How to grow a rosemary tree
How to Grow Rosemary Plants
The Mediterranean herb, rosemary, requires attention to soil and water conditions. In warmest areas, it grows into a large evergreen shrub.
Rosemary is a woody-stemmed plant with needle-like leaves that can commonly reach 3 feet in height, eventually stretching to 5 feet in warmer climates unless clipped. In zone 8 and farther south, rosemary bushes make a good evergreen hedge. In zone 7 and colder, try growing rosemary in a container you can bring inside in cold weather. You can even train rosemary into topiary shapes. Plants are tolerant of salt spray, making them a good choice for pots on the beach.
With the right soil and water conditions, rosemary can grow into a large evergreen hedge in warm areas. Placed along a path or border, it wafts a soothing minty aroma to those who pass by.Quick Guide to Growing Rosemary
- Plant rosemary in spring once all chances of frost have passed. This delightful herb is an all-star in the kitchen and is a great option for raised garden beds, containers, and in-ground gardens.
- Space rosemary plants 2 to 3 feet apart in an area with abundant sunlight and rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
- Before planting, set your garden up for success by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter into your native soil. For container growing, consider a premium bagged potting mix.
- Promote spectacular growth by feeding rosemary regularly with a water-soluble plant food.
- It's important to water regularly but be sure to let the soil dry out between waterings.
- Harvest rosemary stems by snipping them with sharp gardening shears. Harvest often once the plant is established, but avoid pruning more than one-third of the plant at a time.
Soil, Planting, and Care
Set out rosemary in spring, planting starter plants 2 to 3 feet apart; you can also plant in fall in zone 8 and south. Choose strong, vigorous Bonnie Plants® rosemary to get your garden off to a great start—after all, Bonnie has spent over a century helping home gardeners successfully grow their own food. Plants are slow growing at first, but pick up speed in their second year.
Rosemary prefers full sun and light, well-drained soil with a pH between 6 and 7. Improve your existing soil by adding a few inches of aged compost-enriched Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil and mixing it in with the top layer. Potted rosemary needs a lighter-weight soil mix, so fill containers with Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose Container Mix instead. Keep the soil uniformly moist, allowing it to dry out between waterings. Mulch your plants to keep roots moist in summer and insulated in winter, but take care to keep mulch away from the crown of the plant. In the spring, prune dead wood out of the plants.
For best growth, it's not enough just to start with rich, nutritious soil. You'll also want to feed rosemary regularly throughout the season with a plant food that feeds both your plants and the soil, like Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition (following the directions on the label).
Whiteflies, spider mites, scale, and mealybugs can all bother rosemary, as can powdery mildew and root rot, particularly in humid regions. To prevent mildew and rot, be sure your plants enjoy good drainage and air circulation. In zone 7 and northward, extreme cold will kill the tops of the rosemary plant. In areas where it is likely to be hurt by winter, plant in a protected spot such as one near a south-facing masonry wall and away from the prevailing winter wind; also mulch to protect the roots. In zone 8 and farther south, rosemary needs no winter protection.
Harvest and Storage
Cut stems at any time for fresh rosemary. To dry rosemary, use a rack or hang it upside down in bunches to dry. Once stems are dry, strip the leaves from them. You can also freeze rosemary sprigs, preserve them in vinegar, or use them to flavour oil or butter.
While rosemary blends well with other herbs, use it lightly on its own in lamb, pork, chicken, and veal dishes, as well as in soups and stews, vegetables, and sauces. Rosemary provides a wonderful flavour in breads and makes a good marinade with olive oil, wine, and garlic. Rosemary's aromatic qualities also enhance a bath, bouquet, wreath, or sachet.
Will rosemary grow with the other herbs in my herb garden?
Unlike most herbs that live for only one season, rosemary is an evergreen shrub in zone 8 and farther south. For that reason, you should choose a location where it can continue to grow for years to come. It thrives in a sunny, well-drained location where it will reach up to 3 feet tall and wide. You can place it near the gate to your vegetable garden or as part of your home landscape. Because it is so fragrant when touched, it is a nice addition near a sidewalk or porch.
What is rosemary's temperature tolerance?
Our rosemary is dependably hardy in USDA zone 8 and southward, which means in areas in which the temperature does not go below 10 to 15 degrees. If you live in zone 7, plant in a protected location, such as near a south-facing masonry wall, to provide added warmth on cold nights.
Can I trim rosemary anytime, or is there a recommended time?
As with any culinary herb, you should cut fresh, flavorful foliage whenever you need it. Plants do well with a heavy pruning anytime from early spring to midsummer. Try not to cut into stems that are dark and woody; these are less likely to sprout new growth than the younger wood. Remember that rosemary will never have a perfectly round silhouette, because it is the nature of the plant to have upright stems. However, the overall habit of the plant can be thicker with pruning to encourage branching.
I grew rosemary in a large pot and left it out over the winter. Should I cut the plant back or wait for new growth?
Early spring before growth begins is a good time to prune any evergreen, and that includes rosemary. Remove any dead, leafless stems first, and then prune to improve the shape of the plant. Avoid cutting stems that are very old, as they may not sprout new shoots are readily as younger stems. However, if your plant is nicely shaped and you are happy for it to continue growing larger, remember that pruning is not a necessity. Note: when rosemary is grown in a container, do not let it dry to the point of wilting. It may not recover.
Cool Season Gardening Harvesting Herbs Holidays Rosemary
Tips For Growing Rosemary Herb Plants
By: Nikki Tilley, Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden
Image by James Bowe
Evergreen rosemary is an attractive evergreen shrub with needle-like leaves and brilliant blue flowers. The flowers of evergreen rosemary persist through spring and summer, filling the air with a nice piney fragrance. This beautiful herb, mostly used for seasoning dishes, is also commonly used as ornamental plantings in the landscape.
The scientific name for rosemary plant is Rosmarinus officinalis, which translates to “mist of the sea,” as its gray-green foliage is thought to resemble mist against the sea cliffs of the Mediterranean, where the plant originates.
Evergreen Rosemary Plant Care
Rosemary plant care is easy. When growing rosemary plants, provide them with well-drained, sandy soil and at least six to eight hours of sunlight. These plants thrive in warm, humid environments and cannot take extremely cold temperatures. Since rosemary cannot withstand winters below 30 F. (-1 C.), it’s often better when growing rosemary plants to put them in containers, which can be placed in the ground and easily moved indoors during winter.
Rosemary prefers to remain somewhat on the dry side; therefore, terra cotta pots are a good choice when selecting suitable containers. These pots allow the plant to dry out faster. Thoroughly water rosemary plants when the soil is dry to the touch but allow the plants to dry out between watering intervals. Even indoors, rosemary plants will require lots of light, at least six hours, so place the plant in a suitable location free of drafts.
Trimming Rosemary
Pruning rosemary will help make a bushier plant. Most herbs thrive on being trimmed every now and then, especially those used for flavorings. Snip sprigs just as you would when cutting back a houseplant, trimming rosemary once blooming has ceased. The general rule for trimming rosemary is not to take more than one-third of the plant at any time and make cuts just above a leaf joint. These can then be dried like any other herb by hanging tied bundles upside down in a cool, dry place.
Evergreen Rosemary Propagation
Rosemary plants are usually propagated by cuttings, as it can be tricky getting evergreen rosemary seeds to germinate. Successfully growing rosemary plants from seeds comes only when the seeds are very fresh and when planted in optimum growing conditions.
Start new rosemary plants with cuttings from existing evergreen plants. Cut stems that are about 2 inches (5 cm.) long and remove leaves on the bottom two-thirds of the cutting. Place the cuttings in a mixture of perlite and peat moss, spraying with water until roots begin to grow. Once roots have developed, you can plant the cuttings as you would with any rosemary plant.
Rosemary plants are prone to becoming root bound and should be repotted at least once a year. Yellowing of the lower foliage is an early indication that it’s time to repot.
