Houseplants for good energy

15 Positive Energy Plants That Will Boost Your Mental Health In 2023


Last Update on January 30, 2023 : Published on June 24, 2020

When the world fails to bring a smile on your face, when others fail to provide solace to your turbulent life, there is no place better to de-stress than at home. And the effects double when your home oozes positivity.

Did you know that out of the few elements that can amp up your living space – psychologically and physically – the flora is one? Planting flora or plants in your living space can bring a sense of tranquility while can also work to purify the air and absorb all the negativity around you.

When just spending a few minutes in nature can lower your stress and can relax you, imagine the effects having nature in your living space can have!

Apart from this, planting indoor plants can also increase the beauty of your living space, and if you choose the right plant for your house or office setting, they are likely to inhale the negative vibes and exhale positive energy in the environment.

Let’s be honest here, who does not want to welcome positivity into their lives?

So to help you welcome positive vibes in your home, here is a list of 15 indoor plants that will bring positive energy and fill your life with good vibes only!

Here is The List of Best Positive Plants at Home.

1. Snake Plant

Scientific Name:  Sansevieria trifasciata 

Also Called: “The bedroom plant”

Recently, snake plants have gotten much recognition among the most preferred indoor plants for positive energy. The underlying reason is the twofold benefits that it has to offer. First, it absorbs particulate matter and VOCs from the environment thus, creating a healthy environment. Second, it emits cheerful vibes and attracts positive energy with its vibrant color.

You can also check the 7 Colors to Bring Positivity in Your Home

An Interesting About This Positive Plant: Snake plant was one of few plants that were chosen by NASA for study on how plants can be used for air purification and to combat “sick building syndrome.

A Life Lesson To Learn From Snake Plant: Snake plants require low maintenance and they even grow through tough conditions. This can work as a reminder for you to strive and thrive through challenging times, just to come out more resilient!

You can also check the Complete Guide to Grow Snake Plats and Benefits

2. Peace Lily

Scientific Name:  Spathiphyllum

Also Called: “White sail”

According to Feng Shui, this plant symbolizes tranquility and peace. Along with this, it works as a source of positive radiation in the surrounding and purifying the air. This Plant is also found to reduce the chances of headaches and boost your mental health. Peace Lily can grow in a low light location as well, so you can put it in your bedroom or bathroom.

An Interesting About This Positive Plant: Peace Lily gets its name from the Greek word “spath” which means “spoon” and “phyl” meaning leaves. As the leaves of peace lily resemble spoons.

A Life Lesson To Learn From Peace Lily: This plant is a symbol of peace, tranquility, and solitude. Which keeps on reminding us to be at peace with ourselves and those around us. It inspires you to be calm and stay positive.

Check How to Grow Lily Plant Rightly and The Benefits

3. Cactus

Scientific Name:  Cactaceae

Also Called: “Desert cactus”

The saying… “Don’t judge a book by its cover” holds true for cactus plants. Many people hold the opposite view for this beautiful plant because of the thorns it has. However, that is not the case! In fact, this indoor plant is a powerhouse of positive vibes. They not only aid in fighting off gloominess but anxiety as well. What makes it even a better choice is its ability to soak up electromagnetic energy from the electronic devices in your home (isn’t that just WOW).

An Interesting About This Positive Plant: Having a cactus plant in your work environment can increase productivity upto 12%. 

A Life Lesson To Learn From Cactus Plant: This plant truly symbolises growth (even in the toughest of situations). This desert plant grows and blooms beautifully in difficult situations, inspiring you to never give up in life.

You can also check the 8 Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

4. Bamboo Plant

Scientific Name:  Bambusoidaea

It is a plant of positivity and a sign of purity and life. This ornamental plant provides happiness and serenity by keeping jealousy at bay! Apart from being a low-maintenance plant it also symbolizes good fortune. It is likely to bring harmony and prosperity in your life. There is a philosophical lesson that this plant has to offer-

“Never give up and always aim for better things in life.”

An Interesting About This Positive Plant: Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. A study has also shown that even viewing a bamboo plant can bring physiological relaxation effects in individuals. 

A Life Lesson To Learn From Bamboo Plant: Apart from the philosophical message shared above, there is another important lesson to learn here. The plant surely inspires to keep moving forward in life.

