Indoor plant bedroom
15 of the Best Bedroom Plants that Purify the Air
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Lavender (Lavandula)
Olena Rudo / EyeEm//Getty ImagesIt’s not typically thought of as a houseplant, but lavender can survive indoors under the right conditions. Along with air-purifying qualities, lavender will also bring aromatherapy benefits to the bedroom. Research shows that inhaling lavender essential oil can reduce blood pressure and heart rate. So before heading to dreamland, take a moment to smell the lavender!
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Give lavender bright, direct light for a few hours every day, preferably in a south-facing window, and water when the soil is slightly dry. Don’t overwater it, though, or the plant will rot.
RELATED: How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden
Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)
Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)
$25 at Amazon
Credit: Amazon / Hirt's GardensWith large shiny leaves and a fun, beefy shape, this plant adds strong vertical interest to any room.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: This plant likes moderate to bright light and light, constant moisture, to boot. If you feel the need to prune it, just be sure to wear gardening gloves to keep its sticky sap off your fingers. Get more rubber plant care tips.
Wekiva Foliage Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
Wekiva Foliage Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
$135 at Amazon
Multiple fronds in an elegant fan pattern make this a beautiful plant, no matter your personal decor style. It’s a fairly easy one to grow, too, compared to many other palms.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Lady palms prefer bright indirect light and require water only when the top inch of soil is dry.
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English Ivy (Hedera helix)
Image Source//Getty ImagesThis hardy ivy thrives in pots, hanging baskets, or mixed with other taller houseplants in a shared pot.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: English ivy needs moderate light in spring and summer, and it requires bright light (or additional fluorescent light) in fall and winter. Let the soil surface dry a tad between waterings, but don’t let the plant totally dry out.
California Tropicals Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
California Tropicals Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
$15 at Amazon
The plumes of this gorgeous palm can reach 6 to 7 feet tall, so be sure to give it plenty of space.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Give your areca palm bright, indoor light. During spring and summer, it will need constant light moisture (but don’t let it get soggy!).
Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata)
Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata)
Now 22% Off
$37 at Amazon
These lush ferns are an inexpensive, classic houseplant, and their arching, bright green fronds always look lovely. But be warned: They can be a bit of a diva indoors.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Boston ferns prefer lots of light, and they'll need to be misted every day. Alternatively, you can try putting them on a tray of pebbles filled with water. What's more, they also tend to shed regularly… so, like a parent, you should be prepared to pick up after them!
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Costa Farms Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)
Costa Farms Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)
Now 39% Off
$35 at Amazon$28 at Home Depot
This easy-to-grow plant has glossy, pale green leaves accented with white markings.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Chinese evergreen tolerates low indoor light, and prefers its soil to be lightly moist at all times, but despises cold air. Be sure to keep it away from drafts!
Snake Plant (Sanseveria trifasciata)
Oscar Wong//Getty Images Dramatic, sword-like leaves define this striking plant (and also lend it the not-so-flattering alternate name of "mother-in-law’s tongue"). It’s tough as nails, so give it a try if you’re not typically known for having a green thumb. In the right conditions, it can live for decades!
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Bright, indirect light is best for this plant, which also only needs to be watered when the soil becomes nearly dry. Get more snake plant care tips.
Dracaena (various species)
AHatmaker//Getty ImagesSeveral different types of dracaena have been shown to clean and purify the air. They’re all easy-to-grow plants with long, strappy leaves, some of which have beautiful red markings. Not sure which variety to try? Look for dragon tree (especially ‘Tricolor’ for interesting foliage), ‘Janet Craig’, or ‘Masangeana’ (sometimes called "corn plant").
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Whichever one you go with, know that all Dracaena species prefer similar conditions: moderate to bright indirect light, and soil that’s kept lightly moist.
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Wekiva Foliage Split-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum)
Wekiva Foliage Split-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum)
$88 at Amazon
This spectacular but easy-to-manage plant has huge leaves with delicate, lacelike edges. Make room for this one—it can grow 3 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Give your plant moderate light, and water it when top soil becomes dry. Get more Philodendron care tips.
