How big should a pantry be
Pantry Dimensions for Every Type and Design
By Rachel Brown | Published on
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Understanding the best pantry dimensions for various pantry types is a vital tool to building the most efficient space. From walk-in pantries to small corner pantries, there are so many ways to organize your space that it is difficult to know where to begin.
Rufty Custom Built Homes and RemodelingDesigning a pantry from scratch gives you an ideal opportunity to get the most out of your space. You should seek to create an efficient, user optimal, and space effective area at the same time.
We have a few design tips and tricks to help you do just that.
Tips for Determining Pantry DimensionsClearcut Construction, Inc.
Before you decide on your optimal pantry dimensions and design, consider these factors to help you determine which style pantry is right for you.
- Available Space – When you are designing a pantry from scratch, you are often allocating space from the kitchen area to be used for the pantry. Considering your kitchen flow and how much space you can allocate for the pantry is the first step to deciding which type of pantry will suit you and your space.
- Pantry Use – Some people use the pantry just for food storage, while others also want to use the pantry as another prep area, extra appliance storage, or a coffee bar space.
- Budget – Consider your budget. If you have a larger budget, you can fit your pantry out with countertops, cabinets, and hooks. In this case, you will need a larger area to begin.
- People in the Home – If there are many people in your household, you may want a larger pantry area to store extra food and to allow more people into the pantry at one time.
- Location – If possible, try to plan your kitchen pantry near the food prep area. A general rule is within 48 inches for the most efficient kitchen design.
Pantry Dimensions by TypeSellars Lathrop Architects, llc
Pantry dimensions are standard by type, as experts have determined the space needed for efficient and usable panty design.
Average Walk-in Pantry DimensionsAccording to the experts, the average walk in pantry size should have at least a width of 5 feet by length of 5 feet. This will offer ample space for shelves (and countertops if you choose) and to ensure a minimum walkway of 36 inches for one person. If there are multiple people who use the pantry at one time, try to ensure a minimum aisle of 44 inches or 60 inches wide for wheelchair access.
With this average pantry size, you can create a U-shaped pantry as this is the most optimal storage shape for this size. This will allow you to have storage on the sides and the back of the pantry while still having ample walking space.
Large Walk-in Pantry DimensionsA large walk-in pantry is a useful luxury as you can create an extra food prep room or even a coffee station if you have a large floor plan and ample budget. Large kitchen pantry size varies.
Consider a pantry size of 6 -8 feet wide and 6 -8 feet long if your floor plan allows. With these kitchen pantry dimensions you will be able to use custom cabinetry, shelving, and plenty of extra storage.
Small Walk-in Pantry DimensionsYou need at least an area that is 4 feet wide by 4 feet long if you have a small area and still want to create a walk-in pantry. Small pantry dimensions do require you to get more creative with your storage options.
Cabinets along both sides and the back may not be a good option for this space if you want to ensure a minimum walkway of 36 inches. Instead, opt for storage on one side plus along the back wall.
Narrow Walk-in Pantry DimensionsA narrow rectangular floor space can be turned into an effective pantry. Ensure that there is at least a size that measures 3-4 feet wide and 5-6 feet long for the most efficient narrow pantry size. Use just one side and the area along the back for shelves.
Corner pantries work well when you have limited floor space in your kitchen.
- Average Corner Pantry Size – A popular corner pantry size measures 48 inches from the back corner along each wall that extends from it. With a pantry shelf depth of 10-12 inches, this will still give you enough space for maneuverability.
- Small Corner Pantry Size – Ensure that you have at least a 45 inch length along each perpendicular wall extending from the corner if you have a small corner that you want to turn into a pantry. Reduce pantry shelf depth to 8- 10 inches.
- Large Corner Pantry Size – Large walk-in corner pantry dimensions range from 5-6 feet from the corner along each perpendicular wall. This pantry size allows you to maximize the shelf depth and allows you to add narrow countertops if you desire.
Some kitchens feature a long narrow area that is located near the kitchen but is not large enough for a narrow walk-in pantry. In this case, a reach-in pantry is a better option for this design. Most reach-in pantries measure around 5 feet wide and 2 feet deep. This type of pantry size may vary, but these standard measurements will give you a good place to start.
Other Pantry OptionsAtwood Custom Homes
In some kitchens, you may not have any separate square footage to use for a distinct pantry space. Instead, you can opt for built-in or free-standing pantry options. Today, cabinet makers build specialty cabinet options that will allow you to make the best possible use of all of your cabinet pantry space.
- Batwing Cabinet – A batwing cabinet is like a French refrigerator door in that it is a double door design that opens in the middle above the bottom cabinets. Manufacturers place small shelves on the backside of the doors so that you can maximize all your available space. Even if you don’t have built-in cabinets, you can utilize behind-the-door shelves for walk-in closet spaces.
- Pull-out Cabinet – Pull-out cabinets feature designs that allow you to pull out the inside shelves of the cabinet. This gives you the ability to utilize even the far back spaces in the cabinet maximizing your cabinet usage.
- Freestanding Cabinet – Rather than use built-in cabinets for a pantry, opt for a freestanding hutch or cabinet. This works well in historic and traditional-style kitchens.
- Corner Cabinets – Corner cabinets are good options to utilize for corner pantries or if you are creating a pantry from built-in cabinets.
There are many design considerations that you need to take into account when designing the ideal pantry. Some of these are shelf size and depth, pantry door style and size.
Pantry Door SizePantry door sizes and styles vary according to your pantry type and your design style. You can opt for a hinged door or a barn pantry door. If you use a hinged door, you need to consider an outswing or inswing door. The most common hinged pantry doors are outswing options. You need more floor space in the room outside the pantry for the outswing pantry doors.
- Standard Pantry Door Size – The most typical pantry door width is 24 inches if you are using a single pantry door. Other width options to consider are 28, 30, 32, and 36 inches. Standard door height is 80 inches.
- Double Pantry Door Size – For a large pantry or a reach-in pantry, double doors are optimal. There are no standard double door sizes, but you can find double doors that are 60, 64, and 72 inches wide and 80 inches tall.
- Corner Pantry Door Size – You can use a standard door size for corner pantries, but you will set these doors at a 45-degree angle. Unless you have a large wall space, barn pantry doors are not a good option as there will not be enough adjacent wall space to open the door to the full.
Determining the number, depth, and arrangement of pantry shelves is one of the most important considerations to optimize your usage.
- Standard Pantry Shelf Depth – Standard pantry shelf depth is 16-20 inches deep. This depth will vary according to the location of the shelf and the overall pantry dimensions. For example, for high shelves, use shelves that are 12 inches deep for easier access. If you have a small pantry size, you can use shelves with a shallower depth in order to maximize your space and walkways. If you have a shelf for spices alone, you will need no more than a 6 inch depth.
- Pantry Shelf Height Options – The height between shelves will vary depending on what you plan to store on them. Leave at least 18-24 inches on the floor before you begin the first shelf. This way, you can store appliances or heavy bulk items on the floor below the first shelf. For the other shelves, consider 18-20 inch height for shelves that house large items, 14-16 inches for cereal boxes, and 6-7 inches for canned goods.
Pantry Dimensions - Pantry Size Guide
Here’s our walk-in pantry dimensions guide, which includes different types of pantry sizes and some tips on how you can organize your pantry layouts.
What is a walk-in pantry? This type of pantry is just a cabinet or a room located around or near the kitchen. The walk-in closets serve as storage areas for some kitchen utensils.
Most homeowners forget that they have a pantry. A pantry is one of the most valuable things you can find in the kitchen. It’s much more enjoyable to incorporate a pantry into your kitchen now as there are many ideas, designs, and layouts to choose from.
This article will discuss many questions and details about walk-in pantries. Read on to get familiar!
- Contents
- Standard pantry sizes
- How deep should a pantry be?
- Space between pantry shelves
- Standard pantry shelf depth
- How wide should a pantry door be?