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How to grow rosemary at home from cuttings and seeds on a windowsill
Rosemary sprigs have been used in cooking for several centuries for many dishes due to their wonderful aroma. Substances contained in the spicy plant improve mood, relieve stress. In addition, rosemary releases essential oils that destroy pathogenic bacteria.
So why not have such a useful and beautiful greenery in your apartment on the windowsill?
Unfortunately, this wonderful spicy heat-loving plant is not able to endure frosty winters. To keep rosemary until spring, gardeners have to move it indoors and continue to grow it indoors, and many end up leaving it at home on the windowsill.
- 1 Ways to propagate rosemary
- 2 Which varieties of rosemary are suitable for growing in an apartment
- 3 How to plant rosemary on a windowsill - features, conditions and step-by-step instructions
- 3.1 Growing location: light and temperature
- 3.2 Growing pot
- 3.3 What soil to plant (substrate)
- 3.4 Seed preparation
- further rooting cuttings
- 4 How to care for rosemary after planting and before harvest
- 4.
1 Watering
- 4.2 Top dressing
- 4.3 Transplanting
- 4.4 Pruning (pinching)
- 4.5 Diseases and pests
- 4.
- 5 EXTRISE and harvesting ROMARINA
Methods of multiplication
- sow and grow from seed;
- cut cuttings and then root;
- buy ready-made bushes or young seedlings.
Naturally, the easiest way is to buy it from seedlings and then grow it on the windowsill. But it is much more interesting to follow the growth of a spicy plant from scratch, especially in an apartment where you can observe its full development. In addition, growing rosemary is not so difficult.
However, it is worth knowing that rosemary is a perennial, and like all perennials, it grows very slowly in the initial period.
Video: growing straight greens on the windowsill - how to propagate rosemary from seeds and cuttings
Which varieties of rosemary are suitable for growing in an apartment?
And the most popular variety of rosemary is Rosinka.
How to plant rosemary on the windowsill - features, conditions and step by step instructions
Growing rosemary on the windowsill, it is important to comply with all agrotechnical requirements. Only a bush growing in a favorable environment will serve as an interior decoration, a storehouse of useful substances and will add a unique flavor to your dishes.
By the way! Rosemary is usually planted in the spring.
Growing location: light and temperature
Before you acquire a spice plant, you need to familiarize yourself with its requirements for growing conditions in advance.
The optimum temperature for growing rosemary at home in summer is +20….+25 degrees.
But in winter, it is better to provide rosemary with a cool environment, preferably below 15 degrees (a range of 10-15 degrees is fine.
Important! In order for rosemary to bloom well, it needs coolness in winter when kept at home, and some sources even indicate a temperature of 5-10 degrees.
In order for rosemary to form leaves more actively, in winter, a light-loving plant should be placed on the southern (either southwestern or southeastern), western or eastern windowsill.
By the way! If you only have space on the north window sill, there are simple tricks that increase the amount of sunlight entering the room. For example, slopes can be pasted over with mirrors or something shiny.
Plus, you can always do backlight.
Indeed, in winter, you can’t do without additional illumination of room greens and vegetables. For this, of course, fitolamps are best suited, but more budgetary full-spectrum LED lamps are a great option. In the short winter days, rosemary responds gratefully to morning and evening supplementary lighting.
By the way! The pot must be periodically turned to the light, first one side, then the other. Thus, deformation can be avoided when the plant arches to one side of the world, which often happens when growing light-loving plants on the windowsill.
In summer, a container with rosemary is transferred to the balcony (loggia): they simply take it out into the garden or plant it on the plot (if it has grown very much). And if you decide to leave a pot of spicy greens on the southern window, then you should definitely shade it with something from bright sunlight.
Growing pot
Due to the fact that the root system of rosemary is highly branched, the plant should be planted in a spacious (preferably clay) pot.
Optimal planting container dimensions: height 15-20 cm, width 25 cm.Tip! Initially, it is better to sow the seeds in general containers, from where, when 1-2 true leaves appear, dive into separate small containers. Then, as it grows, transfer to a permanent place in a large beautiful pot.