Dieffenbachia (various hybrids)
Dennis McColeman//Getty ImagesThis plant has flashy leaves—but the sap within contains crystals that can irritate mucous membranes. Yikes. If you have a pet that enjoys chewing on greenery, we suggest skipping it. Otherwise, it’s a generally carefree bedroom plant.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Dieffenbachia only needs moderate amounts of filtered light. Keep the soil lightly moist, but never soggy.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officianalis)
Sally Williams Photography//Getty Images This culinary herb has a pleasant, piney scent, particularly after you brush your fingertips against it—which we suggest doing in the morning when you get out of bed, as research shows that simply smelling this therapeutic herb can clear the mind and elevate your mood. How about that? A bedroom plant that gives you an instant dose of Monday motivation!
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Indoors, rosemary needs strong light, so keep it by a bright window (preferably a south-facing one). Allow the soil to dry within an inch of the surface between waterings, and turn the pot every week so the plant grows more evenly. Get more rosemary growing tips.
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Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
©Daniela White Images//Getty ImagesYour mom or grandma may have grown this classic houseplant in the '70s, but it’s still worthy of a place in your home today. The striped leaves arch from the center, and eventually, the plant produces oodles of baby Spider Plants. And how cute is this? They’re called “plantlets!”
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: This plant prefers medium to bright light and steady moisture. Get more spider plant care tips.
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
Kristina Strasunske//Getty ImagesPothos is quite possibly the easiest houseplant to grow. It has shiny, heart-shaped leaves and vining stems that can grow to several feet long.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Preferring moderate to bright light, Pothos actually prefers to get a little dry between waterings. Get more Pothos growing tips.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum species)
Yana Iskayeva//Getty ImagesThese luxurious-looking plants are surprisingly fuss-free.
Bedroom Plant Care Tips: Peace lilies tolerate low to moderate light, though they bloom best in brighter light. We suggest allowing the soil to become nearly dry before watering, and dividing every five years or so to create new baby plants.
Arricca Elin SanSone
Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.
The 10 Best Plants for Your Bedroom
Houseplants can help bring in greenery and some sense of serenity, especially in bedrooms which are often meant to be a haven to recharge your battery. Whether your home is flooded with natural light or relies on lamps and wall sconces for illumination, houseplants can thrive in your bedroom. Not only can they beautify a room, but they can also purify the air of toxins and produce nighttime oxygen, freshening the bedroom for sounder sleep. These are the best 10 plants for a bedroom.
01 of 10
The Spruce / Cara Cormack
The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is one of the most enduring and popular houseplants for a bedroom for good reason: its glossy leaves thrive in high- or low-light situations, and its roots tolerate a variety of irrigation habits.
Peace lilies take the guesswork out of watering by wilting when they're thirsty and quickly perk up with a drink of water.
If your bedroom has a window, situating the peace lily nearby will increase the production of white flower-like spathes, which endure for weeks. If your room is somewhat dark and blooming seems unlikely, choose a peaceful lily variety like 'Domino' with its white variegated foliage to brighten up low-light environments.
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Naira1962 / Getty Images
The parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) grows in partial to full shade in its native Guatemala, which is why you'll see these specimens thriving in offices, malls, and other indoor spaces with little to no natural light. In fact, too much light will burn the leaves of the parlor palm, so keep this plant away from bright windows in the bedroom. A location close to a steamy bathroom that provides increased humidity is ideal because it will deter pests, such as spider mites, that proliferate in dry conditions.
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The Spruce / Phoebe Cheong
As an outdoor plant, English ivy, Hedera helix, can behave aggressively by sending clinging tendrils over structures and up tree trunks. However, in a bedroom, you can take advantage of ivy's spreading tendencies by training the vines across a small trellis, hoop, or topiary form to create a living work of art.
Thriving in all light situations, the trailing vines of English ivy look attractive in hanging baskets or draped over a side table. Plants do fine with little watering and will survive a week-long vacation without a hiccup.
04 of 10
The Spruce / Alonda Baird
Sansevieria trifasciata, which s also known by the tongue-in-cheek name mother-in-law's tongue, doesn't do justice to the snake plant, a sculptural, vigorous specimen that purifies air better than almost any other houseplant. The leathery, strappy leaves of Sanseviera have adapted to survive the harsh conditions of West Africa, where the soil is poor and the rain is irregular.
You don't have to deal with messy dropped leaves or complicated pruning with the snake plant; just water it every couple of weeks. Make sure you plant it in a container with adequate drainage holes, as the snake plant will rot in standing water.
05 of 10
Dole08 / Getty Images
Corn plants (Dracaena fragrans) give homeowners the look of a tree without the unmanageable height issues that come along with a tree. Long, glossy leaves top stout trunks. Corn plants are substantial and can serve as a handsome anchor in a bedroom corner. Corn plants tolerate shade and might produce white flowers when located in a sunny spot.
Although its name suggests otherwise, the corn plant is poisonous and should not be around nibbling pets or curious children.
06 of 10
DeepInNet / Getty Images
The Gerber daisy (Gerbera) is an ethereal plant for most people. Don't expect this South African native to endure a light or too little water, the way a snake plant or philodendron would.
Think of the Gerber daisy in the same way you might think of a very long-lasting cut flower arrangement: temporary eye candy that you will eventually have to dispose of.
Gerber daisies are pampered and coddled in greenhouse conditions that just can't be replicated in a typical bedroom setting. However, it's worth $5 to have a plant with such perfect, vibrant blooms bring its cheer to your bedside table. While it lasts, it will even do a great job of removing trace organic pollutants from the air.
07 of 10
The Spruce / Corinne Bryson
The fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is one of the trendiest houseplants around, given its frequent appearance in home magazines, television shows, and blogs. Its large leaves are its focal point, so providing the right lighting is essential to keeping your plant lush in a bedroom setting.
Fiddle leaf figs thrive in the shady understory of the jungle, but indirect light from an east-facing window helps these plants thrive.
Set your fiddle leaf fig on a plate of pebbles filled with water to increase the humidity in the plant's vicinity. In short, the fiddle leaf fig likes everything in moderation, including light, water, and temperature. Too much or too little of these elements will cause your plant to struggle.
08 of 10
The Spruce
Classic philodendrons are as relevant now as they were in the 1970s for people seeking a non-fussy bedroom plant. They are just as happy trailing from a hanging basket in the corner as they are stealing the spotlight as a trellised specimen. Philodendrons tolerate a wide variety of light but can get a bit lanky if conditions are too dim. Less is more when it comes to irrigation—you can easily root new plants in a vase of water if you decide to propagate more plants for a collection.
09 of 10
The Spruce / Krystal Slagle
Let the personality of the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) infuse your bedroom with fun and fresh air.
Most people are familiar with the spider plant, also known as the airplane plant, from its ability to produce multiple "pups" on stems that dangle from the mother plant. You can leave these baby plants in place or clip them and reuse them for gifts or use other rooms.
Spider plants do well in many light conditions with average moisture. If leaf tips turn brown, collect rainwater to irrigate your spider plants as they are sensitive to the fluoride in tap water.
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Emilija Manevska / Getty Images
The fleshy leaves of aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) plants need a bright spot in the bedroom but won't mind if you forget to water them for a few weeks. These succulent plants produce offsets that you can remove to start new plants. These new plants can serve as replacements if you remove leaves to harvest their healing gel for cuts and sunburns.
Top best bedroom plants
The bedroom is one of the special places in the house associated with rest and sleep. To make the room cozier, it is recommended to place at least one plant in it, but its choice should be taken seriously. Which indoor flowers are ideal for a relaxation room, and which ones should be discarded? We have compiled a rating of plants that will be the best for the bedroom: it will help you make the right choice.
Basic requirements for bedroom plants
During sleep, a person’s breathing is deeper and more measured, which is why it is important that the air is clean and fresh. Somnologists and biologists advise choosing plants for the bedroom that meet the following criteria:
humidify the air and collect dust;
absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen;
adjust the energy background of the bed.
Discard indoor flowers that thin out too intrusive aroma. Choose those that easily tolerate frequent ventilation and do not require a special microclimate.
Choosing a plant according to the characteristics of the room
The technical characteristics of the room play a big role in choosing the plants that can be kept in the bedroom. There are two aspects to pay special attention to:
The area of the room. In spacious bedrooms with high ceilings, it is better to place large-growing flowers in large pots. A developed and lush crown will not clutter up the room. In small rooms, it is better to arrange undersized plants in small flowerpots, placing them on a coffee table or hanging them on the wall.
Light level. In bright light and south-facing windows, choose light-loving flowers: they will fully use the sunlight and delight the owner of a developed crown. With low light levels and windows facing north, it is wiser to choose shade-loving plants.
Do not install too spreading flowers in small rooms: they will interfere with the passage. There is no need to install planters on bedside tables, because. in a dream, you can inadvertently drop it.
Top suitable bedroom plants
We made a rating of the best indoor plants that are ideal for the bedroom. When creating home comfort and a positive atmosphere, you can not do without them!
Lemon and orange
Citrus bushes produce essential oils that have a positive effect on the nervous system. They will help to get rid of stress, relax and contribute to a good mood.
Laurel tree will help to minimize the number of harmful bacteria in the air. The fresh aroma of the leaves has a good effect on the respiratory tract, calms the nervous system and improves sleep.
The plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases large amounts of oxygen, especially at night. Also useful "mother-in-law's tongue" cleans the air of such harmful compounds as benzene and formaldehyde, which can be found in curtains, wallpaper, stretch ceilings and paints.
Sansevieria is a shade-loving indoor plant, so you can place it in the bedroom, but away from the window.
The flower is great for spacious rooms, especially when the windows face the road. Hamedorea minimizes the harm from benzene and trichlorethylene, which are contained in exhaust gases and enter the room during ventilation.
Spathiphyllum or "women's happiness"
At night, the flower actively releases oxygen, which contributes to a better sleep. It easily copes with the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, purifying, humidifying the air and neutralizing allergens.
Chrysanthemum petals contain minerals that are extremely beneficial for the human nervous system. They also release bactericidal substances, improving the microclimate of the room.
At night, aloe leaves release oxygen and absorb harmful toxic compounds and impurities that furniture and other interior items emit. Also, an indoor flower will help eliminate excessive electrification in the room and saturates the air with phytoncides. Definitely a good choice for a bedroom!
Hedera (ivy)
The lush crown of ivy retains all toxic fumes: from tobacco smoke, chemicals and furniture. Hedera has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the bedroom and helps to improve sleep.
The essential oils that the leaves of the flower secrete improve the microclimate in the room, increase the humidity of the air and actively release oxygen. Geranium also destroys mold spores and pathogenic bacteria that are in the air.
This succulent is useful to keep even in the children's bedroom. It will fill the air with oxygen and normalize energy. The plant will help strengthen the immune system and improve mood.
Myrtle tree
Myrtle effectively cleans the air, filling it with phytoncides. The flower helps to get rid of pathogenic bacteria and has a healing effect on the human respiratory system.
Zygocactus Decembrist Schlumbergera
The Decembrist helps to purify the air from harmful toxic impurities released and enriches the room with oxygen. It will help reduce air ionization by absorbing harmful electromagnetic radiation from various devices.
The aroma of lavender relieves stress and nervous overexcitation. The plant is especially useful in the bedroom in the summer - its scent repels mosquitoes.
In the room, the begonia removes toxic substances from the air that enter through the windows. It is recommended to put it in the bedroom to ensure a healthy and restful sleep.
Ficus is one of the strongest producers of oxygen. One adult plant copes with air purification in a medium-sized room, moisturizing and disinfecting it along the way.
The flower effectively cleans the air from formaldehyde and other harmful impurities. It also actively releases oxygen: one adult plant is enough to saturate one large room.
Asparagus can absorb heavy metal vapors that lead to chronic diseases. Doctors advise putting the plant in the bedroom for people who are prone to skin and lung diseases. Asparagus leaves also play the role of an excellent dust collector.
Chlorophytum readily absorbs toxic nitrogen and sulfur compounds, carbon monoxide fumes and tobacco smoke. One large flower is able to purify the atmosphere in three square meters, and in a too polluted room, its growth becomes more intense.
The green parts of violets contain essential oils and glycosides, which have healing properties. The plant has a beneficial effect on human health and emotional background, helps with diseases such as bronchitis, inflammation of the kidneys and joint pain.
Money tree (fat woman)
Succulents absorb bad odors and purify the air. It will saturate the room with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep.
IMPORTANT. To normalize sleep and eliminate insomnia, plants alone will not be enough: here essential oils, comfortable pillows and weighted blankets will come to the rescue.
Unfavorable plants for the bedroom
Some indoor plants that have an attractive appearance should not be kept in the bedroom and other enclosed spaces. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:
Oxygen scavengers. Actively emit carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen, which causes headaches in the morning, fatigue and mood deterioration.
Poisonous. If your apartment has pets and small children, it is better to get rid of such plants. Of particular danger are those plants whose shoots are damaged.
Causative agents of the nervous system. The leaves contain a large amount of alkaloids that cause overexcitability and poor sleep.
Allergens with a strong odor. Plants with an intense aroma provoke migraines, allergies or nausea.
Experts strongly recommend not to install unfavorable flowers in the bedroom: it is better for them to allocate a place in the kitchen, in the hallway, or even get rid of them. We will tell you in more detail which plants are better not to put in the sleeping area.
A great flower for offices, but extremely unsuitable for bedrooms. It actively absorbs oxygen at night and releases carbon dioxide, causing weakness and headaches.
Rubbery ficus
Not the best plant for the bedroom. Its leaves secrete milky juice, which appears on the leaves in the form of white crystals: they contain latex, a serious allergen. Also, the flower actively emits carbon dioxide, reducing the amount of oxygen, which leads to ailments.
It does an excellent job of purifying the air, but it is fraught with a potential danger: the juice of the leaves causes skin irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes. A home flower is especially dangerous for curious children and cats.
Philodendron and spurge
The juice of these plants can cause burns to the skin and stomach, as well as cause severe poisoning.
Tubers, stems and leaves contain toxic substances: they provoke migraines, nausea, diarrhea and cause breathing difficulties.
Trichocereus cactus
The most unpretentious plants are best not placed in the bedrooms. A particularly dangerous type of cactus is trichocereus, it contains a large amount of alkaloids and psychoactive substances, which in some cases can even cause hallucinations.
The strong smell of orchids can be the culprit for negative effects such as allergies, insomnia, stress, anxiety, and headaches.
A sharp intense smell provokes insomnia, depressed mood and frequent migraine attacks.
Hydrangea, although beautiful, is very poisonous. The juice of the leaves contains cyanide, and the smell and pollen of flowers can provoke allergies.
Oleander and primrose
Allocate harmful and odorous compounds that become the culprits of fatigue, weakness and suffocation.
Tips for growing indoor plants
Only healthy and beautiful flowers can bring aesthetic pleasure and benefits to human health. In order for them to please the eye and not slow down growth, the plants need proper proper care:
water in time and periodically spray the leaves;
periodically transplant the grown plant and renew the soil;
remove dried buds, leaves and shoots as necessary;
regularly wipe the leaves from accumulated dust;
depending on the preferences of the plant, shade it or, on the contrary, turn on additional lighting in low light;
feed the plants with mineral fertilizers from time to time.
By following simple steps to care for indoor flowers, you can extend their life and maintain healthy and lush foliage.
How best to arrange flowers in the bedroom
Properly placed flower will help improve the look and feel of the room. Also, the correct location has a positive effect on the condition of the plant itself. For sun-loving representatives of the flora, a window sill is suitable as a place of deployment. In brick houses, several flower pots can be placed on a wide windowsill at once, creating a beautiful composition from them.
If the flower is unpretentious in care and prefers shade, then put it on a chest of drawers or a coffee table away from the window. Large flowers are best placed on the floor in a corner, but not too close to the bed.
Bouquet of wild flowers: is it possible to put in the bedroom
Not all wildflowers are suitable for the bedroom. Before you install a vase with a bouquet near your bed, check if there are any that are better not to install in the rest room:
The inflorescences of these beautiful plants are quite toxic: they have a strong smell that provokes headaches.
For the bedroom, it is better to assemble a composition of violets, daisies or cornflowers.
Cut flowers for the bedroom: which ones are suitable
Freshly cut flowers fill the room with fragrance. But only some of them are ideal for relaxation and have a calming effect:
lavender. Its fragrance will help relieve stress, soothe and relieve tension, so you can safely put it in the bedroom;
light colored roses. Delicate shades help to increase sensuality and improve mutual understanding;
hydrangea. They do not cause allergies, so even in a small room you can put a large bouquet. There are many pastel shades in the palette that fit perfectly into the interior of the bedroom.
Tulip is another suitable flower for the bedroom. It has a subtle unobtrusive aroma that helps to fall asleep faster.
BTW! You should not place dried or artificial flowers in the bedroom: they deprive the owners of vitality.
We put flowers according to Feng Shui
According to the practice of Feng Shui, fast-growing flowers and needle plants should not be placed in the bedroom. In the first case, they can disturb the calm atmosphere, in the second case, they can make the residents just as “prickly” and unsociable.
In the bedroom, you can place auspicious plants that have a positive effect on the atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. For example, spathiphyllum, violet and others with red flowers.
To arrange the plants in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, use the following recommendations:
do not put flowers too close to the bed. The optimal distance is at least 2 meters;
remove plants that bloom too luxuriantly from the rest room: they can suppress energy. Also, avoid plants with needles.
According to Feng Shui, greenery with inappropriate energy for the bedroom should be avoided. For example, you should not acquire yucca, echmea and cacti.
Before you install a houseplant in the bedroom, you should familiarize yourself with the effect it has on the environment and human health. By choosing the right flower and placing it in the right place, it will be possible to establish an energy background and improve the quality of sleep.
Flowers for the bedroom: what are the do's and don'ts?
- Can flowers be kept in the bedroom?
- Best bedroom plants
- What kind of flowers should not be kept in the bedroom?
- Lilies
- Cacti
- Dieffenbachia
- Monstera
- Oleander
- Criteria for choosing the right colors
- Is it possible to decorate a nursery with flowers?
- Top 10 favorable indoor flowers for the bedroom
- Where to buy flowers to decorate the bedroom in St. Petersburg?
Good sleep and quality rest are generally recognized as the main factors of health, longevity and beauty. The design of the bedroom, including floristic, is important for this issue. Consider the features of the phytodecor of the premises and the principles of choosing plants.
Can flowers be kept in the bedroom?
Experts from the field of science, aesthetics and esotericism unanimously agree that flowers in the bedroom are a competent and balanced choice. Among the advantages of this approach:
- increased mood from looking at bright buds and fresh greenery;
- placement of accents in the room and decoration of the interior;
- release of oxygen by flowers and absorption of harmful substances.
Experts and scientists note the beneficial effect of green plants on human health, quality of rest and internal state. However, it is important to choose the right indoor flowers so as not to harm the body and aura.
The best indoor plants for the bedroom
When choosing flowers for the bedroom, consider the following recommendations:
- choose flora that produces, not absorbs oxygen;
- give preference to lightly scented plants or generally odorless varieties;
- avoid dried flowers with "dead" energy;
- choose hypoallergenic color options.
The modern variety of potted plants opens up literally unlimited possibilities for selection. Let's look at specific examples of what is suitable for the bedroom and what is not.
What kind of flowers should not be kept in the bedroom?
The revitalization and beautification of the Internet is not the only factor to consider when choosing plants for a room. Outwardly beautiful or fragrant flowers can negatively affect the body. Let's deal with those plants that should be avoided when landscaping the bedroom.
The royal flower is generally recognized as an interior decoration. But when growing it at home, you should place the pot as far as possible from the bedroom. The reason for this approach is the active absorption of oxygen at night.
In addition, lily blossoms are acknowledged sources of pungent aroma. In active daytime, a rich, pleasant smell can bring incomparable pleasure. But at night - this is the risk of insomnia and a broken state in the morning.
They belong to the category of unfavorable plants for a recreation area and a place of solitude for a man and a woman. It is especially important to keep cacti in the bedroom for those people who listen to the recommendations of Feng Shui. According to Eastern teachings, the sharp needles of cacti bring bad energy into the room. This can lead to contention, disputes and quarrels. Those who seek to use cacti in the bedroom in order to protect against negative energy should heed the recommendations of esoteric experts and move the plants closer to the windows. An important rule is to close the cactus at night with a curtain.
Avoiding cacti in the bedroom is worth it even if you are not a follower of Feng Shui philosophy. Especially when it comes to plants with fragrant flowers. Such varieties of cacti can disrupt the functioning of the nervous system at night.
A beautiful and original home flower came to us from the warm countries of South America. It is actively chosen by connoisseurs of tropical themes, unpretentious and fast-growing plants. A spectacular flower in the interior, however, it is recommended to keep it away from the bedroom. This is due to the characteristics of the juice of the plant. Even a small drop or vapor can cause irritation, swelling and allergic reactions. Including in case of contact with eyes or sensitive skin.
This rule is especially important for parents with small children, allergy sufferers and families with pets. In this case, much more serious problems are possible, up to anaphylactic shock.
The original indoor climber, which can grow to colossal sizes, however, is not recommended for the bedroom. It is forbidden to put this plant in places of rest, both doctors working with allergy sufferers and specialists in non-traditional practices, esotericism and aesthetics.
The green monstera beauty is characterized by large patterned leaves. It seems that the surface of the greenery is smooth, but in fact it is littered with small needles that provoke allergic reactions. No less dangerous is the juice of the plant. Contact with the skin provokes burns, in the eyes - problems with the mucous membrane. Poisoning and inflammation of the digestive system are common situations among children and pets who accidentally swallowed a monstera leaf.
There is an opinion among interior designers that spreading leaves can scare children at night. And esotericists attribute weak energy to the monster and consider it a vampire flower that takes away strength from a person during sleep.
Beautiful bright pink oleander buds attract attention with their colorful and elegant appearance. The plant requires increased attention to itself, but, at the same time, pleases with rapid growth and volume.
Unfortunately, toxic fumes and a pronounced aroma can lead to dizziness, and even poisoning. Ingestion of oleander juice can cause vision problems.
Criteria for correct color matching
Room phytodesign experts put together all the recommendations for choosing plants for the bedroom. The top tips included:
- Thorough information. The first step when decorating a bedroom is to research all possible information about the flower, including scientific, aesthetic and esoteric sources.
- A question of oxygen. From the school curriculum, we know that plants release oxygen. But there are those who actively absorb it. For the bedroom, you should choose producing flowers.
- Allergenic. Don't hurt yourself with indoor plants. Even if there are no allergies in the family, you should be careful about such dangerous flowers.
- Subtleties of care. You should not choose plants for the bedroom that need special attention. An unpretentious option is the best solution in terms of coziness and comfort of the owners of the room.
- Emphasis on aroma. A strong smell interferes with a good night's sleep. In addition, plants capable of purifying the air never produce excessive fragrance.
- Don't overdo it. Turning a bedroom into a greenhouse is not the best idea.
Opt for a few useful or favorite plants.
- Avoid thorns. This is advice from experts in the philosophy of Feng Shui. Thorns in the bedroom are a source of negative energy.
And the main advice is to always monitor the condition, cleanliness and health of the green inhabitants of the bedroom. Only with this approach, flowers will bring benefits and pleasure.
Is it possible to decorate a child's bedroom with flowers?
Choosing plants for a baby's room is an even more responsible and difficult task. When choosing colors, it is important to take into account the age and preferences of the child. And also pay attention to aroma and safety issues
Hypoallergenic plants that produce oxygen and purify the air are suitable for newborn babies. Until the baby has begun an active acquaintance with the outside world and the environment, you can not be afraid that he will turn something over, swallow it or taste it.
At an older age, more attention should be paid to safety issues. Make sure that indoor plants are securely fastened and do not fall on the child at the time of their indispensable acquaintance. It is important to remove from the children's bedroom of active kids:
- prickly representatives of the flora;
- poisonous variants of plants;
- flowers that can cause allergies if the juice comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes;
- plants with inedible fruits.
A teenager's room can be decorated with colors similar to the adult's bedroom. In this case, it is important to consult with the child and choose what he likes.
Top 10 auspicious indoor flowers for the bedroom
From the point of view of interior design and floristry, the best plants for the rest room are:
- Spathiphyllum. Its second name is female happiness. The flower is able to humidify the air, neutralize harmful compounds and produce oxygen.
- Chlorophytum. The spider flower is in high demand in the bedroom.
Among its positive properties: air humidification, purification from combustion products, chemicals and nitrogen oxides. Special attention deserves the ability of chlorophytum to deal with the negative radiation of household electrical appliances.
- Mother-in-law tongue or sansevieria. Recommended by experts as a flower that continuously produces oxygen. At the same time, the plant filters the air and actively fights formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. At the same time, according to signs, mother-in-law's tongue can prevent the newlyweds from living in harmony. This should be taken into account by superstitious people.
- Golden pothos (scindapsus). Great not only for the bedroom, but also for all rooms where smokers live. The plant is able to eliminate unpleasant odors and purify the air of pollutants.
- Geranium or Pelargonium. It is very popular in the organization of living space and recreation areas. Cleaning the air, fighting streptococci, neutralizing carbon monoxide are just some of the benefits that geranium boasts.
In addition, the plant is able to release negatively charged ions, which has a positive effect on human health.
- Ficus. A flower that can fight toxic compounds and fumes of household chemicals. It is popular due to the good production of oxygen and phytoncides. An important condition - ficus is forbidden to taste. Therefore, you should be careful with its use by families with children or pets.
- Hamedorea elegans. Ideal for bedrooms with windows overlooking the roadway, road or highway. The flower can neutralize exhaust gases and purify the home air from harmful substances.
- English ivy. It is able to fight carcinogens and formaldehydes, therefore it is relevant for smokers' bedrooms. Refreshes the air and saturates it with oxygen. But, just like ficus, it is poisonous, so you should not taste it.
- Asparagus. A great option for the bedroom of adults and children. Experts endow asparagus with antimicrobial properties. Therefore, to purchase such a flower for the period of illness is a sure step towards recovery.
- Kalanchoe. One of the most popular plants for the home in general and for the bedroom in particular.
These varieties of house plants can be called real green helpers. They are constantly working to purify the air, produce oxygen and fight harmful microorganisms.
Where to buy flowers to decorate a bedroom in St. Petersburg?
Specialized company ArtFlora offers its customers a huge selection of indoor plants intended for room phytodecor. A wide range of colors designed specifically for the bedroom will allow you to choose the perfect option that strictly matches the needs, purpose and level of the budget for the purchase.
Among the main advantages of cooperation with our specialists:
- guaranteed quality and healthy indoor plants;
- professional florist advice and assistance with selection;
- loyal pricing policy;
- regular discounts and promotional offers;
- the ability to pay for the order online;
- targeted delivery of plants to your home or anywhere in the city.