- Scope Pantry Dimensions
- Access corner dimensions
- Strait walking
- Dimensions of the walk-in pantry
- Proper Measurements Can Help You Organize Your Pantry Well
- Here are some tips on how you can organize your pantry.
Walk-In Pantry Dimensions
Table of Contents
Building a walk-in pantry can give you all the kitchen storage space you need. But how big should it be?
If your countertops are already complete, then 4′ x 8′ is probably enough to store anything that doesn’t go into cabinets or drawers–but if they’re not quite spacious enough for whatever reason (maybe because there’s only room for one short stack of dishes?), 5′ x 10′, six sq ft will still provide more than ample extra shelving units and cabinet spaces!
What is the Best Size Walk-In Pantry?
I know you’re considering adding one to your home, so how big should it be? That’s a great question, and we’ll get into that later. First, let me tell you what they can do: A walk-in pantry may sound boring or even terrible but believe me, when I say there are many ways for people who use them every day to get creative with their storage space inside these rooms – from shelves & cabinets all of the appliances such as refrigerators, etc. , You won’t regret investing money into buying one because not only does having enough room save time hunting through closets looking at things.
Large Walk-In Pantry Dimensions
With the large pantry, you have plenty of room to store all your food and supplies as welandmall appliances or cookware that might fit. The only consideration would be how much space I give up by making such a big project happen in my home!
Narrow Walk-In Pantry Dimensions
This pantry is ideal for those with limited space. The width can vary, but the depth should be at least 3 feet wide and 6 to 8 feet long to have enough room in your kitchen or home while keeping all of its necessities inside!
Small Walk-In Pantry Dimensions
Common dimensions for a small pantry are 5 ‘x 3’ to 5 ‘x 5’.
Narrow walk-in pantries are typically 4.5′ x 6′, but you need at least 36 inches of walking space for one person to access the contents in your closet! You can make sure that all those hard-to-reach places are underneath kitchen cabinets or behind appliances by using storage racks and shelves with longer necks. Hence, they’re easier on shorter spouses who may have difficulty reaching these high spots while standing up straight – no more bending over backward just because someone needs something out of sight ASAP!!
A narrow passageway isn’t always easy fitting every available nook and cranny within its length; however, there are some great ideas when
How Deep Should Walk-In Pantry Shelves Be?
You must have at least 18-24 inches in depth to maximize your storage space. If less than this amount presents itself as an issue, consider wire shelving systems that offer shallower depths but still provide ample convenience since nothing needs drilling into concrete pillars! This will give enough room for most standard pantry shelves and allow you some extra breathing room when stacking items on top of one another or if there are any gaps between each frame where they meet the walls in front of them (which can happen).
Are Walk-In Pantries a Waste of Space?
Some people feel that walk-in pantries are a waste of space, while others believe they can be helpful. The reasons for this disagreement may depend on who you ask and how much extra room one has in their kitchen already; however, there is evidence to suggest both sides could have some merit with their argument depending upon the individual situation at hand!
What is a good size for a walk-in pantry?
The walk-in pantry is the perfect solution for those who live in busy homes with little space. With an unobstructed walk path of 36 inches, one can easily access their items without feeling cramped or blocked by others while using them at once!
A 36-inch clear space between shelves and storage areas is enough for easy access, but if you need more room, 42 or 48 inches will work well too! A 36-inch clear space between shelves and storage areas is enough for easy access, but if you need more room, 42 or 48 inches will work well too!
Standard Pantry Sizes
The typical size of a standard pantry is 5 feet by 5 feet (U-shaped). However, these dimensions can vary because not all homeowners have the same kitchen size. Also, it depends on the amount of storage the owner prefers.
However, leaving a minimum aisle width of 3.7 feet (44 inches) is always recommended so that the pantry can be easily moved around the kitchen.
A walk-in rectangular pantry is one of the preferred options for many homeowners.
A small pantry that comes off the side should be a minimum of 60 inches, while a sizeable built-in pantry for double-sided storage should be a minimum of 76 inches.
What is the typical size of a pantry?
Nowadays, it’s not just about what you put in your pantry. It is also essential to consider the size and shape of available spaces when deciding which items will fit best! You’ll find many cabinet options with varying widths – 9″ up through 36 inches long (and every 3 inches between). This gives homeowners plenty of choices because they can purchase pre-built closets explicitly made for their kitchen design needs without having any wasted space or modules left over after building them out further if needed later on down the road; this way, everything works seamlessly together right off the bat.
Reach-In Pantry
Reach-in pantries are great for people with limited space or who need more compact storage options. They confine your shelves to a smaller area, usually the cabinets inside of our homes, with extra room on top where you can store things like baskets and boxes if needed! The bonus about these types is that everything will be more accessible because they’re consolidated- which means there’s less chance we’ll miss out when looking through items due simply to not being able to see them all at once
Reach-in Pantry Dimensions
Keep your pantry organized with a reach-in shelf just the right size. The average depth of these cabinets is 5’is, but you can make them shallow or deep depending on how much room therein are storage units and what type of furniture items will fit into those spaces better than others!
Walk-in Corner Pantry Dimensions
The corner walk-in pantry is great for storing all your food items. It needs at least 27 inches of space with an opening that’s 45 degrees, and you should provide 3 feet minimum on either side for safe passage when loading or unloading goods from shelves inside the cabinet doors. The door swing will expand clearances by 6″, making it more accessible than ever to get what’s needed without stepping away from home cooking!
Is A Corner Pantry A Good Idea?
Corner pantries are a great way to maximize your space. The key is good design and careful planning, so you don’t end up with an awkward corner that doesn’t work for what you need! Most people love their corner cabinets because they provide more storage than ordinary closets, or cabinets in this style tend to help those who dislike them find better organization solutions, such as putting items on higher shelves where there’s less natural light coming through from above (which helps reduce wasted floor-space).
Narrow Walk-in Pantry Dimensions
So you want to build a Narrow Walk-in Pantry? You need at least 36 inches of walking space for one person, but it’s best if there are more. Narrow walk-in closets typically measure 4’x6′; however, we recommend investing in wider shelves or an open shelving system,m so your selected food items don’t get too crowded on these small properties and make them difficult to access when needed!
How Deep Should a Pantry Be?
Remember not to delve into making a pantry. Many experts and professionals have suggested that pantry shelves should be no more than 1 foot (12 inches) deep.
More than 12 inches would put things underground. As a result, you will forget those buried things, which means you will have to repurchase them because you thought they were already gone. Therefore, when making a pantry, ensure that all the things in it are visible.
What is the standard depth of a pantry?
The ideal depth for your pantry shelves is 16 inches to 20″. However, if you have a small space and want them as deep as possible without taking up all its available flooring areas, then one tin can still provide plenty of organization. Remember that any shelf too long will require constant restacking, which means items could get overlooked when they’re categorized the first time correctly – so make sure everything has its spot before going overboard!
Space Between Pantry Shelves
Here are some helpful tips you can apply to create adequate pantry shelf spacing:
The lowest shelf is usually 20-24 inches from the floor. It allows you to lift it and make more room for large items like paper towels or for storing pet food.
- Remember that numbers are great for identifying the best shelves.
You have to raise or lower the shelves depending on what you put or store on each frame. Leave a clearance of at least 2 inches exceeding the tallest item on the shelf. Doing this will help you access things quickly and help reduce space misuse.
In general, here are some rules you can follow:
- Plan at least 6.5 to 7 inches for a shelf designed primarily for canned goods.
- Plan 14 to at least 16 inches for a shelf that contains mainly cereal boxes.
- Plan at least 18 to 20 inches for a shelf that stores bulky items like potato containers
Standard Pantry Shelf Depth
The bottom shelf of a standard pantry is typically 16 to 18 inches deep, and the space is 18 to 24 inches apart.
If you want to store large items, the shelf should be 12 to 14 inches deep, and the space should be around 14 to 16 inches to leave enough room for bulky items like containers and cereal boxes.
If the shelf is designed primarily for canned food or spice storage, it may not need to be more than 6 inches from front to back. If you’re still unsure what to put on your shelves, create an additional 2-inch vertical space to make sure what you’re placing can slide in and out.
How Wide Should a Pantry Door Be?
The minimum recommended aisle width is 44 inches. A pantry with storage space on one side should be at least 60 inches wide. If you have storage space on both sides, it must be at least 76 inches wide.
What should be the size of a pantry door? Well, it usually depends on your preferences, needs, and, of course, your space.
Individual doors are typically 24 inches. Pantries have pantry doors with a larger space measuring 36 inches.
How wide is a standard pantry door? The average width measurements for the interior pantry doors are 24, 28, 30, 32, and 36 inches. The minimum height for pantry doors is 80 inches.
Read more about kitchen pantry door ideas here.
Scope Pantry Dimensions
The average pantry size is 5 ‘x 2’. This is usually the starting point, but your reach pantry can be as shallow as it is deep, depending on your space.
Access Corner Dimensions
Pantry dimensions - pantry size guide 6Speaking of a pantry that walks to the corner, it should have a minimum height of 2.25 feet (27 inches) and a door at a 45 ° angle.
The door’s swing can expand the clearances required for aisles of at least 3 feet. Turning the gate can reduce the size of the counter space by 6 feet.
Narrow Walking Pantry
Pantry dimensions - pantry size guide 7Narrow walk-in pantries typically measure 4.5 ‘x 6’. However, you need at least 36 inches of walking space for a person to have access to a pantry.
Most long, narrow pantries offer a little less than the bare minimum of space. Read more about how to organize a small kitchen here.
Proper Measurements Can Help You Organize Your Pantry Well
Before organizing your pantry, the first thing to do is set up your shelves. Many people keep the existing frames, and some select the shelves starting from the bottom up.
However, no matter what shelving technique you are doing, find out that you are leaving adequate floor space. The center of the pantry should have a minimum of 40 to 44 inches of additional space.
Here Are Some Tips On How You Can Organize Your Pantry
Pantry storage- Keep your pantry clean. Throw away waste and other expired foods.
- Take an inventory of what you have.
- Identify the location of the goods or items you want to store in your pantry.
- Make sure to sort items and pantry items.
- Find out if you are using the right and ideal containers for your food.
What is the standard size for a pantry?
A pantry is a sacred place in every household. It’s not just for food anymore! The typical size of a standard is 5’x5′, but these dimensions might vary because not all homeowners have the same kitchen size. It depends on how much storage you want – whether or not there are high shelves that need to be filled with pots & pans, then this space will fit your needs perfectly; however, if less room seems sufficient (like me), we can still use our different area as an office or hobby corner without feeling cramped at any point during everyday life.
How wide and deep should a pantry be?
Reach-ins offer the perfect solution for any home with limited storage space. They’re typically about 5 feet wide and 2 ft deep, making them an excellent choice when installed along walls with recessed areas or soffits incorporating this type of installation option into its design structure (although you can also find these reach-ins at 16″).
What’s a good size for a walk-in pantry?
Walk-in pantries are the perfect solution for any small kitchen. They should be at least 4 feet wide and long, but if you have more space available, an 8′ x 10′ or even 12′ version would also work well! The average size of most walk-ins we see is around 5×5 feet; however, this can vary depending on how much room there seems in your current home layout–we recommend checking out some different options before making too many decisions about what will fit best where ever it may go!
What is the best depth for pantry shelves?
The depth of your pantry shelves should be 16-20 inches to ensure you have enough space for all the items. If not, then just one tin will do! Make sure not too deep so as to need constant restacking when storing things away – especially if taller cabinets are available where these could go instead.
How much room do you need for a pantry?
To have enough space in your pantry, you need at least 36″ of walking room for one person. Suppose the only area available is narrow and short. In that case, it will be difficult, if not impossible try storing anything more than just groceries on shelves that are too high up or far away from where people would walk when they enter their homes.
What is a good height for pantry shelves?
Here are some guidelines for storage space. For a shelf or canister of canned goods, allow 6 to 7 inches from the top and sides with no more than 10 lbs per square inch on any side (it should not push against a wall). Otherwise, you may end up knocking them down when pulling things out! Cereal boxes need 14-16 inch ceilings plus 2 feet in front where they’ll be stored during use; large items like bins must have 18 “+ heights available before being placed into cabinets/drawers etc.
How wide is a pull-out pantry?
The pantry should be at least 27-30 inches wide and 16 deep. If you can only access one side, make it deeper to accommodate more storage space for your household needs!
What is the average width of a pantry?
Reach-ins are typically about 5 feet wide and 2 feet deep. They can also be as shallow, at 16 inches or less, making them a natural fit along walls with recesses in the surface where you want to install your fridge!
What is the minimum depth for a pantry?
The experts recommend that pantry shelves be no more than 12 inches deep to avoid things being buried.
Jessica Holden
Experienced Executive Assistant with a demonstrated history of working within the furniture industry. Skilled in furniture styling, visual communication, project management, and proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite. Strong arts and design professional with a (BA) Creative Direction for furniture design focused on Industrial Design from School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Storage room in an apartment and house - 35 photos and 5 answers
Author: Anton Zhmakov. Publication date: 03/29/2017. Update date: 10/15/2020.
A storage room or simply a pantry is a small room that serves to store all kinds of things. Such a kind of "warehouse" can be made in any room of a house or apartment, depending on the availability of empty space, wishes and needs. In any case, this is a very rational use of space.
For example, in the pantry:
Corridor - place outerwear, shoes, bags, sports equipment, sleds, bicycles, accessories for fishing, picnic and other outdoor recreation.
Kitchens - store jars of cereals, boxes of fruits and vegetables, preserves, kitchen utensils and even small household appliances (mixer, blender, slow cooker, toaster, bread machine).
Bathroom - store towels, bathrobes, household chemicals, toilet paper and various care products (shampoo, lotions, creams).
Nursery - lay out toys, books, stationery, clothes, shoes, bedding, pillows, blankets and other personal belongings of the child.
Bedrooms - accommodate bedding, travel bags, wardrobe items, ironing board, iron, hobbies, printed matter.
Living room - save the artificial Christmas tree, a box with Christmas toys and garlands, candles, board / active games for the whole family and guests, literature, a fan.
Balcony - place tools, building materials, garden tools, equipment packaging under warranty.
With the right layout, even the smallest storage room can accommodate a huge number of different household items. Let us consider in more detail: where to do it, how to equip it, how to fill it, what design to choose and other nuances of building a pantry. Details below - read on!
Where can I make a storage room in the apartment / house?
Despite the fact that the storage system does not require large areas and can be placed in a very tiny area, it still needs space. Under the pantry room you can take:
Niche is an ideal option where you don't even need to invent anything. You just have to think over the design of the storage room and bring it to life.
Part of the corridor - suitable for apartments and houses with a long corridor, at the end of which there is a dead end. In this case, you just need to isolate the "warehouse" from the hallway and equip it with storage places.
Corner - the principle is the same as in the case of creating a storage system in the corridor, that is, it is necessary to put up a partition and make an inside.
Place under the stairs - great for creating a pantry. In this case, an absolutely unused area becomes a useful and functional area.
Balcony end is a place that is especially popular among owners of small apartments (that is, when every centimeter counts in living rooms and there is absolutely no free space for a pantry).
Wall - is an option for those who do not have ready-made recesses or dead ends for the construction of a storage system. Here you will have to build a structural box or at least install side walls.
In addition to living quarters (nursery, bathroom, living room, kitchen, bedroom), in private houses storage rooms are made in the basement, attic, veranda and attic.
What types of storage rooms are distinguished?
The type of pantry directly depends on its internal content, namely, how the shelves, drawers and other components of the system are located. The option of arranging storage places, first of all, determines the area of the allocated premises, and then the personal preferences of the owners.
Storage room can be:
U-shaped - shelves are placed beech "P" and a free area remains in the center. A very convenient option, but designed more for spacious rooms.
Parallel - boxes, hooks, shelves and other structural elements are installed opposite each other. Suitable for rooms where it is not possible to occupy all 3 walls (on one, for example, there is a window).
L-shaped - all storage places are fixed along two walls (short and long). Such a pantry requires less square footage than the previous ones, but at the same time it can hold fewer items. Ideal for narrow spaces.
Linear - the most compact version, which can either have a small area for movement, or be a simple recess with shelves, baskets and drawers (such a pantry can hardly be called a room, because it looks more like a regular built-in wardrobe).
The choice of the type of pantry is also influenced by its purpose, that is, what it is planned to be used for (storage of things, household items, household appliances, food, printed materials, etc. ).
See photos of different types of pantries located in different rooms of the apartment / house and filled with different things:
How to furnish the inside of a pantry?
In order to make the storage room as useful, convenient and reliable as possible, it is important to think over its layout in detail, calculate the dimensions and take into account a number of nuances. Everything matters here: from the materials used to the distance between the sections. Let us consider in more detail each stage of the equipment of the internal space of the storage room.
Drafting . First, decide what you are going to store there, draw a future design and “lay out” things on the shelves in the picture. Consider which items are best placed on shelves, which in closed drawers, and which in baskets. It may be best for some to make hooks (for example, for a bicycle) or buy special organizers. Decided, painted and proceed to the next step.
*** We advise you to make the depth of the shelves 40-90 cm, height - from 35 cm. Height of drawers - 40 cm, width - 40-70 cm (leave min 50 cm for extension). The passage between the racks must be at least 60 cm.
*** Depth of shelves is recommended to be 40-90 cm, height - from 35 cm. Height of drawers - 40 cm, width - 40-70 cm (leave min 50 cm for extension). The passage between the shelves must be at least 60 cm.
Material selection . Shelves and drawers for the pantry are traditionally made of: metal, wood or boards (MDF, chipboard, chipboard). For small items, durable plastic is also used. In rare cases - glass. Each option has its pros and cons: the tree is reliable, but expensive; the metal is strong, but prone to corrosion; plastic is cheap and light, but not designed for heavy loads. The most suitable, in our opinion, materials for arranging a pantry are MDF and chipboard (affordable and not very capricious).
Mounting method - shelves, drawers, baskets can be mounted directly to the wall or mounted on special wood or metal frames. The second method, in comparison with the first, is more convenient and mobile, since at any time it allows you to change the distance between the compartments, add or remove unnecessary elements.
Interior trim . The walls of the storage room can be sheathed with wall panels, wallpapered or simply painted. Lay linoleum on the floor, install ceramic tiles, laminate or parquet. Ceiling - whitewash, wallpaper, paint or make a suspended / tension structure. In order for the pantry to perfectly harmonize with the interior of the room, use the same finish as in the room where it is located (in this case, repairs should be done in both at once).
Lighting . Even if the room receives natural light or is made in the style of a "closet", lighting fixtures should be installed.
The ideal option is to use small and not very protruding lamps or LED strips (so as not to take up space in the closet and not to cling to them).
Ventilation . Whatever items you plan to store in the pantry, they need to be protected from mold, mildew, and musty smells. Good air exchange, supported by fans or vents, greatly reduces the chance of harmful formations and an unpleasant "smell" of dampness inside.
By the way, to collect excess moisture, you can put bags with an absorbent substance in the pantry (they can’t cope with high humidity, but still dry the air a little). A more efficient option is to use a household dehumidifier.
Which door design should I choose for a storage room?
The pantry is an integral part of the room, so it naturally affects the interior of the entire room. It depends on how correctly the doors in the “vault” are chosen, whether the design will stand out or, conversely, stylishly complement the overall design.
Depending on the location, the style direction of the interior of the room and your preferences, you can choose the doors for the pantry of the following designs:
Deaf - doors made of laminated chipboard, MDF, chipboard or natural solid wood (decor in the form of carvings is possible).
Transparent - fronts made of plastic or glass (opaque, transparent, colored, tinted).
Reflective Doors with mirror or gloss foil finish (in any colour).
Combined - facade, the filling of which consists of different materials (for example, MDF + plastic).
Decorated - doors decorated with sandblasting, fine engraving or photo printing.
"Blinds" is a comfortable model that looks rustic charming and provides ventilation.
Mobile - that is, partitions and screens that are not attached to the walls of the room, but simply placed at the entrance.
Fabric is the simplest, most affordable and quickest replacement option for pantry doors.
As for the method of opening the doors, the choice lies between two options: hinged (reliable, but require space to open) and sliding (convenient, simple, durable and do not need additional space).
If you don't want to put doors, leave the storage system open. In this case, you will have to constantly monitor the order inside the room, but use it as conveniently and simply as possible.
See photos of different storage room designs, with and without doors:
How else can you use a storage room in your house/apartment?
A pantry can serve as more than just a place to store things. With the right approach, it can be turned into a full-fledged functional room. For example, the pantry is being converted into:
Office - gives you the opportunity to retire in order to calmly finish the work taken at home.
Workshop is a place where you can practice your favorite hobby on your own or in the company of other family members.
Library is the perfect place to enjoy reading a book, writing poetry or contemplating yourself.
Dressing room is a room where everything you need to create an image is at hand.
Laundry room - with good heating and ventilation, allows you to wash, dry and iron things in one place.
We offer photos of options for using storage rooms - look and be inspired:
You can order shelves, drawers, rods, racks, furniture and doors of any design, as well as the creation of a pantry room on a turnkey basis with us, at the Mebelino furniture company. All details by phone - call: +7 (495) 215-27-97 .
Layout of the pantry in the apartment
What parameters and dimensions should be taken into account in advance, where to put away large and small things, how to make moving around the closet convenient, and to simplify the search for each storage element as much as possible?
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1. Plan room size and overhead storage: add to the volume of already existing things, depending on the prospects, from 1/3 to 1/2 additional places (there should be more storage reserves in the apartment of newlyweds and families with small children).
In the photo: dressing room Walnut factory Lumi.
2. Think about ease of movement and ergonomics: if there are too many things and the dimensions of the room are small (the minimum distance between sections should not be reduced to less than 60 cm), it is better to build an additional wardrobe. To simplify access to things more actively, use various retractable elements.
3. Provide bright lighting. The best option is luminaires built into the ceiling with frosted shades or lamps that create uniform and soft lighting. Embed additional light sources in deep sections or provide a portable lamp (for example, a clothespin lamp on a long electric cord).
4. Choose the light color scheme for walls and floors - it reflects light well and the contents of the pantry will be easy to see.
5. Use easy-to-clean materials for finishing - ceramic or porcelain tiles, washable paint.
6. Make the storage system as open as possible, to make it easier to navigate, except for compartments for storing household chemicals, especially open packages with washing powders, which are more useful to put away in tightly closed sections.
7. Separate compartments for storing bulky items. The layout of the pantry should consider in advance storage space for items such as suitcases, seasonal blankets, stepladder, vacuum cleaner, mop and bucket, ironing board.
8. Place under the ceiling or in the depth of infrequently used seasonal items (such as winter sports equipment (skis, snowboards, etc.)
10. First of all, calculate the places for technical devices, if they are planned to appear here: choosing the optimal place for a hot water boiler, washing and drying machines, water treatment devices, an air conditioner system unit will allow you to comply with safety requirements and help to reduce costs to a minimum.
Pictured: Schiffini's Mesa model.
9. Before starting the repair, consider the location of the electrical outlets for household and other work, if any, (for example, to connect an iron, a soldering iron, as well as additional lights).
10. Position tools so that they are in front of your eyes : attach them to the open holders on the walls of the room or the hinged doors of the cabinet.
11. Build a shelf or folding table to make it easier to find small items - it will be possible to put bulky boxes with bolts and nuts, etc. on it.
12. Label shelves and boxes with stickers and badges: they are especially useful for finding small and rarely used items.
13. Make shallow storage compartments . It is better not to dump them in deep heavy boxes, so as not to waste time and effort searching, but to distribute them in small plastic boxes and boxes.
