Keep a christmas tree alive
How Long Does a Real Christmas Tree Last? These Tips Will Keep It Fresh Throughout December
The natural conifer can survive for up to a month and a half with persistent care.
By Roxanna Coldiron Updated December 12, 2022
Real Christmas trees make for a beautiful and traditional holiday decoration. The only downside to natural conifers is that they don't last as long as faux iterations. Slowly, throughout the month of December, the tannenbaum will shed needles and begin to dry out. However, you can extend the longevity of your real tree during the holiday season with some persistent care—and a good solid base.
Credit: Johnny Miller
How Long a Real Christmas Tree Lasts
When cared for properly, a real Christmas tree lasts about a month, but with proper care it can stay fresh for as long as a month and a half. "Giving it fresh water daily will help the tree last longer," says Sean Duffy of Stone Mill Gardens in Northern New Jersey. "Once the stand runs out of water it's hard to get the tree to drink water again."
Keep Water in the Stand
Treat your holiday tree the same way you would any live plant. If you want to keep it fresh, it needs to have adequate water. "Water is the absolute most important thing you can do to preserve your tree for Christmas," says Jane Neubauer, co-owner of Sugar Pines Farm in Chesterland, Ohio. "Get a tree stand with a built-in reservoir and check it regularly. People don't always realize how much water their Christmas trees will drink up. You'll need to replenish the water regularly."
As a general rule, you should provide 1 quart of water per inch of stem diameter. Despite popular belief, neither a hole drilled in the bottom of the trunk nor the water temperature impact the tree's longevity or its ability to retain water. You can buy additives to help water absorption and kill bacteria, but they aren't as necessary as simply keeping the tree well-watered.
Trim the Trunk
When trees are first cut, sap rushes to close the wound, sealing the bottom. "When that happens, the tree isn't as able to absorb water," Neubauer says. "Add a fresh cut at the bottom right before you place it in water, and try to put up your Christmas tree the same day you bring it home."
How to Trim the Trunk
Using a saw, trim 1/2 inch off the trunk before placing in a reservoir stand with water. Make the cut perpendicular to the axis of the stem, and avoid cutting the trunk at an angle or in a V-shape because it will make it harder to keep the tree upright in the stand.
Keep Your Tree Away From Heat
Direct sunlight or a furnace will quickly dry out the tree. "Your tree will become dry and brittle if it's too close to a heat source," says Neubauer. "Place the tree someplace where it isn't facing direct heat, and that will help your tree not to dry out too fast." You can also lower the temperature in the room where the tree is located to slow down the drying process. If your tree does dry out, though, you will need to remove it from the house and recycle it.
Turn Off Christmas Lights When You're Away
Lights can become very hot and cause a fire hazard if left on the tree unmonitored for hours at a time. Play it safe and turn off the lights before bed—or if you're not going to be around to monitor the tree. Smaller lights on the tree might also help to slow the drying-out process, but you can still use large lights if you keep up on watering the tree.
Make sure that all of your bulbs are in good condition and that the cords for the lights are not worn or frayed. Real trees can catch fire, so follow general fire safety tips when keeping a real Christmas tree indoors. Turning off the lights occasionally will also slow down the drying-out process.
7 Proven Tips and Tricks to Make a Christmas Tree Last Longer – Garden Betty
If you’re as enthusiastic about the holiday season as I am, you probably like to decorate your Christmas tree early, and that means bringing home a live tree soon after Thanksgiving and hoping it lasts for several weeks.
If you’re not diligent at the start of the season, however, you could end up with more fallen pine needles than presents under the tree by Christmas Day.
There are a number of tricks to make a Christmas tree last longer, and this goes for a tree picked up at the local tree lot, a tree harvested from a Christmas tree farm, or a tree cut down in the forest (which my family does in Oregon every year as a beloved tradition).
But none of the tricks I share below involve the advice you often hear for extending the bloom of cut flowers, like cutting the bottom at an angle or adding sugar (or molasses, aspirin, commercial preservatives, or other unnecessary additives) to the water.