5. Chinese Money Plant

Scientific Name:  Eucalyptus cinerea

Also Called: “Silver Dollar” 

This not so common indoor plant improves the flow of positive energy in the house if kept in a corner without direct sunlight. The unusual round-shaped leaves are likely to add the element of exoticness in your house or cabin. It is also going to alleviate anxiety and stress from your surroundings and life.

An Interesting About This Positive Plant: Eucalyptus flowers have no petals and it is a great plant to have indoors to prevent malaria.

A Life Lesson To Learn From Eucalyptus Plant: “Be in the present, live it, and enjoy it.” This is the mantra that eucalyptus teaches us. With its fresh fragrance

6. Golden Pothos

Scientific Name:  Aloe barbadensis miller

The presence of this plant is likely to radiate positive vibes and cleanse negative ones. But, that’s not it! A study found that by merely touching its leaves an effect of peacefulness and calmness can be felt on the mind.

Apart from this, looking at this helps eyes to relax when you’re feeling a little irritated or congested. All of this clubbed together makes golden pothos an ideal plant for positive energy for houses, offices and even study areas.

7. Jade Plant

Scientific Name: Pilea peperomioides

A low maintenance positive energy plant that blooms delicate pink or pink flowers definitely holds the power of uplifting your mood. Feng Shui enthusiasts support that this plant can calm the environment and bring down the stress level in the immediate environment. It is suggested to place it either at the front door or at the back door of your house.

8. Calatheas

Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum

This colorful foliage makes this plant a unique source for decoration. What makes it even beautiful is the fact that it closes it leaves at night and opens them in the morning. Similarly, it intakes all negative vibes from the house, absorbs it, transforms them into positive radiation, and spreads them by opening their leaves.

9. Morning Glory

Scientific Name: Crassula ovata

This plant bears gorgeous and subtle color flowers which will bring peace and tranquility in your life. However, apart from this, if it is kept under the pillow before you doze off it facilitates sound sleep.



Scientific Name: Calathea lutea

Having difficulty dealing with hateful people around and the negative vibes? We recommend you to add a eucalyptus plant to your surroundings. This plant aids in driving possible harm from your house and promoting economic welfare.

Along with this, it is a perfect plant for having positive energy in the workplace. Placing it in your cabin can actually increase your productivity and focus at work.

11. Basil

Scientific Name: Ipomoea

The great antioxidant properties of this spiritual plant welcome positive vibes in the house by clearing the negative energy. The heavenly properties of it can calm you down instantly.

Apart from this, it is considered to be a prosperity charm.

12. Aloe Vera

Scientific Name: Ocimum basilicum

The ayurvedic and healing properties of aloe-vera have helped this plant to gain a special place in people’s homes. However, the benefits of it can be seen in promoting mental health as well. It is believed that aloe-vera absorbs negative vibes which can be seen in the form of brown spots on it. This succulent plant species is also effective in regulating mood swings and promoting happiness.

13. Jasmine

Scientific Name: Jasminum

A plant that promotes and strengthens healthy relationships is surely a mental health booster. Well, jasmine plant can actually amp up your love life with its positive vibe. Many believe that this beautiful plant also holds the ability to mend broken hearts. Also, its lingering fragrance doubles the positive effect by soothing a stressed mind and stimulating energy.

14. Rosemary

Scientific Name: Salvia rosmarinus

The magic of rosemary plants is not just limited to elevate your dishes but also to improve your mental well-being. There is a long list of goods that this plant has to offer, such as, uplifting your sad mood, fighting anxiety, healing sleeping issues, improving memory, and bringing inner peace. Isn’t that impressive? Well, to make the most out of these benefits place this positivity-packed plant in cool temperature and with bright colors.

15. Lavender

Scientific Name: Lavandula

You might be gifting lavender flowers to your loved ones but, now it is time to gift them a plant of the same and get one for yourself. Thinking, why?

The answer is simple… to bring happiness and relaxation to your life and that of others. It is likely to promote better communication at home. Make sure you put it in a corner of your house or office from where you can smell it regularly to rejoice its effect.

Now if you ever feel confused while deciding what gift to give a friend, family member or a colleague then you know the answer- ‘A Plant Full of Good Vibes Only’

Also you can get different plants with positive energy and place them in various corners of your house. Do let us know in the comment section which positive energy plant is your favorite and which one are you planning to add in your indoors to welcome happiness and good mental health.

Don’t forget to take care of it!

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14 Amazing Positive Energy Plants for Home & Office


Grow these

Positive Energy Plants indoors for a peaceful and calm interior in your home and office space!


 Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata, or snake plant, has become a popular indoor plant because of its low maintenance nature.

Not only is it one of the best positive energy plants due to its vibrant color and cheerful vibe it emits, but it’s also one of the healthiest plants.
It absorbs VOCs and particulate matter from the environment. Find out its numerous health benefits here.

2. Calatheas

Calatheas or Peacock plants is a genus of the Marantaceae family, native to South America. The colorful foliage of the plant makes it an excellent source for household decoration.

It also purifies the air to facilitate a better indoor environment. One great thing about the plant is that it closes its leaves at night and opens them in the morning.

3. Jade Plant

Crassula Ovata, or jade plant, is a succulent plant with delicate white or pink flowers. The plant, like any other succulent, requires less maintenance.

The Feng Shui and Vastu admirers give it a lot of importance because it can calm the environment and invites fortune and prosperity, which is why it’s also called the ‘Money plant or Dollar plant. ’ It can also be a remedy for nausea and diarrhea and even lowers the stress level.

4. Golden Pothos

When talking about maintenance, it’s probably the best to maintain. It’s hard to kill and can survive in a dark spot. It can potentially eliminate BTX chemicals from the indoor environment. There are many more pothos plant benefits you can find here.

Also Read: How Not To Kill Plants In Containers

5. Peace Lily

Spathiphyllum, aka Peace lily, is an excellent source of positive energy for the surrounding. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes peace and tranquility. It can also grow well in low-light locations such as a bedroom or toilet. It’s an air-purifying plant. Find more such plants here.

Also Read: Make An Indoor Home Yoga Studio

6. Eucalyptus

Traditionally, the plant is said to promote economic welfare as well as prosperity. Apart from improving sleep quality, it eliminates negative energy from the surrounding. Keep it near your workplace or office cabin to increase your productivity and focus.

7. Chinese Money Plant

Pilea Peperomioides comes from the nettle family, Urticaceae, native to Southern China. The exotic and unique shape of the leaves makes them perfect for dramatic indoor decor.

It quickly resonates with the room with energy and a positive vibe. It’s said to attract money and good fortune.

8. Rosemary

Rosemary is a perennial herb with an exotic fragrance that can improve mood and reduce anxiety–A clinical trial on University students proved that. To grow this herb indoors or on your balcony, there should be enough sunlight.

9. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an evergreen succulent plant species and one of the most popular among other aloes. With many beauty and health uses, it eliminates bad energy from its surrounding. It promotes happiness and helps to regulate mood swings. Find out more about Aloe Vera Benefits here.


Areca Palm

Areca palm is a scientifically proven houseplant that purifies the air; it also increases the humidity indoors. According to Feng Shui, it releases positive energy and can be planted in homes and offices. It’s one of the best largest houseplants.

11. Sage

Sage is used for spiritual practices–It clears negative energy and promotes healing by removing negative emotions like anger and fear with increased positive energy flow. To grow sage indoors, place it on a sunny window and water moderately.

12. Orchid

Orchid is one of the best flowering plants you can grow indoors due to its colorful appearance and pleasing fragrance. Feng Shui enthusiasts even implement that it can boost energy levels.

The pleasant scent of the plant can calm the mind and relaxes the mood. Since it absorbs CO2 during nighttime, you can keep it in your bedroom.

13. Jasmine

Jasmine originates from tropical and warm regions of Eurasia and Oceania. The smell of its scented flowers alleviates stress and stimulates romance. It leaves a positive environment and boosts sexual relationships between couples. There are many jasmine species that you can try to grow indoors if there’s a South or West facing window in your home.

Also Read: Most Fragrant Flowers

14. Lucky Bamboo

Keep the lucky bamboo on your office desk or a kitchen countertop and become happy, peaceful, and prosperous, according to Feng Shui. It’s undoubtedly the easiest indoor plant, which you can grow in either water or soil. We also added it to our list of the most easy-to-grow houseplants.


These positive energy plants will reduce negativity in your home and bring happiness and peace. According to Japanese research, touching plants have a calming effect. Apart from that, these indoor plants can purify the air and beautify your interior.

