Plants that are green all year
11 Plants that Stay Green in Winters
Do you want to bring life to your garden even in the harsh winters? Here are 11 of the Best
Plants That Stay Green in Winters!Usually, plants wither after the first touch of chilling winter winds, but there are some plants that don’t mind the harsh cold weather. These are Plants that Stay Green in Winters, and you must plant some of them to keep your garden attractive during winter and early spring.
1. Wintergreen Boxwood (Buxus sinica)
Hardiness zones: 4-9
Wintergreen boxwoods can be a great addition to your winter garden as they do not lose leaves in winters and can even survive under the snow blanket. You can grow these versatile broadleaf plants on hedges, patio, entryways, and garden borders that receive sufficient sunlight.
Growing Tip:
- Water the plant frequently in the growing phase.
- Pruning should be done in springs when the new growth appears.
2. Blue Spruce (Picea pungens)
Hardiness zones: 3-8
Colorado blue spruce is one of the best winter garden plants that look beautiful wrapped in snow. It presents a unique, silver blue-green color all year round and grows in a pyramidical shape. It’s a perfect conifer for large backyards and open landscapes. Apart from that, you can grow the dwarf form of blue spruce in small gardens, patios, and terraces.
Growing Tips:
- Blue spruce requires a large area and at least six hours of direct sunlight.
- Regular watering is needed when it’s young and establishing.
To know more about Blue Spruce’s growth and care, click here!
3. Evergreen Hollies (Ilex aquifolium)
Image SourceHardiness zones: 3-9
Hollies belong to the ilex genus of plants, from the family Aquifoliaceae that includes 480 evergreen and deciduous species, many of them having striking green leaves. You can grow a variety of holly trees for creating a hedge or can also use them as a barrier plant. If you are looking for plants that stay green in Winters, this is it!
Growing Tip:
- Evergreen hollies flourish well in full sunlight.
- Use a bit acidic, well-draining soil.
Note: All berries from the holly tree are toxic if consumed.
4. Hellebore (Helleborus orientalis)
Hardiness zones: 4-9
Also famously known as the lenten rose, hellebore is an ideal choice for winter garden, as it flowers in the darkest month of the year. The strong, deep growing root structure of hellebore helps this plant to survive in chilly winters, but keep in mind to protect it from harsh winter breeze.
Growing Tips:
- Hellebore needs well-draining, loamy soil.
- Bring it indoors during the hot months, to keep the plant safe from the harsh heat of summers.
5. Winter Daphne (Daphne odora)
Hardiness zones: 4-9
The winter daphne has yellow bordered leaves and rose-pink flower buds that blossoms in late winter and early spring in white scented flowers. You can grow this fragrant flowering plant on a patio or in a shade garden.
Growing Tips:
- Use slightly acidic, alkaline, humus-rich soil for growing winter daphne.
- It thrives well under the full sun; however, it also does well in partial shade.
6. Japanese Andromeda (Pieris japonica)
Hardiness zones: 5-8
Pieris japonica is a broad-leaved evergreen shrub that stays green during the entire winters. In spring, new foliage grows in red, turning dark green in winters. It starts to flower in late winter and early spring for 2-4 weeks and produces a bunch of copper-pink flowers, making it one of the best plants that stay green in winters.
Growing Tip:
- Keep the plant at a spot that is protected from sunlight and wind.
- Water the plant once a week sufficiently in summers and fall to secure it in winters. Cut off watering in early fall and continue until frost.
7. Honeywort (Cerinthe)
Hardiness zones: 7-10
Honeywort is also known as a blue shrimp plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region. It is drought-resistant, thriving on neglect. The leaves of honeywort plants become deep blue when the outside temperature gets colder.
Growing Tips:
- Grow honeywort plant in humus-rich, well-draining soil.
- In the beginning, these plants require slightly more water, though once mature, they can survive infrequent droughts.
8. Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens)
Hardiness zones: 3-8
Partridge berry is a low maintenance showy plant, ideal for your winter garden. It produces white fragrant flowers with attractive foliage and scarlet berries. You can grow them around ponds, under trees, or as a ground cover.
Growing Tips:
- It thrives well in both full and partial shade.
- Use well-draining, organically fertile, moist soil for growing this plant.
9. Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima)
Hardiness zones: 8-11
Sweet alyssum is a cool-season flower that can be grown during fall and winter in frost-free climates. It produces tiny fragrant flowers with black or red berries. Some of the varieties die out in the heat but flower again in the fall. If you are searching for plants that stay green in winters, you must pick this!
Growing Tips:
- Grow sweet alyssum in full or partial shade.
- It prefers loamy, fertile soil.
10. Winter Honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima)
Image SourceHardiness zones: 2-5
Winter honeysuckle is an easy to grow, drought-tolerant plant that produces white flowers with citrus-like smell during winters. You can grow it as a barrier or background plant. Take care of the plant as it may get affected by thrips or aphids. It is one of the best plants that stay green in winter.
Growing Tips:
- Grow winter honeysuckle in well-draining, loamy soil.
- It grows best in full sunlight but tolerates partial shade as well.
11. ‘Emerald Green’ Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)
Hardiness zone: 2-7
Also known as ‘Smaragd’ in the Danish language (which means emerald), this cultivar was originally evolved in Denmark. It is a semi-dwarf variety, with a narrow pyramid structure that maintains the vibrant green color of its foliage in winters as well. You can grow this arborvitae variety as a barrier or hedge plant.
Growing Tips:
- It prefers well-draining loamy soil with pH 6-8.
- ‘Emerald’ arborvitae thrives in full sunlight but can survive in partial shade as well.
Don’t miss checking out shrubs that bloom in winters
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10 beauties for year-round interest |
(Image credit: Future)
Surely everyone wants the prettiest evergreen plants for their backyard? Because while it's important to have color and scent in summer, and greenery at the very least in the winter, why not get the best of both worlds with the most beautiful of evergreens year-round?
‘Every planting scheme should have some beautiful evergreen shrubs to create interest all year round and act as the backbone to the garden design,’ advises Chris Bonnett, founder of Gardening Express .
