How to get rid of dandelions in a lawn

How to Get Rid of Dandelions for Good in 4 Steps


Though young children love dandelions for their bright yellow flowers and their irresistibly entertaining, fluffy seed heads, most lawn-tending grown-ups dread the sight of them. Dandelions are among the subset of weeds called broadleaf perennials, which are notoriously challenging to remove. Once a dandelion plant has fully established its 10-inch-long taproot, the weed will come back year after year, spreading its spawn across your lawn in perpetuity. That long root is the key to total extermination. If you want to truly rid yourself of a dandelion, you must kill or remove all of the taproot, or the unwanted sprout will come back again with a vengeance.

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The quickest and least labor-intensive method of getting rid of dandelions is to spray them with a broadleaf herbicide that will kill the entire plant, not just the leaves, without harming the surrounding grass. But plenty of people would rather skip the harmful chemicals and take a more natural route. If that’s your desire, you should consider this long-term, multipronged approach to ridding your yard of dandelions.

TOOLS AND MATERIALS Available on Amazon
– Watering can
– Weed knife
– Natural weed killer
– Preemergent herbicide


STEP 1: Dig up the dandelions.

As any plant is more easily pulled from the ground if the soil is moist, first use the watering can to dampen the soil around the dandelion, and wait a few minutes for the moisture to settle in. Then, work a weeding knife down along the base of the dandelion in two or three places. Push the soil away from the root of the plant by wiggling the knife. Finally, grasp the base of the plant between your fingers and gently pull. If it still feels stuck, work the weeding knife around some more, and then gently pull out the entire taproot with the dandelion.

STEP 2: Carefully target and kill the dandelion root with herbicide.

Any portion of the dandelion’s taproot that remains will grow into a new plant again, so you must kill whatever is left. Most natural herbicides you’ll find at the store are nonselective, meaning they will kill any plant that comes into contact with them, including your grass. Keeping that in mind, carefully apply herbicide (either commercial or homemade) only into the hole from which you just pulled the dandelion.

STEP 3: Fill the hole in your lawn with a pre-emergent herbicide and soil.

Having dug up the dandelion, you now have in your lawn an open spot with loose soil, which is vulnerable to other aggressive weeds. To discourage a new enemy from taking root, fill this hole as well with a pre-emergent herbicide. Even varieties of natural pre-emergent herbicide are nonselective, so it won’t be worth your while to try to plant new grass in the area. Instead, hope that runners from your already-established turfgrass plants will eventually fill in the spot.


STEP 4: Focus on your lawn’s health.

Finally, after battling your weeds, take the time to strengthen your lawn. A strong and healthy lawn will be less susceptible to weed invasion, because vigorous turfgrass plants don’t leave much room—or nutrients—for tricky perennial weeds like dandelions to take hold. So, for the long term, follow these standard practices for good lawn care:

This routine for eliminating dandelions is time-intensive, but it has great appeal if you want to avoid toxic chemicals. Consider incorporating these activities into your regular lawn maintenance routine so you can regulate and deal with dandelions on a smaller scale. With a little diligence and patience, you can banish these garish troublemakers for good.

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How To Get Rid of Dandelions in Your Lawn

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The yellow flowering weed is notoriously difficult to eradicate. Read on to learn how to get rid of dandelions in your yard.

A dandelion‘s bright yellow flowers are certainly iconic, but the jagged fang-like leaves are what inspired its whimsical name, which comes from a French word meaning “lion’s tooth.” Learn your best bets for getting rid of dandelions in your yard.

On This Page

What Is a Dandelion?

A dandelion is a wild broadleaf perennial herb found in all 50 states and southern Canada, as well as more than 60 other countries. In early spring, it produces yellow flowers. After that, their heads dry up and parachute-like seeds develop. These seeds are easily dispersed by the wind (and children!).

Are Dandelions a Weed?

“When growing in a pristine, well-kept lawn, a dandelion can be considered a weed,” says Dave Holmes of  The Grounds Guys. Keep in mind a weed is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth.” However, dandelions do have redeeming qualities.

Are Dandelions Good for Lawns?

“Believe it or not, the answer is yes,” Holmes said. Dandelions’ robust root systems, which can be up to three feet long, can actually loosen compacted soil. That aerates and allows water and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the ground.

Dandelions also draw in nutrients from the soil and return them to neighboring plants. Finally, they can reduce erosion by holding the soil in place.

Too many dandelions, however, can rob your lawn of the water and nutrients it needs to thrive. The trick is to maintain a sustainable balance and keep dandelion numbers in check with an effective management strategy.

Can You Eat Dandelions?

Lara_Uhryn/Getty Images

Again, the answer is yes! Dandelions have long been used for food, the flowers fermented for wine and various parts harvested for medicinal purposes.

“Dandelions have low toxicity and are likely safe for most people to eat,” says Holmes. “Yellow dandelion flower petals and greens can be eaten cooked or raw and serve as an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K.

“They also contain vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. They are a rich source of beta-carotene and polyphenolic compounds, both of which have strong antioxidant abilities that can prevent aging and certain diseases.”

Holmes adds dandelions can cause allergic reactions in some and may interact negatively with certain medications, particularly diuretics and antibiotics. Check with your doctor before ingesting. And never eat plants that have been treated with chemical fertilizers or herbicides.

When Do Dandelions Grow in Lawns?

Although dandelions are some of the first flowers to pop up in spring when the soil temperature warms above 50 F, the flower and seed heads can be spotted most of the year, typically in soil temperatures around 75 F. However, the plants go dormant in winter.

“Though the above-ground plant may disappear, the taproot will continue to survive and produce new shoots come spring,” says Drew Wagner of Sod Solutions.

Is It Bad To Pull Dandelions?

“It may be tempting to pull dandelions out of your lawn,” Holmes says, “but you are taking away the benefits they bring to the soil and surrounding plants.” In addition, dandelion flowers are an essential source of food for bees and other pollinators. So eradicating too many of these nectar-rich flowers can have long-term negative consequences for the environment.

What Are the Best Ways To Kill Dandelions?

When you have too many dandelions, or some growing where you don’t want them, these are your options.

Pull dandelions by hand

If the problem is isolated to a few individual plants, these tips from Wagner can help.

Pull dandelions with a weed puller

Using special dandelion pullers is a natural, selective method that can be quicker than hand-pulling and easier on your back.

Apply chemical weed killer to dandelions

Lots of dandelions? Chemical control may be your best bet, Wagner says. Although these products are effective against dandelions and other broadleaf weeds — results can often be seen in just hours — they contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to humans and wildlife, as well as other plants. Chemical weed killers will eradicate your dandelions completely, so you’ll lose any benefits a manageable amount of plants would provide.

Apply natural weed killer to dandelions

There are no selective organic herbicides on the market. If you choose a natural weed killer, you have to treat each weed individually or risk harming your turfgrass and nearby plants. You can also make a DIY natural weed killer, or simply use boiling water.

Holmes suggests another non-toxic alternative. “You can also apply iron (Fe) to control dandelions, which works through iron oxidation, which causes plant necrosis that ultimately kills the weed,” he says. “This will not negatively affect the grass, and may actually have a positive effect on your lawn by turning the grass a darker shade of green.”

How To Prevent Dandelions From Coming Back

Getting rid of your dandelion plants is only half the battle. They will come back if the entire root system isn’t removed or killed. And because you’re dealing with a perennial, you can expect the same plants to pop up year after year until you use the correct lawn management strategy. Experts recommend this three-point dandelion-prevention strategy:


Fertilize your grass every six to eight weeks during the growing season. “Applying the right amount of nitrogen required by the grass type you have is important,” Holmes says. “A good fertility program will help grow a dense lawn that will create competition and crowd out weeds wanting to grow in the lawn.”

Mow High

This helps shade off the soil and keep weeds from germinating. “Mowing high also helps to develop a thicker and denser stand of grass that will crowd out any weeds trying to invade the lawn,” Holmes says.

Control Before Seeding

Don’t give those flowing white seed puffs the chance to take flight and land on your lawn, where they’ll germinate. “Controlling prior to the seed head stage will help to keep the dandelion population in a lawn minimal,” Holmes says.

Use corn gluten as a chemical-free pre-emergent herbicide before weed seeds germinate. Apply twenty pounds of corn gluten per 1,000 square feet of lawn, then lightly water it to aid absorption. Corn gluten will kill dandelion seeds and others as well, so use with caution. As an alternative, Wagner recommends a general broadleaf pre-emergent herbicide to stop germinating weed seeds before they start.

How to get rid of dandelions on the lawn? Fight against dandelions.

The main problem in the fight against dandelions on the lawn is the flowering of the plant. After you notice the yellow flowers blooming, the count goes on for days - you need to try with all your might to prevent the yellow flower from turning into a white seed inflorescence. Otherwise, a slight breeze will spread weeds and you will have to get rid of dandelions on the lawn again.

Timely mowing of grass will help against dandelions on the lawn - by removing flowering shoots, you will prevent the appearance and spread of seeds. nine0003

Fighting dandelions on the lawn also involves timely care of the lawn - during the active growth of the lawn, you need to constantly mow the grass, leaving a height of 6-8 cm. It is this cutting height that is optimal - in addition to removing weed flowers, you get protection from rooting seeds dandelion.

Lawn dandelion control

There are many different remedies for dandelions on the lawn. All of them can be divided into several large groups: nine0003

Each remedy for dandelions on the lawn has its own advantages, but relying on only one method is not worth it - you need an integrated approach to solving the problem. nine0003

How to remove dandelions from the lawn with improvised means

How to deal with dandelions on the lawn if the attack caught you far outside the city, and there are no specialized stores with herbicides in the area?

We offer you several ways to get rid of dandelions in the lawn.

The first and most important step is weed removal. The main rule of successful dandelion control is the complete removal of the plant. To do this, you need to remove not only the green part, but also the root. It is the roots that often cause the re-emergence of dandelions. To properly remove dandelions from the lawn, you need to follow a few simple steps: nine0003

Against dandelions on the lawn, various remedies that can be found in every home will also help: nine0003

  1. Scald with boiling water. This dandelion lawn remedy is one of the most common. Water the plant several times a day with boiling water and in a few days it will die.
  2. Spraying with vinegar is also common. However, it is worth noting that the method is very unsafe for grass - it is better to combine spraying with weeding. It is necessary to fill the hole formed after the weed in order to destroy the remaining roots.
  3. Sprinkle with salt. The recipe for fighting is simple - a tablespoon of salt per weed. It is important to sprinkle only dandelions, otherwise neighboring plants may die. nine0016

All of the above means (except weeding) must be used with caution and take into account the type of lawn - if the universal coating steadfastly survives watering with boiling water and spraying with vinegar, then decorative delicate lawns may die.

Herbicides for dandelions on the lawn

Herbicides are a new generation of special products designed specifically for weed control. Herbicides contain proven chemicals against dandelions and other lawn weeds. nine0003

Most herbicides are completely safe - they do not require special protection during lawn treatment and do not harm humans and animals after application.

Herbicides allow you to remove not only dandelions, but also most perennial and annual weeds. Specially developed formulas mercilessly destroy weeds and carefully preserve the grass of the lawn.

Herbicides are the most effective remedy for dandelions on the lawn. The most popular are Tornado and Lontrel, which have a low degree of toxicity and fast acting. nine0003

Dandelion control is hard work, but the right approach can effectively kill weeds and keep your lawn looking neat and tidy.

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How to get rid of dandelions

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How to get rid of dandelions on the lawn

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Despite that, despite the time. that this plant looks attractive at all stages of growth, it is a powerful weed that fills the entire area. The fight against dandelions on the lawn is justified, because it allows you to save the decorative appearance of the grass, its juiciness and density. There are several ways in which you can get rid of weeds in the area. nine0003

1 Methods of getting rid of dandelions

1.1 Mechanical methods

1.2 Chemical methods

1.3 Folk remedies

1.4 Removal using pets

2 Prevention

2.1 Video how to get rid of dandelions on the lawn

3 Questions-Opin

Methods for getting rid of dandelions

Mechanical methods

There are three ways to get rid of dandelions in the lawn. But the degree of their effectiveness is completely different. nine0003

  1. Digging. Gardeners and homeowners use the simplest method of extracting weed roots from the soil - using a conventional shovel. The powerful roots of dandelions are completely removed to prevent re-germination.
  2. Burnout. There is a special device that heats up to high temperatures and burns out the roots of plants. This method has worked well.
  3. Mowing. This event is able to remove only the inflorescences and leaves of the weed, which does not interfere with its further growth, because the roots remain intact. In this way, you can get rid of them for no more than a couple of weeks. Then they grow back, which means that it is necessary to mow the grass again. nine0016
  4. Weeding. Manual pulling can be productive, but only if done correctly. The fact is that it is not always possible to pull the plant out of the ground along with the root, since the dandelion has a powerful and strong root. In addition, it is difficult and time consuming to weed the entire lawn by hand.

There is an opinion that the improvement of soil quality contributes to the removal of pest flowers. But this is a myth, because they feel great in any kind of soil. And if you do not know how to deal with dandelions on the lawn, then we advise you to turn to more effective options. nine0003

Chemical methods

These methods include all types of herbicide treatments. These are drugs that have a destructive effect on weeds. Before you buy them, you need to learn how to get rid of dandelions in the lawn with herbicides. For them, special chemical solutions have been developed that will help to destroy weeds irrevocably - they will not appear until the end of the season.

The most effective are Killex, Metafen, Sniper, Lintur Hacker. It is necessary to dilute the dandelion spray on the lawn and pour it into a garden sprayer, and then you can spray it on parasitic flowers. There are several tips for the most effective procedure. nine0003

  1. It is recommended to add a little soap to the composition - it gives the solution a special stickiness, which allows the herbicide to stay on the plants longer.
  2. Weed grass absorbs the main part of the poison through green tops, so it is not worth mowing the area before chemical treatment.
  3. Spray carefully so as not to touch the lawn surface.

After 5-7 days after treatment, the weed flowers will turn black and will self-extinguish against the background of a fresh decorative carpet. This is a proven and very effective remedy for dandelions on the lawn, which is appreciated by gardeners and homeowners. nine0003

Folk remedies

Many gardeners are interested in how to rid the lawn of weeds and dandelions using folk remedies. There are many of them, but we will consider the most popular ones.

  1. Salt. It is necessary to sprinkle each bush with 10 g of salt and leave the area alone. It is believed that the weed will die within a week.
  2. Boiling water. For each bush, it is required to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water for 3-4 days in a row. It is said that within a week the weeds disappear.
  3. Hydrochloric acid. A weak solution must be further diluted and applied to the flowers with a syringe so as not to damage the lawn. You need to work in protective gloves and a mask. Plants turn black in a few minutes.
  4. Vinegar. In 5 liters of water, dilute 200 ml of diluted vinegar, mix and pour into a spray bottle, and then spray the rhizomes. The next day, the tops of weed flowers should be pulled out along with the roots, which are now easily removed.

It is worth noting that the elimination of weeds with folk remedies is a controversial method, since the result often leaves much to be desired, despite the claimed success. nine0003

Removal with pets

Rural residents believe that pets and birds, such as rabbits, chickens, geese and others, will be a good way to deal with dandelions on the lawn. To do this, they need to be released for a walk on the grass. They eat harmful plants without damaging the lawn surface.


If you have questions about how to get dandelions out of your lawn, preventive measures can be taken. They consist in constant monitoring of the site in order to prevent the germination of weeds. Here are the three most popular prevention methods:

  1. Timely sowing of seeds in empty areas.
  2. Regular mowing. So the roots of parasitic flowers will not be able to develop due to tightness in the ground.
  3. Destruction of weeds not only in the garden, but also outside it within a radius of 10 km or more.

It should be noted that not all preventive measures are effective and feasible in practice, so a selective approach should be used in this matter.

Video how to get rid of dandelions on the lawn


How to get rid of dandelions on the lawn forever?

You cannot delete them permanently. The maximum period without weeds is one warm season. Herbicides will help achieve this effect.

What is the most effective way to deal with dandelions?

Burn, dig and herbicide work best.

How to remove weeds safely? nine0190

To keep the lawn in good condition, it is recommended to mow weeds. Other methods can also be used, but with caution.


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