Nasturtium planting seeds
How to Grow Nasturtiums from Seed
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By David Grist
Not only are nasturtiums beautiful, they are edible.What are some easy annuals to start from seed?"
When I get that question, I always include nasturtiums on my list of suggestions. The seeds are fairly large and they can be planted right in the garden. To get an earlier start, you can plant indoors.
Start outdoors in the garden:
Also known as "direct sowing," this technique is sometimes used instead of planting indoors. It's a good choice for seeds that don't require a lot of coddling, or seedlings that suffer from transplant shock.
In the case of nasturtiums, it's convenient because you can plant them right where you want them to grow and never have to transplant. Just wait till the danger of frost has passed. Not sure of the date in your area? Use a Zip Code look-up. In hot climates, choose a site that's shaded from hot afternoon sun. Nasturtium seeds are usually planted an inch deep and about 10 inches apart. You can plant them closer together and then move them once the seedlings have several sets of leaves. Always check the seed packet for specifics. As for soil, nasturtiums are not picky and will thrive even in poor soil as long as they are watered regularly.
Direct sowing is sometimes risky because you might pull up the seedlings when you're weeding the bed. To prevent accidental weeding, mark the planting site with a label. Because of the distinctive foliage, nasturtium seedlings are easy to spot.
Start indoors in pots:
If you want to start with larger plants — and get earlier blooms — start the seeds indoors.
Because they are large seeds, I like to start with a relative large, 2-3/4" or 3" seed starting pot. Put two seeds (1" deep) in each pot and grow them under lights or in a bright location, such as a south-facing window. It takes about 10 to 12 days for nasturtiums to germinate. When the seedlings have a few sets of leaves, pinch out the weaker seedling, leaving one per pot. Why plant two seedlings when you're going to pluck out the weaker one? It's mostly for insurance, in case one of the seeds fails to germinate. If you're feeling confident about your seed source — or thrifty — go with smaller pots and plant one seed in each.
When the weather moderates and nighttime temperatures are in the 50s, I harden off the seedlings. This involves moving them outdoors during the day and bringing them in at night. After a couple days, I plant them in the garden. To reduce transplant shock, I tear off the top edge of the Cowpot and plant the seedling — pot and all. It's important that the top edge of the pot is buried to prevent soil moisture from wicking away from the seedling.
Growing On
Nasturtiums are fairly carefree, but it's important to keep them watered during dry periods. They do well in containers and windowboxes. Let the soil get dry between waterings, but don't let it dry out. Feed them regularly with liquid fertilizer to ensure plenty of blooms through the summer.
Nasturtiums have edible flowers that taste peppery, like watercress. All colors and varieties are tasty in salads or as garnishes. Leaves can be eaten, too.
Buy nasturtium seeds
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Last updated: 11/16/2022
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How To Grow And Care For Nasturtium
Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum) are one of the quickest and easiest annuals to grow. They produce masses of vividly coloured blooms from midsummer right through to the first autumn frosts in a surprisingly wide range of colours – not just orange, yellow and red but also cream, salmon pink, burgundy and crimson (and often a mix of several of these). Some have attractively marbled or mottled leaves, too.
Nasturtiums are either bushy or dwarf (Tropaeolum minus) or climbers (Tropaeolum majus). Bushy varieties look great in containers and hanging baskets or at the front of a border, while climbing varieties can be trained up wigwams or obelisks and will twine through other plants. These can also be used as ground cover, spreading across gravel or cascading down a slope or bank. Both types grow very well in pots.
Nasturtiums not only look spectacular but the flowers, leaves and seeds are edible, too; nasturtiums are also known as Indian cress. Nasturtiums also make good companion plants on the veg patch – the caterpillars of large and small white butterflies feed on the leaves, luring them away from brassicas, while blackfly are attracted to the leaves, which may mean your beans escape attack. Bees love the flowers. Nasturtiums are incredibly easy to grow from seed, making them ideal for beginner gardeners and children. They also make good cut flowers.
How to grow nasturtiums
Sow nasturtiums from March to May, where they are to flower, or in 9cm pots in a greenhouse. Free-draining soil is essential for nasturtiums and, unlike many other flowers, they thrive on poor soils. Water plant in containers in dry spells. Once they have been hit by frosts, dig them up and put them on the compost heap.
Nasturtiums: jump links
- When to sow nasturtiums
- How to sow nasturtiums
- How to plant out nasturtiums
- How to care for nasturtiums
- Harvesting and storage
- Nasturtiums: problem-solving
- Nasturtiums to grow
Where to grow nasturtiums
Nasturtiums need sunshine for at least half the day in order to grow well. A free-draining soil is essential; nasturtiums flower best on poor soils. Fertile soil results in lots of leafy growth at the expense of flowers and flowers that are buried beneath the foliage.
Grow nasturtiums at the front of a border, up an obelisk, as companion planting on the veg patch or spilling over the edge of raised beds and pots.
Where to buy nasturtium seeds online
- Thompson & Morgan
- Suttons
- Crocus
When to sow nasturtium
Sow nasturtium seeds under cover from March and outside when the soil has warmed up, from March to May – a late sowing will ensure flowers until the first frosts.
How to sow nasturtium seeds
How to grow nasturtiums - sowing nasturtium seed
Sowing nasturtiums in the ground
You can sow nasturtium seeds directly where they are to flower.
- Rake the soil to a fine tilth and make sure it is free of weeds. Water the area before you sow – this will ensure that you don't wash away the seeds once sown
- Sow the seeds 1.5cm deep, around 10cm apart – either push them in with your finger, or use a bamboo cane to make a shallow drill
- Cover the seeds with soil
- Once the seedlings emerge (after about two weeks) thin them to around 30cm apart
You can also simply pop seeds around the garden, where you'd like them to appear – around the edge of raised beds or large pots of bedding, for example.
Sowing nasturtiums in pots
You can also sow nasturtium seeds in pots – this is a good way to get earlier flowers and is a good option if you want to plant up a beautiful container display later in the season. Simply sow one seed per 9cm pot in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill, harden off and plant outside in late spring.
Read our detailed advice on how to sow annual climbers.
How to plant out nasturtiums
Nasturtiums growing with geraniums and nemesia in a hanging basket
If you haven't grown your own plants from seed, you might find small pots of nasturtiums at the garden centre in late spring or early summer that are ready for planting out.
Planting nasturtiums in the ground
Dig a hole that is the same size as the pot your plant was growing in, and plant so that the crown of leaves is at soil level. Water in well.
Planting nasturtiums in containers
Mix two-thirds peat-free multipurpose compost with one third fine gravel or grit, to reduce fertility and ensure good drainage. Again, plant so that the crown of leaves is at soil level and water in well.
More like this
In this clip from Gardeners' World, Monty Don arranges plants for a late summer display, with a dramatic purple-leaved Phormium cookianum 'Black Adder' in the centre, lots of magenta-flowered Cosmos bipinnatus 'Dazzler', and four Bidens 'Hawaiian Flare Orange Drop' cascading over the rim, alongside trailing nasturtiums, Tropaeolum majus 'Cherry Rose Jewel'. He also advises on aftercare to keep the display at peak flowering through to late autumn:
How to care for nasturtium
Watering freshly planted nasturtiums
Nasturtiums are easy to care for and need little maintenance. Plants growing in the ground rarely need watering. Plants growing in containers should be watered to keep the compost evenly moist, but don't feed them. Deadheading will encourage more blooms over a longer period.
Harvesting and storage
Harvesting nasturtium flowers
Nasturtium leaves, flowers and seeds are all edible. The flowers and young leaves have a peppery taste (nasturtiums are closely related to watercress) and are a great addition to salads. The seed pods can be used as a substitute for capers (they are known as 'poor man's capers'). Pick them when mature but still green, and pickle them in vinegar.
You can collect nasturtium seeds when they're ripe and save them somewhere cool and dry to sow next year. In mild areas, nasturtiums are also likely to self-sow, so you may get seedlings springing up in future years. These can be easily pulled up if not wanted.
Our friends at olive magazine have a range of recipes that incorporate nasturtiums, including pickled vegetables with salted yogurt and pressed tomatoes with whipped goat’s cheese and lovage oil.
Growing nasturtiums: problem solving
Blackfly on a nasturtium leaf
Nasturtiums are likely to attract large and small white butterflies (known as cabbage white butterflies) which lay their large greenish eggs on the leaf undersides, which hatch into caterpillars that eat the leaves. This can be useful to deter caterpillars from eating brassica crops but not desirable if you’re growing nasturtiums for flowers. The best method of control is to inspect plants regularly and squash the eggs or young caterpillars, or move them on to plants you don't mind being eaten.