In fact, the only things you’ll need to ensure a nice, long life for your tree is a clean cut and plenty of water.
Don’t believe me? Read on.
Here are the exact steps I take every year to keep our Christmas tree looking beautiful and smelling fresh all month long (and even past the New Year).
And if you brought home a living tree instead, learn how to keep your potted Christmas tree healthy so you can plant it in your yard afterward!
Disclosure: All products on this page are independently selected. If you buy from one of my links, I may earn a commission.
How to make a Christmas tree last longer
1. Start with a healthy, vibrant tree.
This is especially important if you’re buying a specimen from a tree lot, as the tree may have been cut a couple weeks prior and transported a long distance to reach the vendor. Don’t be afraid to ask the vendor where the trees came from and how recently they were harvested.
Before bringing a tree home, run your fingers along the branches and look for soft, flexible needles that have a rich, deep green color.
Dried-out trees will often have a bleached or pale olive-colored appearance. Check how many needles fall off right away—if it’s a lot, it’s a good indication that the tree is not as fresh as it should be. Give the tree a good shake and watch for an excessive amount of needles that fall, as well as signs of thinning or browning areas.
Related: Why Inner Conifer Needles Turn Yellow or Brown in Fall: An Evergreen Anomaly
If the tree is already starting to dry out and has stiff, brittle needles, it won’t take up as much water, and a warm, cozy home will only exacerbate the problem.
Weight also matters: a heavy tree means it’s retained a lot of water, helping it stay fresher longer.
If you’re cutting your own tree, try to wait for a few hard frosts to happen first. This sends evergreen species into a state of dormancy so they’re hardened and ready for winter. Their needles form a heavy, waxy coating called cutin to help prevent moisture loss, and they’re less likely to react to sunlight and warm indoor temperatures.
2. Give the tree a clean, straight cut across the bottom.
Chopping down your own tree ensures you have the freshest cut possible, assuming you don’t live more than a couple hours away.
This is because it takes three to four hours for a seal of dried sap to form over the cut trunk, thereby hindering its ability to absorb water. It’s most common in non-dormant trees and those that sit out in the sun for a while.
If you’re buying a tree from a tree lot, ask the vendor to make a fresh cut for you by slicing off a thin disk of wood from the trunk. This is ideal if you’ll be placing your tree in water within 45 minutes of the cut.
Otherwise, make the cut yourself at home by sawing an inch off the bottom in a straight line (no angled or “V” cuts necessary).
You should make a fresh cut even if you cut your own tree just a few hours ago.
Why? Because when a tree is first cut, air gets into the plant tissues and disrupts the tree’s ability to absorb water. Cutting the trunk again “primes” the tree, so to speak, so it can hydrate properly.
3. Get the tree in water as soon as you come home.
The drive home on the roof of your car or the bed of your truck can start to dry out even the freshest tree to the point where it needs a drink of water immediately.
If you haven’t cleared space in your home for the tree yet, place the trunk in a large bucket of water in a cool, shaded, sheltered spot like an unheated garage (or a covered porch, if it doesn’t get below freezing in your area).
Trees can absorb as much as a gallon of water in the first 24 hours, so it’s crucial that your tree stays well hydrated.
As soon as you bring your tree indoors, set it up in a sturdy tree stand with a generous water reservoir that holds at least a gallon of water. (I swear by this tree stand!)
Quick tip: Don’t decorate your tree until you’re sure it’s taking up water properly. If the water reservoir is still relatively full the next day, make a new cut or (assuming you purchased it from a tree lot) return the tree for a different one.
Use a stand that’s properly sized for your tree, as you want to avoid carving off the bark to fit the stand—it’s those outer layers that help the tree absorb the most water. Without them, your tree will dry out sooner.
4. Keep it cool.
As romantic as the idea of a beautifully lit Christmas tree by the fireplace is (you know, so Santa has quick access), it’s actually not the most ideal place to keep a tree.