‘There are lots to choose from and it’s always important to check your soil type so you get the right for the conditions in your garden,’ notes Chris. ‘Generally, these are pretty hardy and can withstand most growing conditions. So when you make your choices, think about your overall garden design or theme, consider your soil type and most importantly pick a plant you love and you know you’ll enjoy whatever the season.’
Below, we've picked out the prettiest evergreen plants for your backyard.
Prettiest evergreen plants
The prettiest evergreen plants aren't just limited to shrubs. You can plant evergreen climbers and evergreen trees for your garden, too, to get color and beauty throughout your space.
1. Hebe
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Sun-loving shrubs from New Zealand, hebes are highly decorative evergreens, and one of the best plants for pots all year round. Instantly recognizable for their mass of perfect, tiny leaves you can choose from variegated varieties or those that are tinged with pink, silver, blue or purple. Sending out purple, white, mauve, blue or pink flower spikes throughout the summer, they are a magnet for bees and butterflies and provide a valuable habitat for other insects too.
Their dense leaf cover makes them ideal for topiary too.
Guy Watts, founder of Architectural Plants says, 'Hebe Sutherlandii has a neat compact little leaf which will give you crisp and defined lines when you clip them as a pillow or ball.
For a looser, fluffier and incredibly dynamic shape to either complement a finely defined cloud pruned or raised head tree, we love to use Hebe paviflora ‘Angustifolia’. Clipped into a pillow they move with sublime elegance in the breeze.'
2. Ceanothus
(Image credit: Alamy)
Also known as Californian lilac, this dazzling shrub puts on a stunning show of vibrant blue or white fuzzy blooms every spring and summer. But it’s not just its floral display that can entertain, the mass of deeply crinkled leaves come in both the deepest glossy green and other variegations including the yellow-green ‘Pershore Zanzibar’ and ‘El Dorado’ and the white-edged green-leaved ‘Silver Surprise’.
Tough and fairly fast growing, Ceanothus come in many different shapes and sizes. Select from low growing – prostrate varieties, that are brilliant ground cover, spreading up to 6-8ft (180-240cm) wide or tall, upright specimens that can reach anywhere from 6ft (180cm) to 15ft (450cm) – check out ‘Sierra Blue’ and ‘Ray Hartman’. This drought-tolerant plant does vary in its temperature tolerance though, so do check your chosen plant is compatible with your local HDSA zone.
Portland Nursery specialize in West Coast natives and have a wide range of differing ceanothus. ‘What they all have in common, however, is their need for excellent drainage, lack of summer watering and nutritionally lean soil. Overwatering and overfeeding will shorten the lifespan of your Ceanothus considerably. In their native habitat, they reside in dry forests, dry rocky slopes, and dry wooded canyons.’
3. Camellia
One of the best shrubs for shade, you can grow camellias for their showy blooms, though the gorgeous camellia flower, so associated with luxury brand Chanel, only bloom during the spring months. However, the plant is a beautiful touch year-round, as the leaves stay green throughout. ‘Camellias bring a real show to the garden and make fantastic specimen shrubs, to bring a focal point to borders,’ says Charles Carr, Head of Hillier Wholesale Nurseries .
Place in large containers on your patio, or use in borders as part of a mixed planting scheme.
‘Many camellias can be grown as wall shrubs which makes them invaluable for smaller gardens or for placing beside a narrow walkway,’ says Crocus ’s Plant Doctor Helen Derrin. ‘Simply secure a sturdy support or trellis to a wall or fence, and tie on the pliable stems – ideally in a fan shape to get even coverage.’
Learn to prune camellias to get this shape perfectly formed.
4. Aucuba
(Image credit: Getty Images)
For a shrub that looks slightly tropical the lovely aucuba can actually cope well with most growing conditions.
The large, eye-catching speckled leaves will stay pretty and green all winter.
'Spotted laurel will grow in deep shade or full sun, making it one of the most resistant and easily-established hedging types available,’ says Morris Hankinson founder of Hopes Grove Nurseries .
Extremely fast growing and unfussy about most soils, it’s perfect if you need shade and is one of the best shrubs for privacy. The green glossy leaves are splashed with yellow, and once established needs very little attention or pruning. Hardy down to 5℉ (-15℃).
5. Fatsia japonica
(Image credit: Getty Images)
For a plant that will grow in most conditions, check out the Fatsia japonica.
The hardy shrub will bloom unique white flowers in late fall, but the large, glossy leaves are the real star here.
Perfect for adding an architectural edge to any size garden, this relatively slow-growing shrub can reach up to 8-13ft (2.5-4m) high. It also grows happily in a large container.
‘Fatsia japonica looks fantastic planted amongst other plants with a particularly tropical feel, such as bamboo or palms,’ say the team at The Palm Centre .
6. Yew
(Image credit: The Woodland Trust)
The Yew is very easy to grow, and a lovely alternative to a traditional topiary plant, such as buxus.
The deep green foliage-laden plant will grow almost anywhere as long as the soil drains well. As a bonus, the yew will produce bright red fruit in fall.
‘Yew hedges are incredibly dense, offering protection and nesting opportunities for many birds,’ say the team at Woodland Trust .
‘The fruit is eaten by birds, such as the blackbird, mistle thrush, song thrush and fieldfare; and small mammals, including squirrels and dormice. The leaves are eaten by caterpillars of the satin beauty moth.’
7. Magnolia grandiflora
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The magnolia grandiflora is a beautiful evergreen with glossy leaves, large creamy white flowers, which bloom between late summer and fall.
Slow growing – it can take nearly 100 years to reach a maximum height of 26ft (8m) – and with its dense canopy and only occasional leaf loss, its perfect for providing privacy.
Experts at Paramount Plants say, ‘It grows best in sheltered warm positions – sunny or partial shade will be good provided not exposed to cold drying winds.’
They also add, ‘Native to and symbolic of South-Eastern America the Magnolia grandiflora is amongst the oldest trees on the grounds of The White House, USA.’
Once the flowers have dropped, the dark green leaves and their rusty coloration underneath become the star of the show, and learn how to prune a magnolia tree to help them keep their shape.
8. Box
(Image credit: Annaick Guitteny)
Box, with its pretty tiny green leaves, is a highly popular plant for hedges, as it's easy to trim, and can even be used as topiary.