At the bottom of the pot, do not forget to put a small layer of drainage (expanded clay, pebbles or vermiculite), and also make holes through which excess water will flow into the pan.
What kind of soil to plant (substrate)
The most convenient way is to purchase a universal soil (and it is better for seedlings) in a garden store and then mix it with river sand or perlite (1/3 or 1/4) to make it looser.
Idea! You can add hydrogel to the potting mix, so you don't have to water as often in summer and winter.
Of course, garden soil can also be used instead of purchased soil. The main condition is that the soil must be loose, moisture and breathable.
Tip! It is recommended to decontaminate any, even purchased soil, by spilling a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin . Alternatively, you can steam it in the oven or microwave.
Seed preparation
Rosemary seeds germinate very slowly and poorly: seedlings break through to the surface only 2-4 weeks after sowing. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to pre-soak the seeds (so that they swell) for 1-2 days, remembering to keep the napkins or cotton pads moist (the material in which you usually do this).
By the way! If it is written on the package of seeds that they do not require any pre-planting preparation, then nothing needs to be done! Right into the ground!
Preparation cuttings for planting, their germination
By the way! You can either cut the cuttings in the garden if you already grow rosemary, or buy them in the supermarket or on the market (fresh), just be sure to trim the tip.
Cuttings required semi-woody.
Preparation of rosemary cuttings for subsequent cultivation on the windowsill is carried out in the following sequence:
Interesting! The author of the next video plants the cuttings directly into the ground.
Video: how to grow rosemary from cuttings at home (without germination in water)
Direct planting: Sowing seeds and further rooting of cuttings
Rosemary sowed as follows:
- Filled.
- Seeds were spread evenly over damp substrate.
- Moistened from a spray bottle and that's it!
Important! No need to cover with earth! Even by 0.5 cm. And then put in a warm place where the temperature is kept around +25 degrees.
Lighting does not matter at this stage, so you can put the container in a dark place, such as a cupboard or refrigerator.
- As soon as the seedlings hatch, the film is removed from the planting container and promptly rearranged to a light (even bright) and cooler place (18-20 degrees).
Video: how to plant rosemary from seeds - 4 secrets of successful germination
Water. ![]()
Cover with bag. And do not forget to make small holes in the mini-greenhouse so that fresh air still comes to the handle. Or just periodically open for a few minutes.
- Store in a warm and bright place.
- As soon as new leaves begin to appear, gradually remove the shelter (after 3-5 weeks).
- Pinch off the top to start growing side branches.
Video: how to grow rosemary from cuttings
How to care for rosemary after planting and before harvesting
Please note! If rosemary stands in a draft, it may throw off the leaves.
The substrate in the pot should be constantly damp, but never wet. It is better to underfill rosemary and allow the soil to dry out for a short time (the plant is southern, and therefore drought-resistant), rather than turn the soil mixture into a swamp. In other words, when watering a plant, you need to adhere to the golden mean. For rosemary, prolonged dampness or excessive drought is highly undesirable: in the first case, the roots will begin to rot, and the plant will die, in the second, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, after which the rosemary will dry out.
It is necessary to water only with water that has settled for 1 day at room temperature.
During flowering and in winter, the amount of watering is reduced to a minimum. However, it is important to monitor the humidity in winter, when the batteries dry the air. But in the summer you need to water abundantly (at least 2 times a week).
At first, when rosemary is just gaining green mass, it should be sprayed periodically. But an adult plant is no longer necessary.
Top dressing
It makes sense to fertilize rosemary only in the initial period of growth - a couple of times with a frequency of a month. As top dressing, you can use liquid mineral fertilizers.
Alternatively, you can feed with honey water (1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter of water).
Idea! Buy a good fertile soil, which includes humus, compost or biohumus, and then you do not have to add any fertilizer to the soil.
Young rosemary should be repotted once a year, preferably in spring (around April). And over the age of 5 years - 1 time in 3-4 years, while it is desirable to change the topsoil annually.
Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method:
- The plant, together with the earthen clod, is taken out of the old pot, and shortly before that, it is abundantly spilled so that the earthen clod can be conveniently obtained (so that it does not crumble).
- Transfer to a new pot and add the missing soil, lightly tamp it down and water it.
Pruning (pinching)
Rosemary should be trimmed periodically, thereby forming a bush, giving it the desired shape.
Shearing stimulates the plant to actively grow, as a result of which rosemary grows many new shoots and becomes more lush and beautiful.
Important! Rosemary will tolerate pruning well if 2/3 of the young shoots are left. But pruning to old wood makes the plant weak and vulnerable, it can start to hurt.
Cut branches can be used for food or cooking.
By the way! Over time, rosemary in a pot can be formed into a small tree (bonsai).
Diseases and pests
Unfortunately, rosemary is very fond of spider mites (especially when the air is dry) and aphids .
At home, to get rid of pests, it is advisable to use exactly with biological preparations (Fitoverma type). In general, harmful insects are perfectly repelled by tobacco dust.
By the way! Due to stagnant air and lack of ventilation, as well as too high humidity, powdery mildew can develop on rosemary.
Video: the whole truth about growing rosemary on the windowsill
Rosemary germination and harvesting time
Seedlings appear only after 2-4 weeks after sowing.
Naturally, cuttings take root much faster.
But harvesting fragrant plants will not be possible to start soon.
- Rosemary from seeds takes about a year to grow, i.e. You will receive a full harvest only next year.
- Therefore, it is much more practical to plant rosemary cuttings, then you will be able to harvest this year.
And to make rosemary grow faster, it is recommended to remember to periodically pinch its top.
By the way! Rosemary sprigs are said to be used for seasoning best during flowering, but not required.
The main thing when growing rosemary in an apartment on the windowsill is to create the right microclimate. For the care rendered, rosemary will certainly thank you with its beautiful appearance and aroma.
Video: rosemary in a pot - growing difficulties
outdoor and indoor cultivation, propagation
The rosemary plant (Rosmarinus) is part of the Lamiaceae family.
This genus is represented by evergreen shrubs and shrubs. Under natural conditions, this plant can be found on the territory of such European countries as Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, in the southern part of France and in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, and also in North Africa: Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, and also in Turkey and in Cyprus.
From Latin "rosemary" is translated as "sea freshness", this is due to the fact that the ancient Greeks associated rosemary with the sea Aphrodite, which appeared from the sea foam. However, the smell of this plant is not at all similar to the iodine marine aroma. It is more like a combination of the smell of camphor and pine, so the Greek name of the plant, which translates as "balsamic shrub", is closest to the truth. Previously, people believed that rosemary improves memory, in connection with this, in ancient Greece, students often put wreaths on their heads that were woven from rosemary branches. In culture, this plant has become popular due to its special aroma.
This plant is included in the composition of the "bouquet garni" and the collection of Provence herbs, and it is also put in drinks, marinades, and vinegar is also insisted on rosemary. Such an evergreen shrub is distinguished by its thermophilicity, therefore it can be grown in open ground only in those regions where winters are warm. And in those countries where the climate is cool, rosemary is grown as a container and room culture. 9Ol000
4.2 Light and temperature 4.3 Pests 4.4 Watering 4.5 Fertilizer 5 Growing rosemary outdoors
- 5.1 Care instructions
- 5.2 Pruning
- 5.3 Wintering
- 5.4 Watering
- 5.5 Fertilizing
6 What to grow in the garden after rosemary? 7 Methods of reproduction
- 7.1 Cherry
- 7.2 Getting
- 7.3 Costs Custo
- 7.4 Diseases and pests
8 types and varieties of rosemary with photo 9 Rosemary properties: Environmental Properties: Environmental Properties: Environmental Properties: Environmental Properties: Environmental Properties: Administration of the Rosemary 900 9. 2 Contraindications
Brief description of growing
- Planting . Sowing of rosemary seeds for seedlings is carried out in the last days of February or the first - March, and seedlings are transplanted into open ground - from mid to late May.
- Illumination . Requires plenty of bright sunlight.
- Primer . Limestone, well permeable to water and air.
- Watering . Should be moderate. Water is poured carefully under the root to avoid drops on the surface of the leaf plates.
- Fertilizer . In spring, a nitrogen-containing fertilizer, for example, urea or ammonium nitrate, is applied to the soil at the site. After that, once every 30 days, rosemary is fed with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. In autumn, those fertilizers are used that contain only phosphorus and potassium.
- Breeding .
Cuttings, dividing the bush, seeds and layering.
- Harmful insects . In room conditions - whiteflies and aphids, in open ground - aphids.
- Diseases . In winter, at room conditions, the plant can become ill with peronosporosis.
Features of rosemary
Rosemary is a shrub that can grow from 0.5 to 2 meters in height. Its root system is very powerful and developed, it penetrates the soil to a depth of 3-4 meters. There is pubescence on the surface of grayish, obtusely four-sided young shoots. Perennial woody stems with peeling bark are painted in a dark gray shade. Sedentary linear leaf plates are leathery to the touch and have edges bent down. The leaves are about 0.4 cm wide, and up to 3.5 cm long, their front surface is glossy, and on the wrong side there is pubescence. Lush paniculate inflorescences consist of flowers of pale purple, dark purple or white. This plant is related to the following crops: hyssop, basil, lavender, mint, motherwort, thyme (thyme), oregano and lemon balm.
The upper parts of annual shoots, along with foliage and flowers, are used fresh, adding to dishes of legumes, cabbage, eggplant and meat.
Rosemary. Reproduction and cultivation.
Watch this video on YouTubePlanting rosemary seedlings
When to sow seedlings
Rosemary is propagated by seed, cuttings, dividing the bush and layering. In regions where winters are cold, this plant is recommended to be grown from seed through seedlings. Sowing seeds is carried out in the last days of February or the first - March.
Seeding Features
Before sowing, the seed material is kept in water for several hours. When the seeds swell, they are sown in moistened sand or vermiculite, and they need to be buried in the substrate by only 0.3–0.4 cm, and the container must be covered with a film on top. If you want seedlings to appear as soon as possible, the crops are constantly kept warm (25 to 30 degrees).
Do not forget to systematically remove the shelter and moisten the substrate with a spray bottle so that it is constantly slightly damp. If everything is done correctly, then the first seedlings should appear after 6-8 weeks. Immediately after this, the shelter is removed, and the crops are moved to a well-lit place. Remember that the substrate in the container must be watered regularly, for this they use warm, well-settled water. After the height of the seedlings is 70–80 mm, they are planted in open ground.
Easy sowing
Watch this video on YouTubeGrowing rosemary at home
The first step is to grow rosemary seedlings from seeds, how to do this is described in detail above. After the height of the seedlings is 70–80 mm, they dive into separate pots (it is better to take clay ones), which should reach 9–11 centimeters in diameter, there must be drainage holes at the bottom. The container should be filled with a substrate that is well permeable to air and water; to create it, a universal soil mixture is combined with vermiculite or sand.
You can make a soil mixture from humus, sand, soddy and deciduous soil (2: 1: 2: 2). A small hole is made in the wet soil mixture, the depth of which should be equal to the height of the seedling root. Carefully remove the plant from the container, taking it along with an earthen clod, and plant it in a pot in a prepared hole. Lightly tamp the substrate around the plant.
Illumination and temperature conditions
It is recommended to place the planted bush on a south-facing window. In order for the crown of rosemary to be beautiful, and not one-sided, regularly once every 7 days the container with the plant is rotated around its axis by 180 degrees. In the spring and summer, it is recommended to move the bush to fresh air (terrace, garden or balcony) if possible. With the onset of autumn, after the air temperature begins to drop to minus 1 degree, the plant is transferred to the house. It is undesirable to ventilate the room where rosemary is located, as cold air from the window can harm it.
