Best way to protect plants from freezing

Frost Covers & Cold Snap Care

Whether you fell under the spell of some eye-catching color at the garden center or just wanted to get a jump on the gardening season, planting too early can create a crisis when a cold snap threatens. Helping your seedlings survive the big chill isn't impossible, but it does require some preparation.

In most cases, you can count on makeshift methods to protect plants when the thermometer dips. But for larger plantings, such as a vegetable garden, you'll need to arm yourself ahead of time with the right gadgets to guard plants against frosty mornings.

Know The Limits

In order to understand what steps to take when freeze warnings threaten, you need to know the point at which treasured greenery fades to frost-burned brown. The general rule of thumb is that most plants freeze when temperatures remain at 28°F for five hours.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Seedlings, with their tender new leaves, often give up the ghost when temperatures dip to 32-33°F. Tropical plants have differing low-temperature thresholds. Some keel over when temps fall to 40°F; others crumble at 35°F. Other plants are just hardy by nature and can withstand temperatures as low as 18-20°F. To find the threshold for your plants, search garden books and online resources.

Quick Fixes For Frost Warnings

Pick It Up – The easiest cold-protection scheme is to move plants out of harm's way. This works with seedlings in flats and potted plants. Moving plants under a deck, into a garage or shed, or onto a porch with a roof often offers ample protection.

Count On Water – Water soil just before sundown to raise overnight air temperature around plants as the water evaporates. Fill gallon jugs or buckets with water and place them in the sun during the day. At night, move them near endangered plants. The water will moderate air temperatures; if it freezes, it will release heat. For greatest effect, paint a few water-holding containers black to maximize daytime heating.

Keep Air Moving – Cold, still air does the most damage to plants. Stir a breeze all night with an electric fan to keep frost from forming on plants. Remember to protect electrical connections from moisture.

Cover Plants – Protect plants from all but the hardest freeze (28°F for five hours) by covering them with sheets, towels, blankets, cardboard or a tarp. You can also invert baskets, coolers or any container with a solid bottom over plants. Cover plants before dark to trap warmer air. Ideally, coverings shouldn't touch foliage. Anchor fabric coverings if windy conditions threaten.

In the morning, remove coverings when temperatures rise and frost dissipates. Heat from the sun can build beneath solid coverings, and plants can die from high temperatures.

Break Out Blankets – Keep gardening blankets, often called row covers, on hand. These covers are made from synthetic fibers or plastic in varying thicknesses. Lay row covers directly on plants, or create a tunnel by suspending them over a bed using stakes.

Turn On Lights – An incandescent light bulb generates sufficient heat to raise nearby air temperature enough to protect a plant from the deep freeze. Bulbs must be close to plants (within 2-3 feet) for this technique to work. (Fluorescent bulbs don't generate enough heat for this chore.)

Protect Individual Plants – Install hot caps – rigid plastic containers with venting holes – over individual seedlings at planting time. Hot caps act like cloches (mini greenhouses), but venting holes eliminate the daily chore of placing and removing the covering. Create the equivalent of a hot cap using plastic two-liter bottles or gallon jugs with bottoms cut off and lids removed (but saved). Replace lids at night when cold temperatures swoop through.

A twist on the hot cap idea is a Wall O'Water tepee, which encircles individual plants with a sleeve of water-filled tubes. The water absorbs the sun's heat during the day. At night, as the water slowly freezes, it releases the stored radiant heat of the sun, keeping air inside the tepee frost-free.

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Best Way To Cover And Keep Plants From Freezing

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Environmental Problems

By: Heather Rhoades

Image by travelview

Gardeners plant flowers, shrubs and trees that can survive in their garden during typical weather. But what can a gardener do when the weather is anything but typical? Unexpected freezes can devastate landscapes and gardens. They can leave a gardener wondering how to protect plants from freezing, and question what is the best way to cover and keep plants from freezing.

At What Temperature Do Plants Freeze?

When cold weather comes your way, your first thought will be at what temperature do plants freeze, in other words, how cold is too cold? There is no easy answer to this.

Different plants freeze and die at different temperatures. That is why they are given a hardiness rating. Some plants produce special hormones that keep them from freezing, and these plants have a lower hardiness rating (meaning they can survive colder weather) than plants who produce less of this hormone.

That being said, there are also different definitions of survival. A plant may lose all its foliage during a freeze, and some can regrow from the stems or even the roots. So, while the leaves cannot survive a certain temperature, other parts of the plant can.

How to Protect Plants from Freezing

If you are only expecting a light freeze, you may be able to protect plants in a freeze simply by covering them with a sheet or a blanket. This acts like insulation, keeping warm air from the ground around the plant. The warmth may be enough to keep a plant from freezing during a short cold snap.

For added protection when you protect plants in a freeze, you can place plastic over the sheets or blankets to help keep warmth in. Never cover a plant with just plastic, however, as the plastic will damage the plant. Make sure that a cloth barrier is between the plastic and the plant.

Be sure to remove the sheets and blanket and plastic first thing in the morning after an overnight cold snap. If you do not do so, condensation can build up and freeze again under the covering, which will damage the plant.

When protecting plants in a freeze that’s longer or deeper, you may have no choice but to expect to sacrifice all or part of the plant in hopes that the roots will survive. Start by heavily mulching the roots of the plant with either wood mulch or hay. For added protection, you can nestle gallon jugs of warm water into the mulch each night. This will help drive off some of the cold that can kill the roots.

If you have time before a freeze happens, you can also create insulation barriers around a plant as a way how to protect plants from freezing. Tie up the plant as neatly as possible. Drive stakes that are as tall as the plant into the ground around the plant. Wrap the stakes in burlap so that the plant appears to be fenced in. Stuff the inside of this fence with hay or leaves. Again, you can place milk jugs of warm water on the inside, at the base of this fence each night to help supplement the heat. A string of Christmas lights wrapped around the plant can also help add additional heat. As soon as the freeze passes, remove the covering so that the plant can get the sunlight it needs.

Watering the soil (not the leaves or stems of the plants) will also help the soil retain heat and can help the plant’s roots and lower branches survive.

This article was last updated on

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How to protect the plant from returning frosts


  1. Danger of returning frosts
  2. Weatherman himself
  3. Frost protection

Efforts to grow seedlings or perennials can be nullified by the vagaries of the weather. Alas, in most regions of Russia, return frosts are a constant phenomenon. So, they can be anticipated and protect your plants.

Frost hazard

When it seems that spring has come irrevocably, we put away warm clothes in the closet. But to wake up on a May or even June morning and see from the window - snow is quite real. Things are taken out of the closet again, and we warm ourselves. And although by noon, most likely, there will be no trace of snow left, the plants can be severely damaged.

Such frosts are not dangerous if they occur in the second half of April, for example. Plants are still in their infancy, and they are quite resistant to the external environment. But if in the morning it froze in June, when berries, vegetables or trees began to bloom, it’s bad. Under the influence of cold, the juice in the cells freezes. Cells are destroyed and die. This leads to loss of yield and death of the plant itself. There are, of course, cold-resistant crops. Greens are not afraid of frost: parsley, onion, celery, spinach, dill. Carrots also behave steadfastly. These plants withstand short-term frosts up to -7-9°C. Those who suffer from a light frost are significantly more. At the slightest negative value, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, many flowers, eggplants, tomatoes and sweet peppers are damaged and die. Cherry, plum, apricot, peach do not tolerate negative temperatures during the flowering period.

Weatherman himself

In order not to lose plants, you need to carefully monitor the weather throughout the season. Each gardener finds for himself a source of information about the weather. Who can be trusted. Someone relies on the data of federal agencies, someone only believes in the forecasts of the local hydrometeorological center. As a rule, the most accurate forecast is for a day or three. Long-term forecasts come true less often, and if you have a weather map for the whole summer ahead, this is nothing more than a beautiful picture. It is useful to compare readings from different sources. If everyone around is only talking about the upcoming sub-zero temperatures, you should not think that they will bypass your site. Watch the indicators of your thermometer: if by the evening the bar has dropped closer to zero, it is clear that at night it will drop even lower. This is an occasion to take measures to protect your future crop.

Frost protection

Plants can be protected in many ways. We divide them into emergency measures and preventive ones. Prevention in this case is hardening. Yes, plants can be hardened off too! You can do this with tomato, pepper, and eggplant seedlings while they are still growing in your home. About a week and a half before planting in open ground, begin to accustom young plants to outdoor conditions. To do this, they are taken out into the courtyard or onto the balcony, where a window is opened. This can be done at a temperature of 10°C. At first, the seedlings are exposed to the open air for 15 minutes, then for an hour, then for two, and so on, gradually increasing the time spent outside. Such procedures accustom plants to cool air. This means that they adapt much faster, and if frosts suddenly occur, they will endure them more steadfastly.

From emergency measures, we single out sprinkling, smoking and sheltering.

Sprinkling - a method that seems strange, but proven over the years! It is effective if frosts are expected to be small (not lower than -5°C) and the weather is calm. Closer to the night, when the temperature starts to drop to zero, you need to water the plants from a watering can or a hose with a drip nozzle, simulating a little rain. At the border of positive and negative temperatures, water will begin to evaporate. This will provoke the release of heat, which will save the plants from freezing. Cold air currents simply will not reach the ground in this case.

Smoke - creating a smoke screen that also keeps the cold out of your property. In the evening, bonfires are lit around the perimeter of the site. The most important thing is that they do not burn actively, but slowly smolder and smoke. Sawdust, brushwood, leaves, tops are used, and all this should be slightly moistened. Consider the direction of the wind so that the smoke does not “run away” from the site, but protects it. Smoke perfectly protects against frost, but this method is difficult to organize - you need to lay combustible material in advance, collect it and maintain it until the morning. In addition, smoke is unpleasant in itself, and the method can hardly be called environmentally friendly. In anticipation of frosts, mono plants are easy to cover. To do this, you need to have a film or spunbond (similar materials) at hand. A greenhouse can be improvised quickly and easily if the household has metal or plastic arcs. They are simply placed over the beds, covered with a film on top and pressed down with bricks at the bottom. To prevent the film from dangling from the wind, it is attached to the arcs with linen clips. If the goal is to keep warm, the best material is plastic wrap. Just remember that at the end of the frost, you will need to open the garden bed so that the plants do not burn during the warming period.

Bushes, beds with berry bushes are covered with non-woven covering materials (we talked about them in detail in article “Choosing covering material for plants” ).

A working way is to cover individual seedling bushes with cut plastic bottles or cups from sour cream, yogurt. It is only desirable that there should still be a small hole for the plant to breathe.

The use of cryoprotectants is a convenient and reliable way to protect plants from frost. Purchase the composition Purshat-K for the farm: it will help prevent freezing of plants very quickly and easily. There will be no need to mess around with shelters, making fires. In general, all the methods of protecting plants from the cold described above require your personal presence on the site in anticipation of a cold snap. The cryoprotector works successfully even without your presence. If you are leaving the dacha for a long time, and frosts are likely, according to forecasts, just treat the plants Purshatom-K from a sprayer. It forms a protective film on the leaves and stems, which will not allow the juices inside the plant to freeze. Such a "shelter" will allow you to survive both frosts that last for several days, and colds that will return, for example, in a week. Flowers, bushes, trees, and vegetable seedlings can be processed in the same way. Watch the weather and take care of young plants - this is the key to a high harvest and peace of mind.

Effective methods for saving plants from recurrent frosts

With the approach of spring, all summer residents and gardeners start preparing for the new sowing season. One of the main activities at this time is the preparation for return frosts. A sharp drop in temperature in May and early June is a common occurrence for Russian latitudes. The situation is dangerous because trees, shrubs, sown vegetables, planted flowers and berries can die from a cold snap. Heat-loving crops are especially affected. Consider how to protect plants from spring frosts. What to do to enjoy a rich harvest in the fall.

Which plants tolerate frosts more easily

Crop name

What low t withstand, about C

Peas, legumes, celery, garlic, parsnips

Seedlings are able to survive a decrease in air temperature and on the ground to -5 without consequences.

Raspberry bushes

Within 2-3 days, it will withstand the onslaught of frosts up to -3-4. On the third day, do something urgently. Otherwise, the bed cannot be saved.

Strawberries and strawberries

You will be able to survive the temperature drop to -9 painlessly.

Carrot, parsnip, parsley

Radish, cabbage, horseradish

Spinach, onion, rhubarb and sorrel

Able to withstand and not die when t drops to -5-6.

Blackberry, raspberry

Rarely affected by frost attacks. Saves shrubs late flowering.

Cold-sensitive crops

Food for thought! The degree of susceptibility to sudden changes in temperature largely depends on what stage of blooming the buds are in. The ovaries withstand temperatures down to -1 o C. The buds fall already at a frost of -3 o C. Blossoming buds die at -3.3-3.5 o C. Blossoming buds darken and fall off if it gets colder to -2 o C. In the flowering stage, plants become the weakest, most susceptible. Fruits will not set if a flowering tree, bush or flower had to survive a frost of up to -1.5 about C.

How to protect the beds from return frosts are no longer scary.

However, it is not.

What is a return frost? This is when at night the temperature drops for a certain time, falling to 0 about C. Basically, such surprises occur at night or in the early morning, before sunrise.

How to protect the beds, especially those that are sensitive to cold? There is a set of measures that have proven useful and effective in practice:


How to organize, conduct


Ideal for garden beds.

  • Use organic matter as mulch: dried grass, straw or compost.
  • Beds and seedlings leaning towards the ground are covered with natural covering material.

Mulching helps conserve heat by reducing soil heat transfer and increasing moisture above the soil surface. When to line? Best in the evening, after watering. For greater effect, a layer of agrofibre should be laid on top of the organic mulch carpet. Then the beds will not be afraid of any frost.


Mostly used for potatoes.

  • Armed with a hoe, it is necessary to form mounds around each bush.
  • Cover the sprouts with leaves well.
  • The thickness of the soil layer should be approx. 8-10 cm.

Covering materials

A simple and effective way to save almost any vegetable garden. It consists in creating a mini-greenhouse from special covering materials, any bottles, boxes and containers that are at hand.

  • beds are covered with spunbond or polyethylene film.
  • Blooming strawberries and strawberries are covered with agrofibre, agrospan.
  • Seedlings are covered with cut plastic containers: bottles, boxes, containers, caps, etc.
  • Use any cardboard box as a covering. Cones and covering caps are made from cardboard and thick paper.
  • To protect against frost, each bush can be covered with glass containers: jars, bottles, bottles, any other containers.
  • To protect ornamental shrubs, special covering materials or ordinary burlap are used.
  • Medicinal plants sown in the soil are protected by covering the seedlings with cut plastic bottles, buckets, disposable cups.

Any type of shelter will reliably protect the beds from harmful contact with the outside world.

Important! When constructing any protective devices, using covering materials and containers, try to keep them less in contact with the leaves, tops of plants. Therefore, mini-greenhouses are built for relatively tall seedlings, young bushes and trees.

  • The frame is first formed from bent metal pipes. The length of the sections is not less than 45 cm.
  • After that, any non-woven material or film is attached to the structure.
  • Preferably 2-3 coats. The number of layers will directly depend on the degree of the predicted degree of cooling.

Only use transparencies! Black and any dark ones will not let heat through to the roots of seedlings.

Fertilizer spraying

Preparing potassium-phosphorus top dressing.

  • Take 75 g of double superphosphate for 1.5 l of hot water.
  • The mixture is infused for 3.5-4 hours.
  • After the solution is filtered, diluted in 15 liters of water.
  • Add 30 g of potassium nitrate to the finished composition.

The resulting mixture is sprayed on trees, shrubs, flowers and other horticultural crops a day before the predicted frost.

Root applications

Landings are watered at the roots with fertilizer solutions with a high content of potassium, phosphorus. Top dressing will help if they are applied 10-11 hours before the frost hits.


The easiest way, but has some peculiarities. The essence is as follows:

  • Fires are lit on the leeward side of the site. Based on each hundred square meters, one. Bonfire size: width up to 1.3-1.5 m, height - not less than 0.5-0.7 m.
  • They set fire to everything that smolders well: straw, dry branches and leaves, cut grass, etc.
  • The fire is kindled in advance with the expectation that the strongest frosts occur in the early morning. Maintain smoldering by checking if there is heat.

Smoke creates a curtain, an obstacle between cold and plants, warms the air by several degrees. What are the features of the method? It will help with frosts not lower than -4 about C. This method of protection can cause indignation of the neighbors if the smoke is carried to their garden.

Sprinkler or irrigation

The method is more convenient, more efficient than sprinkling, so it is considered quite popular. To do this, you need a hose with a nozzle for watering. Ideal if the site has a stationary irrigation system with sprinklers. What are they doing.

  • Irrigate the plants a few hours before expected frost.
  • Do it late at night, as in most cases the most severe frosts occur before dawn.

What does it do? The moisture that has fallen on the seedlings at minus begins to actively evaporate. As a result of active evaporation, the air around is warmed up, not allowing the cold to fall close to the ground, where the roots of the plants are. The method is effective, it saves even in cases when it gets colder to the level of -5-7 about C. The main thing is to water a few hours before the cold snap. Otherwise, the moisture will begin to evaporate early, all efforts will be nullified.

Heavy or wet irrigation

The method is applicable to all plants, for example, seedlings from vegetable seeds, young and mature berries, etc. But it is especially effective for shrubs and trees.

  • Up to 5-10 buckets of warm water, heated to +10 o C, are poured under each tree or bush.
  • Treat crops additionally by irrigation or sprinkling.

The protection method works similarly to the previous one. Moisture begins to evaporate, warms the air and prevents plantings from freezing.

Green manures

Green manure seeds are sown in advance between rows, in areas where vegetables, flowers, berries, any heat-loving varieties are planted. Green manure with a living wall will protect plantings from extreme temperatures. After, when warm weather sets in, they are cut off, leaving between the rows like mulch.

Landing planning

  • Stone fruit trees are capricious, they react negatively to lower temperatures. It is recommended not to plant them in the lowlands, where it is always 2-3 about C colder than in the rest of the territory.
  • Before transferring vegetable seedlings to open ground, they must be hardened off. During the day, take out to the street, at night - the house. In general, do not rush to plant vegetables in the garden. Wait until warm weather sets in. Otherwise, the plants can not be saved.
  • When choosing seeds for shrubs and trees, vegetables, flowers and other crops, select varieties that are suitable for the climate in your area. Today, most breeders have such seed. A striking example is the seeds "Gavrish" and "Agroelita".

Weatherman himself

It's good to be interested in the weather forecast, but we all know that meteorologists often make mistakes. Not because they are incompetent. It's just that often they give out data not for a single region or city, but in general, for the region. That is why the weather varies so much in individual places located in the same region. What to do? Learn on your own, determine what the weather will be like in the coming days. Become a weather forecaster and do everything to prevent freezing of plants.

Nature and folk wisdom will help

Sign, natural phenomenon

What will happen (probable course of events)

Early spring, warm first half of the season

In May there is a great threat of cooling. Moreover, a significant drop in temperature is likely to occur closer to the end of May, beginning of June.

Early spring, warm

Expect return frosts May 1-5, 15-20. In addition to freezing of the soil, wet snow is possible.

Warm during the day, cold in the evening

Wait for cold weather if a sharp drop in temperature occurs against the background of such factors:

  • cloudless, clear sky;
  • calm, calm weather;
  • dry air and lack of morning dew.

The probability is especially high if at 19:00-20:00 the temperature begins to drop sharply, and by 21:00 the thermometer already shows +3-4 about C.

Moon yellow like a head of cheese

Expect frost in the air and on the ground.

Sparrows sit silently, ruffled and hiding their tails.

High chance of rain with sleet. The cold will come soon.

The weather is cloudy, but it clears up closer to the night

Cooling will be for sure.

The fish does not bite and goes to the depth

A sharp cold will come in a day.

The frogs have stopped croaking, they are silent

There will be a cold snap, frosts on the ground.

Water lilies on ponds raised leaves

No more cold weather. You can start planting heat-loving crops, sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables in open ground.

Viburnum blooms in a riotous color

The threat has passed. There will be no more cold snaps and frosts.

Red willow blossoms

The earth is ripe, there will be no sharp drops in temperature. It's time to go to the field, sow the soil.

Willow and aspen blossomed

It's time to sow carrot seeds in the garden. At the same time it is already possible to sow:

  • parsley, dill;
  • radish, radish;
  • turnips and onions.

Maple blossoms

It's time to plant the beet seeds.

Lilac and rowan blossoms

It's time to sow cucumber seeds outdoors. Plant seedlings:

  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • physalis.

It's time for cherry plum, cherry and blackthorn to blossom

Time to sow corn seeds outdoors.

The cuckoo has flown in and is calling

Heat-loving crops can be sown outdoors.

Oak blossomed

It's time to sow peas.

Three frosts in May

When bird cherry blossoms, when apricot blossoms, the temperature drops especially when oak blossoms.

This is interesting! The people noticed. If March is dry, April is damp, and May is cold, expect a rich harvest in autumn.

Calculations help predict the weather

In one of the issues of the magazine "Country Secrets" a note was published by our compatriot, an experienced gardener Yu. M. Alekseev. Based on personal experience, he told how you can determine whether there will be frost in May.

Factors affecting forecast accuracy

Forecast accuracy depends on a number of weather factors. They focus on changes that occur mainly in the evening or at night. What factors indicate that there will be no cooling, even if the thermometer shows otherwise:

Good to know! In cities, on hills covered with vegetation, the ambient temperature is usually 2-3 about higher than in hilly areas and in lowlands.

If the seedlings and seedlings are still frozen

Unfortunately, not all crops will be able to survive the cold snap. Even strong plants sometimes cannot stand frost and freeze slightly. What to do in this case? Is it possible to somehow revive the garden and vegetable garden?