Neat landscaping ideas

Low Maintenance Landscaping - 23 Great Ideas

Reclaim Your Weekends


Some people love the backbreaking business of tending to lawn and garden. Then there’s the rest of us—we’d rather relax and let that little piece of heaven largely take care of itself. Ahead, find easy ways to make your outdoor space the envy of the neighborhood.

1. Play Hard


Less lawn equals less work. That’s the best argument for hardscaping—that's the use of pavers, brick, or decorative stone. Whether you opt for a patio or lay garden paths, you’ll have a durable surface that never needs weeding or watering, although you might want to sweep it occasionally. Options abound, from neat grids to a patchwork effect—great low maintenance front yard landscaping is just a stone’s throw away.

RELATED: 9 Ideas for a Beautiful Brick Patio


One and Done


Perennials are the gift that keeps on giving, season after season, unlike annuals, which you have to plant every year. Some perennials are more carefree than others, though. Forgetful gardeners will love the drought-tolerant pasqueflower or the delicate-looking but durable penstemon. For hot and dry climates, we like brilliant sedum, and, yes, yarrow (don’t dare call it a weed!).

RELATED: 50 Plants That Thrive in Any Yard


3. Go Native


Plants adapted to their environments long before people did, so native species are a wise choice for the laid-back landscaper. Native plants require less fertilizer, water, pesticides, and overall care than plants brought in by settlers. To learn what will thrive in your neck of the woods, type “native plants” and your state into a search engine—you’ll find tons of info.

RELATED: 34 Amazing Plants That Are Native to North America

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4. Fake It


Artificial grass has come a long way from your granddad’s Astroturf. Today’s synthetics, made of nylon or polymer, have varying heights and color gradations to look and feel more like the real thing. You can even plant a tree in it. Though pricey ($7 to $18 per square foot), your faux lawn will be absolutely fuss-free.

RELATED: The Best Artificial Grass for Your Outdoor Space

5. It’s Easy Being Evergreen


What could be simpler than plants that keep their vivid, verdant color all year long? Put dwarf varieties into flower beds, set shrubs near your house to disguise the foundation, choose tall, columnar types for privacy—there are even creeping varieties for ground cover.

RELATED: 10 Evergreens to Beautify Your Garden Year-Round



Borders Without Bother


For interesting edges without the effort, try clumping monkey grass (Liriope muscari) along flower beds, borders, and walkways. This Asian native is hardy and stands up to dogs, deer, bugs, and weeds. As a bonus, it grows well in a variety of soils and climates. Monkey grass can grow to about 15 inches, so trim it if you wish or go long.

RELATED: 20 Plants to Use as Lawn and Garden Borders

7. Less Is More


Rather than crowd a bed with lots of plants you’ll need to tend, put in just a few high-impact, high-performance varieties. Planting one or two nice trees and some powerhouse perennials gives you more time to sack out in the hammock.

RELATED: 20 Tiny Backyards We Love

8. Set in Succulents


If watering falls low on your to-do list, succulents (like echeveria, agave, and sedum) are your garden go-tos. Tough, colorful, and captivating, they also play well with others, so mixing ’em up adds more excitement to your landscape. Drainage is key, however: Depending on your local soil, you might be better off putting these shallow-rooting, sun-loving plants in raised beds with porous, well-aerated soil. 

RELATED: Solved! Why Are My Succulents Dying?


9. Flower Power


A rose by any other name probably isn’t as easy as the Knock Out rose. These set-’em-and-forget-’em flowers are heat resistant, pretty much prune-free, and “self-cleaning”—you don’t even have to deadhead them. Just use a good organic or chemical granular rose food in early spring, and follow up with foliar feedings (liquid fertilizer applied to the leaves) through the blooming season.

RELATED: 12 Fast-Growing Shrubs to Plant This Fall


Stay in Your Zone


Remember to pick plants suited to your USDA hardiness zone. Anything too tender is destined to failure, and who needs the frustration? While you’re at it, a soil test will diagnose your dirt and tell you what nutrients it might need to keep your plants low maintenance. Your local extension office can help advise you, too. 

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: The Best Soil Test Kits

11. Crunch, Crunch!


Strew irregularly shaped rocks around for the no-sweat simplicity of paving with a softer, more organic vibe. Gravel can be either man-made, which is ideal for high-traffic areas, or natural (smoother but less stable—so use where traffic is light). To keep the space looking spiffy, banish errant leaves as necessary with a wire-tined rake.