Heat sources like fireplaces, wood stoves, space heaters, and radiators often dry out a tree much faster than you can water it, so it’s best to locate your tree away from heating apparatuses and heating vents, and out of direct sunlight.
If you love having your tree in front of a window, try to avoid a south-facing window (or draw the blinds or curtains during the day when the sun is most intense).
The warmer your home is, the more your tree will take up water, so consider lowering the thermostat to slow the drying process.
If you live in a particularly dry climate, it may also help to run a room humidifier near the tree to keep the needles fresher longer.
Disclosure: All products on this page are independently selected.

5. Opt for LED lights.
Believe it or not, the type of Christmas light you decorate your tree with can affect how long your tree lasts. Should you go incandescent or LED? Well, here’s the thing…
The new school of LED holiday lights emit very little heat, which keeps your tree from drying out too quickly and also reduces the risk of fire.
They’re inexpensive, energy efficient, don’t burn out, and last a long time, and most modern LED lights come in a “warm white” glow that mimics incandescent lights. (My favorites are these sphere lights, which have a sort of retro look to them.)
For all these reasons, it’s worth replacing your traditional light strands with LED lights, or saving those hot-burning incandescent bulbs for your windows instead.
You can find tree toppers lit with LED lights, too. Many of them are made to connect to your LED light strands, so you don’t have to deal with extra cords or batteries.
6. Check the water level every day.
Trees suck up a vast amount of water, so don’t be surprised if you find that you need to top off your tree stand daily if you have a larger tree.
Keep at least 2 inches of the trunk submerged in plain, clean water at all times to prevent sap from forming over the base. (It’ll be much harder to make a fresh cut again if your tree’s already decorated.)
Remember that sometimes there will still be water in the stand, but you won’t realize that the water level has dropped below the base of the tree.
In general, a tree can absorb up to a quart of water per day for every inch of its diameter, especially in the first week.
This is one of the reasons a properly sized tree stand is helpful. If your tree trunk is 5 inches in diameter, get a tree stand that holds at least 5 quarts of water so you don’t have to refill it twice or more each day to keep the needles green and supple.
(See my favorites, like this Tree Genie Deluxe, in the source list below. )
7. Recycle your Christmas tree in the garden.
With proper care, a typical evergreen tree should last four to five weeks before it dries out too much. After that, most people dispose of it through a local tree recycling program.
But, you can give your tree a second life in the garden and have everything come full circle.
Try cutting the branches into smaller pieces and adding them to your compost pile. Since organic brown matter (carbon) is harder to come by in winter, they’re perfect for balancing all the green matter (nitrogen) that come from your kitchen scraps. Or, run the trunk and branches through a wood chipper to make mulch for your planters and paths.
An old Christmas tree also makes a good base for a new hugelkultur bed, a type of lasagna garden that’s one of my favorite lazy gardening techniques.
If you have perennial garden beds that need mulching, you can strip the tree of its branches and place them around your plants and shrubs. Leaving the branches long like this will create a nice, thick mat of mulch for the remainder of the season.
For the crafty folks, you can also slice the trunk into thin rounds to use as coasters, place cards, gift tags, and other fun projects.
Need more inspiration? Here are 10 clever ideas for repurposing an old Christmas tree. You’ll never wonder what to do with a dead tree again!
Common questions about keeping Christmas trees fresh
How often should you water a Christmas tree?
Refill the water reservoir once a day, or invest in an extra large tree stand that only needs to be filled once or twice. (This is my favorite stand, and it’s a burly one too—you won’t have to worry about your tree toppling over. It’s also a cinch to get your tree upright. I own it and love it.)
The first week is the most crucial period for a Christmas tree’s survival—it’s when the tree takes up the most water, so keeping the water reservoir in your tree stand topped off is very important.
After a week or so, the tree will respond to the cut on its trunk by oozing resin, which naturally seals the “wound.” At that point, it won’t take up as much water but still needs it to retain moisture in the needles.
Should you add anything to Christmas tree water?
