How long does it take garlic to sprout
Grow Garlic - Seed Savers Exchange
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How to Grow Garlic
This culinary staple is rarely propagated from seeds. Instead a few aromatic bulbs of garlic are saved from the harvest and replanted year after year.
Time of Planting
Plant garlic in the fall, usually between September 15 and November 30, after the first light frost of the year.
Spacing Requirements
Keep bulbs intact until right before planting. Break bulbs into individual cloves and plant the largest, healthiest looking cloves with the basal plate - the point where the cloves attached to the bulb - down and the pointed shoot-end up, 6-8 inches apart. Cover with 2 inches of soil and a 6-inch layer of mulch.
Time to Germination
Cloves may begin to sprout through the mulch in 4-8 weeks, depending on the variety and the weather conditions in your region. Do not be concerned. The plants may suffer some frost or a light freeze and still survive the weather.
Special Considerations
Garlic plants must be vernalized (overwintered) in order for their bulbs to develop. Do not remove mulch in the spring; it helps control weeds, preserve moisture and provides nutrients as it decomposes.
When garlic shoots begin to emerge in early spring, ensure even soil moisture by supplying 1 inch of water per week throughout the growing season. Garlic does not compete well with weeds so keep weeds under control early to ensure a bountiful harvest. Scapes are the curly flower stems that often form as the garlic matures. Cut or break them off after they are 10 inches long and reserve them for eating.
Common Pests and Diseases
Garlic can suffer damage from nematodes, botrytis rot, and white rot. However, the biggest threat to garlic is weeds. Keep your garlic bed clean and make sure to plant garlic in well-fertilized, loose soil.
When and How to Harvest
Harvest after 3 or 4 leaves have died back and there are still 5 or 6 green leaves remaining on the plant - sometime in June or July depending on the year and your climate. Do not wait too long or the bulbs will begin to separate in the ground. Loosen the soil with a shovel or pitchfork and then dig the garlic carefully. Do not pull the stalk or it will separate from the bulb. Gently brush most of the dirt off. Tie plants in a bundle of 6-8 plants and hang in a shaded, dry, well-ventilated shed or garage. Leave plants hanging for 4-6 weeks so that bulbs can cure.
Garlic is a good complement to many dishes, and is often used in stir-fries and Italian dishes.
After thoroughly drying, trim off the roots and cut the stalks off about 1 ½ inches from the bulb. Store in net bags. For optimum storage, hang in an area with 45-55 percent humidity and a temperature of 50-70 degrees F. Hold back your nicest bulbs for replanting.
How to Save Garlic
Garlic is vegetatively propagated rather than grown from seeds. To regrow garlic, keep bulbs intact until no more than 1-2 days before replanting, then simply pull apart garlic bulbs and plant individual cloves as described above. Some garlic varieties will produce seeds if scapes are not removed from the plants, but these seeds will not be true to type.
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How Long Does It Take For Garlic To Grow?
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Garlic is one of the most rewarding things you can grow on your own. Garlic bulbs are tasty, and they last a long time. Since the growing season is coming, and we’re thinking about timings, you may wonder: how long does it take for garlic to grow?
While most varieties take around 9 months to mature when propagated from cloves, there are short-season varieties that take less time. The way you plant garlic has bearing on when it’s ready for harvest too. Some garlic types allow you to easily propagate from last year’s harvest and grow garlic again, while other harvested garlic is better for using right away.
Planting garlic involves deciding whether you’re going to work with spring-planted garlic or fall-planted garlic. The USDA growing zone you’re in is an important consideration. And issues that arise in the process of growing garlic can change your timing as well.
So let’s examine all of these factors to help you decide the type of garlic bulbs and the timing of planting so you can enjoy homegrown garlic for years to come.
Growing from Seed v Growing from Clove
How long does it take for garlic to grow? Let’s discuss that. Source: KjokkenutstyrAside from harvesting garlic scapes, you can grow garlic in different garlic growing stages. After harvesting garlic, growers cure each garlic bulb in good air circulation and use multiple ways of storing their garlic. During the growing process, gardeners can collect garlic seed from flowers to grow again the following year. They also have the option to plant garlic cloves, which each act as a seed on their own.
Which type you choose to plant has bearing on your harvest time. While cloves take roughly 9 months from planting, garlic seeds take a year more than garlic bulbs (sometimes called bulbils). That’s because the seed has to germinate, grow the greenery necessary for photosynthesis, and then go through the process of bulb formation. When you plant cloves, the first half of the process is already complete.
If you’re going to grow garlic plants in the upcoming growing season, consider the variety and its source! This will help you determine when to get that garlic planted. There are some cold-climate garlic varieties that like it best when temperatures are cooler.
When to Plant Garlic
Garlic greens can be lightly harvested while you’re waiting for the bulbs to form. Source: renoir_girlAnother consideration in knowing when you’ll harvest garlic is the planting time. While there is spring-planted garlic and fall-planted garlic overall, there is also climate to consider. Softneck garlic is better when planted in warmer climates and hardneck garlic is best planted in cooler climates. The differences between the two exist in their botany as well. We will discuss those in a later section.
Timings by Zone
Garlic is generally part of fall planting 4 to 6 weeks before the first frost in early summer to early fall. It is also most often fall-planted garlic due to its ability to produce larger bulbs over cold winters. This general list is for fall plantings. Spring planted garlic is possible, and it generally takes place 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost in early spring. Softneck varieties are suited for mild climates in zones 6 and higher, but there are varieties adapted to cold weather, such as Polish softneck.
The timing of planting cloves of either could just depend on the season you’re planning for, and that is largely determined by your USDA growing zone. Here is a rough breakdown of when to plant garlic based on the type and USDA growing zone.
- Zones 0-3: Late August – early September to Late September
- Zones 3-5: Mid – late September to Early – mid-October
- Zones 5-7: Early – mid-October to Late October
- Zones 7-9: Late October to November
- Zones 9-10: Late October to December
If you’re growing garlic companion plants alongside your alliums, use their planting times to determine exactly when to start growing garlic plants. For instance, grow tomatoes next to garlic to prevent spider mites.
Garlic Growth By Type
For garlic to grow well, the timing of your planting is important. Source: anastaz1aWhether you’re interested in making garlic spray, or you want to make garlic spread or produce garlic just like the kind you buy in the store, the types of garlic you grow have bearing on how to plant them. Softneck versus hardneck determines whether you’re carrying out a fall or spring planting. Fall garlic plantings should be winter-hardy and are ready in the middle of summer. Spring plantings should be ready in the fall (either the current or following based on whether you planted cloves or bulbils). In a place with a long growing season and enough cold, you may find you can harvest garlic multiple times in a year.
So let’s discuss the types of garlic you can grow and how that changes your harvest time.
Hardneck Garlic
Hardneck garlic is called such because it has a stalk in the center of the garlic head that turns rigid at maturity. It has long flower stalks that produce bulbils after the flower stems bloom. It is often cold-hardy and peels easier because it has thick skin. Each garlic bulb has only a few cloves. In this case, the harder the neck, the larger the clove. If you plant and store garlic of the hardneck variety, you’ll find it doesn’t keep as long as store-bought garlic. And as we mentioned earlier, this garlic grows best in colder climates. A few of the best hardneck varieties are Rocambole, Purple Stripe, and Porcelain.
When it comes to timing hardneck harvests, you’ll know they’re ready when the bottom ⅓ of the leaves have turned yellow. Since this variety is typically planted in the fall, you’ll harvest in early summer to mid-summer. Before that, you have to remove green leaves called garlic scapes to ensure a decent harvest. Doing this promotes the growth of large cloves from the time the bulbs begin to grow at the root system.
Softneck Garlic
Softneck garlic has a softer stalk made of green garlic leaves rather than a hard stalk. Softnecks do not flower – not usually, anyway – and therefore don’t produce bulbils. Mature bulbs have many more individual cloves than hardnecks, and they are much smaller. The garlic skin on softnecks is papery and difficult to peel. This garlic grows best in a warmer climate and is often planted in spring. Softneck cloves must be planted for propagation. This is the type you get when you purchase garlic in grocery stores. Two great softneck varieties are Silverskin and Artichoke garlic.
To time the types of garlic that fall into the softneck category, know that they can be ready as early as the beginning of spring. Wait until the top 5 to 6 leaves are still green, and the bottom leaves have turned brown. Then remove them with a garden fork.
Elephant Garlic
Elephant garlic is technically not true garlic, but it is always included with the other types of garlic we’ve discussed so far. Elephant garlic varieties form bulbs with the largest cloves out there. When it comes to elephant varieties, each head of garlic contains no more than 6 cloves each whereas most garlic has 10 to 12 cloves. Each of the elephant garlic cloves is ready to eat after very little cooking. That’s why it’s great garlic to use for spreads. If you need garlic that’s ready quickly, go for elephant. You’ll have your garden fork out for harvesting within 90 days of planting.
Garlic Greens
If you’re interested in growing garlic purely for the greens, know you can harvest those multiple times in a growing season. However, you must wait for late spring and early summer to do so. That’s because the bulbs need the greens to continue forming up to the harvest. Remember to keep leaves on the plant if you don’t want to harvest bulbs at the same time.
Garlic Troubleshooting
Braided garlic can be stored for later use. Source: Photography-SYou may experience issues that limit the growth of your garlic bulbs and delay your harvest. This section will cover those factors and what you can do to limit them at the time of planting.
Soil Moisture
Because garlic requires lots of water to grow, you’ll need to keep the garden soil moist throughout the growing process. Most often, failed harvests are due to dry soil. Especially if you’re growing in full sun, consistent monitoring of the water content in the soil is important. But you don’t want to go overboard with water. That can cause bulb rot. Here is where the growing medium comes in. Amendment mixtures of garden compost, well-rotted steer manure, and sand will promote moisture, but also assist with drainage. An addition of 2 tablespoons of 5-10-10 fish meal gives the bulbs the nutrition they need. And mulching with pine needles helps the soil retain moisture even in direct sunlight. Keep this in mind when preparing your site.
Onion maggots don’t do much damage to a harvest at first, but after a few generations, they can cause up to 50% yield loss. They feed on the garlic seedlings at first, and then on expanding bulbs in the 2nd and 3rd generations. Insecticides applied to the growing area before planting will assist in removing the threat of onion maggots. Spinosads applied to seeds will also prevent them. Maggot flies are the same pests as onion maggots but in their adult form. Prevention methods for controlling them are cultural. Rotate your garlic crops to prevent them. This also prevents wearing out the soil in the process of growing delicious garlic bulbs.
Dry bulb mites also feed on garlic and reduce yields, delaying your harvest. They are part of the same class as ticks and mites. They overwinter inside stored cloves and affected plants become stunted. Females lay eggs on garlic leaves that hatch releasing hundreds of larva who flock to bulbs to eat. Crop rotation will keep your garlic producing at a normal rate, and prevent these mites. Hot water treatments of garlic seeds keep them away as well. Neem sprayed on non-flowering plants will keep the mites from laying eggs on your leaves altogether.
Consider these when gardening to ensure you have a timely and plentiful garlic harvest.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do you know when garlic is ready to harvest?
A: It depends on the type you’re growing. See above!
Q: What is the best month to plant garlic?
A: Most garlic does best when planted in late summer to early fall. However, you can plant some varieties in spring as well.
Q: How long does garlic take to sprout?
A: Cloves sprout within 4 to 8 weeks. Bulbils take 8 to 9 months.
When to plant garlic?
It is impossible to imagine our diet without fragrant, pungent cloves. They are eaten with pleasure with borsch, added to salads and meat dishes, put in sauces and jars of pickles. At the time of the first Olympic Games, garlic was equated with doping. Despite the undemanding care and growing conditions, gardeners often cannot boast of a high yield. What's the matter? Poor-quality planting material, the wrong variety or the wrong planting time? Let's figure out when to plant garlic? nine0003
In central Russia, plantings are predominantly in autumn. This is rational, in the hot springtime you do not have to spend time planting garlic.
Advantages of autumn planting:
- The plant does not spend energy on vegetation, strong roots begin to form almost immediately.
- Autumn planting is extremely simple - planted, watered and you can forget about the garden until spring.
The main advantage of spring garlic is its excellent keeping quality, but in terms of yield it is inferior to its winter counterpart. In the home pantry, spring planting garlic successfully reaches the new harvest, while winter cloves begin to wither and deteriorate after the New Year. nine0003
Planting time
To get a high yield, it is important not to miscalculate the planting date. Usually this is the beginning or middle of October. However, the weather makes its own adjustments. If the autumn is warm, you should not rush, the first frosts have come - you need to hurry. It is necessary to plant before the onset of steadily cold weather so that your garlic has time to take root well, but does not give seedlings that will die under the snow and weaken the plants.
Experienced agronomists believe that for good development and a high yield, it is necessary that garlic go into winter, having 10-12 roots 5-7 cm long. It will take 30-35 days to develop such a root system.
With spring garlic, everything is much simpler. Cloves can be planted as soon as the snow melts, and with the onset of stable heat, active root growth will begin.
Planting the right way
Start preparing the bed two weeks before planting. The first thing to do is to dig up the soil on the bayonet of a shovel with the simultaneous introduction of organic matter (7-8 kg of humus or compost per m2). Digging to a great depth is not an easy job, requiring a lot of strength. When using a professional tool, such an activity brings pleasure. With a light, reliable shovel, to which the soil does not stick, and the blade does not have to be sharpened often, you can literally turn mountains in a short time (bayonet shovel IDEALSPATEN). nine0003
The optimal garlic planting pattern is 5-7 cm between plants in a row and 15-20 cm between rows. The ideal depth of planting material is 8-10 cm. Through such a layer of soil, tender, not yet rooted teeth will not “grab” upon the onset of early frosts, and in spring at a depth there will be enough moisture for powerful growth. It is difficult to make deep grooves with a hoe. To make holes for the tines, a Royal Dutch Hand Sneeboer Hoe will do, the DeWit Corkscrew Rooter is long enough, you don't even have to bend over. It remains only to lay a prong in each hole with the tail up, and then level the soil. nine0003
Choose tools from the best European brands in the catalog of the online store, remember when to plant garlic, do not forget to feed the seedlings and prepare bags for a good harvest.
How many days garlic sprouts. Growing garlic at home. Garlic Plant Care
A small garden in a room or on a balcony brings benefit and joy, no matter what crop grows on it, but garlic - a special case even among other vegetables. It is not only an excellent seasoning for salads and hot dishes, but also a direct aid to our health. We remember it every year with the onset of cold weather, when we need to take care of the prevention of viruses, to strengthen the immune system. Growing garlic at home in this case is not a whim, but a necessity. nine0003
Garlic lime, which loves to grow in company, is not only far away, because of its unmistakable garlic scent, but its gorgeous white flowers inviting through a spring shrub that is still working. In moist and shady areas, with deep, humus-rich soils, garlic is a veritable plant carpet. It pleases the binder's heart, and the culinary delights that wild garlic promises are plentiful and also very healthy.
Fresh, freshly picked leaves are generally used because they lose their flavor and potency. You can also use an underground lamp. Recipes and special occasions also collect buds still closed. Contrary to popular belief, wild garlic does not become poisonous once it starts flowering. However, the aroma becomes more intense and the aging of the leaves hardens a bit. nine0003
Planting material
Most winter varieties tend to produce shoots that form aerial bulbs (bulbs), sometimes referred to as seeds. For a home, this method of reproduction is unacceptable, the harvest will have to wait too long, garlic -
perennial plant, in the first year it develops a single-pronged bulb and a root system.
For a crop placed on a window or balcony, a quick result is important, so you need to plant cloves. You should choose large, dense ones, you can take slightly dried ones. Strongly faded, yellowed are not suitable. Small, damaged, with signs of depravity are not suitable. Well, if the teeth began to sprout, it will be faster to grow garlic on the windowsill from these. nine0003
Recipe for 4-5 people 400 g wild garlic leaves, without stalks, 1 egg, 200 g quark cream, 5 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 2-3 tablespoons wheat or spelt flour, 40 g goat cream cheese or grated Sbrinz, a little sea salt, a little ground pepper, olive oil for frying.
Wash the garlic leaves. Remove the garlic from the water and put it in a saucepan that is still damp. Without adding water, it will dry in steam. Make it drain into a colander and press in well. Finely chop it and let it cool. Add all other ingredients to the egg and mix everything. Season with salt and pepper. nine0003
How to prepare the soil?
Soil taken from the garden can only be used for home cultivation as a substrate base. When watering in small-volume vessels, nutrients are washed out of it, and the structure is compacted. Additions are necessary, most often they take peat, sand.
Heat oil in a frying pan. Place a spoonful of dough into the pan, prepare a round shape and flatten slightly by crushing. Fry the pancakes on one side at medium heat until golden. Then gently turn them with a flat ladle and fry them on the other side. Tip: pancakes are great with vegetables and fried potatoes. nine0003
The cherry fly is one of the most common and harmful enemies of the cherry tree and cherry. It causes damage to the ripe fruits of these two crops, and attacked fruits rot and fall. With a strong attack, up to 80% of damaged fruits are observed. Cherry fly larvae are not suitable for both consumption and processing. Destroying flies can always save you from unforeseen circumstances with the help of those fruits that you have tried.
Fertility requires humus. The specifics of garlic high need for mineral additives, they are provided by the inclusion of wood ash in the composition of the substrate. The earth from the street must be disinfected, calcined for half an hour in the oven. If the soil is purchased in a store, then it is best to take a universal one for seedlings and enrich it with a special fertilizer designed for onions and garlic. nine0003
The biology of the cherry fly is such that it develops at relatively high temperatures. That is why the enemy damages the fruits of early and late varieties of cherries and sour cherries. Early cherries most often remain unaffected. However, to get flavored and well-ripened cherries that are unaffected, this will require treatment to kill the flies.
What damage does a bow cause? Onion fly toad causes damage to green onions and bulbs, onions intended for apple cooking, and less on garlic, cabbage and lettuce. On green onions and bulbs, the larvae pass through the leaves and enter the stem, making longitudinal movements towards the flask and introducing it. A damaged light bulb smells bad. Damaged plants are easily digested and lag behind in their development. The central leaf is thicker, spirally folded. Later it dries up and leaves dry. We recommend treating flies to be destroyed while the time is right and at the moment you feel the plant is destroying this way. nine0003
Planting Container
Container Requirements -
Sufficient area for planting and a depth of at least 20 cm, with a slight edge above the soil so that water does not spill when watering.
The shape of the vessel, the material from which it is made does not matter, it can be a wooden or plastic box, a ceramic pot, a glass container. The choice is determined only by the aesthetic preferences of the owner.
If the flask is damaged up to 70 larvae. From the destroyed plants, the larvae pass to other healthy plants. In dense seedlings, the larvae take care of the new plants. Plants show up, their peaks turn yellow, and during picking they break off at the base. For feeding, the larva destroys several plants. nine0003
In case of severe attack, chemical treatments are applied to kill flies and adult insects before laying the eggs. The first spraying is carried out during the mass flight of the fly, and the second after 8-10 days. The process of killing the fly should be applied carefully wherever it is possible to have its larvae in order to prevent future occurrence. Garlic in our country is found wherever winter garlic is grown. It attacks winter garlic and onions planted by apple trees in autumn. Grafts on open plants are susceptible to leeks. nine0003
If you make your own wooden box exactly to the size of the window sill, the usable area will be the most rational. Do not forget about the holes in the bottom of the tank and the drainage layer (expanded clay, pebbles, broken ceramics). The vessel is placed on a stand or pallet to ensure the free flow of irrigation water.
Rules for planting garlic at home
What distance should be maintained between the planting teeth? Plants need to be given a certain amount of space, at the same time, you have to save space, since the garden is still located on the windowsill or on the balcony. The optimal distance will be 4 - five see. Regarding the depth of planting, there is no consensus between gardeners, some are planted on 2 - 3 cm, others deepen as in open ground - by 10 cm. In both cases, good germination is achieved, but in the second - later, after about 15 days. nine0003
Planting and cultivation of spring garlic
That's why it's good in winter, where it is stored, to make a treatment to kill flies and other pests, to save your labor. The nutmeg fly develops one generation per year and is a nocturnal insect in various protected areas. The flies leave wintering already in February, and during the warmest hours they begin to lay their eggs on the most well-developed plants or on the soil surface near them. The larvae hatch and cause the damage described. In the second half of April and early May, they complete their development and go to the soil, where they cocoon. nine0003
The bulb is divided into cloves and placed in the ground. It should be slightly damp, not too wet or dry. Place each slice upside down with a sharp end. In order not to compact the soil under the future growing roots, they do not press it, but lower it into the prepared hole, sprinkle it, water it. If you plant and grow garlic in several steps with an interval of 5 - 10 days, then the crop as it grows can be harvested continuously. You can plant teeth in a pot with another houseplant, it is believed that this is useful for disinfection and protection against pests. nine0003
New generation flies appear in mid and second half of May and early June. They go to sheltered places where they hibernate. How do you deal with this problem? Periodically the plants are sprayed to kill flies during lethal flights before the eggs are laid. There are no officially registered drugs to combat the destruction of flies and garlic flies. The last treatment for the destruction of flies should be carried out no later than 15 days before the harvest of garlic, and compliance with quarantine periods is mandatory. nine0003
Farming hasn't been easy, but our love of nature and commitment to a healthy lifestyle has helped us overcome challenges and challenges. Everything we grow and produce we do with the utmost diligence, mostly by hand and using mainly organic fertilizers and raw materials. Asen and Daniela share the beginning of their garden. Their vision of producing quality products is also built into the pleasure of being with people who appreciate it. At the head of all this, they create and develop the Garden with Strong Things. nine0003
Forcing garlic greens can also be carried out on water, as is done with onions. Slices need to be cleaned of integumentary scales, tightly set in shallow molds, filled with water up to half and constantly maintain this level. Without soil, greens can be obtained at least twice: first after 3 weeks, again - after another 2. If the teeth are large, there is also a third harvest, after about 10 days. After that they are replaced.
How did you choose Varvara as your home garden? Varvara as a place for our complete family holiday. After spending several years there in a row, we found that the village felt very good to us, which turned out to be a truly magnetic place. At the same time, we decided to create and develop the business that we are now doing. Without professional training, driven by the desire to provide real vegetable products for us and the people around us, we have invested a lot of our work, money and love in our garden. nine0003
Spring garlic: growing
Believing in what we do and the positive reception of our products by our customers motivates us to develop with the same goal as at the beginning. What are the main products you manufacture? Fresh vegetables such as red and pink tomatoes of different varieties, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, carrots, cabbage, fresh onions and garlic, lettuce and lettuce and others. We strive to grow and offer varieties of vegetables that are unpopular, but very tasty and enjoyed by our customers. nine0003
Garlic plant care
Garlic is undemanding to care for, even a novice grower can grow it on a window or on a balcony, here experience in growing green onions will come in handy. Sprouts will appear after 1, 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the conditions and planting depth.
Garlic plant care
Fresh spices - basil, marjoram, rosemary, mint, cranberry, curry, parsley, dill and others. Flowers are an endless variety of annuals and perennials. Fruit and ornamental shrubs - raspberries, carp, strawberries, grapes, citrus fruits and others. nine0003
Various homemade fruit jams, syrups, vegetable pies, dried tomatoes. What are the most interesting methods you use when growing? All manufactured products are made from seeds through seedlings. The development of plants in the garden is carried out mainly through manual labor and a lot of diligence.
They need good lighting if placed on a south facing window, but it is best to keep the plants on a glazed balcony if available. If there is a shortage of natural light, use a fluorescent lamp (a regular incandescent lamp is not suitable for illuminating plants), 8 hours of daylight will be enough. nine0003
Which of them are the most successful? Traditional vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, fresh onions and garlic are widely available, but along with them we are also experimenting with new varieties of unknown varieties. Where did you run into the biggest problems?
Our desire to develop and build is to hire additional and appropriate workforce, which is the biggest challenge for us these days. We are trying to overcome this at the cost of some compromises. Where can we find your production? nine0003
You can also enjoy our fresh products during the summer season in some of the popular local restaurants. We dream of having enough time to realize our desires! This perennial herb starts growing around mid-March. It grows for about 3 months and then quickly disappears. In the wild, we will meet him in the forest, where they form an unimaginable vegetation. The bear can also be grown in the garden. It is distinguished by its garlic flavor and taste and is therefore widely used in cooking and seasoning dishes. nine0003
To keep the soil moderately moist, water every 2-3 days, if the room is warm and the soil dries out quickly, then more often.
Top dressing
Garlic needs top dressing with organic matter, mainly nitrogen, as well as mineral supplements. You can use special store formulations or make bird manure, mullein.
This plant grows up to 45 centimeters. Its underground bow is approximately 6 centimeters long and 2 centimeters long. The leaves are petiolate and more or less ground-like. Flowers are located in the inflorescence. The petals are white in color and are only 10 millimeters long and 2 millimeters wide. Bear garlic contains silica with ammonia and sulfur components, vitamin C, phytoncides, mustard and other ingredients. nine0003
Bear garlic, unlike classical garlic, is grown for leaf consumption. Bear garlic seeds planted in spring. In the first year, we put it in a flower pot, we can store it in the winter, and we will put the final position in the next season. It can be placed both in loose soil and in flower pots in a good horticultural substrate. It is best served in soft shade with plenty of moisture. Place the bow into bundles, which should contain about ten or more bulbs. nine0003
The temperature should be low, about 20 ° C, from this point of view, it is also better to keep garlic not in a room, but on a glazed balcony or loggia.
Arrows that appear to form bulbs should be removed immediately. Growing garlic at home to obtain heads is hardly advisable, especially since they are not always obtained at home and not very large. But if such a goal is set, then the landings must be kept at a low temperature - 15-16° FROM. nine0003
In case of space constraints, for example 200 light bulbs can be made from one big trick. Garlic bear has all the properties of our garlic and we also treat it as medicinal. It is suitable for spring curing to remove harmful substances. Dried leaves do not have this effect, so fresh leaves are used for cleansing and cleaning. People with sensitive stomachs should eat garlic leaves before meals, top with warm milk, sourdough for two to three hours, and then drink after a sip of the drink. nine0003
Garlic bear has a milder aroma and flavor than kitchen garlic and is also suitable for children in smaller quantities. During pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in young children, it is not recommended to give more garlic. The fact that breastfeeding mothers cannot consume garlic is just a superstition. It can be eaten in reasonable amounts and it is more than likely that when garlic is well tolerated by the mother, the baby can easily tolerate it. As with aromatherapy, we can rely on what smells and heals us. nine0003
Soil care
The soil around the sprouts should be periodically loosened, then the bulb will be large and developed and will give a good green mass. Leaves that have reached 20 cm are ready for use, they are like this a month after planting, already large enough and not too sharp in taste, tender and pleasant. They are cut with scissors and used as fresh as possible.
About varieties
All varieties of garlic are divided into two groups. Winter crops are more suitable for winter cultivation in the house, they do not have a winter rest period. Practitioners recommend Sochi-56, Kharkiv, Otradnensky, proven by many years of experience, which give a good harvest of greenery indoors or on the balcony in winter. To obtain a garlic feather in the summer, spring or summer plant varieties are preferable. nine0003
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the most ancient vegetable plants. It was grown in ancient Egypt. The birthplace of garlic is the mountainous and foothill regions of Central Asia. Garlic is a herbaceous biennial plant of the genus Onion of the Amaryllis family, up to 1 m in height.
Egg-shaped bulb, consisting of cloves - cloves. The leaves are linear, flat, pointed. The flowers are small, greenish-white, collected in a simple spherical umbrella along with small air bulbs - bulbs (often also called "airs"). nine0003
The smell is pungent. The taste is sweetish, burning. Blooms in July-August. Harvested in August-September.
This culture is cold-resistant and moisture-loving, begins to germinate at a temperature of 3-5°C and easily tolerates frost. Garlic does not form seeds and reproduces only vegetatively: either with cloves of large bulbs or bulbs (in the first year, single-cloves are grown from bulbs, and bulbs are grown from single-cloves in the second year). Garlic serves as a necessary seasoning in cooking, when pickling and pickling vegetables. medicines use the bulbs of the plant. Agrotechnics of garlic depends on its type. For more information about growing garlic in the articles:
Garlic: cultivation and care
Garlic for yourself and businessAlmost every family that has its own plot near the house grows garlic. Prices for it in the winter rise at times, but why? After all, it is stored for a very long time. The thing is that land plots are not available everywhere, it is impossible to grow garlic within the boundaries of a big city, and here businessmen who have thought about it in advance come to the rescue. Garlic as a business idea is in demand in the modern world, but for a successful result, you need to make a lot of effort and invest a rather large amount of money, but, as a rule, everything pays off from the first harvest. You can start a garlic growing business from a small plot of land, this is quite enough to gain experience and decide for yourself whether you want to continue this business idea or not. Garlic - cultivation and careTo get a good yield from the first planting, you need to choose the right soil. Growing winter garlic takes a bit of effort, but finding the right conditions and planting it right goes a long way in making a good harvest. It is necessary to plant garlic on a hill, if you deviate from this rule, it can deteriorate from melted spring waters and rot in the ground. To prevent such a disaster from happening to you, carefully monitor the humidity of the earth, check that the water does not linger for a long time. nine0003 Garlic growing and caring for it is difficult only at first, as it loves soil saturated with organic matter and properly fertilized. Do not rush to plant garlic this year, because experienced gardeners prepare the planting site in the fall, and they do it right. When digging the earth, add 10 grams of potassium chloride and 40 grams of superphosphate to it, this is calculated per 1 square meter. Never use land that has previously grown potatoes or onions, the best precursors to garlic are legumes such as peas. If you decide to plant garlic, it should always be grown in different areas, otherwise the pests left over from last year will simply exterminate it. Correct planting of garlicSort seeds for planting, choose only whole and healthy cloves, it is better to get rid of sick or damaged ones immediately, otherwise they will ruin more than one head of your crop. The soil must be well prepared, it is better to do it in advance, breaking the ground as finely as possible. nine0003 When planting garlic in winter, make the width between the beds at least 40 centimeters, this is one of the most important growing conditions. Garlic cultivation and care should be carried out like clockwork, and after planting, pour each bed well with water. Easy garlic careAs we already understood, growing and caring for garlic does not require much effort and time from us, it is quite easy to do, since it practically does not get sick and does not freeze if everything is done correctly. One of the conditions is to watch the plants so that they do not overgrow with weeds, otherwise the harvest will be less than expected. The main thing is to keep the soil moist so that you do not get small heads of garlic when harvesting. nine0003 The process of growing and caring for garlic is actually quite simple. But still, this vegetable requires special conditions for full growth and fruiting. Garlic is very picky about the soil. It grows well only in fertile soil of sandy and loamy type. Soil acidity should be closer to neutral. This light-loving plant is planted in a separate place in the beds. With a lack of space, it can be planted next to other vegetables and berries. nine0002 Almost all horticultural crops will be happy with its neighborhood - strawberries, currants, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other garden plants.![]() Plants growing near this crop are not afraid of slugs, caterpillars and borers. Even the mole does not like to manage on the ground where this plant grows. Planted next to roses, garlic protects them from black spot. But there are some vegetables that cannot grow next to garlic. These are beans and cabbage. Despite the fact that they are the precursors of garlic, this vegetable, being around, inhibits their growth. nine0003 Peculiarities of propagation of garlicGarlic is grown vegetatively. Spring garlic can only be grown with bulb cloves. Winter garlic reproduces by air bulbs and cloves. It will take two years to get a bulb from a bulb. In the first year, bulb-sets are formed from the bulb, and the next year - a full-fledged bulb, consisting of many cloves. A one-tooth bulb contains the same nutrients and taste as a two-year-old bulb. In order for the harvest to be good and full, planting material is healed, and plant varieties are also updated. The healing of garlic is as follows:
Planting and cultivation of spring garlic Spring garlic can be germinated before planting for rapid growth. The teeth should be wrapped in gauze or any other damp cloth and placed in polyethylene for 2-3 days. The germination process is carried out at room temperature. Note that this is not required. Before planting, the bulbs also go through a calibration process. The selected planting material is well dried. Growing spring garlic is best done in spring (April-May). nine0003 As soon as the soil warms up to 5-7 degrees and the snow melts, you can start planting. If there was no snow and the soil is dry, then it should be moistened before planting garlic. Planting garlic is carried out at a depth of 5-6 cm. Sprouted cloves should be buried very carefully so as not to damage the roots. Immediately after planting, the soil must be mulched. The distance between rows must be at least 20 cm and the distance between teeth 20 cm. Garlic shoots are not afraid of cold and frost, so even at a temperature of 3-4 degrees they grow successfully. nine0003 In general, this crop requires different temperatures at different stages of growth:
Therefore, mulching the soil for the plant is a must, especially if the horticultural crop grows in a warm climate. Care of the plant during the growing season is very important. It needs proper watering. During the period of active growth, garlic should be watered frequently. nine0003 At the stage of bulb formation, soil moisture should be moderate. If there is frequent rain in the growing region, then watering should be stopped altogether. At the second stage of growth, an excess of moisture is very harmful for garlic, as this can lead to the development of diseases, as well as to the decay of the bulbs. Growing garlic is accompanied by two top dressings:
No other garlic fertilizers should be used. Competent care is important here so as not to overdo it with feeding. Caring for garlic, like any other horticultural crop, requires regular loosening of the soil, as well as pest control. The use of mulching in care eliminates the need for weeding and frequent watering. Growing winter garlicLanding is carried out in autumn. The best time to do this is September-October. It is very important to plant planting material on time. nine0003 Early planted teeth will be sensitive to cold and frost, and may simply die. Late planting will not allow them to take root, and again they can die from frost. The soil for planting should be prepared in advance. Grooves should be made on the ground, and a layer of coarse-grained sand should be placed on their bottom. Ash can be used instead of sand. The layer of this material must be at least 3 cm. It protects the teeth from contact with the soil, which can lead to their decay. Garlic without disease? and pests?Winter garlic is planted at the same distance as spring garlic. Bulb planting depth for this species should be greater than for spring garlic. Winter garlic is buried up to 20 cm into the soil. The fact is that during the winter the soil freezes and thaws many times, while pushing the bulbs out if they are planted shallowly. At this depth, you can plant garlic to someone whose soil is more loose and breathable. On heavy soils, 15 cm is sufficient. Winter garlic is recommended to be mulched. After all, mulch provides additional protection for plants during frosts. The thickness of the mulch should be 2-3 cm. For this, peat or sawdust can be used. nine0003 If there is no snow in winter, plants should be covered with polyethylene or other covering material. As soon as it snows, the shelter must be removed. Alternatively, you can simply make a thicker layer of mulch. Sowing bulbs of winter garlic for propagation of variety Bulbs can be sown at the same time. Bulbs with one clove should be dug up in the fall, dried well, and planted again in order to get a full-fledged bulb with a large number of bulbils the next year. Winter garlic is a frost-resistant crop. With successful rooting, the teeth tolerate low temperatures well. nine0003 Even at a soil temperature of -20 degrees, this variety is successfully preserved and as a result gives an excellent harvest. But with little snowy winters and lower temperatures, winter garlic can freeze out. Caring for this type of horticultural crop is exactly the same as for spring garlic. When the plant releases flowering arrows, they should be removed. But only when they grow up to 10 cm in height. This helps increase productivity. If you plan to grow this variety of garlic from bulbs in the future, then you should leave a few arrows until they ripen. nine0003 Major diseases of garlic
Measures to combat and prevent these diseases is to use only healthy planting material for reproduction. Gardeners are like sappers: he made a mistake - he was left with a nose and empty beds. And you can compare it with sorcerers: what they did there with planting and growing, even they themselves sometimes don’t know. But it is best to compare enthusiastic summer residents with doctors: first, numerous preventive measures, and if negligent “patients” are already found, then long and thoughtful therapy, although sometimes it comes to surgery. All kinds of pests, such as, for example, nematodes and onions fly (its larvae, by the way, can also cause rot). Well, now about what I do in order not to lose the garlic crop.2. nine0003 I buy planting material only from sellers I know.3. I place new beds for garlic in places where neither bulbous plants nor flowers have grown for at least four seasons. True, I have fewer and fewer such places, so I plant garlic where pumpkins, cabbage and all kinds of greens lived. I think that it can do more harm than good to bulb crops, and even more so to garlic (but, by the way, pumpkin, on the contrary - the more the better). Mineral water is a completely different matter, especially if the soil cannot boast of fertility. Many summer residents probably know what I want to tell without me. nine0003 It just seemed to me that it would not be superfluous at all (for beginner gardeners, in whom every sprout is a victory, and every yellowed leaf is a disaster) to reduce the methods of combating garlic diseases into one list. In general, I’ll try, and you, dear readers, if anything, correct me or add your thoughts. There may be several reasons why garlic fell ill. The first and most important is a fungus that causes the appearance of all sorts of rot (here you have white, and gray, and black, and there is also a root one). Second - Potash fertilizers are generally considered a delicacy for garlic: they are considered natural, and their mined as minerals. At the end of August - beginning of September, I scatter 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. fluffy lime (all this per 1 sq. M.}. If the soil turns out to be dense, I add peat or sand (everything here depends on the state of my wallet). copper sulphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) in the proportion of 1 liter per 1 sq. m and cover with foil. I leave everything in this form until the landing.5. Before planting, I soak the cloves for 10-12 hours in an ash-flax-salt solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of copper sulfate. nine0003 The composition of this drug is as follows: in 1 liter of water I dissolve 1 tbsp. l. wood ash, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tsp. copper sulfate, 1/3 tsp. potassium permanganate. Read also: Growing garlic - planting and care6. In the spring I try to find time to plant undersized marigolds around the perimeter of the garlic beds. These unpretentious flowers do not allow nematodes to multiply and repel the onion fly.7. I am careful with watering. They are needed at a time when the plants are growing and when it is hot: I water once every 5-8 days, not more often. nine0003 If it started to rain, then I resume watering only a week after the weather is clear.8. I try to combine watering with top dressing. I spend the first time when 3-4 leaves appear: in a 10-liter bucket I breed 1 tbsp. l. urea and treat the beds with this solution through a watering can (scientifically, I arrange sprinkling). I do the second dressing two weeks after the first: 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l. potash fertilizer. The third is an infusion of ashes.9. In early May or a little later (depending on weather conditions), I process garlic with an ash-brine solution (1 cup of ash and 1/2 cup of salt per 10 liters of water). 10. nine0003 As a prophylaxis against onion flies, I dust with such a vigorous remedy as a mixture of a handful of wood ash and thoroughly mashed carrot seeds. I hope my simple advice will help you overcome garlic diseases and grow a healthy crop. Golden Rule - Middle Very important harvest winter garlic on time . As a rule, it is ready 100-110 days after germination. nine0003 Prematurely harvested bulbs lose weight, unripe bulbs are not stored for a long time, quickly become flabby. Heads harvested late, overripe, lose their integumentary scales during the drying period, crumble and also do not lie for a long time. I think that it is better to remove the garlic a week earlier than the same time later. If the integumentary scales on the teeth are not completely dry - it's not scary, they will reach in the garden or under a canopy. But if you linger with cleaning, then the teeth that continue to grow will tear the shirt and the head will fall apart in the ground. nine0003 Such garlic is not stored for a long time. And this does not mean that the garlic is ripe, but only indicates that the earth in the beds is too dense or has high acidity. The reason for the yellowing of the leaves can also be a lack of nutrients or moisture, damage to the root system by pests, etc. Some gardeners, in order to determine the time for harvesting garlic, periodically, starting from the first days of July, dig several heads once a week in different places in the garden and carefully are examining them. nine0003 If the garlic is not ripe, the outer shell of the head is still juicy, holds the cloves firmly in the head and rises high towards the stalk. In ripe garlic, the shell around the stem is already dry, but still holds the head. I think that it is more reliable to focus on the beacon: do not remove all the flower arrows, but leave 5-10 pieces for control. While the garlic is growing, the flower stalks are first bent into a ring, and then straighten and become vertical. Here it is already necessary to carefully observe the plants: as soon as the first cover bursts, it's time to start cleaning. nine0173 Teeth - on the shelf! It is better to choose a dry day for cleaning. Carefully dig up the plants with a pitchfork, and do not pull them out of the ground. It is not necessary to immediately cut the tops and roots: the nutrients will gradually pass into the heads and their quality will only increase. When digging the bulbs, the roots should not be damaged. Carefully remove the soil from them by hand. And without shaking off: this can also damage the bulbs, and the bruised ones are poorly stored and quickly rot. In dry weather, it is better to leave the garlic in the garden, laying it neatly, like that. so that each row of bulbs is covered with the leaves of the plants of the next, and at the same time they do not touch each other. With this drying, the moisture from the outer scales evaporates slowly. they remain more V. stronger and fit snugly to the bulb. In rainy cool weather, the plants should be moved under a canopy, in a ventilated shed or in the attic. I usually lay out my garlic in a greenhouse between tomatoes. After about 2-3 weeks, when the false stem and leaves completely dry out, they need to be cut off. If garlic is planned to be stored in baskets, boxes or other containers, the stalks of the bulbs are cut off, leaving only 2-4 cm from them. For storage, garlic is sometimes tied into bundles weighing up to 1 kg, then the stumps are left longer: 15-20 cm. heads remove the top dirty layer of scales. nine0003 The bulb underneath should be clean, white or lilac, depending on the variety. And cut off the roots, this technique prevents the germination of garlic during storage. It is generally recommended to shorten them to 1 cm. Some gardeners pluck or lightly gass (applies to storage garlic only) leaving a clean bottom. |