RELATED: The 9 Best Types of Gravel for Your Driveway

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12. Pass on the Grass


Give your mowing muscles a rest—and lighten your water and fertilizer load—by swapping traditional turf for a no-effort ground cover. These plants create a pleasingly plush carpet, and there are enough varieties to suit just about any climate and traffic condition. Consider mat-forming creeping perennials like New Zealand brass buttons (Leptinella squalida), Scotch or Irish moss (Sagina subulata), or low-growing clover.

RELATED: The Dos and Don'ts of Planting Ground Cover

13. Set and Forget


Remembering to stay true to your watering routine can be tricky. Take steps to automate it so you’re less apt to forget. If you have an irrigation system, set up the timer based on what’s appropriate for the season. And if you don’t have underground sprinklers, you can still automate the process by purchasing a timer that attaches to your hose bib. Your grass will thank you.

RELATED: The Best Sprinkler Controllers for Lawn Care

14. Trouble-Free Trees


When selecting trees for your landscape, choose those that are low maintenance to avoid having to spend your free time cleaning up a carpet of spent blooms, hickory hulls, or invasive seedlings. Opt for evergreens and standard shade trees that don’t drop a lot of extras or reseed themselves all over the lawn.

RELATED: 10 of the Best Trees for Any Backyard


15. Skip the Rake


Why spend hours and hours of your fall weekends raking leaves? Run over leaves with the lawn mower to make a mulch that will act like a superfood for your lawn. Then sell your rakes in the next yard sale.

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: The Best Mulching Lawn Mowers

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16. Set Some Barriers


The more time you invest up front putting down weed barriers in your landscaping beds, the less time you’ll spend battling the unwelcome plants later. Just be sure to choose fabric barriers that are permeable enough to let water run through, especially near any tree. Contending with fewer weeds equals more time relaxing with family and friends—it's a win-win. 

RELATED: Wage War on Weeds With 7 Unbeatable Tools

17. Maintenance-Free Mulch


Want an easy way to cross a major spring and fall project off your to-do list? Replace organic material mulch like wood chips or pine straw with pea gravel or river rocks. These options require much less maintenance and don’t need to be refreshed every year. If any weeds pop through, take the little bit of time needed to pull them right away. Once weeds go to seed, you can expect even more of the same next year.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Upgrade Your Backyard With Pavers


18. Ease Watering Woes


That timer on your hose or sprinkler system can automate lawn watering. But what about your garden beds and vegetable beds? A few tools can ease this burden. Start by laying out a soaker hose and covering it with a thin layer of mulch to protect it from the elements. Then set a reminder on your phone to run it as needed, or use an automatic hose timer. 

Speed up your watering even more by investing in a quick connect system. This little tool makes it easier to thread hoses to soaker hoses and sprayers or switch out watering tools. Install a male end on the soaker and sprayer and a female end on the main hose. When it’s time to change watering tools, just pull back on the female end and pop it onto the connector.

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: The Best Lawn Sprinklers

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19. Choose Plants That Make New Plants


Although some flowers grow only as annuals in your area, you may be able to save time by starting them one year and leaving them to self-seed so they just appear out of the ground spring after spring. Productive seeders worth consideration include colorful cosmos, California poppies, giant larkspur, nigella, and portulaca. On the herb side, try dill (a host for swallowtail butterflies) or parsley. Best of all, it’s your neglect that helps them reproduce. Leave the faded flowers on, especially toward the end of summer. That allows seeds to drop or blow in the wind, and it might even feed a few birds.

A similar strategy is to choose plants that spread via runners. Many good candidates are ground covers like creeping jenny, but some edible plants, such as strawberries and mints, also send out runners and re-root. Leave them to spread as they will or control them as needed.

RELATED: 10 Fast-Growing Plants for (Almost) Instant Curb Appeal

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20. Plant and Repeat


Once you get the hang of caring for a native or otherwise low-maintenance plant, add another one. If you lose a shrub, replace it with a duplicate of one that worked for you. It’s likely that any plants that have thrived in your conditions and care (or even your benign neglect) will be good bets going forward, as long as the sun exposure and soil are similar from one spot to another. 

If you think owning several of the same plant is just too lazy, think again. A tenet of landscape design is the “rule of threes”: to unify the landscape, repeat elements in groups of threes or in other odd numbers. For instance, you might place three matching Knock Out roses irregularly in the landscape, or plant a line of three ornamental grasses, or station three identical containers along a wall. 

