Planting season for carrots
Growing Carrots from Sowing to Harvest
, written by Benedict Vanheems
It’s hard to imagine a flourishing vegetable garden without carrots. They’re actually pretty easy to grow from seed – so long as you take account of a few golden rules. In this video and article we’ll walk through the entire process for growing them – from sowing to lifting – so you can be confident of enjoying trouble-free roots every time.
Where to Grow Carrots
In the ground, within raised beds or on the patio in tubs – carrots can be grown just about anywhere. They prefer full sun and well-dug, stone-free soil. Beds improved with well-rotted compost are ideal, though very recently manured beds may cause roots to fork. For best results, follow carrots on from a heavy-feeding vegetable such as cabbage.
There are many different types of carrot to choose from. Stump-rooted and finger-sized carrots are quickest and may be grown in small pots, or in heavier soils that would cause longer roots to fork. Medium or long-rooted carrots can be grown in lighter soils or in raised beds or deep containers filled with potting soil. Maincrop types are perfect for sowing later in spring to produce roots for winter storage.
Carrots don’t just come in orange! Try one of the many colorful alternatives, including purple, yellow, white and red roots.
When to Sow Carrots
Sow carrots from early spring to midsummer to be lifted from late spring to early winter. Stored roots will tide you over until the following spring. Make the earliest sowings of fast-growing early varieties into greenhouse or hoop house beds, or pots kept under cover. You can also sow earlier outside by using row covers or cold frames.
Our Garden Planner can help you to work out exactly when to start sowing. Simply select and drop in a row or block of carrots, then click the accompanying Plant List for sow and harvest dates based on your location. Adding crop protection – for instance a row cover – will adjust sow and harvest dates accordingly. Click back to the Plant List, where you'll see that the dates are now a half-month sooner than the carrots without protection.
For a continuous supply of carrots, you’ll need to sow a row every two to three weeks, with the final sowing made in midsummer using a maincrop variety.
How to Sow Carrots
Carrots do not like being transplanted, so it’s best to sow them directly where they are to grow. Remove all stones from the soil – if a carrot root hits a stone it will fork - then rake the soil to a fine tilth. Now mark out your seed rows. The seed drills should be about a quarter inch (1cm) deep, with rows spaced about six inches (15cm) apart, depending on the variety you’re sowing. Sprinkle pinches of the seeds thinly along the row then close the soil back along the row to cover the seeds. Carrot seeds are very small, so to make sowing easier you can mix the seeds with dry sand, which will help to spread the seeds out within the row. Once you’re done, label the row with the variety and date.
To sow into tubs, fill containers with potting soil then gently tamp down to firm. Sow the seeds very thinly over the top, then cover with a quarter inch (1cm) layer of potting soil. Water, then label.
How to Prevent Carrot Fly
Carrot flies or rather, their maggots, are notorious for damaging the roots. To thwart this low-flying insect cover the ground with a row cover or garden fleece immediately after sowing. Take care to secure the edges of the cover so there are no gaps. Keep covers in place throughout the life of the crop.
Container-grown carrots are very easy to shield from carrot fly, by simply raising the container up off the ground.
Alternatively grow companion plants such as leeks next to your carrots to confuse the flies. Our Garden Planner features a handy companion planting filter. Simply click on your carrots then select the heart-shaped Companion Planting button to show suitable companion plants in the selection bar. You can now select and drop in your companion next to your carrots. Or double-click on the carrots to bring up the varieties box then click the plus button to read variety descriptions, including those showing some resistance to carrot fly.
Caring for Carrots
Any clumps of seedlings can be thinned out as necessary by very carefully pulling any excess out. This can, however, dislodge the roots of neighboring seedlings, so alternatively you can use scissors to snip off the foliage instead. Do this on a still day to prevent the carrot smell alerting nearby carrot flies.
Sometimes carrots can run to seed (bolt) before they’ve had a chance to form their roots. Keep the soil moist in dry weather to help avoid this, and regularly remove weeds to minimize competition for available moisture and nutrients.
Carrots don’t normally need additional feeding, but occasional mulching with a light-blocking organic mulch such as compost or leafmold will help prevent the tops turning green.
