Pictures of landscaping with rocks and stones
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Rock Garden Ideas That Will Out Rock Every Yard In Your Neighborhood
By Stefan Gheorghe | Published on Reviewed by Lance Crayon
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Rock garden is many things. More than a landscape feature, the garden-style offers an alternative to lawn care. Let’s face it, not everyone gets excited about mowing or watering grass.
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Your rock garden design can feature smooth pebbles, small trees, weathered stone, and sandy soil. If you want to create a natural world in your outdoor space, then there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you’re not sure where to begin or what to do, leave it to us to get you started.
If you want to add depth to your backyard space, start a rock garden. Rocks can transform your outdoor landscape in ways that will blow your mind. Take a break from pushing a lawnmower in the summer heat, and discover the beauty of caring for a Zen garden, for example.
Amazing Rock Garden Ideas For Your Outdoor Space
Let’s jump right in and look at different rock garden designs that will turn your outdoor landscape from boring to exciting.
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One proverbial natural resource in every backyard is rock. With the number of rock varieties, you won’t have a problem finding a style to create an ideal garden design. In this example, large stones surround a small tree and a tiny grass plot.
Rock Garden Design
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This is an example of how you can use different rock design themes in one backyard setting.
Stepping Stones
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Zen backyard designs come in many shapes and sizes. Large slabs of rock make a perfect outdoor “staircase” for sloping backyards. For a more informal look, vary the sizes and shapes of the rock steps.
Weathered Stones
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Mix and match sizes and colors of rocks on the same pathway to create visual interest and landscaping depth. Geography permitting, a surrounding mismatched pathway with various green foliage will increase the outdoor beauty.
DIY Rock Garden
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Every rock garden is a DIY project. It’s for this reason that rock gardens are a wonderful outdoor endeavor. In this an example of landscaping with grasses and rocks. A river rock design offers a “triple threat” in this backyard setting, designating an intuitive walkway and juxtaposing it against the wooden fence and green lawn.
Enchanted Rock Garden
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Various sizes, shapes, and colors of rock combine to create a soothing yet energetic waterfall for a Zen backyard.
Succulent Rock Garden
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The great thing about a rock garden is that you don’t need a massive amount of water. If you live in a dry area or next to a desert, then use succulents to create visual interest.
Green cactus landscaping is a delight. Notice how bluestone passes through a “river” of smaller rocks for a delightfully scenic and water-friendly backyard.
Contemporary Rock Garden
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Rock walkways and patios are durable and easy to maintain, plus they add so much to the natural beauty of a backyard. Lawn pebbles border the seating area, creating a space outline.
Boulder Retaining Wall
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Who said a rock garden had to be horizontal? Check out this vertical layout which also functions as a wall for your backyard space. A simple but quite beautiful large-rock retaining wall has timeless appeal. Perennials soften the transition from rock wall to lawn.
Decorative Lawn Rocks
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Plant a rock garden. With or without a water feature, rock gardens are a lovely way to transform that useless, troublesome backyard corner into a focal point.
Sculpted Lava Rock Garden
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Mortared rock walls combine with tinted and stamped concrete to create a textured, unique, and beautiful backyard feature. A lovely accentuation for xeriscaping.
Smooth Pebbles
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Pea gravel backyard designs are endless. You can also go with different colored smooth pebbles to make patterns and shapes in your garden. Incorporate the look and feel of water in the desert by laying light and dark rocks in a flowing two-tone formation.
Blue Rocks
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Nobody knows what the best rocks for backyard spaces are, so do choose whatever you want. Check out the blue-toned rocks and see how they enhance the green of your backyard space.
With a miniature small rock garden, foliage can be planted into the rockway itself, creating a more seamless space.
Shabby Chic Rock Garden
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The shabby chic aesthetic can be applied to your outdoor spaces just as easily as your indoor spaces. Give backyard visitors an inherent and obvious place to walk by laying a flagstone walkway.
Bright flowers alongside the pathway make for a pleasant passageway time and time again.
Formal Rock Decor
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This Asian-inspired rock wall serves as a gorgeous backdrop for lighted plants but in no way takes the backstage in aesthetics.
Backyard Sanctuary
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Set your landscaping alongside rock dividers. If you can include mature trees to arch overhead, then give that a shot.
Structured Environment
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An outdoor rock layout doesn’t have to invoke chaos. If you want order, clean lines, and structure, then you’re free to design as such. For a low-maintenance twist on backyard plant life, embrace the concept of growing things in pots that sit atop a nice easy-to-manage rock bed.
Fire Pit Setting
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If you live in an environment where it’s a little chilly at night, and you want to enjoy sitting outside, a backyard stone fire pit would be right for you. Nothing lengthens the relaxation of a summer’s evening like a well-suited backyard fire pit. Rock is an easy, functional, and aesthetic choice for a firepit.
Multi-level Backyard
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Your backyard terrain will define the shape of your rock garden. Use rocks as small retaining walls for beautiful backyard terraces. This provides a huge visual bang for your acreage buck.
Ambient Stone Garden
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Add a deeper dimension to your backyard setting with ambient lighting. sometimes, the best backyard isn’t a “yard” at all, but rather a strategically designed and landscaped mecca,with seamless rock walkways, sitting areas, plant life, and subtle privacy. You may find this difficult to believe, but some people prefer a rock garden that isn’t low maintenance.
Color Splashes
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When you design your outdoor area, feel free to use complementary colors. Plant perennials in the nooks and crannies of your rock wall and watch them come to life each spring and summer.
The Right Plants
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You can’t go wrong with plants. After all, watering plants is easier than cutting grass with a lawnmower. Choose the right plants, for example, alpine plants would add a touch of class.
Get creative with rocks as flower bed borders. Depending on the size of the rocks, you can double or triple them up for a fluid, eye-catching edge.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)FAQ
How To Kill Weeds In A Rock Garden?
Glyphosate is the most effective weed killer for rock gardens. When building a rock garden, treat the area where you will lay your fabric with glyphosate. Wait for two weeks and spray the area with glyphosate.
Make sure you use woven fabric that has a 20 to 25-year warranty.
Note: Glyphosate is a strong chemical. Read the warning label and follow the instructions carefully.
What To Spray On Rocks To Prevent Weeds?
If you already have a rock garden, and it has a weed problem, you spray the weeds directly with white vinegar. Be careful not to use too much as it could destroy your grass or nearby plants.
What Is The Point Of A Rock Garden?
A rock garden serves a variety of purposes ranging from functional to meditative. Those who dislike lawn care, see it as an erstwhile substitute. Rock gardens also add texture and visual interest to one-dimensional landscapes.
What Do You Put Under Landscape Rocks?
One of two things is used to go under landscape rocks, either spun landscape fabric or non woven landscape fabric. However, depending on the rocks, you might need to use thick woven fabric. The four main types of landscape fabrics are woven, non woven, spun, and perforated.
Rock Garden ConclusionA rock garden is a healthy respite from the doldrums associated with traditional lawn care. Maintaining a healthy green lawn is an American pastime, but one that should change. When you think about it, lawn maintenance is a waste of water, among many other things.
A rock garden does require some maintenance, but not nearly as much as standard green lawn. For example, Japanese rock gardens would be more beneficial to local ecosystems than grass lawns. If you wanted something similar, you could install a Zen garden. The experience would help you meditate while maintaining the rocks and sand in your garden.
You can get creative with rock garden design. Pair smaller rocks with small trees for visual interest. With plants like lamb’s ear and creeping phlox, you could turn a small space into a backyard focal point.
70 photos of decorative stone application
One of the most promising materials for creating a unique landscape design can safely be called natural and decorative stone. Of course, pleasure is not cheap, but the use of the immediate and public gifts of nature makes us at least a small step closer to its pristine beauty, which means it helps to bring peace and harmony to the soul, which many people lack in the crazy pace of modern life.
But how to turn ordinary stones lying around on the site into a real work of art? What kind of landscape design can be the backdrop for your creativity?
In this article you will find answers to these difficult questions, as well as some useful tips to help you create a truly unique design project.
Brief content of the article:
Where to use the stone?
