Grow asparagus from seeds

Can You Grow Asparagus From Seeds

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By: Amy Grant

Image by joloei

If you are an asparagus lover, chances are good that you would like to include them in your garden. Many gardeners buy established bare root stock when growing asparagus but can you grow asparagus from seeds? If so, how do you grow asparagus from seed and what other information on asparagus seed propagation might be helpful?

Can You Grow Asparagus from Seeds?

Asparagus is often grown from bare root stock crowns. The reason for this is that growing asparagus requires patience. Crowns take three growing seasons before they are ready to be harvested! Even so, this is significantly faster than if you try growing asparagus from seeds. That said, yes, asparagus seed propagation is very possible and a little cheaper than buying crowns.

Asparagus seeds, or berries, turn bright red in autumn. Once the tops fall over, the tops can be collected and hung upside-down in a warm, dry area for about a week or so to ripen. To catch the seeds once completely dried, keep a bowl beneath them or gently tie a brown paper bag around the tops when hanging. These seeds can then be used for planting asparagus. Likewise, you can purchase them from reputable suppliers.

How Do You Grow Asparagus from Seed?

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a hardy perennial suited to USDA zones 2 to 8 and is native to western Europe. This perennial can remain viable for 10 to 20 years, so choose your garden site carefully. Asparagus needs a soil pH of between 7.0 and 7.2 in fertile, well-draining soil.

So how do you go about planting asparagus seeds? There’s no trick to growing asparagus from seeds, just be patient. It’s recommended that you start asparagus seeds indoors or in a greenhouse in mid-February to May under bright lighting. Soil temperatures for seed germination should be between 70 and 85 degrees F. (21-29 C.). Soak the seeds for a couple of hours, then plant each seed ½ inch (1 cm.) deep in sterile soil, in individual 2 inch (5 cm. ) pots. They should sprout anywhere between two and eight weeks from planting asparagus seeds.

Seedlings are ready to transplant when they are 10 to 12 weeks old and all danger of frost in your area has passed. Space the transplants 18 inches (46 cm.) apart in rows set 3 to 6 inches (8-15 cm.) apart. If you want thinner spears, space the transplants 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm.) apart, with the plant set 4 inches (10 cm.) deep. If you like thicker spears, plant them 12 to 14 inches (30-36 cm.) apart and set 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) deep. Consider planting your new asparagus babies near your tomatoes. Asparagus repels nematodes that attack tomato plants while tomatoes repel asparagus beetles. A very symbiotic relationship, indeed.

As the plant grows, cover the crown with soil and keep it moist  with 1 inch (2.5 cm.) of water per week. Fertilize in the spring with 1 to 2 cups (250-473 ml.) of complete organic fertilizer per 10 foot (3 m.) of row and dig in gently. Remember, don’t harvest the plant until its third year; allow the plant to set ferns and redirect its energy back into the plant. Cut the ferns down to 2 inches (5 cm.) tall in the late fall.

In the plant’s third year, you can begin regularly harvesting the spears. The season usually lasts around 8 to 12 weeks. Cut the asparagus spears 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm.) below the ground, and at least 2 inches (5 cm.) above the crown using a sharp knife or asparagus harvesting tool.

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Asparagus : From Seeds To Harvest

Learning Downloads: How to Grow Asparagus Seeds

Gardeners are often daunted by growing asparagus from seed, a task accompanied by lengthy waiting periods and specific instructions. Yet, growing asparagus from seed is very possible and rewarding.

Not only delicious, hardy and a unique addition  to any garden, asparagus is a perennials vegetable, returning year after year. To grow asparagus from seed, a gardener must provide adequate space, nurturing excessive patience. The first harvest typically occurs three seasons after the original planting.

To plant:

Asparagus seeds are often cheaper than pre-established roots, and producing a robust crop from seed is quite possible under the right conditions. To start, soak the seeds for a few hours. Gardeners are encouraged to begin their asparagus seeds in a greenhouse or somewhere indoors, planting the seeds a half-inch deep in soil temperatures of 70-85 degrees between the months of February and May. Each seed should occupy its own small pot. Sprouting will occur between two and eight weeks of planting.

