Laws against growing your own food

Is it illegal to grow your own food? An attorney explains

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(Image credit: Future/Mark Bolton)

It is easy to see the appeal behind growing your own food but is it illegal? Homegrown produce undeniably tastes better than veg from the store – but the process does come with legalities – depending on your location. 

So, before experimenting with backyard farming or even vegetable garden ideas, you may need to double-check the rules around growing vegetables and other edibles in your state – or even your city. Here, seasoned attorneys share what you need to know about seeding.   

(Image credit: Future / Mathia Coco)

Is it legal to grow food and vegetables in the US?

'The most important place to start is with the recognition that by and large, one will find different laws depending upon which State (and local municipality) one lives in,' explains S. Z. Cohn, Esq, a partner of Cohn Legal in New York. 

'Indeed, while the sale of food (at least, in a meaningful amount) is governed on the Federal level by the FDA, the mere growing of food and certainly for one's consumption is far more localized,' he explains. Therefore, it's vital to check your local state guidelines before venturing into any large or small vegetable garden ideas. 

According to Abraham, laws surrounding produce cultivation are typically concerned with the type of vegetable you are growing and the location (for example, your front or backyard). They also cover the amount of produce and (in more unusual cases) the extent to which it may interfere with city property. 

'Some of the legal considerations are functional and health-related while others are more cosmetic in nature (for example, does this pumpkin patch take away from the look and feel of the neighborhood),' 

(Image credit: Future/Leigh Clapp)

Do you need permission to grow vegetables?

'As a rule, you don't need any permission to grow vegetables in your garden. However, there may be some exceptions depending on where you live,' emphasizes International Law Attorney Dmitriy Kondratiev . For example, Dmitry explains that in some cities, you may need to get permission from your local council before you can start growing food. This is worth noting if you're working with vegetable garden container ideas in an urban setting. 

'If you're not sure whether or not you need permission, it's always best to check with your local authority,' the attorney adds.

(Image credit: Mark Bolton/Future PLC)

What are the rules around greenhouses?

A greenhouse may seem like a great solution if you're looking for a way to raise young vegetables and sow seeds at an early point of the year. However, Dmitry warns that some greenhouse ideas come with extra precautions. He warns that greenhouses can be counted as an unpermitted temporary structure in some states, so it is better to remind yourself of local rules before investing in the structure.  

What about water consumption? 

Water consumption can be another problem for gardeners, depending (once again) on where you live. 'Water restrictions are in place in certain areas owing to high population density and a scarcity of water resources,' Dmitry explains. 'These are particularly widespread in states with more desert regions, such as Nevada, southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico.' 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How much food can you grow in your backyard? 

'As long as you grow the fruits and vegetables for personal use, there is no limit to how much food you can grow in your backyard,' Dmitry explains. However, there is a quirk to watch out for. According to the expert, in some states, you are not allowed to sell the produced food without a farmer's permit, so it may be worth enjoying your produce in your home exclusively.

'So, as long as you do not grow the vegetables at an industrial scale and the amount of grown food is adequate for your family size, you should be fine,' Dmitry says.  

Whether you're playing with vegetable garden trellis ideas or you're looking into a new greenhouse, it is always worth checking regulations to ensure you continue with ease – wherever you are. 

Anna Cottrell is Consumer Editor across Future Plc Home titles. She has a background in academic research and is the author of London Writing of the 1930s. She writes about interior design, property, and gardening .On H&G, she specializes in writing about property – buying, selling, renting, mortgages – sustainability and eco issues.

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Is it illegal to Grow Your Own Food

Is it illegal to Grow Your Own Food | Kellogg Garden Organics™




Many of us are concerned right now about the availability and safety of fresh food across our nation. Most of us live in states that are now mandated to shelter in place or stay safe at home, many people who have never had a garden or grown any kind of food for themselves, are considering doing just that. Some of you may be concerned about whether or not it is legal to grow your own food. The short answer is, it is absolutely legal to grow your own food, and there has never been a better time to start!

But first, a little History.

We all know that farming/gardening is one of the world’s oldest professions. In order for humankind to exist, we had to eat and that meant before villages, towns, cities, and worldwide commerce, people grew their own. Fast forward to now, when the vast majority of the world’s population purchases rather than grows their own food. To look at it through a more modern historical lense, let’s recall the Victory Gardens from World War I and World War II.

Okay, so I know I can grow my own food, but are there limitations?

Depending on your municipality, there are certain limitations to growing your own food, but with a little creativity, everyone can do it!  Whether you live in a small town, a suburb or a high rise in a large urban setting, there are many gardening options available for you. Some of these include:

If none of these options are available to you, as long as you have a sunny window and a countertop or table, you can grow your own food indoors! Tabletop gardening can provide a surprising harvest of leafy greens, and even small tomato plants, and most definitely herbs! If you are lacking window space you can take your indoor garden further with grow lights.

I have never grown my own food, what are some of the best things for me to grow?

Focus on the necessities. Begin by growing the basics that provide the option for both immediate consumption as well as things that can or freeze easily for later use. While the list below is not comprehensive, it offers a good cross section of garden staples that will give you a lot of flexibility:

I know what I want to grow and where, what about watering?

Water is essential to any garden, but is not always a readily available resource. People often have questions about rain barrels or the rules and regulations on water capturing and reuse. These questions are best answered by doing your research locally. Water laws vary from state to state and even from municipality to municipality. Some states are so restrictive, you are not even allowed to capture rain from your personal property in any capacity, while others have very few restrictions. Once you learn your limitations, reusing rainwater is a wonderful way to keep your garden healthy. The most popular way to do this is with rain barrels (available at your local garden supply store and many online locations). If your space is too small or not conducive to rain barrels, even setting empty buckets out for rain capture will do!

I don’t just want to grow fruits or vegetables, what are some other popular options for growing my own food?

Second only to growing your own garden, is raising your own chickens. Backyard chickens have become increasingly popular across the country and many locations now have a wealth of information and resources for those interested in it. Some locations are even witnessing a surge in raising ducks and quail as well. All of these options are great ways to provide you and your family with fresh eggs daily. Raising your own chickens requires a lot of upfront work to establish your coop and doing your research on the birds you want may take some time, but once you have done the legwork, it pays off! Always start by checking with your local regulations.

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What about bees?

Beehives are another popular option for growing your own food (who doesn’t love fresh honey?), and while subject to more restrictions and certainly subject to space restrictions, it can be a beneficial addition to any home garden.  There are endless resources available for beginning your own hives, don’t be afraid to research and find out what might work for you!

As we face uncertain times, the power of growing our own food no matter how big or small, offers us the comfort and satisfaction of providing for ourselves while nourishing our bodies. Don’t be afraid to explore your options and get started, there has never been a better time!

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Terrible law! In the US, it was forbidden to keep a garden and eat your own organic food (+Video)


Prohibition of food production as a suppression of democracy in the USA. “U.S. Senate Agricultural Bill S-510, passed in June 2010, prohibits growing, sharing, exchanging, or selling produce grown on a garden plot under threat of criminal liability. It also tells American farmers what to plant, how much, and how to grow. nine0003

This bill is issued under the title of the Farmed Food Safety Control Act. The owner of a private garden can get into trouble and become a lawbreaker for growing ordinary tomatoes.

“People are calling the studio from all over,” says Glenn Beck, “and complaining about this nightmare. Farmers call, and even gardeners.

Tell me, is it true?

"Absolutely true," says Debbie Stockton, chairman of the National Independent Consumer Farmers Association. nine0003

Tim Whiteman, owner of a small dairy farm, explains: “Raising livestock, according to the bill, and the production of dairy products is a potential risk, especially milk. If I do not obey the government's instructions and regulations, I may be locked up and my cows confiscated."

In the USA it is forbidden to grow food in gardens and sell them... Not mine, USA, Corporations, Food, Monopolists, Video, Long post, Politics

"Tell me, who benefits from this?" Beck asks. "Big farms and corporations," Debbie Stockton confirms. nine0003

Well, the greed of corporations is understandable.

But what does the government have to do with it? Indeed, in the United States, a department of horticultural control has already been created. The police have the right to check what an American homeowner is growing in his backyard.

And the government is here to control each and every American. Today, the financial elite instigated the Occupy Wall Street movement, and tomorrow, free-spirited Americans may rise up against the system in arms. nine0003

And the most effective way to deal with them is to starve them to death. It will be enough for corporations to stop supplying food to supermarkets. But Uncle Sam wants to make sure that the disgruntled population has no food left even in his own garden. Therefore, sharing food with neighbors, treating friends to their harvest, as in the good old days, is considered a crime in America today.

The Bill went into effect, and the results were not long in coming. Regional authorities sued a farmer for growing too many vegetables. Check out Channel 2's news report from Georgia. nine0003

“The DeKalb County, Georgia Regional Court convicted Steve Miller of growing too many vegetables. According to the regional court marshal, the turnover of growing organic vegetables has become too large for the farmer's 2-acre plot.

“It's my passion,” Steve says.

— And unfortunately my passion got me into trouble and I don't understand why.

Miller has been growing vegetables for 15 years. He treats them to friends, neighbors, sometimes pays contractors with vegetables, and also sells them at local peasant markets. Steve Miller faces a fine of up to $5,000." Later, the trial ended not in favor of Steve Miller. He had to pay a fine. nine0003

Americans were shocked by a video recorded by a security camera at a natural organic food cooperative grocery store in Los Angeles, California.

The police carried out a raid to seize several gallons of milk from a small private farm. Look at these footage. The picture looks as if the police entered a drug production facility or an illegal weapons warehouse. The cops are moving with weapons at the ready, as if someone is about to offer them armed resistance. And at this time, frightened, not understanding what is happening, the sellers are probably trembling with fear somewhere in the back room. nine0003

This video posted on Youtube caused outrage in millions of Americans. "Don't the police have more serious business than bullying a couple of frightened salesmen?" many commentators ask the question. According to numerous eyewitnesses, the police poured the seized milk onto the pavement in the presence and in front of a group of homeless people.

- There was a loud knock on the gate at the back of the store.

- I asked what's going on? They replied, "We have a search warrant." nine0003

- and they pointed their guns at us.

- I was scared. I couldn't understand what was happening.

- peasant meat, milk, cheese, herbs, eggs, honey...

- these clean and healthy foods make me feel good.

Fresh Produce Club Store located in Venice, California. New members of the club sign a document stating that they want to buy just such food. That's the point of this store, explains director James Stewart, that the food is not pasteurized, homogenized or processed in any way. nine0003

Agents sampled food from this Sao Paulo farm that supplies the store. With her, the saga began with a search of the store. Sharon Palmer, with her three sons, runs the farm, which has been monitored by state police organizations for several years.

- my children stood and watched me being handcuffed. They took me to jail.

Palmer spent the night in the Ventura County Jail but was not charged.

The point is not only that corporations want the world's population to consume only their products, but that they do not want to see people free and independent in their choice. They want to control our lives from all sides. nine0003

Now a few words about the state of the farmers' markets themselves. Many of them cannot even be called farmers, because under this sign agricultural corporations often sell their genetically modified products. You can bargain with the farmer, as well as get weight with a hike.

At most farmers' markets in California, Nevada, Arizona, products have price tags like in a supermarket, and when trying to bargain, the sellers open their eyes wide, not understanding what they are talking about. nine0003

Any attempt by people in the US to return to their agricultural roots is severely suppressed by the police. Twice I had a chance to personally observe how the police literally smashed private vegetable markets. Boxes of vegetables and fruits were turned upside down or spilled onto the roadway.

Here is another example of the new law in action. Julia Bass, a resident of Oak Park, Michigan, faces a 93-day prison sentence.

Her crime is growing vegetables on her property. According to city planning department spokesman Kevin Rulkowski, her plants were not planted according to the generally accepted code. nine0003


5 reasons why you should not grow vegetables and fruits

someone is happy to accept a free harvest, while someone is categorically against it. This collection contains arguments why you need to stop wasting your time and effort on maintaining a garden.

Veronika Netsova

empathized with those who do not know what to do with the harvest

Author profile

Reason #1

Relatives will remember your garden with a shudder until the end of their lives

Olga Egorova

buys, not grows

Throughout my childhood, from year to year, my parents and grandmother planted everything in the country, including potatoes. And every year there were so many cucumbers that my mother, when she came to the dacha, did nothing but pickle them for the winter.

Every time they weeded, dug and watered all this, they pretended that it was really a very necessary and heavy burden. In addition, they were presented that no one was helping them. But the next year, everything was repeated - seedlings, digging, planting, watering, weeding, collecting, cooking and the need to carry it all home through traffic jams. nine0003

I still don't understand why I had to work so hard. Especially bother with potatoes, a kilogram of which costs a penny.

It pissed me off that behind this bunch of vegetables and fruits there was always the phrase “you love to eat this, but you don’t help us with anything in the country”. In fact, I really loved something, but something just had to be destroyed so that it would not deteriorate. After I grew up and saw the prices for the season on the market, I don’t understand at all why it was necessary to fool around like that. Cucumbers and tomatoes cost 50 R per kg, peppers - 60 R. And this is in Moscow. I'm sure if you look for places, you can find cheaper ones. nine0003

Now, if someone gives me something, I take it and basically put it to good use. For example, I make marshmallows or mashed potatoes from apples. This year, for the first time, my husband and I prepared ratatouille and lecho for the winter.

Reason #2

Your own is not always tastier

Anastasia Atmanskikh

knows how to refuse tons of potatoes and jam

I don't care, sometimes they give me something, but I take it according to my mood. But my "favorite" is when, due to their greed, zucchini are grown to almost a meter in size and hard bones, instead of picking them up when they are normal size and tasty. nine0003

In general, it's good that I fly to relatives by plane and only with hand luggage - there is always an official reason to refuse potatoes and tons of jam.

Reason #3

Everything is easier to buy

Anastasia Tsilke

suffers from flashbacks

I remembered my childhood with this “must”, even Vietnamese flashbacks rolled up. Since then, I hate all these vegetable gardens, weeding, planting. It’s easier for me to buy, and no arguments like “my own is tastier” work for me. nine0003

When they give vegetables or fruits, I mostly take them, if I understand what I will eat, they are given from a pure heart and a lot of effort has been invested in their cultivation. But if I understand that I will definitely not find a use for them, I honestly answer that we will throw it all away one hundred percent, we will not eat it. Usually there are no questions and they are not forced into it.

Reason #4

Your products will not be used for their intended purpose

Elena Elen

could not refuse jam

It was a long time ago. Being in the eighth month of pregnancy and with a four-year-old daughter in my arms, I went to visit my distant relatives, whom I visited infrequently. At parting, they literally sold me a three-liter jar of jam. At first, I refused for a long time, saying that I don’t like sweets, and it’s hard to bear. But they sucked her in by force. Leaving the entrance, I left the jar on the bench. Well, I couldn't shove it. I hope the jam has found its target audience.

Reason #5

Usually the harvest is many times more than a person is able to eat nine0106

Yaroslav Akimov

empathized with parents in childhood

What a personal story this is, comrades. The nineties are in the yard. My dad is not much older than today's me, state employee. Mom is a teacher, and they have two more mouths - me and my brother.

Father is given a plot at work, and he begins to comprehend parthenocarpic cucumbers and remontant strawberries with blight-resistant potatoes. Well, what else to study in the nineties for a graduate of the Shchepkinsky school.

Every weekend he disappears at the site and from late spring to the end of autumn he carries 20-40 kilograms on himself by train and hand cart. nine0003

Every time I watch how my mother is busy with this crop for half a week, how my father carries these loads on the ridge, and I feel incredibly sorry for them.

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