In landscaping, there have long been many options for using stone to decorate areas. Almost any modern project is not complete without this kind of decor. So, with the help of stones they make out:
- Paths, alleys, driveways to garages or parking spaces;
- Fountains, ledges and decorative steps;
- Fences, enclosures, pergolas and arches;
- Hills, waterfalls, "stone streams";
- Walls of the house, summer kitchen and other buildings;
- Flower beds
Of course, nothing limits your imagination here; stones can be used not only for decoration or cladding, but also as an independent element (or even the center) of the composition.
So, such projects are usually implemented through the creation of a Japanese garden or a Japanese zone on the site, because it is in the culture of this country that raw stone plays a very important role, and it is simply necessary for a garden.
How to use natural stone in the landscape?
Japanese garden is a case when you do not need to buy decorative stone or tiles, invite a designer. It will be enough to create a collage on your own (suitable photos of stones in landscape design can be found on the Internet), and then put it into practice.
The more natural there is in the selected boulders and pebbles, the more canonical the garden will turn out. It is especially worth taking a closer look at the stones of an irregular, but streamlined shape: the key to your success is the smoothness of the lines and the softness of the transitions, the absence of sharp corners.
Pebbles should be soft and light; oval, round or bean-shaped: everything in the Japanese garden speaks of softness and peace.
Another great solution would be to use natural boulders in any landscape type landscape design, because the motto here is to imitate nature in all its manifestations. This means that you do not even need to carry boulders from place to place, process them by knocking down sharp corners, clean, split or remove moss and lichen.
All these are traces of natural influence, therefore, for a site sunk in greenery and the shade of centuries-old trees, a large century-old stone will become an excellent element of decor, visually complementing the composition and as if transferring the viewer somewhere to endless ancient and mysterious forests.
For those who like to apply their hand to the creation of landscape design, as well as for creative people, there is another way to decorate your site with unique creations of human imagination - this is painting garden stones.
You can create intricate patterns or just paint boulders with different colors for incredible color mixing. Special craftsmen can even create a real masterpiece by depicting a landscape or portrait on the flat side of the stone.
For these purposes, it is better to use acrylic paints or paints in spray cans: they are not washed off with water and are erased more slowly than others.
To give the pattern a glossy sheen and fix the image, you can cover the surface of the stone with a clear varnish, but usually a pattern with natural wear and slightly faded colors is much more pleasing to the eye than a huge boulder glaring in the sun.
Types of stones for landscape design
Conventionally, all rocks that designers use in their work can be divided into three large groups:
Natural stone
Granite and gneiss. Graceful and aristocratic-conservative, they are used for facing pavilions, arches, fountains and buildings. Attractive here is the range of eye-pleasing shades, which allows you to choose the perfect color solution for almost any landscape model.
Basalt looks interesting in the design of the decorative elements of the composition: the range of shades varies from smoky gray to black-green.
Soft rock: sandstone, shale, limestone, which are most commonly used for paths, paths, garage or shed cladding. Such a stone in the decor looks neat and does not catch the eye.
Stones, which are clusters of crystals, give the landscape a special chic. These rocks include marble (easy to process, unpretentious in care and giving the opportunity to choose the right color from a huge number of known shades) and porphyry, the color range of which is expressed in various shades of red.
Tuff. It is a porous, light, sponge-like stone. It absorbs moisture well and seems to be a clear example of natural erosion - such an effect is only at hand for designers.
Artificial stone
Brick. Usually a brick is used because of its cheapness, but even with proper use it can be a good addition to the composition. It is commonly used when designing walkways, small empty open spaces, or for decorating borders.
Concrete is less commonly used, but due to its strength it is suitable for a driveway leading to a garage or parking spaces.
Phosphorescent stone
A very special category. In the light for them, they are no different from other decorative elements and are completely invisible, but at night you will notice a bright glow.
That's why it's worth using to completely pave paths or simply decorate a curb. Also, luminous stones for the garden and landscape will fit the sides of pools, ponds and fountains.
