Green and black decorating ideas

20 Gorgeous Black and Green Living Rooms

Green is a go-to color when you want to create a nature-inspired living space. Mixing and matching colors with green is actually a fun thing to do expect that sometimes, if you overdo it, the whole color scheme goes to trash. For today though, we would be showing you how the color green mixes well with black and you would learn from looking at the pictures below, how much is too much?

Below is a list of 20 Gorgeous Black and Green Living Rooms that will showcase contemporary to modern spaces that used the black and green color scheme. The color combination will somehow throw you off because despite the fact that black pretty much contrasts with green, it sure works wonders – check it out!

1. A Tiny Green Home

Errikos Art Design

This is one tiny green home with tiny tidbits of black in a room filled with green walls and decors.

2. Beach Cottage, Watch Hill

Kate Jackson Design

A little green here and there and a bit of black to complete the look.

3. Charlotte Contemporary Family Room

Catherine Boardman Interiors

I actually like the coffee tables and the window sills of this contemporary living room. Adding green accent pillows created a more homey approach to this space.

4. Dallas: Alicia + Adam

Lindsay von Hagel

Green curtains, yellow door and black & white area carpet, are you still looking for anything? Haha.

5. Melbourne Residential

Camilla Molders Design

Look at how dark the walls are! Adding a few lighter colored furniture and decor created a more homey space despite the dark wall.

6. Valley Two

Lindsay Pennington Inc.

The greens and blacks in this living room is enough for anyone to actually like each item inside the space.

7. Papermill Estate East Cobb

Kristin Drohan Collection and Interior Design

This home was designed by Kristin Drohan and it sure looks classy and sophisticated with all the chosen furniture and furnishings.

8. Prior Lake Custom Home

AMEK Custom Builders

There is definitely something in this living room that makes it really fascinating – can’t quite put what it is but it has this awesome look and feel to it.

9. Project 2 in London

Ingrid Rasmussen

Tell me you love this living room, because I know that I do. Look at the stunning chair that complements the yellowish coffee table and the awesome mantle.

10. Real Estate Assignment


Hey want a green and black combo – get a sectional like this one!

11. Road to Emerald City

Larry Hanna

We have featured this living room a couple of times maybe, but this is really one awesome space that I’d love to feature time and time again.

12. The Sandberg Home

Tara Bussema | The Vintage Modern

This is one beach house that I know anyone will love, not just the color combination of the space but also the design and feel of this house.

13. Wicker Park

SuzAnn Kletzien Design

The accent wall of this home is actually catchy and pretty; this is one living room that maybe filled of all the colors you can maybe think of.

14. Alta Plaza Residence

Jennifer Weiss Architecture

This is one simple and minimalist home that sure looks expensive but really comfortable and cozy.

15. Downtown Family Home

Michaela Dodd

This living space looks kind of typical for people without kids just yet. What do you think about it? The color combination is fun and the choice of furnishings is really classy.

16. Edgewater Residence

Design Filter

Interested in creating a space that is spacious and minimal furniture for more traffic? Check out this living room design.

17. Naylor Court Stables


The shade of the sectional is actually pretty, do you agree? It sure complements well with all the black decor and furnishings in this living room.

18. New Single Family Residence

Kindred Construction Ltd.

This living room sure is homey and neat – with the right amount of greens, blacks and whites!

19. Phoenix

IMI Design, LLC

Trimmings of green in this masculine Phoenix living room is pretty amusing.

20. Ulrich Franzen “Castle House”

Schappacher White Architecture D.P.C.

I love the furniture used in this “Castle House,” it is simple but beautiful enough to complement a lovely living space.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the awesome list of 20 Gorgeous Black and Green Living Rooms! Complete with awesome furniture designs choices, awesome furnishings and cute decors that made each living space more beautiful, pleasant and rather eye-catching! If you like, you can also check out the other living room color combos and tell us about what you think about them!

5 Dark Green Bedroom Ideas — Bustling Nest

My absolute favorite color for a moody bedroom is dark green. It’s sophisticated and timeless and doesn’t make the room feel too dark. 

The best part is, it’s easy to decorate with this color and create a breathtaking room with tons of depth and contrast.

The big question is: What homes can pull off this look? Honestly, any style of home can pull this off when it’s done correctly and tastefully! 

This is especially a great option if you live in a historic home or in a historic district. The dark green color gives off a vibe of sophistication and confidence, which perfectly matches the style and aesthetic of historical homes. 

Here are some of my favorite ideas for a dark green bedroom!

1. Add Neutral Colors 

Any time you take on a dark wall color, it’s important to add balance. Using a creamy white comforter on the bed and leather throw pillows will create a perfectly balanced contrast with the walls.

Using neutral colors can also help prevent the room from feeling cave-like by brightening things up.  

Using wood furniture will be great in this space because it feels natural and perfectly aligns with the wall color. 

Leather accents such as leather chairs or pillows will help the space feel moody but sophisticated.

2. Use the Color as an Accent Wall 

If you like the idea of dark green in your room, but you’re not ready to paint the whole thing, start with an accent wall. 

Paint the wall that your bed is on with your favorite shade of dark green. This frames your room, allows the other walls to keep it bright, and adds an unexpected warm touch. 

Add unique sconce lighting on each side of your bed to make this accent wall more dramatic.

3. Utilize Natural Light

Natural light has the amazing ability to transform a space completely. Any room with dark-colored walls can benefit from natural light. 

It brightens up the room effortlessly and transforms a moody space into a vibrant space. 

Try to use light-colored window treatments in a dark green room. This will allow you to have privacy when you need it, but it keeps the room fresh and inviting. 

4. Incorporate Fresh Flowers

Especially if you decide to decorate with light colors and light furniture, bringing fresh flowers into this room is a great idea! 

It brings in a pop of color and a natural element that perfectly plays off the green wall color. Fresh flowers also help a room feel open and welcome, which is great for rooms that could potentially feel dark and closed off. 

Using flowers in a neutral-colored vase is an inexpensive way to enhance this space. 

5. Dress It Up With Textured Walls 

A great way to instantly add class and style into a room is using textured walls. This can be done with spare lumber from other projects, and it makes a huge difference. 

You can create patterns with the lumbar by using uneven pieces and placing them on the wall diagonally, or you can make the wall feel taller by using long pieces vertically. 

Once the lumber is nailed on the wall, paint over it with your dark green wall color.  

This instantly transforms the room, making it sophisticated and intriguing. 

Jessica Childres

Jessica Childres is a Georgia native and former teacher. She loves to share her skills, knowledge and passion with others. She has an ongoing interest in real estate, home decorating, and design.

What the color of your jewelry says about you

Every hunter wants to know.... what his favorite color means. What are your silent companions “talking about”: fiery rubies, “sea” sapphires, celestial topazes or purple agate? We propose to reveal the secret of a colored stone framed in a precious frame, because it is not in vain that psychologists say that the unconscious choice of a certain color is a kind of “marker” of the impression that we want to make on others.

Let's play traffic light: let's go over the entire palette, choose the color of our favorite ring or earrings and find out what it can tell about our character, and at the same time replenish our knowledge with a dozen interesting facts about the meaning of a particular color in a slice of history. We bet you have no idea what was the favorite color of the Spanish nobility and why it was never possible to wear a white dress to a wedding before. nine0003

So, blue, red, blue!

Back to the origins

Of course, the "semantics of color" in the course of world history has undergone changes: toponyms, chrononyms and cultural differences have influenced. Simply put, if travel in time and space were possible, the ancient Chinese would have quarreled to the nines with a South African who believes that red represents sorrow, and not good luck, prosperity and vibrant life. In ancient times, great importance was attached to color: sometimes the entire occult rite was “tied” to the magic of “black” or “white”. The color often served as a safe-conduct and intercessor before evil forces, and, depending on a particular location and local beliefs, could be considered unequivocally “bad” or “good”, “male” or “female”, the color of a high or low class; to be "fire and sword", a protective color, in war, or to be an exclusively "peaceful" color scheme. nine0003

So, in of the Roman Empire the palette was divided according to gender: the green color was considered exclusively “feminine” and the man wearing green had to endure disapproving glances in his direction and listen to the ridicule of passers-by. But purple was considered a symbol of power: if the toga was decorated with a purple stripe, its owner could well be a senator.

Byzantine rulers can be considered in solidarity with the Romans in this matter: the supreme power was designated, among other attributes, by a purple robe. The mosaic that has survived to our times shows us Emperor Justinian I (Iustinianos I) in a tunic of this color. nine0003

Yellow color color could compete for the honorary title of "royal". 17th-18th century, France , absolutism rules in the yard. In the palaces - baroque, and the palm in the palette now goes to yellow - more precisely, gold - the color that still pops up in our heads in the form of a persistent association with the words "wealth" and "luxury".

However, the color of the heavenly body was worshiped, in fairness it should be noted, even the ancient Chinese . It was believed that yellow attire could only be worn by the Son of the Sun or Sky - it emphasized his "unearthly" origin. If a commoner allowed himself to have at least something yellow in his clothes, he could expect a ferocious reprisal.

And here is black “overgrown” with negative symbols far from everywhere and not for everyone. Of course, there would be the least disagreement about him in the imaginary discussion of the “peoples of the world”: for the majority, it is he who is the color of mourning, sorrow and sadness. However, the Spanish monarchs adored black, dressed up in it with pleasure and posed for portraits. A whole gallery of "men in black" can be seen on the canvases of Velasquez. nine0003

White color is not as "innocent" as we used to think. The Japanese lyric clearly tells us that white is literally covered with sadness and separation. Europeans associated him with the other world - what are the images of ghosts. At one time, representatives of royal families dressed in white during mourning. According to the biographers of the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart, she was a big fan of white and one of her conditions for being led down the aisle by Francis II was a white wedding dress. nine0011 In China, white was not considered "bad". It denoted metal and, surprisingly, autumn. In Rus', white is closely associated with church holidays and rituals.

In Egypt, blue and its shades are the colors of fertility, rebirth, the color of the Nile water: if the river was "capricious", this affected the harvest. Also, of course, blue is the sky. Often, blue paint was used to depict the wigs of the gods and pharaohs - to emphasize their "proximity to heaven" and their special origin. nine0003

Color meanings

And now let's move to our time and take a careful look at our hands, neck or earlobes. What color prevails on your favorite jewelry? An important point: look only at those that you wear in the "every day" mode or those that occupy a special place in your heart - only they, like best friends, are able to give the most accurate story about your character.

Red is synonymous with passion, strength, dynamism and lust for life. This color is chosen, as a rule, by a strong-willed, enterprising person, aimed at success. A woman who prefers red stones loves when all eyes are on her. This is a born leader who often acts as a "big sister" for a less "punching" girlfriend. A bright personality and a born speaker, such a woman in any society instantly becomes popular. The opposite sex cannot but like her, however, lady in red herself is well aware of this. It is best to wear jewelry with red stones in accordance with the horoscope, although the case is also acceptable when you literally “become attached” to them with your soul. nine0003

Yellow is chosen by optimists who are not accustomed to obsessing over failures: if it didn’t work out, next time it will definitely work out! It is these people who are called the lucky ones in life, although this is not about luck, but rather about perseverance. Those who wear jewelry with yellow elements easily make contact, love to meet and spend time in companies. Friends love them because they never lose heart and can always give good advice - and not unfounded, but based on their own "stuffed bumps". There are many extraordinary personalities in the "yellow" team who have some kind of unusual hobby - be it bead weaving or dancing of the peoples of the world. nine0003

