Growing zones for the united states
United States Plant Zone Map
The USDA created a standard to which gardeners can use to determine which plants can survive in which locations. This data is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature divided into 10 degree Fahrenheit zones. This map was created in 2012 and is a great guide for gardeners to use to decide what plants they can grow and survive through the winter. The plant hardiness zones also determine whether a plant will be an annual or perennial in your area. Learn more about the difference between annuals vs perennials.
At Plant Addicts we do our best to list the most accurate data on each plant page. So make sure you look to see which zones a plant can grow in before ordering. You can bend the guidelines somewhat by planting in more sheltered areas, or if you live in a micro-climate. But we recommend using the plant growing zones as your guide to decide what to plant outside.
If you are unsure what growing zone you are in, you can enter in your zip code in the tool at the top right of the website and it will tell you. Or you can tell from the map below too.
First & Last Frost Date By Growing Zone
Zone | Last Frost Date | First Frost Date |
1 | May 22 – June 4 | August 25-31 |
2 | May 15-22 | September 1-8 |
3 | May 1-16 | September 8-15 |
4 | April 24 – May 12 | September 21 – October 7 |
5 | April 7-30 | October 13 – October 21 |
6 | April 1-21 | October 17-31 |
7 | March 22 – April 3 | October 29 – November 15 |
8 | March 13-28 | November 7-28 |
9 | February 6-28 | November 25 – December 13 |
10-13 | No freeze | No freeze |
States in Growing Zone 1
States in Growing Zone 2
States in Growing Zone 3
Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming
States in Growing Zone 4
Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine,Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
States in Growing Zone 5
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
States in Growing Zone 6
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming
States in Growing Zone 7
Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia
States in Growing Zone 8
Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington
States in Growing Zone 9
Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Carolina, TexasUtah, Washington
States in Growing Zone 10
Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Nevada, Texas
States in Growing Zone 11
California, Florida, Hawaii
States in Growing Zone 12
States in Growing Zone 13
Annuals vs Perennials

Before planting, it is important to know your growing zone to ensure success and avoid unwelcome setbacks in your garden. Check our color-coded plant hardiness zone map of the United States to find which hardiness zone you live in, or type in your zip code below to find your exact planting or growing zone.
What Are Planting or Growing Zones?
In the United States, planting zones are specific locations that correspond to which plants can grow well there. The planting zone map is based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, and which varieties of flowers and plants can survive and thrive in those conditions. There are a total of 11 growing zones in the United States as defined by the USDA, of which 8 are located in the lower 48 states.
How Do I Find Out What Growing Zone I Live In?
The best way to find out which growing or planting zone your garden is in is to use our convenient zone finder tool found at the top of this page. Simply enter your zip code and get information on your planting zone. Remember that zone maps cannot account for deviations in typical zones such as micro-climates or if your location is associated with unusual conditions for the region. Always remember that growing zone maps are not perfect and that elements like soil, moisture, humidity, heat, or other weather conditions at the time can influence how well your plants will grow in any particular US growing zone.
How Can I Tell Which Growing Zone a Plant Will Thrive In?
You'll find USDA hardiness zone designations at the end of many plant descriptions on the Breck's website and in our free print catalog. A variety marked "Zones 3-8," for example, should grow and thrive in planting zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
What Time of Year Is Best for Planting in Each Growing Zone?
Planting times depend upon which growing zone you're gardening in, and which types of plants you're placing in the ground or containers. It's all about the temperature needs of your plants. So, how do you know when to plant? You'll need to know your last frost date and first frost date!
The final frost date is the last day you can expect frost.
- Many potted plants and tender rhizomes must be kept indoors until after all threat of frost has passed, and some bareroots need to be kept out of frosty conditions in their first year.
- Some cold-hardy plants, such as leafy vegetables grown from seed, can go into the ground before the last frost date.
- Knowing your final frost date can also help you plan for starting flowers indoors. For example, if you plan to put dahlias outdoors after the last frost, but want an early start on them, you can count backward from that last date.
The first frost date is the first day of fall that you must watch out for frost.
- Some summer bulbs need to come out of the ground before the first frost.
These varieties include caladiums and others that don't naturally encounter frost at all.
