Small garden rockery designs

Rock Garden Ideas for Small Spaces


David Beaulieu

David Beaulieu

David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. He was in the nursery business for over a decade, working with a large variety of plants. David has been interviewed by numerous newspapers and national U.S. magazines, such as Woman's World and American Way.

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Updated on 11/07/22

The Spruce / Christopher Lee

In This Article

Project Overview

Rock garden designs can range from to sprawling, naturalistic creations to faux dried river beds to rustic mounds of stones, soil, and plants. It all depends on your preferences and the amount of space (and rock) you have to work with. If you have a small area, often the best design is a simple, round raised bed made of select rocks. This design can fit neatly into any well-chosen nook and will not be in the way when you mow your lawn. If you plant it thoughtfully, it also won't require a lot of maintenance.

Illustration: The Spruce, 2018

Click Play to Learn How to Build Rock Gardens for Small Spaces

Equipment / Tools



  1. Build the First Course

    Clear the area of grass or other organic material, if necessary. Be sure to dig up sod and other plants below the roots to prevent new shoots from coming up later in your rock garden. Lay out a circle of rocks as the perimeter of your base, making the diameter about 4 feet (or as desired). This forms the foundation of your garden and creates some elevation above the surrounding ground. You can use up most of your largest, least attractive rocks in this bottom layer, but it does not require stones larger than about 12 inches in any dimension.

    Fill the area inside the first course with sandy soil, which provides good drainage. If all you have is a clayey soil, add sand and compost to it to promote better drainage. Walk on the soil to pack it down.

    David Beaulieu
  2. Add the Second Course

    Plan the second course of stones. This can simply be a smaller version of the first course, forming a circle within a circle, or it can take the form of one or more bands of stone that pass through the center of the bed perimeter. In any case, the second course should provide plenty of room for planting between the bed perimeter and the second-course stones as well as in any additional spaces created by the second course.

    Place the second course of stones according to your plan (and don't be afraid to experiment). Since you used your heaviest stones for the first course, you have lighter, more easily maneuvered stones to use for the second course. Try to use the best-looking stones here (any size is fine) because they will be more visible than the foundation rocks.

    David Beaulieu
  3. Select Plants for Your Rock Garden

    Start your plant selection by choosing a color scheme that will work well with your stone. For example, if the garden is made primarily with red sandstone, you'll want some plants with a hint of red in them, as well as some plants displaying silver, yellow, white, or other complementary colors.

    In addition to selecting for color, choose plants that thrive in well-drained soil. Also, confirm that the plants have similar watering requirements and are suitable for the amount of sunlight the garden receives. Drought-resistant plants are best, although you can make an exception for a particularly handsome specimen that you can treat as an annual (that is, temporary) plant. Finally, seek variation in plant height and leaf texture for maximum visual impact and interest.

    David Beaulieu
  4. Plant Your Rock Garden

    Arrange the plants in your rock garden while they are still in their pots. Usually, it's best to plant in threes: grouping three of the same kind of plant together or in a strategic arrangement. Keep in mind that you will intersperse rocks among the plants.

    Once you've settled on a layout, begin planting with additional soil as needed, adding rocks for decorative effect as you go (if you add all the rocks before planting, they'll just be in the way of your digging.) 

    If you want to cover small areas of soil with rock mulch (to prevent weed growth), use small stones of the same type (or at least similar coloring) as the major stones forming the rock structure.

    David Beaulieu

Sample Rock Garden Design

Here is a good sample selection of plants for a small rock garden, chosen for color, care requirements, size/height, and texture:

This rock garden will look nicer in spring and early summer (when the plants are in bloom) than it will in late summer. That's an example of a compromise you must make unless you have a space large enough to implement a sequence-of-bloom agenda. For colorful blooms throughout the summer, you can easily add the annual, portulaca, to the mix.

Another compromise is made with Scotch moss, which is not drought-tolerant. This is a case of sacrificing longevity for a temporary pop of color and texture. Scotch moss is suited to planting zones 4 to 9 and bears small white flowers, but it is grown mainly for the solid carpet of yellowish-green that it provides. It grows in full sun to part shade.

