New kitchen benchtop
Kitchen Countertops - Affordable, Durable Countertops
It’s a place for everything from daily rituals to big celebrations. A place to pour your love and ambition into delicious dinners and tasty treats.
This makes the choice of kitchen countertops especially important. The countertop area is a focal point of the room, which means you need to consider its texture, look and feel. Do you want the clean, cold look of a quartz top? Or do you prefer the warm homeliness of a wood grain pattern?
The kitchen countertop is also a working area. It’s important to consider practical aspects of the material. Do you need the countertop to be heat resistant, so that it can handle hot pots and pans? Should it be scratch or crack resistant? Are you willing to polish and maintain the top to keep it looking fresh? There’s a lot of questions to consider – but we’re here to help.
Here are a few tips on how to choose the right kitchen countertop or kitchen countertops for your home.
Stone countertops: Quartz
Stone such as quartz makes for strong and resilient kitchen countertops. The heavy, durable material will give a sleek, palatial feel to your kitchen. They are also very practical, being highly scratch resistant and easy to clean. Quartz countertops do have some drawbacks to consider as well. They can’t handle too much heat, and they can be difficult to install without professional help.
Wood countertops: Solid Wood and Thick Veneer
Choosing wooden countertops is a great way to add natural beauty to your kitchen. And they are highly practical too. Wood is naturally resistant to germs and bacteria, and a solid piece of wood is very resistant to cracking and breaking. With good care, a solid wood countertop can last a lifetime. It is also likely to become more beautiful with age.
One thing to consider with a solid wood or thick veneer countertop is maintenance. Wooden tops need to have water and stains cleaned immediately to avoid damage. Wood is not very scratch resistant, but scratches can easily be sanded out. The countertop should also be oiled at regular intervals to avoid the wood drying out.
Plastic countertops: Laminate
Countertops made from plastic materials are practical, flexible and affordable. Laminate countertops are completely waterproof and easy to clean. You can get laminate tops that mimic the look and feel of wood or stone without the high price tag.
These tops are not very durable. They can be scratched or damaged by sharp or heavy objects, and they can’t handle heat from pots or pans.
Ceramic countertopsCeramic is an elegant material that makes for a great countertop. It’s a highly durable material, that is heat and moisture resistant. It’s also fairly easy to clean. That is, if you don’t mind scrubbing down the grout between tiles with a brush at regular intervals.
However, ceramic is prone to scratches that cannot easily be buffed out. Ceramic also has a risk of cracking if you drop something heavy on the countertop. Additionally, ceramic cannot be repaired, so you need to replace the tile to get rid of any scratches or cracks.
kitchen benchtop swap - DIY kitchen solutions
Is my kitchen suitable for a benchtop swap?
There are a few things that you will need to consider before you start planning for your benchtop swap. As all kitchens are unique, a proper inspection of the space will help determine whether your space is suitable. Read about the common considerations below.
Understand the current construction of your kitchen; how is your existing benchtop fixed?
The most suitable type of benchtop for a benchtop swap is an independent laminate or timber top that is screwed from the underside of cabinet support rails into the benchtop. It should not be glued or be a part of the kitchen cabinetry structure. Any benchtop with the substrate screwed from the top cannot be replaced easily. All stone or acrylic benchtops are always glued down. A simple way to see if this applies to you is to look underneath your existing benchtop for a screw head. If you can’t see the screw head then this means your benchtop has been glued to your cabinetry which will make it very difficult to remove.
What is the thickness of your existing benchtop?
Replacing your benchtop with the same thickness top will make life a lot easier when it comes time to installing the new benchtop. If the new benchtop is thicker than the old then you would need to notch out the back section of the benchtop which runs along the wall to ensure it fits neatly under the splashback or tiles. The same thickness or smaller top should slide into place easily but you need to make sure the gap isn’t too big so as to not be able to seal it with silicone. Kaboodle benchtops range from 20mm thick laminates to 50mm thick bamboo so there will be a suitable option for most kitchens. Check out our product pages to find a top that’s suitable for you.
Is your kitchen level?
Older houses may have moved over time causing your benchtop to warp or become uneven, which could make it difficult to fit the new benchtop. It’s easy to check whether your kitchen has warped by running a spirit level over all of the benchtops.
How will it affect your splashback?
You will need to consider if you would like to keep your old splashback or whether you will update this as well. If you are wanting to keep your splashback then you will need to evaluate your tiles and how tightly they are laid on top of the benchtop. Thin rows can be at risk of popping out if due care is not taken as can excessive force when trying to remove the top later on.
Next step, measuring and ordering
Once you’ve decided to go ahead, you can move onto selecting colours. Remember to make sure the colour you have selected is the right thickness to replace your existing top.
When measuring, remember to:
- Measure from wall to wall and depth of the existing tops the whole way around the kitchen.
- Consider the thickness of any existing splashback in your measurements – i.e. make sure you allow for this and not measure only in between tiles.
- Check to make sure your walls are straight and if you feel that the walls may be out consider ordering oversized pieces that you can plane down when it comes time to installation.
- If your walls aren’t perfectly squared (which many older properties won’t be) then the below diagram gives you a clever way to measure your existing benchtop to replace.
Finally, tips on installation
When it comes time to change over your benchtop, each case will vary so it is important to take it slowly. Here are a few things to remember:
- Use a licensed trades person for the disconnection and reconnection of any services such as gas and electricity.
- Check the new benchtop before removing the old one to make sure your measurements are correct.
- Cut any silicone from under the tiles thoroughly.
- Remove the old top slowly. It is better to remove the top in smaller pieces to make sure all screws are dislodged and to avoid any other damage.
- Consider cutting across the back of the top, approximately 50mm parallel with the splashback. This way you will have a smaller piece to manage when it comes time to remove from under the tiles. Make sure to set your saw so that it doesn’t cut your cabinets underneath.
- Try and remove the benchtop straight and don’t pull up on it to avoid putting pressure on tiles.
- Keep your measurements for your sink and cooktop. An easy way to do this is to keep benchtop pieces or trace over your sink cut out onto a piece of cardboard to create a template.
- Refer to the installation instructions that will come with the benchtop and remember to use biscuits, glue and joiners when installing the new top.
Check out our benchtop join kit.
- Work slowly and plane the back of benchtops as required.
- Remember to purchase coloured silicone to finish off the job. We recommend using Monarch Mini.
Things to remember
- Try to match your existing benchtop thickness, this will make the whole process a lot smoother.
- Consider the thickness of your existing tiles or splashback.
- If you have an existing tiled splashback, make sure you cut the silicone along the tiles before removing your benchtop.
- Never attempt electrical and plumbing work yourself. This should always be undertaken by a licenced tradesperson.
kitchen benchtop replacement FAQs
Can you replace a kitchen benchtop?
In short, yes, you can replace a kitchen benchtop. The most suitable benchtops for DIY replacement are independent laminate or timber top designs that are screwed in from underneath the cabinet support rails. Keep in mind, any benchtop with the substrate screwed from the top cannot be easily replaced.
How do you revamp a kitchen bench?
You can revamp a kitchen bench by simply replacing the benchtop instead of the entire structure. This will ensure that you can breathe new life into your space without undertaking extensive work.
Save the new kitchen: solve the humidity problem
Normative air humidity is from 40 to 60%. If it is systemically higher, a persistent unpleasant odor will appear in the kitchen, a favorable environment will arise for the development of pathogenic bacteria and mold, groceries will be stored less - and furniture and decoration will also deteriorate. We tell you what life hacks help control humidity.
1. Use the hood correctly
Not everyone knows this - turn on the hood every time you cook something for more than 10-20 minutes. And if, for example, you fry pancakes or cook borscht - that is, cook something for a long time - you need to turn off the hood only 10-15 minutes after you turned off the stove.
Regularly change and clean the filters in the hood, keep it in good condition, clean the panel, which is located directly above the stove. So aggressive kitchen dirt will not accumulate. nine0003
2. Open the windows
In the kitchen, it is better to hang Roman blinds or blinds - so as not to close the windows and not complicate access to them. Multi-tiered curtains will prevent you from once again opening the window for ventilation (cook, your hands are dirty or wet, it’s a pity to touch the white tulle with them - and then you just forgot to open the window).
One more detail: if your apartment has a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, you can replace the fixed glazing with a transom and open it from time to time to create additional draft (ventilation in the bathroom will also be involved). nine0003
3. Check the ventilation
Open a window in one of the rooms and place a sheet of paper over the vent - if it starts to be sucked in, the air exchange is working properly. If there is no air movement, you need to solve the problem. It can be local: you need to wash the ventilation grill, change the filter. Or common house: in this case, contact your HOA or management company.
New buildings have round vents with valves: you can adjust the airflow by turning the valve in or out (much like in an airplane). Adjust the airflow to your liking. nine0003
4. Order an apron that securely covers the refrigerator and side walls
Sink splashes on the refrigerator or walls will damage surfaces - this is a very important point to consider when ordering a kitchen. Pay attention to how in the project in the photo below the designer ordered that the apron be wrapped in a corner and close the refrigerator from moisture. This means that water will not get to the junction of the countertop and the refrigerator and will not penetrate below into the furniture body.
5. Open the dishwasher to dry
Keeping the dishwasher open all the time is completely useless - just leave a gap at night or during the day when you go to work (even if you do this 1-2 times a week, this will already prevent the accumulation of dampness).
6. Turn off the water
To do this, it is better to install a single-lever faucet - it is easier to set it up and then turn it on and off with one hand or even with the crook of a finger, the outside of the palm, etc. Make sure that water never flows just like that. Do you wash vegetables and at the same time need to stir something on the stove? Turn off the water for these 30 seconds. Are you washing the pan? You don't need a flow of water now. So the humidity in the room will be lower, and the water bills will be lower. nine0003
7. Wipe dry
Keep 1-2 clean cloth towels, an absorbent cloth and a roll of paper towels on hand at all times. Fabric towels should be washed every 3 days, and after each use they should be hung up so that they dry (throw over the oven handle, through the railing or hang on a hook).
Get into the habit of wiping everything dry - countertops, window sills, dishes and cooking utensils, plates that you put in cupboards. Moist surfaces don't just grow mold, they also tend to accumulate dirt and make it harder for you to keep organized. nine0003
Dampness and mold accumulate especially quickly on cutting boards: we use them all the time and do not always remember that they must be thoroughly wiped and dried.
8. Monitor the air temperature
In the off-season, when the heating is unstable, the humidity increases due to the low temperature in the apartment - turn on the heaters so that the room has time to dry out.
9. Make an accent composition using salt
Place a shallow wooden serving plate, pour about 0.7-1 kg of coarse salt into it (sea salt looks more aesthetic). The composition can be supplemented with dried flowers, shells, glass droplets or river pebbles. Change the salt every month - it will draw out excess moisture. If the salt has darkened and become heavier earlier, then the humidity in the room is high, and the composition needs to be changed more often. nine0003
10. Buy Sponge Organizer
This is often forgotten, and it is around the sink that most moisture and bacteria accumulate. Sponges and wipes for cleaning are best chosen from hygroscopic material (quick-drying, these include, for example, household items made of cellulose fibers). The organizer can be combined with a dishwashing liquid dispenser or mounted separately on a rail above the countertop. Cleaned up - put the sponge and napkins to dry.
11. Plant the right indoor plants
A number of indoor plants have earned the reputation of active dehumidifiers. If you plant them in pots and put them in a free corner in the kitchen, the image of the space will become more solid and at the same time the plants will change the atmosphere in the house. Active dehumidifiers from the air include spathiphyllum, nephrolepis and other ferns, as well as succulents, mosses and cacti. If you like taking care of plants, you can plant orchids - although these flowers are capricious, they are considered the most convenient kitchen flower: they actively absorb moisture from the air. nine0003
Countertops for the kitchen is not expensive from the supplier.

quickly, efficiently, for years
It is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen without its most important attribute - countertops. A solid countertop for the kitchen should be of high quality, reliable, practical, multifunctional and beautiful. When buying a new work surface, we recommend paying attention to the following points: who made the worktop, what material it is made of. Having decided on the choice, invite experienced craftsmen to install it. Only in this case, your new kitchen worktop will last a long time and never let you down. nine0003
Noteworthy are the products of the German concern Pfleiderer AG, better known as DUROPAL. German countertops are of high quality, durability and reliability, unique appearance. The performance characteristics of German working surfaces are unique.
DUROPAL worktops are characterized by:
- Manufacture of particle boards using the most modern technologies;
- Coating of boards with heavy-duty HPL plastic; nine0074
- Resistance to high daily loads: not afraid of moisture, high temperatures, mechanical damage, ultraviolet, food acids;
- Long service life;
- Large selection of worktop slabs in length, width and thickness: 4100 × 1200 × 38, 4100 × 800 × 38, 4100 × 600 × 38 mm.
- Unique and inimitable decor. nine0085
- Smooth, non-porous surface
- Good resistance to any aggressive environment and mechanical influences
- Seamless connection of worktop parts
- Large variety of colors
- Absolute environmental friendliness and hygiene. nine0085
- High resistance to damp environments and mechanical damage; nine0074
- Good protection against food acids and chemicals;
- Heat resistance;
- Resistant to direct sunlight;
- Absolute environmental friendliness and hygiene.
Euro saw
One of the ways to connect parts of the work surface.
The tabletop fragments are joined at an angle. Seams and gaps become invisible. For this, special ties and high-precision equipment are used. nine0003
An important detail that is used to join worktop segments without a gap. Protects the work surface from getting into the junction of water, food debris, dirt. Helps to prolong the life of the countertop, gives it aesthetics.
Plinth will help protect the ends and the gap between the tabletop and the wall from dirt and moisture, leveling the unevenness of the latter. Performs an aesthetic role, giving the work surface completeness.
A special tape covering the ends of the table top protects them from dirt, moisture, chips. Adds attractiveness and integrity to the work surface. nine0003
An excellent option for a spectacular worktop for the kitchen - radius - rounding the corner of the countertop.
The tabletop is given a round, oval or any other non-standard shape.
- Excellent resistance to damp environments.
- Do not fade under the influence of sunlight for a very long time, retaining its original appearance.
- Food acids, household dyes, alkalis are not harmful when they come into contact with the surface.
- Possibility of independent renovation and restoration. nine0073 Complete safety for health and absolute hygiene.
The Samara plant successfully produces strong and durable plastic, which is used to coat chipboard for kitchen worktops. Such a work surface is distinguished by a long service life and a unique decor.
Covered with durable "Arcobaleno Slim" plastic, this tabletop can withstand heavy daily loads, and the rich color palette surprises with the magnificence of color and variety of shades. The layered structure of the plastic allows the Arcobaleno work surface to retain its original appearance over the years. nine0003
Competitive top available at a low price . Thanks to this, Arcobaleno worktops have become popular among domestic buyers.
European quality and reliability are typical for Russian kitchen worktops from PG SOYUZ, which have become widely known and in demand both on the domestic countertop market and abroad.
Durable, aesthetically attractive, with excellent performance characteristics, SOYUZ countertops have become leaders in terms of purchase. nine0003
Know-how from the SOYUZ production group - development of a series of worktop series "Economy", "Classic", "Universal", "Gloss", "Premium", "Premium +". This solution allows you to diversify the pricing policy and expand the circle of buyers.
Work surfaces made of artificial stone or acrylic are gaining more and more confidence in the kitchen. Santex-Mastera has a large selection of acrylic countertops from the world's best brands. You can buy Corian and Montelli surfaces (DuPont USA), South Korean firms TRISTONE, LG HI-MACS from us. nine0003
Acrylic composite worktops offer a range of performance features:
Natural materials are always in trend. Natural work surfaces are prestige, solidity, durability and beauty.
Connoisseurs of natural wood can offer countertops made of ash, walnut, oak, exotic woods. A larch kitchen surface will be more budgetary.
A special luxury and elitism is felt in kitchens with granite and marble countertops.
In today's market for kitchen worktops, worktops made of laminated chipboard, plastic-coated particle boards, hold the lead. Reliability, quality and effectiveness are their hallmarks. And their presence in the kitchen is the prestige of the whole house. These countertops are based on the use of very durable laminated paper. Thanks to this technology, kitchen worktops are distinguished by:
Unique performance properties, a wide range of colors and decors, different types of textures make it possible to use laminated chipboard countertops in kitchens of different sizes, styles of multi-storey buildings and country houses. nine0003
Each work surface has its own original texture (matt, glossy, super glossy) imitating natural wood or stone, metal or ceramics. The color palette is presented in the widest range: from plain (white, beige, gray, black, red, green, purple) to the most amazing multi-colored patterns.
The size of the worktops will satisfy the most demanding customer: the boards are made in different lengths (2440 mm, 3050 mm, 4100 mm), widths (600 mm, 800 mm, 1200 mm) and thicknesses (28 mm, 38 mm). Options for manufacturing a work surface on an individual order are possible. nine0003
Worktops can be given different shapes - rectangular, corner, round. Depending on this, the ends can be in the form of postforming or softforming. To give the table top aesthetics and completeness, we offer a number of necessary accessories: skirting boards, edges, wall panels.
Among the laminated chipboards for kitchen worktops, the most popular brands are DUROPAL from Germany, domestic SOYUZ and Arcobaleno. You can buy countertops from all the above manufacturers at the most affordable price from us. nine0003
How we work
Stages of cooperation from order to installation.
Call us on contact numbers or place an order by e-mail
Operative measurement at the specified address. Coordination of details, deadlines. Signing an agreement.
We use
The highest quality materials, the best European equipment
Manufacture of the product by experienced high-class craftsmen, with high quality, just in time.
We will deliver and connect
We will deliver and install the countertop in the shortest and most convenient time.
Artificial stone countertops.
Acrylic or artificial stone is used successfully for kitchen worktops. This material has high performance properties, and also looks great. The world-famous manufacturers of artificial stone work surfaces are the South Korean companies Lion Chemtech, which produces branded TRISTONE and LG HI-MACS worktops, the American DuPont with Corian surfaces, the Chinese Montelli. Our company Santex-Mastera has close ties with Lion Chemtech from South Korea, being its official representative in our country. Therefore, we have great opportunities in the implementation of TRISTONE worktops at a low price. nine0003
Acrylic brand tops have a number of positive qualities:
The advantages of work surfaces made of artificial stone include a seamless connection of tabletop fragments, which allows you to protect the joints from moisture, dirt and other unwanted particles. Acrylic work surfaces fascinate with a multifaceted color palette and a variety of decor. The catalog offers more than 200 copies. The surface texture is also variable: glossy and matte. All this wealth and aesthetic uniqueness will help to embody a unique design in the kitchen. Tabletops made of acrylic composite can be given any shape, configuration, size. Radius, corner, island, bar and window sills look great. nine0003
More than 1080 projects
Buying a kitchen worktop from Santex-Mastera, you can be sure that it will be professionally installed.