- If you plan to lift and bring hardier bulbs inside, you'll need to wait for that final frost, and for the foliage to die back. For most summer bulbs, that occurs six weeks after flowering.
- If you're planting hardy bulbs, such as tulips or daffodils, do that after the first frost.
While each type of plant is different, knowing your frost dates can help you plan around their needs. So, what are the first and last frost dates for each hardiness zone?
- Zone 1: Plant in true summer. In Zone 1, the last frost of spring may occur as late as June 4. The first frost date for Zone 1 falls around August 25.
- Zone 2: Plant in late spring. In Zone 2, the last frost of spring may occur as late as May 15. The first frost date for Zone 2 falls around September 1.
- Zone 3: Plant May Flowers.
In Zone 3, the last frost of spring may occur as late as May 16. The first frost date for Zone 3 falls around in mid-September.
- Zone 4: Plant after Mother's Day. In Zone 4, the last frost of spring may occur as late as May 12. The first frost date for Zone 4 falls in late September.
- Zone 5: Plant after April. In Zone 5, the last frost of spring may occur as late as April 30. The first frost date for Zone 5 falls in mid-October.
- Zone 6: Plant after Easter. In Zone 6, the last frost of spring may occur as late as April 21. The first frost date for Zone 6 falls in mid to late October.
- Zone 7: Plant after March. In Zone 7, the last frost of spring may occur as late as April 3. The first frost date for Zone 7 falls in late October.
- Zone 8: Plant after St. Patty's Day. In Zone 8, the last frost of spring may occur as late as March 28.. The first frost date for Zone 8 falls in November.
- Zone 9: Plant in early spring.
The last frost date for Zone 9 is around February 28. The first frost won't occur until December.
- Zone 10, 11, 12, and 13 don't freeze.
By keeping in mind your first and last frost date, and following instructions associated with your individual cultivars, you can set your plants up for success by planting at just the right time.
Which Plants Are Best for Growing in My Zone?
It's a sad truth that we, as gardeners, often need to garden within the constraints of our zones. But, with modern cultivars, many formerly picky genuses are accessible to gardeners across the United States!
Cold climates require winter-hardy perennials, or plants that don't mind being lifted and stored over winter. Look for reliable plants, and try native species that are naturally built for the weather. You'll also appreciate deep-rooted plants, trees and shrubs that aren't damaged by wind and dryness.
Temperate climates are the lucky ones of the United States: warm enough for lots of winter-hardy options, and cool enough to make your bulbs bloom in spring. Check the lifting requirements for your tender bulbs, and keep an eye toward native cultivars.
Warm climates are often damp, so look for plants that can handle a lot of moisture. And, don't sleep on those tropical favorites, like caladiums and calla lilies, that don't perform well in colder temps! Classic hardy bulbs can be successful in warm climates, they simply need to be cooled for a few months during winter.
You can also easily shop for plants by zone at Breck's:
- Best Plants for Zone 3
- Best Plants for Zone 4
- Best Plants for Zone 5
- Best Plants for Zone 6
- Best Plants for Zone 7
- Best Plants for Zone 8
- Best Plants for Zone 9
- Best Plants for Zone 10
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US Agriculture
The agro-industrial complex plays an important role in the US economy. It includes industries that create the means of production for agriculture, agricultural production itself, industries that ensure the processing and marketing of agricultural raw materials and products made from these raw materials, as well as those sectors of the production and social infrastructure that directly affect the creation of agricultural products. The agricultural sector employs about 20 million people, or 18% of the economically active population, and 5.2 million people directly in agriculture. The share of agriculture in the country's GDP is about 1%. In terms of total agricultural production ($204.0 billion, 2016), the United States ranks sixth in the world, and first in its exports ($140.0 billion). nine0003
The US administration is pursuing an active foreign economic policy aimed at expanding opportunities for marketing American agricultural products abroad. For this, bilateral and regional free trade agreements concluded by the United States are used, which provide for the gradual elimination of import duties on American agricultural products. At the same time, American producers continue to actively use the opportunities provided by US law to introduce protective measures against imported agricultural products. nine0003
Several conditions contributed to the rapid development of agriculture. Firstly, a large influx of European immigrants during the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries, who brought experience, skills and methods of managing; secondly, the presence of favorable natural conditions and fertile lands. Climatic conditions make it possible to grow here all agricultural crops of the temperate and subtropical zones, and in the south of Florida - many tropical crops; thirdly, sensible public policy, which first stimulated the development of the land, and today is aimed at encouraging the further expansion of agricultural production in order to promote American products to the world market; fourthly, the absence of vestiges of feudalism, which hampered the creation of commodity capitalist forms and family farms in most of the country, with the exception of the South. In modern conditions, the development of agriculture is promoted by such factors as the scientific and technological revolution, agro-industrial integration, government regulation and the impact of the world market. nine0003
The United States has vast land holdings. More than 450 million hectares are used in agriculture, including 186 million hectares under cultivation, 239 million hectares under natural pastures, 27 million hectares under cultivated pastures and hayfields. In half of the states, sustainable agriculture is possible only with irrigation. The area of irrigated land is 22.9 million hectares.
