Home for birds
Home For Birds - Crossword Clue Answers
The crossword clue Home for birds with 4 letters was last seen on the April 09, 2018. We think the likely answer to this clue is NEST. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer.
Rank | Word | Clue |
94% | NEST | Home for birds |
94% | AVIARY | Home for birds |
36% | COTE | Home for birds. |
26% | EYRIE | Jane keeps island home for birds |
24% | NEATEST | Most spruce home for birds including swallow |
22% | ROOKERY | New Yorker putting duck in home for birds |
3% | EMUS | Australian birds |
3% | EATIN | Stay home for supper |
3% | COOTS | Diving birds |
3% | SWANS | "Trumpeter" birds |
3% | GEESE | 'Silly' birds |
3% | MART | Home |
3% | SEEDS | Birds' food |
3% | NESTS | Birds' homes |
3% | PLOVSTS | Homes for some wading birds |
3% | ANIS | Black birds |
3% | ROCS | Mythical birds |
3% | DODOS | Extinct birds |
3% | WHIPPOORWILLS | Nocturnal birds |
3% | PEEPS | Marshmallow birds |
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We found 2 solutions for Home For Birds. The top solutions is determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. The most likely answer for the clue is NEST.
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HOMES FOR BIRDS WEEK - February 13-19, 2023
Homes for Birds Week is observed every year during the second full week in February. This year, it takes place from February 13 to 19. It is a week aimed at promoting and enhancing biodiversity by encouraging people to build and set up nest boxes for birds. Though nest boxes have existed since ancient times, the modern nest box didn’t come onto the scene until the early 19th century. It was invented by the British conservationist, Charles Waterton. Nest boxes are vital in preserving birdlife, which in turn, maintains a balanced ecosystem.
History of Homes for Birds Week
Not much is known about the history of Homes for Birds Week, other than the fact that it aims to encourage people to put up nest boxes for birds.
Also known as a bird house or bird box, a nest box is a man-made enclosure constructed to provide birds with a place to nest. Its purpose is to promote and enhance biodiversity through maintaining populations of bird species in a particular area. The modern nest box was invented by Charles Waterton in the early 19th century. The intention of the British conservationist was to increase wildfowl and birdlife on his estate, Walton Hall, which he later converted into the world’s first wildfowl and nature reserve. Nest boxes are usually made of wood, built with a sloped roof, recessed floor, and an entrance hole in the front. Other materials can also be used, including concrete, ceramic, plastic, metal, or a mixture of wood and concrete, known as woodcrete. Certain birds are selective of the material used in building the nest box. For example, sparrows prefer woodcrete.
When constructing nest boxes, the size of the opening also tends to determine the type of bird that will nest in it. For instance, small birds prefer boxes with holes only large enough to allow an adult bird to pass through. It has been suggested that this behavior occurs to prevent other birds from invading the nest. Wrens and treecreepers are likely to be attracted to small boxes, while ducks and owls flock towards larger ones.
Homes for Birds Week timeline
15th Century — 16th Century
Turkey Builds Birdhouses
In Turkey, birdhouses are built for swallows and sparrows.
18th Century
Birds are Captured
‘Bird bottles’ are built to capture birds in the United States.
18th Century
Birch Bark Birdhouses
Native Americans build birdhouses using birch bark.
19th Century
Waterton Invents Nest Boxes
Charles Waterton invents the modern nest box.
Homes for Birds Week
FAQsShould you put anything in a nest box?
No, it is not advisable to put anything in a nest box.
Do birds roost in nest boxes?
Yes, many birds roost in nest boxes, especially during cold weather.
Where do birds lay eggs?
Though it depends on the species of the bird, most birds lay their eggs in a nest.
Homes for Birds Week Activities
Buy or build a nest box
Put those carpentry skills to good use by building a nest box yourself. If you can’t, go ahead and buy one. Whichever option you choose, the end result is the same.
Put up a nest box
Enhance the biodiversity in your area. Mount a nest box in your yard.
