How to germinate rosemary seeds

How to Grow Rosemary From Seeds | Home Guides

By SF Gate Contributor Updated April 15, 2021

Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus, formerly classified as Rosmarinus officinalis) is an important culinary herb used to flavor chicken, pork, lamb and many other dishes. The plants are shrubby perennials in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 11, says North Carolina State Extension. Starting rosemary from seed can be tricky, as germination rates are usually poor and it takes several months before the plants produce any usable leaves. A combination of heat, light, moisture and the right type of planting medium is necessary to successfully grow this herb in the garden or in pots on a windowsill.

  1. 1. Prepare the Planting Trays

    Select clean planting trays, wash thoroughly in a mild solution of soap and warm water and allow to air dry in order to create a sterile environment for seed germination. UC Master Gardeners, Santa Clara County, CA recommends doing this 10 weeks before

  2. 2.

    Add a Sterile Medium

    Fill trays to 1 inch from the top with fresh sterile seed-starting medium and level. Water planting medium until it is wet but not saturated, to help settle it in the tray.

  3. 3. Add the Rosemary Seeds

    Place rosemary seeds on top of the planting medium about one-half inch apart and press lightly but do not cover with soil, as the seeds must only come into contact with soil but not buried in it.

  4. 4. Provide Adequate Heat

    Cover trays with clear plastic film, leaving one end loose to allow for air circulation. Place trays in a dark place with a temperature of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, as rosemary seeds need plenty of heat to germinate.

  5. 5. Keep an Eye on the Soil

    Check trays daily for moisture content and mist lightly if the soil appears dry, as this creates less seed disturbance than normal watering.

  6. 6. Relocate the Seeds

    Move trays to a sunny location or place them under a grow light and remove the plastic film once seedlings emerge. Begin transplanting them when they are about 2 inches tall into individual pots or peat pots. Check frequently for moisture and water if the soil appears very dry.

  7. 7. Transplant the Seedlings

    Transplant rosemary when it is about 4 to 5 inches tall to larger individual pots or into the garden in a sunny location when the soil has warmed to at least 50 F. Lift bare-root seedlings gently out of the soil and place them in prepared holes in larger pots or plant the entire peat pots in the soil up to the base of the plants. Allow the soil to dry between waterings, but provide additional water during extended dry spells.

  8. 8. Harvest the Rosemary Sprigs

    Harvest rosemary sprigs when the plants are about 1 to 2 feet tall or about 70 to 90 days after germination. Mulch heavily if leaving the plants outside for the winter, pulling the mulch away from the stem, or gradually acclimate potted plants to changes in temperature if bringing potted plants inside in colder areas.

    Things You Will Need
    • Rosemary seeds

    • Sterile seed-starting medium

    • Starter trays

    • Warm water and mild soap

    • Clear plastic film

    • Peat pots

    • Large pots with a diameter of at least 12 inches

    • Water

    • Mulch


    Germination rates for rosemary are unreliable, so the more seeds you plant, the better your chances of producing a few good plants.

    To improve your chances of success, buy fresh new seed that has been dated for the current year and be sure the soil seedlings are transplanted into is rich, light and well aerated, and slightly alkaline. Perform a soil pH test before transplanting into the garden if you are unsure of your soil's acidity level.

    Rosemary needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day for proper growth.



How to Grow Rosemary from Seed

Growing Rosemary

Like several woody perennials such as lavender and thyme, rosemary is a Mediterranean native celebrated for its tenacious and frost hardy tolerances. More than two dozen cultivars of Salvia rosmarinus (formerly Rosmarinus officianlis), rosemary thrives in many climates across the country as a low-growing and hard-to-kill shrub known to live for up to 10-20 years.

Rosemary regularly performs as an outdoor perennial in hardiness zones 6-11, going dormant during freezing winters in more northern climates. And like its perennial relative lavender, rosemary can be notorious for a low and slow germination rate but, once you successfully germinate your first couple of starts, you’ll come to find that the only real secret to growing rosemary is patience.

Whether growing from seed or propagating from a cutting, nothing beats the garden fresh fragrance of rosemary, even in the dead of winter.

Rosemary is one of the most commerically produced retail crops because it thrives with full sun, minimal water, and container gardening

How to Grow Rosemary from Seed

Although rosemary seeds mature into a woody and frost-hardy evergreen, they are somewhat notorious for being delicate with a low germination rate and about 14-28 days required for those that do come up.

Rosemary will require some patience in the beginning, yet is a very rewarding plant to bring to maturity. Like many herbs and flowers, rosemary seeds benefit from a process of cold stratification, which simulates a brief winter dormancy that the seeds would otherwise experience if having been grown in the wild.

Simply place the packet of seeds in the freezer for anywhere from 2-6 weeks prior to sowing to artificially cold stratify.

Rosemary can grow without first being cold stratified, but you will greatly notice a reduced germination rate, increased days to germination, and thinner, less robust plants.

Rosemary seeds are best started indoors 8-10 weeks for transplanting before the final spring frost, which means seeds should be cold-stratified about 10-12 weeks before the last regional frost.

Lightly press without covering 3-4 rosemary seeds per cell in an organically rich and well-draining potting mix. Give rosemary seeds full light during a possible 14-28 day germination window, ideally a full spectrum 6500K grow light. Seedlings require the full 8-10 weeks before transplanting.

Rosemary starts ready for transplanting

Harden off rosemary seedlings before transplanting outside into a sunny place in the garden into average, loamy, and slightly acidic garden soil.

Rosemary Soil

Perennial Mediterranean herbs such as lavender and thyme require the dry, rocky, and shallow soils native to the region and promise to thrive in any garden able to offer such conditions.

Rosemary is widely grown in pots and containers because they offer the thorough and reliable drainage necessary for plants to thrive perennially. If growing in a container, try blending even parts sand and perlite into the potting soil before transplanting for even better drainage.

Soil is best if allowed to dry out between watering because Salvia rosmarinus is susceptible to mold, mildew, and rot in humid and poorly drained gardens. Unlike fruit-bearing crops such as tomatoes and eggplants, rosemary is not a heavy feeder and generally performs well without the use of fertilizers. Rosemary does best in slightly acidic soil with a pH of about 6.0-7.0.

Watering Rosemary

Rosemary is said to thrive from some neglect since overwatering is widely considered to be its greatest threat and even the most established plants are still susceptible to mold and rot in soggy, saturated, and poorly drained soils.

Soil is best if allowed to dry between waterings and only if the top 1-2” of soil are noticeably dehydrated.

Always water at the base of the plant and never vegetative growth.

Rosemary in dry, rocky soil

Is Rosemary A Perennial?

Once established, rosemary is a tremendously hardy and tolerant perennial known to live up to 15-20 years with optimal pruning and overwintering conditions.

Rosemary can overwinter perennially in zones 7-11 as matures plants can withstand a minimum frost point of about 0-10° F before declining. However, rosemary is popularly grown in convenient moveable pots and containers because it can safely overwinter indoors and be returned back outside as soon as temperatures warm to a comfortable 20° F or better.

If bringing rosemary indoors to overwinter, be sure to give it plenty of light (south-facing window is best) and minimal waterings, as rosemary naturally thrives in average and medium dry soil.

Fully grown rosemary plants are known to live up 15-20 years, withstanding several harsh winters in the process

Rosemary in Winter

Perennial rosemary covered in snow

Established rosemary plants are no stranger to winter frost and snow, able to withstand the harsh conditions by going dormant through the season only to continue vegetative growth as soon as the spring warmth returns.

Growers in more northern climates are quite familiar with the sight of residential rosemary shrubs buried beneath a pile of snow while its nettled stems still promise a timeless fragrance.

However, growers in warmer and more southern hardiness zones will experience year round rosemary growth. Rosemary grown in pots and containers can be conveniently moved indoors to best manage perennial development.

Growing Rosemary in Pots

One of the main benefits to growing anything in a container or pot is that they drain quickly and thoroughly and are an ideal means for flowers, herbs, and crops that require drier, well-drained soils.

Like other woody and herbaceous culinary herbs, rosemary prefers a slight drought in average, loamy, and well-drained soil. Be sure not to overwater as rosemary plants are susceptible to mildew and rot from overly humid and saturated growing conditions. Pots and containers are convenient for full sun varieties because they are able to be moved and relocated hourly to track the sun or moved in and out of the house to capture optimal daylight.

While many rosemary plants may be comfortably established outdoors for perennial growth, others grown in more volatile hardiness zones will benefit from container gardening simply because it can be brought in each year to overwinter.

Rosemary thrives in containers

How to Care for Rosemary Plants in Pots

Add equal parts sand and perlite to potting soil for increased drainage, but rosemary thrives from loose and properly dried soils.

Whether keeping potted rosemary indoors or out, be sure to take advantage of the convenience of container gardening by moving the plant throughout the day and seasons to best capture optimal sunlight.

Slightly pale or stunted plants could be given a liquid fertilizer, but potted rosemary generally shouldn’t require any amending.

Rosemary grown in the garden may be uprooted and transplanted to a container for indoor overwintering.

Growing Rosemary Indoors

Whether transplanting rosemary outdoors or keeping it indoors for some quick, small, but flavorful sprigs, be sure to follow the same seeding and cold-stratification instructions as mentioned above. After keeping rosemary under a grow light for the first 8-10 weeks, be sure to place the seedlings in plenty of natural light, preferably near a south-facing window.

Rosemary plants can thrive indoors, provided they are given plenty of full sunlight. One of the leading benefits to growing rosemary indoors is that the pots and containers generally dry and drain more thoroughly than in the garden bed.

Rosemary performs best indoors when able to be moved around outside during the warmer growing season and brought back in for winter in hardiness zones 6 or colder.


Pruning Rosemary

Rosemary is a cold-hardy perennial known to live 10-20 years or more when given proper care and a scheduled pruning. Similar to lavender and sage, rosemary will live longer and healthier if pruned at least once a year to help promote the newest, most vigorous growth.

Pruning rosemary may seem intimidating at first because it grows so woody and thick, but proper pruning only requires us to cut from the softer and greener stems.

When pruning rosemary, a good rule of thumb is to trim the entire plant back by about a third of its overall growth. Pruning helps shape the plant, keeping it tight and rounded to be maintained as a convenient potted variety or as a low-growing outdoor herb.

When to Prune Rosemary

Rosemary is recommended to be pruned in spring after withstanding a demanding winter and a lot of additional growth or, for regions with milder winters, rosemary shrubs may be pruned in the late summer to trim back a season's worth of vegetation.

Gardeners in cooler zones 6-8 are best to allow some growth into winter, keeping the rosemary plants thick and protected from sub-freezing temperatures.

Depending on region and vitality of the plant, rosemary shrubs can be pruned and harvested as needed to ideally shape for either garden bed growth or indoor cultivation.

Rosemary ready to prune in early spring or summer

How to Prune Rosemary

Large rosemary plants trimmed like hedges

Pruning requirements will slightly change based on the age and size of your rosemary.

Smaller plants in their first or second year may not show signs of advanced maturity while plants in excess of 24” in either height or width should have by now developed a bare and woody base that does not produce any of the fragrant and bushy nettles as seen on younger stems.

Do not prune down to this bare and woody base because new growth cannot stem from such a matured piece of growth.

Instead, only prune about ⅓ of the total length of any rosemary stem to help ensure that only soft, green growth is pruned, initiating the healthiest and bushiest plant possible.

Propagating Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the easiest and most reliable plants to grow from cuttings and is widely preferred to seed propagation. While rosemary seeds can take 14-28 days for germination and even longer than that for cold stratification before sowing, cloning rosemary from established plants is nearly effortless and can keep you in a yearly supply of tender garden fresh rosemary.

Propagating rosemary from cuttings is no different than pruning or harvesting and follows the same general guidelines for propagating nearly any other kind of plant.

Although propagating rosemary from cuttings is without argument the easiest way to produce rosemary, doing so will strictly limit the varieties possible to grow since many greenhouses and nurseries will only cater to the most 2 or 3 popular types. Regardless if rooting hydroponically or directly in soil, clones should be rooted and ready to transplant after about 3-4 weeks.

How to Grow Rosemary from Cuttings

1. Depending on size and age of the plant, an ideal selection for rosemary propagation is to cut the top 5-8” of a fresh young stem with plenty of soft green and no signs of flowering.

2. Take the clipping and strip about half of it bare of its nettled leaves. Most soft cuttings should be about 5-8” long, stripping exactly half of the sprig for rooting. Additional bark or stem can be lightly shaved off to better expose the interior shoot systems required for rooting.

3. The final step of propagating rosemary from cuttings allows for two different methods to root the new cutting. The simplest method simply has you plant the bare end of the cutting into soil, allowing the remaining leaves to collect light for establishing new root structure. However, some gardeners prefer to root rosemary cuttings in a glass of water, by saturating the stem up to the leaves. Once roots are established in 3-4 weeks, clone can be transplanted to soil.

Rosemary is easily cloned in water

4. If propagating rosemary hydroponically in a glass of water, be sure to change out for fresh water and a new glass every 5-7 days to avoid mold. If propagating rosemary cuttings directly into soil, rooting hormones and gels are popularly used to incite growth, but are not required.

Rosemary Companion Planting

When grown outdoors in the garden, rosemary has been widely considered to be a beneficial companion plant for many fruit and vegetable crops. A mature 36-48” tall and wide herbaceous rosemary plant faces little threat in the garden from either climate conditions, insects, or disease.

Rosemary produces a few chemical compounds that are credited for its unique and robust fragrance, while making the surrounding area inhospitable to smaller pests and insects.

Three of the chemical compounds found in rosemary (carnosic acid, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid) are extracted from the plant to create various types of pesticides both organic and synthesized.

Many plants that emit naturally repelling chemicals are often believed to be more effective when directly grown in the garden rather than a container. When grown in the garden bed, plants like rosemary and marigold that emit naturally occurring pesticides are able to establish these chemicals in the soil to best mitigate pest problems.

However, when grown in a separate pot or container, rosemary is only able to emit its robust fragrance and inhospitable terpenes rather than permeate them throughout the soil.

Rosmarinic acid is one of the pungent ingredients in rosemary credited with detracting unwanted pests from the garden

Rosemary Flowers

Edible and fragrant when allowed to flower, Salvia rosmarinus produces countless dozens of powdered blue and lavender blooms that look strikingly similar to orchids.

That’s right, orchids. Non-flowering rosemary stems are a popular green filler for fresh cut arrangements and design work despite its flowers still underutilized in the floral industry.

Most gardeners can expect their rosemary to begin blooming in late spring to early summer but rosemary is known to occasionally flower out of season, allowing for a much longer flowering window.

Like many herbs, since garden rosemary is typically not allowed to flower, these semi-rare and exclusive blooms are greatly desired by bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects.

Harvesting Rosemary

Unlike lavender which is almost strictly grown and harvested for its fragrant blooms, rosemary is harvested for its perennially aromatic stems and can be harvested as needed nearly any time of year, not just spring or summer.

Harvesting rosemary follows the same basic guidelines as pruning or propagating and experienced gardeners will often take the opportunity to prune, propagate, and harvest all from the same cuttings.

While many herbs can lose their fragrance with maturity, rosemary is known to maintain it even under a pile of winter snow.

If harvesting for culinary use, it's recommended to only harvest smaller and newer growth since these younger cuttings will be less woody, more tender, while boasting a more refined fragrance.

Freshly harvested rosemary sprigs

When to Harvest Rosemary

How to Harvest Rosemary

Since rosemary is harvested for its aromatic sprigs rather than its blooms, rosemary can be harvested nearly anytime of year in most gardens. Even winter dormant rosemary buried under a mountain of snow will still boast fragrant vegetation during freezing conditions.

Rosemary is popularly grown indoors as an easily accessible and nearly endless supply of fresh herb all from the convenience of the kitchen.

Garden fresh rosemary shouldn’t require too much washing before use, while cuts harvested from store bought plants should be thoroughly rinsed since commercial plants have likely been chemically treated.

Drying Rosemary

Because rosemary is traditionally harvested for its vegetative growth and not for flower production, it has a very similar but slightly different dehydration method from its relative lavender.

Rosemary sprigs are easily dried using one of three common methods and can be quickly ground into a homemade herb spice in just minutes.

Dried rosemary is a world-class ingredient used to craft artisan cheese, oil, vinegar, salt, butter, and bread as well as classic roasts.

While your own homegrown rosemary is likely organic and free of pesticides, always be sure to rinse rosemary before dehydrating because store bought plants are almost certain to have been chemically treated.

