Prune cucumber plant

Pruning cucumbers: why you should & how to do it


I grew up on a small, organic family farm and after a gap year spent working on an American ranch, I started studying agricultural science. Soil, organic farming practices, and plant science are what I am most drawn to. At home, when I'm not in our garden, you can find me in the kitchen, cooking and baking with our harvested fruits and vegetables.

Favorite fruit: Even if a bit boring - apples
Favorite vegetables: Bell peppers, red beets, zucchini, white cabbage

If you stick to a few rules, pruning cucumbers is simple. It can also help prevent diseases and ensure a good harvest. Read to find out more!

If too many fruits grow in one place, there is usually not enough energy for all of them. Pruning can help here [Photo: Leo Pakhomov/]

Everyone knows that tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) must be pruned. But what about cucumbers (Cucumis sativus)? Do they also need pruning and if so, how do you go about it? Here, we show you when to harvest cucumbers, and how to do it properly.  


Should you prune cucumber plants?

Opinions differ on whether it is necessary to prune cucumber plants. There is no scientific evidence that pruning increases fruit yield. However, there are still several good reasons to do prune your plants:

The microclimate within the stand can be positively influenced by pruning [Photo: Iakov Filimonov/ Shutterstock. com]

Disadvantages of pruning

There are some disadvantages to pruning.

Tip: Prune in the morning and in dry weather so that the wounds dry quickly. Without water, most pathogens cannot take hold.

Weigh the pros and cons to decide whether pruning your plants is best. The good news is that, unlike tomatoes, you need only prune your cucumber plants once, because no new shoots will develop on a cut leaf axil.

Once a side shoot has been removed, no new shoots will grow in their place [Photo: krolya25/]

Instructions for trimming cucumbers

If you do decide to prune your cucumbers, all you need are your fingers, and possibly a sharp knife for any thick side shoots. Start pruning at the bottom of the plant.

Which shoots should be pruned?

  1. The greater the distance between the soil and the first leaf, the more difficult it is for pathogens to penetrate the plant. With that in mind, for climbing varieties, it is best to remove all side shoots that are within 50cm of the ground.
  2. Check your young plants regularly for “prickly” shoots and remove them where necessary. If your cucumber plant is thriving, remove the lower leaves to help it stay healthy.
  3. For shoots 50cm above the ground, regularly check the leaf axils for side shoots. Cut them off after the first couple of fruit sets.
  4. If your plant is becoming too large, cut off the top of the main shoot at the end of the season. Any fruits developing here will not ripen anyway, and the remaining fruit will continue to ripen as usual.

If your cucumber’s side shoots are still small and fresh, pinch them off with your fingernails. If they are longer than about 5cm, it is best to use a sharp knife. This is because the larger the wound, the more damage is done to the plant and the greater the entry point for pathogens. 

Tip: To prevent the transmission of diseases from one cucumber plant to another, disinfect your knife between plants.

Many soil-borne diseases attack cucumbers [Photo: Oksana Zavadskaya/]

Deciding which cucumbers to prune is less an issue of cucumber variety and more an issue of cultivation style. The general rule is, once a cucumber plant requires a climbing support, or where space is limited (in a greenhouse for example), prune your plant. 

However, hothouse cucumbers, which are climbers, benefit from a prune, while outdoor cucumbers generally do not. Because gherkins and pickling cucumbers grow on the ground and have more space outside, they are also less likely to need pruning. 

If you are growing mini and snack cucumbers, pruning will depend on cultivation style. If you are growing mini cucumbers in pots on the balcony, pruning is unnecessary. In a narrow greenhouse, however, it makes sense to prune the plants.

Cucumbers tend to grow from two shoots. If this is the case for your plant, select the lowest side shoot, and train it to be the main shoot. In this way, you can remove all other side shoots, and leave only the fruit set in the leaf axils of the main shoots.

Free-range cucumbers spread, making it hard to distinguish between the main and side shoots [Photo: Animaflora PicsStock/]

Tip: Cucumbers are highly nutritious and need sufficient fertilisation to ensure a rich harvest. In addition to various household fertilisers, such as nettle slurry or coffee grounds, our Plantura Liquid Tomato Food is an excellent way to provide the cucumber plant with enough nutrients. In particular, the fertiliser has a high potassium content, which is ideal for cucumbers.

Liquid Tomato Food, 800ml

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While you do not necessarily need to prune cucumbers, the same cannot be said for most tomato varieties. If you want to achieve high tomato yields, pruning is the way to go. Why not read up on pruning tomatoes to get the most out of your plants.

Pruning Cucumbers: The Key to Healthy Vines

5 min read

Table of Contents

Nothing says summer like home-grown, crispy cucumbers. Behind that mouthwatering fruit are months of nurturing, protecting, and, most importantly, pruning cucumbers. Without proper cucumber pruning, your vines won’t be able to grow and produce fruit. In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about how to prune cucumber plants – plus more!

Before we get started, you have to know how cucumber vines grow. One main stem has nodes, or joints, along its length. Each node grows one leaf, fruit, tendril, and a new stem. When pruning, we’ll remove the new stem. This is referred to as the growth point, shoot, or lateral runner. The flower and leaf may also be pruned, but only in certain situations.

Pruning is very important but not the only necessity for growing cucumbers. For more information on planting cucumbers and making it to harvest, check out our articles on growing cucumbers vertically and cucumber plant care. For now, though, we’ll dive into all the details of pruning cucumber vines.

Our Favorite Pruning Tools At The Epic Shop:

Is Pruning Cucumbers Necessary?

Pruning cucumbers is not a difficult task! Source: lindakowen

Whether or not you pick up the clippers depends on the type of cucumber plant you have. Bush varieties don’t grow much laterally so they require little, if any, pruning. They only need a trim if they’re getting too friendly with the neighboring plants. Pruning isn’t as important for cucumber vines that sprawl on the ground without vertical support.

Climbing vine cucumbers are the real targets here. Because they depend on vertical support, they have to be kept in line. Pruning is necessary to keep the vines growing in the right direction. 

You’ll also find that proper pruning helps the plant produce more, higher-quality fruit. When you cut off a vine, the energy that was going into its growth is redirected elsewhere. So, if your cucumber vine is putting all its energy into growing lots of stems and leaves, it will not be focusing on fruit. Reducing the attention-demanding branches gives the plant a chance to get going on those cukes.

When Should Cucumbers Be Pruned?

Prune your cucumber plants throughout the growing season. Watch for new growth points and eliminate them while they’re under 2” long. Additionally, be on the lookout for damage and disease, which should be removed immediately.

Young cucumber plants may get ahead of themselves and flower while they’re still small. Clipping off the lower flowers redirects the energy to stem and leaf growth, leading to more fruit in the future. Additionally, you’ll be cutting back wayward branches as part of training young vines.

How To Prune A Cucumber Plant

You can clearly see the tendril and flower between leaves on this cucumber plant. Source: Treetop Mom

Before getting started, clean your garden shears. Otherwise, they could easily spread plant diseases not only to your cucumbers but to other plants as well. If possible, use bypass pruners instead of stem-crushing anvils.

As we mentioned, cucumbers grow from a leader stem. This is the lifeline of the plant and won’t regrow if cut. So, we’ll only prune the shoots coming from that main leader stem. Usually, you’ll stick to pruning the base of the plant. This keeps it to one leader vine but allows the top to fill out its trellis.

Find the lowest 5-7 nodes on the base and pinch off the shoots. If they’re already more than a couple of inches long, prune them with clippers so as to not damage the main vine. Make a clean cut as close as possible to the main vine. If the shoots are so large that they’re already hooked to the trellis, leave them alone and focus on newer stems instead. Remove any flowers so the plant will bloom on top.

Next, look for and remove any leaves, vines, or fruit that are severely damaged or showing signs of disease. Prune vines that just won’t grow in the right direction as well. If the leaves are getting super bushy in one place, thin them out so there’s good air circulation. If you want to redirect energy, prune the excess fruit or leaves. 

Once you’re finished, wash any tools you used and remove fallen debris from the ground. When watering, avoid getting the cucumber vines wet so bacteria doesn’t infect the cuts. Return to your cucumber vines a few times each summer to spruce them up as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I pinch off cucumber flowers?

A: This is a great strategy when your cucumber plant is young. It redirects the plant’s energy into vine and leaf growth.

Q: Can you cut cucumber tendrils?

A: Unless they’re in the way, leave the tendrils alone. The main vine needs them to hold on to the support.

Q: Should I pinch off cucumber flowers?

A: Pinch off the flowers if you want more stem and leaf growth – especially if the plant is young. You can remove flowers on the bottom so the plant will focus more on the top cucumbers (this will also keep cucumbers off the ground).

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How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse so that there is a good harvest

When planting cucumbers, every gardener wants to get a good harvest at the end. To do this, you need to create the necessary conditions : fertilized soil, pruning and plucking cucumbers, good watering, weeding.

Today's article is about cutting cucumbers. We will explain for what purposes it is needed and according to what scheme it is correct to carry out the process.


Reasons to prune cucumbers in a greenhouse

Many people think that prune cucumbers only to keep the beds in order. This is not entirely true.

On pruned bushes, cucumbers grow better and ripen faster.

First of all, this procedure allows you to grow a rich harvest, has a positive effect on the health and development of the bush. Experts say that the correct pruning of cucumbers in greenhouses allows the plant to fully "breathe" .

There are a few more reasons that need to be mentioned.

  1. Uncontrolled leaf growth leads to an overload of the root system . A lot of nutrients go into the plant itself, and not in the fruits. What does the gardener end up with? Small cucumbers, which in some cases do not even ripen.
  2. Fruit quality largely depends on proper air access . If this condition is not met, a good harvest should not be expected.

    The yield of greenhouse cucumbers largely depends on the correct formation of the bush.

  3. A plant with few leaves is very easy to care for . The same weeding takes a minimum amount of time, not to mention spraying and loosening.

But in the open field, cucumbers can not be cut. This is due to the fact that they sit at a great distance from each other. The only point is that the plant needs a mandatory garter. This is best done using vertical stakes . Otherwise, cucumbers will lie on the ground. This can cause them to rot, especially after watering. And it also greatly increases the risk of plant disease.

Expert advice

Before you start cutting cucumbers in greenhouses, you need to know the basic rules.

  1. Pruning and plucking should take place no earlier than 10 days after planting in the greenhouse.
  2. Before carrying out the procedure, cucumbers must be properly tied . Thus, you will see a bush, you can examine its leaves.

    It is convenient to use plastic collars for a garter, they are inexpensive and last a long time.

  3. Cutting must be done with sharp and clean tool . This will protect the plant from infection.
  4. After pruning, there should be no protruding stumps. If there are any, then the procedure was performed incorrectly.
  5. Shoots and inflorescences are removed from bottom to top, starting with 4-5 leaves .

    Pluck out excess inflorescences with two fingers.

  6. The tops of the lashes are never broken, but are cut off with sharp tools.
  7. Plant should be observed after each pruning . If necessary, it is re-attached to the support.
  8. Pruning is best done in the morning . So that by the evening the place of the cut is completely tightened.

This is important! How to understand that the bush is cut correctly? In fact, everything is quite simple. First of all, look at its shape. Outwardly, it should resemble an isosceles triangle, but upside down. This form is the most correct. The main load falls on the center of the plant, the lower leaves have air access.

When to prune

When pruning cucumbers, timing is important. They directly depend on the development and growth rate of stepchildren.

It is best to start the process when the stepsons have reached 5-6 cm . This allows the plant to avoid injury. After cutting with something, it is not necessary to process the cut point.

If, after trimming, the length of the stepsons again reaches more than 5 knots , the procedure must be repeated.

Pruning scheme

Cucumber pruning primarily depends on the plant variety and its growth.

Scheme of the formation of a cucumber bush when grown in a greenhouse.

For example, tall varieties always need a tie before pruning . There are several ways of this process, but experts recommend taking a closer look at wrapping the plant around the support in a clockwise direction.

This garter should be done several times a week. In this case, the growth of cucumbers will be neat.

Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers are most often chosen for greenhouses . Conventionally, they are grown in one stem, it is on it that the entire crop ripens. Fruits can also form on side branches.

There is a chart on how to properly remove leaves and side shoots.

  1. Cucumber stalk divided into 4 equal parts . Work is done only at the bottom. Carefully count the shoots, remove the very first of them. But pinch off the flowers in the axils between 2 and 4 leaves . In this case, it is better not to touch the leaves themselves. This scheme helps to protect the plant from putrefactive processes.
  2. Next, watch the growth of cucumbers. As soon as 4 leaves reappear, remove the side shoots again. This will happen already at a height of 60–70 cm . It is necessary to leave one leaf and ovary.
  3. Next trimming is done when 10 leaves appear. Plant height is approximately 130 cm . All shoots that have grown over 10 leaves are removed. But in the sinuses it is desirable to leave 2 sheets and 2 ovaries . This will help increase the yield.
  4. With the appearance of 12 leaves, the number of ovaries can be easily increased to 3 pieces .
  5. As soon as the central stem reaches the desired height, it is well fixed around the support (it is better to wrap it), pinch it.

    The main stem is wrapped several times around the wire and allowed to grow until it reaches the neighboring bush.

If this pruning scheme is followed correctly, the harvest will be rich, and the fruits themselves will be juicy and bright green.

Removing leaves: pros and cons

You can hear from many gardeners that cucumber leaves should not be removed. Experts responsibly declare that this is completely wrong, and here's why.

Excess leaves cover the ovaries, which are in no hurry to grow and ripen, as they are in strong shading.

  • In rough vegetation there will be no proper whip, this will reduce the amount of harvest.
  • The leaves "close" the plant to the flow of light and air.
  • There is a high probability of contracting root rot.

Which leaves to remove? First of all, you need to cut off the leaves on which there are signs of the disease. It can be yellow or brown spots, the leaves are dried, twisted.

All lower leaves are also removed (distance from the ground 15–20 cm ). If this is not done, the leaves will be wet during watering, they will begin to rot, grow old, and hurt.

We cut cucumbers with leaves immediately after the first fruiting.

But picking leaves with your hands is not allowed . Do not be lazy to use sharp scissors for these purposes. Hemp after trimming should not be. This can cause the plant to rot.

Why remove side shoots?

Pruning of the side shoot is done with sharp scissors.

After pruning, this “stump” remains on the stem.

The removal of lateral shoots is called pinching . You need to delete them regularly and here's why:

  • they form in the so-called leaf axils, growing strongly, blocking the air and light supply to the plant;
  • in addition, a lot of minerals and nutrients are spent on their growth, and not on the fruits.

Many are afraid of cucumbers, saying that the bush is losing its attractiveness. And here it is important to understand what you want: the beauty of the bush or a good harvest. Remember, cucumbers are not an ornamental crop, but a vegetable.

pinching outdoors, pruning and pinching

Every novice summer resident who grows cucumbers in his garden dreams of harvesting a rich harvest, but not everyone succeeds. To get a generous harvest, you must follow the basic rules for caring for cucumber crops, properly pinch and form vegetable bushes. Cucumbers0012

  • Why is it necessary
  • Ways of pinching in a greenhouse
  • Diagram
  • Pinching
    • Why pinching cucumbers?
    • Schemes of pinching in a greenhouse and on the open ground
      • when growing under a film
      • in open ground

      Stages of cucumber care

      step -by -step care for cucumbers consist only , pinching and pinching.

      Pruning is needed for intensive fruit growth and longer fruiting period. Pinching is necessary if well-developed whips do not bring the long-awaited greens . Pinching - for the formation of side shoots .

      Rules for pruning cucumbers

      Pruning is done depending on the variety and method of pollination. Parthenocarpic varieties from seedlings should be grown in one stem, since a third of the crop grows on it, subsequent greens are formed on additional vines.

      Also perform lightening trimming.

      In an adult cucumber bush, the growing point must be constantly lit

      In an adult plant, the growing point must always be lit . When the bush grows to the very top, it cannot be redirected to a horizontal position. Since the lashes growing in a horizontal plane do not transmit light, and the formation of fruits is reduced.

      Pruning cucumbers is carried out with any disinfected secateurs .

      Do not remove, cut off leaves and stepchildren with your hands. For this purpose, a sharp tool is used to avoid damaging the plant.


      Pruning is done for a generous and quality harvest . This procedure reduces the growth of the green mass of the plant and directs all the beneficial substances to the formation and growth of fruits.

      How to properly prune cucumbers

      1. To increase the air supply to the plant, cut off the lower leaves, flowers and stepchildren. This will keep the cucumbers from root rot disease and prevent the plant from overgrowing.
      2. At 100 cm height, in the area of ​​4 nodes, 1 leaf and 1 fruit are left on the lateral stems, and the top is cut off.
      3. The third one is at a height of 150 cm. Two leaves and two fruits are left in three to four knots.
      4. The fourth zone is the last stage when the plant reaches acceptable growth. Leave 3 fruits and three leaves.

      Side shoots cut in a checkerboard pattern.

      Pruning scheme for cucumbers

      When the plant grows to the very top, it is twisted several times around a horizontal trellis and after the third leaf, the growing point is cut out.

      All foliage below the fruit must be trimmed.


      Pasynkovanie cucumbers, makes it possible to grow a crop several times larger than usual.

      Why is it necessary?

      Stepchildren are planted if the developed vine does not bear fruit. Stepchildren are formed in the axils of the foliage and take nutrients from the plant, which leads to a reduction in the formation of ovaries.

      Every 40 cm extra shoots, take 1.5 kg crop .

      Greenhouse Stepping Methods

      It is very important, in order to obtain a generous crop in a polycarbonate greenhouse, to remove stepsons from cucumbers grown also under film cover.

      To get a good yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is important to remove the stepchildren

      Limited space makes the stepping process the most important:

      • The appearance of side stepchildren shade the plant and prevent air from penetrating to the roots
      • Cut side shoots when they reach 3 cm long
      • The first pinching is done after the formation of 3 leaves
      • All lateral vines are removed except for one strong vine
      • During growth form the two most powerful side shoots
      • The pinching procedure is carried out very carefully, step by step, since the cucumber spends a lot of time on the treatment of wounds


      Stepchildren must be removed before they become coarse and outgrow.

      4 stages and scheme of pinching cucumbers:

      1. Pinching starts after 3-4 leaves have grown . It is necessary to remove all shoots growing from the axils of the leaves.
      2. When 5-7 sheets appear, stage 2 begins. All excess is cut out, leaving one leaf and one ovary on each side.
      3. The third stage occurs after the formation of 8 sheet .
      4. When 11 sheet appears, pinch the top and it begins to grow in breadth.
      Scheme of pinching cucumbers

      Bush varieties of cucumbers do not need pinching, because they do not grow lateral lashes. Varieties with a predominantly female type of flowering also do not require pinching. This procedure will only harm the plant.

      Cucumber pinching

      Cucumber pinching is the most important cucumber care procedure, as it affects not only the health of the plant, but also the quality and quantity of the crop.

      Why do they pinch cucumbers?

      Proper pinching makes it possible to grow a rich harvest. This procedure redirects the growth of the plant in breadth


      Pinching of the main stem is carried out to form additional shoots , since the main stem mainly blooms empty flowers, and female flowers grow on the side shoots, which in turn form greens.

      Greenhouse and outdoor pinching patterns

      Under foil

      Greenhouse and outdoor pinching rules depend on the variety or hybrid of the plant. A greenhouse culture is grown in one stem, pinching the side shoots for 2 cucumbers.

      Rules for pinching in the greenhouse and open field, depending on the variety or hybrid of the plant

      This procedure is carried out with strongly spreading varieties , such as: Rodnichok, Moscow greenhouse F1, Topolek F1, etc.

      In varieties with low branching , this procedure is done very carefully. These hybrids include: Gribovchank F1, April F1, Zazulya F1.

      If you do not pinch, then due to the growth of a large amount of greenery, the plants will not receive sufficient light, which leads to the appearance of diseases and affects the quality and quantity of the crop.

      Due to the large amount of excess greens, care for cucumbers becomes difficult and of poor quality.

      • The first picking of cucumbers starts at a height of 50 cm .
      • The second - from half a meter to a meter . Pinch off the side shoots located above the first leaf, keeping one ovary.
      • Third - upon reaching 170 cm . Pinching is done over the second leaflet, leaving only 2 ovaries.
      • Fourth - when the plant reaches two meters tall . On the third leaflet, 3 ovaries are left.
      • The last pinching is done when the cucumber plant reaches the permissible height, leaving 3 leaves.

      Pinching principle: one leaf, one ovary. Forming vines from the top sheets, pinch at a meter height.

      In the open ground
      Do not pinch in early-ripening varieties of cucumbers

      Pinching of the main stem is carried out at the level of 4-5 leaves in medium and late-ripening varieties.

      Learn more