Lettuce plants care
Lettuce Growing | General Planting & Growing Tips – Bonnie Plants
Read these expert tips on growing lettuce. Save money and grow your own salad greens in your vegetable garden. It is much more simple then you may think!
If you grow only one vegetable other than tomatoes, it should be lettuce. Growing lettuce is so easy, takes up little space, and you can even grow it among flowers. Lettuce grows for many weeks in the mild weather of spring and fall. Leaf lettuce is easy to tuck in between and under taller vegetables, and is perfect for containers. See our online catalog for more about the different types.
Quick Guide to Growing Lettuce
- Plant lettuce during the mild weather of early spring and fall. This nutritious, leafy green is a great option for in-ground gardening, raised garden beds, and containers.
- Space lettuce plants 6 to 18 inches apart (depending on the variety) in an area that gets an abundance of sun and has fertile, well-drained soil with a pH between 6.
0 and 7.0.
- Improve native soil by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter.
- Well-hydrated lettuce will bear tender leaves, so keep moisture levels consistent by watering whenever the top inch of soil becomes dry.
- Prevent weeds and make your watering efforts last longer by applying a thick layer of mulch made from finely ground leaves or bark.
- Promote excellent leaf production by regularly feeding with a water-soluble plant food.
- Harvest leaf lettuce starting with the outermost leaves once they are large enough to eat.
Soil, Planting, and Care
Although lettuce grows fastest in full sun, it is one of the few vegetables that tolerates some shade. In fact, a spring crop often lasts longer if shaded from the afternoon sun as the season warms. You can grow lots of lettuce in a small space, even a container. Mix it with other taller plants, such as tomatoes in the spring, or grow a mix of different varieties for a living salad bowl.
Give lettuce fertile, well-drained, moist soil with plenty of rich organic matter and a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. To check pH, test the soil with a purchased kit, or get a soil test through your regional Cooperative Extension office. Fertilize and lime according to test recommendations.
If you don't do a soil test, then assume that the soil isn't ideal. Add nitrogen-rich amendments such as blood meal, cottonseed meal, or composted manure, or simply mix in Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil with the top few inches of your native soil. When growing lettuce in pots, give the roots their ideal growing environment by filling the containers with a premium quality potting mix such as Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose Container Mix. Leaf lettuce needs nitrogen to grow tender, new leaves quickly, so fertilize throughout the growing season with Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules.
In the spring, begin setting out lettuce plants about a month before the last frost. Lettuce grows best within a temperature range from 45 to about 80 degrees. Hot weather makes it bitter; extreme cold freezes it. When well rooted, some Bibb types such as Buttercrunch will tolerate a surprising amount of frost.
Plant fall lettuce beginning about 4 to 8 weeks before the first frost. If you use a cold frame or row cover, gardeners in many areas of the country can grow lettuce through the winter.
Lettuce spacing is not an exact science, but Bonnie varieties tend to do best with spacing between 6 and 18 inches (depending on type, so check the tag). Generally, you should space plants far enough apart so that they can grow to full size. However, many gardeners plant lettuce much closer together, preferring to harvest leaves continuously before they reach full size. The plants adapt to their spacing.
For the most tender, succulent leaves, water regularly during dry weather. Also, mulch to keep the soil cool and moist, and prevent weeds.
The most common lettuce pests are aphids. They love the tender leaves and like to hide on the undersides and down in the crown of the plants.
Harvest and Storage
You can harvest leaf lettuce from the outside of the plant, leaving the central bud to grow more leaves, or you can cut the entire plant at the base. Leaf lettuce is ready to eat at just about any size, and you can pick the baby leaves for tender salads. Romaine lettuce forms its characteristic mid-rib before harvest; at full size it makes an upright leafy clump. Bibb types such as Buttercrunch form a loose head; you can harvest anytime, but for the classic Bibb rosette, wait until the lettuce is nearly full size (6 to 8 inches in diameter) and cut it at the soil line.
The same is true for heading iceberg types; however, in warm climates where head lettuce doesn't make a firm head, you can harvest it like a leaf lettuce, removing leaves as they get large enough to eat.
Lettuce tastes sweetest in cool weather, which is why it is such a great fall crop. As the weather warms, plants will go to seed. By the time they begin to stretch and send out a seed stalk (called bolting), the leaves are bitter. When this starts to happen, harvest all your lettuce immediately and try storing it in the refrigerator, where some of the bitterness may disappear.
Is leaf-type lettuce easier to grow than the head-type?
Yes. Leaf lettuce generally matures fast, which makes it ideal for home garden production. Most leaf-type lettuce varieties will mature in seven to eight weeks, but can really be harvested anytime you see leaves big enough to eat. Just take off the outer leaves and let the inner leaves stay to get bigger. Head lettuce varieties take a little longer and are more sensitive to warm weather.
The tips of my lettuce leaves are turning brown, but the base looks healthy. What is the problem?
Browning, or scorching around the margins of leaves is often caused by too little water. During dry weather be sure to water and keep the soil mulched. If the plants are getting enough water, perhaps the roots have been injured from too much fertilizer, nematodes, or too close cultivation. A lack of potassium and calcium can also cause the margins to scorch.
My lettuce plants have grown tall and flowered. What should I do?
It's time to pull your lettuce up. The flowering stalks form at the end of the spring growing season when the days are longer and warmer.
My lettuce tastes bitter. Is it the variety?
No, all lettuce gets bitter during hot weather and when the flower stalks begin to form. You can store the leaves in the refrigerator for a day or two to see if some of the bitterness will disappear. Some gardeners like the slightly bitter taste to add punch to a salad.