Use the hashtag
Spread awareness so others can learn about the importance of building homes for birds. Post about it on social media with the hashtag #homesforbirds or #homesforbirdsweek.
5 Important Facts About Charles Waterton
He was born at Walton Hall on June 3, 1872.
He was born into a Roman Catholic, gentry family and was a descendant of Reiner de Waterton.
He studied at Stonyhurst College in Lancashire, England.
Waterton was a devout Roman Catholic, maintaining strong links with the Vatican in spite of the English Reformation.
Waterton died on May 27, 1865, a month before his 83rd birthday.
Why We Love Homes for Birds Week
Nest boxes enhance biodiversity
Nest boxes help to preserve birdlife in our environment. It has been proven that nest boxes increase the population of birds in an area.
Birds are guardians of our environment
One might wonder what makes birds so important to the environment. It turns out that they are indispensable, as they are pollinators, control pests, and maintain the balance of the ecosystem. This underscores the need to add more nest boxes to our landscape.
Birds are serene
Birds are lovely and serene creatures. They add beauty to our environment.
Homes for Birds Week dates
Year | Date | Day |
2022 | February 14 | Monday |
2023 | February 13 | Monday |
2024 | February 12 | Monday |
2025 | February 10 | Monday |
2026 | February 9 | Monday |
tips from Mospriroda / City news / Moscow website
Nests should be made of natural materials and have a natural color.Mospriroda invites everyone to join the annual action "Hello, birds!". Its participants will make and install artificial bird nests.
To help the birds, it is important to follow a few rules and know what materials can be used to make a safe nest.
It is better to make houses from unplaned boards (massif) with a thickness of at least two centimeters. If only planed material is available, then in the inner part of the nesting area at the entrance it is necessary to make notches with some sharp object. If they are not there, then the paws of the chicks will slip, it will be difficult for them to get out of the house.
It is better to use acrylic paints for painting - this will increase the life of the nesting box. Experts recommend choosing natural colors: black, gray, green, beige, brown.
It is necessary to hang houses, observing special rules. The nest should be located in a quiet place, on a tree trunk at a height of four meters. The letok should be located towards the east or southeast. There should be no branches at the entrance for predators to climb. To attach a birdhouse, you need to nail a vertical stick to it and firmly tie it to the tree with a rope or cord.
The size and shape of the house varies depending on the type of bird. Construction should be started when it is known which bird will live in it.
The birdhouse is made 35 × 13 × 13 centimeters in size, the notch is about five centimeters. The main difference between the birdhouse and other houses is the presence of a large enough notch so that the starling can easily climb through it.
The titmouse should be 22 × 10 × 10 centimeters in size, the notch should be 2.6–3.5 centimeters. There are titmouses for great tits with an entrance of 3.5 centimeters and for small types of tits (Moskovka, chickadee, blue tit) with an entrance diameter of 2.6 centimeters.
The pika house has a triangular shape with side entrances located on both sides near the back wall, closer to the tree trunk. This arrangement of entrances helps the small insectivorous bird to conveniently climb into the nesting place, as it climbs the tree trunk.
Rectangular wagtail house 30 x 20 x 10 cm with easy access. It is installed on a flat surface of a building or under the roof of an open terrace or veranda.
The nest of swifts has a rectangular shape of 40 × 16 × 15 centimeters with a slit-like small entrance. For the notch, a closing damper can be provided, since swifts arrive only at the beginning of May, and other species of birds can inhabit their houses. Because of this, it is better to keep the front door closed until the first swifts appear.
Half-hollows are made for gray flycatchers, robins and redstarts. They have a semi-open front wall, which allows birds that use semi-niches in nature to populate these houses. A half-hollow should be installed in secluded places: in a dense crown of trees and tall bushes.