Nasturtiums are also attractive to aphids, particularly blackfly. Again, by planting nasturtiums alongside bean crops you can lure aphids away from your crop, but you may not appreciate aphids on nasturtiums you're growing for leaves and flowers. Spray them off with a jet of water or let ladybirds, hoverflies and lacewings remove them for you – all three lay their eggs on aphid colonies and their young quickly eat them up.
Advice on buying nasturtiums
Nasturtium varieties to grow
Nasturtium 'Black Velvet'
Nasturtium 'Black Velvet'
Tropaeolum minus 'Black Velvet' is a compact nasturtium with velvety dark red flowers. H x S: 30cm x 45cm
- Buy nasturtium 'Black Velvet' from Crocus
Nasturtium 'Phoenix'
Nasturtium 'Phoenix'
Tropaeolum minus 'Phoenix' has flowers with unusual split petals, in shades red, orange and yellow. A bushy variety. Height x Spread: 30cm x 30cm
- Buy nasturtium 'Phoenix' from Thompson & Morgan
Nasturtium 'Empress of India'
Nasturtium 'Empress of India'
Nasturtium minus ‘Empress of India’ is a bushy nasturtium with crimson-red flowers and dark leaves. H x S: 25cm x 45cm. 'Princess of India' is a dwarf version.
- Buy nasturtium 'Empress of India' from Thompson & Morgan
Nasturtium 'Orange Troika'
Nasturtium 'Orange Troika'
Tropaeolum majus 'Orange Troika' is a climbing or trailing variety with vivid orange flowers and marbled foliage. H x S: 30cm x 1.5m
- Buy nasturtium 'Troika' from Suttons
Nasturtium 'Alaska Series'
Nasturtium 'Alaska Mixed'
Nasturtium minus ‘Alaska Series’ produces flowers in yellow, cream, orange and red, shown off against cream and green marbled leaves. Bushy. H x S: 25cm x 45cm.
- Buy nasturtium 'Alaska Series' from Crocus
Nasturtium 'Ladybird'
Nasturtium 'Ladybird'
Tropaeolum minus 'Ladybird' has pretty cream/yellow flowers with deep red spots at the throat. H x S: 30cm x 40cm
- Buy nasturtium 'Ladybird' from Thompson & Morgan
Nasturtium 'Baby Deep Rose'
Tropaeolum minus 'Baby Deep Rose' is a compact, bushy variety with deep crimson blooms. H x S: 20cm x 20cm
- Buy nasturtium 'Baby Deep Rose' from Thompson & Morgan
Nasturtium 'Bloody Mary'
Tropaeolum minus 'Bloody Mary' has splotched and striped flowers in shades deep red, yellow and cream. H x S: 30cm x 60cm
- Buy nasturtium ''Bloody Mary' from Crocus
When to collect nasturtium seeds (+video)
- Brief information about the crop
- When to collect nasturtium seeds
- How to collect seeds - detailed instructions
- Seed storage rules
which grows in our region. Planted as an annual plant, there are a great many varieties of it. If you buy just one bag of planting material, then next year you will have a sufficient amount of excellent seeds. The most important thing is to collect the seeds correctly and on time and save them until the start of the next season. nine0003
Brief information about the crop
Nasturtium (also known as capuchin) is a plant that lives only one year. A flower native to Central and South America. Nasturtium is extremely unpretentious, thanks to this it has firmly established itself in our region.
There are two main types of nasturtium: curly and bushy. A climbing plant can grow up to almost three to four meters in length. Bushes grow up to thirty to forty centimeters. The leaves have an intense green color. Nasturtium blooms in large inflorescences of yellow, red and orange hues. nine0003
The fruits look like oval nuts, when the plant is ripe, they fall off. The flowering period is quite long, therefore, almost all the warm season, it can delight us with its large flowers of warm colors. Nasturtium loves light very much, and propagates with the help of seeds.
When to collect nasturtium seeds
Seeds are collected as they ripen, not in bulk
After we figured out what this useful plant is, I would like to tell you about when to collect nasturtium seeds and how to do it correctly. nine0003
The seeds of this crop are very similar to a small round box with rough edges. To collect them, you must wait until the seeds are fully ripe. And you need to have time to do this before the soil is forged by the first frosts and snow falls. There is only one special variety of this crop, which is called "Foreign Nasturtium", the seeds of this plant must be collected while still unripe, and then left to reach the room at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
Seeds go through a certain period of ripening, usually about 40-50 days. But keep in mind that this period is not always accurate, since the starting point does not start from the moment when the plant was planted or began to bloom, but from the day when the petals fell off the nasturtium. That is why the collection of seeds is carried out as they ripen, and not immediately.
However, there are unpleasant moments when the first frosts come too early and the seeds do not have time to ripen to the required condition. nine0039 In such cases, you need to pick them while still green and leave them to ripen at room temperature. The ripening period must be at least two months.
How to collect seeds - detailed instructions
Seeds are collected after the pods have dried
The procedure for collecting ripened seeds is very simple. This must be started when the boxes are dry enough. When this moment comes, you can only bring your palm up and shake the stem a little, and small nuts will begin to fall out on your palm on their own. nine0003
When you do not have time or opportunity to constantly monitor how ripe the seeds of nasturtium are, you can do it a little differently: under the root of this plant culture you need to put a piece of paper, preferably white or a piece of light fabric. When the nasturtium begins to wither, its stems will bend over the lining and the seeds will fall on it. You just have to pick up ready-made seeds.
If you did not have time to collect all the grains on time, or they spilled out by themselves, then they are allowed to be collected from the soil. If you don't, these seeds will sprout next spring and you'll see a lot of plants growing. nine0003
Seed storage rules
You can save the nasturtium seeds that you have collected yourself for a long period. They are not sensitive to external conditions and are perfectly preserved. If they are dried qualitatively, they will not rot and retain all their properties. A plant can grow from these seeds even after two or three years. But for this to happen, it is necessary to keep the crop grains under certain conditions:
- there should not be too much dampness in the surrounding air, no more than 70% moisture; nine0006
- seeds must be stored at room temperature, in the range from +18 to +22 degrees.
After the nasturtium seeds are dried, they must be collected in a container. A cardboard box or a paper bag is great for this. You can save grains in a dry, warm place where sunlight does not penetrate.
You can get acquainted with the rules for collecting nasturtium seeds from the video. Enjoy watching!
outdoor planting and care, growing from seed
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum), also called capuchin, is a member of the Nasturtium family. This genus is represented by herbaceous plants, it unites approximately 90 species. The birthplace of nasturtium is Central and South America, however, it has been grown in the middle latitudes for a very long time, and it is quite popular. This plant is unpretentious to growing conditions, and it also has popular taste characteristics and medicinal properties. And also during flowering, nasturtium looks extremely impressive, and can become an ornament to any garden plot. This plant was brought to Russia from Holland, and at first they began to call it capuchin there, which is associated with the shape of the flower, which looks like a hood. However, over time, this plant began to be called nasturtium more and more. The scientific Latin name "Tropaeolum" was given to the flower by Carl Linnaeus. nineOl000
- 4.1 Reproduction of nasturtium
- 4.2 Diseases and pests
- 7.1 Nastemic nam, or Canary
- 7.2 Nasturge Big
- 7.3 Cultural namedhift
- 7.4 Nastation Malaya
- ,0005 7.5 Nastemia 9000 9000 9000 8 useful 8 useful properties of nasturtium
Features of nasturtium
Nasturtium is a perennial or annual plant. Often it is a liana with succulent shoots, semi-shrubs are less common. Often the leaf blades are alternately lobed, entire, thyroid or palmately divided. Fragrant flowers can be double, single or semi-double. They are zygamorphic, have an irregular shape, axillary and bisexual. They include 5 petals (in some cases more), the same number of sepals, as well as a funnel-shaped tube, inside which is nectar. The flowers are usually yellow or red. The composition of the fruit includes 3 kidney-shaped wrinkled lobes, and in each of them seeds of a rounded kidney-shaped form ripen. nine0003
The shoots and flowers of this plant have medicinal properties, and they are also used in the preparation of various culinary dishes.