Container Gardening Cool Season Gardening Frost Growing Techniques Lettuce Raised Beds Small Space Gardening Urban Gardening Vegetables
How to Grow Lettuce
The Spruce / Kara Riley
In This Article
Lettuce vs. Cabbage
Growing in Pots
Growing From Seed
Pests and Diseases
Frequently Asked Questions
There are hundreds of varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa), from soft and delicate bibb lettuce to crisp and colorful rouge d'hiver. This easy-to-grow annual is a classic for beginner and expert gardeners alike. Most types of lettuce grow quickly, maturing in five to eight weeks. And many are suitable for cut-and-come-again harvesting, so you can snip off a few leaves anytime you want a salad. Lettuce is a cool-season vegetable, and in most home gardens it is planted in the early spring and harvested in late spring to early summer. Some gardeners plant a second crop of lettuce as the days grow cooler in fall.
Lettuce can be divided into four major categories: head lettuce, romaine/cos, leaf lettuce, and butterhead (loose head). Leaf lettuce has the greatest number of varieties available and is the most popular type for home gardens.
Click Play to Learn How to Grow and Harvest Lettuce
Common Name | Lettuce, garden lettuce |
Botanical Name | Lactuca sativa |
Family | Asteraceae |
Plant Type | Annual, vegetable |
Size | 6–12 in.![]() |
Sun Exposure | Full sun, partial sun |
Soil Type | Loamy, rich, well-drained |
Soil pH | Acidic, neutral (6 to 7) |
Bloom Time | Seasonal |
Hardiness Zones | 2a–11b (USDA) |
Native Area | Mediterranean |
How to Plant Lettuce
When to Plant
Plant lettuce in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Or, start seeds inside around five weeks before your area's projected last spring frost date. You can continue sowing seeds every two weeks to have a continual harvest if you wish. For a fall harvest, plant roughly seven weeks before the first fall frost.
Selecting a Planting Site
Choose a fairly sunny growing site with well-draining, organically rich soil. Container growth is also an option. To maximize the efficiency of your garden, plant lettuce among warm-season vegetables, such as tomatoes. By the time the lettuce is finished in early summer, the warm-season vegetables will be actively growing and able to take over the space. Also, aim to plant lettuce in a different spot each season to reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases.
Spacing, Depth, and Support
Plant seeds only around 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep, as they need light to germinate. Space rows at least a foot apart. The space between seedlings depends on the mature width of the variety. But in general, keeping lettuce plants fairly close together will help to suppress weeds. A support structure shouldn't be necessary.
Lettuce Plant Care
Full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days, is ideal for lettuce. But it also will grow in partial sun and does appreciate some shade in warm climates. However, too much shade can make the growth leggy and weak.
Lettuce likes soil that's light, rich in organic matter, and well-draining. A neutral to slightly acidic soil pH is best.
Like with other salad greens, it’s important to maintain even soil moisture for lettuce. If the soil gets too dry, the plants might bolt, or send up flower spikes and go to seed, which turns the leaves bitter. Dry soil also can cause the leaves to become sun-scorched. It’s best to water regularly throughout the week anytime the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch versus doing one weekly deep watering.
Temperature and Humidity
Lettuce grows best in a temperature range between roughly 45 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot weather can turn the leaves bitter. For summer plantings, it is important to select varieties with heat tolerance. Some lettuce varieties can tolerate a light frost but not a freeze. Humidity typically isn't an issue for lettuce as long as adequate soil moisture is maintained and there's airflow around the plants.
Work compost into the soil before planting to enrich it with organic matter. Then, use a fertilizer that's high in nitrogen starting around three weeks after planting, following label instructions. This will help to promote healthy, vigorous leaf growth.
Lettuce is a self-pollinated crop.
The Spruce / K. Dave The Spruce / Kara Riley The Spruce / Kara Riley The Spruce / Kara RileyTypes of Lettuce
For practical purposes, lettuce is divided into four distinct groups:
- Crisphead forms a firm head with a crisp texture and distinct veins. Iceberg is the most commonly grown commercial variety.
- Butterhead also forms a head, but the texture is more soft and pliable with less distinct veins compared to crisphead.
- Looseleaf forms a kind of bunch instead of a head. Looseleaf lettuce can regrow from a cut stem without losing quality in flavor or texture.
- Cos or Romaine is an upright plant with long, narrow leaves that look coarse but are quite tender.
Lettuce vs. Cabbage
Both lettuce and cabbage varieties grow in heads with layers of leaves. However, cabbage tends to be tougher than lettuce because it has lower water content. Cabbage typically has a stronger flavor while lettuce is very mild.
Harvesting Lettuce
The best time of day to harvest is in the morning when the lettuce is still plump and the sun hasn’t caused it to wilt at all. You can harvest cut-and-come-again lettuce types as soon as the outer leaves reach about 6 inches long. Trim off these outer leaves, leaving the inner leaves to continue to mature. If you are growing head lettuce, be sure to harvest before the head starts to elongate. That means it's ready to bolt, and the flavor will suffer. It can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for up to 10 days.
How to Grow Lettuce in Pots
Growing lettuce in a container is a good option to help protect it from pests. You also can keep the container in a convenient spot for harvesting. Make sure to check the space requirements for your particular lettuce variety. In general, a container that’s six to 12 inches across should suffice. Make sure it has drainage holes. Unglazed clay is an ideal container material, as it will allow excess soil moisture to escape through its walls.
The only pruning maintenance lettuce needs is harvesting its mature leaves. Also, trim off any broken leaves that drag on the ground to prevent them from introducing pests and diseases to the plant.
Propagating Lettuce
Lettuce is commonly grown from seeds. But it also can be regrown from scraps. This won’t provide as large of a harvest as your initial planting, but it is an inexpensive and easy way to get more lettuce. Here’s how:
- Cut off the bottom of the lettuce, leaving only about an inch of leaves on the base.
- Put the base in a shallow dish of water by a sunny window.