Green is the most "natural" color. The woman who gives preference to him is self-confident, however, refuses to admit that the recognition of others is still important to her. Often she tries to seem “better than she is”, although this is absolutely not necessary: ​​she is already special and, as soon as she opens up a little, she will surely conquer others, remaining just herself. It is also worth noting that people with good intuition and creative abilities often choose green: they either work in a drawing and graphics studio, or sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to start a story about a dream they just had. nine0003

Blue - the color of the summer sky is found on the jewelry of dreamers and romantic natures, which often “hover in the clouds”. If you prefer blue to all others, then the main thing for you is a rich inner world, and not "sham". Blue tones, azure and turquoise are chosen by women who, when meeting a person, first of all look into his eyes, which, as you know, are the mirror of the soul. They immediately feel the slightest catch in the intentions of a stranger and are very upset if this is confirmed. Falling in love, such women “lose their heads” and literally bloom, emphasizing their newly acquired charms with sky-colored stones. nine0003

Blue - deep as the waters of the ocean, blue often attracts the attention of strong and powerful natures, which at first do not seem so. Outwardly cold and impregnable, the lady with decorations with dark blue stones is like the Snow Queen, to whose heart it takes a long time to pick up the password. And let it be "eternity" familiar from the fairy tale of the same name: the mistress of the "blue" necklace or earrings appreciates love, fidelity and devotion "forever". This woman does not accept social rules and foundations and often does not follow the beaten paths, but her own way, with her own grace, getting out of difficult situations. nine0003

Pink is the choice of those who are “forever young” at heart. Like blue, this is the color of true romantics - with the only difference being that pink lovers are rather extroverts. When they fall in love, they want to shout about it to the whole world, and when they are upset, they cry uncontrollably. Fortunately, they have many good friends who are ready to cheer up when needed, and they themselves are the best friends in the world. A woman who chooses jewelry with pink stones is kind and vulnerable, a real heroine of a fairy tale. It is easy to charm her: if she laughs, she liked not the gentleman's joke, but he himself. Having survived her first love (often unhappy), she will give her heart only to the most worthy. nine0003

Violet is a “magical” color that combines the incongruous – the energy of ice (blue) and flame (red). The owner of purple-colored jewelry is also a non-standard person: if you “get into” her head, you can witness the birth of brilliant ideas, and if you continue searching in her desk drawer, you can see their embodiment on paper. If a lover of "green" jewelry stands firmly on her feet and can balance the "earthly" and creative, then a woman who prefers purple stones sometimes completely renounces her daily routine and dreams of living "not like everyone else." It is interesting that she does a lot for this, so she succeeds. nine0003

A mixture of colors (many colored stones) - "I want everything at once" - the motto of those who are used to getting the best out of life. It seems that success in business, personal and public life goes straight to the hands of people wearing “multi-colored” jewelry. The point is not that the magical power of rauchtopazes, garnets and sitalls attracts to its owner everything she wants (although she herself may believe in their magical properties), but that her character has as many facets as favorite stones combined. And most of them help to achieve what you want, if possible bypassing the annoying, which, as you know, is not uncommon in life. The owner of a whole “palette” on her ring or earrings is like an artist who “draws” her own life, adding as many bright colors as possible and applying wide strokes of them to occasionally appearing black stripes. In other words, she knows exactly how to make lemonade out of sour lemon, so there is a holiday on her street almost all 365 days a year. People around look at her with slight envy, and the owner of the "treasury" is in no hurry to reveal her secret: she knows that she achieves everything with perseverance and diligence, and the magic of her pebbles on a ring or earrings only plays the role of an ideological inspirer. nine0003

Autumn palette

The colors of autumn are traditionally a palette of falling leaves, rays of the summer sun slowly fading beyond the horizon, wet pavement, hot espresso, the steam from which bursts into the cold air, dissolving in it in just a couple of seconds, embers in place recently a flaming fire, and also mushroom caps: blackening wet, red, dark red, purple, greenish. It is recommended to meet the coming season with an updated wardrobe of these deep, but muted tones, but you should choose the brightest jewelry as accents. Take a closer look at the brilliance of the colored stone faces of rings, earrings, brooches, necklaces and bracelets from the My Palette collection and start "drawing" your own autumn mood! nine0003

What color is predominant in your jewelry? Write answers describing your character!