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All news
Bird House design project | www.undehdon.ru
Author: Yaroslavtseva Olga,
2 course, 21 Group
Head: Golovina
Lyudmila Gennadievna,
teacher additional
G. Rostov-on-Don
A little about birdhouses. 3
Tools and materials. 8
Birdhouse production sequence . 9
Conclusion . 13
Appendix . 14
Literature . 15
Many people pay attention to the environment. Things that do not pollute nature, are made from natural materials, and support the fragile world around us are becoming popular and mass-produced. All this is due to the deteriorating ecology and is very noticeable in a large gassed city. This topic is very close to me, because I live in a fairly large city, and I do not have the opportunity to often go somewhere in nature. Looking for a way to get closer to nature, I came across birdhouses. These bird houses combine both beauty and benefit to the surrounding world.
The main goal of my project is to study the technology of making birdhouses, to understand its main difficulties.
To do this, I will have to answer a number of questions:
- What is the birdhouse for?
- Who lives in birdhouses?
- Where can birdhouses be placed?
The hypothesis of my project is that things made by hand, decorated with your own hands, have their own zest and practical benefits: they develop artistic taste, allow you to fantasize freely and make your dreams come true with the help of different techniques. And the decoupage technique does not require special artistic skills and can be used to decorate any surface.
While working on the project, I wanted to know if it is difficult to make a birdhouse, how long it will take to complete the work.
For my work, I chose a set of two wooden birdhouses, because I wanted not only to make the right birdhouse, but also to try my hand at decor.
Spring is the time when nature comes to life, trees bloom, animals wake up after hibernation, and birds arrive from warm countries and delight us with their singing. Remembering that at this time of the year our feathered friends do not have enough food and shelter, many hang birdhouses on trees - birdhouses. Birds in the birdhouse make nests and hatch chicks. Helping birds is a very affordable and noble task for young nature lovers.
Why is this necessary, you ask? A birdhouse is a nesting place that can be inhabited by starlings, sparrows, flycatchers, sometimes woodpeckers, squirrels. This means that next to your house there will be a small dwelling for animals from the Red Book. In this way, you will help save animals that are in danger of extinction.
Birdhouse - a closed artificial nesting place for small birds, mainly nesting in hollows.
The tradition of building artificial birdhouses is deeply rooted in history. In the triptych of Gerard David, published in 1500, you can find an image that depicts many earthenware urns from which many different birds fly. Next to the description of the starling in a 1622 treatise by Giovanni Pietro Olin, there is an engraving, in the foreground of which is a bird, and in the background an earthenware vessel with a hole attached to a tree, which is very reminiscent of a modern birdhouse. And at 1599 in Aldrovandi's "Ornithology" it is described that the Flemings build "vessels for starlings", but it is not clear whether the Dutch bird houses can be considered the prototypes of the current ones.
Birdhouses can be installed for several purposes:
- Attraction of birds to observe their nests for research purposes or just for pleasure;
- Attraction of birds for the purpose of destroying agricultural pests;
- Education of love for nature and work in children.
Design and placement
The birdhouse is traditionally made in the form of a wooden house with a round or rectangular entrance. The height is usually 30-40 cm, the size of the bottom is about 14 cm, the diameter of the notch is about 5 cm. (starlings, tits and nuthatches can do this themselves, but some other birds can't). Placed on a tree in a forest, park, on a balcony, wall or under the roof of a house.
Hang artificial nests in three stages:
1 - late autumn - to attract tits,
2 - second half of March - for starlings,
3 - end of April - beginning of May - for pied flycatchers, redstarts, white wagtails (because their main competitors, sparrows, are already sitting on their nests).
When hanging box nests, it is convenient to use a pole with a specially curved tip or flyer at the end.
The main principle to be followed is not to harm a living tree. It is necessary to take into account where the wind blows from most often in order to hang the nesting box in the opposite direction.
Loops of wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm are fixed in the upper side part of the nest with nails - one end is tightly, the other is thrown over the trunk and branch and twisted behind the second nail.
In the autumn it is necessary to repair, clean and disinfect artificial nests, as many parasites of birds remain in the nest and in the crevices, which safely overwinter and disturb the chicks the next year and can lead them to death from anemia. Therefore, the nesting material must be collected, burned, and the inside of the house should be treated with a 3% solution of bleach or karbofos or a 40% formalin solution.