Nasturtium is an undemanding plant for gardens and balconies. Planting and care for lush blooms
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Growing nasturtium from seeds
Nasturtiums are propagated using a generative (seed) method. It is relatively easy to grow such a plant from seed. Nasturtium seeds are quite large. They are sown directly in open soil in the second half of May, while the return frosts should be left behind. Make shallow (about 20 mm) holes, between which a distance of 0.25–0.3 m should be observed. Seeds are sown in a nested way, while 3 or 4 seeds should be placed in 1 hole. If it is still cold at night, then the area with crops is covered with any covering material (for example, plastic wrap). Watering crops should only be tepid water. The first seedlings will appear after 7-15 days. nine0003
Seedling care
You can also grow nasturtium through seedlings, in which case flowering will occur earlier than when sowing seeds in open soil. For sowing, you need to use cups with a retractable bottom or peat. Seeds are sown in April or May, they are buried in the substrate by 20 mm, while 2 or 3 seeds are placed in 1 cup. Then the cups are moved to a cool (from 20 to 22 degrees) place. The first seedlings will appear after about 15 days. The plants that have appeared should be provided with good lighting so that they do not stretch out, otherwise, after transplanting into open ground, they will hurt for a long time and not bloom. Since the root system of nasturtium is rather fragile and weak, and the leaf surface is large, the seedlings are not picked, and the seedlings are planted in open soil right in the cups, without violating the integrity of the earthy coma. nine0003
Nasturtium: cultivation and care
Watch this video on YouTube
Planting nasturtium in open ground
When to plant
Nasturtium seedlings are planted in open ground in the first decade of June. For landing, you need to choose a sunny area that has reliable protection from cold winds. If this flower culture is grown in a shaded place, then its flowering will not be so lush and spectacular. The soil needs a light, nutritious, slightly acidic, and also well-drained. If there is too much organic matter in the soil, then the greenery of the bushes will grow very intensively, but they will not bloom. When growing nasturtium on excessively depleted soil, its leaf plates become small, which is why the shoots look bare, and flowering loses its high decorative effect. If you choose stagnant, moist soil for planting, the plant will rot. nine0003
Planting features
As mentioned above, seedlings are planted in open soil in the first days of June. The seedling is planted together with peat cups or with a clod of earth, and you should be extremely careful, because the root system of the seedling can be easily injured. The distance between the plants directly depends on their variety and type, and it can vary from 0.2 to 0.4 m. At first, the planted plants will need to be covered for the night. Flowering will begin after 4-6 weeks. nine0003
Caring for nasturtiums
Caring for nasturtiums is very easy. They need to be watered and weeded in a timely manner. If, after the seedlings were planted on the site, you covered its surface with a layer of mulch, then this will avoid a grueling fight against weeds. At the very beginning of active growth, special attention should be paid to systematic watering, which should be plentiful. After flowering begins, watering should be arranged only when the soil dries out, but if it is constantly moistened, this will negatively affect the flowering splendor, but greenery will grow violently. It is also very important to cut off the flowers that have begun to fade in time. If you want to collect seeds, then leave only a few ovaries for this. nine0003
Before flowering, this plant is regularly fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days. This crop is not fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
Propagation of nasturtium
See above for how to grow nasturtium from seed. They also use cuttings for propagation. For rooting cuttings, well-moistened sand or water is used. This method of propagation is usually used for terry varieties or for very rare ones, the seeds of which are difficult to buy. When propagated by cuttings, all varietal and species characteristics of the mother plant are completely preserved. nine0003
Diseases and pests
This plant is very beautiful and incredibly useful. In addition, it repels whiteflies, cabbage, Colorado potato beetles, aphids and other pests.
However, nasturtium can still get sick. For example, it is affected by bacterial wilt. In the affected specimen, the lower leaf plates first weaken, and then the entire bush begins to fade. And it can also get sick with gray rot, due to which dry spots of brown color form on the leaf plates. Also on the surface of the foliage you can sometimes see variegated mosaic stains or black or brown spots of rust. If symptoms of these diseases occur, the affected bushes must be dug up and destroyed. At the same time, the remaining healthy flowers are sprayed with a special agent that can destroy pathogens. nine0003
Undemanding flowers for the garden Nasturtium. Garden World
Watch this video on YouTube
How to collect nasturtium seeds
If you want to feel like a breeder, then you will need to collect nasturtium seeds from your site. Seed ripening is observed at the same time that flower wilt occurs. Only foreign nasturtium seeds do not have time to ripen before frost, and this must be taken into account. Ripe seeds change their green color to whitish, they are easily separated from the pedicel and fall to the surface of the site. In this regard, it is not necessary to delay the collection of seeds, because they can crumble. For storage, the seeds are placed in cardboard boxes. The collected immature seeds of foreign nasturtium should be ripened at room conditions. nine0003
Nasturtium after flowering
When flowering ends, the bushes should be watered less and less each time until they stop completely. In mid-latitudes, as a rule, this plant is cultivated as an annual, therefore, in autumn, it should be treated as an annual. More precisely, clear the area of plant debris that must be destroyed. The site itself should be dug up. Don't forget to collect seeds first if needed.
