Peony cut back
Time Your Pruning to Help Next Year's Blooms
After the first spring bulbs appear, the blooms I look forward to with the most anticipation in the spring are peonies. I love when I finally spot those big flower buds getting ready to burst open and reveal all the frilly petals they’ve been holding in. Knowing when to cut back peonies will ensure those beautiful blooms reappear next spring. Luckily once the flowers die back, you’re left with nice, strong foliage that will provide a backdrop for subsequent blooms.
Peony season, which can be anywhere from April to June, depending on where you live, can be fleeting. Those blooms that bring such colour and personality to the spring garden sure don’t like to hang around for long. But when shopping for peonies at the garden center, you can find early-, mid-, and late-season bloom times. Check the plant tag for details. I have a few peonies and luckily they don’t all open at once. They are staggered about a week or so apart, so I get to enjoy peony flowers for longer.
When to deadhead peonies
Hopefully you get to enjoy the flowers before a spring storm makes a mess of them. I’m often picking up sad-looking, bruised petals after a storm, lamenting the fact that the flowers seem to have just opened. Rain can make quick work of them, turning the petals into a bit of a mushy mess. If you find your peonies flop from their weight (or from a heavy rainfall), try placing a peony hoop over the plant, early in the spring, while it’s still easy to do so.
If your peony blooms don’t make it inside for cut flower arrangements, you can deadhead the faded flowers once they’re past their prime. This step, unfortunately, doesn’t encourage more flowers, like on other annuals and perennials.
It’s also worth noting that allowing the seed heads to form on spent blooms will affect next year’s growth. Deadheading right after the plant blooms allows it to redirect all of its energy into next year’s growth and blooms.
To deadhead a peony, use a sharp, clean pair of pruners to snip the flower stems where they meet the leaves. As for the foliage, you’ll want to leave it standing in the garden well into autumn. The rest of this article will explain why you should leave your herbaceous peony foliage until fall.
When to cut back peonies
Throughout the season, your peony leaves may start to look less than stellar. And though it could be tempting to cut them back, the plant relies on the energy from the leaves for the following year’s new growth. That’s why you need to wait until fall to prune them back. Cutting them back sooner could affect next year’s flowers.
Peony foliage is susceptible to fungal diseases, like powdery mildew (shown here).
For example, peony foliage can be prone to powdery mildew, which won’t kill the plant, it just looks unsightly. Full sun and lots of space to promote air circulation can help to prevent powdery mildew. Other afflictions can include botrytis blight, verticillium wilt, and Japanese beetles.
Knowing when to cut back peonies in fall is key. Timing-wise, wait until a hard frost has finished off the foliage. (Where I live, that’s usually around October, but some years it’s November.) Until that point, peony leaves are quite lovely in early fall, changing color—usually to a golden hue—like other trees and shrubs.
Using a sharp pair of pruning shears, prune back all the stems right to ground level. Be gentle with the soil around the base of the plant. You want to be careful not to damage the crown at the soil level.
Why it’s important to cut back peony plants
On this site, we talk about the reasons why gardeners should save the fall garden cleanup until spring. Peonies, however, are exempt from this rule. They’re one of those plants you should cut back, especially if you have had disease issues throughout the growing season. Cutting back a peony will help to prevent pests and diseases from harming the plant. Be sure that once you’ve pruned everything back, you remove all the plant debris from the area, including any leaves that may have fallen. Discard the trimmings—diseased leaves or insect-ravaged stems—right into the garbage, not the compost pile.
If you live in an especially cold climate, add a light layer of mulch (such as shredded bark or pine needles) at the base of the plant where you cut everything back. Be sure to remove your winter mulch in the spring. If you’re amending the soil around your peony with compost—plants prefer well-draining soil—don’t pile it on the crown, add it around the perimeter.
When to cut back Itoh and tree peonies
Itoh (or intersectional) peonies, which are a cross between the herbaceous peonies mentioned in this article and tree peonies, should follow the same pruning schedule. However in this case, prune the herbaceous part down to the woody party, which you should leave intact.
The best time to prune a tree peony is right after it blooms. Do not cut it back in the fall as you would an herbaceous or Itoh peony. You can do a light pruning in the spring before the shrub blooms. Use clean pruners to remove suckers around the base, as well as any dead wood.
To see how peonies should be cut back and hear about different timing options, check out this video:
More pruning advice
- Tips for pruning lilacs
- The best time of year to prune a rose of Sharon
- Viburnum pruning: Early summer is the time to prune spring-blooming shrubs
- When to cut back irises for healthier, more attractive plants
When to Cut Back Peonies
When it comes to caring for garden peonies, one of the most frequently asked questions is how to prevent the tall perennial plants with their large, heavy flowerheads from flopping over. However, cutting back peonies is just as important for proper peony care.
