Mirror above fireplace feng shui

Do’s and Don’ts of Hanging Mirrors Above Fireplace

For many homeowners, the fireplace is often one of the cosiest corners where they spend a lot of time. The idea of hanging a mirror above it is to enhance the positive features; it’s also an auspicious Feng Shui practice to place a mirror over a fireplace as the water element of the mirror balances the fire element, thus bringing in good energy into the room. But, there are some Dos and Don’ts of this arrangement.

Balance the Size of the Mirror and the Width of the Mantle – The size of the mirror should be two-thirds the width of the mantle. This is a key factor in determining the right direction for hanging it.

When you hang the mirror vertically makes the wall appear taller. Bit if you hang it horizontally it would make the wall to appear wider. Smaller and horizontal mirrors such as decorative hallway mirrors work well in a narrow hallway, rather than over the fireplace.

Consider the Attachment Basics – Adding a frame around the mirror enhances the visual appeal of the space. You can use rustic mirror which add a lot of texture and warmth to the interiors. These frames come in all shapes, size and color. Choose them to complement the theme of your interiors.

The hardware needed to attach a mirror securely must be chosen depending on the weight of the mirror and the type of wall behind it. For drywall, you can hang a mirror on “J” hooks, and for a brick wall, you can hang the mirror by drilling holes into it and inserting plastic or metal anchors into the holes.

Accessorize for a Visual Appeal – Hanging a mirror a few inches above the mantle helps in reflecting the decorative items placed over it. When a mirror is hung over the centre of the mantel, you can place accessories like scented candles, colorful flowers, figurines, on each side of it.

Make the Best of Varied Mirror Shapes – You can also play with mirrors with different shapes. An oval-shaped mirror such as a large modern mirror gives the mantle a unique dimension than a traditional mirror. But don’t go overboard with the shape of the mirror. Keep it geometric and minimalistic.

Experiment with A group of mirrors - A group of mirrors or layering mirrors can also create a vivid display. While a plain mirror with a simple, narrow frame makes a right choice for a small sitting, two or three Simple Square or rectangular shabby chic mirrors hung side by side creates a dazzling effect for any size of the room.

Use Felt Pads – Use felt pads to attach the back of the wooden frame of the mirror. This technique helps avoid the dark marks on the wall by the stain on wooden frames when the mirror is taken down.

Some Don’ts you should follow to make the best use of a Mirror-Fireplace.

Don’t Position the Mirror Too High - Avoid positioning the mirror too high over the fireplace so it could be used functionally. Placing it too high means it could be reflecting the ceiling, a bare wall, a doorway, etc. and deplete its aesthetic appeal.

But depending on the thickness of the frame you can go higher so that you don’t get a dark shadow cast on your décor. Alternatively, use decorative hallway mirrors fill in space above the fireplace for high ceilings.

Don’t Tilt the Mirror Above the Mantel - The mirror should not be tilted above the mantel. If it’s too high, it could make the inhabitants feel awkward with its view.

Don’t Hang a Chandelier With an Exposed Bulb - A mirror above fireplace reflecting a bright chandelier can be glaring to the eyes. An antiqued mirror such as rustic mirror can be used to complement vintage-style lights.


There are a lot of options when it comes to adding beauty and elegance to your home. Why compromise when it comes to the most exceptional place in your home – the fireplace? With all the safety and aesthetic measures let the magic of mirrors spark beauty to the fireplace like never before.

Why you should hang mirrors over your fireplaces – urges a Feng Shui expert

(Image credit: Davide Lovatti)

The appeal of a mirror, and its relationship to interior design, needs no introduction. This essential element is a feature interiors experts use relentlessly to reflect light around a room – and to make a space feel larger. 

But what do experts say about the impact of a mirror in terms of Feng Shui? 

Whether you have a fireplace in the bedroom – or you're learning more about living room feng shui – experts have shared that putting a mirror above your fireplace is one of the most powerful things you can do to impact the energy of your space. 

When used correctly, they say, putting a mirror above your fireplace can fill your room with positivity. Here's why – and how to amplify its features.

How does putting a mirror over a fireplace affect a space?

(Image credit: Ti Archive)

Simply put, putting a mirror over a fireplace can improve a room's chi (positive) energy; this, in turn, makes for a more harmonius and welcoming space.

Melissa Waite Stamps , a member of the International Feng Shui Guild, explains that, in Feng Shui, there are five elements: wood, fire, earth, water, and metal. 'One of the intentions in Feng Shui is to create a harmonious flow of energy between elements and qualities of Chi,' she says. 'Chi can be expressed in infinite ways, qualities, elements, colors, seasons of the year, Yin and Yang expressions, and other ways.' 

It is the impact of the different elements and Chi that makes this mirror placement so powerful. 

'A mirror is usually associated with the element of Water, which has to do with mystery, emotion, career, wealth, and the flow of business and commerce,' Melissa says. 

Meanwhile, the fireplace is (perhaps unsurprisingly) associated with the Fire element. 'Fire is creative, expansive; if burning too hot can burn itself and others. It is magnetic and compelling, self-expressive, and essential to life.'

(Image credit: Brent Darby)

In the teaching, Fire and Water elements usually conflict with one another. However, while this may initially sound problematic in terms of mirror ideas, Melissa explains there is nothing negative about putting one above your fireplace.

'With a deeper understanding of Feng Shui and the elements, you can work with the Chi to create positive outcomes. You want to amplify positive features,' she says. 

But what do you need to know?

How to style your mirror above your fireplace – to accentuate positive energy

(Image credit: Future/ Paul Raeside)

Whether you're working with your living room, dining room, or bedroom Feng Shui – the secret to styling mirrors above your fireplace remains the same. Melissa urges you to reflect plants, flowers, or trees (where possible) in the reflection to 'feed' the element of Fire and improve the Creative Cycle.

If you have a mirror above a fireplace in the Career Gua (the center third of the front of your home) and it reflects your garden trees or garden, then it symbolizes the element of Water feeding the element of Wood (trees, plants, and flowers),' the expert explains. 'The Wood feeds the element of Fire. This is part of the Creative Cycle.'

If you are unable to reflect trees in your mirror, you can still achieve a similar effect by investing in the correct Feng Shui plants. Melissa recommends putting two curly bamboo plants or flowers in front of the mirror so that the energy of Wood is doubled by the mirror's reflection. This will create a similar cure. 

Megan is the News and Trends Editor at Homes & Gardens. She first joined Future Plc as a News Writer across their interiors titles, including Livingetc and Real Homes. As the News Editor, she often focuses on emerging microtrends, sleep and wellbeing stories, and celebrity-focused pieces. Before joining Future, Megan worked as a News Explainer at The Telegraph, following her MA in International Journalism at the University of Leeds. During her BA in English Literature and Creative Writing, she gained writing experience in the US while studying in New York. Megan also focused on travel writing during her time living in Paris, where she produced content for a French travel site. She currently lives in London with her antique typewriter and an expansive collection of houseplants.  

Feng Shui and a fireplace in the house - Encyclopedia of Chinese Metaphysics

Some time ago, a fireplace in the house was considered a luxury, and only people living in a large mansion or even a small, but their own house could afford it. But everything changes, develops, and modern technologies have made it possible to have small and very beautiful fireplaces that fill the house with comfort and warmth, which can be placed anywhere without worrying about the chimney and the need to have a large space for it.

However, with all this, its role and influence on the energy flows inside the house and the atmosphere, and the quality of energies in general, have not changed, so it is still important to take into account the nuances of its placement. After all, a fireplace located in the house can have both positive and negative effects, being a very powerful element, fully embodying the power of the element of Fire - a symbol and source of activity, vitality and renewal. This is a very powerful energy that must be managed and be in harmony with it, otherwise it can destroy the already established well-being and bring discord, conflicts and other troubles into the house.

Feng Shui fireplace location

Being placed in different rooms, it can have different effects, and we are not talking about different zones, which must also be taken into account when placing or planning if a real fireplace is built in. For example, in the home office, he will enhance the working atmosphere, stimulate the implementation of goals and plans, and “ignite” ambitions. With the ability to burn negativity and calm passions and misunderstandings, in offices and negotiation with its help, agreements will be reached easier and faster. His presence in the living room will contribute to family unification and the emergence of new family traditions, attracting the warmth of the household with its energy and filling with the desire to return home. But where the fireplace is not recommended to be installed is in the bedroom, because this is a place of recuperation and relaxation, and here it is better to activate the energy of health.

As for the recommendations regarding the placement of the fireplace in the zones of the Ba-gua Octagon, they are as follows: its location in the zones "Fame and fame" (south), "Family and home" (east), "Knowledge and wisdom" (north- east) are considered good or neutral, and in the zones "Career" (north), "Children and creativity" (west), "Helpers and travel" (northwest) and "Health" (center) - negative. The location in the zones "Wealth" (southeast) and "Love and marriage" (southwest) can be both positive and negative. Therefore, in any case, it is recommended to apply the necessary Feng Shui tools to them. In order to balance the energy flows of this zone, place nine healthy green plants next to the fireplace, as well as on the fireplace stove. If you don't have that many houseplants, put at least one in front of the grate. You can also hang a large mirror above the fireplace, symbolizing water. With its energy, the mirror will balance the Qi of the fire of the fireplace.

Another important point to consider is the surroundings of the fireplace, the arrangement of the furniture in the room around it. It is not recommended to put it directly opposite, as in most cases you want to do it in order to sit opposite, and even as close as possible, in order to enjoy the lively play of fire and its warmth. Qi energy should be able to move freely around the room without encountering obstacles in its path, including leaving the fireplace. Therefore, it is better to place furniture diagonally and at right angles to the fireplace, and the room itself should be spacious. It is also believed that if the fireplace is facing the front door, its energy directly leaves through it, without lingering in the room and, accordingly, without having the desired effect. But a mirror hanging opposite the fireplace will, on the contrary, reflect the energy back. If the fireplace is not electric, but real, it must be kept clean - regularly clean both the firebox and the grate, because cleanliness is the basis of Feng Shui.

One should also not forget about the Flying Stars - the activation of any of the unfavorable stars or the incorrect fiery activation of any of the favorable ones can lead to very unpleasant consequences. In addition, important factors are the external environment of the house, tasks and goals that need to be solved with the help of a fireplace or at least not harm the existing state of affairs, the element of personality and the Gua Number of all family members, that is, favorable and unfavorable directions, and much more. Therefore, if you notice that some unexpected and not very pleasant events began to occur after the installation of the fireplace, it is better to find a good feng shui master and invite him for a consultation before the situation worsens.

Record labels: #feng shui rules#feng shui practice#feng shui at home

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Mirror above the fireplace

  1. History of the mirror
  2. Mirror above the fireplace yesterday and today
  3. Mirror above the fireplace (photo gallery)

The history of the mirror

The use of metal-backed glass began in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, in Nuremberg and Venice, renowned as the world's finest centers for the production of mirrors. Venetian mirrors were especially famous for their outstanding quality. Despite the doge's stern prohibition, the Venetian masters could not resist the temptation to share the secrets of their craft with other cities, and by the middle of the seventeenth century, mirrors were being produced in London and Paris. As a rule, mirrors were fabulously expensive because of the valuable frames, which could be made of ivory, silver, black and olive wood, tortoise shell or walnut wood.

Mirror above the fireplace yesterday and today

The tradition of hanging mirrors over a wood-burning open fireplace was established among the aristocratic class at the end of the 17th century, but this method of decorating premises became widespread during the Regency period.

A mirror above the fireplace enhances its decorative properties and turns the heating appliance into the focal point of the room.

The mirrors had an elongated horizontal shape and were framed by an intricately carved wooden frame, which was then covered with a layer of gilding. An architectural treatise written in the 18th century devotes more than ten of its pages to describing the necessary rules governing the installation of large mirrors over a fireplace. Color, cleanliness, dimensions, frame width - everything was strictly taken into account and regulated. The center of the mirror above the fireplace had to coincide with the center of the mantelpiece, and bronze candelabra or sconces had to be placed on its sides, creating a bizarre play of light in the mirror.

The presence of a fireplace and a beautiful and expensive mirror became a fashion trend, as well as evidence of good taste and luxurious living. In addition, a large mirror in a small room created the illusion of depth, and by doubling any light source reflected from its surface, it improved the overall illumination of the interior of the house, which also affected the popularity of this wonderful piece of furniture. It was also considered important that the mirror over the fireplace guaranteed . .. the safety of the participants in important negotiations, as it made it possible to observe in the mirror what was happening in the rest of the room.

Gradually, mirrors topped the list of necessary and expensive household items that every self-respecting city dweller should have. But this concerned mainly European capitals - mirrors came to the province much later. This was due to the aristocracy's imitation of the decoration of the Versailles court, with its amazing state rooms and large bedrooms, which always had expensive marble fireplaces and mirrors. It took decades and persistent advertising to promote mirrors to small European cities and transform the mirror from an extraordinary object into a commonplace item. Thus, the newspapers of the eighteenth century are simply full of offers for the sale of real estate with the mention of mirrors and a fireplace as a significant additional bonus. The most expensive, of course, was considered a fireplace, which gives reliable heat, but a mirror, especially in a skillfully carved frame, was a valuable and extraordinary piece of furniture.

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