Roses flower garden

Rose Garden Ideas - How to Design with Roses

Create a beautiful rose garden for your front or back yard, small or large garden, and learn what to plant with roses By Janet Loughrey, Garden Writer & Photographer

At Last® rose. Photo by: Proven Winners

Other Popular Rose Topics:

As one of the world’s most beloved garden plants, roses deserve a prominent spot in the landscape. While these long-lived shrubs have a reputation of being somewhat fussy, newer cultivars bred for disease-resistance and vigor have made growing roses easy for even novice gardeners.

A rose garden can be as simple as a single rose specimen interspersed with a few other plants. It can be as elaborate as a formal landscape embellished with hardscaping, arbors, seating, and statuary. Even smaller spaces can accommodate roses in containers, raised beds, or narrow side yards. Here are the basics of rose garden design, along with some ideas to get you started.

On this page: Planning | Different Spaces | Landscaping Tips | What to Plant With Roses | Design Ideas | More Rose Gardens | Related Reading

On this page:


Choose your site:

Make sure the site gets at least 6-8 hours of sun a day and has good air circulation to help prevent disease.

Make a plan:

Choose a style:

Decide what kind of rose garden you want. Do you want a clean formal look with structured hardscape, or a more natural appearance with other plants mixed in? Pick a style that will harmonize with your home’s exterior.

Pick a color scheme:

Select colors that you enjoy and that will also help unify the home with the landscape.

Prepare the soil:

Roses like rich, well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.0-7.0. Amend the soil with compost or other organic matter. For containers, use a high quality all-purpose potting soil and make sure pots have adequate drainage holes.

Plant selection:

Choose roses that are easy-care and hardy in your region. Select varieties for traits including size, shape, flower color, and form, fragrance and repeat or continual bloom. Many newer varieties such as Oso Easy Roses are bred for disease-resistance, vigor, and long bloom time. Some older types, particularly hybrid teas, can be higher maintenance and more disease-prone.


Plant fragrant rose varieties near a deck or patio to enjoy their fragrance up close. Gardener: Diana Gough. Designer: Phil Thornburg. Photo by: Janet Loughrey.

Large rose garden:

Small rose garden:

Front yard rose garden:

Backyard rose garden:


Create a grand entrance to your home with a rose-covered arbor. Gardener: Mary DeNoyer. Photo by: Janet Loughrey.

Grow vertically:

Include climbing roses to maximize your space. Train other vining plants such as clematis to grow up through shrub or climbing roses to create exciting flower combinations.

Grow horizontally:

Train climbers along a fence to define garden rooms or to soften an unsightly chain link fence.

Plant in containers:

Many roses can be successfully grown in containers, a good solution for small spaces, apartment balconies, patios, and decks. Containers should be at least 15 to 20 inches in diameter and 18 to 24 inches deep. Half whiskey barrels work well. Miniature roses can be grown in smaller pots or hanging baskets. (See more on growing roses in pots.)

Cover a slope:

Mass groundcover varieties such as Flower Carpet® or Drift® roses along a slope for low-maintenance erosion control.

Plant in drifts:

For greater impact, plant in groups of 3-5 specimens of the same variety.

Plant a hedge:

Plant a row of taller shrub roses to create privacy from the street. A row of shorter groundcover roses can be planted along a foundation, in a curbside strip, or used to define garden areas.

Make an entrance:

Create a grand entrance to your home with an inviting entryway complete with a rose arbor and adjacent plantings to soften the landscape.

Create a transition:

Use a rose-covered arbor in a side yard to define the transition between front and back yards.

Use as a background planting:

Place climbers along a tall wooden fence to soften the backdrop and break up the expanse of wood.

Foundation planting:

Combine landscape roses with other shrubs that bloom at different times along the front of your home for a season-long display of color.

Mixed border:

Use low-growing ground cover roses near the front of a mixed border or taller semi-climbers in back to establish height and layers.


A curbside planting of roses underplanted with perennial geraniums offers screening and privacy. Garden and photo by: Janet Loughrey.

A rose garden can be greatly enhanced by incorporating other plants as part of the overall design. Roses go well with a wide variety of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals. Choose plants that have the same cultural requirements of full sun, ample water and rich soil.