Harvesting Carrots
Lift the carrots as soon as they reach the right size. The size of the top of the root poking out of the soil is often a good guide, or gently dig away the soil from around it to get a better look. Harvest alternate carrots so those left can grow bigger. Smaller, finger-sized or stump-rooted carrots are usually easy to pull up, while chunkier maincrop types may need easing out of the ground with a fork. In places with mild winters carrots can be left in the ground to harvest as needed. Alternatively, dig up the roots, twist off the foliage then store in boxes of damp sand kept in a cool, dark place.
Crunchy, vibrant and outrageously good for you – nothing compares to garden-grown carrots! I hope this has convinced you to give carrots a go, whether you’ve never grown them before or if you’ve had bad luck in the past. You can let us know how you get on in the comments section below. And, of course, don’t forget to share any clever growing tips or recipes while you’re at it.
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(Image credit: Emma Bailey)
Know when to plant carrots and you’ll be able to grow them almost all year round with ease.
Full of fibre, Vitamin A and beta-carotene, carrots are a delicious and nutritious vegetable. They can be grown really successfully in containers, greenhouses and directly outside, all providing you get the timing right.
With so many varieties to choose from, it’s no wonder carrots are such popular vegetables to grow and to eat. With a little know-how, you could be enjoying these fresh, crunchy homegrown veg for most of the year, regardless of the amount of space you may have for growing them.
If you're interested in knowing how to grow carrots, then when to plant them is key to ensure a good crop. Here’s everything you need to know.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
When to plant carrots
Carrots are a cool weather-loving crop and do best in full sunshine. With this in mind, knowing when to plant carrots will ensure you get a really excellent crop every time as part of your kitchen garden ideas.
The general rule of thumb is to plant carrots in the springtime, about three weeks before the last frost is due, which will vary depending on the zone or area where you live.
As carrots are a long crop, Nick Welsh, owner of Seed Craft , recommends sowing 'rows of radishes between the rows of carrot. This not only helps mark where your carrots are, but also the radish loosen the soil allowing the carrots to grow better, while maximizing your growing space.'
There are also other choices for carrot companion planting to help boost the crops' health and harvest.
(Image credit: Unsplash)
What is the best month to plant carrots?
When thinking about the best month for when to plant carrots, there are a few variables to consider. You must take into account your specific climate, as well as the location you plan on planting the carrots – for instance whether part of your vegetable garden container ideas or directly into the ground.
As a general rule, carrots should be sown in early spring and again in early fall. Carrots need warmth to germinate and, as such, a temperature of about 50°F– 80°F (10°C–26°C) is perfect. However, they will germinate at temperatures as low as 40°F (4°C).
'Carrots can be started from 1 April in the Midwest,' explains Mike Davison, greenhouse manager at Platt Hill Nursery in Illinois. 'They need plenty of sun to grow well, so the longer spring days are perfect.'
Be aware that some varieties will bolt if temperatures are too low, so choosing a variety that is hardy is key if you want to start sowing even earlier in the year.
When to harvest carrots? You can force an earlier crop by using a cloche to protect your seedlings from frost. Varieties such as the Amsterdam and Nantes are good, fast maturing varieties, making them excellent for growing under cloches in the colder winter months.
(Image credit: Emma Bailey)
When can I plant carrots outside?
'Plant carrots any time from early spring once the threat of ground frosts have gone, right through until early fall, advises John Stolarczyk, curator of the World Carrot Museum .
'Make additional plantings every three weeks through midsummer for continuous supply and a fall harvest,' he adds.
There are a couple of things to consider when planting carrots directly outside:
- Dry carrot seeds will not germinate, so keep them well watered until you start to see shoots.
- Soil that is too rich will result in excessive leaf growth and forked, rough roots, so don’t work any additional fertilizer or soil improver into the ground before sowing.
Carrots are a cool season loving root vegetable and grow best in these conditions. For this reason they make an excellent addition to your vegetable garden almost all year round.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Can I sow carrots in containers?
Containers are a fantastic way of growing carrots when you only have a small space.
John suggests you should choose pots that are at least 12 inches deep and have good drainage. 'Choosing smaller varieties such as Thumbelina, Orbit, Parmex, Oxheart or Little Finger for container crops,' he recommends.