Types and varieties of nasturtium with photos and names
Naturally growing nasturtium is a perennial plant. However, in mid-latitude gardens, this flower can only be grown as an annual, because it is not able to survive the winter in the open field. The most popular among gardeners are cultivated types of nasturtium, which will be described below.
Nasturtium foreign, or Canarian
This creeper is native to South America. The length of greenish shoots can reach 3.5 m, while they relatively quickly braid trellises and arbors. Flowering begins in the middle of the summer period, and ends with the onset of frost. Small flowers of rich yellow color have corrugated petals, as well as green spurs. Small leaf plates can be five- or seven-parted. In middle latitudes, the seeds do not have time to ripen. nine0003
Large nasturtium
Fragile bare shoots are highly branched, they can be about 2.5 m long. There are not creeping, but erect varieties, in this case the height of the shoots can reach 0.7 m. and ends with the onset of frost in the fall. This species reproduces well by self-seeding. Seeds remain viable for 4 years. Large asymmetrical leaf blades are rounded and shield-shaped. Their front surface is greenish, and the wrong side is gray-gray. They have long petioles, and the leaves are 80 mm across. This species has many varieties, among which there are also compact bush forms, for example:
- King Theodore - rich red flowers;
- Peach Melba - there are red spots in the center of creamy flowers;
- Salmon Baby - semi-double flowers have a salmon color;
- Ladybug - there are burgundy spots in the middle of the apricot flower.
Cultural nasturtium
This species combined hybrids of large nasturtium and shield-bearing nasturtium. Shoots are densely leafy. Thyroid leaf plates have a purple or green color. In this species, varieties differ in height and shape:
- compact varieties up to half a meter high;
- creeping varieties with stems up to 4 meters long;
- dwarf varieties that do not exceed 15–20 centimeters in height.
- Gleming Mahagani - bush height about 37 centimeters, double red flowers;
- Golden Globe - a spherical bush reaches 0.25 m in height and 0.4 m in width, leaf plates are round greenish, double large (about 65 mm in diameter) flowers are painted in yellow-golden color; nine0006
- Moonlight - the length of the shoots of this climbing plant is about 2 m, the color of the flowers is yellowish.
Small nasturtium
Thin branched furrowed shoots are about 0.35 m high. Small shield-like leaf blades are rounded, petioles are thin and very long. Yellow small flowers in diameter reach 30 mm, there are dark spots on the surface, 3 upper petals are velvety and have a pointed edge, curved spurs are cylindrical in shape. Flowering is observed in June-October. Varieties:
- Cherry rose - bush height about 0.3 m, double flowers have a rich red color;
- Black velvet - a bush reaches a height of 0.
3 m, the color of simple flowers is maroon almost black, they reach 60 mm in diameter, this variety is sometimes called "Black Lady".
Shield-bearing nasturtium
This species is represented by creeping shrubs. Fragile juicy stems are painted in dark green color, they reach 4 meters in length. Thyroid leaf plates have a dark green color. The color of the flowers is deep dark red. Flowering is observed in June-October, the seeds have time to ripen. The most popular variety is Lucifer: the height of erect bushes is about 0.25 m, the color of the stems is greenish, large leaf plates of dark green color have a dark red tint. Simple orange-red flowers in diameter reach 60 mm. nine0003
Also decorative types of nasturtium are azure, ciliate, many-leaved, beautiful, tricolor, but they are rarely grown in middle latitudes.
Useful properties of nasturtium
Very beautiful nasturtium flower has medicinal properties and can also be eaten. Flowers and foliage of young plants are added to soups, salads and sandwiches, and various dishes are also decorated with them. Pickled fruits of such a flower taste similar to expensive capers. If the seeds are well dried and ground, you will get a spicy seasoning that can be used instead of black pepper. By the way, this seasoning was widely used during the Second World War. You can eat all parts of this culture, but not the roots. nine0003
The fact that nasturtium has healing properties has long been known. It is used to stimulate hair growth, in the treatment of skin rashes, as well as beriberi, anemia and nephrolithiasis. It is also recommended to use nasturtium for scurvy, because its content of vitamin C is quite high (10 times more than in lettuce leaves).
In addition, this plant contains substances with antibacterial properties, namely: provitamin A and phytoncides. Dishes that are prepared using this plant are included in the therapeutic diet for atherosclerosis, as well as for metabolic disorders in elderly people.