Also, consider how much maintenance your roses will need:

Flowering companions:

Intersperse plants that flower at different times to extend the bloom season. These can include perennials or annuals such as petunia, verbena, or calibrachoa.

Complement and contrast:

Pair roses with other plants in complementary hues to create drama and contrast. A gold-colored rose such as Oso Easy Lemon Zest® would pair well with Rapido Blue Carpathian bellflower or ‘Violet Profusion’ salvia.


Add different heights to a mixed border or formal rose garden with trees. These can include snowbell (Styrax japonicus), fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus), dogwood (Cornus) and crabapple (Malus).


Enhance the landscape by providing contrasting color, texture, and structure with shrubs. These can include boxwood, spirea, bluebeard, and daphne.


Use groundcovers as a living mulch and weed-suppressing carpet. Good rose companions include perennial geraniums, dead nettle, bugleweed, and lady’s mantle.


Provide contrast with perennials of different size, structure, and color. Good rose companions include alliums, lavender, catmint, salvia, phlox, and speedwell.


Climbers can be trained up or alongside rose plants for an extra layer of color. These may include clematis, climbing bleeding heart (Dicentra scandens), morning glory and jasmine.


Plant fragrant rose varieties near a deck or patio to enjoy their fragrance up close. Gardener: Diana Gough. Designer: Phil Thornburg. Photo by: Janet Loughrey.

Combine roses with other plants of different heights for a layered tapestry. Gardener: Jeff Clark. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

A formal rose garden is characterized by distinct lines, clipped hedging and structures such as pergolas and arbors. Gardener and designer: Nancy Cutler. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

A rose-covered gate marks the transition between the front and back yards. Gardener: Mary DeNoyer. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Train roses vertically to add varying layers to the landscape. Gardeners: Darin Simmons and Matthew Greydanus, Laurel Hedge. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Train climbing roses along a fence to create an attractive screen for privacy. Gardeners: Danny Hills and Wayne Hughes, Lonesomeville Gardens. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Roses combine well with many perennials, shrubs, trees, and annuals. Photo: Matthewshutter / Shutterstock.


My Garden: An Affinity for Roses

In this front garden, perennials such as catmint, delphinium, and hollyhocks mingle with roses.

From Parking Lot to Rose Garden

See this backyard that was transformed into a spectacular rose garden featuring David Austin roses.

Portland's Rose Test Garden

Another public rose garden, features over 10,000 rose plants from 550 species.


Rose Care: A Beginner's Guide

Cottage Garden Design

How to Grow Climbing Roses

How to Treat Black Spot on Roses

How to Get Rid of Aphids

How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew

Caring for Roses: A Beginner’s Rose Growing Guide

Ten essential steps for ensuring beautiful blooms year after year By Anne Balogh; last updated 9/2/20

Oso Easy Double Red™. Photo by: Proven Winners.

Rose care is easier than you think—anyone can grow them successfully. Plant your roses in a sunny location with good drainage. Fertilize them regularly for impressive flowers. Water them evenly to keep the soil moist. Prune established rose bushes in early spring. Watch for diseases like powdery mildew or black spot.

If you’ve been afraid to start a rose garden, the truth is, roses are no more difficult to care for than other flowering shrubs. Follow these ten essential rules to learn how to grow roses:

1. Start with the roots

You can purchase roses already potted in soil or as dormant bare-root plants. Each type has its benefits:

Bare-root roses, which arrive dormant, offer the widest selection of varieties, but also require more TLC in the months after planting. Photo by: Michael Vi / Shutterstock.

2. Choose your roses wisely

There are numerous classes of roses, ranging from micro-miniatures to grandifloras, and from groundcovers to climbing roses, with some classes containing hundreds of varieties. While it may be tempting to fill your rose garden with a wide assortment, you are likely to end up with a disorderly array and too many plants for the space. A few well-chosen varieties will give you more satisfaction than dozens of mismatched plants that don’t work in harmony.

If you want lower-maintenance roses, try shrub or landscape roses, like the Oso Easy line, for a more care-free rose garden.

See The Best Types of Roses for Your Garden and get tips for choosing the perfect rose for your garden.

Limiting the number of rose varieties you grow will help you avoid creating a disorderly and mismatched array. Oso Easy Hot Paprika® landscape rose. Photo by: Proven Winners.

3. Find the right site

For the best show of flowers and the healthiest plants, rose bushes should receive six to eight hours of sunlight daily. They should also be planted in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. In especially hot climates, roses do best when they are protected from the hot afternoon sun. In cold climates, planting a rose bush next to a south- or west-facing fence or wall can help minimize winter freeze damage.

4. Get the timing right

Roses are best planted in the spring (after the last frost) or in fall (at least six weeks before your average first frost). Planting early enough in fall gives the roots enough time to get established before the plants go dormant over the winter.

Bare-root roses are typically available only in early spring and should be planted soon after you bring them home. Roses purchased in containers give you more flexibility in planting time.

5. Plant properly

Planting your bare-root or container roses properly will ensure they get off to a good start.

When planting roses, dig a deep, wide hole that allows for proper drainage and leaves room for root growth. Photo by: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

6. Fertilize regularly

For an impressive show of flowers, a rose bush needs to be fertilized regularly. Organic methods provide a slow, steady supply of nutrients. Monthly applications of compost, composted manure, and other organic and natural fertilizers, such as this organic fish emulsion, work well. Organic amendments also help to encourage beneficial soil microbes and a well-balanced soil pH.

Slow-release fertilizers, like Jobe's Organic Fertilizer Spikes, supply the right balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other minor nutrients. They also give rose bushes the nourishment they need for optimum growth.

For newly planted bare-root plants: Apply organic amendments to the soil at planting time. Wait until after the plant produces its first blooms to apply full-strength fertilizers so you don’t burn the new roots.

Learn more in our Guide to Fertilizing Roses.

7. Water wisely

Soil should be kept evenly moist throughout the growing season. The amount and frequency of watering will depend on your soil type and climate. Roses do best with the equivalent of 1” of rainfall per week during the growing season. Roses growing in sandy soils will need more watering than those in heavier clay soils. Hot, dry, and windy conditions will also parch roses quickly.

How you water is as important as the frequency. To keep roses healthy, avoid wetting the foliage. Use a soaker hose, watering can with a long spout, or a watering wand pointed directly at the soil.

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8. Prune like a pro

It’s almost impossible to kill a rose bush by overpruning. But, if you follow a few simple rules, the results will look more professional and result in a healthier plant. Many newer rose varieties don’t require much —if any—pruning. A good pair of bypass pruners (not anvil style) and rose pruning gloves can make the job even easier.

Major pruning should be done in early spring. For all roses, start by removing any dead or damaged canes (any that look brown). For specimens that require a hard pruning, cut back a third to a half of the previous year’s growth until you find healthy, white centers inside the cane.

You can lightly prune your roses all season long to keep them well-groomed.

Some varieties of reblooming roses will require deadheading to encourage reblooming throughout the season. Cut spent blooms back to the first five-leaflet stem to promote regrowth.

If your rose bushes are “self-cleaning” (which means they don’t develop rose hips), no deadheading is needed. Blooms will drop off automatically and the plants will keep on producing more flowers.

For step-by-step pruning instructions, see Pruning Roses.

9. Keep them healthy

The best way to prevent rose diseases is to choose disease-resistant varieties. These roses are bred and selected to resist the most common rose afflictions, including powdery mildew and black spot.

Powdery mildew typically appears during the summer, especially when the days are hot and dry and the nights are cool and wet. The tell-tale signs include leaves that curl and twist and the development of a white, powdery down on the leaves. To avoid powdery mildew, water plants at ground level in the morning, since wet leaves (especially overnight) provide the perfect growing environment. Pruning a rose bush to allow air to circulate through the foliage also helps prevent this powdery growth.

This rose bush has been damaged by powdery mildew. Photo by: Amelia Martin / Shutterstock.

Black spot is a waterborne fungal disease. It appears as circular black or brown spots on the top side of leaves. It starts toward the bottom of a bush and works its way up, eventually causing defoliation. Prevent this disease the same way you prevent powdery mildew: by improving air circulation around and through the plant, and watering at ground level. A simple mixture of baking soda and horticultural oil can help fight the spread of black spot. You can also use an organic 3-in-1 fungicide. (Also see: Rose Woes: Black Spot).

Pesky insects that like to feed on rose bushes include aphids, Japanese beetles, spider mites, and sawflies. Most of these pests can be controlled with neem oil or insecticidal soap. In the case of aphids, a blast of water from a hose in the morning is often the only treatment necessary. Companion planting with alliums can also help repel aphids.

Photo by: Jan J. Photography / Shutterstock.

10. Show them off

Roses have long been prized for their beautiful and fragrant cut flowers. But, no roses are lovelier than those gathered fresh from your own garden. Here are a few tips for preserving your cut roses:


Pruning Roses: 8 Steps

The 12 Best Roses for Your Garden

Easy Shrub Roses You Can Grow

Getting Rid of Japanese Beetles

How to Get Rid of Black Spot on Roses

How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew





How to beautifully arrange a flower bed with roses: 35 photos with examples

In landscape design, a rose, as a rule, is given the main accent in any composition where it is present. But it’s not enough just to plant roses on your site. It is necessary to skillfully select her neighbors who will support her and create an original and harmonious floristic composition. I propose to consider photos of roses in beautiful landscape compositions, to study their features and varieties.

Types of roses

The rose is truly a royal flower. It blooms profusely, all summer and in several visits. In landscape design for all types of roses there is a successful composition. nine0003

Ground covers

Planted in the foreground, they grow no more than 50 cm in height. They grow very quickly, forming a dense flowering carpet that does not allow weeds to grow.

Often used in rockeries, alpine slides and borders.


Often seen on window sills in the form of a potted flower. But even in the garden, they have found a use for themselves on an alpine hill or in a curb design.


They grow like creepers in a vertical direction. Covers large areas very quickly. They bloom profusely, for the winter they require pruning and shelter.

Planted along fences, arches, arbors, porches, pergolas, etc. . Unpretentious and do not require shelter for the winter. nine0003

Hybrid tea

Will decorate the entrance area, flower bed or serve as a beautiful frame for a green lawn. Very fragrant with large flowers. For the winter, they require pruning and shelter.

Description of varieties, see this article


Abundantly flowering, with a pleasant aroma that depends on the particular variety. For the winter, they require pruning and shelter. They grow up to 1.5 m in height. In central Russia they can bloom 2-3 times per summer. nine0003

You can read about varieties in this article


They are used in garden compositions, where they play the main role, and all surrounding plants are retinue.

All about the cultivation of standard roses read here


These are continuously blooming types of roses that will be indispensable along the paths, under the windows of the house, at the entrance to the site.


They have the longest flowering period, in plantings it is recommended for the foreground. nine0003

Roses in pots and planters

As a rule, low-growing and ground-cover roses are planted in containers. For the winter, the pots are removed to the basement or dug into the ground.

Wild roses

They have a very pronounced aroma, are unpretentious in care and reproduction. They can be planted along the site in the form of a hedge or divide the space into zones.

Various birds also like to nest in such rose bushes, and the presence of birds in the garden is a guarantee of a healthy garden! nine0003

Do-it-yourself rose garden

Rose lovers, sooner or later, end up creating a rose garden on their plot. Here are some tips on how to create a beautiful rose garden with your own hands according to all the rules of landscape design.


As in any business, you first need to plan to scale and select an assortment of roses.

Do not chase a large number of different species and varieties of plants. Large groups of one species look much more advantageous and decorative than 1 copy of each species. nine0003

When planning, keep in mind that roses will need to be covered for the winter. Therefore, it is most convenient to plant small groups, so it is easier to care for them and shelter them.

Planting features


An open, sunny, wind-protected space is selected for the rose garden.

  1. Do not place the rose garden near mature trees. They will create shade and take food from the ground.
  2. If the place for the rose garden has a slope, then it is most reasonable to plant ground cover roses.

Style and composition

The rose garden can be laid both in a regular style, with strict geometry, and in a natural style, where there are no clear boundaries, and all plants grow as if by themselves. nine0003

Rose bed

Floribunda, hybrid tea, ground cover and miniature roses are most often planted in flowerbeds.

Beautiful combinations are obtained from roses and lilies of various kinds. The peak of decorativeness of such a flower bed will be July - August.

Flower beds are best designed in a rectangular or square shape.

If you want a flower bed to look professional and sedate, then plant roses of the same variety.

For cut roses, plant hybrid tea and floribunda. nine0003

Examples of combinations of roses with other plants

Decorated corner near the gazebo. Next to the roses grows cuff and various conifers.

For greater expressiveness, a broken clay pot is placed in the flower garden.

Recommendations for the selection of plants and color combinations

It is very good to choose neighbors for a rose that bloom either before or after it. White roses go well with all flowers.

  1. White roses look elegant surrounded by white, pink and blue flowers. nine0091
  2. Red roses are best separated from pink roses, eg white or cream roses. So the flower garden will look brighter and more attractive. Well red roses are combined with green, lilac, white and blue.
  3. Purple roses look beautiful with pink, bluish and yellow flowers.

Roses look very nice against the background of gray-blue neighbors. For example, gray fescue, milkweed, various coniferous blue shades. If you want brightness and contrast, then yellow with purple, red and white, pink with white and yellow will be beautiful combinations. nine0003


Do not plant tagetis, salvia and other variegated flowers with the rose.

They will create disharmony and break the integrity of the picture.


Various flowering shrubs look beautiful next to roses. They are planted behind roses, at a distance of about 1 - 2 meters.

Beautiful combinations with a rose are obtained from lilac, mock orange, barberry, skumpia, sucker, cotoneaster, euonymus.


Combinations of roses with thujas, spruces, junipers, cypresses are considered classic.


Lavender, delphinium, veronica, autumn aster, all flowers of white, blue, lilac and light blue, look beautiful next to the rose. As well as plants with silver-colored leaves.

In bouquets, roses are often combined with gypsophila; in a flower garden, this combination also takes place.


Roses combine very well with cereals. Such as fescue, bonfire, oats, pearl barley, falyaris, mollinia, miscanthus, oxeye, etc.

Planting and care considerations

There are a few things a beginner rose grower needs to know.

Tips for caring for roses

When caring for roses, I pay attention to proper wintering and careful pruning. Each region has its own recommendations for shelter, I will tell you how I do it in the conditions of the North-West.


In the first year after planting, it is better not to let roses bloom so that they build up the root system. We simply cut off the buds with our hands.

  1. After the first flowering, we cut off the buds and do not allow the seeds to be planted. So we provoke a second abundant flowering. nine0091
  2. After the second, and sometimes the third flowering (depending on the region), the buds are no longer cut off, but rather let them ripen so that the rose is ready for wintering.

Remove all leaves from roses in winter. I do not cut it, so as not to injure once again. I think that it is more expedient to prune in the spring, when you can see what has overwintered and what needs to be removed.

We wrap the rose with a covering material, and on top with spruce branches or some kind of dense material.


Do not cover roses with polyethylene or non-breathable materials - the rose will wet and most likely die!

In the spring, we remove the cover gradually so that the bush gets used to the ambient temperature and does not get sunburned. After removing the shelter, inspect the bush for rotting. If there is a slight white coating on the rose, this is normal, it will disappear soon. nine0003


Trim all blackened shoots to healthy tissue. Pruning is done in April-May. We form a beautiful lush bush.

  1. Cut out all the thin shoots that grow inside the bush.
  2. If the rose overwintered badly, and all the shoots died, then we cut it to the very root. If the root is alive, then the rose will grow back.
  3. We examine the shoots, and if there is a shoot from the root, cut it out closer to the root. Otherwise, you will grow rose hips, which will then be difficult to get rid of. nine0091

Use a clean secateurs wiped with alcohol. After pruning, it is best to treat the rose with copper sulfate

If after pruning the rose does not grow for a long time, do not rush to dig it up. Give her time, perhaps she will "come to life" and please you.

Top dressing

At the same time we do the first top dressing of the plant. We throw 1 handful under a bush and loosen the ground with a spatula.