There’s some debate about whether adding any kind of preservative to the water (like sugar, corn syrup, aspirin, or even vodka) can keep a Christmas tree fresher, but experts agree that plain, clean water is best.
Does drilling holes in a Christmas tree help?
Contrary to what your grandpa may have told you, never drill holes in a Christmas tree trunk, thinking it will help the tree take up more water.
All it needs is a clean, straight cut when you bring it home, and a good long soak in a 5-gallon bucket of water (if you aren’t able to get it in the tree stand right away).
How long does a Christmas tree last?
In general, a freshly cut Christmas tree will last four to five weeks from the time you cut it to the time the tree becomes so dry that it’s a fire hazard.
But if the tree is kept in ideal conditions (away from heaters and south-facing windows, and watered religiously), it could actually stretch into a sixth week. Just be sure to keep a close eye on the needles and how much they drop each day.
On the other hand, trees purchased from Christmas tree lots may only last three to four weeks, depending on when they were harvested.
When buying from a retail lot, ask the vendor when he received his shipment of trees. Some vendors only receive shipments at the beginning of the season, while others receive several shipments throughout the season.
If the tree arrived soon after shipment, it stands a better chance of staying fresher longer, since it was cut more recently.
What types of Christmas trees last the longest?
According to a study by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Fraser fir is the best variety in terms of water uptake and needle retention, followed by balsam fir, Scotch pine, and Black Hills spruce (a variant of white spruce).
Can you bring a dying Christmas tree back to life?
The best way to revive a struggling Christmas tree is to give it more water. Always keep the bottom 2 inches of the trunk submerged in clean water, even if it means you have to refill the water reservoir in your tree stand daily.
You can also keep a Christmas tree green and supple by lowering the thermostat in your home (the cooler air helps it stay fresher longer) or moving it away from a large window that gets direct sun all day. Since heat causes needles to dry out more quickly, try to avoid placing your tree too close to a fireplace, wood stove, or heating vent.
What and where to buy
1. EGO Power+ 16-Inch Cordless Chainsaw | 2. Corona RazorTooth Folding Pruning Saw | 3. Krinner’s Tree Genie Deluxe | 4. Wondershop LED Smooth Sphere Christmas String Lights | 5. Wondershop LED Faceted Sphere Christmas String Lights | 6. Wondershop LED C9 Super Bright String Lights | 7. Twinkly App-Controlled LED Smart String Lights | 8. Knit Wool Tree Skirt | 9. Embroidered Forest Tree Skirt | 10. Stargazer LED Rattan Vine Tree Skirt | 11. Skei Wood Natural Tree Collar | 12. Slated Wood Tree Collar | 13. Pre-Lit LED Flower Tree Topper | 14. Pre-Lit LED Glass Topper | 15. Holly Pommed Snowflake Tree Topper | 16. Marimekko Woven Tree Topper
This post updated from an article that originally appeared on December 5, 2018.
View the Web Story on how to make a Christmas tree last longer.
How to keep the tree fresh longer?
We all want a living Christmas tree to serve us as long as possible, to be green, and the needles not to fall off. Here are some tips on how to prolong the life of the Christmas tree:
Fresh saw cut
Before installation, be sure to make a fresh saw cut, at least 5 cm. This way the tree will absorb water better.
Setting in water
Be sure to place the tree in water. It can be a special stand with a water tank or any other container. You can buy a Christmas tree stand from us, which will serve you for more than one year. nine0003
Adding water
Check the water level daily and add fresh water. A live Christmas tree can drink up to one liter of water per day, especially in the first days after installation.
Away from heat
Keep the tree away from heat sources such as radiators, heaters, fireplaces. Excessive heat can damage the wood and cause it to dry out faster.
Decorations in moderation
Don't go overboard with decorations, especially electric lights. They create heat, which also aids in drying. Also, under the heavy weight of toys, tree branches can bend. nine0003
Humidify the Christmas tree with a spray bottle, but only if there are no electric lights on the Christmas tree. Additional moisture never hurts, but only if it does not violate safety rules.
Special agent
Add a special agent to prolong the life of the Christmas tree. We have a specially developed concentrate of nutrients and preservatives for sale, which keeps cut coniferous plants and branches fresh, fragrant for a long time and actively prevents needles from shedding. nine0003
By following these rules you will protect your tree from premature drying and shedding of needles. Remember that each variety has its own life span, and even actively using all these tips, it will not work to increase it several times. For blue spruce it is 2-3 weeks, for Fraser firs and Nordmann firs it is 4-6 weeks.
Here in Vladivostok you can buy a live Christmas tree and a stand, order delivery to your apartment or pick up Christmas trees from our warehouse yourself.
Animator Santa Claus (17.18, 24, 25 December)
Animator Santa Claus works at our Christmas tree fair on weekends. Come with children and adults to plunge into the atmosphere of a real New Year
Spruce with roots - all about care and replanting
Keeping a Christmas tree alive until spring is real. And rejoice in her later in your garden, or dress her up for the next holidays. But this requires careful maintenance.
Live Russian firs - fragrant, prickly and lush
The main attribute of the new year throughout the country. This variety is grown in nurseries in central Russia especially for the new year. nine0003
How to choose a live Christmas tree
Let's sort it out in order, which variety to choose, how to choose the height and where to buy
How to keep the Christmas tree fresh longer?
7 rules to prevent rapid drying, shedding of needles and other troubles
How to properly install the tree
What you need to do to securely fix the tree in the stand
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Tips on how to keep the tree alive longer
0001 The main attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Decorated with balls and garlands, the forest beauty becomes the first New Year's association of any person. Despite the availability of a large assortment of artificial Christmas trees for sale, many people in principle recognize only a living tree.
With all its advantages, a natural Christmas tree has serious disadvantages. Within a few days it:
- begins to gradually fade; nine0074
- loses its original brightness of color, the smell of needles;
- loses needles falling to the floor.
Meanwhile, it is desirable to enjoy the beauty of a decorated Christmas tree not only on New Year's Eve, but most Russians have it at least until the old New Year inclusive.
8 important tips
To prolong the life of a winter beauty, there are several recommendations that can slow down natural biological processes:
- In the process of buying a Christmas tree, it is necessary to assess the condition of the trunk. It must have sufficient thickness and needles. The branches of a fresh and healthy tree are flexible, do not break when bent, the color of the needles is green, juicy, without yellow spots. Only spruce that meets all the specified criteria can be safely bought.
- The tree must be securely packaged before being transported home. To do this, the branches are pressed against the trunk in the direction of growth, and tied with a rope. Carrying is carried out with the trunk forward, so that when in contact with foreign objects, the branches slide along them, and do not bend and break. The same applies to the passage of doors in the room. nine0074
- It is not advisable to bring the Christmas tree into a warm room immediately from frost. For some time, she should stand on the landing or balcony. It is not worth it, and decorate the spruce immediately after installation. Some time is required for the branches to open as much as possible and take their natural position. Only after that you can get toys and festive tinsel.
- The location of the Christmas tree should be chosen at the maximum possible distance from the heaters. The air temperature near them is much higher than in the apartment as a whole, and the spruce will wither much faster, the needles will turn yellow and begin to fall off profusely.
- Preparing the tree for installation is essential. Initially, it is worth hitting the floor a couple of times with the barrel. Due to this, dead needles that do not have a reliable connection will fall off the tree. The trunk cut needs to be updated to increase the spruce's ability to absorb water and minerals. For better absorption of nutrients by the tree, it is necessary to remove a small amount of bark in a circle in the lower part of the trunk.
- Spruce can be installed in a special stand or in a container with sand, while it is necessary to ensure that the sand is constantly moistened, periodically adding water.
- Glycerin is an effective means of improving plant nutrition. It can be added directly to sand watering water. You can replace glycerin with salt or sugar, which also prolong the life of plants. You can also add aspirin to the water, which plays the property of an antibacterial substance, which excludes the possibility of damage to the tree by bacteria.