditions of heavy shading, in which other species will wither and eventually die. However, for bushes, it is preferable to choose semi-shaded areas with drained soil. It is advisable to provide for the possibility of watering plantings during a period of severe drought.

    Rhododendrons are used for planting along garden paths, they look great against the background of conifers or building walls.

    Garden jasmine or mock orange

    Very popular plant, readily grown by gardeners. The view is attractive, the flowers are bright, large, have an amazing aroma, which fills the entire garden during the flowering period.

    Shrub does not require quality soil, can adapt to life in any conditions. The plant is frost-resistant, in summer it can withstand prolonged drought. The procedure for caring for jasmine practically consists in correct and fairly frequent pruning and pruning of bushes. Dense plantings are used to create hedges.

    But if you want to admire the lush flowering of mock orange, then you can observe it if the bushes are planted in partial shade, in conditions of deep shade, flowering will not be plentiful. In addition, many varieties of garden jasmine have been bred today; when choosing, you should take into account the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of your area of ​​​​residence.


    Ornamental plant resistant to adverse living conditions, it can be grown on shady areas, even in cities where the air is characterized by increased gas content.

    Cotoneaster branches are densely covered with dark green leaves that turn red in autumn. The bushes have a beautiful dense crown, designers prefer to use it when creating a hedge.

    In addition, bushes lend themselves well to shaping. When creating garden compositions, both erect and creeping plant varieties are used.

    Flowering shrub, flower petals in different varieties may be white or pink, the flowers themselves may be collected in racemes or solitary. Cotoneaster fruits are bright, black or red.


    Shrub considered one of the most common and popular in the world. In the conditions of the middle lane, dozens of frost-resistant varieties are grown.

    Hydrangea is planted in sunny and shaded areas, provided that there is enough nutrient soil. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of irrigation, because. hydrangea is very sensitive to soil moisture.

    The plant is characterized by long flowering, and the flowers at different stages of flowering have a different color, at first the petals of hydrangea paniculata lettuce, then white, at the end of flowering they become a delicate pink color.

    Kalynolistny vesicle

    This shrub is the undoubted leader in the number of varieties, in its description they usually emphasize decorativeness, unpretentiousness, suitability for growing in urban conditions are distinguished among the quality characteristics.

    A spherical vesicle bush covered with corrugated leaves and lush clusters of flowers looks luxurious, the seeds of the plant ripening in boxes look no less attractive against the background of the leaves. Among the latest achievements of breeders, it should be noted new varieties that are distinguished by a unique foliage color: purple and golden yellow.

    Derain white

    The plant attracts attention with beautiful leaves with a white border along the edge. The bright color of the leaves does not fade in the shade; by autumn, pink and apricot shades are added to the color scheme of the leaves. The decorativeness of the plant is not lost in winter, its red shoots look very bright against the background of snow.

    Deren is not picky about the quality of lighting and is resistant to winter frosts, but it needs moist nutrient soil for active growth.

    Some turf varieties are tall, but shaping their shape and size is not at all difficult, the plant tolerates pruning well.

    For more information about the best shade-tolerant garden plants, watch the video:

    Does it make sense to consider planting fruit-bearing shrubs in shady areas

    Yes, some fruit-bearing shrubs can be grown in shady conditions. Consider the descriptions of the most unpretentious plants.


    This fruit-bearing shrub owes its popularity to its hardiness, it can grow normally in shady areas, it is not demanding on soil quality, it is resistant to polluted air, which allows it to be grown in urban conditions.

    There are a lot of varieties of honeysuckle today, so the shrub can have quite large differences in the color of the leaves and flowers, the fruits can also differ in shape and ripening time.

    It should be remembered that some varieties of honeysuckle, for example, Honeysuckle, are suitable for growing in good light, others (Tatarskaya) withstand moderate shading well.

    Honeysuckle is used for single plantings, vertical gardening, for arranging hedges.


    The plant is fast growing and highly resistant to frost. The bushes do not require special care, the plant can withstand even severe droughts.

    The leaves of the barberry are small, beautifully shaped, green in summer, changing color to burgundy in autumn.

    The Thunberg barberry variety has a burgundy leaf color throughout the summer, and the Thunberg barberry Goldalita has golden yellow leaves.

    Barberry berries have a pleasant aroma and excellent taste and are used in cooking, especially in oriental cuisine recipes.


    It can be grown in sunny or shaded areas. The plant does not need frequent watering, it easily tolerates short droughts.

    Gooseberries in the process of ripening acquire a yellow or reddish hue, become translucent.

    The fruits are used in cooking, they are used to make compotes and jams.

    Which companion plants can be planted in shady corners of the garden

    Planting shrubs alone is not enough to create beautiful corners in the shady part of the garden.

    You will need to select small plants that will allow you to maintain the decorativeness of the site throughout the summer season.

    Let's note the most popular ones and give a brief description of them.

    Climbing plants in natural conditions are undergrowth plants, so there is no doubt about their shade tolerance. Liana-like are used to decorate arbors and pergolas, verandas.

    Popular plants in this group are parthenocissus, kirkazon and knyazhik. They grow quickly and are able to form dense thickets. The attention of the owners of suburban areas is often attracted by girlish grapes, whose leaves turn bright red-orange hues in autumn.

    Ferns, depending on the varieties, differ in size, but their leaves have a clear graphic and three-dimensionality, which allows you to get a background for flowering shrubs.

    No less interesting in compositions with shrubs are hostas.

    They withstand the shading of the site. It is noteworthy that the plant is represented by numerous varieties, gardeners can pick up bushes with a height of 10 to 60 cm. Hostas go well with ferns.

    Ground cover plants are planted to create a carpet under the trees. Saxifrage, periwinkle, lungwort are decorative, develop well in the shade.

    Shade is tolerated from flowering annual crops:

    Bulbs can also be planted in the shade of the trees, as crocuses, daffodils and tulips begin to bloom before the trees have even leafed out.

    Although most cereals prefer the sun. in the penumbra take root:

    Considering which shrubs grow in the shade, we remembered the most popular plants that require minimal care. But in order to get not only decorative greenery, but active flowering and fruiting, of course, you will need to organize proper plant care.

    Shade-loving perennial garden shrubs, photos and names

    It happens that on the territory of a dacha or garden area there are shaded places. And yet there are not so many well-lit places. The reasons for the fact that there are many shaded places on the site can be very different. So, for example, shrubs and trees grow on it in large numbers. They, of course, give delicious fruits and berries, but they take up a lot of space and cast a rather voluminous shadow. Therefore, the plants growing under them are almost completely devoid of sunlight. However, few summer residents do not want the entire summer cottage to be beautiful and originally designed. The way out of this situation is very simple. So, in shady places, you only need to plant shade-loving perennial shrubs for the garden.


  • 4 Shade-tolerant ornamental foliage plants
    • 4.1 Forsythia
    • 4.2 Euonymus
    • 4.3 Mahonia
  • How to choose shade-tolerant shrubs for the garden

    Shade-tolerant perennial shrubs are conditionally divided into 3 different groups, namely: berry, flowering, and decorative foliage. Each of these plants has both certain pluses and minuses. And there are also such types of shrubs that not only look very impressive, but also give useful, fragrant and incredibly tasty fruits. Experienced gardeners and summer residents categorically do not recommend buying planting material in spontaneous markets, as there is a high probability that it will be of very low quality. It is best to purchase seedlings in special stores that have a good reputation. Among the various types of shrubs, the most popular and common can be distinguished.

    Shade-tolerant flowering shrubs


    Such a shrub has a very spectacular appearance, especially during the flowering period, when it is almost completely covered with inflorescences consisting of flowers of a rich color. Its leaf blades are fleshy. Rhododendron thrives in the shading created by tall trees and shrubs, in which many other plants can simply die.

    Garden jasmine

    This shrub is very popular with gardeners and summer residents. Such a very beautiful plant will be an excellent decoration for almost any site. Jasmine looks especially impressive in the process of flowering. At this time, its branches are covered with snow-white lush inflorescences, from which a very pleasant and rather strong smell emanates. An important advantage of such a shrub is its undemanding to the place of growth, as well as to the quality of the soil. Garden jasmine can adapt to absolutely any growing conditions. So, he perfectly withstands dry periods, and he is also not afraid of quite frosty winters. However, in order for your site to be decorated with a compact and neat bush, it will need to be cut systematically and often enough.

    Shade-tolerant berry bushes

    Such perennial plants are suitable for those gardeners and summer residents who want the plants grown by them to be not only very beautiful, but also bring certain benefits.


    This shrub is quite popular in Eastern countries. It is fast growing and frost resistant. It is quite easy to care for him, and he also tolerates a dry period perfectly. Such a shrub has small, very beautiful leaf plates, which in the fall change their green color to rich burgundy. The barberry grows berries with high palatability. They are used in cooking to prepare a variety of dishes.


    It can grow in both sunny and shaded places. And such a shrub needs to be watered quite rarely and moderately, while it can withstand a dry period. Very tasty berries grow on the plant, which are often used to make jam.


    This plant prefers to grow only on non-acid soil. If the soil is acidic, then it is recommended to add sand to it. Quite tasty nuts grow on hazel.

    Shade-tolerant ornamental foliage plants

    This group includes many plants. Here are some of them.


    This plant has showy leaves of intense lemon color. It can be planted both together with other shrubs, and singly. It is frost- and drought-resistant, and also unpretentious in care.


    This shrub grows very fast and does not require special care. In winter, it also looks quite impressive.

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