Most of the land fund (2/3) is privately owned, the rest is state land. Farm land makes up just over 60% of private property. Only 60% of farmers are full land owners, the rest are partial owners and tenants. Economic power in agriculture is determined by large farms. They own more than 50% of the farm area and they account for most of the agricultural income. In total, there are 2. 1 million farms in the United States. Farms with annual sales of more than $100,000 (46.6% of farms) produce over 48% of products, and those with sales of more than $1 million (1.4% of farms) produce 41.7%. The average farm size is 195 ha. Land plots are especially large in the west and south-west of the country.
The government provides a variety of assistance to support farming. One of them is a program for labeling a number of products with a label that says Fair Trade (“Fair Trade”). Such goods are sold for about twice as much as regular goods, and part of the proceeds from the sale goes to support American farmers.
The development of the agro-industrial complex was facilitated by its mechanization and chemicalization. The United States leads the world in providing agriculture with electricity, tractors, combines, and fertilizers. The bulk of the farms are electrified; this created the conditions for the introduction of mechanization in animal husbandry. The number of tractors is about 5 million units. (first place in the world). Tractors completely replaced farm animals - horses and mules - from agriculture. Various attachments are available for tractors, allowing you to perform a wide variety of operations. In addition to tractors, farms have more than 3 million trucks, over 660,000 grain combines, and many corn, cotton, potato and other machines. Approximately 20 million tons of mineral fertilizers are applied to the fields annually. On average, 115 kg of mineral fertilizers fall on 1 ha of arable land. nine0003
Recently, automation has been increasingly used in US agriculture. We can also talk about the beginning of the transition of the agro-industrial complex to a higher biotechnological stage. The share of genetically modified crops is high in crops. So, up to half of the soybeans grown and almost a quarter of the corn is grown in this way. The use of genetic engineering methods in some cases provides an increase in their yield by 40-60%. The use of hormonal supplements in animal husbandry is growing at an equally rapid pace. nine0003
In recent decades, the concept of "alternative (organic) farming", which provides for measures to protect natural resources and produce environmentally friendly products, has been of particular interest. This refers to the creation of a production system that reduces or eliminates the use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides. There is a lot of selection work going on. Breeding new varieties of various crops is of considerable importance for increasing productivity. Artificial irrigation of fields has been widely developed: automated irrigation and pumping systems, canals, aqueducts. nine0003
In the US, this direction has not yet become widespread. The area occupied by organic agriculture is only 2 million hectares, or 0.6%. The total volume of manufactured products in 2016 amounted to $14.2 million. All products were sent to the American market. Spending on the purchase of organic food amounted to $121 per person.