Bottle green in the living room - interesting ideas for decoration

Bottle green evokes positive associations with nature, it is unusually elegant and expressive. This color can give really interesting effects in interior design, but it needs to be handled skillfully.

Bottle glass green is very popular in interior design. In 2013, the shade of the color under discussion was even recognized by the Pantone Institute as the color of the year. Since then, bottle greens have often been used in the design of houses and apartments. nine0003

However, green in this version is a little more troublesome than, for example, its exuberant popular Scandinavian shades. What to combine with bottle green? How to use it in the arrangement of the living room? What accessories to choose for a room with a similar dark green? Check.

Bottle greens in the living room - how to use it?

Color on one wall

One of the rules of the interior says that expressive and dark colors should be used in moderation - especially when it comes to painting walls. A great way to put it into practice is to paint only one wall in the room in such a dark color. nine0003

You can paint bottle green on the surface behind the sofa or on the TV wall. In this way, you will emphasize these corners in the room, and the elegant shade will be a great backdrop for the rest of the arrangement.

A particularly interesting effect can be achieved if the background of bottle greens in the living room is decorated with nature-related decorations, such as botanical posters in a white frame.

Bottle green sofa

If you prefer to use expressive shades with even more moderation, bottle greens can appear in the living room in the form of sofa upholstery. Very fashionable velor models with a simple design. Furniture of this type is quite versatile and even fits into Scandinavian interiors.

Curtains in bottle green

If you want to choose curtains in a dark shade of green, you should know that the choice of material greatly affects how the color will look. Dense heavy velor curtains that do not let in light will retain their original color. On the other hand, lightweight fabrics that allow light to pass through will appear lighter. nine0003

Bottle greens and home accessories

Smaller accents in darker bottle colors can also be a good idea. For example, bottle glass green throw pillows will look great against a mustard or pink sofa.

Bottle green - what to combine with?

• Pink is a trendy yet unusual combination. The combination of pink and bottle green in the living room will give a distinct effect. Shades of dirty pink look especially good in such a duet, as they ensure that dark green will not overload the arrangement. nine0003

• White is an obvious way to brighten up dark green in an interior. A trendy idea is to paint one wall of the living room with bottle green paint and the rest of the surfaces white. This technique will make the light walls reflect the light and, as a result, the dark color will not be gloomy and will not overshadow the rest.

• Black and Gray - If you love a truly expressive interior design solution, a bottle green living room in black or gray is a great idea. In advance, you should pay attention to the level of sunlight inside the interior. Such a color composition in a dark room can make a somewhat disappointing impression. nine0003

• Mustard is a good recipe to liven up a dark bottle green and add an upbeat character to it. Mustard color and bottle greens are a great combination. A green upholstered sofa and matching mustard throw pillows and blankets might be a good idea, for example. And if you want to take it a step further, a mustard-hued sofa would look great against a dark green wall.

Bottle green - living room accessories


If you want to decorate your living room in shades of bottle green, then potted plants will be a great addition to the composition.

The discussed color and flowers will become expressive references to nature, thanks to which the design of the room will evoke even more positive associations.
In addition, indoor plants purify the air of harmful compounds, so in this way you will not only decorate the living room, but also improve the atmosphere in the room.

Wicker and wood

Following in the footsteps of natural sources of inspiration, bottle greens in the living room should be combined with additions made from materials of this type.

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