A large shrub or small tree, it grows best in well-drained soil and a sheltered spot in partial shade, as its leaves are prone to scorching in strong sun and winds.
‘Left untouched, this tree will reach around (7m) over about 40 years, however it is most commonly seen clipped into shapes, hedges and used in gardens for screening,’ say hedging specialists at Practicality Brown .
‘Clip in the spring, after the last frost to stimulate new foliage development, which will be soft when it emerges, and then hardening to protect itself before the colder weather returns.’
9. Lavender
The perennially popular lavender is a great choice for all year-round interest for both humans and bees alike with its with its scented foliage and flowers.
Grow lavender in a border, edging or place in various pots on the patio. There are numerous varieties available so make sure to choose the best suited to your plot. Flowers range from deepest navy blue, purple through to pale lilac and white. They do vary in strength of fragrance, with the hybrid lavandine and some English varieties such as Hidcote and Munsted amongst the most potent.
‘The care of lavender is especially easy,’ says the team at Red Rock Lavender Farm. ‘It does not require a lot of nurturing and in fact too much watering after established and also using the incorrect fertilizer will often destroy the plants. ’
Learn how to prune lavender to keep the plant dense and well-shaped.
10. Holly
Holly isn’t just for Christmas, although the famous red berries do look extra special with a touch of frost.
The deep green, sharp pointed leaves add of interest to your yard all year round, and you'll always have foliage for a holiday centerpiece to hand.
Nibble resistant and perfect grown as a hedge, tree or shapely shrub, there are many tempting holly varieties to grow, each with their own distinct characteristics.
Specialists Holly Ridge Nursery suggest Ilex Opaca is ‘The aristocrat of evergreens, this very deer-resistant holly has been overshadowed in recent years, although the popularity if the plant remains strong. This pyramidal keeps its vibrant fruit through the winter when the red of the berries contrasts against the green foliage and is a striking specimen all year.’
Other must -grow hollies include the exceptionally hardy ‘Carnival’ with its deep green leaves and large red berries and slow-growing ‘Old Heavy Berry’ that produces dense clusters of dark red fruit.
What is the most beautiful evergreen plant?
We think the magnolia grandiflora is the most beautiful evergreen plant. It is endowed with a profusion of huge blooms in the spring, which give off a gorgeous scent.
What is an evergreen shrub with large flowers?
The camellia is an evergreen shrub with large, beautiful flowers, which appear in early spring.
Jill Morgan has spent the last 20 years writing for Interior and Gardening magazines both in print and online. Titles she has been lucky enough to work on include House Beautiful, The English
Home, Ideal Home, Modern Gardens and Although much of her career has involved commissioning and writing about reader homes and home improvement projects, her
everlasting passion is for gardens and outdoor living, which is what she writes about for Homes & Gardens.
Which trees are green all year round. What are evergreens. Evergreen shrubs and trees
And got the best answer
Answer from GIRLS[expert]
Which trees are evergreen?
The fruits of these trees are protected by bark, like cones, or they are just small and hard, which also prevents freezing.
Answer from QUEEN [guru]
Answer from Yoara [guru]
pine spruce fir larch thuja tree cypress cedar
Answer from Fireguard [guru]
to4nee, vse semeistvo hvoinih. tak zhe tropi4eskie derev "ya (pal" ma k primeru)
Reply from Nastena [guru]
Reply from Oliya Vdovichenko [guru]
Strictly speaking, plants are either deciduous or evergreen. That is, everything that does not drop leaves for a certain season is evergreen.
In mid-latitudes, only coniferous trees are evergreen, but among them there is an exception - larch, a deciduous plant. nine0005 The warmer and milder the climate, the less reason for the trees to shed their leaves - they do not need to survive the harsh period of winter frosts. Therefore, all tropical and many subtropical trees are evergreen. Many of them are grown as indoor plants: ficuses, boxwood, noble laurel, all kinds of palm trees, dracaena, bottle trees (pachira, pachypodium, bokarneya), etc.
Answer from Anna - [active]
actually, there are no evergreen trees. it’s just that for conifers, the crown changes gradually, so we don’t notice this process. nine0003
Reply from Alyonk@ [guru]
Which trees are evergreen?
Evergreens keep their leaves in winter, which is not the case with deciduous trees.
The most famous and beloved tree that is always green is the spruce that we decorate for the New Year. Such are the pine, thuja, fir, cedar. The leaves of these trees are narrow, small, unlike falling leaves, sometimes they even take the form of needles: it is easier to resist the cold.
The fruits of these trees are protected by bark, like cones, or they are just small and hard, which also prevents freezing
Reply from Olka [guru]
Answer from Yoilva Muradyan [newbie]
and palm tree
Reply by 3 answers [guru]
Evergreens for the garden will be a real gem. Thanks to them, flower growers succeed even in a dull autumn or frosty winter, when nature falls asleep and no longer pleases with a riot of colors, to give the site charm and attractiveness. And it is worth noting that with the help of evergreen plantings, you can not only refresh the garden in the autumn-winter period, but also create living green hedges, beautiful figures, and also zone areas. nine0003
Evergreens are a fairly broad group of plants that tend to maintain the same appearance throughout the year.
These include not only conifers, but also creeping species, shrubs and grasses. Almost all species are resistant to frost but most of them love shade.
Benefits for landscape design
With imagination and money, with the help of such decorative helpers, you can give the site festivity and splendor at any time of the year. nine0003
Variations of use
Trees can be used in a variety of ways when landscaping.
Special planting
One of the easiest ways to use it is to plant the plants in such a way that they set off different parts of the garden . With a combination of plants of different heights and shades, even in winter, the site will look well-groomed, bright and varied.
When choosing decorative species that are green all year round, many stop at needles . And this is not at all surprising, because it looks great all year round, it is easy to cut and therefore can be used to create various shapes. But besides conifers, there are many species that perfectly tolerate even the most severe frosts. These are heather and wintering rhododendron, mahonia, privet, periwinkle, ivy, laurel cherry and others.