We free the grafting site from the ground, thus we stimulate the growth of new shoots. nine0003

Do-it-yourself rose bed: 65 photos of design and planting scheme

Color selection

Companion plants

Rules for designing a garden bed

Photos of compositions

It is not so easy to make a beautiful flower bed of roses suitable for your site. These exquisite flowers are capricious and are not combined with every plant. And in order for them to show themselves in all their glory, you will have to wait more than one season until the bushes grow. But the result will be worth the effort, if done correctly. The first step is to find a corner on the site into which the new inhabitants of the garden will fit. nine0003

Instagram @rastenia_ot_kateriny

Instagram @rastenia_ot_kateriny

First, let's clarify the definition of a flower bed. Many novice gardeners confuse it with a flower garden. And although these are close concepts, it is worth distinguishing between them.

A flower bed can be part of a flower bed. This is a small (usually) area located on an embankment. It is distinguished by a geometric shape and clear boundaries. nine0003

It is about such a landscape object that we will tell in the article. You can arrange it as follows.

Instagram @sajenci_ros_ug

Instagram @ideiipodelkidliadachi

Instagram @svrado

Instagram @tvoisad_tut

Instagram @london_blooms

The main thing is that it is well lit. This is one of the main requirements. But there are varieties that can be grown in partial shade and under rarefied lighting. Looking ahead a little, we list their names. nine0003

Musk hybrids, polyanthus and Rugosa hybrids, Gallic, Damascene, Portland varieties are suitable.

Penumbra - 3-4 hours a day the site is under direct sunlight, side lighting in the morning and evening.
Sparse lighting - light enters the object through the fence mesh, tree crowns, etc. nine0003

It is better if the landings are protected from strong winds. In this regard, the location of any building is much more advantageous than an open area. The eastern part of the cottage is considered the ideal side.

Soil composition for the garden bed

When it comes time to plant, good drainage should be ensured if the ground water is closer than two meters from the surface. To do this, 70 cm of soil is removed, gravel is poured into the trench and the soil is returned back.

Seedlings love fertile, moisture- and breathable soils. If the soil is initially heavy and dense, peat or sand is added to it. You can make this composition:

We have already told about shade-tolerant plants. But remember that the ideal option is a bright place where they will be in the sun for at least three hours a day. There are a huge number of varieties, among which there are several groups suitable for flower beds: bush, standard, ground cover, hybrid tea. nine0003

Climbing varieties can theoretically be used, but will require support for branches to cling to. Gardeners recommend choosing several shrubs from each group or color for a single bed so that it does not look gaudy.

Designers advise choosing varieties that will bloom all summer or combine plants that bloom at different times.

6 nine0003

Instagram @blagorodny_sad

Standard rose and clematis

Instagram @snilsa_mne_sad

Rose and blooming clematis

Instagram @novikova.ludmila

Instagram @moi_chudecad

Other flowers for the mixborder:

Companion flowers should not create too dense thickets with high humidity. It is desirable that they be low and located at some distance from the main seedlings. They do not get along well with carnations, mignonette, peonies, hydrangeas, dahlias and buttercups. nine0003

Shrubs can be located both in the center and act as a living border. The distance between coniferous and main bushes should be at least 50 cm so that they do not interfere with each other to take root.

Instagram @natali.ns

Instagram @galinaganzen

Rosary Fona Tui

Instagram @alenkin_SAD

Roses and boxwood 9000 Instagram @kostya_koshelev 9000 9000 with other Ruza0371 just such landscape objects. We have already written about the basic rules for arranging colors above. You can also use the online palette selection. It's a designer's tool, but why not use it in your garden planning? Bright and large varieties are usually located in the center, and small ones at the edges. The landscape object must be proportionate to the site.

Instagram @dom_s_rozami

Instagram @dom_s_rozami

Instagram @dom_s_rozami

Instagram @tatsianaalex

With herbs and cereals

Also excellent companion plants. The composition with them turns out to be a little careless and natural. Perennial and annual herbs set off a bright base, decorate shaded corners. They are unpretentious in care. Suitable hostas, ostrich (you need to limit growth), low eared plants. Instagram @blagorodny_sad

Instagram @stroikavradost

Instagram @22galikhay

Instagram @22galikhay

Instagram @22galikhay0003

Rose beds are decorated in autumn, when the temperature begins to gradually decrease.

Learn more