Pictures for my living room
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photos and advice on choosing paintings
The living room is the front part of a house or apartment. Here we meet guests, spend free time with relatives and stay alone with ourselves. In a large house, often the living room is an open space that occupies a significant part of the first floor. That is why there are always increased requirements for the design of the living room.
Painting by the artist Zaremba Evgeny in the interior of the living room
The same applies to art. Pictures are chosen very carefully. In this article we will tell you how to choose paintings in the living room. We will offer an algorithm by which you can make the right choice yourself.
1. Living room interior styles
Starting from the style in which the interior is made. Each style has its own characteristics and features. And it is they who need to be kept in mind when choosing paintings. We offer you the following hints:
1.1. Paintings for the living room in the style of minimalism
The main features of the style are simple shapes, geometry, and the absence of small details.
Look at the paintings in the living room from this position. Pictures that correspond to these parameters will fit perfectly - monochrome, restrained palette, large dies of the same color and strokes. It can be both abstract and figurative. Geometric abstractions work well. 91.2. Paintings for the living room in country style
Characteristic features of the country style are: well-thought-out "not splendor" of the interior, aged surfaces, the presence of antiques, incredible comfort. In such an interior, landscapes, still lifes, images of people will be appropriate. In some cases, abstraction is also appropriate.
Conceptual painting "Bread" by artist Mikhail Kaban-Petrov in the living room interior
Country style living room interior with decorative still life
1.3. Pictures for living room in loft style
This style is characterized by industrialism and brutality. We are looking for the same features in the paintings - works in mixed media, with a rough texture, with wide, confident strokes that seem to have been carried out “with the whole body”. These are large works from a meter.
We choose conceptual paintings with conventionally apocalyptic themes. Or figurative work with large objects. Black and white abstractions with visual roughness are also suitable. 1.4. Paintings for the living room in Art Deco style
This style is characterized by deliberate decorativeness, strict geometry, contrast and sophistication. Our selection includes strict geometric and bright abstractions, an extravagant female image, single and paired objects with decorative effect brought to the maximum. 91.5. Paintings for the living room in the neoclassical style
Such interiors are characterized by classic lightweight shapes and light colors. Bright color accents are possible. Elegance and quiet luxury. The style is interesting because it can withstand almost any style of painting! And the choice of paintings in this case is very extensive, take a look at our selection of paintings for a neoclassical interior.
Living room in the neoclassical style with a painting by Belareva Rivka
Conceptual work "Gap" by artist Mikhail Kaban-Petrov in the interior of the living room
Painting by Evgeniy Zaremba "Flight" in the interior of the living room start from the style of the interior and look at those works that will be in tune with it.
In addition, the most important indicator of a well-chosen work of art is your own sense of "mine / not mine.
" Understanding the style of the interior is necessary as a starting point or something that you can rely on in a variety of choices.
As you view the works (especially live), you will feel which one you want to buy. The article should not limit you to strict adherence to the style of the interior.
2. Where to hang a picture in the living room?
Of course, living rooms in every house have their own characteristics - both architectural and spatial, and interior stylistic. But still, there is an approximate list of places where paintings are most often placed: above the sofa, in the dining area of the living room, between windows and in the walls.
But paintings are not always placed on the walls. In foreign interiors, it is common to place large paintings on the floor. It is also convenient to place the painting on a chest of drawers, consoles (or above them). In this case, it is easy to change the location of work - half a year in the bedroom, half a year in the living room, and so on.
Scroll through the slides.
3. What size should the painting in the living room be?
Large paintings in the living room give a "wow" effect and look just great! It is the large format that allows the picture to play a major role in the room. And it's unusual. It's catchy. Excites. Surprises. And definitely - does not leave anyone indifferent! If the living room area allows - choose a large format. From a meter and more!
Painting "Reflection" by Evgeny Zaremba in the living room. The size of the picture is 140x150 cm
It is logical to use medium formats when the size of the locations does not allow placing a large picture (between windows, for example, or on a chest of drawers).
The small format of paintings does not "hold" the interior, and in fact, in this case, the painting becomes an element of decor. Such a small picture can be put on a chest of drawers, on a shelf. Or collect a set of several small paintings and place them on the wall. But these options significantly lose to spaces with large canvases. But, of course, suitable for small spaces.
You can see even more paintings for the living room on our website. And if you experience difficulty in the selection or there is no time for it - contact us! We will be happy to make a personal selection for you! To do this, you just need to leave a request for the selection of paintings.
Pictures and posters above the sofa in the interior of the living room in the loft style, photo
- select the interior - Living room above the sofa Living room other places Bedroom over bed Bedroom other places Children's Cabinet Bath Kitchen Corridor Commercial premises
- select style - Academic classic Light classic art deco Provence Modern Loft Scandinavian Ethnic
Pictures and posters are a great part of one of the most popular interior styles - the loft. This style is used for the interior of a variety of rooms in a residential building, but today we will focus on the living room. A loft-style living room is distinguished by its special charm and comfort, which is probably why many modern designers pay tribute to interior design in this particular style.
Loft style originated in America and eventually spread throughout the world. In the loft style, drawing rooms were decorated, as a rule, by people of creative professions - artists, sculptors, writers, musicians. But over time, trends have changed and now a loft-style living room can be seen in the house of people of various professions and social status.
Loft style will look great in a spacious living room with high ceilings, large windows that let a lot of light into the room. A large area without any partitions provides designers with a huge scope for the realization of their interior ideas.
Loft style has its own characteristics. It is characterized by conciseness and simplicity, while the interior has style. In such an interior, any technical aspects of the room are not hidden - ventilation pipes, radiators, a brick wall, a concrete floor, etc. Slight negligence in the decoration of the room, on the contrary, will become the “highlight” of the living room.
The color scheme of the interior of a loft-style living room is usually light. This palette makes the space bigger, and the loft style loves it. Classic white and black colors, brick brown, gray can also be used in the interior, but at the same time there is an opportunity for bright accents.
Antique items or, conversely, ultra-modern items can be used as furniture in the interior of a loft-style living room. This is the charm of this style - a harmonious combination of things and eras.
At the same time, the furniture, as a rule, is quite massive - large armchairs, huge sofas, tables, bedside tables. But any of the pieces of furniture should be functional and easily moved. Thus, you can change the situation in the room at least every day, adjusting to your mood and desires.
When the decoration of the room is done, and the furniture is arranged in the interior, the only thing left is to choose decorative decorations for the living room. A loft-style living room does not tolerate the use of a variety of sentimental trinkets. The less decor and more free space, the better.
The only exception is paintings and posters, which are a great opportunity to complement the interior of a loft-style living room with colors and the right atmosphere. Do not overload the space with a lot of details, one or two large canvases will be enough. But even here you can deviate from the rule and decorate the interior with a few small paintings, especially if the room cannot boast of large dimensions.
Pictures and posters in loft-style interiors set the mood for the entire design of the room. Bright canvases can add color to the monotony of the situation, and works in light colors will add harmony.
There are no special rules for choosing paintings in the interior of a loft-style living room. However, any picture should be selected in accordance with the taste preferences of the owner of the house, the color palette of the interior and the furniture chosen for the room.
Let's see what paintings and posters are appropriate in the loft-style living room interior:
- Portraits of famous artists, writers, musicians. These can be reproductions of famous self-portraits or works of classics of painting, or modern interpretations;
- Graphic posters and paintings are the best fit for loft-style interiors. Modern color or graphic abstraction, posters with inscriptions, signs, signs, paintings by famous graffiti masters, illustrations with cartoon characters, etc.;
- Posters, billboards, advertising signs;
- Modular paintings;
- Pictures of modern cities;
- Retro photos with film actors, famous film characters, singers, musicians, historical and political figures, as well as simply black and white photos of sights from around the world, historical events and interesting events;
- Antique maps;
- Engraving posters based on illustrations from old literature and encyclopedias.