If you make a hedge of plants that drop their leaves in autumn, then in winter it will lose all meaning, because it will turn into bare brown branches intertwined with each other, through which the garden will be clearly visible. If you use plants that are green all year round for the hedge, then even in winter it will look chic and close the area from prying eyes. nine0003
Depending on the required height of the hedge, low-growing species such as mahonia, yew repandens, quince, yew elegantissima can be used in decoration .
If it is necessary to create a high hedge, then plants are used, the height of which can reach about three meters or more, for this they plant barberry, felt cherry, chibushnik and other species.
The best-known types of evergreens for hedges are:
- barberry;
- hawthorn;
- wild rose;
- boxwood.
These plants are resistant to low temperatures, picky about the composition of the soil , adapt well to various weather conditions, grow quickly and are easy to cut.
If a hedge is used to decorate the garden area, trees and shrubs are planted in a row. If the fence acts as a fence, then the plants should be planted in two rows. Sometimes a single composition is created from several types of evergreens. nine0003
If plants that shed their leaves are used to create sculptures, then in winter such figures look unsightly and boring. But the sculptures, which are made of evergreens, even under a layer of snow will be able to retain their beautiful shape and chic look.
For garden zoning undersized shrub plants are the best fit . With the help of them, you can easily separate plantings and lawns from paths, and the lawn from the house. Besides the aesthetic benefits, there are others. Such borders do not allow weeds, lawn grass to grow, and also protect the plantings from the wind. nine0003
In order for such green borders to please the eye all year round, it is necessary to choose such types of plants as boxwood, dubrovnik, honeysuckle, Japanese euonymus. Some of the species can be cut to give them the required height.
Decor for gazebos, fences, trellises
Evergreen climbing plants are the best choice for these purposes, with which you can give a gazebo or fence a well-groomed look even in harsh winter.
Depending on the purpose, you should also choose the type of plant that is suitable for achieving the desired goals. Plants that have rapid growth and can quickly braid a support include wisteria, ivy, parthenocissus and others. nine0003
Balcony and loggia decoration
Some types of evergreens can attract not only gardeners, but also those who want to make their loggia or balcony beautiful in winter. Such plantings should be purchased in the fall in a container or pot, and then planted in another more suitable container. Select plant species that are undemanding , for example, pyracanthus, euonymus, recumbent gaultheria, thuja, juniper.
Each species is able to please with its color, leaf shape and flowering. Euonymus leaves have a purple-pink color, bright scarlet berries grow on winter gaultheria recumbent, and juniper has bright green foliage. nine0003
The most popular evergreen species
Coniferous trees are the most common species in landscape design. Most often, European or prickly spruce is used for growing in the garden.
Evergreen seedlings are best planted in summer in well-drained soil. In the first weeks after planting, young trees should be shaded from the sun so that they do not burn out, and in autumn they should be covered before the first frost. Spruce roots do not grow deep, but expand in width. Therefore, when planting between trees, a distance of three or more meters should be left. And also coniferous trees should not be planted next to fruit trees. The fir crown is easy to cut, so you can easily create beautiful sculptures from them. nine0003
This is one of the most attractive evergreen shrubs. Throughout the summer, the plant blooms with charming pink flowers, and in the winter it pleases with a beautiful green foliage.
Honeysuckle is a climbing plant , which reaches a height of up to three meters. The leaves are oval and wide, up to eight centimeters long and five wide. The flowers are small, bell-shaped and do not emit any fragrance. Color of flowers from dark pink to raspberry. There are types of honeysuckle, in which the flowers are yellow. nine0003
Bright red berries form on the branches after flowering . Honeysuckle should be planted in the spring, when the frosts stop. She prefers open, sunny, wind-sheltered areas. Loose, moderately moist soil is suitable for planting. When planting, the plant should not be too deep into the soil, as it will not grow and may disappear in the future.
To make the honeysuckle bush look decorative and attractive, the shoots should be tied up and the old branches cut to the root. If you install the necessary support and properly tie up the bush, then in a fairly short period of time you can wrap around a gazebo or fence. nine0003
A beautiful evergreen tree that can reach a height of one to twenty-five meters. The crown can be cylindrical or rounded. Cypress cones have an attractive shape that resembles a flower bud. To date, more than a hundred species of cypress are known.
The tree is undemanding to the soil, it tolerates drought well, but does not survive frost well . Prefers well-lit areas, can tolerate only slight shading, if the tree grows in full shade, then the crown crumbles in the future. At the end of summer, the tree should be pruned so that neat bushes form in the future. The most suitable method of propagation is cuttings. nine0003
The plant grows up to three meters in height. The bark of young trees is red-brown, while that of adults is brown. The plant has a pleasant smell. The cones are gray in color and resemble berries in appearance. A tree is planted in the middle of spring or autumn in a well-lit place. Minimal maintenance - watering, periodic loosening of the soil and top dressing. Juniper does not need to be pruned, only if you want to form a hedge from it. Propagated by layering, seeds or cuttings. nine0003
The tree is characterized by a slender trunk and a lush conical crown. In fir, unlike other conifers, the lower branches retain their decorative effect for a long time. The bark of the tree is smooth and grey. The needles are soft, bright green. The roots of the plant are powerful, growing deep into the ground.
More than fifty species of fir are known. It is better to plant a tree in April or September. Fir is ideal for moist soil and well lit places, does not tolerate stagnant moisture. But during the drought period, the fir must be well moistened. nine0003
This plant is classified as a climbing liana shrub that can grow up to thirty meters in height. The leaves of the ivy are green and large; in the autumn, the shrub blooms with yellow-green small flowers. Ivy grows for a long time, with the help of supports you can form beautiful compositions for fences, balconies and arbors from it. It tolerates shade well, but prefers full sun. Propagated by cuttings.
Plant ideal for borders nine0008 . It lends itself well to a haircut, grows in both sunny and shaded places, it can be used to form various shapes. The main conditions for growth and development are drained soil and timely watering. Seedlings are planted from spring to autumn. When planting, the plants are placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other. Boxwood is propagated by bending the shoots to the ground. The leaves of the plant are poisonous, so after working with the bush, be sure to wash your hands. Boxwood often freezes, so in the fall you should mulch the soil with needles, and cover the plants with burlap. nine0003
Evergreen species are often classified as boring plants because of their stability. And in vain. After all, these green beauties can surprise not only with a crown that remains in winter, but also with an amazing variety.