Also Read: Plants that Remove Formaldehyde

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Top 10 indoor plants with positive energy

Any living organism has its own biofield and energy. Indoor flowers are no exception. It is noted that some plants can positively influence the atmosphere in the room, while others, on the contrary, provoke scandals and quarrels. In the article I will talk about ten indoor plants that have the most favorable energy.


These delicate flowers have the finest, positive energy, which is well felt by children and pets. It is noted that if there is a pot of violet in the child's bedroom, the baby becomes more cheerful, cries less often, sleeps better.


This is a symbol of friendship and prosperity. In rooms where this plant is, conflicts rarely arise, people are calm and friendly. In addition, lemon energizes. Therefore, this plant is perfect for offices and offices where several people work.


The flower has an amazing property. It aligns the magnetic field around itself, and collects harmful magnetic radiation at the tips of the leaves. Dracaena is indispensable in rooms where there is a lot of equipment.


This plant is an indicator of energy anomalies. This can be easily verified. Usually Tradescantia grows and develops well. But if there are places in the house where tradescantia languishes, we can say with full confidence that there is an accumulation of negative energy.


This is a real beauty that every woman needs. The flower reveals inner attractiveness and develops the best character traits: kindness, generosity, selflessness. Azalea is able to prevent outbursts of anger and aggression. Such a flower is simply necessary in a room where people often come with negative energy messages.


An unpretentious flower, but it has powerful positive energy. In addition, chlorophytum perfectly filters the air in the room, destroying harmful volatile compounds, the smell of tobacco, and dust.


This beauty will give you a boost of vitality and fill you with positive energy. Begonia must be in the home of an elderly or weakened person. It has been noted that if you put a begonia at the head of a serious patient, recovery is faster and easier.


Another flower suitable for soft, feminine energy. Geranium is the best herbal amulet against the evil eye, damage, slander. If there is this plant in the house, no black magic is terrible.

Fat woman (money tree).

Everyone knows this plant. It is able to generate cash flows in such a way that the financial situation improves. It is recommended to take a fat woman with a small process and carefully grow it.


In addition to the fact that this plant has unique healing properties, it also absorbs negative energy well. Aloe restores the biofield, relieves anxiety and worries.

Each of the presented plants will bring something good to the house. And if you buy several plants, then the energy will become much better.

17 indoor plants that attract happiness and good luck to the house — Technoexport news

From time immemorial, people have been watching the events taking place around them, the perceptive notice and remember regularly repeating accidents. Subsequently, they are reflected in folk signs and beliefs. For example, observant flower growers have long noticed the amazing properties of some indoor plants that can influence our lives with their strong energy and change it for the worse or better. If you are going to decorate your home with another green household, refer to folk wisdom and choose a plant that will help you solve this or that problem.

Some houseplants have special powers

Aloe tree (agave)

The agave has achieved popularity not only due to its healing properties. Our grandmothers were well aware of his amazing ability to protect households from the evil eye, evil influence and accidents, so they always kept aloe in the house.

Aloe arborescens (agave)

Oxalis (oxalis)

This houseplant is a real healer. It heals the flower at the energy level: it improves health and helps to get rid of physical illness faster. Oxalis will be useful in any home, and in the room of a person who is sick, it will be simply irreplaceable.



This flower is not in vain called "female happiness". The plant miraculously changes the life of a single woman for the better: it attracts attention from men and helps to find true love. For married and engaged ladies, this plant will relieve quarrels and omissions with her husband or groom and help harmonize relationships.



Single men who have problems communicating with the opposite sex should have an anthurium in their bedroom, which is called "male happiness". This catchy flower has a positive effect on male potency, adds charisma to its owner and helps to find his only chosen one.


Even the most ordinary indoor flowers can give a good mood and positive emotions. And mysticism has nothing to do with it! Any plant will delight the eye and soul of its owner if it is healthy and beautiful. With Agricola Aqua for indoor and balcony plants, your home garden will become your favorite corner in the apartment. Universal fertilizer contains the main nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), trace elements in a special chelated form and humic biologically active substances - energens. "Agricola Aqua for indoor and balcony plants" is suitable for both root dressing and spraying. Root top dressing is carried out 1 time in 7-10 days, diluting 10 ml of fertilizer in 1 liter of water. For foliar top dressing (spraying), it is better to use a less concentrated solution: 5 ml per 1 liter of water. They are carried out with an interval of 10-14 days. Fertilizer increases the duration and intensity of flowering, enhances growth and provides a bright green leaf color. Fertilizing with "Agricola Aqua" mobilizes the immune system of plants, and also increases their resistance to adverse factors.

