Japanese garden drawings
5 Types of Authentic Japanese Garden Design You Should Know
by Anika Ogusu | LIFESTYLE© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Karesansui Dry Landscape Garden
Japanese gardens are renowned for their transcendent beauty. The classical Zen garden, for example, is praised for its purity and meditative spirituality. Its transformative quality is by no means an accident; Japanese gardens are meticulously designed and carefully crafted down to every single element. Their distinct styles are in fact exceedingly varied and reveal a deep connection to Japan’s history and culture.
Anika Ogusu is a passionate gardener with a special interest in Japanese gardens. She is also the founder of Real Japanese Gardens, which is the most comprehensive online source for everything to do with Japanese gardens. Definitely worth your time to check it out!
Here is the low down on 5 of the most important types of traditional Japanese garden design and the elements that you will find in each. A little background to these styles will really enhance your understanding next time you visit a Japanese garden!
1. Dry Landscape Garden
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Ryoanji
The dry landscape garden (枯山水 Karesansui) is the best known type of Japanese garden type and is often called Zen garden. While monks do use them when practicing Zen, meditation more commonly takes place in groups in large rooms, often with no window.
Dry landscape gardens lack one elements that ties together all other styles of Japanese garden: the water. Water is instead replaced by gravel, giving the impression of a dry ocean or river. While people tend to focus on the stone settings of a dry landscape garden, the skill of the person who creates such a garden is more accurately reflected by the empty space between the stone groups. It is called yohaku no bi – the beauty of empty space.
Dry landscape gardens are famous for using only gravel and rocks, although in fact this is not quite true. In many dry gardens, plants play an important role.
The first pure dry landscape gardens were built during the politically very turbulent Muromachi period (1336 - 1573). Since that time, some popular patterns and styles have developed for the layout out of the stones, known as Ishigumi (石組み).
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Stone Triad
Sanzon-ishigumi, the stone triad, is perhaps the most popular stone setting in Japanese garden design, representing a deity-stone in the middle with two supporters on either. This arrangement is generally used in a religious context.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Shichigosan
The Shichi-go-san (7-5-3) arrangement is another famous stone setting. A good example is the dry landscape garden of Ryoan-ji in Kyoto.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Yodomari
Yodomari stone arrangements are created by placing rocks in a line in a pond in front of an island. The stones represent ships anchoring there and waiting for treasures, which can be gathered on the island.
You don’t have to be in Japan to visit some stunning traditional Japanese gardens. Check out these 12 Stunning Gardens in the US.
2. Study Garden
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Shoinzukuri Teien Study Garden
This type of garden is one of the oldest in Japan, and is still common today. Unlike most other types, the study garden (書院造庭園Shoinzukuri Teien) isn’t designed for visitors to wander around, but rather to enjoy it from the study, like a painting. The most common layout for a Study garden begins with a pond nearest to the visitor, with the garden leading the view up an incline beyond. Bridges are often placed on one side of the pond while both stone settings and small shrubs are arranged in various locations on the garden slope. Some of the stonework you may see include lanterns, pagodas and statuary.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Stone Lantern
Kasuga-style lanterns (灯籠 Toro) are the most common type and can be found in almost every traditional Japanese garden. The firebox is hexagonal with two openings and carvings of deer. These lanterns stand on a single solid pillar.
Snow-viewing lanterns stand on three or four legs next to a pond. The big umbrella is perfect to catch the falling snow and present it as a soft white hat to the carefully watching eye.
A famous lantern style, but not so frequently employed in Japanese garden design, is the Rankei lantern. The firebox is placed on an overhanging pillar and placed over a pond or stream.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Pagoda
Pagodas (石塔 Sekito) became a more popular design element from the Edo period. They are normally placed on a hill, half covered by shrubs and standing under trees, to recreate the sense of the pagodas constructed throughout the mountains of Kyoto.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Buddha Statue
In the west, statues of Buddha are sometime used as decoration. In Japan however stone Buddha statues (石仏 Sekibutsu) would only be used in gardens connected to a museum or a temple. Sometimes Buddhist deities are displayed on stone plates in a hidden corner of a strolling garden.
3. Strolling Garden
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Kayushiki Teien Strolling Garden
Most strolling gardens (回遊式庭園 Kayushiki Teien) were constructed during the Edo period (1603 – 1868) by daimyo (feudal lords) and are therefore sometimes known as daimyo gardens.
The gardens of the Edo period reflected the peace in the country: very soft shorelines, un-dramatic stone settings, and softly curved hills. These types of Japanese gardens often recreate scenes from history and myth, both from within Japan, but also from China. The design of these daimyo gardens reflected the wealth and intellectual prowess of the garden’s owner.
As these gardens were nearly always arranged around a central pond, or lake for the very well-to-do, bridges were an essential element of the design.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Curved Bridge
Curved bridges were commonly used in Heian period palace gardens about a thousand years ago, where boat parties would be held on the ponds. The bridges needed to be curved, so that boats were able to pass underneath them. Today these curves are no longer necessary, but survive as a popular decorative motif.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Stone Bridge
Stone bridges come in various shapes: slightly curved, as one whole block or as two blocks parallel to each other with only a small overlap in the middle. Stone bridges are made of hewn rock and are used to span shorter distances.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Zigzag Bridge
Despite some rumors, zigzag bridges are not constructed to prevent demons from crossing. In fact zigzag bridges have their origin in a compilation of poems about a man crossing the eight branches of a iris-strewn river. For this reason zigzag bridges are commonly used in gardens where many irises grown. Larger zigzag bridges also enable the visitor to take different perspectives from which to view the garden.
One great strolling garden that was certainly not commissioned by a Daimyo is the Portland Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon. You can find out all about it in our Complete Guide.
4. Tea Garden
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Tea Garden
Japanese tea gardens (茶庭 Chaniwa or 露地 Roji) are always connected to a tearoom or tea house and are an integral part of the tea ceremony.
The garden is an important instrument for the guests’ mental preparation. Walking from the entrance of the garden towards the tea room, guests purify themselves through various rituals in order to achieve the right mindset for the coming ceremony.
A typical tea garden has one or more gates, waiting shelters, a toilet, stepping stones, a water basin (tsukubai), a waste hole and mostly evergreen, non-flowering plants.
Japanese garden designs relies on a variety of different trees and shrubs, but one particular distinguishing feature is the extensive use of moss.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Pine Trees
The mostly commonly seen trees are the black pine, red pine, and the Japanese maple. Other evergreen shrubs, which can be found in almost every Japanese garden are the Camellia, Podocarpus macrophyllus, Japanese pieris, Mahonia japonica and the Satsuki-Azalea.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Moss
Several varieties of mosses are cultivated with the most common type being the sugi-goke, a Polytrichum variety. Lately, Racomitrium canescens is becoming more and more popular.
5. Courtyard Garden
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Tsuboniwa Courtyard Garden
Gardens within the walls of a residence or in a small, enclosed space beside them, are known as Courtyard Gardens or Tsuboniwa (坪庭).
This type of Japanese garden first appeared during the Heian era (794 – 1192). During these times women were often given a name that referred to a specific plant which grew in the tsuboniwa next to her quarter.
As houses grew bigger courtyard gardens also took on the function of regulating the temperature and airflow in the home during the long hot summers. Various water features were particularly effective for this, and are used in many types of Japanese garden.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Tsukubai
A tsukubai is a hand washing basin composed of several elements that is commonly used in Japanese tea gardens. There is a basin in the middle with two stones on either side. A stepping stone path usually leads towards a large flat stone in front of the basin on which to stand. Water flows into the basin through a bamboo tube, and a lantern at the back of the basin helps to guide the guest towards it.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Suikinkutsu
The Suikinkutsu is a popular, almost musical, feature of a garden. A jar is buried upside-down in the ground and covered with cobblestones. As water drips through a hole in the bottom of the jar and hits the standing water in its top, it makes a sound like a harp.
© Anika Ogusu, Real Japanese Gardens, Shishiodoshi
The shishiodoshi is sometimes known abroad as a deer-scarer. A bamboo pipe is balanced like a seesaw under a source of flowing water. One end of the bamboo pipe is open and one is closed. When the open end fills with water, the extra weight causes it to snap down. It makes a very pleasant soft crack as it tips back into place.
Japanese gardens feature a large variety of unique elements and styles. Which are your favorite? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out Real Japanese Gardens where you can find downloadable ebooks on all aspects of Japanese garden design.
June 21, 2018 | Lifestyle, Craft, Japanese Gardens
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von 100How to create a Japanese garden in the country with your own hands. Japanese style in landscape design
- 1 A little history
- 2 features, the principles and layout of the Asian garden landscape on the suburban area
- 3 The concept of style
- 3.1 Tsubo 9000. landscape
- 3.4 Suitable plants
- 3.5 Additional decorative elements
The Japanese are true masters of creating cozy and stylish courtyards where people feel peace, tranquility and harmony with the outside world. To do this, they use several basic principles and concepts. You can create a Japanese-style garden design yourself. To do this, you just need to observe the features of the layout and use of decorative elements.
A bit of history
The design of a Japanese courtyard is primarily associated with harmony and peace. These principles have been honed over several centuries, so today you can safely take them into service. nine0003
For the first time the concept of "garden" was described in the documents of the 8th century BC. Wealthy people could afford to organize a recreation area that did not provide for artificial fences. Then objects began to be added inside to facilitate movement around the area. So there were paths, then small architectural forms.
Servants kept the rest areas clean. Gradually, they began to be entrusted with more complex tasks - for example, to ennoble the territory. During one of the dynasties, painting was popular. And gardeners began to try to create pictures with the help of plants. nine0003
Over time, excessive splendor was replaced by brevity. Harmonious minimalism has become defining in the modern Japanese style that is so popular today.
Peculiarities, principles and layout of the Asian garden landscape on a country plot
Even at the stage of project development, the basic principles of design should be taken into account. Each garden object carries a certain semantic load and must be in harmony with the rest.
A few important things to remember:
- Simplicity and maximum atmosphere. The design should be such that at one glance at the garden landscape, a person feels harmony. The minimalistic style allows you to instantly move into the traditional Japanese atmosphere.
- Naturalness is one of the key factors. The Japanese are sure that nature is perfect in itself, so there is no need to create anything superfluous. You can only bring it to perfection.
- Asymmetrical arrangement. Japan loves disproportionate garden objects. Therefore, even plants are sheared unevenly. This allows you to give the site even more naturalness. nine0006
- One of the basic ornaments of a Japanese-style garden is a pond.
Often it is the center of the composition, from which they repel.
- Superstitious Japanese are sure that the number of any objects must be odd. It is up to you to decide whether to follow this rule.
- The color solution should be as natural as possible. Give preference to green and its various shades. No bright colors should be.
- Garden paths in this style are something special. They not only zone the space, but are also a real work of art. nine0006
- The garden should be hidden from prying eyes, because its main purpose is peace and solitude.
The concept of style
Several main directions are taken as the basis for the design of the site, each of which will be considered separately.
This term is translated from Japanese as a small area of about 3.5 square meters. The small garden used to be located in tiny courtyards. It could be made even in the interior, if there was no other possibility. nine0003
Because the conditions were not easy, gardeners chose plants that could adapt to them.
Grass and flowers, which cannot live without the sun, immediately fell off. But the moss took root well, which felt great in the shade.
The ground could be completely covered with stones, and only in the center of the composition was a site left for plants or shrubs.
Now the lack of lighting can be easily compensated by artificial light. You can also use mirrors, which, moreover, visually enlarge the space. This option can be easily implemented in the country, as well as in the house itself, if space permits. nine0003
Stone beauty in the garden
The Japanese rock garden is a separate direction, which is known to many. What makes it popular is its unique, memorable style and strict minimalism, which is now in fashion.
For the Japanese, the stone garden is a symbol of the eternal search for immortality. It is also a kind of mediator between people and God. Stones have always been worshiped as living creatures, they were told about their troubles and asked for help. That is why, in garden design, stones are not just a soulless material, but rather an object of admiration. nine0003
An uninitiated person may think that they are arranged randomly, in an arbitrary order, but this is not so.
The placement principle assumes that the largest boulder, symbolizing the top of Mount Horai, will be located in the center of the site. Another mountain - Sumi - should be personified by a composition of 3 smaller stones, which are installed on a hill or not far from a reservoir. Figures resembling a crane and a turtle are also laid out.
Experiment with the size and shape of the boulders. Choose not artificially processed, but more natural options. For example, stones with moss, any holes. They can be found on the banks of a river or lake. nine0003
For a more natural arrangement, they are slightly tilted in relation to the ground, and then sprinkled with sand. They should all be about the same color. Dark stones look good in combination with white sand.
Do not place too many boulders in one place. And even more so, you should not create a pyramid. There should be enough free space between them. You can fill this space with crushed gravel and sand.
Water element in the landscape
The Japanese attach special, almost superstitious meaning to water objects. For them, it is a symbol of life, because it is the personification of the feminine. In water, peace and movement are combined at the same time. All forms should be extremely natural, so a classic fountain will not work here. The most commonly used objects are a pond, a stream, a small waterfall:
- Ponds are suitable for decorating large spaces. Their shape should not be even, they may have rounded banks, depressions. The water is at the same level as the edge of the shore. nine0006
- Stream needs less area. It can be both calm and with a strong current.
- The waterfall is used in gardens of various sizes. There are small designs (portable) and larger ones.
The object is often decorated with natural stone.
Which plants are suitable
Even plants carry a certain meaning when used in the Japanese style. The task of lawn grasses, flowers, shrubs and trees is to convey the successive change of seasons. Thus, they symbolize the endless change of cycles. nine0003
In this type of design there are no such concepts as flowerbeds. In the classical European view, they are not.
However, decorative compositions are still created on the basis of flowers. But usually one variety of plants is used, which are planted in a chaotic manner. In the future, growing, they form a single beautiful canvas.
The Japanese prefer familiar shrubs and trees that grow in a particular area. Exotic plants are not suitable for this direction. Of course, most Japanese varieties are unlikely to take root in the middle lane, but you can choose analogues that will be similar to them. nine0003
Remember that this style does not tolerate pretentiousness and bright colors. Green color in various variations should be present in everything, whether it be shrubs or plants. But try to avoid bright defiant shades.
Sakura is a must-see in a Japanese garden. In Russian realities, change it to felt cherry or plum.
Bonsai is another of the classic plant varieties in the Japanese garden. But small trees will be very expensive, so you can replace them with any coniferous shrubs. Korean fir is one such option. nine0003
Climbing plants, including those that creep along the surface, can also be used for decoration. Moss is another natural option for decorating the site.
It is best to use plants that are resistant to low temperatures. For example, rhododendrons tolerate frost well. Do not forget that there should not be many shrubs and trees. Otherwise, it will be impossible to speak of any brevity of style.
Additional decorations
When creating a style, you can use some other objects:
- Dry stream.
Do in the event that it is not possible to install a real reservoir. To do this, a platform is cleared, where fine gravel or crushed stone is poured. The stream can be turbulent or calm - depending on the pattern that is applied with a rake.
- Winding paths are a classic garden element in Japan. They can lead to opposite ends of the site. They are made from a variety of materials, but most often they use stones or boards. All curves must be smooth. Avoid sharp corners. nine0006
- Lanterns are another popular design object. There are hundreds of lighting options on the market. They are either hidden from prying eyes, or placed in plain sight (for example, lanterns in the form of a Japanese veranda).
- Guards. There are no classical fences in this direction. If necessary, they must be made of bamboo. In Russian conditions, you can use wicker willow. In general, zoning is organized using a variety of techniques, plants and paths. nine0006
- The arch at the entrance should be made in a classic oriental style.
But one more detail is important for her - the right location.
- The decorative bridge can be zigzag or suspended. Objects are sold in stores, but you can build a bridge yourself. Stones or wood are used as materials. Usually, light sources are installed on the bridge - in order to focus attention on it in the dark. In any case, lighting should be diffused in order to tune in to relaxation and tranquility. nine0006
- If a gazebo is planned, then it should be located in an open space in order to be clearly visible from all sides. To better match the oriental style, you can use the classic curved roof.
- Crystal stones are usually placed on the bottom of a shallow pond. They create beautiful sun glare on the surface.
Japanese style sculptures are not typical. These objects are more suitable for European areas of territory decor. nine0003
Garden decoration for the Japanese is a true art that can take decades to learn. To arrange the site in accordance with the Japanese style, you will have to try hard. An important condition for this is to create the most natural and laconic territory in which it will be possible to contemplate nature in order to get rid of all the usual thoughts.
Japanese garden | Overview of Japanese Garden Style
Japanese Garden | Overview of Japanese garden style | sadik.ru nine0002 garden maze+7 (985) 760-01-02
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Home Blog Japanese garden
Category: Landscape design
Published: May 07, 2013
The Japanese garden is a very popular solution for decorating a small space. The original miniature garden with bridges and umbrellas, lanterns and theatrical design looks very attractive and unusual. Every detail in real Japanese gardens is filled with its own complex inner meaning. nine0003
A classic Japanese garden uses plants that are native to that country, which is not always possible for a Japanese-style garden in other regions. So, in Europe and in central Russia, orchids, palm trees or bananas will not take root. But you can always borrow various decorative elements. For example, symbolic stone compositions, paths imitating waves on gravel or sand cover look great in any climate.
Japanese gardeners reproduce nature in a small area with relatively limited means. The image of nature in a reduced form, the desire to create the impression of spatial depth leads to a change in the proportions of the natural scale, to the use of dwarf trees and rocks, that is, to some convention and romanticism. nine0209 The landscape created in a Japanese garden is far from natural, but the images of this nature, modified by the author, form the basis of the picture of the garden. Some gardens are like hieroglyphs, and you need to be able to read them. The direction and bend of an artificially grown tree branch, the size, shape and position of the stone, the material of the coatings - all this in a conditional form tells about the intention of the creator of the garden.
Japanese garden: minimum space, philosophy and symbolism
When creating a Japanese garden, the most important thing is to follow the basic principles, namely, the embodiment of a feeling of relaxation, peace, contemplation of the beauty of nature. In order to reproduce the beauty of nature in a small area, Japanese craftsmen use relatively limited techniques. All natural wealth is shown in a reduced form, while the gardener seeks to create the impression of the depth of space, which ultimately leads to a change in proportions. This is how dwarf rocks and trees, winding paths and miniature ponds with openwork bridges appeared in Japanese gardens. All this creates a feeling of romanticism and some conventionality. nine0003
Japanese garden compositions
In the theory of Japanese garden art, there are compositions of different complexity. The simplest is the Shin style, the more difficult is the So style, and the most difficult is the Jio style. These compositions are considered in solutions of two types of gardens - flat and hilly.
- Flat Garden can be built with one sand or gravel, moss and some rocks. Thus, in Ryoan-ji Garden, which is considered “one of the ten most beautiful gardens of all time” (by the definition of landscape architect J. O. Symonds), against the backdrop of raked gravel representing the sea, there is a free composition of fifteen stones and moss. nine0006
- Hilly garden can be solved without the use of live material. Cliffs, hills, mountains in the near, middle and far ground, stones depicting the seashore, pebbles and sand as a symbol of the river can create complex landscapes, where the direction of the water flow and the emphasis on details (usually in one direction - from left to right) give the composition a certain philosophical meaning .
The combination of various stones creates a certain emotional perception. A vertically standing stone denotes steep mountains, cobblestone - soft slopes, river pebbles depict a river, sea pebbles - the sea. Very often, the shape of the reservoir is also given a certain symbolic message. nine0003
Components, plants and materials of the Japanese garden
The basis of any Japanese garden are evergreen trees, among which the leading species is umbrella pine. A variety of Japanese gardens is given not only by skillfully grown plants, but also by stones. They are even legendary in Japan! Indeed, in order to complete the image, to emphasize the idea, the author often searches all over the country for various stones of unusual colors and shapes. And their harmonious, but often very non-trivial combination and arrangement gives an amazing flavor to the whole landscape. Sometimes, even a handful of sand, a piece of rock or a boulder covered with moss from distant mountains brings the necessary touch to the landscape and symbolizes the greatness of nature. Water is very common in Japanese gardens, although it is not an essential element. Most often it is a small pond or lake, miniature streams and unusual waterfalls. nine0003
Japanese garden on a small plot
As applied to a modern small garden, we can talk not about the Japanese style, but about creating a garden based on Japanese garden art.
A Japanese garden on your site can either be completely realized, or a small fragment of the common territory can be dedicated to its design. Try to allocate a small space, enclose it in a "room" and settle down "in Japanese". In the Japanese style, you can make a patio, but then the details of decorating the house must support the general mood. The appearance of the courtyard is determined by the green tones of the foliage of shrubs and the gray color of natural stones. nine0003
A place for secluded relaxation is separated from the bustling outside world by a high fence. The dominant element is an evergreen tree. A gravel path leads to a simple stone bench, near which grows a low ornamental shrub.
The tea ceremony corner is a must for those who prefer to drink tea the Japanese way. The device of such a corner will not take much time and will not require special skills in gardening. The main thing is to observe the measure. Lay a straw mat on a wooden platform, separate the corner from the main territory with a bamboo fence, along which let beautifully blooming honeysuckle curl. On the opposite side of the corner, arrange a pool, and plant a low ornamental shrub near it - Japanese quince. Instead of traditional lawn grasses, we recommend using ground cover plants. nine0003
Japanese-style garden decoration, Japanese garden lanterns
The Japanese garden is decorated with antiques, stone lanterns and vases. The most important style accessories are: bamboo fences (mats and fences), cool ponds with a transition in the form of individual stones or bridges. Blooms in splashes of deep iridescent tones, used only occasionally when needed.
Among the flower "Japanese" plants in Russia acclimatized hosta and astilba, but the chrysanthemum, beloved by the Japanese, grows poorly here - you can replace it with Korean chrysanthemum. Containers and containers for plants are made of ceramics and other natural materials in light colors or in the form of wooden bowls with a relief pattern. Details such as knotted curtains, moss under the "longevity" pines, groups of stones, and stone lamps can be used. nine0003
In Japan, a stone lantern is an essential element of every garden. It is placed at certain compositional points in combination with stones, shrubs, trees and ponds: at the foot of the mountain, on the island, on the lake, near the entrance, at the well. Lanterns illuminate the garden and serve as an architectural element that creates a pleasant contrast between landscape design and nature.
Japanese lamps are of several types - squat, with a wide cover, in the form of a house for admiring the snow cover (yukimi-gata), elegant lanterns on a stand (tachi-gata) and hidden lanterns (ikekomi-gata). nine0209 There are two types of lanterns: on stands and on legs. A stone lantern on a stand consists of the following elements: a base, a pedestal, a holder for a lamp and a top. Lanterns that lack a base, top and pedestal are placed directly on the ground.
The location of the lantern is chosen on the shore of the reservoir. The shoreline rocks contrast with the vertical, while tall shrubs on the opposite bank balance out the limited space of the small garden.
Lantern-lamp is placed at the bridge in front of the tea house. Such lanterns are combined with vertical stones in an open space, fenced with architectural objects and high greenery. nine0003
The ablution water tank (tsukubai), as well as small pagodas and carved stone steps, give the garden a "Japanese" flavor.
Azalea (rhododendron) and decorative cherry (sakura) will create the illusion of a real garden of the Land of the Rising Sun.
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Stylistics of gardens
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Avant-garde garden style
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Monastic garden style
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Rustic garden style
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Regular style
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Regular garden
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English landscape style
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Gardens of Italy
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