- Change the water every couple of days. You should see some root and leaf growth in about a week.
- Harvest the leaves in two weeks. At this point, they’ll likely be as large as they will grow and will only degrade from there.
How to Grow Lettuce From Seed
Whether you’re planting in containers or in the ground, make sure the seeds are only lightly covered in soil. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy as the seeds germinate, which should take around seven to 10 days. The soil temperature should be at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit and ideally between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
Potting and Repotting Lettuce
A quality all-purpose potting mix is typically fine for lettuce. But a mix marked specifically for lettuce is better, as it usually has components to retain adequate soil moisture. Aim to plant lettuce initially in a container that will accommodate its mature size to avoid having to disturb its roots with repotting.
Lettuce is an annual, so no overwintering is necessary. Be sure to harvest in the fall before freezing temperatures arrive.
Common Pests and Plant Diseases
Lettuce typically doesn’t have any serious pest or disease problems. Common pests that might afflict lettuce include aphids, slugs, and snails, as well as wildlife nibbling on the leaves. Diseases include powdery mildew and downy mildew. Growing lettuce in the environment it likes can help to prevent pest and disease issues.
How to grow leaf lettuce on a windowsill and garden bed
May 13, 2022 Likbez Adviсe
Follow the instructions and you will no longer have to buy greens in stores.
Where you can grow lettuce
Leaf lettuce thrives in garden beds. In open ground, you can plant both seeds and seedlings grown at home or bought in a store.
If you don't have a dacha or your own plot near the house, lettuce will perfectly fit in a container on the windowsill. You can grow greens from seeds or try rooting a bunch in a pot from the vegetable section.
How to grow lettuce from seed outdoors
The easiest option is to plant leaf lettuce seeds directly in the ground. So you do not have to mess with seedlings, and the result will be no worse, although a little later. It will be possible to harvest in 25-35 days.
It is better to choose a sunny place, without shading. Well, if last year legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers or potatoes grew there. Thanks to crop rotation - the so-called alternation of plants - the risk of damage by pests and diseases will decrease, the harvest will be better. But sowing lettuce in the same bed for two years in a row is not worth it.
When to plant lettuce outdoors
Early varieties can be planted as early as April-May, while mid-season and late varieties can be planted from April to mid-June. When planting early, the main thing is to wait until the ground warms up enough and warm weather sets in without frost.
Lettuce can be re-sown periodically, removing old plants by the roots. So you can get a crop all summer.
How to grow lettuce outdoors
Dig up the soil 1-2 days before you sow the seeds. Make parallel grooves about a centimeter deep or slightly less at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
Sow the seeds at about 5 cm intervals, lightly cover with soil and water. If it is cool outside, the beds can be covered with a film until shoots appear.
When the greenery shows through, it can be thinned out if the planting is too dense.
Too dense plantings can be thinned out to give the plants enough room to grow and develop / Photo: tanitost / ShutterstockHow to care for lettuce
Weeding, watering and loosening are the main points in care. On hot spring and summer days, you need to moisten the beds with lettuce every 1-2 days. In cloudy, rainy and cool weather, the intervals can be increased. The main thing is not to let the soil dry out completely. It is better to water in the morning or in the evening, and not during the most sunny hours. Moreover, it is desirable to use a watering can so that moisture gets on the leaves of the plant. After watering, gently loosen the topsoil.
Feeding and special fertilizers can be dispensed with during growth. It is enough to bring mullein or bird droppings into the ground in the fall, and start planting in the spring. Don't worry if you don't have time to prepare in advance. In fertile and not depleted soil, lettuce will feel good anyway.
Remove weeds as soon as they appear so that they do not interfere with the normal growth and development of plants.
How to grow lettuce from seedlings outdoors
Growing lettuce seedlings makes sense if you want to get the first harvest as soon as possible. Small plants planted in open ground will grow leaves quite quickly, and it will be possible to start collecting them in one and a half to two weeks.
When to plant lettuce seedlings
The best time to plant seedlings is March or early April. If you missed the deadline, do not worry: you can buy young plants for planting in the ground even at the beginning of summer.
How to grow lettuce seedlings
It is better to plant lettuce seedlings in peat pots or separate cups - one seed in each. So it will be easier for you to move the plant to a permanent place without damaging it.
If you want to plant lettuce in a common box or container, make grooves in the soil 1 cm deep and at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. Sow the seeds at a distance of about 10 cm. A denser planting will have to be thinned out over time.
Cover the sown seeds with a thin layer of soil and moisten with a spray bottle. Cover with foil and leave for a few days until shoots appear. Do not forget to remove the film every day and air it for at least half an hour, and when the sprouts are visible, remove the cover.
Soil suitable for universal or special seedlings. Feeds are not needed.
When to transplant lettuce outdoors
After about 3 weeks or less, when the plants are strong enough, they can be planted in a greenhouse or outdoors. At the same time, you need to wait until the earth warms up enough, and the threat of frost recedes.
How to care for lettuce
Caring for lettuce planted outdoors as seedlings is no different from caring for lettuce sown directly in the beds. Depending on the weather, plants should be watered from a watering can in the morning or evening every 1-2 days or less. Also, do not forget to loosen the soil and remove weeds.
How to grow lettuce from seeds on a windowsill
Leaf lettuce is a great option for an apartment garden. It is very easy to take care of, and you can harvest the first harvest in about 25 days. It is worth paying attention to early-ripening varieties that feel fine in low light.
No special conditions are needed, although some points are better to take into account. Ideally, if the windows face east or west and are not too shaded by trees. It will be too hot on southern plants, and there will be little light on northern plants.
In autumn and winter, when daylight hours are short, special lamps will have to be used. Without them, the plants will be frail and will not please with abundant greenery.