RELATED: 30 Plants for Your Easiest Garden Ever



Redirect Rain


Catching rain in a well-designed barrel is an eco-friendly way to garden, saving nature’s moisture for dry times. Truth be told, however, a rain barrel needs periodic cleaning and should be emptied before winter, so it tends to add to your landscaping tasks. Another option is to simply redirect the rain. If you can force the water that pools under your downspout to travel 15 feet away to your tree, you can prevent puddling and reduce the time (and water) you would otherwise have to commit to irrigating the tree. 

There are several ways to do this. One is a French drain, which requires some work up front but allows you to direct the water underground toward the thirsty target. An easier DIY project is to create a dry riverbed by digging a gentle slope from the ground below the downspout to the perimeter around the tree, then filling the pathway with rocks, gravel, or river rock.

RELATED: How to Make a Rain Chain

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22. Let Nature Control Pests


There is nothing more natural than critters eating other critters, so do your best to encourage natural predators to visit your property and take care of undesirable pests. Attract barn owls, which feast on flying insects and rodents, as well as other helpful pest-eaters like woodpeckers, bluebirds, and cardinals, by providing water in the form of a bird bath and appropriate shelter, such as nesting boxes or even dense shrubbery—which mean less pruning for you! You can also try introducing lady beetles or other beneficial insects into your landscape and hope they stick around.

RELATED: Buyer’s Guide: The Best Bird Baths

23. Reduce Container Care


Containers add pretty color to your landscape, but they can dry out quickly and need to be watered more often than beds. You can invest in an outdoor self-watering container for herbs or ornamental plants, or purchase a few simple tools. For instance, try plant stakes that draw water from a reservoir, or take a tip from ancient irrigation techniques and bury an olla jar in a container or garden plant for consistent water that seeps through the clay. You will have to fill your olla jar or other watering tool periodically, but not every day. And that slow, steady seeping or dripping is better for the plants than rushed, inconsistent watering.

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Walkway Ideas - 15 Ideas for Your Home and Garden Paths

Stepping Stones


Few DIY walkway ideas are as accessible for beginners as a stepping stone path. Just lay large stones over grass to form a casual, comfortable path. Indeed, it makes for an easy weekend project for any skill level.  

Related: 14 Cheap DIYs for a Better Backyard



Brick lends itself to no small number of walkway ideas and design options. Here, the path has been laid in a herringbone pattern with a border. Basket-weave, running bond, and stacked bond patterns are also excellent choices for a brick walkway.

Related: 7 Thrifty Designs for a DIY Walkway

Pallet Wood


Recycled pallet wood makes a rustic complement to this short garden walk between drive and yard. The spaces between boards allow vining plants to creep underfoot.

Related: 10 Backyard Wood Projects for Total Beginners


Gray Gravel


Gravel isn’t just for driveways. On the contrary, it's the basis for many walkway ideas popular among DIYers for their low cost and welcoming, informal look. Extremely versatile, gravel comes in myriad colors and sizes. Here, larger circular stones strike an elegant contrast with the dark gray gravel stones.

Related: Pass on Grass: 7 Reasons to Landscape with Gravel

Stamped Concrete


Concrete has so much more to offer now than it did in the past. These days, it can be colored and textured to look like many other types of stone or paving materials. Need proof? This stamped concrete design boasts an undeniable warmth that traditional floated concrete simply can't match.

Related: 8 DIY Pick-Me-Ups for a Plain Patio

Bark Mulch


Bark mulch is a budget- and DIY-friendly material to keep in mind for no small number of appealing walkway ideas. This path skips extra decorations and details for a natural and unaffected look through a vibrant garden.

Related: Edge Your Beds: 11 Easy Ideas for Landscape Borders

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Pavers can really dress up a garden and are an excellent choice for more formal areas. Though pricey relative to other materials, pavers require less maintenance and upkeep than many other options that cost less.

Related: 12 Outdoor Upgrades That Make Your Home More Valuable

Wood Slice


A walkway made of wood slices is delightfully earthy and rustic. Just lay your slices out on a bed of sand and let nature take its course. 

Related: The Best (and Weirdest) Things You Can Do with a Tree Stump

Mosaic Pebble


Some of the most jaw-dropping walkway ideas involve either pricey materials, laborious professional installation, or both. A mosaic pebble walkway will impress anyone who walks on it, and while pebbles are reasonably priced, this type of path must be put in by a skilled artisan. Every one is a unique work of art.

Related: 10 Affordable Landscaping Projects You Can DIY in a Day




Of all walkway ideas, the traditional bluestone path stands out for its timeless appearance and appeal. Many pattern and color choices exist (in fact, some bluestone isn't even blue). 

Related: 12 Perfect Plants for Lining Your Pathway

Tumbled Glass


You can really let your walkway sparkle with tumbled-glass mulch. Yes, that’s right! This recycled material comes in a wide array of colors, is long lasting, and never fades. The production process produces glass that has virtually no sharp edges. Truly unique, you’ll surely be the only one on your block with anything like it.

Related: 10 Ways to Buy Better Curb Appeal for Under $50

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The thyme growing between these stepping stones adds a heady fragrance to strolls along this lush, low-maintenance garden path.

Related: 12 Plants That Will Make Your Garden Smell Great


Stenciled Concrete


If you already have a concrete walkway that’s in decent shape but feels a little boring, consider giving it a makeover with painted stencils. Whether you want to elicit whimsy or bring a bold graphic to the space, you can accomplish it with minimal time, effort, and money.

Related: 9 Ways to Crank Up Curb Appeal with Nothing But Paint via WUVIE

Pavers & Lava Rocks


Stock pavers are inexpensive and readily available at most hardware and home supply stores. But they’re not exactly exciting. Surround them in a cut-out bed with lava rocks though, and they really make a statement. The warm reds add depth and color to your home's exterior. Nice work!

Related: 14 Insanely Easy Curb Appeal Projects You Can Do in a Day



Bamboo is one of the Earth’s most sustainable building materials, making it an eco-friendly choice appropriate for a range of walkway ideas. Here, laid in a weaving pattern, bamboo adds a tropical touch to this lush yard. 

Related: 10 Cheap Ways to Bring the Beach to the Backyard


Walk This Way


So many great ideas for walkways—it's hard to pick just one.

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10 simple ideas that will turn your garden into a masterpiece of landscape design

A wonderful collection of various conifers can become a hallmark of your garden. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

To renew your garden, you don't have to make drastic changes, you can get by with a little bloodshed - correctly place accents that emphasize the uniqueness and uniqueness of your site. Such an important mission can be entrusted to garden structures, original lamps, unusual garden furniture, thoughtful group plantings, or even separate corners like a rock garden or a moss garden. And of course -
spectacular plants: flowering perennials, trees with an unusual crown shape and bright shrubs.

On the "brutal" section of the garden, decorated with stones, bright flowers are an effective accent. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

The role of accents is not only to draw attention to the garden. Bright details can also solve other important problems of site design: zoning the space, adding color nuances, emphasizing the originality of the relief and interesting architectural solutions. And successfully mask the flaws!

Green garden sculptures are the result of years of hard work. But if you're patient enough, it's worth a try! Photo: ShutterStock/

Making garden accents is an incredibly fun game that allows you to express your individuality and realize your creative fantasies.

Garden accents should be clearly visible and not necessarily proportionate to the area being decorated. But do not get carried away by their number.

The main advantage of accents is variety: you can change them and arrange them in new ways. Photo: living4media/

Remember, the main thing is a good idea; of course, “inventing” it is more difficult than following the canons, but in this case, you create the canons! It’s easy to feel “your theme”: we all subconsciously gravitate towards certain “landscapes”, you just need to catch your own mood and “decorate” it with plants and objects.

When placing accents in the garden, follow the rule: they will be more appropriate where they are most visible. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

No matter how large or small the site should be, there should not be more than four or five, but preferably one or three accents. Moreover, the size of these elements should not be proportional to the size of the plot: it is more appropriate to create a large accent on a very small area, otherwise the garden will look “flat”. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, the accent is quite noticeable, and not a miniature detail. Place the accent where it will stand out. For example, against the background of a gazebo or flower garden, on the border of the garden area or on the front lawn, which is visible from all points of the garden.

Photo: ShutterStock/

Exhibits of the garden "opening day" - mosses and succulents. Enclose them in beautiful frames, and they will resemble the works of great painters. Photo: ShutterStock/

There are three main principles for this: similarity, contrast and expressiveness. For example, using similarity, you can make a beautiful bend of the path more expressive by duplicating it with a chain of garden lamps. Or emphasize the round shape of the flower garden by including a spherical thuja in addition to flowers. As for the contrast, shade the textured, “monumental” plant with plantings of graceful cereals. Well, an expressive, original large container with flowers will emphasize any part of the garden.

Stylistic dominants are very different. The main thing is to stick to one direction.

A mirror imitating a small window breaks through the plane of the wall, complicating the space. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

Variants of plant accents

1. Single plant

The design of the garden is favorably emphasized by a beautiful conifer, a curly trimmed shrub, an interestingly shaped tree - weeping birch or goat willow. Even the common castor bean, which is often called the baobab near Moscow, is suitable for this role.

Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

Any plant is suitable for the role of an accent, if it differs in originality - it has a non-standard crown shape, spectacular shape or color of the leaves. Sometimes there are unexpected, even curious options - for example, an ordinary plantain, resembling a hosta in size, can act as an accent if you choose the right place for it.

Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

2. Group plantings

Nearly black pansy flower bed with mirror ball companion; groundcover rose bush with bright red flowers against the background of a stone obelisk... All these compositions can make a garden at least unusual. Another option: create a flower bed-basket of green-flowered gladioli or a "flower garden" where lettuces or ornamental cabbage live. To draw attention to the flower arrangement, tie it with a satin ribbon.

Plants with colorful foliage can be used as accents. Or large clay pots. In this case, they are an integral part of a mini-waterfall. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

An accent in the form of a garden of mosses or stones, a small rock garden will not go unnoticed.

3. Garden collection

Enthusiastic flower growers who do not recognize sculptures or figurines on their plot should create a “fashion collection”. Choose what you like: alpine plants, miniature conifers, giant dahlias or rare varieties of tulips, and form spectacular flower beds out of them. This will be your main theme in the garden.

Another option is to dedicate your garden to a particular plant. For example, roses: cover the gazebo and garden mesh screen with climbing roses, plant miniature and ground cover varieties on the alpine hill, and decorate the front part of the plot with bush ones. An appropriate accent for the rock garden will be a magnificent standard rose, the tenderness of which will be shaded by a clearing of white gravel. The role of sculptures can be played by individual trees and shrubs.

Any plant that has a spectacular crown, color or shape of leaves and flowers can become a real decoration of your garden. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

7 more ideas for garden accents

  1. Beautiful large stones, boulders are best - a stylish accent, especially if they have an interesting shape and unusual color. Such "cobblestones" can be varnished to create a "wet" effect, or they can be painted and painted.
  2. The accent can be an originally designed withered tree or an unusual man-made structure - for example, a table-well.
  3. A decorative gate can be crafted from an old sewing machine trellis.
  4. Floral sundial is a fashionable novelty that will be out of competition.
  5. A giant container in the form of an ordinary terracotta pot impresses with a combination of a familiar shape but an unusual size.
  6. An example of a small accent is a beautiful bird feeder.
  7. From sea pebbles you can build small three-dimensional sculptures: an apple, a fungus and even a “toy” castle – you will get a real work of art!

A pyramid of carefully stacked stones is a frequent attribute of rocky beaches. In the garden, this element will also be appropriate. Photo: living4media/; ShutterStock/

Any woman knows how important the right jewelry is for a particular outfit. They can make a little black dress (and by extension you) irresistible or kill all its elegance. The role of accents in your garden is also great: a plastic gnome paired with a frog in front of a luxurious flower bed will destroy all botanical delights and carefully selected colors. If you love your garden, treat it with respect - emphasize the results of your work with beautiful and original accents. There are many possibilities and techniques for this, choose the most suitable for you.

Svetlana Marinicheva

Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "My Beautiful Garden"

Prepared by

Olga Voronova

Unusual landscape design ideas - examples, photos, description lost the power of speech from amazement? In that case, this article is for you.

We have collected the most creative landscape design ideas that are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

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Green sofa

On a green sofa smelling of meadows and the sun, it is pleasant not only to dream alone, but also to sit with friends over a cup of coffee or a glass of good wine.

Despite the apparent complexity of the design, the idea is quite feasible. The basis of the grass sofa is made of bricks, all the voids are filled with earth, the brickwork is “coated” with viscous soil and strips of rolled lawn are laid on top. After the sod is laid and straightened, it is generously watered with water. You can use such garden furniture in a few days.

The main thing is not to forget to water and mow such a sofa in time

A lawn with fantasy

An impeccable green lawn is, of course, beautiful, but… boring. Whether it's a lawn that resembles a chessboard, as in the photo below.

This effect can be achieved in several ways. Initially, by sowing different varieties of grass in squares, for example, red fescue of the Nimba variety of dark green color and golden green of the Areta variety. The pattern can also be obtained by cutting the grass at different angles.

The zest of the "checkerboard" lawn is given by the "path" of multi-colored ground cover plants - red coleus and yellow loosestrife.

Who said that a lawn can't have a trendy haircut?

Over the mountains, over the valleys

The author of the landscape design project presented below is fluent in hardscape technology - creating an artificial relief using solid materials.

It would seem that only a few retaining walls were built across the lawn. But thanks to their wavy design and different heights, an ordinary lawn has turned into an unusual art object.

Another creative lawn option

Outdoor living room

A smartly terraced slope and Corten steel fence transform an ordinary backyard of a private home in Berkeley, California into a stylish and cozy "green" living room. The combination of a granite platform and wood in the patio paving looks creative. An original touch of design - maple, as if growing through the floors, and ground cover plants, smoothly flowing from terrace to terrace.

Unusual recreation area - view from different angles

Garden path in the form of a zipper

The highlight of this project is a garden path made in the form of a zipper. On the way to a small lake, it diverges into two parts and beautifully frames the coastline. The choice of contrasting materials - terracotta tiles and massive paving stones - only enhances the overall impression.

Zip path in the garden of the Tao Hotel (Taiwan)

"Nest" in the garden

Nests in the garden are not uncommon. But not so big. Wicker fencing frames a green seating area and creates a cozy, sheltered space. A spacious lounger with birch trees growing through it looks like a landscape sculpture.

“Nest” – this is how the Australian designer Jamie Dury called his project

Landscaping project
site design by Sad-dizain

More details

Aquarium instead of a swimming pool

Today you will not surprise anyone with a swimming pool or a picturesque pond. But a large outdoor aquarium in the garden is still a rarity.

The frame of such a reservoir is made of concrete and glass, the bottom is laid out with decorative pebbles. Next, freshwater algae are planted, if there is a desire - floating plants. And that's all - you can launch "goldfish" and make a wish.

If it's cold in winter, the fish will have to move indoors until spring

Violin-shaped pool

Continuing the theme of water bodies, you can't go past the unusual violin-shaped pool, which American designers from the landscape bureau Cipriano Landscape Design built for the owner of a country house. at home - a fan of classical music.

You do not have to repeat the shape of the pool in your garden, the main thing is to be inspired by the idea and come up with something no less original.

During the day, the pool impresses with its shape, following the contour of a Stradivari violin

And at night, with its original lighting

A flowerbed that makes you want to take off your hat

Unusual - not always difficult. To implement the idea presented in the photo below, you will need a large wire frame, fertile soil, geotextiles and a lot of patience.

Geotextile, which is cut for plants, holds the soil and does not allow weeds to germinate. It is not forbidden to experiment with the shape of the hat, as well as the assortment of planting material.

For a good view of the composition, use low-growing plants for planting

"Living" living room

The art of curly haircut is the highest aerobatics of gardening skills. Topiary in the form of a living room with "live" sofas, armchairs, a coffee table will be the pride of any garden owner.

Topiary garden not only looks beautiful, but also requires constant care

Clubfoot watchman

But if you are just mastering the art of topiary and want to impress your guests, you can get an original landscape figure, for example, a bear. The clubfoot is made of fiberglass, and its coat is perfectly imitated using a rolled lawn.

A clumsy watchman will decorate the garden and protect it from night thieves☺

“The lady lay down and beg”

A soft green bed is a great place to lie down, enjoying the silence, or sunbathe in the sun in a secluded corner of the garden.

The design is so realistic that you really want to lie down. Particularly impressive are the “folds” of the blanket, which have found a continuation in the rest of the lawn space. Emerald grass is skillfully shaded by bushes of flowering rhododendrons.

Roll-up turf offers unlimited possibilities for imagination

Green islands

Two bowl and hemisphere islands have become the highlight of one of the many British garden shows, but keeping their shape in real life is quite difficult. But as an idea, it's a great project. For example, if you replace water with porcelain stoneware with a glossy finish, you get a spectacular recreation area.

Lawn like a green island? Why not

Hobbit mink cellar

How to turn an ordinary cellar into a stylish landscape object? Very simple! Disguise it as a hobbit mink - a representative of the fabulous people of Middle-earth.

Learn more