As carrots are quite a long crop, taking 10 to 16 weeks before they are ready to harvest, Mike Davison advises 'a fun thing to do is plant some leaf lettuce or grow spinach in with the carrots to have more in the planter boxes or containers.' This will give you something delicious to harvest while you are waiting for your carrots to develop.
(Image credit: Future/Annaick Guitteny)
Can I plant carrots in a greenhouse?
If you don't manage to plant any carrot seeds in the ground during early fall, you could think about planting some in your greenhouse over the winter months for an early spring crop.
Make sure you choose a sunny spot in the greenhouse and sow directly into well-drained compost.
'Carrots like loose rich soil, preferably a little sandy, and soil that’s been worked quite deeply. Having loose sandy soil, will allow you to grow long slender straight carrots,' explains John.
How to avoid carrot fly
Carrot flies are your carrots biggest enemy and will devastate an entire crop very quickly. 'Thin seedlings after you have watered, this will reduce the risk of breaking the roots and releasing the scent that attracts the fly,' advises Nick Welsh of Seed Craft.
As carrots flies can only fly about 60cm off the ground, Nick also suggests, 'erecting a a barrier of fine mesh or horticultural fleece higher than this around your bed, to stop them from reaching your crop.'
Now that you know when to plant carrots you’ll be able to grow your own delicious crop at home or in your vegetable garden.
Emma received the keys to her first allotment plot in 2019 and has been documenting her progress on Youtube and Instagram ever since. As the allotment grew, so did her love of gardening and her follower count. Emma has a passion for writing and has contributed articles to Kitchen Garden magazine and Life lovers magazine, as well as starting her own blog – the pink shed .
Growing food has become one of her biggest passions and she enjoys sharing her trials and errors with her audience in a funny, honest and informative way.
Favorable days of landing on the lunar calendar
Useful information about carrots
Sowing periods | 20 - 5, May - June 5, October - November 5, |
Sowing Scheme | 9000 20x3 cm|
Seeding depth | 1.5 - 2 cm |
Predecessors | • good - potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, peas - • poor0008 |
Place | Well-lit area |
Favorable days for planting seedlings at home or in a greenhouse .

Carrots are not grown through seedlings - there is no point, since they have time to ripen during the summer even in a cool climate. In the greenhouse, she also should not take up space. It must be sown immediately on the beds. nine0046
Favorable days for planting seedlings in open ground
Carrots can be sown in open ground in 3 terms.
The first, main - in late April - early May.
Second term - from 15 May to 5 June (1). This time is suitable for mid-season varieties intended for storage. It is believed that carrots sown in early summer are best stored in a cellar or refrigerator.
The third term - before winter, at the end of October - beginning of November (1). This is very convenient, since there is less work in autumn. In addition, over the winter, the seeds will be hardened, get rid of essential oils that inhibit the emergence of seedlings. As a result, in the spring, carrots rise early and amicably. But when sowing in winter, the seeding rate should be increased by 1.5 times and embedded in the soil a little deeper - by 2 - 3 cm (2). After sowing, the beds should be mulched with humus or dry peat with a layer of 3 cm (3). nineAuspicious days for sowing according to the lunar calendar October, 1 - 3 November.
How to determine the timing of planting in your region
The main criterion is the weather. It happens that already in early April it is warm and then carrots can be sown earlier, in the middle, or even on the 10th. In a long spring, when the snow lies on the beds for a long time, the earth is cold and very damp, it is better to postpone sowing until the beginning of May. nine0046
For reliability, it is better to measure the temperature of the soil. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 3 - 4 °C, but they will germinate slowly - 16 - 18 days (4). At a soil temperature of 20 ° C, they will sprout in 8 to 10 days.
You can also use folk signs for sowing. Our ancestors often focused on the flowering of the coltsfoot and counted from this day. Carrots were sown on the 23rd day. And with it onions, beets, turnips, parsley, dill, peas, radishes.
Tips for caring for carrot seedlings
Weeding. After the carrots sprout, it is important to weed them in time - weeds can “clog” young plants.