The only plant in this sample design that is grown more for its flower than its foliage is the daffodil. The relatively coarse textures of the lamb's ear, wood spurge, and hens and chicks contrast well with the other plants, all of which have more delicate foliage. As the years go by and the daffodil and lamb's ear spread, you can divide them. If you decide that they clutter up your rock garden too much, transplant them to somewhere else in the yard.


Give your rock garden a "grown-in-place" look by layering while you plant. Set a few plants first, then add rocks around them, as though the plants have grown up through the "cracks" in the rocks. Try to cover as much of the surface as possible with rocks and plants.

Watch Now: Painted Rock Crafts

40 Beautiful Rock Garden Ideas In 2022

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You probably had some aesthetic garden designs already outlined in your head, but then quickly realized that they were not the best to go by. Or you may altogether be bereft of ideas. Have you thought about having a rock garden? Check out these best rock garden ideas we’ve laid out for you!







A mini rockery rightly positioned in the front of your house is a beautiful idea, and even more so when the rocks are entwined by all-green plants. You can position the garden at the corners of your house, or structure it so that it surrounds your yard.



2. Alpine Garden with Small Water Pond and Bridge



If you love the texture of a smooth pebble, you may want to consider this rock garden design. It is a lovely garden that consists of a small pond constructed using pebbles and rocks. The number of boulders needed to construct it may make it pricey, but you could always customize it to make it budget-friendly.



3. Mediterranean

Dry Rock Garden



One of the most pleasant sights to behold is a garden of flowers. Nothing beats the refreshing feeling that can come from having those sweet-smelling plants thriving under the moderate conditions that are provided by your garden. This rock garden is one such Mediterranean-style garden with blossoms everywhere If you are not a fan of flowers, other options can make your yard the way you want it: think purple fountain grass, lavender, or a combination of both.





4. A Rock Garden with Alpine 




If you are a rock garden enthusiast, one of the first things you’ll notice is that alpine plants are commonly grown in them. This shouldn’t come as a surprise if the biology of the plant is properly understood. This garden arrangement is best positioned at the center of your house. It is an excellent option if you don’t want anything too pricey.



5. Rock Garden with Flower Bed and Step Path



This is another garden design that makes use of flower beds. Shrubs, a few boulders, and pebbles are mainly used in this garden design. If you wish to, a step path makes for easy access to your garden. Also, this is one of the cheaper rock garden solutions out there because the main material involved is pebbles.







Natural stones, when situated in an appealing environment, are something everyone delights in. This is a very convenient garden arrangement that provides the space you need from everyday stressors. One beautiful thing about this rock garden is the fact that it does not require constant maintenance, plus it is easy to prepare. There is always room to add more plants of your choice in the gaps between the boulders. However, this is entirely up to you.



7. White Rock with Green Bush 



As its name indicates, this small rockery consists of white rock with an all-green bush planted in the middle. You have the option of substituting the stone lantern with any other stone you like, but it is advisable to keep it short and simple for a better flow with the garden arrangement. With this garden design, you will not need to worry about maintenance.



8. Rock Garden with Cactus Plants




This garden arrangement is nice and would definitely add a touch of beauty to your garden. Flowering cacti are beautiful plants, and the synergy they have with rocks and pebbles is second to none.



9. Stone Steps with Flowers



Narrow rocks are ideal for this particular rock garden design.  Like some rock garden ideas for small spaces in this post, this idea is also low maintenance and easy to prepare. It features nice-looking flowers stationed on both sides of pebbles and stone steps. Green shrubs and cacti can be used to replace the flowers if you like.



10. Hillside Rock Garden




This hillside garden design is ideal for large gardens. This design allows you to station stones at one point, a pebble pathway at another point, and then your flower beds in between your pebble pathway and your stones. There are plenty of bushes and cacti types in this garden idea which you can choose from.



11. Simple Rock Garden Ideas – Rock Steps




The arrangement of this garden is mainly dependent on the proper preparation of the soil, your stepping stone arrangement, and the type of plants you cultivate in your rock garden. To make it look even more beautiful, you might want to include some boulders in your arrangement.