These products are hazardous to health and can cause serious illness if hygiene is not followed. Therefore, after work, be sure to wash your face and hands with warm water and soap. Keep overalls for disinfection separately, and disinfectants in tightly closed jars.
In addition to the birdhouses themselves, there are modifications for various birds: great tits, flycatchers, redstarts, wagtails, etc.
- Sinichnik
The titmouse differs from the birdhouse mainly in size. The characteristic dimensions of the titmouse are: the bottom is 10-12 cm, the height is 25-30 cm, the diameter of the notch is 30-35 mm. Pied flycatchers, redstarts, sparrows, and pygmy owls can inhabit it. It is placed in general terms in the same way as the birdhouse.
- Flycatcher
The flycatcher, unlike the titmouse, has a smaller depth (bottom size from 10 cm, depth 8-10 cm, notch 3 cm), since flycatchers prefer lighter nests. It can be occupied by pied flycatchers, gray flycatchers, redstarts.
- Half-hollow
Some species (for example, the gray flycatcher) usually populate not hollows hollowed out by woodpeckers, but natural voids (semi-hollows) in trees. For such species, a half-hollow is suitable, which is also made in the form of a box, but has a rectangular notch the width of the entire half-hollow and a height close to half the height of the house. The inner dimensions of the day of the half-hollow for the gray flycatcher are 10-12 cm.
- Wagtail
For some birds (for example, wagtails), which differ in that they do not have tenacious paws and prefer to walk "on foot", it is possible to modify the house, which lies "on its side" and in which there is a "trapik" in front of the entrance with a width of about 10 see It is usually located under the roof of a house or barn at a height of 3-5 m.
- Duplyanka
A variant of a birdhouse or a titmouse is also a nest box - a nesting place in the form of a piece of a tree trunk with a hollowed out core, closed at the top and bottom with an entrance for birds in the wall.
Birdhouses and titmouses are the most popular among amateurs of all artificial nests. Such nests for small passerine birds are often made by amateurs and are located in urban areas.
Hanging birdhouses near your home is an old folk tradition. Birds living nearby provide invaluable assistance to gardeners in the fight against pests. For example, one brood of starlings can eat about 1000 May beetles and their larvae in 5 days! And birds also delight us, residents of villages and large cities, with their appearance and singing.
The problem of ousting birds from cities is the more acute, the larger the city. Intensive construction reduces the area occupied by parks and just trees. In the city, the manufacture and installation of the right birdhouse is a socially useful event that contributes to landscaping and maintaining the environmental friendliness of the area. That is why it is recommended to carry out propaganda and training in the construction of bird houses in educational and educational institutions. If we are talking about a backyard or summer cottage, then by hanging a birdhouse on a tree, you will combine business with pleasure - give yourself the joy of feeling and contemplating a seething life (having arranged a nest in a wooden house, birds will soon give birth to offspring) and help protect your plants from harmful insects.
Protection of artificial nests from destruction
The inhabitants of bird houses are threatened by two dangers - predators climbing trees (including cats) and woodpeckers breaking the entrance. To protect the notch, it is enough to upholster it with tin. And the devices shown in the picture (see appendix) - a tin cuff, a belt of barbed wire and branches of thorny bushes - will prevent predators from reaching artificial nests. In addition, "anti-cat" designs of birdhouses have been developed that do not allow the paws of cats to reach the chicks. Such structures are shown in the figure (see Appendix).
Birdhouses are increasingly becoming an object of interest for industrial designers. Moreover, most often it is not about changing the living conditions of birds, but rather about their appearance, that is, efforts are directed primarily at people. The design, coloring and shape of the notch are subject to change.
In the work were used:
- Boards, pine, 3000x140 mm, 2 pcs.
- Furniture board, pine, 1000x200 mm, 1 pc.
- Lath, pine, 2500x20x25 mm, 1 pc.
- Perch, 80mm x ø10mm, 2 pcs.
- Self-tapping screws
- Nails
- Wood putty
- Wax
- Acrylic water-based paint, 250 ml.
- Gouache
- Paintable wallpaper
- Decoupage cards, 2 pcs.