Photo: pixabay.comWatering. Carrots do not like frequent watering - in this case, the root crops grow tasteless, watery, are severely affected by diseases and are poorly stored. If it rains or it's cool outside, it needs to be watered. In the heat - it is necessary, but rarely: 1 time in 2 weeks, 4 - 5 liters per 1 sq. m.
Thinning. When the seedlings have 1 - 2 true leaves, it must be thinned out, leaving a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm between the plants. The second time the carrots are thinned out when 3 - 4 true leaves appear. This time between plants leave 5 - 6 cm.
Popular questions and answers
We talked about growing carrots with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.
Why do carrot seeds germinate poorly?
The problem is that they contain essential oils that inhibit germination. That is why carrots are often recommended to be sown before winter - during the winter they are destroyed under the influence of low temperatures and washed out with melt water. nine0030
But you can speed up the germination of seeds if you soak them for 30 minutes in hydrogen peroxide - a few drops in 1 glass of water.
After which crops is it better to plant carrots?
The best predecessors for carrots are early cabbage, early potatoes, cucumbers, onions, gourds - watermelons, melons, pumpkins.
Which crops should not be followed by carrots?
You can not grow carrots after carrots and parsley - otherwise diseases will accumulate in the soil and root crops will more often be affected by pests. It is also recommended to sow carrots in the beds where late cabbage grew. nine0046
Is it possible to plant carrots in mixed plantings?
Lettuce and radish can be sown between the rows of carrots - they will have time to give a harvest before the tops close. And the carrots themselves can be sown to crops with wide aisles - cucumbers and cabbage.
Is it possible to plant carrots pulled out during thinning?
This is a rather troublesome task, but quite real. To do this, you need to make a new bed and make holes in it with a depth of 8 - 10 cm with a stick at a distance of 5 cm from each other. In each hole, plant a carrot uprooted a little deeper than it grew. Then sprinkle the plantings with dry soil and gently pull the carrots to the previous level so that the root straightens. nine0046
- Fisenko A.N., Serpukhovitina K.A., Stolyarov A.I. Garden. Handbook // Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1994 - 416 p.
- Group of authors, ed. Polyanskoy A.M. and Chulkova E.I. Tips for gardeners // Minsk, Harvest, 1970 - 208 p.
- Romanov V.V., Ganichkina O.A., Akimov A.A., Uvarov E.V. In the garden and in the garden // Yaroslavl, Upper Volga book publishing house, 1989 - 288 p.
- Yakubovskaya L.D., Yakubovsky V.N., Rozhkova L.N. ABC of a summer resident // Minsk, OOO "Orakul", OOO Lazurak, IPKA "Publicity", 1994 - 415 p.
How to plant carrots outdoors in spring
Delicious juicy carrots are a popular vegetable in summer cottages. It is used in preparations and eaten fresh. Carrots are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to function properly. This cheerful orange vegetable is made up almost entirely of water, making it a diet staple. Many varieties are well stored, retaining useful properties until spring. nine0046
Despite the fact that carrots are an unpretentious crop, there are a few simple rules for planting and caring for the successful cultivation of a vegetable.
Choosing a place and preparing a bed
Crop rotation: after which crops you can and cannot plant carrots
Determine the planting date
Choose varieties
Preparing the seed
Planting carrots: planting pattern
Choosing a place and preparing a garden bed
The key to the successful growth of any plant is the right place and suitable soil for planting seeds. Carrots need light to thrive, so choose sunny, shade-free areas. When shading, the yield decreases and the taste of the vegetable deteriorates.
The soil is prepared a few weeks before sowing. Fertile, loose, slightly acidic and neutral soil is ideal for carrots. Seeds are planted in loamy, sandy or peaty soil. Any land where carrots will grow must be saturated with air, otherwise the vegetable grows tasteless. nine0046
⚠ Note! Do not fertilize the carrot bed with manure. It will harm root crops, cause branching. Vegetables will grow irregularly shaped and will not last long.
Bed preparation sequence:
1. Dig up the ground, remove weed roots and autumn debris.
2. Fertilize. Put humus or rotted compost (1 bucket per m2) mixed with wood ash and bone meal (1 cup per m2.). It is useful to add mineral supplements, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. nine0046
3. If the soil is heavy, clay, add peat mixed with sand in equal proportions (1 bucket per m2).
4. Drip again onto the shovel bayonet to mix and level the surface with a rake, breaking up large lumps.
Take the time to properly prepare the soil, and the plants will thank you with a bountiful harvest!
Crop rotation: after which crops you can and cannot plant carrots
Carrots can not be planted in the same place from year to year. It is necessary to alternate the planting of crops, taking into account the rules of crop rotation. Plants of one species consume nutrients from the earth, depleting some and oversaturating the soil with other microelements. Without crop rotation, the land becomes poorer. Changing crops, taking into account the needs of each species, increase yields.
Good predecessors for carrots:
✓ onion and garlic
Invalid predecessors:
- carrots
− beets
− parsley
− parsnips
- fennel
- beans
It is important to correctly combine the plants in the beds. Some crops grow better when planted together, while others, on the contrary, interfere with each other. Growing vegetables together helps to use the land efficiently and increases the yield of both crops. nine0030
Carrots grow better if legumes, radishes, and tomatoes are planted nearby. The best neighborhood is with onions. These crops protect each other from pests: carrots repel onion flies, and onions - carrot flies. Due to its small size, the onion grows comfortably in the aisles. Marigolds planted along the edge of a ridge with carrots protect it from harmful insects and add aesthetics to plantings.
Determining the date of disembarkation
To grow any crop, you need to know its features. Carrots are a cold-resistant crop. The seeds are sown in the ground in April and May, focusing on the weather. Seedlings withstand frost, but with a prolonged decrease in temperature, they die. In central Russia, carrots are sown no earlier than mid-April.
Sowing time also depends on ripening time:
- early varieties are sown no later than the end of April; nine0121
- mid-season varieties from late April to mid-May;
- late varieties are sown not earlier than May and until early June.
You can resort to the help of the lunar calendar for 2020.
Auspicious days:
April - 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30
May - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31
June - 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 nine0046
Unfavorable days:
April - 8, 15, 16, 17, 23
May - 7, 13, 14, 22
June - 5, 9, 10, 11, 21
Selecting varieties of carrots
Experienced gardeners are advised to choose varieties adapted for growing in a particular region. Such plants are adapted by breeders to the weather conditions of their area (the amount of precipitation and warm days in the season).
The main criterion for choosing a variety is application. If you need fast-ripening carrots for fresh consumption, then it is better to choose early-ripening varieties with a short growing season. For summer-autumn consumption, vegetables with a long ripening period are chosen. For winter storage, late varieties with good keeping quality are suitable.
Seed preparation
Carrot seeds are difficult to sprout due to essential oils that inhibit germination. To speed up the process, the seeds need to be prepared for planting. nine0046
⚠ Note! Select seeds before planting. Pour the planting material with cold water and remove the seeds that will float. They are not suitable for landing.
Seed treatment options:
1. Soak in growth promoter. Soak the seeds in a suitable preparation (most often Zircon or Epin is used) for 24 hours. nine0046
2. Heat treatment of in hot water. Soaking in hot (50-60°C) helps soften the seed coat and improve germination. Place the seeds in a cotton bag and soak in hot water for 20 minutes, then place them in cold water for 5 minutes.
3. Stratification seeds in a linen bag in the ground. Stratification - long-term keeping of plant seeds at a cold temperature to accelerate their germination. When preparing carrot seeds in this way, put them in a linen bag, moisten it with warm water and bury it in the soil in spring (to a depth of about 25 cm). This should be done 2 weeks before landing on the garden. During this time, the seeds will be saturated with moisture and swell. Dig up the bag before planting in the ground. nine0030
⚠ Important! If you bought granulated or glazed seeds, you do not need to do anything with them. They are processed and covered with a nutrient layer, they cannot be soaked - the shell will dissolve. These seeds are planted dry.
Planting carrots: planting chart
Make furrows on the bed with a depth of 2-3 cm, the distance between them is 15-20 cm. Pour the grooves well with water. Plant the seeds in furrows at a distance of 2-4 cm from each other, cover and slightly compact the soil in the furrows. If planting early and afraid of frost, cover the bed with a covering material or film. Remember to remove it after the crop has germinated, otherwise the seedlings may rot! nine0046
Thinning is an important point of crop care.