How to cut tree stump

How To Kill a Tree Stump (2022 Guide)

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From home remedies to professional solutions, here’s everything you need to know about getting rid of a tree stump in your yard.

Reviews by This Old House Reviews Team 10/05/2022 2:05 pm

Cutting down trees in your yard is a great way to improve the natural lighting for other plants and make way for new trees to grow. If you’ve removed a tree in your yard, you know how pesky its leftover stump can be.

While you could leave it alone, it could start to grow, sprouting annoying shoots from its roots, or it may take years to naturally rot and decompose. Try the following techniques to kill the tree stump and remove it from your yard or find a tree removal expert to take care of it for you.

Home Remedies for Tree Stump Removal

Here are a few ways you can get rid of a tree stump before getting your hands dirty with physical removal.

Epsom Salt

This is a common DIY method for killing tree trunks, as it accelerates the decomposition process to 6–12 months, as opposed to three to seven years for natural rotting. Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfur, which are beneficial to plants but deadly in large quantities. Overdosing the stump with Epsom salt pulls the moisture out of it, killing it and accelerating the decaying process.

Here’s how to use Epsom salt to kill a tree stump:

  1. Drill deep holes in the stump about an inch wide with a power drill and a wide drill bit.
  2. Sprinkle the stump with water after covering the top of the stump with Epsom salt.
  3. Cover the stump with a tarp to keep the rain from washing away the substance.
  4. Repeat this process every few weeks to ensure its success.

If this process is successful, the stump will die within two to three months and be close to full decay after a year. This is a great solution for homeowners who want a slower, natural approach to killing their tree stump.

Rock Salt

Similar to Epsom salt, rock salt can help kill and decay a stump with minimal effort. Here’s how to kill a tree stump with rock salt:

  1. Drill holes into the stump.
  2. Pack the holes with rock salt.
  3. After all of the holes are packed and the stump is covered in salt, pour soil and mulch over the stump.
  4. Then, pour water over the mulch—this will dissolve the salt, help the roots absorb the solution, and pack the soil.

Keep watering the stump every few days for one to two months to keep the stump moist with the saltwater solution, promoting absorption and the growth of fungi that can accelerate the stump’s decomposition. You can also add a potassium nitrate fertilizer to further support the growing fungi.

Plastic Bag or Tarp

Perhaps the easiest method to kill a tree stump is forcing darkness on it. Without sunlight, the tree stump will die, accelerating the decomposition process. Rotting should start to take place in two to three months.

Here’s how to kill a tree stump with a plastic bag or tarp:

  1. Similar to other methods, cut the stump as close to the roots as possible with a chainsaw, hatchet, or handsaw.
  2. Cover the stump with a black trash bag.
  3. Weigh the bag down with heavy rocks or bricks. For a smaller stump, use a dark-colored bucket or container to cover the stump.

This technique requires little to no effort, but it can be slower compared with the physical removal methods.

Boiling Water

You don’t need to purchase any substance or solution to try this remedy—all you need is hot water.

  1. Expose as much of the stump’s root structure as possible.
  2. Drill holes into the roots and on top of the stump—this will help the scalding water reach as much of the root system as possible and kill the roots with heat.
  3. Once all the roots are exposed, pour boiling water over them. The heat from the water will shock the root system, severely damaging it and killing it.

Once the stump and roots are dead, the natural decomposition process can begin.

Techniques To Physically Remove a Tree Stump

If you have the time and resources to use physical methods to kill and remove your tree stump, consider the following techniques. Compared to home remedies, they are much quicker but take a bit more effort, tools, and money to perform.

Use Fire To Kill a Tree Stump

Use some kindling or kerosene to burn the stump so that it doesn’t protrude from the ground. This method will kill the tree, but it won’t completely get rid of the tree roots and stump. Keep in mind that this may not be an option if you live in an area with a dry climate that’s prone to wildfires. Check with your local fire department to see if burning a tree stump falls in line with the local fire code.

Once you have approval to burn your tree stump, there are a few ways you can move forward. You can drill holes into the trunk, pour kerosene into each hole, light scrap wood on the surface of the stump, and carefully monitor the wood as it burns. This method is slower, but it burns the wood from deeper within the stump.

You can also cut criss-cross lines in the wood that are about five to six inches deep with a chainsaw, then simply light some kindling on top and monitor the stump until it’s burned down below ground level.

Dig the Tree Stump Out of the Ground

Digging out a tree stump is one way to remove it from your yard, but it can require time-consuming work that can be potentially destructive to your yard or garden. This method allows you to remove as many tree roots as possible and ensure that the stump doesn’t continue to grow. To save time and effort, consider hiring a professional with digging equipment to handle the job.

Here’s how to dig a tree stump out of the ground:

  1. Dig around the stump, exposing as many roots as possible.
  2. Use a chainsaw, hatchet, or handsaw to cut the larger roots. As you continue digging, you may find smaller roots that can be cut with clippers or loppers.
  3. Once you’ve cut all of the roots around the stump, lift and remove the stump from the ground.
  4. Fill the hole with dirt and cover it with topsoil or mulch.

Note: This process can take multiple hours of labor, depending on the size of the tree stump and the root structure.

Free Quote: Get your free quote on professional stump removal today

Grinding the Tree Stump

This is the quickest method for killing and removing tree stumps. It involves hiring a tree removal specialist or renting a stump grinder machine to break apart the wood in the trunk and tree roots. Typical prices for this job are around $100–$400. Stump grinder machine rental costs typically fall between $80 and $150 for a four-hour window.

To grind a tree stump, start by trimming the stump with a chainsaw, digging around it and removing any rocks. Then, use the machine’s cutter blade to chip away at the wood and cut any roots that are connected to the stump. This process can take anywhere from two to six hours depending on the size of the stump. Once you’re finished, spread dirt in and over the hole, adding topsoil or mulch if desired.

What To Avoid When Killing Tree Stumps

Here are a few factors to consider when removing or killing tree stumps to ensure safety and effectiveness:

The Bottom Line

If you’re trying to remove a tree stump from your yard, try one of the above methods. While we recommend the DIY techniques if you’re not in a hurry, renting a machine or hiring a professional to help grind the stump is the fastest solution.

Free Quote: Get your free quote on professional stump removal today

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How to Remove a Stump Without a Grinder

After you hire a commercial tree service to remove a tree, they can also remove the remaining stumps for an extra fee. Or, you can hire a different company to come in and do this work. But if you have felled the tree yourself, the task of removing the stump is left up to you—and it can be as difficult as removing the tree itself. You can hire a firm to come in with a large mechanical grinder to churn the stump into sawdust, but this can be expensive. Commercial stump removal can cost as much as $800 for a large stump or one in a tricky location. You could also rent a stump grinder for $150 to $400 per day, but getting this tool on-site and using it safely is no easy feat. But there are several methods that you can use to do this work without contractor costs or large equipment.

Equipment / Tools

Manual Method
Chemical Method
Burning Method


Chemical Method
Burning Method

Watch Now: How to Remove a Tree Stump Without a Grinder

When to Remove a Tree Stump

A tree stump can be removed at any time after the tree is felled, but manual removal is sometimes easier if the stump has aged and dried out somewhat. If you have the ability to let the stump remain in place for a full year or even two, the dried wood may be easier to cut out than when working on a new stump that is still green. Chemical removal, however, should begin immediately after you remove the tree.

Before Getting Started

A small- to medium-sized stump can be removed by good old-fashioned muscle work. But larger stumps can involve so much work that it's not practical—unless you can drag it out of the earth with a chain attached to the back of a pickup. For larger stumps, use the chemical method instead. A useful tool for manual removal is a mattock, which has a broad end for digging and a sharpened end for slicing. Everyone has favorite tools to use, though, and the more various digging and cutting tools you have on hand, the better. For larger stumps, you may want to enlist the aid of a helper or two to speed the work.

For those who are not up to the physical effort, or have a tree stump is too large to remove by hand, there is an easier—though much slower—method. All wood will eventually decay and rot away, and it is possible to speed up this process by keeping the stump moist and adding nitrogen in the form of a high-nitrogen fertilizer or potassium nitrate stump-removal granules. This is not an instant process—it can take a matter of months or even a year or so before a stump vanishes completely—but it is quite easy.

There is a tree stump removal product that comes in a powdered form, called "Stump-Out," which is designed to break down the wood fiber of stumps, leaving them porous. The porous wood then absorbs kerosene readily. After the porous wood is soaked with kerosene and ignited, it begins to burn away, and the fire soon becomes a low, smoldering flame. If the use of kerosene and flame is acceptable to you (and allowed in your community), this is another cheap and easy option to remove a tree stump.

Disposal of large tree stumps can be difficult. Contact your local waste disposal authorities for instructions on how and where to dispose of large garden waste items.

Safety Considerations

The Spruce

How to Remove a Tree Stump Manually

The Spruce / Ana Cadena 
  1. Dig Down Around the Stump

    Dig around the stump with the mattock's broad end. Once you have loosened the dirt in this fashion, shovel it out of your way. Be prepared to clear away a lot of soil. The bigger the stump, the more earth you'll be moving. This is necessary to gain access to all the roots that need cutting.

    When digging out a stump by hand, a hose or pressure washer can be helpful to wash away dirt to expose roots as you dig downward.

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena 
  2. Sever Visible Roots

    Use the other end of the mattock to start chopping your way through the tree roots. A bow saw can also be used to sever the roots as you uncover them.

  3. Expose the Tap Root

    Dig and chop your way under the root ball to the taproot. For all but the smallest of trees, taproots will be imposing enough to require cutting with an ax or large bow saw. Clean excess dirt off the taproot with a wet rag before cutting.

  4. Sever the Tap Root

    Chop through the taproot with your ax or with a bow saw. Be careful that the area is clear of people, pets, and objects before you start swinging the ax. Aim the ax carefully so that it does not strike dirt (which would dull the blade). Always wear steel-toed boots when wielding an ax.


    It's best not to use an ax unless you have been educated in handling one properly. If you're not confident, try to use a bow saw for all your cutting. It may require more digging to expose the roots, but it will be safer.

  5. Extract the Stump

    Pull the stump from the hole. This may require the use of ropes or chains, as well as the assistance of helpers or a vehicle to yank a large stump from the ground.

How to Remove a Tree Stump Chemically

  1. Cut Stump to Ground Level

    Use a chain saw or bow saw to cut the stump down as close to the ground as you can, without allowing the chain saw's teeth to strike the ground (this will dull your chain). Wear steel-toed boots for this part of the job.

  2. Drill Holes and Add Chemical

    Drill holes a few inches deep into the stump in numerous places, using the biggest, widest drill bit you have. The wider and deeper the holes, the better.

    Fill these holes first with water, then with a fertilizer high in nitrogen or stump-remover granules.


    Potassium nitrate is considered a hazardous substance, so use caution when applying potassium nitrate stump-removal granules.

  3. Water and Cover the Stump

    Soak the ground all around the stump. Cover the stump with a plastic tarp. The tarp will act as a barrier to help retain moisture in and around the stump. Moisture is a powerful ally to have on your side for this project.

    Apply an organic mulch over the plastic tarp, and water it thoroughly. An organic mulch such as tree bark or hay will hold additional moisture, keeping the area even wetter. Wet mulch is also heavy, which will help weigh the tarp down so that it doesn't blow away. For additional weight, roll some heavy stones onto the tarp. The mulch also serves the purpose of hiding the tarp from public view.

    Covered with mulch, the tree stump will be invisible as it begins to rot away. You can even cover the mulched area with various planted pots and container gardens.

  4. Tend the Stump While It Decays

    Over the coming weeks, periodically remove the mulch and tarp and apply more water and nitrogen to the stump, then cover it again. Some patience is required here, as it can still take quite some time for the stump to completely rot away. But it will be considerably faster than the decay process normally occurs in nature.

  5. Remove the Pieces

    After four to six weeks, the stump may become soft and spongy enough to begin breaking it apart with an ax. Whatever wood cannot be broken up and removed should be treated again with water and nitrogen. At some point, you can bury what remains and let it complete the decay process underground.

How to Remove a Stump by Burning

  1. Drill Holes and Apply Chemical

    Drill holes into the stump with a drill and a large bit. Apply Stump Out chemical granules, then fill the holes with water. Wait four to six weeks for the chemical to do its work.

    The more porous the stump, the more kerosine will be absorbed and the longer it will burn.

  2. Soak With Kerosene

    Slowly pour kerosene over the stump, taking care not to allow the fluid to run off and pool on the ground. Take your time to allow the kerosene to soak in. Never use gasoline or motor oil to burn a stump—gasoline is dangerously explosive, and motor oil creates toxic smoke when burning.

  3. Tend the Fire

    Ignite the stump and observe it from a safe distance as it burns. Remember that the stump may continue to smolder underground for quite some time, so put up barricades to prevent people or animals from accidentally walking over the embers.


    Check out local community ordinances regarding open burning before using this method. While it is generally allowed in rural areas, urban and suburban locations often do not allow open burning of stumps.

    A Sample Contract for Tree Removal

When to Call a Professional

No matter what method you use, a tree stump of any appreciable size involves quite a bit of hard manual labor and often the use of potentially dangerous tools or materials. If, after reviewing these various methods, you have concerns about safety or the physical fitness required to do the work, it is best to call a professional removal service, who will have the tools and personnel to do this work quickly and safely.

It's very common for a homeowner who removes a stump themselves to then resolve to never, ever, do it again. The cost of professional stump removal often seems like a bargain to anyone who has ever tried to do it themselves.

8 ways to remove stumps.

✅ Blog SpilKursk.PRO

from manual uprooting to chemical burning

Author: Goncharov Ivan Comments: 0 Reading time: 5 minutes

A stump in a garden plot can cause various problems: pests start growing in it, young shoots begin to grow, it interferes with the construction of new structures and simply takes up a lot of space. Because gardeners try remove the stump from the felled tree. There are different methods for removing stumps: mechanical or chemical. The former involve the use of manual force, tools or special equipment. Chemical methods are based on the application reagents that treat wood, as a result, the stump is destroyed, or completely burns out under the influence of fire. Each of the methods has its own characteristics and difficulties, so they need to be analyzed separately. nine0009

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Employees of SpilKursk.PRO company will help to remove the stump without a trace!


Table of contents
  1. Hand uprooting
  2. Stump crusher
  3. Fire burning
  4. Mushroom method
  5. Saltpeter destruction
  6. Stump salt
  7. nine0003 Decomposition by urea
  8. Iron or copper sulfate

Hand uprooting

Effortlessly and quickly destroy the stump from a sawn tree excavator. But it is sometimes impossible to drive large-sized equipment to the site. A reasonable decision would be to contact a specialized company dealing with arboristry, in the arsenal of which there is a crusher, for example, SpilKursk.PRO But such equipment is not available to organizations in every region, therefore, one has to look for a method get rid of the stump yourself. nine0009

Uprooting stumps by hand is quite time consuming and requires preparation which involves clearing the ground. This can be done by digging the ground around the stump and its roots. Then remove the soil by discarding it in side. It remains to pull out the remains of the tree. There are several options for how to do this:

  1. Mechanically - saw off or cut off all lateral roots. The central root will remain, to separate which the stump must be turned and tilted in different directions so that it loosens well. nine0004
  2. Use winch - tie a rope around the trunk and roots, or pass it through specially drilled holes, and then gradually pull the tree debris out of the ground.

Cutting down a stump and uprooting it yourself is quite profitable, since such an approach does not require serious funding. During the day, using the manual method, they successfully get rid of several stumps on plot. But manual uprooting also has disadvantages, which are due to the laboriousness of the process, the need for additional assistants, the difficulties with digging a near-stem hole, and the remains of roots that interfere with construction. Although they remain with all methods, requiring additional uprooting. nine0009

Stump crusher

The crushing technique involves the use of a special unit - a pneumatic crusher. The essence of the method is that the stump is crushed into chips together with part of the root system to a depth of to 50 cm . Crusher differs in small dimensions, therefore it will easily pass to the site through the garden gate.

See how the stump removal process looks like with a stump crusher:

The method has many advantages: