How to get rid of clovers in grass

How to Get Rid of Clover in Your Lawn Naturally

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If you don’t want clover taking over your lawn, there are several natural and organic ways to get rid of it—no harsh chemicals needed.

Reviews by This Old House Reviews Team 07/29/2022 12:00 am

Some homeowners like clover in their lawn, but many don’t. If white clover is springing up and creeping out in patches in your yard, there are several ways you can get rid of it. If you’re interested in going green, there’s good news—you don’t have to use harsh chemicals. There are a number of simple ways to get rid of clover in your lawn naturally.

This Old House has rounded up the best methods for getting rid of clover in your lawn naturally, some of which won’t even harm your grass. Once you’ve eradicated your clover problem, The This Old House Reviews Team recommends hiring a professional lawn care company to keep your lawn healthy, hardy, and robust—much less likely to attract clover. We recommend TruGreen, an industry leader that offers five annual programs and a la carte services.

How to Get Rid of Clover Naturally

Here are the top ways to eliminate clover in your lawn the natural way:

Pull It Out By Hand

For small patches, you can remove the clover manually. Gently loosen the soil with a spade and tug the clover out, roots and all. If you leave any roots behind, the clover will grow back.

Deprive It of Oxygen and Sunlight

You can kill clover by blocking it from all oxygen and sunlight. Take plastic sheeting or a garbage bag and place it over the patch, securing the corners with rocks to make sure it doesn’t fly up. This should get rid of the clover in a few weeks. Be mindful that this approach will also kill any grass that gets under the plastic.

Spray a Vinegar Solution

Create your own non-toxic weed killer with this natural home remedy.

Apply an Organic Herbicide

You can apply A.D.I.O.S. which is a selective, organic herbicide that will kill clover but not harm surrounding grass. Simply spray it on clover, and the weed will weaken and die.



How to Prevent Clover in Your Lawn

There are a number of ways you can prevent clover from growing in your lawn in the first place.

Spread Organic Fertilizer

Using organic, slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertilizer will make your lawn less hospitable to clover. Some homeowners prefer traditional, fast-release fertilizer because it grows grass quickly and costs less. However, using organic fertilizer will lead to healthier growth in the long run. Common organic fertilizers include cow manure, guano, blood meal, bone meal, earthworm castings, and liquid kelp.

Use Corn Meal Gluten

Corn meal gluten releases organic peptides into your soil, preventing the clover’s growth. This won’t work on existing clover, but will prevent new seeds from sprouting—indiscriminately, so be careful not to use this method if you’ve recently reseeded your lawn.

Luckily, this measure won’t harm existing nearby grass. You can purchase corn gluten meal at your local garden store or online.

Mow Grass High

Clover grows best in grass less than 3 inches tall. This height stresses your grass, making it easier for clover to spread. Mowing your grass high gives it an advantage, making it easier for it to outcompete the clover.

What’s Causing Clover in My Lawn?

There are multiple reasons you could have clover sprouting up in your lawn, most of which have to do with your soil.



Why You May Want to Keep Clover in Your Lawn

You may not like the look of clover, but it can actually benefit your lawn.



Professional Lawn Care

TruGreen does not offer natural weed control, but with its TruNatural Lawn Care Plan, it offers natural fertilization, which can keep clover from growing in the first place. The lawn care company also offers five different annual programs and a variety of a la carte services so that you can customize your lawn care for your lawn’s unique needs.

To get a free quote, call 866-817-2287 or fill out this easy form.

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How to Get Rid of Clover Without Killing Your Grass - Lawn Care Blog

by Sav Maive | Updated: | 0 Comments

Lawn Care Tips

Is clover taking over your backyard? While there are plenty of benefits of having clover in your yard, it can be frustrating for homeowners who are striving for an even, grassy lawn. 

Clover can be challenging to get rid of, but you shouldn’t have to destroy your lawn to win the war on clover. There are 7 ways to get your clover problem under control without risking the health of your beautiful green grass.  

In this article you will find:

How to get rid of clover

1. Rip it out

If your yard has a few small patches of clover, your best bet might be to simply pull it out of the ground manually. Grab a spade and use it to loosen the soil. Then, pull the clover out, making sure to remove all of the roots. The clover will quickly return if any roots remain. This is an easy DIY and natural way to kill clover without killing your grass.

2. Vinegar mixture

Arria Belli | Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

For a natural remedy, make a vinegar-based mixture to kill off the clover. This method can take a couple of weeks of frequent spraying but is a more environmentally friendly option compared to chemical-based sprays or broadleaf weed herbicides. 