Room temperature is fine. But keep in mind that with constant strong heat, the lettuce will quickly release arrows and begin to bloom, and the leaves will be bitter.
For planting, you can take ordinary pots or larger containers, always with drainage holes and trays. The soil is suitable for store, universal or special for vegetable crops. In addition to it, drainage is needed. It can be expanded clay, broken bricks, small shards of raw clay pots, pebbles, gravel and even foam.
When to plant lettuce on the windowsill
There are no strict time limits when growing indoors. Seeds can be sown at any time of the year.
How to plant lettuce seeds
Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. Spread the soil on top, retreating from the edge of about 0. 5 cm. Slightly moisten the ground with a spray bottle, but do not create a swamp.
Sow the seeds not too thick and cover with a layer of soil no thicker than 5 mm. If you do not want to thin out crops, place the seeds in the ground at a distance of at least 5 cm.
Cover the container with film or glass and leave in a warm, shady place.
How to care for lettuce on the windowsill
Air the plantings every day for at least half an hour before germination to prevent mold.
After 4-5 days, when the first shoots emerge from the soil, remove the film or glass. Rearrange the container with plants on the windowsill or loggia. After a week, thin out your plantings so that the distance between plants is approximately 1.5–2 cm. When 2–3 true leaves appear, repeat the procedure again. This time, leave a distance of about 5 cm. You can plant the plants that you have to pull out in a separate bowl.
Rotate the container of lettuce every few days. So it will develop evenly and will not turn out to be one-sided due to the fact that one side will be constantly in the sun, and the other will not.
Don't forget to water. It is needed on average every other day, although it all depends on the conditions. For example, in a warm room or on the southern windowsills on hot days, the earth will dry faster. Therefore, do not leave the salad unattended. At first, while the plants are very small and fragile, it is advisable to combine watering with spraying. Although after, especially in rooms with dry air, this procedure will benefit. In any case, it is better to use water at room temperature or a little warmer, always separated.
Top dressing is not needed if you immediately take high-quality store soil.
How to grow lettuce from a grocery store on a windowsill
The vegetable department often sells lettuce in pots. Due to the fact that plants have a root system, they stay fresh longer and store better. And after cutting the greenery, the plants can be planted and re-harvested from them.
Another crop can be harvested from store-bought lettuce in a pot / Photo: ArtSvetlana / ShutterstockWhen to plant a lettuce in a pot
You can give a plant a second life at any time of the year, the main thing is to create the right conditions.
How to plant lettuce in a pot
Cut off all lettuce leaves 1-2 cm from the ground. Carefully separate the pot. It is quite thin and brittle, so it can be cut with a sharp knife or scissors.
Place the roots in a bowl of settled water at room temperature.
When the new leaves are 4-5 cm long, plant the lettuce in a pot or container with an all purpose store soil.
How to care for lettuce in a pot
No problem. Just water the salad about every other day and spray frequently. No need to feed. This is enough to harvest another new crop.
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- How to feed seedlings to make them stronger
- Windowsill garden: how to grow vegetables, herbs and even strawberries at home
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planting and care in the open field, growing on the windowsill
Man needs vitamins throughout the year. And in winter and at the beginning of the spring period, he feels their shortage very sharply, as fresh greens and vegetables from his own garden disappear from the table. In order to avoid a deficiency of vitamins in the body, in the cold season, on a window or in a greenhouse, you can grow greens filled with the most valuable vitamins, for example, watercress, green onions or lettuce. At first glance, this may seem like a very difficult task, but in reality it is far from being the case. And with the advent of spring, such greens can be sown again in the garden. 9Ol000
- 5.1 When to plant
- 5.2 Sowing
Brief description of growing
- Planting . In open soil, early varieties are sown in April-May, and medium-term and late-ripening varieties are sown from April to the second half of June.
Still early ripe varieties are suitable for winter sowing, which is carried out in the last days of October or the first - November. For seedlings, lettuce is sown from April, while it is planted in open soil in May. If the lettuce is cultivated at room conditions, then you can sow it at any time.
- Illumination . Needs a lot of sunlight, which can be both bright and diffused.
- Primer . The land should be fertile, loose, moderately moist and contain a large amount of humus. Loamy, chernozem or calcareous soil with a pH of 6.0–7.0 is most suitable.
- Watering . On average, lettuce is watered once every 7 days in the evening or morning. As soon as heads of cabbage begin to form, watering is reduced. On hot days, watering is carried out at night.
- Fertilizer . Doesn't need supplements. All necessary fertilizers are applied to the soil during site preparation.
- Reproduction of .
- Harmful insects . Lettuce flies, lettuce stem aphids, white-banded grasshoppers and slugs.
- Diseases . White and gray rot, peronosporosis, powdery mildew and viral mosaic.
Features of lettuce
The correct name of the herbaceous plant lettuce is lettuce, it is considered a representative of the genus Lettuce of the Asteraceae family. Such a plant can be an annual, biennial or perennial. The name of this genus was formed from the Latin word lac, which translates as "milk", the fact is that the plant contains milky juice. Lettuce has several varieties: semi-head, leaf, head and Roman (romaine). Each of these varieties is very popular with gardeners of all countries.
First of all, basal leaf plates grow near a lettuce bush, and only then they form a flower-bearing stem, which is highly branched, its height can vary from 0.6 to 1.2 m. Red. Large, sessile, horizontal leaf blades are obovate, with a serrated, solid, or indented edge, and a wrinkled, corrugated, smooth, or curly surface. In head varieties, the leaf plates are closed, forming a head of a flat-round or rounded shape. On the underside there are bristles on the central vein. The inflorescence is a small cylindrical head, having a jug-shaped shape, it consists of small bisexual reed flowers of a pale yellow color, which, in turn, are collected in large numbers in panicle-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is a seed.
To date, scientists have not yet determined exactly how the salad came about. However, there is an opinion that it originated from compass lettuce, which is naturally found in North Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia, and also in Western and Southern Europe. Man began to cultivate lettuce even before our era. There is evidence that such a plant was grown in the ancient states of Greece, Egypt, China and Rome. Lettuce has been cultivated in Europe since the 16th century.
This culture is resistant to cold, as well as moisture and light-loving. For food, fresh leaves are used, which include a lot of minerals and vitamins. But as soon as the stem begins to grow, the taste of the leaf blades becomes bitter, and they can no longer be eaten.
Sowing lettuce for seedlings
When to sow for seedlings
Growing lettuce with seedlings is used in those regions where the spring is late and cold, or to obtain an early harvest. In the middle latitudes, as well as in the Moscow region, the seeds of such a plant can be sown directly in open ground. If the region is located to the north, then it will be more reliable to grow such a crop through seedlings.
Seeds can be sown in protected soil under foil or in boxes. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out when 30–35 days remain before the transplantation of seedlings into open soil. It is recommended to sow coated seeds, the fact is that they have a higher germination rate, and it is also more convenient to sow them. In case you bought simple seeds, then combine them with a little sand.
Seeding Rules
First prepare a suitable potting mix. To do this, mix high-quality humus soil, peat and sand (2: 1: 1). If there is an opportunity and desire, then buy a ready-made earthen mixture that can be found on the store shelf, Vegetable, Universal and Biogrunt are best suited. Sowing is recommended to be carried out in containers or boxes, but experienced gardeners advise using pressed peat cubes with a 40–50 mm edge for this.
Just before sowing, the seeds are immersed for 2–3 hours in a solution of pink potassium manganese. Then they are evenly distributed on the surface of the substrate, without embedding. If sowing is done in a box, then grooves must first be made in the soil mixture, into which the seeds are evenly placed, while they should be buried in the substrate by no more than 10 mm. If, as the seedlings grow, you want to pick them up, then the row spacing should be about 50 mm. But you can not dive seedlings, in this case it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 100 mm between rows. Crops need abundant watering, which must be carried out very carefully, then the container is covered with glass or film on top. Experts advise to remove seedlings in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 18 to 21 degrees. The first seedlings may appear after 3-4 days, immediately after that the temperature should be reduced by 3 or 4 degrees, otherwise the plant may begin to stretch.
If the bushes need picking, then it is carried out after 1 or 2 true leaf plates are formed on them. Seedlings are planted in open soil during the formation of 3 or 4 true leaf blades. But before they need to be hardened for 15 days. To do this, every day the seedlings are transferred to the street, while the duration of such a procedure should be increased gradually. Seedlings will harden completely after they can stay in the fresh air around the clock. If the lettuce is grown indoors, then it does not need to be hardened.
We sow lettuce for seedlings. Get it 2 weeks early
Watch this video on YouTube
Growing lettuce on a windowsill
Lettuce on a windowsill can be grown throughout the year. For sowing seeds, you can use pots with a volume of 1-2 liters or boxes. In the spring, they are placed in a well-lit place (a sunny window is perfect). In the cold season, the bushes will need additional illumination, for this they use phytolamps or fluorescent lamps, as a result, the daylight hours should be increased by 2–3 hours.
For growing lettuce on a window, the soil mixtures described above are well suited, but a substrate consisting of coconut fiber and vermicompost (2: 1) can also be used. Prepare the seed material in the same way as described above. Then take a container, lay a good layer of drainage on its bottom and fill it with a moist soil mixture, after which seeds are sown into it to a depth of 0.5–1 centimeter. After the crops are watered, they must be covered with glass (film) from above, and then put away in a dark place. The first seedlings should appear after 3-5 days, immediately after that the shelter is removed, and the container is moved to a well-lit place. It will be possible to pluck foliage for food after 5 to 10 plates form on the bushes. If you are going to store the cut leaves, then you should never wash them, otherwise rot will form on them.
When growing on a window, lettuce should be watered systematically once every 2–3 days. Particular attention should be paid to watering on hot days, because drying out the earthy clod causes faster formation of flower arrows, and because of this, an unpleasant bitter taste appears in the foliage. Seedlings grow well at a temperature of 16 to 20 degrees, but it also develops normally on a cool loggia (about 6-7 degrees). Such a plant can be harmed not only by cold, but also by excessive heat, as well as low air humidity, in connection with this, the bushes must be moistened every day from a sprayer. To moisten and water the salad, use well-settled water at room temperature.
In order for the lettuce to grow actively in room conditions, it will need to be fed in a timely manner. To do this, complex fertilizer in liquid form is applied to the soil mixture once every 7 days. Remember that this crop can accumulate nitrates, in this regard, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen introduced into the soil mixture. But it is best to use organic fertilizer for top dressing, for example, a solution of mullein (1:10).
How to grow lettuce at home
Watch this video on YouTube
Planting lettuce in open ground
When to plant
Since lettuce is a frost-resistant crop, seeds can be sown before winter immediately in open ground, do it in the last days of October or the first - November. In spring, early varieties are sown in April-May, late-ripening and medium-ripening varieties are sown from April to the second half of June. In order for the whole season to have a delicious fresh salad on your table, it can be sown regularly 1 time in 1–1.5 weeks until the second half of August.
The area suitable for cultivating this plant should be open and well lit. The soil in the selected area should be loose fertile with the necessary amount of trace elements and organic matter. The soil should be slightly alkaline or acidic (pH 6.0–7.0). Loamy, black earth, sandy and carbonate soil is well suited for growing lettuce. However, if the soil is heavy and clayey, then lettuce cannot be cultivated on it. Good predecessors of such a crop are zucchini, cucumbers, early cabbage and potatoes, while fertilizers had to be applied under them. Near the site with this plant, it is recommended to grow radishes, all types of cabbage and radishes, the fact is that these crops are often damaged by cruciferous fleas, but they do not tolerate salad. Lettuce can also be grown near crops such as peas, spinach, garden strawberries and tomatoes. It is also recommended to grow this culture near the beds with onions, as it is able to scare away aphids from the bushes. Lettuce can be cultivated on the same plot with a break of 2 years.
Preparing the site for planting or sowing lettuce should be done in advance. To do this, they dig it, while rotted manure or compost is introduced into the soil (10 liters per 1 square meter of land). In the spring, when you will loosen the soil before sowing or planting seedlings, you need to add 1 tsp to it. potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1-2 tbsp. l. tablespoons Mortar based on 1 square meter of land. If the soil is acidic, then Mortar should be replaced with 1-2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska, and also add 0.2 kg of dolomite flour per 1 square meter of land.
Before sowing, the seeds are combined with sand (2:1), then furrows are made in the moist soil with a depth of 0.5 to 1 cm with a row spacing of 15 to 20 centimeters. Seedlings appear already at a temperature of 5 degrees, but at a temperature of 20 degrees and above, seed germination worsens. After the mass appearance of seedlings, it will be necessary to thin them out, while for headed varieties the distance between the bushes should be from 10 to 15 centimeters, and for leafy ones - from 6 to 8 centimeters. Experts advise thinning seedlings in 2 stages.
When planting seedlings of compact early varieties, they resort to a scheme of 25x25 centimeters, but if the plants are large - 35x35 centimeters. Seedlings are planted in moist soil. After planting, check that the root neck of the bushes is slightly higher or flush with the surface of the site.
Sowing lettuce outdoors in early spring
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Caring for lettuce outdoors
bushes the surface of the soil. It is recommended to loosen the soil every time after rain or watering; during this procedure, all weeds must be removed from the garden.
When grown in open soil, bushes are watered regularly on average once every 7 days and do this in the evening or morning. When growing head varieties, it is recommended to water them along the rows, but the sprinkling method is better suited for leafy varieties. After the growth of heads of cabbage begins on the bushes, watering should be sharply reduced, otherwise there is a high probability of rot on the bushes. On hot days, to prevent the development of necrosis in lettuce, experts advise watering it at night. Remember that the frequency of watering is directly dependent on weather conditions.
When growing leaf varieties, it is enough to add all the necessary fertilizers when preparing the soil for planting, and then the bushes will not need to be fed. However, if the soil is depleted, then to obtain crisp lettuce foliage, plants should be fed with phosphorus, calcium, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Since head varieties grow longer than leaf varieties, they should be fertilized 1-2 times during the season. It is recommended to feed the bushes with organic matter, namely: a solution of bird droppings (1:20), fermented herbal infusion, biohumus or a solution of mullein (1:10). As a rule, the plant is fed at the same time as watering.
What to grow after lettuce?
In a plot previously cultivated with lettuce, it is recommended to grow tomatoes and peppers next season.
Growing lettuce from seeds in a greenhouse - KS 129 and KS 190
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Pests and diseases of lettuce
Lettuce diseases powdery mildew and virus mosaic. Remember that the bushes affected by any of the diseases must not be treated with chemical agents, the fact is that in this case substances dangerous to the human body will accumulate in the lettuce leaves.
Gray rot of lettuce
The fungus botrytis is the causative agent of gray rot, which damages foliage and shoots of bushes. On the surface of diseased bushes, necrotic spots of brown color are formed, gradually spreading from the bottom of the bush to the top. This disease develops best in wet and rainy weather. For the purposes of prevention, it is imperative to adhere to the rules of crop rotation, remove weeds, affected leaf plates from the site in time, and also be sure to clean it from plant debris in the autumn. In addition, it is possible to cultivate varieties that are highly resistant to gray rot, for example: Moscow greenhouse, Khrustalny or Maisky.
White rot
White rot also damages the aerial parts of the plant. The causative agents of this disease penetrate the foliage, which lies on the surface of the soil or is very close to it, after which it enters the petioles, and then into the shoots, as a result, light-colored watery spots form on their surface. On the surface of tissues affected by such rot, a white flaky coating of mycelium is formed. In order to prevent lettuce from being affected by such a disease, one must remember the rules of crop rotation. As soon as the affected bushes or foliage are found on the site, they must be removed and destroyed. In autumn, the site is cleared of plant residues or deep plowing is carried out. Remember that cultivating such a plant on heavy acidic soil is highly undesirable, and the amount of nitrogen in the ground must also be controlled.
Downy mildew
Even the aerial part of the bush can be affected by downy mildew (downy mildew). On the front surface of the diseased foliage, angular or blurry spots of almost yellow color are formed, at the same time, a white coating appears on the wrong side. As the disease progresses, the spots turn brown, and the affected foliage dries. The disease develops most actively at very high humidity, and if there is drip moisture. For the purpose of prevention, only healthy seed material is used for sowing, it is also necessary to strictly follow the rules of crop rotation. If it is assumed that the seeds may be infected, then it is recommended to treat them with a solution of TMTD (80%) before sowing. Avoid thickening of plantings, for this, be sure to adhere to the sowing scheme indicated above.
Edge burn
Edge burn is a rot that gradually spreads to the entire bush, which leads to its death. This disease begins to develop due to the fact that there are a lot of nutrients in the soil. For the purpose of prevention, one must remember about the alternation of crops on the site, correctly fertilize the soil (especially nitrogen), water the bushes in a timely manner, remove diseased plants from the site and burn diseased plants immediately after they are found, and clean it from plant residues in the fall.
Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew can infect heads, shoots and foliage of this crop. In the affected bush, development and growth becomes slower, and a powdery coating of white color forms on its surface. Most of all, such a disease damages the testes of this plant during the period of flowering and seed ripening. It develops most actively with sudden changes in temperature at night and daytime. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of crop rotation, cut off the affected foliage and heads of cabbage in time, and at the end of the growing season, be sure to remove plant debris from the site.
Lettuce pests
The lettuce fly, lettuce stem aphid, white-striped grasshopper and slugs are the most dangerous for this crop.
Lettuce fly
Lettuce fly has a length of about 0.7-0.8 cm. This insect injures the lettuce testicles, and its larvae feed on the seeds. Affected inflorescences become dark and do not open. After the larvae are seen on the bushes, they must be sprayed with a solution of Phosphamide, while strictly following the instructions. Inflorescences affected by such a fly must be removed from the site and burned.
Lettuce leaf aphid
Lettuce leaf aphid is very widespread. The body length of wingless insects varies from 1 to 2.5 millimeters, while in winged insects it is about 2 millimeters. The color of such a sucking insect can be dark gray or greenish gray, while they can settle on shoots, flowers and foliage. The parts of the plant affected by the insect lose their color, twist, and a mosaic color appears at the lower leaf plates. As a result, the bushes have a lag in development and growth. In autumn, such a pest moves to currants. In order to prevent and control aphids, bushes are recommended to be sprayed with infusion of dandelion leaves, onion husks or potato tops.
White-striped or slender filly
The slender or white-striped filly, which is a polyphagous pest of locusts, can also harm the lettuce. The length of the insect is 1.3–2.1 cm, it can be colored green, yellowish-gray or brown. Such a gnawing pest can harm the shoots and foliage of this crop. For the purpose of prevention, the site must be cleared of perennial weeds, especially wheatgrass. When the entire lettuce crop is harvested, the soil surface on the garden bed and plant residues must be treated with a solution of Karbofos, the site is cleaned the next day.
Naked slugs
Also, naked slugs often settle on the delicate foliage of such a plant, which are able to make large holes in it. Such pests are most active in the evening and at night, while in the daytime they hide in cool dampness in the shade of bushes or in foliage. In order to clear the area from such a pest, you will need to make traps. To do this, on the site in several places they dig in jars filled with beer. Slugs crawl to his smell, at this time they need to be collected and destroyed.
Types and varieties of lettuce
As mentioned above, lettuce would be more correctly called lettuce, it is a species of the genus lettuce. In this regard, if it says “types of lettuce”, then this is most likely due to the fact that below we will talk about one of the varieties of such a plant, for example: semi-headed, leafy, headed and Roman (romaine). When harvesting, the bush itself is not damaged, only its leaf plates are torn off, which can be carved (oak-leaved or dissected) or large solid (fan-shaped, oblong and triangular).
- Cricet . This early variety is heat tolerant and suitable for outdoor and protected cultivation. The ripening period is from 40 to 45 days. Its thin leaf plates have a greenish color with a yellowish tint. The mass of one bush is on average 0.25 kg.
- Emerald . This medium ripening variety is resistant to stalking and heat.
Very tasty dark green obovate leaf plates have a finely bubbled surface. The mass of one bush is about 60 grams, the variety differs in that it does not grow old on the vine for a long time.
- Ballet . The variety is resistant to shooting and lack of light, it is recommended to grow it in protected ground in spring and winter, and in open ground in summer. Crispy large leaf plates of a dark green color have a fan-shaped shape with a scalloped edge. The mass of one bush varies from 0.3 to 0.6 kg.
- Fun . The average term of maturing grade possesses resistance to stalking and diseases. Large deep red leaf plates have an oily texture. The average weight of a bush is about 0.2 kg.
- Sandwich . The variety is early maturing. Crispy and tender leaf plates of a greenish color have a wavy edge. On average, one plant weighs 0.18 kg. This variety is often used in the preparation of salads and sandwiches.
- Moscow greenhouse .
Such an early ripening variety is intended for cultivation in protected ground, the duration of its maturation is from 30 to 40 days. The length of large tender juicy leaf plates of a sweetish taste is about 18 centimeters, they are painted in a greenish color. The average weight of a bush is 0.1–0.2 kg. This variety is good because its foliage remains fresh for a long time and does not have a bitter aftertaste.
In addition to these varieties, the following are also widely cultivated: Tornado, Roblen, Dubachek, Dubrava, Lollo Rossa, Lollo San, Lollo Biondo, Lakomka, Korolevskiy, Kitezh, Crispy Vitamin, etc.
What sorts of lettuce do I grow this season
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Semi-headed lettuce
Semi-headed varieties look very similar to leaves, but their foliage is collected in small open heads. Most popular varieties:
- Odessa kucheryavets . The variety has a medium ripening period and is resistant to flowering.
A loose outlet in diameter reaches from 24 to 32 centimeters, it weighs an average of about 0.2 kg. Very tasty crispy green leafy plates are fan-shaped and have a corrugated edge.
- Eurydice . The variety of medium ripening has a compact semi-raised rosette, the height of which is up to 35 centimeters, and in diameter it reaches up to 33 centimeters. Delicious crispy large leafy plates are dark green and bubbly and have a wavy edge.
- Festival . The duration of ripening of such a mid-season variety is approximately 70 days. Its large round rosette weighs about 150 grams, it consists of greenish juicy and very tasty leaf plates.
- Berlin yellow . The variety has a medium-term ripening rosette of a rounded shape, which weighs about 0.2 kg, and in diameter reaches about 30 centimeters. The structure of the outlet includes pale yellow leaf plates.
- Kucheryavets Gribovsky . The mid-early variety is disease resistant.
A loose socket weighs between 0.25 and 0.47 kg. Juicy crispy very tasty large foliage of rich green color has a fan-shaped shape with a finely corrugated edge.