To grow:

Transplant asparagus seedlings once they reach 10-12 weeks old, and frost dangers have passed. Plant seedlings approximately 18 inches apart in rows spaced 3 and 6 feet apart.

As the asparagus plant grows, cover its crown with soil and keep the soil moist. Fertilize in the spring, with a few cups of fertilizer spread throughout the rows. Allow the asparagus to grow ferns, and during its first three years, cut the ferns down to a few inches above the soil in the fall. Mulch is encouraged, as asparagus beds can become a feeding site for perennial weeds.

Note: If you grow tomatoes, plant the asparagus nearby. Tomato plants repel asparagus-feeding insects and asparagus plants deter Nematodes, a wormlike organism that feeds on plants and causes damage to a garden.

To harvest:

In the third year of growth, you can reap what you sowed and harvest the spears. Only harvest finger-sized spears. Asparagus season lasts two to three months. Cut the asparagus with a sharp tool, do not snap the spear as it encourages insects and disease. Harvest delivers up to one pound of asparagus per linear foot. Cut back the foliage in the fall. Male plants are more productive. Plants that seed in the fall are females, so remove these for a more robust crop.

What asparagus craves:

For the best harvest, plant asparagus in full sun, although the plant can tolerate some shade. Soil should be fertile and well drained. Asparagus grows best in a soil pH of 6.5 to 6.8, but it can tolerate slightly more alkaline soils, such as up to a pH of 7.5. Water your asparagus bed regularly to keep it moist.

Where to buy asparagus seeds and roots:

You can find various types of asparagus seeds and pre-established roots at Urban Farmer.

Learning Download: How to Grow Asparagus Roots

Asparagus is a unique vegetable to grow in your garden, a perennial that returns year after year once it has been established and can produce asparagus for up to 20 years. However, the process for growing asparagus is lengthy and the time entailed in growing asparagus roots can scare gardeners away.

Asparagus is a member fo the fern family, and the parts that are eaten are the shoots before the plant becomes a fern.

Asparagus takes up to three years to grow from seed until it is ready for harvest, but the wait is well worth it – the result being a hardy vegetable that returns agains and again as long as it is cared for. Gardeners can purchase pre-grown asparagus roots which shortens the wait time by a year, but it is also quite possible to grow your own from seed. If purchased from seed, plant the asparagus four weeks before the last frost.

Getting started:

If the roots are purchased as one-year-old roots, make sure the asparagus bed is supplemented with plenty of soil and test the soil pH, as asparagus thrives best in soil with a pH of 7.0. Asparagus roots require a thick layer of soil to protect them from the elements. Dig a trench in the asparagus bed that measures 1 foot deep and 18 inches wide. If planting more than one trench worth of asparagus, leave 4 feet between trenches.

Planting the roots:

Once the trench is established, break up the soil up to 10 inches deep. Add 1/2 pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer to each 10-foot stretch of trench. Add 4 inches of compost in the bottom of the trench to feed the roots. Firm up the soil in the bottom of the trench by firmly pressing it or walking on it, as this gives the roots a solid base to grow on. Fan out the roots along the trench and space them 2 feet apart. Plant the roots, also called crowns, in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Cover them gently with 2 inches of soil. 

Caring for the roots:

As summer arrives, continuously pull in more soil to add to the trench until it is level. Leave only a few inches of the asparagus shoots above ground at a time. Once the trench is full, mulch the asparagus beds, as this will help retain moisture and deter weeds. Every few months, apply a dressing of 10-10-10 fertilizer to the asparagus beds, using one handful for each plant. While the plants are young, they require plenty watering and should be watered regularly throughout their growing period.

Cut the plants to the ground each year, and this can be done in the spring or the fall. Removing dead foliage in the fall prevents pest problems, but some gardeners opt to leave the dead foliage as winter mulch and cut the plants down in the spring instead. Do not harvest the roots for the first two years if they have been purchased as one-year-old roots, and when you do harvest, keep the harvest to a minimum.   

Learning Download: Common pests and diseases: Asparagus

When growing vegetables, it is always exciting to care for the plant throughout its growing phases and then harvest it for delicious recipes later on, but one thing to watch out for is pests and diseases.

Different plants are susceptible to different types of pests and diseases, and it is important to make yourself aware so you can keep a watchful eye and also take any preventative methods to keep your plants safe throughout their lifespan.

Asparagus can fall victim to several different pests and diseases.


Humans aren’t the only living being that enjoy asparagus, and the plant can fall victim to a number of different pests. These include cutworms, the European asparagus aphid, the garden symphylan, thrips, the asparagus beetle, the Japanese beetle and more. 

Cutworms typically eat the tip of the new, delicate asparagus spears, and if they eat more so on one side, it will cause the tip of the spear to curl. The European asparagus aphid injects a toxin into the plant while it feeds, which can cause a shortened life of the plant. The garden symphylan eats holes in the roots, crowns and the spears below the soil line. Thrips remove moisture from the plant, which can cause death in smaller asparagus plants. The asparagus beetle doesn’t cause a whole lot of damage, but it does feed on shoots which can cause scarring and defoliation. The Japanese beetle is a pest that affects a lot of plants, and it feeds in the ferns of the plant. 

To help prevent pests, make sure you are controlling weeds and cleaning up any leftover crop residues. Remove the old asparagus ferns at the end of the season and burn them. Treat with pesticides if the issues get out of control. 


Some diseases that specifically affect asparagus plants include crown or spear rot, which is a soil-borne fungus. This looks like there are water-soaked lesions on the shoots, and infected crowns will have a yellow-orange color. Crown and spear rot is caused by over-harvesting, growing in soils that are waterlogged or growing in acidic soil. Apply a garden disease control to treat.

Fusarium wilt is another disease that commonly affects the asparagus plant. This causes the plants to decline in their growth, which can cause the plant to lesson its production, You can diagnose this issue if you notice yellow fern characteristics or discoloration around the stalks. To naturally control this disease, which is a fungus, minimize stress to the asparagus plants and don’t harvest the asparagus when the production declines.

Another common disease affecting asparagus plants is rust, which is an infection which will begin in the spring. It will appear on new spears as yellow or orange pustules. This disease will overwinter, and the disease causes reduced plant vigor and also reduced yields. In order to prevent this disease, use proper irrigation and cut down the ferns at the end of the season and burn them. 

How to grow asparagus in a vegetable garden from seeds

Young shoots of asparagus are a healthy and tasty product that you can grow in your garden. The vegetable can be canned, combined with fish, meat and vegetables. It is good for the festive table, looks unusual, and tastes delicate. How to grow asparagus from seeds in the garden?

How to Grow Asparagus from Seeds

The easiest way to get enough asparagus is to plant seeds. They are tight, so they require some preparation before sowing. Plants grown from seeds are more resistant to adverse conditions and will more easily survive planting in a permanent place. nine0005

Sowing seeds

The best time to sow seeds outdoors is spring or autumn, but spring is preferred . At home, asparagus can be sown in cups or seedlings from the end of winter, because with a lack of lighting, tender seedlings stretch out and weaken.

Dry asparagus seeds germinate for a long time and unfriendly, the first shoots may appear only after a month. To speed up germination, the seeds are pre-soaked for 3-5 days in warm water (about +30 degrees), changing the liquid daily. nine0005

Before germination, the seeds are disinfected in the fungicide Skor, Maxim, Fitosporin or in a thick solution of potassium permanganate.