12. Traditional Zen-style Japanese Garden




The Zen-style Japanese garden draws its inspiration from nature, making use of flowers and rocks to connote the beauty of Mother Nature. The build of this garden comprises an abundance of green shrubs and pebbles. There are also a few boulders dispersed throughout the garden. The greenery on the sides and middle of the garden would certainly brighten up your garden. All in all, this is a very serene design, appropriate for both small and large spaces.





13. River Rock Gardens



The design of this garden is basically hinged on the specific arrangement of pebbles to bring out a certain design pattern. If you do not have a thing for big pebbles, this design may not be the best garden design for you. There is always room for matching and mixing various designs to come up with a unique design for yourself.



14. Oriental Rock Garden




A rock garden of this type is suitable for both small and large gardens. It has caught the fancy of many rock garden fans because the classic design it adopts requires little maintenance.



15. Rock Garden with Water Pond and Pitcher




This is basically a simple set-up that is perfect for the center of a small garden or a larger garden. It is also a low-maintenance garden, with minimal preparation time involved.



16. Rock Mulch




This is a great gardening idea with one marvelous additional benefit. It makes use of the principle of mulching to help the soil of your garden retain its moisture and temperature. In addition, the rocks serve as a protective layer over the topsoil rather than being simply for decoration. The layer also promotes better irrigation, which your selection of plants can benefit from.



17. Rock Garden with Pond Landscape 




This is a gorgeous design that makes use of a combination of cacti, green shrubs, boulders, and pebbles. Also, there is a lovely pond landscape in the design of this garden. If you are keen on having a serene environment where you can relax, then this rock garden is your best bet. The water feature it contains will surely help you rest and relax.



18. Rock Boulder Formation



This rock garden comprises three boulders placed at the center. These boulders do not have to be statue-y or shiny to be placed at the center of your garden. Also, the boulders will have to complement one another as no boulder looks great on its own.



19. Rock Garden with Pond in Ornamental Backyard




Contrary to its name, this is a rock garden option that requires you to break your bank before creating it. The arrangement here consists of big boulders that complement a backyard brook. Even though this is not a very cheap option, the sense of serenity it brings to your home far outweighs the high costs needed to create it!



20. Garden Pebble Path




Having a path lined with pebbles in your garden is a beautiful addition to any regular garden. It is even lovelier when you step on these pebbles barefooted, as the amazing sensation it gives your feet is priceless. Also, having your pebble path lined with green shrubs and flowers on both sides is the way to go. 



21. Rock Garden with Bushes and Plants



The design of this rock garden requires you to include more boulders. You’ll have to properly tailor-make your soil to suit the plants you’ll grow there. If having different color patches is your thing, you can also scatter flowers of different colors in your garden.



22. Buddha-Inspired Rock Garden




You’ll most likely encounter a challenge building this rock garden without a statue of the Buddha. But not to worry as any statue or centerpiece would get the job done. Although pricey, the excellent sight and incredible feeling it offers will compensate for the cost of setting it up.



23. Rock Garden Terraces




Having rocks as part of your terrace will enhance its beauty. It certainly would be better looking when these rocks are combined with some other factors. These plants can either be the center of attraction in your garden, or they can serve to complement the aesthetics of the stone.



24. Stones in Equilibrium




The stone in equilibrium rock idea is a very straightforward one, at least during its construction. There are some tactics and shortcuts that you’ll have to apply to create this garden. Once you get through with its creation, you’ll have a beautiful stone structure displayed in your garden for all to marvel at.



25. Japanese Zen Garden



Gardens inspired by the Zen ideology are usually known to incorporate elements of nature, which is the case with this idea. The garden has enough Zen-ness to it – certain rocks similar to huge jades are neatly dispersed on the ground of the garden, and there’s lovely greenery at the sides and in the background.



26. Rock Garden Landscaped with Boulders




Confused as to how to set up your garden? Rocks can always work some magic. For this rock garden idea, crevices are shoved with certain plants, and certain large boulders are incorporated for contrast in size.



27. Garden Pond with Rocks



There is no denying the fact that everyone experiences a relaxing feeling when there is a body of water nearby. That is definitely the case with this garden. Making use of smooth stones on any large water body or in the pond of your garden will make it appealing (especially on its banks) as you can only peer over your pond by stepping on them.



28. Rock Dike Pond



If you enjoy displaying shiny objects, this rock garden solution with a pond is the option for you! The build of this rock garden is such that you cannot pass beyond its borders without experiencing an overwhelming compulsion to complement it. What is even more astonishing is the fact that this rock garden is budget-friendly.



29. Rock Garden with Flat Slabs Walkway 



We often neglect the profound effect that nature has on us. It’s easy to overlook the benefits of surrounding ourselves with nature. Utilizing our garden space with a touch of nature is a great source of relaxation. In this type of rock garden, the rock steps lend themselves well to most garden themes and layouts, which other substitutes, like concrete, simply would not cut it. The rocky slabs it features together with some wooden planks are the lovechild of nature and architecture.





A mosaic design, especially when it has to do with a smooth and consistent surface, is certainly desirable. Naturally, rocks come in different shapes and forms. When you get creative with these rocks in a mosaic fashion, you’ll arrive at a beautiful work of art. This art piece is ideal for adorning the pathway to your home with grace and homeliness, or as designed walkways.  Alternatively, how about getting a set of stepping stones to make your walk more comfortable?



31. Rock Pond



Indeed, plenty of rock garden enthusiasts out there may not have what it takes to fulfill their dream of having a large pond. However, all is not lost – some rock gardens are perfect for smaller spaces. You can take some smooth and pretty pebbles and glue them under heat to the inside part of a bowl. Fill the bowl with water. Dig a hole in your lawn that can accommodate the bowl and place it there. Include some fish, and there you go! A quick rock pond.



32. Flat Slab Steps



In this rock garden, there are large flat slabs of durable stones that are all similar in size. You can incorporate these slab steps to create a nice slope. Include some stout greens in the garden, and you will get the ideal hangout spot for a calm afternoon.



33. Contrasting Spiral Rock Garden




In this idea, dark-colored pebbles can be seen everywhere in the rock garden. Also, there is a need to acquire some white stones from landscaping stores. It may be a bit pricey for most people, but it is also a beautiful sight to behold and is fairly easy to create. The contrasting properties that the pebbles and the stones add to the garden create visual interest.



34. Desert-Inspired Small Rock Garden




What is the most obvious sign that rocks confer? The barren and tough surface ridden with such appearance, no, something more like a desert! In this rock garden, some succulent plants are fitted in the space between the rocks to make it look like a desert.



35. Small Rock Garden On A Low Hill




Of all sloped rock garden ideas, this is one you must try. Have yourself a small rock garden on a low hill. When you are creating this rock garden, you may like to casually place the plants and the stones and fit them in such a way that the overall appearance looks great.


36. Small Brook Rock Garden



Lots of rock garden fans love to see water in their garden. This rock garden type is ideal for large gardens, plus it also features a small water brook that adds some beauty to your garden. It is also a suitable option for small waterfall style and sloping gardens.



37. A Rocky Entryway



This excellent rock garden idea requires a bit more time and effort than the rest. It is characterized by a rocky entryway that is smooth to the touch. With the help of someone a bit skillful or at best, an expert, you’ll have something nice at the end of it all.



38. Rock Garden with Waterfall



There is no denying the fact that almost everyone on the planet desires something as natural and soothing as seeing a waterfall right by your house. The splashing sound of water as it flows down through the rock formation will definitely amaze you.



39. Rock Garden with Rock-Walled Herb 



This rock garden idea is great for even beginners. When you are done constructing this garden, you’ll not only have exceptional scenery to behold but hopefully some shade as well.



40. Japanese Zen Rocks



You don’t always have to stack your rock garden with plants and rocks! In this rock garden design, a zen feeling is created by additional props that enrich the visual sides of the garden without weighing down on its meditative appeal.



What Do You Put In A Rock Garden?


Rock gardens are usually unique in their components, and what would be found in one would not likely be found in another. Some factors determine what would be found in your rock garden. The location of your house and the choice of garden idea you decide to adopt, plus your budget, top the list. Below are some of the materials that feature in a rock garden:





Rocks are the most common inclusions in all rock gardens. Boulders are obviously more expensive than pebbles, so when you set out to make a choice, this should also be put into consideration. The rock garden design will help you decide which kinds of rocks you should get. 