- Ice cream sticks, wooden, 21 pcs.
- Saw
- Hammer
- PVA glue
- Sandpaper (#40, #100)
- Flat brush
- Scissors
- Utility knife
- Pencil
- Adhesive tape
- Wooden stick
- Clean dry cloth
1. Let's build a drawing of the future birdhouse. It should be remembered that the height of the birdhouse should be 30-40 cm, the bottom size should be about 14 cm, the diameter of the notch should be about 5 cm, the length of the perch should be at least 5 cm. The lid should be made removable. In the drawing, we indicate the number and dimensions of the parts of the birdhouse. Decide on the material for the birdhouse.
2. Mark the details of the birdhouse on the pine board. Let's cut the board into pieces. We process the details with large sandpaper.
3. On the front of the birdhouse, mark a notch and a hole for the perch. The distance from the top of the birdhouse to the entrance hole should be at least 5 cm, the diameter of the entrance hole for the birdhouse should be 5 cm.
Let's do the same with the front.
5. Connect the back of the birdhouse, the sides and the front of the birdhouse. Let's attach the bottom.
6. Melt the wax in a water bath. With a flat brush, apply wax to the end parts of the birdhouse, and inside, between the boards, filling the gaps.
7. Insert the perch into the perch hole. To do this, we smear one end of the perch with PVA glue, and, inserting it into the hole of the perch, hammer it with a hammer.
8. Install the roof on the birdhouse, fix it with self-tapping screws. The lid should be made removable so that the nest can be checked and also cleaned at the end of the nesting season - nesting material should be removed from the nest.
9. The roof turned out to be heterogeneous - the edges are not at the same level. We grind them with a file, you can use ... a machine.
10. Sand the birdhouse with fine sandpaper. If necessary, smooth out large irregularities with wood putty.
11. We cover the surface of the birdhouse with water-based paint. Optionally, we tint the paint with gouache.
12. Stick wallpaper on the roof surface. To do this, mark and cut out the wallpaper, taking into account the "overlap". We apply PVA glue to a piece of wallpaper, press it to the surface of the roof, and smooth the piece from the middle to the edges. We repeat the same on the other side.
13. Choose motives. On the end parts of the roof with gouache we make an edging to match the chosen motifs.
14. Cut out the necessary details from the decoupage card. Let's mark the future arrangement of motives.
15. Paste the motifs. It is easier to work with decoupage cards than with napkins - they are thicker, and therefore stick more evenly, almost without "wrinkles".
16. Making a fence. To do this, you need to cut off one of the rounded ends of the stick with a jigsaw, remembering that you need to leave the rounded ends of the sticks on which the fence is attached.
17. Apply tempera paint on the outer and sides of the sticks, let dry.
18. Apply PVA glue to the outside of the base sticks, place the sticks, let the glue dry.
19. Apply PVA glue to the inside of the fence, glue the fence to the birdhouse.
So, artificial bird nests can be installed for several purposes:
Taking birds to observe their nests for research purposes or simply for pleasure;
Support for populations of more or less rare bird species in the absence of natural nesting sites;
Attracting birds to destroy agricultural pests.
Education of love for nature and work in children.
In addition to the birdhouses themselves, there are their modifications for various birds: great tits, flycatchers, redstarts, wagtails and many others.
Possible inhabitants of artificial nests (except birds)
- Wasps;
- Bumblebees;
- Forest dormouse;
- Bats;
- Proteins.
Birdhouses can be hung in gardens, parks, shady places. Artificial nests must be protected from cats and woodpeckers. For this purpose, the notch must be made at a distance of 5 cm from the top of the birdhouse. To protect against woodpeckers, the letok is upholstered with tin.
Making a birdhouse gave me great pleasure. In my opinion, it turned out not only functional, but also beautiful.
Product meets our requirements, aesthetically pleasing; the material is optimally selected and environmentally friendly.
In my opinion, birdhouses and other artificial nests should be made at school, at technology lessons, and in circles, so that birds settle in them, delight us with their singing, and save us from pests.