How to make the mixture:



3. Nitrogen boost

Clover thrives in soil with low levels of nitrogen. A simple strategy to get rid of it would be to apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to the clover patches. This will deter it from growing and spreading. 

A quick and affordable option is to use a fast-release fertilizer, which is especially recommended if you have a lot of clover to get rid of. Or, you can use an organic fertilizer such as:

Organic fertilizer is better for the environment but is slower to kill the clover. Fast-release fertilizer will decrease soil quality over time. You don’t need to cover your entire yard, you could just apply it to the problem clover areas. Fast-release fertilizer and organic fertilizer can both be found at most garden and home-improvement stores. 

4. Say A.D.I.O.S. with an herbicide


If you really don’t want to risk damaging any of the grass surrounding the clover patches, it might be a good idea to use an herbicide. A.D.I.O.S. (Advanced Development In Organic Solutions) is an organic herbicide that gets rid of clover and provides weed control without the risk of damaging any surrounding grass growth. 

A.D.I.O.S. is non-toxic and safe to use even if you have pets and children who play in the yard. It’s also safe to use on properties near livestock farms and bodies of water. This organic weed killer also works to get rid of dandelion, yellow mustard, ground ivy, and other pesky weeds. It also might help you fight back against or even kill weeds such as ragweed, poison ivy, buckthorn, and similar invasive weeds.

A.D.I.O.S. can be ordered online or bought in-person at your local garden center or home-improvement store.

5. Adjust your mowing height

Clover prefers to grow in areas where the grass is less than 3 inches high. Set your mower to 3 inches or higher and let your grass grow out a bit to deter clover from growing and spreading. If you mow it at a higher setting, your grass will have a better chance of outcompeting the clover.

6. Corn gluten

Marco Verch Professional Photographer | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Corn gluten can prevent clover from growing and spreading. It releases organic peptides, which deter clover seeds from sprouting. Don’t apply this if you recently seeded your grass, because it will prevent the grass seeds from sprouting as well. It won’t harm any living grass or affect grass growth. 

To get rid of clover with corn gluten, spread 20 pounds of corn gluten meal for every 1,000 square feet of clover-infested lawn. Water after applying, and allow to dry.  

Corn gluten can be ordered online or bought at any nearby garden centers. 

7. Smother it

Clover can’t survive without air and sunlight. If you have large patches of clover, you can get rid of it manually by smothering it. Locate the clover and place a garbage bag or plastic sheet over the patch, making sure to cover all of the clover plants and not too much of the surrounding grass. Use bricks or large rocks to keep the edges of the covering secured to the ground. In a few weeks, remove the plastic sheeting and reseed the area with grass seeds. 

This is not recommended for small or irregular patches of clover, because you will risk killing the healthy grass surrounding the clover.

What is clover?

Clover is a member of the pea family and is classified as a legume. It originated in Europe and it made its way to the U.S. in the late 1600s. Today, clover can be grown to use as forage or hay for wildlife or in food plots to attract turkey, deer, rabbits, and other wildlife. There are more than 300 species to choose from.

Clover has a deep root system, which makes it hard to get rid of. It is ideal as a grass alternative in clover-based yards because the deep roots help the clover stay green year-round in northern climates. Clover often has three leaves and can have pink or white flowers. 


1. How do I identify clover?

The three most common types of clover you’d find in your yard are white clover, red clover, and strawberry clover.

White clover (Trifolium repens): White clover is a low-growing, hardy clover species, and is the most common type of clover found in lawns. White clover grows quickly and spreads fast. Its florets range in color from white to pink.
Red clover (Trifolium pratense): Red clover is taller and bushier than white clover. Its florets range from rose to magenta.
Strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum): Strawberry clover is similar to white clover but has white or pink flowers that are smaller than the white clover florets.  

2. Why is clover taking over my backyard?

Clover growth could be a sign that your lawn needs some extra TLC. 

Make sure you’re watering your lawn properly. Thirsty grass invites broadleaf weeds and stresses out your lawn. 

If you are suddenly having problems with clover plants growing in your yard, check to see if your lawn is suffering from one of the following:
Low nitrogen levels: Clover thrives in nitrogen-poor soil, while grass needs nitrogen-rich soil to survive. Use cornmeal or organic fertilizer to help boost nitrogen levels without sacrificing the quality of your soil. 
Compacted soil: Similarly, compacted soil does not make for ideal grass-growing conditions, but clover can tolerate the lack of nutrients. If you think your soil is compacted, you can loosen it by aerating.
Unbalanced soil pH: Most lawns prefer a soil pH between 6.0 and 7. 0. Red clover can grow in soil with a pH higher than 7, and strawberry clover can grow in a range of pH levels, from 5.3 – 8.2. Get your soil tested and make the necessary adjustments to give your grass a fighting chance.

3. Should you get rid of clover?

Clover isn’t always a problem. There are many benefits of keeping or even planting clover in your yard. Clover helps reduce erosion, fixes nitrogen levels in the soil, is low-maintenance, helps the environment, attracts pollinators, and more. With clover, you can have a green lawn year-round. If you don’t mind having more bees buzzing around, it might be worth keeping the clover and mixing it in with your regular grass seed. 

Need a hand saying A.D.I.O.S. to your clover? Contact a local lawn care professional to help you get back to your luscious green lawn.

Main Photo Credit: Couleur | Pixabay




Sav Maive

Sav Maive is a writer and director based in San Antonio. Sav is a recent graduate from the University of Virginia and is a loving cat and plant mom.

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How to get rid of clover on the lawn? We remove the clover from the lawn.

Clover is a creeping plant that quickly spreads through the soil, gaining more and more space from other plants every year. Therefore, if clover appears on your lawn, you should immediately start fighting it.

Clover reproduces very well and in a season can destroy all your efforts. But if you've always dreamed of a blooming lawn with clover, which does not require special care, then the appearance of clover should not confuse you. In other cases, the fight against clover on the lawn should be carried out in a timely manner.

Of particular danger is clover on ornamental lawns. Tender green grass is literally oppressed by clover, which leads to the formation of large bald spots and yellowing of the grass. The lawn becomes unsightly and completely loses its attractiveness. It takes a lot of effort, money and time to remove the clover from the site and bring the lawn back to normal. It is much easier to get rid of the problem as soon as it arises and save yourself the hassle! How to get rid of clover on the lawn, and what emergency measures should be taken if you suddenly find this weed - read below.

Why and how to remove clover from the lawn

Before you begin to destroy the weed and decide how to deal with clover on the lawn, you need to understand the reasons for the active reproduction of clover and the characteristics of its growth. Why does clover appear:

Clover looks unaesthetic, so we will tell you how to remove clover from the lawn as efficiently as possible so that there is no trace of the weed!

There are only two main ways to deal with any weeds on the lawn - mechanical and chemical. Both of them have their advantages and will be discussed in detail in the article.

How to deal with clover on the lawn with fertilizer

One of the reasons for the activation of clover growth is the insufficient amount of nitrogenous fertilizers. Therefore, experienced gardeners have found a simple way out: replenish the supply of nitrogen and the clover will gradually begin to die off.

This method is only suitable if you are sure that there is not enough fertilizer in the soil. This can be easily checked with special tests that are sold in gardening stores. Do a test before removing weed clover from your lawn. It will show the level of nitrogen in the soil and will not allow you to make a fatal mistake. Excess fertilizer can lead to disastrous consequences - lawn grass can completely die or turn yellow.

But how do you get clover out of your lawn if you fertilize the soil regularly? Sometimes the simple compound fertilizer you apply every year contains enough nitrogen to keep the clover from growing, but the weed still grows. The main and most effective methods for the destruction of clover are mechanical and chemical - read below!

How to get rid of clover on the lawn by hand

The most effective and commonly used method is mechanical weed removal. This is an ordinary weeding, which, however, should also be done correctly. How to get rid of clover on the lawn:

These elementary rules help to effectively remove the weed along with the root, preventing it from re-propagating. How to remove clover from your lawn so that it does not return? It is enough to follow the elementary rules that will help to destroy the weed:

These simple tips will help you get closer to the perfect lawn and completely eradicate the weed.

How to remove clover from the lawn with chemicals

Chemicals are the key to excellent weed-free turf. Modern herbicides work only on weeds, without damaging the delicate grass of the lawn. This makes the fight against clover on your lawn more effective and reliable - the weed is destroyed within 1-2 weeks and the lawn will again delight you with its fresh green look.

In our online store you will find the best and proven herbicides that are absolutely safe for humans and animals - these are Lontrel and Tornado. Below is a guide explaining how to control clover in your lawn with modern herbicides.

  1. Dilute the herbicide with water according to the proportion indicated (see package instructions).
  2. Spray your lawn. It is better to do this in the evening in dry calm weather. For greater efficiency, you need to go through the site in two perpendicular directions - along and across.
  3. After a couple of days, water the lawn liberally (if it hasn't rained). The herbicide will soak into the soil and penetrate the roots of the weed.
  4. During the week, the weed may continue to grow actively, however, after a while you will notice how the clover begins to dry out and die.
  5. After the time specified in the instructions, remove the weed and level the soil.

By following these simple rules, you can easily deal with clover on your lawn!

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How to get rid of clover on the lawn


Clover is a creeping plant, it multiplies rapidly, filling large areas. Gardeners often encounter it and immediately want to get rid of it. To do this, you must first figure out how to remove clover from lawn grass. If you miss the active phase of growth, then it will be difficult to get rid of the annoying neighbor. The plants that are on the site die over time, as the entangling clover roots take all their vitality from them.

Causes and effects on the lawn

Clover is very dangerous for the lawn. As a result of its growth, the ornamental lawn does not receive sunlight, but its roots receive nutrients. Therefore, it is better to remove the shamrock immediately, until its harmful effects lead to irreversible consequences.

This is interesting: despite the fact that many people consider clover a weed, it is often used in folk medicine, using it as an expectorant for bronchitis, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis. White clover helps relieve headaches, increases appetite, and is used as a diuretic.

Neighborhood with it leads to the death of the decorative coating, visible gaps appear that are difficult to restore. As soon as this weed appeared on the site, it is necessary to immediately take measures to remove it. Just pulling it out will not work, as its roots quickly spread in the ground and entangle large areas. This property does not distinguish clover from banal weeds.


Clover can appear for several reasons.

  1. Irregular lawn seeding. It is difficult for seeds to break through to the ground through densely planted lawn grass. If there was a poor-quality planting, weed seeds germinate quickly, falling to the ground. After that, fighting them is much more difficult.
  2. Short cut lawn. In such situations, the seeds do not linger on the foliage, but immediately fall to the ground.
  3. Inattentive selection of weed roots when planting ornamental grass. If the clover roots are not removed when planting the lawn, then it will be more difficult to destroy it later.
  4. Shaded area. The fact is that the harmful shamrock does not like the sunny side very much, so it actively grows in low light.
  5. Seeds or roots of the weed were already present in the lawn mix purchased from the store.
  6. Clover seeds introduced by birds or animals.

The appearance of clover on the lawn can be avoided by proper planting and care of the decorative coating.

Getting rid of clover with fertilizer

Active growth of the plant is observed in the area that receives insufficient nitrogen fertilizers.

Attention! To get rid of the weed in this way is possible only if the lawn grass is not overfed with fertilizers. Otherwise, she may die.

Special tests that can be purchased at garden shops will help you check for a lack of top dressing. If, after carrying out such a procedure, the weed is still multiplying, then you should resort to other cleaning methods, since it is very difficult to get rid of the growing clover.

How to get rid of weeds on the lawn

Mechanical method of dealing with clover on the lawn

How to get rid of clover on the lawn

Not everyone knows how to remove clover from the lawn mechanically, that is, manually. This method is the most accessible and common among gardeners. Weeding must be carried out correctly so as not to harm the decorative coating and effectively remove all the shoots of the weed plant.

  1. The first thing to do is check the root system of the weed. Most often, it has one powerful root, from which several secondary ones depart.
  2. Grab the tops of the shrub completely and pull slowly without jerking. If difficulties arise, it is better to shed the earth so as not to leave small weed shoots in it.
  3. Using a garden shovel, dig under the root and pull out.
  4. Level the place from the rhizome, sprinkle with fertilizer and tamp down with a hand or a shovel.

If you follow the instructions step by step, then the clover will no longer appear in this place, which means it will not have to be displayed again. It is important to carefully examine the place where the weed grows. It is necessary to remove even the smallest rhizomes and sprouts. If this rule is ignored, then re-growth is guaranteed.

How to get rid of moss in the lawn

Chemical pest control of clover

Clover herbicide is a chemical based formulation that acts exclusively on weedy grass.

In horticulture, herbicides are in great demand, as they are an effective means of control. Most importantly, such "chemistry" does not harm ornamental plants. But any kind of weed dies within 14 days after treatment. It is recommended to remove clover with Herbitox, Sprut Extra, Tornado 500, Fusilade forte and others.

To be effective, you need to follow the rules so as not to harm the ornamental grass:

It happens that after treatment the weeds continue to grow, but you do not need to worry and poison them again.

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