This is also another common inclusion in a typical rock garden. You will typically need topsoil, pebbles, and peat moss. Soil is not pricey, something that shouldn’t worry you as much because you’ll not break the bank to get it. Also, the quantity of soil you’ll need for your rock garden is dependent on its size and design.








Also, this is another less-pricey inclusion. With a few dollars, you can get a beautiful collection of plants that are rock garden-friendly, for example:





How To Make A Rock Garden


You should realize that creating a rock garden is very much different from a normal garden. It requires more effort and patience, but a well-planned rock garden is a reward in and of itself. A nice rock garden involves carefully-crafted plans and a thorough preparation so that you know what it is that you want and how to position yourself to achieve it.



1. Prepare Your Desired Plot of Land


This is the first step in the preparation of a rock garden. Root out all useless plants from the plot, and effectively mark out your garden area by making deep edges around it.



2. Carefully Plot Your Design on The Ground


When you do this, you’ll have an idea of how your rock garden will turn out to be before you actually start doing the main work. Inverted marking spray paint will do the trick. Also, it is important to plan out your soil and rock layers to promote good irrigation. You can also include fabric that is resistant to weeds in the areas that are prone to weed infestation.



3. Make a Choice of Your Desired Rock


There are stones of small sizes available in gardening and landscaping stores that you can buy. If there is a need to acquire larger stones, then you’ll need the services of stone suppliers to get them for you from their quarry. These suppliers frequently have a large collection of boulders to serve your needs, and they are by far a cheaper alternative.



4. Begin With the Large Boulders


This is because these big objects are the most difficult to move around. Setting these up as your foundation to builf upon sets you upd for an easier job. It is ideal to plan their places in your rock garden at the start since it isn’t practical to move them around frequently. Once they’ve been set, your collection of ornaments and the rest of your rock garden material can build upon these large boulders to complete the natural look.



5. Add the Smaller Stones or Plant All the Plants First


This is the very next step. You can use the crevices to fill the soil, or you can press them down to make them appear in a natural form.



As discussed above, the average Joe can create nice-to-behold rocky scenes if they can put in some level of effort and adequate planning. Following the step-by-step process and incorporating some personal touches and creativity, et voilà, you have a beautiful rock garden all to yourself!



How Do You Use Small Rocks In The Garden?




Most of the DIY rock gardens feature small stones as part of their build. The sheer contrast in size and the attractive connotation that small stones provide is worth knowing how to make use of them in your rock garden. After getting them from a landscaping or gardening store, you can seek experts’ help to lend you an assisting hand in placing them correctly in your rock garden. If the rock garden idea you choose to opt for is anything that you can do alone, then proceed to incorporate them at the right spot in your garden.



Location of the Rock Garden


When you set out to create a rock garden for yourself, one thing should be obvious to you. They are usually permanent structures, so you ought to be careful in choosing the proper site to position them. The location of your rock garden can either be at the corners of your house, or in one suitable location in your backyard. If you are confident in yourself that you are ready and have the experience of creating one for yourself, then you may like to try out rock gardens for higher hills and larger spaces, if you have the resources.



Feel of the Rock Garden


A good choice of rocks for your rock garden and where to place them will positively affect the appearance of your garden and the feeling you’ll experience anytime you visit it. For a natural and casual appeal, irregular rocks paired with random groupings of rocks are definitely a suitable option. But then, if you want an elegant and cleaner appeal, rocks or smooth pebbles that come in equally shaped sizes will get the job done perfectly.


Where Can I Get Free Rocks For Landscaping?


Help A Farmer


For farmers, a rocky field can pose a nightmare. To this end, you may like to find any farmer that you can assist in removing the rocks from his field. They would be more than happy to have a helping hand, as it is a win-win situation for both of you. If the odds turn in your favor, you may find the sufficient quantity of rock you need for your garden.



Check Construction Sites


Locate a construction site that is currently being excavated, and try getting some rocks from there. Most construction workers would be happy giving you those rocks because they can sometimes pose as a distraction for them.



Discuss with Road Construction Crews


Do you know any big road construction project where there is an active blasting of rocks? Get in touch with the job foreman and have a chit-chat with him. You may be surprised to see that you’ll get your rocks for free.



Go Shop It


When house owners visit their yard work during the spring, some rocks get hauled into the curb. During a Sunday afternoon drive, you may get to see some rocks that will add beauty to your garden on a lonely site in the neighborhood. While free alternatives are aplenty, quality may vary largely from rock to rock. Paid options, on the other hand, guarantee consistently good quality to make building that perfect garden easier. Here are the best garden rocks you can get today.


Top 3 Garden Rock Choices


Premium CHOICE

Margo Garden Products Large Red Rocks


Check Latest Price

Value Buy

Royal Imports Decorative Garden Rocks

Check Latest Price

TOP Pick

Southwest Boulder & Stone Mexican Beach Pebbles

Check Latest Price


Go Rockhounding


This is the hobby of looking for and picking rocks: rockhounding. Even though this hobby is not entertained in national parks, most properties handled by the Bureau of Land Management and most national forests allow it. Without having a permit, it is possible to pick up to 250 pounds of rock in a single day in Utah. Now, that’s a lot of free rocks.



Shop at Craigslist and Freecycle


This store may be the next best alternative for you when you go all out to get some nice free rocks. But you should frequently check both sites, and take proactive steps when the offer presents itself.

Arrangement of rockeries in the garden: recommendations, nuances, ideas

When you look at a well-groomed rocky garden, so "naturally" overgrown with ornamental plants, it seems that there is nothing complicated in its arrangement. But this is a misleading impression.

Everything is important in making a rockery. It is necessary to select interesting rocks, achieve their color combination with pebbles, include plants in the composition that can simultaneously emphasize the beauty of the stone and not get lost against its background. Without special knowledge, this is quite difficult to do. nine0003

Here are some ideas and tips to help you create an interesting rock garden.

Combination of rockery with a recreation area

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Rockery on the site - beautiful, fashionable, practical

Rockery is a close relative of the alpine slide, but, unlike it, is created in a horizontal plane, sometimes with a slight slope. Like a rock garden, it imitates mountainous terrain - rocky scree, gorge, exit to the surface of rocks. Since this is primarily a rocky-gravel composition, boulders and decorative filling are given the main attention. Plants also serve as a spectacular addition. nine0003

Rockeries are much more democratic than rock gardens, and this is their advantage. In addition to the traditional alpine flora, conifers, grasses, wormwood, ornamental shrubs are welcome in their design.

Why are rock and gravel gardens so popular?

Rockery size may vary. But on a standard plot of 6-10 acres, it is not advisable to break a large rocky garden - it will look ridiculous and tasteless. Much more interesting are thoughtful miniature compositions that combine the beauty of stone and plants. We propose to talk about such methods.

Rockery imitating a mountain stream

Ideas for inspiration

When designing a rockery, it is important to remember that it is part of the overall picture of the garden, so it should be organically connected with the lawn, set off by paving, and connected to the reservoir. The more natural it looks, the better.

1. Imitation of a rock outcrop

If there is a small hill on the site, you can create a landscape corner that resembles a rock outcrop on the soil surface.

To solve the problem, you will need several medium-sized boulders. It should feel like they have grown into the ground. To do this, they are slightly “drowned”, and the sole is decorated with crushed stone of the same rock as the main stone. nine0003

Plants are positioned so that they seem to grow out of crevices, breaking through a rocky embankment. Slow-growing conifers are usually planted on the "rock" - mountain pine, stunted spruce, juniper, as well as ampelous and ground cover plants of the alpine type - sedums (sedums), saxifrage, saxifrage.

The basis of the composition shown in the photo below is gneiss rock with an interesting layered structure and an unusual color that combines light blotches. To imitate scree, “stone bark” was used - crushed stone of a fine fraction from the same stone. nine0003

Against the background of bluish green thuja, it seems that the boulders are cast in silver. Stones literally attract the eye - you want to look at them, touch the rough surface. Blooming sedum adds a sense of warmth and sunshine to the mountain landscape.

Decoration of a rockery in the form of a rock outcrop

2. A rocky corner near a pond

Two elements can be combined in a rockery - mountains and water. Stones, as a rule, frame one of the sides of the reservoir, preferably southern or western, so that the plants receive enough sun. If a recreation area is provided next to the water, a rocky corner is broken from the opposite side so that it can be viewed from the best viewing point. nine0003

Large boulders are needed for a large pond, but if the pond is small, it is better to refuse overall boulders, otherwise it will turn into a puddle against their background.

Even a few large stones can make a picture, but they must be interesting. Look at the photo, how beautifully the decorative chip reveals the structure of sandstone, how unusual the combination of gray and sandy yellow looks. The final touch is an amazing silver-gray bush that enhances the naturalness of the composition. There are many perennials of this shade. For example: decorative wormwood, seaside cineraria, sapling, eryngium. nine0003

An example of decorating a reservoir with blocks of sandstone

3. Stony and gravel composition

Rockery does not have to be large, sometimes a small fragment is enough to draw attention to one or another corner of the garden. Typically, such a composition is placed in a well-visible place, for example, against the background of a parterre lawn or in the bends of garden paths.

Marble looks luxurious in rocky and gravel gardens. In the photo below, it is a warm sandy-beige shade with a horizontal pattern on the chips. In unison, a backfill of caramel-colored marble crushed stone was selected. It dilutes a uniform color scheme and plays the role of an accent of a rich purple shade. This is a creeping perennial plant that will not create problems in care and will delight with bright colors all spring and the first half of summer. nine0003

Instead of purple, you can also plant pink shaving or choose other plants of the same type, such as saxifrage.

Rocky-gravel composition with marble

Landscaping project for
plot from Sad-dizain

Details . Laconic rocky gardens in the English style look interesting in such places. nine0003

A beautiful structural block, specially crafted to present it from the best angle, is placed on top of a gravel bed. Crushed stone is selected from a rock similar in structure, matching in color or playing in contrast. Nearby are planted cereals with bluish-green foliage, beloved by the British, decorative wormwood, dwarf coniferous trees or bushes. It turns out stylish and elegant.

The dominant of both the first and second groups is a picturesque block shaded by bushes of Alpine sheep

5. Compositions with exclusive stones

The rocky garden is an art object. How do you like this idea? It is quite possible to realize it if you use decorative stones from the Exclusive category. Each of them has a unique shape - one looks like a piece of petrified wood, the other looks like a sculpture carved from stone, the third looks like volcanic lava frozen in a bizarre bend.

An example of such an object is shown in the photo. An unusual hollow block of terracotta hue resembles a piece of ancient Greek amphora thrown ashore from the depths of the sea. The impression is enhanced by the snow-white marble pebbles "Bianco Carrara", and the plants are selected so as not to distract attention from the stone. Unpretentious arabis with delicate greenery and small white flowers looks elegant, but it is only a frame for the main picture. nine0003

An example of decorating a garden with unique natural stones

As you can see, even with a minimal set of stones, you can create stylish compositions. Moreover, a small rockery is more thoughtful. You never get tired of looking at it as a work of art, and every time it reveals new facets.

do-it-yourself arrangement, choice of location and plants, care

What is a rockery - a small rocky garden, an integral element of modern landscape design. It combines the charm of a flower garden and beautiful stones. In appearance, rockeries are very similar to rock gardens. nine0003

What is the difference between rockery and rock garden - rockery is located on the plain, not on the hill and The choice of plants is not limited to alpine plants.

Creating a home garden requires a lot of work. The selection of suitable plants and decorations will make the furnished space unique and will attract the attention of every visitor. One of the solutions that you can use is the arrangement of rockeries.

How to decorate rockeries and how to care for them.

Garden rockery - features

Garden rockery is a landscaped piece of space in which the form of plantings and accessories should resemble mountain landscapes. Among the flowers, undersized plants and those that do not require special care predominate. Additionally, rockeries use various types of stones and boulders that perform a decorative function, and wood chips that imitate tree bark.

Due to the large concentration of different types of shrubs, perennials and flowers, when designing a garden, remember to choose plants with similar preferences in terms of rockery location and daily care requirements. This is an extremely important element that will allow you to maintain the appearance of plantings for a long time, without the need to replace plants. nine0003

Choosing a place for rockeries

What to choose, a flat area or a slope?

If your site has slopes and hilly terrain, be sure that this is the most advantageous place where your rockery will look perfect.

You can create an imitation of scree, rock ledge, picturesque cascades through which flowing water can play.

Pay attention to your site, if there is a large pit on it, this is not a reason for frustration, but the opportunity to build a small gorge or mountain hollow on the site and end it with a swamp or lake. nine0003

Where to choose for rockery

Rockery in the garden is extremely easy, but requires a little physical effort. To make this easier, first plan on a piece of paper what the landing should look like.

Take inspiration from photographs of mountain peaks and numerous plants along the paths as you sketch your first garden decoration.

It is a good idea to fit the rockery into the atmosphere of the garden so that it forms a whole with the rest. Think over your plan for the remaining space and only then choose a suitable piece of land. nine0003

When choosing a site, pay attention to the characteristics of the selected plants and select a site with sufficient sunlight. Also take advantage of the natural conditions of the area and choose the right type of rockery for them.

You can create, for example:

Use pre-made ground conditions and create an amazing composition using plants and shrubs.

How to design a garden rockery step by step

Proper preparation and arrangement of a garden composition is the beginning of creating a plant composition that will make your garden look amazing.

When making your own rockery, be sure to check the type of soil and prepare the right substrate, the pH of which will match the needs of the flowers and shrubs you plant. Poorly selected soil will not provide proper development, which will result in poor growth or death of flowers.

How to create a rockery

Decide in advance on the size of the allotted soil for rockeries, remove the sod and the top layer of earth from it to a depth of about 20 centimeters.

A geotextile, a layer of crushed stone for drainage, as well as layers of broken bricks, gravel are laid on the bottom of the formed recess, and then this surface is leveled and carefully compacted with coarse sand. nine0003

All this is necessary in order to create a rigid base that can pass moisture well and will not shrink the stone.

What should be included in the composition of the soil for rockeries

On the sand, up to the ground level, a little higher, a special substrate is laid, in which plants are planted directly and decorated with stones.

The required substrate consists of ordinary garden soil, brown peat, sand, fine gravel (gravel can be replaced with gravel), in an approximate ratio of 3:2:1:1. nine0003

By following these ratios, a highly aerated potting mix can be obtained.

It is strictly not recommended to introduce strong organic fertilizers into the soil substrate.

The main rule for plants growing in a rock garden is that they must be kept on a semi-starved diet (otherwise the foliage will grow profusely, because of which the stones will not be visible).

In some cases foliar application of complex trace elements can be used. nine0003

How to choose a stone for rockery

Stones from soft rocks with a natural color look more attractive: shades of beige, gray, or yellowish tones. Against the background of such shades, any plants will look most impressive.

It is not recommended to use stones of different breeds, which can vary greatly in texture and color.

Consideration should also be given to the size of the stones, as many small stones tend to look untidy, while a few large boulders can look much more attractive. nine0003

Caring for rockeries: what to do to keep their beauty for years to come

Garden rockeries are not very demanding in terms of decoration, so you do not have to perform complex maintenance procedures, but it is worth following a few basic rules to maintain their durability and healthy appearance.

Following a few simple rules of proper care will keep rockeries in good condition for many years without the need to plant new flowers. By choosing all-season plants and tubers, you'll save time setting up the next spot in your home garden.

Rockery plants

Although the name refers to the use of flowers growing in the mountains, this is not a requirement. When you decide to build a rockery, you can also choose all-season plants that grow in different environments and are suitable for the prepared soil.

Plants, as in the case of the formation of alpine slides, should be pre-arranged in containers, arranging them among themselves, taking into account their size, shape and color, and it is also worth thinking about how they will look and what they will be like in a few years. nine0003

The range of vegetation that can be planted in a flat rockery is unusually large. Almost all dwarf and undersized deciduous and coniferous species are suitable for it.

You can also use bulbous and small bulbous seedlings, which will provide the earliest and most continuous flowering of rockeries.

Enriching the rockery with bright plants and flowers can be a good solution.

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