Still very widely cultivated varieties such as: Kado, Kamennye heads, Grand Rapids, Azart, Admiral and others. The scientific name of this variety is "cripsheads", which translates as "crunchy heads", this is due to the fact that the foliage of such varieties is very crispy. This variety was born in the twenties of the 20th century thanks to California farmers.
- Iceberg . The variety is characterized by high yield and resistance to bolting. The duration of its maturation is 75–90 days. Delicious bubble-shaped leaf plates have a wavy edge and stay fresh for a long time. The average weight of heads of cabbage is from 0.3 to 0.6 kg.
- Great Lakes . This late high yielding crunchy variety is resistant to bloom and scorch. The ripening period is about 85 days.
A large head of round shape has a closed top, dark green leaves are similar in shape to oak.
- Attraction . Productive grade of average term of maturing. The composition of the high rosette includes oily greenish triangular leaf plates, slightly wavy along the edge. One head weighs on average about 0.23–0.26 kg.
- Four seasons . Such an average ripening period, the variety is intended for cultivation both in protected and open ground, the heads are of medium size. The inner leaf plates are greenish-yellow, and the outer ones are bronze-red. Delicious leafy plates are oily and tender.
- Design . The mid-late high-yielding variety is resistant to stalking. In diameter, the heads on average reach about 0.2 m. Very tasty crispy green leafy plates of medium size are bubbly and round-flat in shape, they are wavy along the edge with small cuts in the upper part. The average head weight is 0.5–0.65 kg.
Varieties are also very popular among gardeners: Khvorost, Petrovich, Argentinas, Papiro, Khrustalny, Yadkho, Kucheryavets Semko, Buru, Umbrinas, Platinas, Opal, Aficion, etc.
Romaine or Romaine lettuce
Romaine or Romaine lettuce forms an elongated head. The root of such a plant is represented by a branched rod, the upper foliage of the head has a bright green color, and the inner one is pale yellow. Popular varieties:
- Paris Green . Medium ripening variety resistant to cold and heat. From the moment the seedlings appear, the head is formed after 84–90 days. Not very dense head in diameter reaches 32–39centimeters, and it weighs 0.2–0.3 kg. Sweetish juicy and crunchy leaf plates of a dark green color with a bluish tint are up to 13 centimeters wide and about 27 centimeters long.
- Legend . The variety appeared relatively recently, it is resistant to downy mildew, bolting and edge burn. The compact medium-sized green head consists of blistered foliage.
- Remus . A productive late variety with a loose closed head of elongated oval shape, the average weight of which is about 0.
43 kg. Bubbly dense medium-sized leaf plates have a dark green color and an elliptical shape.
- Canister . This late variety forms a loose oval-elongated head, reaching about 12 centimeters in diameter, its height is up to 25 centimeters, and its average weight is 0.3–0.35 kg. The color of the foliage is greenish.
- Roman . The variety has an average ripening period and is resistant to bacteriosis and septoria. The length of the obovate elongated leaf blades is about 26 centimeters, they have a barely distinguishable fine-mesh, slightly fibrous structure and a slightly torn serrated edge. The average density of oval-elongated heads in diameter reaches up to 14 centimeters, their height is about 25 centimeters, and they weigh 0.29-0.35 kg.
The following varieties are also cultivated: Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Sukrain, Dendi, Veradarts, Sovskiy and others. The most early variety of Lue Leaf: this leaf lettuce ripens in 25 days. The duration of maturation of varieties Kholodok, Lollo Rossa, Robin, Moscow greenhouse and Dubachek is about 35 days. The average ripening period of the varieties Vitaminny, Green Peak, Sunshine are formed in 45 days, they allow you to remove two crops from the site during one season. Varieties Rubin and Gurman are medium-late, they ripen about 55 days. Such varieties as Green Manul, Rhapsody, Odessa Kucheryavets, Vitamin and Moscow Greenhouse do not have bitterness.
Lettuce varieties: arugula, lolla biondo, spinach, Parisian ...
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Properties of lettuce: harm and benefit
Medicinal properties of lettuce
participates in the metabolic processes of the body, as well as in the activity of the nervous system and in hematopoiesis. Only spinach contains more salt than lettuce. It contains trace elements such as zinc, molybdenum, titanium, iodine, boron, copper, cobalt and manganese. The foliage also contains potassium, calcium, silicon, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur, which plays the role of an oxidizing agent and, together with silicon and phosphorus, maintains the epidermis and tendons in good condition, and also promotes rapid hair growth. Even in the foliage there is vitamin C and A, as well as resins, alkaloids and bitterness, they are distinguished by a calming, expectorant and diuretic effect.
Iron plays a very important role in the human body, therefore it is extremely important that there is a systematic replenishment of its reserves. And lettuce contains quite a lot of iron. The accumulation of this element occurs in the spleen and liver, and then, if necessary, the body uses it, for example, with a large blood loss to form red blood cells. The plant also contains magnesium, which stimulates the work of nerves, muscles and the brain. Organic salts play the role of a building material for new cells of the lung tissue and nerve cells, and they also improve blood circulation.
Lettuce is used as a dietary product recommended for diabetics and sedentary people because it has a sedative effect and improves digestion. It is also recommended to eat it for people aged who have suffered a serious illness.
An infusion of lettuce seeds increases lactation, and homeopathic preparations based on lettuce juice are used for heart diseases. An infusion is also prepared from fresh leaves, it helps with liver diseases, insomnia, chronic gastritis and hypertension. Regular consumption of lettuce also normalizes fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which is the prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity and hypertension.
GREEN SALAD - BENEFIT AND HARM / useful properties of lettuce, lettuce leaves,
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Contraindications diseases accompanied by dyspepsia. You should also refrain from using it in case of acute gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, phosphaturia and oxaluria.