Then the seed is ready for sprouting:

  1. In gauze or on paper towels. Pre-soaked asparagus seeds are laid out on paper towels or gauze, laid in several layers in a shallow container. With the advent of sprouts, the plants are ready for transplanting into the soil mixture.
  2. In the sand. Disinfected, washed river sand is poured into a flat container and moistened. Instead of sand, you can use vermiculite, coconut substrate or agroperlite. Seeds are laid out on the surface at a distance of 1-3 cm from each other and slightly pressed. The planting container is covered with a film and placed in a warm place. The greenhouse is regularly aired, if necessary, sand is sprayed from the spray gun. nine0028

If the seeds have been soaked and planted in the ground, then shoots can be expected in 2 weeks, and germinated planting material will sprout in a week .


If the seeds were planted in separate cups, then they may not need picking: it is enough to add fresh soil to the cotyledon leaves. When sowing seeds in a total container , picking is carried out when they reach a height of 10-15 cm .

Pick order:

  1. Plants are watered abundantly one day before picking. It is easier to extract seedlings from moist soil than from dry soil.
  2. Using a small scoop or spoon, the seedlings are dug up, carefully removed from the container along with a clod of earth, trying not to damage the root system.
  3. The seedling is placed in cups and covered with fresh earth to the cotyledon leaves.
  4. Plants are watered abundantly.

Some asparagus seedlings may wilt due to transplanting, but the next day the turgor will be restored. nine0005

Planting in open ground

When stable heat is established in spring or autumn, 1. 5 months before the onset of cold weather, asparagus is planted in a permanent place. The distance between plants should be at least half a meter for uniform growth of bushes , and between rows - from 1 meter.

Planting area should be well lit and protected from the wind. There should be no stagnant moisture, asparagus does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater.

The size of the planting hole for each asparagus is 30x30x30 cm. A mixture of nutrient soil and humus is poured into the pit, a plant is placed on a mound and sprinkled with earth from all sides, slightly compacting. The bush should be deepened by 5-15 cm. Be sure to water the asparagus abundantly after transplanting.

Caring for asparagus

Asparagus is an unpretentious plant that can "forgive" gardeners many mistakes. However, with proper care, the culture will give the best harvest of tasty, tender shoots.


After planting in a permanent place, the bush requires special care: it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture , do not let it dry out. Drying out of the soil can lead to the death of the seedling.

After 2-4 weeks, the asparagus root system will recover, the frequency of watering can be reduced. Plant prefers slightly moist soil , during the season watering is carried out on dry days 1-2 times a week. Under each bush pour 5-7 liters of water.

Sufficient moisture is especially important in spring, when young shoots appear. Due to dry soil, the sprouts will be fibrous, coarse, bitter in taste. nine0005

Top dressing

Top dressing of asparagus is the key to getting a bountiful harvest and rapid growth of the bush.

They are carried out three times a year:

The crop does not need frequent fertilizing: the plant will tolerate a lack of nutrition more easily than its excess. nine0005

Weeding and loosening

Asparagus prefers loose, light soils. Therefore, loosening is carried out after each watering, so that a dense soil crust does not form on the surface of the bed.

Asparagus is weeded several times a season. If the plant tolerates the neighborhood with annual weeds easily, then weed rhizome perennials can cause problems . They intertwine with the roots of asparagus, depriving it of nutrition. It is difficult to extract the rhizomes of weeds, because the roots of the cultivated plant will suffer. nine0005

Protection against diseases and pests

Despite their unpretentiousness, asparagus is susceptible to diseases and pests due to improper care or an incorrectly chosen permanent place.

Against fungal diseases in the early stages of the lesion, fungicide preparations are suitable: Fundazol, Skor, Fitosporin. If the plant is severely affected by Fusarium, rust or other disease , the bush should be dug up and destroyed.

The main pests of asparagus are asparagus fly and ratchet . Insects feed on the shoots of the plant, laying eggs inside the shoots. You can recognize infected branches by their deformation, drying out. When the first signs of damage appear, asparagus should be treated with effective insecticides - Aktellik, Aktara, Fitoverm, etc. However, you should be patient: the vegetable will give the first harvest only 2-3 years after planting. However, fresh shoots will certainly appeal to both adults and children. nine0005

growing from seeds, planting and care, types and varieties, photo

Author: Elena N. Category: garden plants reprinted: Last amendments:
