How do flies get into house
Why Are There Flies in My House?
Every spring, it’s the same thing. You have flies sneaking their way into your house, buzzing around your head, and finding something sticky to eat on the counter.
If you happen to live near farmland or even have a compost pile, you know what a fly infestation looks like every spring – it’s like a scene from a bad horror movie! In one afternoon, you could have hundreds of flies hanging onto your patio door screen, trying to get into your house.
Fly FactsThe typical housefly lives between 15 to 25 days. Flies are more active during the day, but they can be a pest at nighttime as well when they’re looking for someplace to sleep.
Indoors, houseflies live on floors, walls, and ceilings. It is also common to see house flies near windows.
Did you ever wonder why they are attracted to windows? If you think they are trying to get outside – you are giving them too much credit! For the most part, flies are attracted to windows for warmth. And, once they get to the window, they simply get confused as they fly around trying to find a food source.
You may have a housefly problem outside because flies will sleep in plants, fence wires, garbage cans, and on the ground.
When you ask, “Where are the flies coming from?” You can look at the temperature and wind current as well. On warm summer days (85°F and higher), flies will catch a cool breeze from your air conditioning unit and come inside. Conversely, on cooler days, houseflies hitch a ride on a warm air current, such as any heat coming from your house.
Read more: How to Keep Bugs Out of Your House
What Do Houseflies Look Like?
The typical housefly is
- Dark gray
- Between 1/8” to 1/4” long
- Has six legs and antennae
- Has a small, oval body, and two wings that overlap on their back.
Houseflies are found throughout the U. S. The larvae are maggots—those creamy white-gray rice-like critters that you see wiggling around on an old banana peel in the garbage.
What Do Houseflies Eat?
Houseflies, like their many cousins, eat filthy things—such as garbage, manure, rotting fruit, and dead animals. You can reduce the number of flies that come into your backyard by making sure all dog messes are cleaned up, and your trashcan has a solid lid on it. Flies can transfer bacteria from feces to food.
Why are Flies in my House?
Flies are just trying to survive and, inside your house, flies will land on your food, soda, dog food and many other things to get a tasty meal. Anything sweet will definitely attract flies.
Can houseflies smell? Yes, they do. When flies smell something awful, like a lot of trash lying around, they will assemble in your yard or your home.
What is the Housefly’s Life Cycle?
How Do Houseflies Spread Disease?
Many people ask, “Are houseflies dangerous?”
Yes, actually they are. Houseflies carry over 100 pathogens that they spread when they land on your hamburger or when they lay eggs on your dog’s waste. Plus, these filthy flies constantly defecate—wherever they happen to land, including your kitchen island.
Additionally, houseflies will eat a piece of food or garbage, throw it back up, and then eat it again in liquefied form. When flies go through this eating process on your counter or table, they’re spreading bacteria.
Where do houseflies lay their eggs? In the same places where they eat. Houseflies will lay eggs on garbage, manure (including any dog or cat feces) or dead animals (also known as carrion).
As stated earlier, houseflies carry over 100 diseases, such as salmonella, malaria, and tuberculosis, among many others.
Of course, houseflies don’t only hang out in your home. They will also pester you and your friends when you’re enjoying your backyard. If you have a cookout, you may spend half your time swatting flies away from your grill.
Will houseflies bite you? Nope. But other types of flies will bite, including the horsefly, mosquito (yes, mosquitoes are part of the fly family), and the stable fly. If your home is in a rural area, you may notice more houseflies and other fly species.
Learn more: How to Keep Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard
Houseflies vs. Cluster Flies
Houseflies and Cluster Flies look similar but, there are some big differences.
Most importantly, Houseflies are disgusting and spread disease by feeding on, among other things, dog poop, garbage, rotting carcasses and an array of other lovely menu items. When Houseflies land, they poop – and vomit wherever they want! Think, hamburger, potato salad, picnic…
Cluster Flies can definitely land on something gross, and then land on your food but – that would be like someone that stepped in dog poop – they didn’t try to do it – and Cluster Flies don’t try land on gross stuff to get a meal. Ok, no more gross stuff (for now)!
Here’s the good news – Cluster Flies don’t spread disease.
Cluster Flies feed on much safer organic matter such as sap, honey dew, plant nectar and other mostly harmless things. So, if you see Cluster Flies, in a – you guessed it – cluster (ha!) don’t jump to the conclusion that you have a dead animal in your house (or rotting garbage, etc.). Because that is not what Cluster Flies eat.
How to Know if You Have Houseflies or Cluster Flies?Cluster Flies absolutely do look similar to Houseflies however, there are three things to look for to properly identify your flies:
- Cluster Flies are noticeably larger than Houseflies – 8-10 mm in length compared to house flies that are about 6-7 mm long.
- Cluster Flies are clumsy fliers – it’s like they’re drunk.
- Cluster Flies do more, ‘clustering’ than Houseflies (seriously – they do).
Cluster Files lay eggs in the soil. Those eggs hatch and eventually morph into adults that look like large Houseflies. In the adult stage, they fly around as you would expect – looking for light, warmth, food and water.
No, they don’t bite, sting, pinch, punch or kick.
Do Cluster Flies Cause Damage?Cluster Flies don’t damage homes. Besides being a nuisance, the main concern is other insects that can infest your home in search of a tasty, dead Cluster Fly, meal. (Preferably, cooked medium or medium rare).
It is best to clean up dead Cluster Flies (or any insects) that you find – even it if is in a remote area like an attic – to prevent other insect populations from exploding.
Why are Cluster Flies in my House?Cluster Flies get into houses to establish a place to live and, eventually, overwinter. Like their name, they congregate in large numbers – very often in attics. They can get in through any type of small opening. The best way to keep Cluster Flies out of your house is to seal any gaps, cracks or other openings.
Housefly Control Measures
Fortunately, you’re not stuck with having to live with a housefly infestation. Indeed, there are three ways to shoo those flies out of your house and backyard:
- Keep a clean house – Remember that phrase, “cleanliness is next to godliness”? Well, that’s the first line of attack to keep houseflies out of your home and backyard.
Here are some cleaning tips:
- Change your kitchen trash often
- Clean out your kitchen trashcan regularly
- Cover all food and drinks
- Wipe up any spills and crumbs from the table or countertop
- Make sure there are tight lids on outdoor trashcans
- Fix any broken seals, vents, or torn screens inside your house
- Rinse out all bottles and cans before placing them in your recycling container
- Clean up your yard too, including dog waste
- Dispose of any food lying around
- Scrub your outdoor grill and remove any bits of food that are in the grill
- Use biological controls – While you may be squeamish around spiders and wasps, these two critters prey upon houseflies.
So, you may want to think twice about wasp control or sweeping that cobweb off the corner of your porch.
You probably have parasitic wasps on your property. Don’t kill them! Most parasitic wasps won’t sting people, but they will eat your houseflies, among other pests.
Don’t forget about the Venus flytrap and other predator plants. These predator plants may not completely solve your housefly problem, but they’ll help you keep flies in check.
- Call your local exterminator – If you have an infestation of houseflies and you can’t get rid of them using the above controls, then a pest control company is the next place to turn to for help.
Your local pest control company will keep you and your family safe while getting rid of those filthy flies.
*Warning – Pesticides are poisonous. Read and follow directions and safety precautions on labels. Handle carefully and store in original labeled containers out of the reach of children, pets, and livestock. Dispose of empty containers right away, in a safe manner and place. Do not contaminate forage, streams, or ponds.
Need help protecting your home from flies and other common pests with our Year-Round Pest Control Program? Contact us to find out more.
Need more information about our fly control services within the Allentown and Bethlehem area or the Reading and Wyomissing area?
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10 Ways Flies Get Into Your House (And How To Get Them Out)
If it’s come to your attention that you’ve opened a secret fly hotel; you’re probably freaking out. You may get the idea that you have something rotting somewhere, or your house isn’t as clean as you thought. None of these things may be the case!
Flies go inside your home to search for warm or cool temperatures and food. They enter through open windows, unscreened doors, compromised vents, pet doors, attics, garages, and dryer vents. In your yard, manure, pet mess, trash cans, and compost heaps all bring flies near your home.
The moment you discover you have these unwanted dinner guests, you should try to rid yourself of them quickly and deter them from coming in again. Read on for how flies get into your house and how to get them the heck out!
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How Did Flies Get Into Your House?
There are many ways that a fly could enter your home. The first thing to remember is flies fly more than walk, that’s what they do and though a house fly lives on floors as well as walls flying is the main mode of transportation.
The best thing to do to understand your fly infestation is to inspect important areas of the home. Ripped screens, even the smallest hole can invite flies in.
Cracks in windows, badly fitting screened-in patios and doors will let teams of flies in. They also lay eggs once they are in and they do it fast as their lifespan is only 15 to 25 days.
That’s the good news. But, should they lay eggs in the drain or the garbage can, you’ll suddenly get many flies that seem to appear out of nowhere.
If you specifically have flies near your garbage can, I highly recommend taking a look at our article on the 6 simple steps to keep flies away from your garbage instead!
Without further ado, here are 10 ways they can come into the house and then how to get them out:
Open Windows
We typically take open windows for granted. The screens are supposed to keep the flies outright? Well, we all get little holes in screens and sometimes the screens get looser over time.
The part that snaps back into the window frame may not be a perfect fit. A fly is only ¼ to ½ inches in size and can squeeze through little spaces.
Near windows, consider getting a fly catching tool, such as these FENUN Fly Traps, or this Catchmaster Sticky Fly Traps! Both can catch sneaky flies that find a way into seemingly well closed off homes.
Keeping Unscreened Doors Open is Easy Access for Flies
When you don’t have screens, most people don’t keep their doors open. But, when you have a garden that has an ideal fly environment they can come into the house several at a time and quickly; just when you walk in and out of it.
It doesn’t take much, and this is where it becomes a problem depending on what the fly was doing. If the fly was in garbage cans or pet mess, then bringing that into the house is no good.
So, the best way to keep this from happening is to attack the outside and eliminate their habitat. Clean up pet mess and tighten your garbage. Screen up the door if it’s near a vegetable garden or compost heap.
Open Poolside Doors
Water is an attractive element for flies. How fond they are of chlorinated water is unknown, but the pool attracts everything from flies to wasps and bees.
Everything needs water; So, if you have a pool deck and leave the doors open that connects the pool to your home–boom, you got flies!
Simple fix for that. Keep the doors closed until you have to go inside to use the bathroom or whatever you need to do. Also, get picnic covers for the food that you may have out there with you.
I know, it’s a thing to have nachos and sweet tea and yummies around as well as BBQ. So, again, take precautions because the flies are coming to the party!
Vents are Compromised
Any vents that you have going into your home whether it’s from your drier or your roof draw flies. You can screen them up and avoid flies if you check and maintain them.
Other animals and the elements can make holes.
The screen would have to be fine and doubled up so the small flies can’t get through. It is a cheap and easy fix and every little bit helps.
Weather Stripping is Damaged
Check your home all the way around; doors and windows for any weather stripping damage or any that’s missing.
This is important because windows and doors are the two places flies will come in through and keep coming until you have an infestation.
Weather stripping is also cheap and easy to put on and replace. It comes in adhesive rolls. Just cut it to length and put it on!
Doggie Doors aren’t Closed Properly
Doggie doors are a great way to get your pet to go into the backyard and do his or her business.
However, this causes a two-fold issue when it comes to fly infestation. One, they’re doing their business outside and attracting flies several times a day. So, make sure you bag it up or wash it out with a strong hose daily.
Two, the door needs to be working properly. It may be best to have an electronic or hydraulic one that opens when the dog pushes on it and closes when they’re clear of it. The manual flap is not the most effective against flies.
Outdoor Plants Brought Inside Can Carry Fly Eggs
You also have a part in transporting flies and fly eggs that will hatch in your home. This is typically done when you bring plants, clippings, or vegetation of any kind into the home.
Wash everything well and inspect them well before you bring them in. Not much more you can do with that, but just be vigilant and treat your garden with some of the essential oils that flies hate.
Attics and Crawl Spaces with Unsealed Cracks
The dark and warm or cold places that we don’t use much, are a paradise for the flies. Your attics and crawl spaces that have little vents and windows to the outside will let lots of flies in.
Then, from those spaces that you aren’t thinking about, you will begin noticing flies all over the place and wondering where they’re coming from.
Making sure that you have any openings in those spaces fixed and meshed up would do wonders. If you want to do a quick fix on your own, consider using a high quality product such as the Gorilla Waterproof Caulk & Seal.
Dryer Vents Provide Warmth That Attracts Flies
One thing to understand about flies is that warmth when it’s cold and staying cool when it’s hot is what attracts them just as much as food and other yucky things.
When you see flies on a window they are looking for warmth, they aren’t trying to get out. That’s a fact. They want temperature… period. So, when you have a dryer vent or any vent where they can feel warm or cool air, they will follow.
So, when you see a multitude of flies in the house, check the utility room first if there is no other obvious cause for them to be there.
Messy Garages
The garage is a circus for flies. Why? It has an abundance of what flies look for. If you take your garbage cans into the garage, you’ll create a fly buffet fit for a king and his subjects!
So, what to do? The garage must be cleaned to the maximum, meaning your garbage cans must be washed out thoroughly and often if you are going to keep them in the garage.
Seal up all of what you have in the garage that won’t build up fumes in plastic bins or another safe container depending on what you are storing.
Always read containers or look it up to find out. The reason for this is the neater and cleaner the garage is, the less attractive it will be to filth flies. They’re just a different type of house fly.
The issue is mainly that the garage has an interior door that opens onto the house and that is where you’ll get them to come in. So, addressing the sources of attraction in the garage is a priority.
You can also use scents like lavender to deter flies in your garage to help mask any other fly attracting scents!
How To Get Flies Out Of Your House
The fastest way to get flies out of your house is of course calling a pest control company and letting them have at it. Especially if you have this issue every year. They would contact you for an annual maintenance and prevention job.
Again, it’s more than just spraying your home but actually going forward and working on prevention tips for the future.
Now, the problem with getting flies out of the house is you would have to lead them out a door or window. Have you ever tried to catch a fly? It’s pretty tough.
Deterrence is a better bet, which is what we will go over in-depth below.
If you want to make them disgusted enough to find a point of exit then you may want to try some smells that they hate and find overwhelming enough to leave.
Got pine oil, pine-scented candles, or even peppermint oil? Even the smallest types can be overpowering for humans so flies are going to notice! You can find both pine oil and pine candles online very reasonably.
When you use these scents near your home, it will mask any potential food scents that flies are attracted to and thus, keep them away!
I highly recommend taking a look at our full list of scents that flies hate as you may find one that is better suited to your situation!
That’s A wrap!
Well, that’s all we’ve got. The fly is a tenacious creature. They have a purpose like any creature and bugs of course. However, they are meddlesome when they get trapped in our homes and seemingly come out of nowhere.
So let’s recap a little so you understand what’s up with the flies infiltrating your howe.
We know they are looking for several things including water, food sources, and warmth or cool temperature depending on what they’re escaping.
We know that flies can squeeze through small spaces so you need to inspect the home for any holes in screens, missing screens, and weather stripping around doors and window frames.
Also, look for holes in wood frames and gaps from warped metal, etc. You get the drift, look for any small space, hole, or fissure they can come through.
Fix by meshing and weather stripping the spaces you can. And use scents that flies hate such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and pine oils. We also suggested lighting pine-scented candles safely as well.
If you have a pool or any other water feature that is near to the house enough that flies could come in, then you need to make sure you strategically use the doors for entry.
Don’t leave them open and don’t come in and out too many times. Also, if you have food out while you are in the pool area then use the dome-shaped picnic screens or outdoor food protectors.
Lastly, flies storm into the home and bother people in number. So, securing a professional pest control company that can provide regular pest control on multiple levels can control flies.
However, being real about the fly–they’re hard to control completely so, along with any pest control you engage in, you must always be vigilant against the tenacious fly.
Insecticidal properties of several essential oils on the house fly (Musca domestica L.)
Ishrat Nazir, Sajad Ahmad Gangoo, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Potentials of Essential Oils, Essential Oils – Advances in Extractions and Biological Applications, 10.5772/intechopen.102037, (2022).
Allan T Showler, Jessica L Harlien, Lethal Effects of Commercial Kaolin Dust and Silica Aerogel Dust With and Without Botanical Compounds on Horn Fly Eggs, Larvae, Pupae, and Adults in the Laboratory, Journal of Medical Entomology, 10. 1093/jme/tjab140, 59, 1, (283-290), (2021).
Rizwan Mustafa Shah, Sarfraz Ali Shad, Inheritance, stability, cross-resistance, and life history parameters of a clothianidin-selected strain of house fly, Musca domestica Linnaeus, Environmental Pollution, 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116880, 278, (116880), (2021).
P.R. Duchowicz, D.O. Bennardi, E.V. Ortiz, N.C. Comelli, QSAR models for insecticidal properties of plant essential oils on the housefly ( Musca domestica L.) , SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 10.1080/1062936X.2021.1905711, 32, 5, (395-410), (2021).
D. L. Chambers, R. T. Cunningham, R. W. Lichty, R. B. Thrailkill, Pest Control by Attractants: A Case Study Demonstrating Economy, Specificity, and Environmental Acceptability, BioScience, Volume 24, Issue 3, March 1974, Pages 150–152,
House fly (Musca domestica): A review of control strategies for a challenging pest
Mahyar Kimiaei, Alireza Jalalizand, Esmaeil Mahmoudi. (2022) Efficacy and horizontal transmission of Beauveria bassiana and its synergistic activity with diflubenzuron against the house fly, Musca domestica L. . Biocontrol Science and Technology 0:0, pages 1-13.
P.R. Duchowicz, D.O. Bennardi, E.V. Ortiz, N.C. Comelli. (2021) QSAR models for insecticidal properties of plant essential oils on the housefly (Musca domestica L.). SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 32:5, pages 395-410
Ernest Small. (2019) In defense of the world’s most reviled invertebrate ‘bugs’. Biodiversity 20:4, pages 168-221.Naworaj Acharya, Rebecca A. Seliga, Edwin G. Rajotte, Nina E. Jenkins, Matthew B. Thomas. (2015) Persistence and efficacy of a Beauveria bassiana biopesticide against the house fly, Musca domestica, on typical structural substrates of poultry houses. Biocontrol Science and Technology 25:6, pages 697-715.
Where do flies come from in the house in autumn and how to escape from them
This warm autumn provoked an invasion of flies not only in wooden country houses, but also in city apartments. Flies climb from everywhere: from cracks, from under frames and cornices. What to do with these hordes? We want to offer you many options.
Where did so many flies come from - many people ask this question. The reason is that somewhere nearby there are places that are ideal for their breeding and feeding. What attracts these two-winged insects to your home?
- Cesspools and compost heaps are favorite breeding grounds for flies. Even if the pits are in the neighborhood, your home is still in danger.
- The presence of a garbage can nearby, especially if there are always remnants of garbage lying around it.
- Odors of food: leftover food left on the table; crumbs you didn't notice, etc. All products must be hermetically sealed and put in the refrigerator.
- Irregular removal of the bin leads to spoilage of products, the smell of which also attracts insects.
Flies that have bred in the summer, when cool days come, climb into houses to wait out the cold. They get there by any means: through windows, doors, cracks in the walls and ceiling. Flies in anticipation of spring are hiding in the house in all holes. When the temperature rises, insects begin to crawl out of their hiding places.
All methods of fighting flies can be divided into several types:
- folk,
- modern,
- chemical.
Folk ways to fight flies
Favorite folk remedy - an ordinary fly swatter and its home-grown counterpart - paper folded in several layers. And what else do those whose houses have been chosen by dipterous insects use?
1. Fly tape
It is difficult to call this method aesthetic, but it is definitely very effective. Sticky tapes for catching flies were and are sold in every hardware store. It remains only to buy it and hang it around the house.
If there is nowhere to buy a sticky trap at the moment, and insects are annoying, we suggest you make this miracle remedy yourself. For the trap, you will need: rosin, machine / linseed / castor (whatever you can find) oil, honey and a small roll of paper. This can be, for example, tape for cash registers or paper for pasting windows. If the paper could not be found, it can be replaced with any long strip of fabric.
Take oil and rosin in a ratio of 1:5. Melt the rosin (you can do this in a water bath). Combine the resin with the oil and add honey to the resulting composition. It is his smell that will attract flies to the trap. While the mass is warm, spread the tape along the entire length with it. At the very end, stick a small weight (stick, cardboard, etc.) to it, which will not allow the tape to curl, but will keep it in a straightened state. Hang the trap in the right place.
- The sight of fly corpses dangling here and there on the tape is unlikely to improve appetite or cheer you up. The sight is not pleasant.
- Long ribbons catch on hair and clothing.
- In large rooms, you can hardly get by with one ribbon - you will have to hang several of them.
2. Fly cleaner
If the number of flies in your house is not in the tens, but in the hundreds, the tape will not solve the problem. Arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and walk it through the places where insects accumulate. These are windows, window sills, any gaps that you can find in the house.
- It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to reach all the places where the flies hid for the winter with a vacuum cleaner.
- Not every dacha has a vacuum cleaner, and taking it from the city to fight flies is not the most reasonable option.
3. Plants
Place flowerpots with repellent plants in the rooms or plant devourers. Flies do not like the smell of, for example, geranium, wormwood, walnut leaves, tansy, chamomile or tomato tops (plant a tomato on the windowsill - drive the flies away in the fall, and enjoy fresh tomatoes in the winter). The smell of this greenery will scare them away. But such a plant as a venus flytrap will not only expel insects, but will catch them if you place it in a place where flies accumulate.
4. Natural poisons
What is good for a Russian is death for a German. We will be guided by this principle in the fight against flies. Foods and seasonings loved by the people for flies turn out to be fatal poisons. What exactly do flies really dislike?
- Black pepper. Take ground black pepper and combine it with honey, jam or sugar syrup.
- Cloves (spice). Spread the clove sticks in places where flies accumulate. You can also stick sticks into the zest or halves of an orange.
- Garlic. Peel the garlic and mince it. Place saucers of garlic in flies' favorite spots. This spicy spicy vegetable even drives out evil spirits - what can he do with flies!
Modern methods of fighting flies
Life does not stand still. Progress has also come in such an important area as catching flies. What have scientists-inventors come up with for us?
1. Insect trap lamps based on sticky tape principle
The idea of a sticky tape on which flies find their death was used in the manufacture of this trap lamp. The habit of many insects, including adult flies, to fly into the light is also used here.
The lamp is mounted on the wall and is quite attractive in design, so it will easily fit into the interior of not only a country house, but also a modern apartment. The principle of its operation is quite simple. Sticky paper is fixed on the back wall of the lamp. In front of it are ultraviolet lamps. Insects, attracted by the light, fly to the trap, fly inside and stick. All that is required of you is to change the paper from time to time.
2. Insecticide lamps
A similar principle of operation of insecticidal lamps (they are also called insect exterminators). The difference between them is that the flies do not land on sticky paper, but on the "electric chair".
What is an insecticidal lamp. Behind the outer grille (it is most often made of plastic for safety reasons), just like in the previous device, there are UV lamps. Next to them is a metal mesh (grid), through which an electric current is started. The fly, flying to the light, falls on the grate, receives a discharge of current and falls dead. The designers have thought of everything to the smallest detail. After its death, the insect falls onto a special tray located at the bottom of the lamp. The pallet must be taken out and cleaned as it fills up.
According to the manufacturers, the lamps are absolutely safe for humans. It does not emit any toxic odors and fumes, and the current strength is so small that it is completely harmless to us.
3. Electric fly swatters
This is another way for flies to die from electric shock. But, unlike the previous device, the fly swatter is more suitable for those who love movement: in order to destroy a fly, you must first find it - it will not fly to the fly swatter itself.
The fly swatter resembles a badminton racket, but the plastic grid has been replaced with a metal one. Batteries or an accumulator are located in the handle, which serve as a source of current (you are not tied to an outlet - this is a plus). When you have a desire to kill an annoying insect, you press the button on the handle - and the fly swatter is immediately ready for work. To kill an enemy, you don't have to slam him. It is enough for a fly to simply touch the surface - and it dies from electric shock.
This modern device also has disadvantages. Firstly, flies sometimes get stuck between the bars and have to be literally picked out from there. Secondly, a fairly bulky fly swatter can inadvertently break valuable items during a hunt: vases, figurines, etc. And, thirdly, the price of an electric fly swatter is many times higher than its traditional counterpart.
4. Electric fumigators
Another modern device for controlling flying insects is an electric fumigator. It is based on the property of certain substances with their odors to have a detrimental effect on insects.
The fumigator consists of a plastic housing containing a heating element and an odor-producing substance (it can be either a liquid or a solid material - plates or tablets). When you plug the device into a power outlet, the temperature of the heating element rises and the fly-toxic substance begins to evaporate. Gradually, the room is filled with vapors, which have a nerve-paralytic effect on Diptera. After a few hours, you will only have to collect the immobilized corpses of insects.
Chemical control
If all the previous methods did not make you a winner in the war against flies, go to the chemical attack. The composition of almost all chemicals aimed at the destruction of flying insects includes pyrethroids - insecticides (poisons) that cause paralysis in insects and lead to their death. Such products are produced in the form of aerosols, powders, liquids, etc. All these insecticides do not have, according to manufacturers, a negative impact on human health. However, precautions still need to be taken:0003
- Aerosols are best sprayed with a respirator.
- Powders and liquids should be handled with gloves.
- After using the drug (after the time specified in the instructions), it is imperative to ventilate the room.
We list the most effective, according to users, chemicals for the destruction of flies and other flying insects.
- Dichlorvos. The name of this aerosol has been known to us since childhood. Now, under this name, drugs are produced that differ in composition from the traditional dichlorvos. Some of them are odorless.
- DR. KLAUS from flies. Another aerosol. Manufacturers claim that its action is enough for 2 months. To prevent the invasion of flies from the outside, it is recommended to spray those places outside the house that most often serve as a refuge for insects.
- Contra Insect Universal. Spray that can be applied to any surface where flies have been seen. There is no strong odor.
- Agita. A powder that, after dilution in water, must be applied to frames, doors, window sills, warm pipes, etc.
- Fly Byte. granulated drug. The pellets should be placed in the most fly-infested areas. You can make a slurry out of them and apply on those surfaces that are most often visited by Diptera.
In war, all means are good, and if the previous ones turned out to be ineffective, then it's time to use smoke bombs. For flies, they are - in terms of the degree of destruction - like a nuclear bomb for a person. If they don't help, the war is lost. The main thing, being carried away by the fight against flies, is not to harm yourself and your household.
A Mukhoyar smoke bomb was created to fight flies. Its action is based, like that of other chemicals, on the nerve-paralytic action of pyrethroids. However, in terms of efficiency, Mukhoyar exceeds all the named analogues, because. thanks to the spraying of gas, it penetrates into all the cracks and cracks, leaving no chance for flies to go unnoticed. This gas is safer than sulfur bombs, however, Mukhoyar is only allowed to be used in private houses: gases in an apartment building can penetrate the territory of other apartments.
After lighting the checker, you must immediately leave the room and return there for ventilation no earlier than an hour later. When the smell completely disappears from the room, you need to do its wet cleaning. After carrying out all these activities, housing will become absolutely safe for people.
What to do if the flies were immortal
If all your efforts were in vain and the flies continue to live peacefully, depriving you of rest, the last thing left is to call the rescue service. You can easily find on the Internet the addresses and phone numbers of organizations that carry out pest control (as it is called) of premises. Professionals will not only destroy insects, but also give a guarantee for their work.
Flies are not only annoying, but also quite dangerous insects, because can become carriers of very serious diseases. In order to prevent the increase in the number of dipterous insects and their penetration into the house, preventive measures should be taken:
- use a mosquito net on the windows;
- keep the local area clean;
- plant near places where flies accumulate the most, plants that will scare them away;
- seal all visible cracks in the house.
Where do flies come from in the house?
The owners of private houses and country cottages are among the first to become the object of the so-called attack of flies. The main "boom" falls on the end of summer and autumn. This is because the insect is afraid of cold and wind, looking for a secluded and warm place to spend the winter. Flies penetrate through open vents and windows, doors and even through cracks that are invisible to humans in everyday life, thanks to their biological structure and the flexibility of the body. And if the penetration into the house was successful, the laying of eggs and their reproduction is almost inevitable.
First of all, their appearance is not safe for the residents of the house, since flies are carriers of a large list of infections. This jeopardizes the big question, the sanitary standards of the home. But besides this, there is a list of troubles delivered by dipterous insects: buzzing and stains that they leave on walls and ceilings. The fact is that due to the peculiarity of the structure of the paws, when they touch any surface, they stick, thereby leaving traces.
There are several other answers why and where the flies come from in the house. This is especially true for summer residents or homeowners who have a garden or garden. In autumn, when the crop is harvested, along with the fruits of fruits and vegetables, you can bring in a couple of representatives of the cabbage or onion fly. Very often, in a beautiful still life of fruits, one spoiled fruit can be stale, in which only the larvae were deposited. In warm conditions, it will turn into full-fledged representatives of its class. If a dacha or a country house is not far from a polluted area (dump), or there is a street restroom on the territory, then the penetration of a fly into the house is inevitable. From where the flies appear in the house, it seems, they figured it out.
But after all, these annoying and buzzing insects are far from a rare guest in the apartments of large residential complexes. Several "routes" where flies come from in the apartment. In addition to the paths mentioned above through gaps, open windows and doors, more options for ventilation holes and a garbage chute in the entrance are added. Experts have found that insects are attracted to the smell of peeled potato skins and some other food waste.
Where do flies come from in apartments?
Another route of getting into both the house and the apartment of Diptera can be called very romantic - with a bouquet of wild flowers. Since there is a whole variety that feeds on the pollen of flowering plants. But instead of decorating the room, they cause a lot of trouble and jeopardize the cleanliness of the living space.
Even the name of the parasite, which buzzes and unnerves the inhabitants of the premises, is a symbolic “house fly”. And yet, in some apartments, flies are a rare occurrence, while in others there are many of them and behave like owners. The most common reason is the lack of cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen. Parasites are attracted
- Stagnant garbage;
- Leftover bread on the table;
- Unwashed dishes in the sink;
- Bowl with spoiled fruit;
- Increased humidity and temperature in the room;
- Traces of dirt brought in from the street. Especially if the inhabitant of the apartment walked past the garbage dump.
If everything is clear with the warm period of the year, then the appearance of flies in the winter is a big question.
Where do flies come from in winter?
In the cold season, the two-winged insect obviously cannot enter the premises through the street - in such conditions they simply will not survive. This phenomenon is familiar to residents of the lower floors of apartments in multi-storey buildings. The rationale would be that the lower floors are located close to garbage cans and landfills. Another source is the proximity to basement wet rooms, where the environment for the habitat and reproduction of parasites is very favorable. If garbage chutes are still preserved in multi-storey buildings, this risk extends to all floors, up to the last one.
With private houses, things are even worse. An innumerable list of opportunities for oviposition and reproduction. Compost pits with fertilizer for all kinds of plants, a barn with livestock, an outdoor toilet and a cesspool are all comfortable "apartments" for parasites. The most interesting thing is that after the fly has entered the house, there is practically no chance for it to get out. In the winter season, at sub-zero temperatures, windows rarely open, and if they do, then for minimal ventilation, and most often windows have a barrier in the form of a mosquito net. An interesting fact is that the insect has a peculiarity in the structure of the eyes, which does not allow distinguishing a glass barrier.
Despite the fact that the insect delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations, in folk signs there are some "pleasant things" associated with the appearance of flies in the house, glass and other surfaces.