A range of evergreen shrubs, trees, herbs and vines can provide anyone with the right solution for many artistic challenges. Variety concerns not only beauty, but also size, height and growth rate. Even for a small garden, it is possible to pick up amazing options that do not take up much area of the site. nine0003
Evergreen representatives do not need complex and time-consuming care. You just need to choose the right place for planting and the right soil. With proper care, they will become a decoration for any landscape composition.
Sometimes, looking at evergreen coniferous trees, people think: why does a person have such a short age on earth? Intelligent creatures that can think, feel and create live on average 70-80 years, and ordinary trees live more than a thousand. Perhaps someday the dream of eternal life will come true, and then people will be able to enjoy the environment to the fullest. Until this time has come, it is worth getting to know different types of coniferous trees better in order to decorate your summer cottage with them. nine0003
It is these evergreens that fit harmoniously into any landscape design. Their strict and refined forms stand out clearly on the green lawn in summer. And in cold weather, they refresh the country house with rich greenery and a pleasant resinous aroma. Many gardeners grow evergreen beauties on their plots, because their diversity is truly impressive. They are tall and dwarf. Found in the form of a pyramid or cone. Therefore, the unforgettable landscape of coniferous trees remains in the hearts of grateful people forever. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types. nine0003
Among the huge number of coniferous centenarians, unique specimens are especially impressive: the Old Tikko spruce in Sweden (over 9 thousand years), the Methuselah pine in the USA (about 5 thousand). In general, there are up to 20 such trees on the planet.
Popular favorite - spruce
Probably, there is no person on earth who has not heard about this tree. Many poems and songs have been written about him, pictures and fairy tales have been written. The plant is associated with various holidays, customs, and sometimes with bad omens. Because of this, the plant suffers from excessive felling, which brings a lot of grief to nature lovers. nine0003
Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree that belongs to the Pine family and can grow to a height of 35 meters. It has a pyramidal or triangular crown shape, ending with a sharp top. The branches are located along the entire trunk, so it is almost invisible from the side. They grow needles of a dark green color with a glossy shiny coating, which are much shorter than those of pine.
The tree is found almost everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the main component of the Russian taiga, where it grows next to oak, pine, and hazel. In nature, there are about 50 species of spruce. Some of them successfully take root on the lawns of country houses. The following types are especially widely used. nine0003
Spruce roots are close to the soil surface, so a strong hurricane wind can knock them down. Therefore, the tree should not be planted near residential premises.
This type of spruce is characterized by a wide conical crown with hanging branches. Considered slow growing. For 30 years it grows to a height of up to 4 meters. Plant diameter is about 3 m. Prefers shady places. Spruce tolerates cold temperatures very well. In the summer heat, it needs watering. nine0003
The tree has a columnar crown and falling weeping branches that, like a train, touch the ground. It grows up to a maximum of 8 meters. Diameter of an adult plant is about 2.5 m.
European Maxwelli
Dwarf shrub in the form of a wide cone. It tolerates winter frosts and shady places without problems. Grows up to a meter high. The diameter of an adult shrub is 2 m.
Glauka Globoza
The famous spruce stands out with its blue needles. Grows in height up to 2 meters. It is used in many countries to decorate urban and suburban landscapes. Due to the fact that the tree lends itself to shearing, original blue balls are made from it, which delight their fans all year round. nine0003
Fir - a tree with purple cones
An evergreen representative of the Pine genus. It differs from its close relatives in the features of needles:
- softness;
- glitter;
- flat shape.
White stripes are visible on the underside of each needle, which gives the plant a festive look. The fir tree is decorated with purple cones, which is its main highlight. It grows slowly over 10 years, after which growth accelerates. Lives for about 400 years. Breeders have bred decorative varieties that are used to decorate urban and suburban areas. nine0003
Since the needles of the tree have healing properties, growing fir in a summer cottage is a great idea. It helps in the fight against colds, sciatica and wound healing.
The tree has a straight trunk and a narrow crown resembling a column. Grows up to 10 meters. The dense branches are directed upwards, which gives the tree a majestic character.
This fir is famous for its long branches stretched above the ground, which can reach 2.5 meters in length. nine0003
The variety is characterized by original silvery needles, the tips of which are painted whitish. Every spring, luminescent yellow shoots come out of her buds. This unusual combination creates a stunning view on the site of a country house. And it lasts almost a whole month.
A dwarf tree that grows only up to 50 cm. The diameter of an adult plant is 1 m. The crown is rounded, slightly flattened. Works great in small areas. nine0003
Majestic Cedar
Since time immemorial, these trees have been considered a symbol of greatness. In their natural environment, they grow at an altitude of 3 km above sea level and resemble real giants. Grow up to 50 meters. They live for more than two centuries.
Despite its grandeur, this is a unique tree, as it can decorate any garden landscape. If you plant it at the main entrance, an atmosphere of some kind of celebration is created. On spacious lawns - home comfort.
Some dwarf varieties are used for growing bonsai plants. To create original landscapes, species that differ are widely used: nine0003
- needle color;
- length of needles;
- tree dimensions.
When choosing a suitable species, it is advisable to first get to know the plant. For home cultivation, the following varieties are used:
Mysterious larch
Many people think that if a tree is called larch, then it does not belong to coniferous species. Actually it is not. The plant is a representative of the Pine family, but unlike its relatives, it loses its needles in autumn. nine0003
Larch grows up to 50 m in height. In this case, the trunk reaches 1 m in diameter. The branches grow in a chaotic manner, with a barely noticeable slope. As a result, a crown is formed in the form of a cone. The needles are noticeably flattened, soft to the touch, bright green in color. In the natural environment, there are 14 different varieties. For garden design, the following types are used:
This diversity allows you to create magnificent landscapes on the territory of summer cottages.
State Pine
Biologists have counted more than a hundred different varieties of this evergreen plant. Moreover, the distinguishing feature is the number of needles on one bundle. A pine tree often grows up to a height of 50 meters. The straight trunk is covered with reddish-brown cracking bark. Long needles are located on the spreading branches of the tree and are distinguished by a rich aroma. Pine lives for about 600 years and perfectly tolerates cold and summer heat.
Pine should be planted quickly, as its roots can dry out in a quarter of an hour. Such a plant does not take root in the new territory. nine0003
For garden decoration, breeders have created original miniature species:
Without a doubt, such evergreen living decorations are suitable for creating landscape rock gardens or mixborders. In any case, pine can become the hallmark of a summer cottage.
Her Majesty - thuja
An evergreen tree of this kind is almost always used to decorate city parks and green areas. Recently, this plant has been widely used to decorate home gardens. It is valued by gardeners for its ability to endure severe winter frosts, drought and high humidity. nine0003
The thuja tree is characterized by lush branches with dark green scaly leaves. Every year, the plant is covered with miniature cones that resemble scattered beads on green fabric. In addition to traditional forms, thujas are:
- dwarf;
- weeping;
- creeping.
Most often, seedlings called "Occidentalis" are used for garden design. The tree can grow up to 7 m in height, and create a crown of about 2 m. Another species - "Cloth of Gold" - has a golden hue of needles. It grows well in shady areas of the garden. nine0003
Medium-sized variety - "Columna" impresses with its dark green needles with a glossy sheen. It does not disappear even in winter, for which it is very much appreciated by lovers of green spaces. 'Columna'
A compact type of thuja tree – 'Holmstrup' has a conical shape, despite its height of 3 m. It tolerates cold winters wonderfully, can be pruned and is used as a hedge. Another giant - "Smaragd" - grows up to approximately 4 m. The diameter of an adult tree is up to 1.5 m. The needles are juicy, dark green in color with a brilliant sheen. Such a beauty will surely decorate the country landscape of connoisseurs of greenery. nine0003
Having become acquainted with the majestic coniferous trees, it is easy to choose the right option. And let the suburban area turn into a green oasis of joy, where resistant coniferous trees grow.
Conifers in landscape design - video
Hearing the words "evergreen tree" the majority of inhabitants of the middle zone will have before their eyes the depth and nobility of blue, silvery, green firs, mighty cedars, slender pines. For a city dweller who has a country house with a garden, the list of trees that have a luxurious view both in winter and in summer is expanded by cypresses, arborvitae, and junipers. nine0003
Evergreen trees have a special meaning in backyard gardens in the middle zone of Russia, beyond the Urals and in Siberia: long snowy winters lack juicy summer greenery. And only evergreen conifers, sprinkled with snow, with their harsh noble appearance and deep green needles, remind of the summer holiday.
There is an opinion that the literacy of landscaping the garden should be assessed in winter: all deciduous trees crumbled, the snowy space is riddled with bare tree branches. If at this time the garden suddenly seems boring, uninteresting, then you should think about insufficient landscaping of the site and plan the planting of evergreens. nine0003
Importance of evergreen bushes and trees in garden design
Evergreen ornamental trees belong to the category of skeletal, supporting accents of the entire garden. Planted for many years, they form the basis, the basis of all garden design. Some flowers are forced out of the site by others, the gardener's preferences, as well as the layout of the site, may undergo some changes. Only perennial conifers grow into their place, setting the rhythm and determining the pattern of the entire garden in summer and winter. nine0003
A rich selection allows you to find a copy for each specific task, because among evergreen trees there are miniature specimens, and weeping forms, and species with amazing shades of color.
The main advantages of conifers
The following qualities are considered the main advantages that determine a wide range of uses in the garden:
- Evergreen crops are unpretentious in care;
- Most of them prefer partial shade and shade; nine0110
- Perfectly combined with each other and decorative deciduous trees and shrubs;
- Excellent resistance to shaping and decorative pruning;
- They retain their decorative effect throughout the year, taking full responsibility for the aesthetics of the garden in winter.
The most popular conifers for landscape design
The idea of evergreen trees growing in Russia is associated precisely with conifers. The names of most of them are well-known, the appearance of even once exotic specimens is familiar. nine0003
Few people will be surprised by yew topiary, boxwood walls, cypresses cutting through the sky, blue spruces, creeping junipers. Conifers have long and firmly won the love of gardeners.
In addition to traditional tall conifers, compact, dwarf forms of conifers are increasingly used in landscape design:
- Common spruce "Tompa" - this green pyramid grows only up to one and a half meters in height, and the diameter at the base reaches two meters. Her photo:
- Dwarf form of Kiwi balsam fir - up to half a meter in height. Photo:
- Canadian spruce Picea glauca ‘Laurin’ by the age of ten, growing by 2 cm per year, reaches a height of 40 cm. Photo:
- Hardwood
Only an expert can name evergreen deciduous trees that can grow in a harsh climate:
- The most famous and popular deciduous plant, existing in the form of a bush and small trees bearing a crown all year round - boxwood .
It is from its woody variety that huge complex figures and high dense fences are carved.
Culture can be called by other names: stone tree, buxus. Without a regular shaping haircut, it loses its decorative effect. Poisonous plant, requires hand protection when leaving.
- Magonia - frost-resistant, shade-loving plant, flowering and fruiting (magonia berries are used in the production of wine and confectionery). nine0117
- Laurel cherry - an evergreen tree, in its native places reaching a height of 6 meters, in a cold climate - up to two meters. Dense thickets of laurel cherry, so named because of the similarity with laurel foliage, and with cherries - fruits, form a dense hedge. It grows rapidly, has high decorative qualities. Despite the toxicity, it is used in folk medicine. Photos:
- Another tree, more reminiscent of a shrub in mid-latitude conditions - euonymus .
- Neighborhood with their own kind reveals the decorative properties better
- Plants tolerate winter more easily
- In the warm season, located in close proximity to the place of rest, they emit shock doses of phytoncides into the atmosphere, ridding the environment of pathogenic forms. nine0110
- Planted closely together, over time, as a result of regular shearing, they form a hedge impassable to humans and animals.
- Border. It is created from undersized species, serves to limit paths and flower beds.
- Consists of shrubs of high and medium height from 0.
7 to 2 meters. Limits garden plots, front gardens, parks
- Bosket. The living wall is over 2 meters tall. Provides shade and protection for garden borders. If there is already an artificial fence (fence) around the site, then hops, kampsis, girlish grapes, curly honeysuckle can be used to form a bosquet. Growing, they form a barrier no worse than tall trees. nine0110
- Formable fence. Requires regular trimming once given shape. The shape of trimmed bushes depends only on the skill and imagination of the gardener.
- Ohlendorf. A multi-vertex undersized Christmas tree with needles of a golden-green hue. Grows up to 200 cm.
- Akrokona. Compact spruce up to 400 cm, grows very slowly. The needles are dark green, the cones are lilac-raspberry.
- German Nau. Dwarf Christmas tree no more than 150 cm high. The crown is cushion-shaped, the needles are grayish-blue.
- Large-fruited. Tall tree with beautiful yellowish needles. It can grow up to 35-40 m, so pruning is required. It has a very pleasant lemon scent.
- Tuiform. Compact tree with a pyramidal crown of bluish-green color. Its feature is the presence of needle needles, which gradually turn into scaly ones.
- Leyland. Tall fast-growing hybrid with a columnar crown and scaly needles. The trunk is covered with a glossy bark of dark red or brown tone. nine0110
- Pointed. Tree-like varieties can reach 20 m, but on average do not grow above 6 m. Shrub species are low, creeping. The needles are crescent-shaped, dark green on top and light on the back.
- Short-leaved. A multi-stemmed slow growing tree growing from 5 to 15 meters. The crown is wide, shaped like a pin. The needles are flat, straight. Berries are bright scarlet.
- Canadian. Frost-resistant variety of shrub type. It grows up to 100-150 cm in height and up to 300-400 cm in width. In winter, the needles acquire a red-brown hue. nine0110
- Brabant. Refers to Western varieties. Frost-resistant fast-growing thuja with emerald needles. The crown is pyramidal in shape. Under natural conditions, it can grow up to 40 m, in decorative plantings it does not exceed 4 m.
- Biota. Oriental variety with small needles tightly pressed to the branches. The crown is openwork-pyramidal.
Cones are small, greenish-blue, dark brown when ripe.
- Japanese. An ornamental coniferous tree up to 9 m high. The crown is pyramidal, the branches are directed upwards. The needles are emerald green with a silvery sheen, and have a strong pleasant aroma. nine0110
- Erica. It grows as a semi-shrub, shrub or tree with small, needle-like leaves. Pink or white flowers resemble drooping bells, collected in large brushes.
- Yana. Compact shrub up to 30 cm high. Branches are very dense, straight, directed upwards. The flowers are large, double, bright pink. Flowering begins in early autumn, ends in November.
- Carmen. A compact rounded bush 30-40 cm high. The shoots are covered with very small leaves of a rich dark green tone. Purple or pink flowers are collected in long, up to 10 cm, peduncles. nine0110
- Small-leaved. Dwarf bush with a compact crown and densely branched stems. Covered with small rounded leaves. It grows very slowly, a few millimeters per year.
- Colchis. A tree 12-15 m high. Young specimens are not higher than 2 m. The branches directed upwards are covered with oval leaves of emerald green color. It does not tolerate frost well, winter shelter is required.
- Balearic. The largest variety. It occurs as a tall shrub or tree with a pyramidal crown. The leaves are ellipsoid, up to 5 cm long. It grows quickly, tolerates frosts down to -18°C. nine0110
In Russia, it is more common as a dense evergreen shrub that makes dense hedges.
Green leaves turn reddish in winter;
Frost-resistant euonymus is very unpretentious with high decorative qualities. Prefers shade and partial shade in summer. Also applies to poisonous plants.
A garden created with painstaking work, supported by care and love, combining annual and perennial plants, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, will be harmonious at any time of the year and will never get bored of its owner. nine0003
The way out for the formation of a diverse landscape will be the use of evergreen forms of plants in its design: from ornamental mosses and lichens creeping along the ground and stones to such giants as cypress.
The range of such plants is huge. These are not only the usual conifers: spruces and firs of various species, all kinds of arborvitae, their direct relatives are cypresses and junipers. But also rather exotic representatives of deciduous, such as rhododendrons, laurel cherry, boxwood, mahonia, ivy and periwinkle. nine0003
Such a variety of species makes it possible to form a landscape, even if the size of the plot is the notorious "6 acres". Certain types of arborvitae and juniper will act as creators of living borders and intra-spatial partitions. Their large forms will serve as a means of disguising outbuildings, verandas, gazebos, or as solo landscape details. An example is a large blue spruce or thuja smaragd in a south-facing corner of the site. Why south? So that at the hottest time of the day in summer, low-growing forms of evergreen miniature trees and shrubs that do not like direct sunlight should be sheltered from their effects under the canopy of these large brothers. nine0003
Separately, it is worth dwelling on creepers, and first of all on common ivy.
This plant, unpretentious in terms of soil and moisture content, is able to "climb" even to a height of 20 meters, using its "mustache" aerial roots. Even the roughness of a brick wall can serve as a support for it.
Green forms of ivy are hardy enough to survive the winter of the European part of the country.
Variegated Colchis ivy is more critical to frost, the liana can freeze. nine0003
It should be remembered that ivy can "suffocate" any plant if allowed to grow uncontrollably, so it is better to use it as an independent crop.
This creeper is easy to care for and easily tolerates both sunlight and life on the north side of the building. Watering - moderate, in the absence of rain no more than 2 times a week.
Large periwinkle. This is a typically creeping plant with a stem length of not more than 40 cm. Smooth oval-shaped leaves, with a small fringe along the outer edge, are located on the stem in pairs, opposite each other. nine0003
Growing and branching, it covers the ground with a solid carpet. It has large lobed petals in lilac-colored flowers, flowering begins in late spring - early summer. Resistant to frost, well preserved under the snow.
Shade tolerant creeper. It goes well with the undersized thuja of the spherical Danica variety, forming a lower tier covering the soil, looks great in contrast with its yellow-green needles.
Or with the same color of needles small-sized Danika Aurea.
Combining different
The best solution for the formation of local areas of the garden will be a combination of coniferous and deciduous plants. Stones placed among bushes and trees will add even more variety. Especially if they are arranged in tiers with flowers and bushes, and even above the water in the form of mini-ponds.
For a better formation of tiers, you should also use lattice stands woven from thin bamboo shoots or dead branches of hardwoods, along which climbing evergreen perennials will rise from the flower bed. nine0003
The unsurpassed aesthetics of small forms of Japanese gardens honed over the centuries can serve as examples.
Separately - about conifers
The creation of a "shock" accent of one large form of coniferous tree has already been said. Now consider the possibility of planting a small group of such plants, with all its advantages.
For the normal development of conifers, it is better to orient them during planting along a line from south to north. This way they will be in the zone of optimal light exposure even for the lower branches.
Types of hedges
To name a phenomenon means it is better to understand it . Therefore, it is worth designating the names of hedges. nine0003
Only by using a combination of deciduous and coniferous species in the landscaping of a garden or park, you can fully unleash the potential of this green recreation area, regardless of the time of year.
7 evergreens for the garden: photos and names, what to plant in the country
Evergreens - a win-win option for decorating the site. In summer, their juicy greenery sets off the bright inflorescences of flowering plants, in winter it looks great against the backdrop of white snow. At any time of the year, they decorate the local area. We will understand the features of "undying" cultures and get acquainted with their best species. nine0003
Everything about evergreens for the garden
What is it
7 best types for the garden
— Coniferous
- Deciduous
Many people think that only conifers belong to evergreen crops, and even then not all of them. In fact, this is not so. Many plants retain their greenery all year round, but they do it in different ways. In evergreen foliage "lives" for several years. It does not fall either in the warm or in the cold season. This group includes mostly trees and shrubs. nine0003
There are also winter green crops. Their foliage remains throughout the winter season, and it completely retains its color. New leaves appear in the spring, after which last year's leaves fall off. This group includes mainly shrubs and herbaceous perennials.
Both groups can be used to decorate your garden with perennial greenery. It is important not to confuse them, because the care of crops should be different. Evergreens are less whimsical, better adapt to various conditions. Therefore, they are often chosen for growing on the site. They are suitable for spacious areas and for small areas. There are many varieties of them: from tall to dwarf. nine0003
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All crops that preserve greenery all year round can be divided into two groups. Let's talk about each of them.
Their main difference from other plants is the leaves in the form of thin long needles. Some conifers have flat, scaly foliage. The seeds of almost all ripen in cones, the shape, size and shade of which depend on the species. We list the most popular evergreen conifers among gardeners. nine0003
1. Spruce
A beautiful downy tree with short needles and brown cones. The average tree height is 25-30 m, under favorable conditions it grows up to 50 m. Spruces tolerate shading well, can grow in partial shade and in the sun. Sensitive to humidity and air purity. Prefer slightly alkaline light soils and moderately moist loams. There are more than 45 varieties of conifers. For the site, you can recommend such types.
Spruces are good in single and group plantings, for example, at the main entrance to the house or as the central figure of a multi-tiered composition. Dwarf and undersized specimens are planted in mixborders or rockeries, they make up hedges. nine0003
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2. Cypress
Tall conifer with scaly leaves. The crown can be pyramidal or spreading. Dislikes bright sunlight and strong shade. The best option is penumbra. Prefers loose fertile soil mixtures. It does not tolerate waterlogging, in the lowlands it is planted only on drained soils. We list the best varieties for decorating the local area. nine0003
Cypresses are undemanding and tolerate pruning well. Low-growing varieties can be used as the basis for a topiary.

Beautiful slow growing conifer. There are shrub and woody varieties. The needles are short, soft, very pleasant to the touch, deep green. Forms fruits in the form of scarlet berries. Yew shade-tolerant and unpretentious. It takes root well on any soil, but prefers a fertile neutral substrate without excessive moisture. We list the best varieties for landscaping the site. nine0003
All cypress trees tolerate pruning well, which is used in landscape design to create topiaries and park sculptures. You need to know that cypress cones, bark and needles contain substances that are toxic to humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to plant it with caution where children and pets will walk.
4. Thuja
Decorative conifer with many varieties. Among them there are dwarf shrubs growing up to half a meter, and seventy-meter giant trees. Tui are unpretentious, frost-resistant, grow well in partial shade and shade. Young seedlings have soft needles, which eventually turn into scaly needles. For the adjacent territory, such varieties can be recommended. nine0003
Tui are very different, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable type for your site. They go well with other plants, especially boxwood, juniper, barberry. Suitable for arranging hedges, flower beds and single plantings.
Deciduous plants differ from conifers in the presence of lamellar petiole foliage. Its shape and size can be very different. We offer names and photos of deciduous evergreens for the garden. nine0003
1. Heather
A monotypic creeping shrub from 25 to 70 cm high. It has many upwardly directed branches covered with small triangular leaves. They are bright green in color, slightly rolled into a tube. Heather blooms in mid-summer. It is covered with bells of a lilac-pink hue. The plant is unpretentious, prefers open areas and slightly acidic soils. Feels good on poor soils. For landscape decoration, you can recommend these varieties of heather. nine0003
Heather is suitable for uniform plantings. For a greater decorative effect, you can choose different varieties. The evergreen bush goes well with other crops, for example, with juniper or thuja.
2. Boxwood
These are slow growing shrubs or trees from 2 to 10 m high. The crown is compact and very dense. The branches are covered with glossy dark green leaves of round or oval shape. Starting from the age of 15-18, boxwood blooms with small yellowish flowers with a pronounced honey aroma. Prefers a slightly acidic or neutral fertile substrate of moderate humidity. Here are the varieties recommended for landscaping. nine0003
Boxwood pairs well with flowering plants such as hydrangeas, roses or rhododendrons. It is planted in multi-tiered flower beds, in mixborders. It easily tolerates pruning, so it is used to create topiaries, hedges.
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3. Honeysuckle
Differs in great species diversity. It happens one- and perennial, grows in the form of a liana or shrub. There are deciduous and leafy varieties in winter. Honeysuckle is decorative and edible. In the latter case, in addition to greens, you can also get a crop of large sweet and sour berries. The shrub is covered with oval-shaped leaves with wavy edges. The flowers, depending on the variety, can be white, pink or reddish.