Livestock production has dominated agricultural output for many decades, but this gap is gradually narrowing. This is largely due to the fact that changes are taking place in the diet of Americans. If earlier US residents consumed a lot of meat and dairy products, now there is a decrease in the consumption of livestock products and an increase in demand for flour products, wine, vegetables and fruits. The high level of consumption of livestock products, as well as fast food, has affected the health of the population. Americans are considered one of the most obese nations in the world, which adversely affects not only the image of the country, but also the cost of medicine. Since the beginning of the XXI century. the country actively promotes a healthy lifestyle, including in the field of nutrition. In general, the United States is one of the world's largest consumers of agricultural products, both in absolute volumes and per capita. nine0003
Grain farming, cultivation of fodder and industrial crops, vegetable growing and horticulture are developed in the USA. Most of the cultivated area is concentrated in the central part of the country - between the border with Canada in the North and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the South. The largest agricultural states are Texas, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, and North Dakota. The United States is characterized by belt placement of crops. The number of such belts, depending on the detailing system, can vary quite significantly. In the twentieth century, some belts have undergone a significant transformation, while others have changed much less. Along the border with Canada, from Lake Superior to the Cordillera, there is a "milk belt". nine0003
South of it, between the Great Lakes and the Ohio River in the east, through the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City in the south and to the Cordillera stretches "corn and soybean belt." To the west of the corn-soybean belt is the "wheat belt". Geographically, it coincides with the Great Plains. The mid-Atlantic coast, the middle and southern Appalachians and the plains adjacent to them are the former "tobacco belt". The Florida Peninsula and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico are occupied by the "cotton belt". The foothills of the Cordillera and Alaska are used as pastures (the belt of grazing beef cattle breeding and the belt of reindeer husbandry). nine0003
Currently, the cotton and tobacco belts do not actually exist. In their place, livestock and crop production areas arose, including the poultry farming of the Southeast and the beef cattle breeding in the south of the Great Plains. Cotton growing has been hit hard by the rapid development of the chemical industry, as well as the expansion of cotton cultivation in countries where it is much cheaper to grow it. Tobacco production is also declining due to competition from "cheap" markets in Asia and Latin America. nine0003
The main direction of agriculture is grain production. The total grain harvest in 2016 amounted to 476 million tons. The leading grain crop is corn. Under it, 35 million hectares are occupied (collection - 384.8 million tons), followed by wheat (62.9 million tons). Up to half of the harvested corn goes to the production of ethanol used as fuel for cars. All grain crops are grown in “their” grain belts, and only wheat, including outside the wheat belt, is in Washington State. Along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi and almost to the border with Mexico, as well as in southern California, rice is cultivated (10.2 million tons). In the arid regions of the Great Plains, sorghum is an important fodder crop (12.2 million tons). nine0003
Production of the most important types of agricultural products in 2016, million tons
Crop production | |||||
Cereals | 476.0 | Tuber roots | 21.4 | - apples | 4.6 |
- corn | 384.8 | Legumes | - strawberry | 1.4 | |
- wheat | 62.9 | - soy | 117.2 | Vegetables | 33.1 |
- sorghum | 12.2 | Sugar-bearing | 63.4 | - tomatoes | 13.![]() |
- fig | 10.2 | Fruit | 31.1 | - green peas | 3.3 |
- barley | 4.3 | - citrus fruits | 7.5 | - cauliflower and broccoli | 1.3 |
Oilseeds | 21.6 | - grapes | 7.1 | - beans | 1.3 |
- peanuts | 2.6 | - oranges | 7.2 | Potatoes | 20.0 |
Livestock | |||||
Milk | 96.4 | Beef | 11.5 | nine0051 Eggs6.0 | |
Poultry | 21.5 | Pork | 11.3 | Oil | 0.8 |
Cheeses | 5.6 |
The main industrial crops are cotton and tobacco. In 2016, cotton production amounted to 3. 8 million tons (third place in the world), tobacco - 285.2 thousand tons. The leading cotton producers are the states of Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, California, Arkansas, North Carolina and Louisiana. They account for 80% of the total production. Tobacco is grown in Connecticut. nine0003
Large areas are occupied by sugar-bearing crops - sugar beet and sugar cane. Sugar beet is grown chiefly in the irrigated lands of the Western States, and without irrigation in the Lake States; sugarcane - on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. In 2016, the harvest of sugar crops amounted to 63.4 million tons, of which 7.7 million tons of sugar were produced. However, there is not enough sugar in their country and 1.5-2 million tons are imported from Latin American and Asian countries.
Among oilseeds, the cultivation of peanuts (south-east of the country and the Mexican lowland), sunflower, rapeseed, mustard and tung is of paramount importance. In 2016, the production of oilseeds amounted to 18. 5 million tons, including 2.6 million tons of peanuts, 1.4 million tons of rapeseed, and 1.2 million tons of sunflower seeds.
The central regions of the country, the coast of the Great Lakes, the coastal zones of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans specialize in horticulture and vegetable growing, both in the temperate zone and in the subtropical and tropical zones. In 2016, 31.1 million tons of fruits, 33.1 million tons of vegetables and 20.0 million tons of potatoes were harvested. Americans consume a lot of vegetables and fruits throughout the year and fresh. A significant part of them goes for processing, especially for the production of juices.
The main region for growing fruits and vegetables is California, which is not accidentally called the country of 350 sunny days. California provides 1/2 of the world harvest of lemons, 1/3 of oranges. In the US, it accounts for 9/10 grape harvest, 1/2 - peaches, pears, plums, tomatoes, 1/2 production of fruit and vegetable canned food. Among the grown fruits, the role of apples, citrus fruits and grapes is great. For example, the United States is the world's second largest producer of apples after China and the fourth largest producer of pears. In 2016, the harvest of oranges amounted to 7.2 million tons, apples - 4.6, grapefruits - 0.7 million tons, pears - 738.8 thousand tons, lemons and limes - 822, tangerines - 779.8 thousand tons1 . The main area for growing apples and pears is the states of Washington, Michigan and New York, citrus fruits are Florida, California, Texas and Louisiana. In the tropical regions of Florida, as well as California, tropical crops are cultivated: pineapple, papaya, avocado, cherimoya. nine0003
The USA has the largest vineyard plantations in the New World. The vineyard area is 410 thousand hectares. 75% of all vineyards are located in California (300 thousand hectares), the rest - in the states of New York, Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio. Small vineyards are also found in other states. In California and Oregon, mainly Vitis vinifera grape varieties are grown, in other states - new hybrid varieties, Vitis labrusca and a small number of Franco-American hybrid varieties. In 2016, 7.1 million tons of grapes were harvested, from which 2.2 thousand tons of wine were produced. Table wines are produced (80% of the total production), sparkling, fortified (Madeira, sherry, port, muscatel), vermouth and brandy. White wines account for 65% of production, rosés 15%, and reds 20%. nine0003
Livestock has a predominantly meat business and is oriented to the domestic market. The number of livestock in 2016 was (million heads): cattle - 91.9, pigs - 71.5, sheep - 5.3, goats - 2.6, horses - 10.5, domestic deer - more than 17 thousand. The number of poultry is even more significant (million heads): chickens - 1971.9, turkeys - 144.0, ducks - 7.4.
The main livestock is concentrated on farms and ranches. The Northeast and the Lake States are dominated by dairy farming, which specializes in the production of milk, whole milk products, cheese and butter. In the mountain states and on the Great Plains, cattle are raised mainly for beef breeds. Pig farming gravitates towards the corn belt. In the vicinity of large cities in the southeastern states (Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina), large-scale poultry farming has been formed, focused on fattening meat broilers. The southwestern part of the Alaska Peninsula, as well as the islands of St. Lawrence, Nunivak, Umnak, St. Paul and St. George and a number of other territories are used for domestic reindeer pastures. nine0003
Despite the large number of crops grown, significant livestock production, fish and seafood, the country does not fully meet its needs for some types of food. Tropical fruits, bananas, pineapples, coffee and meat are imported. Annual imports of food products are made in excess of $150 billion. Author Alexey Pitelin Reading
Agriculture in the US is developed at the highest level. It satisfies the domestic need for food, and sends part of it for export. The agricultural industry is divided into zones, it has a clear structure.
There are problems in the industry, they have sharply manifested themselves against the backdrop of globalization.
US agriculture specialization
The activity of the agricultural sector is supported by a developed transport network, the introduction of scientific achievements. Planting, growing and marketing are built into a seamlessly working chain. Americans put profit first. The system is designed in such a way as to get the maximum with a minimum investment.
Regional specialization has ensured the efficient use of natural resourcesThe specialization of US agriculture has its own peculiarities. The territory of America has a huge potential for development. The temperate climate, groundwater, rivers and fertile land contribute to good development. nine0003
Rationality in America makes agricultural commodities highly liquid.
The map of the States is divided into agricultural zones. You can get acquainted with the prerequisites and distribution by areas of US agriculture in the table.
Industry | Districts | Favorable conditions |
corn | South Plain | Warm and humid climate, Chernozem |
Wheat | Dry climate | |
Clap | south, south, south any plants with a long growing season | |
Sugarcane, rice, fruits and vegetables | Hawaii, California, Florida | Humid and hot climate. You can also grow any plants with a long growing season |
Milk | Northeast, Lakeland | Less fertile land, humid climate |
Meat | Pacific and Mountain States, Great Plains, rocky terrain |
In terms of gross grain harvest, America ranks third in the world after China and India. In corn and soybeans, this is the undisputed leader. nine0003
States are actively proving the benefits of GMOs. According to the latest official data, more than 100 different varieties of modified plants are already being sown on American fields.
US agricultural industries
Zonal division and specialization are an important characteristic of the US agricultural sector. In addition, the US agricultural sectors are divided into two large groups: crop production and animal husbandry.
Crop production
About two-thirds of the entire US harvest area is devoted to this industry. Many different crops are grown in the American territories. America ranks first in the world in tobacco production. Tobacco fields are located in the southeast. nine0003 Soybeans are popular all over the world
The states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana are busy growing corn. The hot and moderately humid climate, combined with fertile soils, provide the culture with the most favorable conditions.
Soybeans and cotton are grown in the south. Soybeans are popular all over the world. They are exported. At the same time, they also cover the domestic need of Americans for vegetable oils.
Cotton is now in serious competition. It was replaced by chemical fibers, which are cheaper. But cotton plantations still exist. They are located in Texas, Arizona, California and along the lower Mississippi. nine0003
In the dry regions of the Great Plains, in the Pacific Northwest, winter and spring wheat are traditionally grown. The full cycle, together with processing, takes place at modern grain factories.
US agriculture is characterized by specialization. It also manifests itself in animal husbandry. The main industries are dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig breeding, and poultry farming.
Northeast USA specializes in milk supplies Meat production largely depends on the forage base. Animal husbandry is developed on such a scale that the surplus is exported in large quantities. nine0003
Chicken is the most popular food in America. Broilers are raised in the southeast. It has a warm climate and a lot of cheap labor.
US Agricultural Geography
In the 20th century, the American territory was divided into 4 macro regions. They differ from each other in history, cultural characteristics and the direction of economic development.
- North-East is the so-called "workshop of the nation". He became the "gateway" to enter the New World. The first settlers and subsequent waves of migrants passed through it. nine0237
- The Midwest is an area of major industry and agriculture in the United States. The agricultural sector provides half of the total agricultural production of the state.
- South - mineral deposits are concentrated here, cotton, citrus and tobacco are grown, fabrics are produced, broilers are grown.
- West - specializes in the mining industry. Its huge pastures are adapted for the needs of animal husbandry.
The American territory can be divided into 4 macro regionsThe state of Hawaii belongs to the western macroregion. It is famous not only for tourism, but also for pineapples. nine0003
Agriculture of the West USA
The West developed first due to its geographical position. With him began the development of the New World. It is rich in raw materials and fuel, therefore it has become a symbol of American industrialization.
Agriculture in the western United States has become the main market for livestock and grain. Agro-climatic conditions are favorable for growing wheat and corn. Pigs and beef cattle are bred here, the dairy belt of the country is located. nine0003
US Northeast Agriculture
The Northeastern states are better known as the industrial belt. In the territories there are branches of heavy industry. Also here was the development of agriculture in the northeast of the United States. But it is represented only by narrow-profile horticulture and dairy farming. In general, industrialists rather than farmers predominate here.
Agriculture in the US South
The South is often referred to as a macro-region of great change. He is strongly associated with racism and Confederate ideas. On the other hand, this is a rich region, where the extraction and processing of minerals is concentrated. nine0003
Agriculture in the US South is traditionally represented by cotton plantations. In the Old South are famous tobacco plantations, this is the birthplace of Marlboro cigarettes. In the state of Florida, citruses are grown in such quantities that local farmers supply healthy fruits to the whole world.
Agro-climatic conditions are favorable for growing wheat and cornAgricultural development in the USA
In the colonial era, it was very easy to get a piece of free land. There was a right of first settler. It was enough to get away from habitable places and stake out a no-man's land. This is how squatters appeared. nine0003
Farms were originally created as subsistence production. The production went primarily to provide everything necessary for the survival of a family or community. The surplus was sold in the markets. As the country developed line by line, more and more farms appeared.
US agriculture in the 19th century
The impetus for the development of the agricultural sector was the 19th century. The development of the transport network helped the development of the land. The railway played an important role in establishing logistics chains.
In 1862 Congress passed Homestead ActNow everyone who wanted to get a piece of virgin land at a bargain price. This stimulated the development of the Middle and Far West. A large number of products began to go on sale. Growth rates made it possible to master even the European sales market.
By the twentieth century, the development of the agricultural sector had lost its spontaneous character. Thanks to subsidies introduced by Roosevelt, the state takes this sector of the economy under its control.
Features of US agriculture
During the period 1920-1950 years the agricultural sector is being mechanized. Living labor is gradually being replaced by technology. Biotechnologies have been introduced since the 1980s. They made it possible to significantly increase the productivity of animals and plants.
GMOs and steroids for mass gain are controversial in the scientific community and among the public. But America continues to use them.
Features of the American agricultural sector include:
- Regional specialization.
- Commercial character. nine0237
- Binding to geography.
- High labor productivity.
- Favorable climate.
- Management innovations.
- Active introduction of new technologies.
- Globalization, the emergence of corporate farms.
The agro-industrial complex consists of agriculture itself. It also includes industries that provide the material and technical base. For work, tractors, feed, seeds, products of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries are needed. nine0003
The logistics, trade and processing sector is also involved. Everything together works to increase efficiency and receive huge profits.
There are 3 types of enterprises in the agricultural sector:
- Corporations.
- Family partnerships.
- Individual farms.
Most of the land and production belongs to the third category.
US and Canadian Farm Agriculture
Farming in Canada and America has many similarities. In Canada, the cultivation of wheat is in the first place, followed by cattle breeding.
The agricultural sector of both countries is based on large farms. American farmers are constantly controlled by the state. It is beneficial for the ministry to help them, because otherwise you can lose the national treasure - the land.
Farmers traditionally form cooperatives. Moreover, they usually consist in several associations at once. This helps to establish the purchase and marketing of products. nine0003
The Canadian government does not subsidize its farmers, but tries to support them in difficult times. In 2010, for example, a quarter of farms were affected by heavy rainfall. Western Canada lost its crops. The government tried to compensate for the losses.
Labor productivity is ensured by the strong support of companies that produce and sell equipment. It is beneficial for a farmer to lease more modern combines, tractors and seeders.
The Canadian government does not subsidize its farmers, but tries to support them in a difficult situationSo they do not accumulate an outdated fleet of vehicles. Dealers give equipment for a year. Then they take it back and sell it to smaller farmers in the same way.
Farmers do not save on storage either. New silos are constantly purchased, warehouses are equipped. The market always offers a huge selection of containers that are suitable for different volumes of collected products.
Speed comes first. The faster the farmer collects and ships the goods, the more profit he will make and the sooner he will start the next cycle. nine0003
Work in the USA in agriculture
Total mechanization did not abolish manual labor. Dairy farms, poultry farms, picking vegetables and fruits require seasonal work. It attracts students who come to the country under the Work and Travel USA program. Also, migrants are often involved in seasonal work.
If the farm could not find workers within the country, then they have the right to attract foreign laborThere is a visa in the form H-2A. It allows you to come to the US to work in the agricultural sector. nine0003
Employers provide migrant workers with accommodation, transportation and meals. Wages are set according to the minimum bar set in a particular state.
The latest data show that the number of farmers is steadily declining. Most often, these are elderly people. They inherited the land. There is also an upward trend. More and more small and medium farms are going bankrupt or being bought out by corporations.
A new impetus to the development of small farms was the popularity of organic food. Although large companies have already penetrated into this industry. The trend towards decentralization is gradually fading into the past. nine0003
The total GDP of the agricultural sector of the economy is no more than 2% of the country's gross turnover. But it is he who underlies the well-being of the States. Farmers have laid the foundation for the development of the state, they provide the internal needs of citizens for products.
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