However, if there is no air circulation in the room, then mold may appear on the bush. To avoid this, a fan should operate in the room daily for 3-4 hours. In winter, the air temperature in the room should be below 16 degrees, and the humidity level at this time the bush needs to be low.
When grown indoors, aphids and arachnids can settle on the plant. If you notice pests on the bush, then treat with a solution of an acaricidal or insecticidal agent. At the same time, remember that several treatments may be required to completely destroy pests.
Keep the potting mix slightly damp (not soggy) at all times. You can understand that the shrub lacks moisture by the lower foliage: it turns yellow. If there is too much moisture in the soil mixture, then the foliage begins to fly around the bush.
It is recommended to moisten the substrate in a pot with a watering can with a long and narrow spout, because water should not fall on the surface of the leaves, as this can cause mold.
Before watering, the water should stand for at least a day, and its temperature should be close to room temperature.
During the growing season from March to September, the plant needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers, which must include calcium. Top dressing is carried out regularly twice a month. In winter, the plant is not fed at all, or it is done much less frequently (once every 4–6 weeks).
Rosemary. Landing and care.
Watch this video on YouTubeGrowing rosemary outdoors
You can also grow rosemary outdoors. To do this, choose a well-lit place that has reliable protection from gusts of wind. The soil needs light, loose, well-permeable water and air, and it is desirable that it be limed.
Seedlings are planted in open ground from the middle to the end of May after warm weather sets in, by which time the seedlings should reach a height of 70 to 80 mm. If you plan to grow large bushes, then when planting seedlings, a distance of half a meter is kept between them.
And if you do not plan this, then it is enough to maintain a distance of 10 centimeters between the plants. Planted bushes need to be watered.
Care instructions
Growing rosemary in your garden is not as difficult as it may seem. You need to take care of it in almost the same way as for other garden crops, or rather, it should be systematically watered, fed, weeded, cut, and do not forget to loosen the soil surface in a timely manner.
After 7 days after planting, the tops of the stems should be pinched off near the bushes, in this case they will grow more magnificent and spectacular. Remember that the first flowering of such a plant can be seen no earlier than the second year after planting in open ground.
Upright rosemary bushes, starting from the age of two, are cut at a height of 3-4 internodes on last year's growth, and this is done in April. Prostrate rosemary does not need pruning.
Pruning in order to rejuvenate the shrub is carried out once every 7 years, for this, all the stems are cut at the level of the soil surface.
In the spring, formative pruning is also carried out. You can form a plant in the form of a cube, a ball or a miniature tree (for example, in the form of a cypress). Rosemary broom-shaped bonsai is very popular among gardeners.
This shrub is heat-loving, so in mid-latitudes it can die in winter. In order to keep the plant until spring, it is dug up and planted in a container, which is transferred to a well-lit and cool (not higher than 16 degrees) room. If it is not possible to dig up rosemary, then it is cut off at the level of the surface of the site and covered with a layer of dry foliage or sawdust, then a tent is made around the plant from spruce branches.
Rosemary is distinguished by its drought tolerance, but it still needs timely and proper watering. If the plant feels a lack of moisture, then because of this, its lower leaf plates will begin to turn yellow. And due to the regular stagnation of fluid in the soil, part of the root system of the shrub dies off, and its foliage is also observed flying around.
Watering should be moderate. Pour water gently under the root, because if its droplets fall on the foliage, then mold development may begin because of this.
In the springtime, it is recommended to apply a nitrogen-containing fertilizer to the soil on the site, this will be a great start for the growth of rosemary. And then, throughout the entire growing season, a complex mineral fertilizer is systematically applied to the soil once every 30 days. In autumn, fertilizers are used for top dressing, which do not contain nitrogen, but it should contain a lot of phosphorus.
What to grow on the plot after rosemary?
This plant is a perennial, but if you decide to remove it from the site, then you should dig up the bush and clear the soil of plant debris. Digging the soil, while adding compost or humus to it. Onions, carrots and garlic will grow well in such a site.
Propagation methods
How to grow rosemary from seed is described in detail above.
However, this is not the only way to propagate such a shrub. So, it can also be propagated by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.
Cuttings are taken in September-October, for this, annual stems are used. The length of the cuttings should be from 8 to 10 centimeters, and they should also have 3 or 4 internodes. From the bottom, tear off all the leaf plates and treat the lower cut with a drug that stimulates root growth. Planting cuttings for rooting is carried out in a container filled with a loose and light substrate, well permeable to water and air, and pre-sterilized (for example, you can take a mixture of vermiculite and peat). Store the cuttings in a warm place out of direct sunlight.
Keep the soil mixture in the container slightly moist at all times, and the cuttings themselves must be moistened with water from a spray bottle every day. When new leaf blades grow on the cuttings, they are transplanted into individual pots in diameter reaching from 70 to 90 mm.
7 days after transplantation, the tops of the cuttings are pinched, thanks to which they will grow more magnificent and spectacular.
Rosemary from cuttings How to grow rosemary
Watch this video on YouTubeCuttings
To propagate rosemary by cuttings, you need to select shoots from the bush that grow very close to the soil surface. The shoots are bent to the ground, then they are fixed and dug in with soil so that the top of the stem remains above the surface. Give the layerings regular watering so that the ground around them is always slightly moist. After the tip begins to grow, the layer is cut off from the parent plant and planted in open ground or a pot.
Dividing the bush
Propagation of rosemary by dividing the bush is most often resorted to when growing it at home. After the bush is pulled out of the container, its root is divided into parts. Please note that each division must have stems and roots.
Sprinkle the cuts with charcoal powder and plant the delenki in individual pots.
Diseases and pests
When grown outdoors, rosemary is very resistant to pests and diseases. However, a bush growing at home is sometimes affected by downy mildew in winter, and whiteflies and aphids can also settle on it. To get rid of pests, gently lather the bush, and then rinse it under a warm shower. Moreover, the surface of the substrate in the container must be covered with a film so that soapy water does not get into it. To prevent downy mildew, do not allow excessive humidity levels in the room and potting mix. And also experts advise using a fan in winter to create air circulation in the room.
Types and varieties of rosemary with photo
In nature, there are only 3-4 types of rosemary, but only officinalis rosemary is cultivated by gardeners and florists. Description common rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) , or medicinal can be found at the beginning of this article.
The following varieties of upright rosemary officinalis are most popular in culture:
- Benenden Blue - the stems of a compact bush have an arcuate shape;
- Albiflorus - white flowers;
- Roseus - flowers are painted in a pink shade;
- Seven Sea and Tasken Blue - the height of the bushes in these varieties is not more than half a meter.
This species also has a variety - prostratus, or prostrate rosemary: such an evergreen subshrub reaches a height of 0.5 m, and it can grow to a width of one and a half meters. The foliage of this variety resembles spruce needles, namely, it is leathery, dense, bright green, and in the center it has a vein of white. During flowering, small flowers of lilac or blue color are formed. Rosemary is often used by gardeners as a groundcover. This variety has several common varieties:
- Corsica Prostratus ;
- Venzano Prostratus ;
- creeper ;
- lavender - this shrub is characterized by slow growth, and its small rich green leaves and blue flowers adorn it.
Benefits and harms of rosemary
Healing properties of rosemary
Since ancient times, rosemary has been a symbol of prosperity, abundance and longevity. That is why the newlyweds for the wedding were given a gift in the form of a sprig of rosemary. Also, this shrub was used as a medicinal plant with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, tonic and wound-healing effects. This plant was used during the treatment of rheumatism, hypotension, exhaustion, sciatica, sexual weakness, and it was also used for menopause. Also, this shrub is used in the treatment of certain heart diseases, colds, and it also helps to rejuvenate the body and stimulate blood circulation. It is also used as an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite and obesity.
Rosemary oil is highly valued. They treat boils, acne, infected wounds and eczema. Oil is extracted from foliage, young shoots and flowers by steaming them. Rosemary is also used in cooking as a seasoning, for example, it is added to meat and fish dishes, as well as to sauces, salads and tea.