The functional side of using stone
If we talk about the use of stones in the landscape of the site from a functional point of view, there are several main advantages:
- Possibility of zoning the site: separation of the working area and recreation area, creation of places for the owners' privacy or for receiving guests;
- The possibility of using large boulders as additional decorative "furniture", which fits perfectly into the overall natural landscape composition;
- Ability to hide design defects or unwanted objects;
- Possibility to fill empty space without using green spaces that require care and attention.
Obviously, stone is almost an integral part of the landscape, so use it boldly and imaginatively.
Photo of landscaping stones
Post published: 11.10
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Stones for landscape design - 100 photos, how to equip the site
It would seem that the topic is completely exhausted. Why "pour water" and so it is clear. Many examples of how to create compositions of stones and plants in the garden have already been sorted out. However, gardeners still continue to make many mistakes when they decide on their own, without the help of professionals, to diversify the landscape design of the site. Stones for landscape design - 100 photos of how to equip your suburban area, read our article.
The finished result should be pleasing to the eye, but this is not always the case. Therefore, the need to return to the question of how to create a rocky garden has not yet lost popularity.
How the idea was born: a rock garden in the country, watch the video First, experimental plots appeared in botanical gardens. Where alpine plants were bred.
Soon this hobby spread to private estates, and over the centuries it has already become popular with most owners of private gardens. During this time, vast knowledge has been accumulated in the creation of rock gardens and the basic principles for the construction of magnificent creations from plants and landscape design of the site with stones have been developed. How to make a rock garden? A rockery located on a slope will look more natural than on a flat area.
When choosing decorative stones for the garden, a combination of various types of stone embankment, several terraces that imitate a mountain valley and a water stream descending in a quiet stream over the stones is acceptable.
Rockeries created in a landscape style with a chaotic construction of rocks from natural landscape stone will look different.
A plot with a ravine is appropriate to arrange in the form of a mountain depression with a small pond. Such an arrangement will fix the ravine with the help of artificial landscape stones and plants, protect it from adverse natural phenomena, such as erosion, and improve the decorative effect of the object.
In central Russia, areas with slopes are rare. Therefore, you need to try hard to equip an alpine hill on the plain. It is important to understand: the rock garden does not tolerate loneliness.
Try to correctly combine the slide with other structures in the garden so that there is no disharmony with the already created landscape elements. How to arrange stones in landscape design - photo ideas:
Low rockery will look good next to a group of conifers, a flower garden of various plants or a small pond.
Using stones for landscaping, the alpine slide will perfectly hide unsightly outbuildings, a compost facility, a closet for garden utensils.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the Japanese rock garden is small in size, easy to do on your own if you use visual examples from available sources.
Proceed differently if you want to create a larger object. Solve this problem with the help of a landscape architect who will tell you how to choose natural stone for landscape design.
Decorative stones for landscaping
Always take into account the relief of the site, the steepness of the slope, if it exists, the structure of the soil and vegetation cover, the nature of the already created landscape. This affects the type, size of the rock garden and its positioning on the site.
- — Site selection and preparation. It should be dry, light and away from tall trees. Do not use a place on a slope if it is located on the north side of the site.
- - Next, you need to remove the sod and top layers of soil, to a depth of 20 cm.
- - Dig a hole, lay a drain of rubble, cover with sand and compact well.
- - Lay out the stones, strengthen their position with sand, gravel and stone fragments, you can use artificial stones for the garden.
- - Separate large Alpine slides with paths, ladders and ponds. See how the landscape stone looks like in the photo selection:
First, decide which types of plants are suitable for the rock garden. Don't rush to board. To get the desired result, place plant pots throughout the rockery. Choose the right species that fit well and will be combined in shape, color, size, texture of leaves and needles with each other.
Plant alpine plants between landscaping stones. Among the blocks, place shrubs of miniature size, be sure to consider how much they will grow in the future.
Fill stony voids with weakly nutritious soil:
- sand,
- land,
- small gravel in a ratio of 3:2:1.
Consider what kind of soil the different plant species prefer, acidic, alkaline, neutral. Only then fill the landing sites with suitable soil.
Finding the right rock garden plants and natural landscape stone is easy at garden centers or nurseries. You should not rush, first study the characteristics of the species, only then purchase.
What should be the total
Given that the plants in the rock garden are small, it is necessary to provide an acceptable view from different sides.