Chinese rose (hibiscus)

In order to attract love and attention from men, it will not be superfluous for single young ladies to add a Chinese rose to the spathiphyllum, which has similar properties. Having settled in the house, the oriental sorceress miraculously begins to attract men into it, among whom “the very one” will soon appear.

Chinese rose

Saintpaulia (Uzambar violet)

But unmarried women should not start a violet. She is a flower of loneliness and often intrigues new male acquaintances, forcing them to leave this house as soon as possible. But on the other hand, for already established married couples who managed to have children, this green guest will provide the opposite service: it will strengthen the marriage and help maintain mutual understanding and harmony in the family.



Balsam, which has been famous for its powerful magical power since ancient times, will be no less effective in cleansing the home aura. Other names of this plant are touchy, light, Vanka wet. The flower relieves the tenants of the house from negative emotions and replaces them with a good mood, puts out quarrels at the root and smooths over omissions.

Room balsam

Pelargonium (geranium)

All varieties of this flower have magical powers, but especially powerful energy is inherent in specimens with red inflorescences. Such a home assistant reliably protects the household from damage and the evil eye, and also attracts money to the house.


Women and men who have not yet met their love should pay attention to pelargonium with pink flowers. Couples who cannot possibly have children or want more children should keep a white geranium in their bedroom.


This indoor flower is the strongest magician and wizard, filling the house with happiness and joy. It reliably protects its owners from the intrigues of ill-wishers, removes bad wishes and curses from them, and neutralizes black magic spells.


A cyclamen pot located in the bedroom will protect against bad dreams, as well as preserve passionate passion and increase the fertility of lovers.

Eucharis (room lily)

Women who want to strengthen their relationship with their husband and direct his gaze not to female strangers, but to themselves, should take a closer look at a room white lily. This plant will endow its mistress with magical feminine charms, but only if she places the flower pot where it will be regularly illuminated by moonlight.



If there is no trace of the former passion in the marital relationship, quickly get indoor ivy in the house. This plant miraculously harmonizes the relationship between spouses who have been married for many years, strengthens feelings and helps to rekindle the spark with renewed vigor.



Shy and timid people, thanks to this flower, will gain confidence in their abilities and free themselves from complexes. Camellia will endow its owner with self-sufficiency, help determine the vocation and choose the path of life.



For newlyweds, a pot of myrtle will be the best gift. It will help strengthen relations, establish mutual understanding between young spouses and bring happiness and peace to the house.

myrtle in bloom


But a married couple on the verge of a divorce should immediately start such an energetically strong plant as calathea. This indoor flower will bring back the harmony in the relationship and help to quickly pass the crisis period.



The unsightly-looking chlorophytum is useful where quarrels, disagreements and omissions often arise. This applies not only to the home, but also to the work office. It has been noticed that workers, near whose table chlorophytum grows, always turn out to be the soul of the office team and have no problems communicating with either colleagues or superiors.


Fat woman (money tree)

This houseplant, also called the money tree, will help you cope with financial problems. However, the magic spell of the fat woman will be revealed only if it grows in a red pot and, from good care, has not small (trifle), but large thick leaves (large bills).

Fat woman (money tree)


This home flower has similar properties and is also called the dollar tree. The plant endows its owner with status, prestige, miraculously establishes financial affairs, brings monetary luck and wealth.


Vampires out!

You should not start dieffenbachia and monstera in your house - these indoor plants are considered powerful energy vampires. They greatly deplete the mental strength of their owners and bring discord into relationships. Their negative influence is especially strong in small apartments, so it is better to settle these green "monsters" in public institutions, where there is a high traffic of people every day. The same applies to indoor ferns - these are famous energy aggressors.

Monstera and ferns are the worst neighbors

Caution should be approached with cacti. Only “thick-skinned” comrades get along with prickly neighbors, but they can reward emotional people with increased aggressiveness and irritability.

With whom you will lead, from that you will type

To believe or not to such folk signs, everyone will decide for himself.

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