How to Dry Rosemary

Hang Dry: Cut about 6-8” of newest growth per stem and then bundle together. While larger plants will yield longer stems, still harvest just the tips for best flavor. Hang the rosemary bundle upside down in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area for 7-14 days until evergreen nettles are brittle and no longer pliable.

Oven Dry: Do not place 6-8” woody stems into the oven. Instead, cut down into small 2” tips and discard any overly thick and woody pieces. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place 2” cuts on the sheet and into a convection oven at 175° F for 10-15 minutes or until leaves and stems are brittle and have lost color. After 10-15 minutes, turn off the oven and allow rosemary sprigs to remain in the oven for another 40 minutes, leaving the oven door open to cool.

Food Dehydrator: Herbs, fruits, and flowers are ideal for countertop food dehydrators for reliable and thorough drying. Food dehydrators feature step-by-step instructions for herbs and is the preferred method for many cooks and home gardeners. Many herbs such as lavender should only take about 2 hours in any household food dehydrator.

Types of Rosemary

Salvia rosmarinus (formerly Rosmarinus officinalis) features more than two dozen unique cultivars of rosemary including 4 varieties that have earned the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit, one of the UK’s most distinguished gardening achievements.

Regardless of cultivar, rosemary shares the same tolerances to neglect, drought, and poor soils and each has their own specific tolerances to freezing and subzero conditions.

One of the most popular cultivars of rosemary known as Arp is an American heirloom widely understood to be the most winter-hardy variety, able to withstand outdoor winters down to about -10°F while other varieties may only be able to comfortably overwinter down to around 30°F.

While common rosemary is typically grown as the preferred culinary variety for enhanced flavor and aroma, take a tip from the pros and try award-winning Tuscan Blue or Miss Jessopp’s Upright for an even more elevated dish. Blooms within Salvia rosmarinus range from a light powdery blue to lavender.

Common Rosemary

Common Rosemary

Salvia rosmarinus

Found in nearly every nursery, greenhouse, and gardening retailer, common rosemary can take on many appearances depending on pruning habits and maintenance.

Since rosemary is touted almost exclusively for culinary use, it is generally only sold in the common variety because common rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) is said to offer the most flavor, aroma, and culinary value. It is tolerant down to about 10°F, able to comfortably go dormant during the winter frost.

Benefits of Rosemary

One of the most immediate benefits of rosemary is that it's commonly grown out in the garden bed widely believed to deter pests and other bothersome insects.

Just like other potent herbs, the rosemary plant contains several powerfully fragrant terpenes and chemical compounds that are attributed to making the garden inhospitable to many of these smaller garden pests.

Many of these terpenes and chemicals, such as thymol for example, are commercially extracted and synthesized to produce organic pesticides and repellents. Although these chemicals and terpenes can be harmful and disruptive to garden pests, these same chemicals are also extracted to develop pain relieving remedies and topical ointments for human use.

Rosemary has been traditionally used to help alleviate pain, inflammation, and stress while also improving overall brain function.

The bright and fragrant sprigs are popularly featured in herbal sachets and incense smudge sticks because the aroma has been widely considered to be invigorating and energizing. Like many culinary herbs, rosemary is also dehydrated and brewed as a calming herbal tea

Rosemary Essential Oils

Rosemary Tea

Garden fresh rosemary tea is traditionally made from common lavender (Salvia rosmarinus) because it is widely known to produce the most fragrant and flavorful stems.

Rosemary tea can just as easily be made from garden fresh sprigs harvested that morning as it can from dried herbs stored in the cupboard. Just like any freshly harvested herbal tea, rosemary is easy to brew and takes no longer than 10 minutes.

Rosemary tastes excellent by itself but lends well as a part of a much more herbal blend consisting of lavender and thyme. Brewing rosemary tea makes the raw oils more palatable and digestible for consumption.

Fresh DIY Rosemary tea

How to Make Rosemary Tea

1. Using any type of tea infuser, sachet, or tea bag, add about 4 tsp of either fresh or dried rosemary to every 8 oz of boiled water.

2. Allow rosemary to steep for about ten minutes. Done!

Rosemary herbal tea is widely believed to help remedy overall stress, pain, anxiety, and inflammation; popularly brewed as a subtle but energizing tea.

Aside from soothing aromatics, rosemary has been found to be rich in antioxidants, antimicrobials, and anti-inflammatory compounds while showing evidence that it may help lower blood sugar, improve mood and memory, while supporting brain and vision health.

plant features, how to grow it at home?

Any housewife uses various spices and herbs for cooking. Few shops can boast a wide selection of such spices, and some of them are in short supply. But do not despair. To always have herbs on hand, you can try to grow them at home. This process is not too difficult if you follow certain recommendations. This article will focus on rosemary and, in particular, how to grow this amazing plant.

What is rosemary?

It is an evergreen shrub with hard, needle-like leaves, reaching a height of 3 meters. The essential oils it contains give it a rich aroma. In addition, thanks to them, rosemary is used in cosmetology and medicine.

The essential oil of this plant contains:

Rosemary oil was first obtained in the 14th century and to this day this product is very popular, as it has many useful properties. In order to obtain 1 kg of oil, it is required to process 50 kg of flowering leaves.

How to grow rosemary at home from seeds?

Seeds should be germinated at home in the spring, 7 to 9 weeks before planting. Some of them may not germinate at all, because this plant is very demanding. Before planting them, the seeds are soaked for 1 to 2 hours in a glass of water at room temperature.

You should also choose the right container for growing rosemary from seeds. It can be:

Rosemary prefers light soil, so you should choose a universal peat-based substrate for the container or collect soil from a coniferous forest yourself. You can also use soil based on leafy compost.

Then small pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay (drainage) are placed on the bottom of the container for growing rosemary from seeds. It should take up about 1/3 of the pot. After that, fill it with a substrate and moisten the soil. It should be watered with honey water (1 tsp of honey per 0.5 l of water).

After preparing the soil, start planting rosemary seeds at a certain distance from each other. Before that, they must be sprinkled with water, and after planting they are covered with a small layer of soil and slightly moistened. Then the container is covered with a film and placed in a warm place with a temperature of +28 degrees .

After a few weeks, sprouts appear on the surface. In this case, the film can already be removed. The container for growing rosemary is transferred to a place without drafts and with good lighting. For example, it can be a window sill located on the sunny side of the apartment. Do not forget about watering the sprouts.

Growing rosemary from seeds at home is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow certain rules.

Transplanting the plant

When the seedlings have reached a height of 8 - 10 cm , they are transplanted into the soil. Each plant should have its own pot, which is prepared in advance. Clay pots with drainage holes are best for growing rosemary.

First, the container is filled with soil, in which a recess is made so that it is slightly wider than the planting cell with a rosemary sprout. Then the sprout is carefully taken out of the box in which it grew, along with an earthen clod, and transplanted into the ground. The soil is lightly compacted and moistened.

Care instructions

Growing rosemary from seeds at home is a delicate and lengthy process. For a plant to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it, which include:

Let's consider them in more detail.


Adult plant at home should grow at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees . If it is on the windowsill, then it is necessary to open the window as little as possible. Otherwise, sudden temperature changes lead to leaf fall.


It is best to grow rosemary at home on a windowsill located on the south side of the apartment. Only in this case will he receive enough sunlight. Special light filters can only come in handy in winter, since the lack of ultraviolet radiation adversely affects the health of the plant.


Rosemary should be grown in conditions of light humidity, as its dryness can negatively affect the plant's condition and it will be necessary to spray it with water as often as possible.

Rosemary should be watered every three days to keep the soil slightly moist. But if the room temperature is more than +25 degrees, then this should be done every day.

Main problems

Excessive soil moisture leads to the fact that on the leaves and stems of rosemary a white coating appears . In this case, the amount of watering should be drastically reduced, and the plant should be warmed up in the sun. In addition, a fungicide can eliminate the problem, but after that, rosemary becomes unsuitable for food.

It can also be affected by a disease such as spider mites. Excessively dry air contributes to its appearance. With the help of an insecticide, rosemary is sprayed, after which ordinary water is used in the same way for a week. To prevent the appearance of pests, the plant should be taken out to fresh air.

Since large shrubs tend to overgrow with a large number of shoots, they should be transplanted . In this case, it is necessary to change the soil with the introduction of a small amount of fertilizer.

So, if you want to always have rosemary, growing this plant at home is the best option. You can use seeds for this. This is a rather troublesome business, but quite justified, since you can always enjoy the magnificent taste of this plant.