Here's why, when, and how to cut back and deadhead your peonies to get the most out of these garden favorites.
Is Cutting Back Peonies Necessary?
In addition to the aesthetic considerations, the main reason for cutting back peonies is plant health. Peony diseases can be controlled by removing diseased foliage during the growing season, and by cutting back the entire plants after the end of the growing season in the fall.
The Spruce / Colleen & Shannon Graham
Deadheading Peonies
Cutting back peonies is different from deadheading, which is the removal of the spent flowers after the bloom. If the flowers stay on the plants, they will produce seeds instead of storing all the plant energy in the roots, which ensures plant health and next year’s bloom. It does not matter how much you trim the flower stalks. However, for a neater appearance, it is best to cut them below the foliage so they don’t stick out.
Deadheading also extends the bloom time of Itoh peonies, which bloom later than garden peonies, but are deadheaded the same way.
The Spruce / Colleen & Shannon Graham
Removing Flower Buds
Newly planted peonies benefit from removing the flower buds entirely before they open in the first spring. Not every gardener eager to see the peonies bloom is willing to make that sacrifice. But preventing the peonies from blooming in the first year after planting helps the plants get established, and the reward is a fuller bloom in the subsequent years.
The Spruce / Colleen & Shannon Graham
Removing Peony Foliage
Cutting back peonies during the growing season is optional; it should be done as needed to prevent the spread of disease. Cutting back peonies in the fall, on the other hand, is always required.
The Spruce / Colleen & Shannon Graham
Pruning for Disease Control
Two common fungal diseases of peonies are peony leaf blotch and powdery mildew. The spores of both fungi survive in dead leaves and infected plant debris through the winter. Good sanitation, which consists of cutting back infected plant parts during the growing season and disposing of the plant material in the trash, helps to control the spread of disease.
Peony leaf blotch is caused by the fungus Cladosporium paeoniae. Because of the typical glossy purple or brown spots or blotches on the upper surface of the leaves, it is befittingly also called measles or red spot. As the season progresses, older, bigger leaves may also become distorted, and the stems show reddish-brown streaks.
The other fungal disease affecting peonies is powdery mildew. Unless it is severe, the chalky residue on the leaves from powdery mildew is more of an eyesore than a disease that affects the plant. Still, to keep it under control, cut off infected leaves and collect any infected leaves that have dropped to the ground to prevent reinfection.
When pruning out diseased leaves, have a bucket filled with one part chlorine bleach and nine parts water on stand by to disinfect your pruners. Dip them in the mix and wipe them dry with a clean rag, so you don’t spread the fungal spores from plant to plant.
Lack of good air circulation in combination with moisture buildup can also worsen the spread of fungal disease in peonies. If the foliage of your peonies is healthy but very dense, it’s a good idea to thin the foliage a little to let more air and sunlight in.
Powdery mildew on peoniesSBSArtDept / Getty Images
Fall Cleanup
In the fall, cut the peonies back but wait until the foliage has died or fully yellowed after a hard frost. If you cut the peonies back too early, you reduce the time during which the foliage is absorbing sunlight to build the plant’s energy reserves. This will result in reduced bloom the next year.
Unlike garden peonies, tree peonies, which are woody perennials, require very little pruning other than deadheading and pruning of any dead branches.
How to Cut Back Peonies
1. Cut off the stems at or near ground level after a hard frost.
2. Thoroughly remove all plant debris and dead foliage regardless of whether the peonies have been infected with a disease or not. The dead foliage might contain fungal spores that are not visible to the human eye. If the plants were diseased, safely depose of them in the trash; do not compost it under any circumstances.
What to do with peonies after flowering - pruning and maintenance
Peonies - plants are quite unpretentious. They grow on almost any soil, easily tolerate transplantation, and bloom beautifully. However, in order for the flowering to be plentiful, the plants need a little help. Moreover, care for peonies should begin immediately after flowering.
Many consider the rose to be the queen of flowers. But, for example, the Chinese call the peony the king of flowers. Peony is not inferior to rose in beauty, and is more fragrant, and less demanding to care for. Although it cannot be left unattended. nine0003
Peony has faded: what to do next
The lush flowering of this beauty does not last long - only a few weeks. And what to do with the plant after flowering?
This period is very important for the peony. What and how you do in these few months after flowering will determine the quality of your plant's flowering next year. After all, it is at this time that the bush restores strength and prepares for wintering. Moreover, just during this period, renewal buds are laid in it at the base of the stems, from which new shoots will appear in the spring. nine0003
Work after peonies bloom can be divided into several stages. Let's start in order.
Stage 1 - cleaning
After flowering, the whole ground around the peonies is covered with their numerous petals. These remnants of beauty must be removed immediately, because they can become breeding grounds for fungal diseases. It is also necessary to remove all dry inflorescences from the plant.
Step 2 - Watering
Peonies need moist soil to develop flower buds. However, many gardeners immediately stop watering after flowering plants. You should not do this, because. the flower in this case will experience stress, which will lead to the formation of weakened buds. Because of this, next year the peony will not be able to please you with lush flowering. Watering is especially important if there is a dry summer. The amount of water should be reduced gradually. If you poured, for example, 25 liters under a flowering bush, then after flowering, begin to reduce this volume. First, reduce the dose to 15 liters, then to 10 liters, etc. until complete cessation. nine0003
Stage 3 - loosening the soil
This simple plant care routine should not be neglected. Heavy rain or watering leads to the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil, and this prevents the access of air deep into the soil. In this case, loosening will help. This will also save the peony from unwanted neighbors - weeds.
To make life easier, the soil around the peony can be mulched. Grass cuts, sawdust, and humus are suitable as mulch. nine0003
Stage 4 - feeding
Despite its relative unpretentiousness, peony loves top dressing. The plant needs them both in spring, during the period of active growth, and during flowering. But, perhaps, in the period that follows after flowering, he needs them most of all. How to feed peonies after flowering?
We recommend the first top dressing after flowering with organic fertilizers, such as mullein. Make a circular furrow around the bush. Pour the mullein solution (1:10) into it. Fertilizer will promote the active growth of the root system, the formation of stems and renewal buds. nine0003
Another root dressing should be carried out in August. This time we recommend using not organic, but complex mineral fertilizers. Since peonies do not need nitrogen in autumn, use phosphorus-potassium top dressing (30-40 g per plant) and apply it in the same way as mullein - into the groove around the bush. After applying dry fertilizer, the groove must be moistened and covered with earth.
In addition to root, after flowering, it will not be superfluous to carry out one foliar top dressing with microelements. To do this, in dry weather, spray the bush with a solution of trace elements. You can use, for example, liquid mineral fertilizer Agricola (dissolve 5 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water). nine0003
Stage 5 - cutting
Inexperienced flower growers rush to prune a peony as soon as its buds have fallen off. Do not do this! Everything has its time.
The process of photosynthesis takes place in the leaves, thanks to which the plant receives the nutrients it needs. Consequently, it is the stems with the leaves located on them that are the source of nutrition in peonies, as in other flowers. If you remove them, you will deprive the bush of these substances. The plant, of course, will not die from this, but you should not expect lush flowering from it. nine0003
If you want to cut a bouquet of peonies when the bush is flowering, take no more than 1/3 of all shoots. Otherwise, along with the flowers, you will take away the leaves from the plant - and with them the components necessary for photosynthesis.
Prune immediately after flowering the peony has only bare inflorescences. They are removed to the first healthy leaf.
If the autumn is warm, a peony cut too early will start to sprout. The first frosts will cause irreparable harm to your bush.
When can peonies be cut after flowering? It is impossible to name the exact time, because. it depends on weather conditions. We recommend focusing on the ambient temperature. After the first frosts, when the stems of peonies "fall down", they need to be cut off. In herbaceous peonies, the entire aerial part is removed. Remove the stems as close to the ground as possible, leaving no more than 2-3 cm.
Some gardeners cover the plants with cut foliage for the winter. We do not recommend doing this, because. stems can become a favorable breeding ground for pests. Cut plants are best collected and taken to a compost pit or burned. nine0003
Caring for tree varieties of peonies is somewhat different from caring for herbaceous varieties. Do tree peonies need to be pruned after flowering? Shrub peony species have strong tree-like stems (hence the name of the species). In no case can you cut them, because the flowering of these plants mainly occurs precisely on last year's shoots.
Such bushes need only sanitary pruning, which is best done in the spring. Dry, broken or weak branches should be removed from the peony bush. If necessary, formative pruning can be carried out every few years. nine0003
What else to do with peonies in autumn
In addition to the above-mentioned types of work that a peony needs in autumn, one can also name a transplant. If you have a large bush (at least 4-5 years old) or if it grows in an inconvenient place, it is better to transplant it. The best time for this is autumn.
Well, of course, you can't forget about protecting your pets before winter. We recommend mulching the ground around the bushes, for example, with a layer of peat or humus. The thickness of the layer varies depending on the weather conditions in your area - from 8-10 cm in temperate areas to 20-25 cm in places with more severe winters. nine0003
If you give your pet at least a minimum of attention, your unpretentious handsome peony will thank you next year with gorgeous blooms.
When to prune peonies after flowering.

- When to prune peonies after flowering
- When to prune peonies for the winter
- Pruning peonies after flowering according to the lunar calendar 2023
- . Some gardeners tend to prune fading flowers, along with stems and leaves, from peony bushes as soon as they begin to lose their attractiveness. It’s wrong to do this, the plant is very depleted and may not bloom next year. How and when to prune peonies after flowering for the winter is described in this article. nine0003
Should peonies be trimmed after flowering? It is permissible to remove only faded and dried buds from the plant, with a small part of the stem (about a quarter of the length). Pruning is carried out in dry weather to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
Also in the summer, for the purpose of prevention, they sometimes do sanitary pruning. At the same time, the leaves and shoots of peonies affected by fungi and other diseases are necessarily cut off.
Some gardeners cut their leaves as the bushes begin to block other flowering plants. In such cases, it is recommended to plant pylons in the back sections of the flower beds so that the plants grow fully and do not interfere with green neighbors. nine0003
Premature full pruning of bushes affected by rot (nematode or leaf rot) is allowed. Visual symptoms of diseases are a change in the standard shape of the leaves, the appearance of a gray tint in the foliage. To save the bush, the aerial part is completely removed and burned, the soil is replaced.
Autumn peony pruning is not to be missed. Otherwise, in the remaining withered greenery, larvae of harmful insects or laid testicles, pathogens, may be preserved.
Important! It is necessary to strive to keep all the leaves on the peony bush! Through them, the bush receives nutrition for the formation of flower buds for the next season.
When to prune peonies after flowering
Pruning of faded buds is best done after all flowers have withered (approximately mid-June - early July).
At the same time, the flower head and stem are cut off to the nearest leaf.
If the foliage looks weak, then you can cut the stem above a strong leaf. nine0003
Do not cut the stems completely after flowering. It is important to leave the branches with at least a couple of leaves, otherwise the bush may not bloom next season.
If peonies are cut early, it may happen that the bush will bloom again. But such plants may not survive in cold weather.
When to prune peonies for the winter
There are no exact dates for the work. You should focus on the climate of a particular area.
In autumn, cut off the foliage with the onset of the first frost. nine0003
In the suburbs of Moscow and the middle lane
Autumn pruning occurs in October.
In Siberia and the Urals
The climate is characterized by short summers and early frosts. Plants are prepared for winter already in September, combining pruning with hilling bushes with peat or wood chips to a height of 15 cm.
- The first frosts in the Urals begin in the second half of October;
- in Siberia already in October the average temperature becomes negative;
In the Leningrad Region
The temperature is below zero in late October-early November.
In the south of the country
Peonies are processed in November. In these regions, drought often occurs, so in September-October, peonies are well watered.
In the south of Ukraine the temperature falls below zero in early December, and in the north - in mid-November.
Spring pruning of a tree-like peony is carried out no later than April, until the active movement of juice in the trunk begins. nine0003
The climate of Belarus is similar to the weather conditions of central Russia. Work to remove the aerial part of the peony is carried out during October.
The first frosts in Belarus are observed in early November.
Many novice growers make some mistakes when growing peonies.
And one of them is early pruning of bushes - in the middle of the autumn season. Premature removal of the stems leads to the fact that peonies do not have time to collect enough nutrients before winter. And bloom in the spring. nine0003
If there is a strong need for early removal of the above-ground part, then it is recommended to leave at least 2-3 leaves.
Pruning peonies after flowering according to the lunar calendar 2023
The influence of lunar rhythms on the life of plants and animals has long been known. If you follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar for summer residents, it is easier to care for plants. You don't have to worry about missing important events.
Auspicious days for shaping pruning:
- September: 3-6, 21-23, 26-28
- October: 9-11, 23-26
Favorable days for sanitary pruning:
- September: 3-8, 18-21, 23-28
- Oct: 5-7
- Nov: 4-8
Unfavorable days:
- September: 7, 21, 22
- Oct: 6, 7, 2-16, 20, 21
- Nov: 5, 11, 12, 19
- December: 4, 5, 8, 9, 19
How to trim peonies
Tree-like and herbaceous peonies can be distinguished.
There are more than 1,000 species of tree peonies and about 5,000 herbaceous varieties in the world. Plants differ in colors (color, size, shape), flowering time, height and shape of the bushes. The popularity of plants is also due to unpretentious care. But in order to ensure full growth and maintain abundant flowering, it is important to follow the requirements for pruning bushes.
The most important days for the plant are 30-45 days after flowering. It is during this period that the buds of renewal are laid and develop, which will bloom for the next seasons. nine0003
It should be remembered that the renewal buds are formed at the base of the stems.
Therefore, when pruning flowers, be sure to leave a stem with a few leaves.
How to properly prune peonies:
- remove all above ground parts of herbaceous varieties;
- tree peonies leave stems 20-30 cm high from the root;
- it is recommended that the cut be made above the kidney (approximately 3 cm).
Herbaceous varieties
These peonies are considered the most durable. Plants are undemanding in care, grow well and develop in different climatic conditions. Moreover, it is important that plants decorate cottages and flower beds not only during flowering. Openwork green foliage of saturated shades perfectly decorates the areas even after the buds wither. Peonies all summer are an excellent backdrop for other flowering plants.
Various varieties of herbaceous peonies amaze with the splendor of double, coronet, semi-double, rose-like flowers. The stems grow to a height of 40 to 100 cm. Depending on the variety, the flowers can be from 10 cm in diameter (Peregrina Rosabella peony) to 30 cm (White Wings variety). nine0003
During the first two years, the root system of the bushes builds up, so it is advisable not to allow flowering.
Do peonies need to be trimmed?
- In the first year of the plant's life, it is recommended to cut off all buds.
- In the second year, one bud is left until it bursts. Then you can cut the flower (as short as possible) and put it in a container of water.
When the bud opens, it is easy to evaluate the peony variety. Although it is believed that the first flowers do not always exactly match the characteristics of the variety. A more accurate assessment of the beauty and features of the species is possible only in the third year of the life of the bush or even later. nine0003
In autumn, the above-ground part of herbaceous peonies completely dies off and only the underground root system remains alive. Stems and leaves are cut in autumn, on the eve of frost. Early pruning is harmful to bushes - nutrients are sent from stems and leaves to storage roots and premature removal of green mass will greatly harm the plant.
After pruning, the peony is fed with wood ash, scattering it around the bush, at a dose of 100-150 g. You can use a ready-made complex of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.
Step-by-step pruning of this variety of peonies and preparation for winter
Starting from mid-October, when the first frost sets in, we cut all the stems up to 2-4 cm with a sharp secateurs. If this is not done, then during the winter they will freeze and rot. Pests will start in the leaves that will destroy the flower.
Remember! We burn cut branches and leaves or take them away from the site so that pathogenic microbes do not infect healthy plants.
Take a small rake and gently loosen the soil around the stems. We introduce mineral fertilizers: potassium, phosphorus.
If the weather is dry use a liquid top dressing. It will be enough 1 liter per bush. In rainy weather, sprinkle with fertilizer in granules. If there is no such top dressing at hand, we scatter bone meal or wood ash.
Fertilization helps to strengthen the root system. In the spring, healthy and strong young shoots grow.
Shelter of peonies for the winter
If the flowers are planted among trees or shrubs, they can withstand the winter cold more easily. Since the snow lingers and creates additional insulation.
In an open or elevated place, the plant is thoroughly covered for the winter.
We spud and mulch the bush. For this we use peat or humus. From spruce or pine branches we make a house in the form of a hut.Do not use cut peony stems, manure or straw for mulch. They may contain microbes and harmful insects that cause fungal diseases in the plant. nine0003
In spring:
- We remove the branches and rake up some of the mulch.
- Leave a small layer of humus or peat under the bush. This will protect the plant from weeds.
Proper pruning and timely covering of peonies will ensure their luxurious and lush flowering next year.
When are peony leaves cut?
As soon as they fall down. The cut is made at the level of the soil and all the tops are necessarily burned to prevent the possible spread of diseases.
The remains of the bushes can be sprinkled with ashes (literally 2-3 handfuls for each plant). Specially covering adult bushes is not required. In winter, the root system is gaining strength. Adventitious roots are formed, which, as they grow, thicken and turn into tubers.
Tree-like peonies
This is a deciduous shrub with thick, erect stems 1.5-2.0 m high. Perennial shoots are slightly branched. At the end of the seasons, the stems do not die off, but gradually grow, giving the bush a spherical shape over time. At the ends of the shoots, flowers grow with a diameter of 12-20 cm. Moreover, the older the plant, the more magnificent it blooms. nine0003
Such peonies are often used in landscape design. Beautiful simple, double, semi-double flowers picturesquely decorate flower beds, garden paths. Thanks to the rich range of shades (white, pink, raspberry-purple), it is easy to choose a variety to decorate a flower garden.
Attention! Tree peonies are sheared in autumn and early spring, removing only damaged, weak branches and shortening shoots to form a beautiful crown.