Garden ideas with ponds
45 Design Ideas to Brighten Your Yard With a Garden Pond
Nothing brightens up a yard and provides interest quite like water features. Not only do you add an entirely new and diverse ecosystem of plants with the creation of garden ponds, but you also invite a relaxing atmosphere into your outdoor living space. Ponds also give an illusion of depth to an otherwise spatially challenged area and provide a draw for beneficial pollinators and birds to your yard.
Ponds are often overlooked in landscape design planning as an unnecessary feature that only creates additional work and effort. However, they require very little maintenance after their initial installation. It’s especially true if you incorporate specific plants that help to naturally filter water and fish that help keep it clear of algae.
There are plenty of ideas to peruse when planning your ideal garden pond, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the amazing ways you can highlight your favorite garden areas. Consider first where you might want to place your pond, and create a list of ideas and tools that would work for you using the compilation provided for you below!
Table of Contents
Reflecting View
Image Credit: bullboy on MorgueFileMake the background of your property double the size with a large reflecting pond that brightens shady areas that occur throughout the day and creates a picturesque reflection of your landscaping.
Here Fishy, Fishy…
Image Credit: Joan Kocur on PicspreeNothing completes a pond quite like the addition of some cold water species, such as goldfish or koi. Not only do they help keep your water clear by munching on unwanted insects, like mosquitoes, but they also help to keep algae from forming.
Bordered Brilliance
Image Credit: Laura Shreck on PicspreeDespite the natural look many ponds can lend to a garden, they also serve well as a garden bed of their own, complete with bordered paving. Waterbeds create an entirely new environment to add an entirely new array of perennials to your landscaping! Try pairing your pond edging and garden bed edging for a professional overall landscaping look.
Puddle Drop
Image Credit: ArmbrustAnna on PixabayPonds are just as charming when they are both small and large. Natural-looking ponds, such as this one, look like a giant, rock bordered puddle- although it hides a wondrous new world when peeked into from above.
Create A Natural Waterfall
Image Credit: Dianne on PexelsWhile many water walls and water features create a sleek, carefully landscaped take on the traditional waterfall, there is something to be said for the beauty of their inspiration. Using stones, create a natural-looking waterfall that will make you feel far away from the city, surrounded by nothing by the natural environment.
Blended Backyard
Image Credit: cpogrund on PixabayIf having a large poolscape is your forte, you don’t need to sacrifice originality for traditional materials. Concrete and natural can be shaped and molded to fit your vision, like this pool made to look like a tropical water feature, complete with flowing water channels, waterfalls, and various vegetation.
Incorporate ‘Floating’ Planters
Image Credit: John Boyer on PicspreeWhen building your pond, include planters that extend to the surface of the pond. It will give the impression of floating planters, allowing you to add your favorite plants and flowers to your pond, even if they arent’ water-friendly options!
Stone Bench Seating
Image Credit: jjekafluf on PixabayIf you’re not interested in committing to a full outdoor entertaining area but still want to have the opportunity to sit and enjoy your pond from time to time, this is the perfect solution. A stone bench is a maintenance-free option that stands up to the elements year after year.
Get Started with a Backyard Pond Kit
Image Credit: AquaScape on AmazonSome of the ideas on this list are large and elaborate. They incorporate fancy water features, decorative landscaping, and pond fish. However, if you want to start with the basics, consider picking up a pond kit. These kits include the various parts of the plumbing, pond liners, filtration, and everything else that you need to make a beautiful outdoor display.
Rustic Wooden Bridge
Image Credit: sonnydelrosario on PixabayA wonderful way to add a rustic touch to your pond space is by adding a DIY wooden bridge to your space. It is a great project for a first-time DIYer to tackle, as any imperfections will just add to the character. You can purchase wood for this project, or if you live somewhere with a forested space, collect wood from your property.
Space Saver
Image Credit: Aquascape on AmazonPonds don’t have to be built into a ground substrate of sorts. Some of the most interesting ponds are designed to fit right into your backyard structures or rest on the surface of your deck or patio space. It is especially helpful if you don’t have space elsewhere or simply don’t utilize certain areas and don’t want to waste the ambiance of a pond where you don’t go.
Natural Filtration
Image Credit: Michelle_Raponi on PixabayDespite fish helping with the cleanliness in ponds, the larger the fish, the more waste they produce. Many ponds have a filtration system, and if you have a pond specific for fish, you may keep a bare pond floor for easy cleanup. However, this isn’t necessary with the steps included in this guide to building a koi pond.
Watery Window
Image Credit: Pennington Aquagarden on AmazonWhy look down into your pond when you can be eye to eye? Specialized tempered glass and plexiglass can be used for outdoor use to get a unique look into the world beneath the water. Consider a clear panel or even round windows giving you a glimpse into the fish in your pond.
Wood Edging
Image Credit: on PexelsWhen we think about ponds, we often picture sandy shores, decorative rocks, or brick pavers. However, there is another beautiful edging idea that can give your backyard pond the finished look that you crave. It is wood edging! It’s the perfect combination of contemporary clean lines and the country feel of the wooden decor.
Cascading Ponds
Image Credit: Roméo Arnault on UnsplashThere is a certain elegance in walkways bordered by flowing water. Let your guests admire your garden beds while serenaded by flowing brooks and falling waters as they meander through your garden walkways.
Harness Solar Power
Image Credit: Solariver on AmazonDo you love the look of a fountain or waterfall in your pond, but you don’t want to run up your bills? While some pumps are run with electricity, there are also great solar power options to consider! Harness the power of the sun to power your water feature. It’s a great green-friendly solution.
Au Naturale
Image Credit: molle wolle on PicspreeNaturally finished ponds are easy enough to achieve, but they often need that one little detail to make the look you desire all come together. Consider the addition of a small deck or the strategic placement of rocks to help break up the pond border and provide a good place to hide your pump system under.
Cozy Corner
Image Credit: Aquascape on AmazonLandscaping sharp corners in a yard can be somewhat problematic if you want to provide flow and cohesion in the garden without making it look too geometric. The key to successful corner plantings is the use of designs that provide both depth and height, and a pond can round that out nicely. The small waterfall in this pond kit is the perfect addition to the corner of any yard.
Play With Symmetry
Image Credit: eduardovieiraphoto on PixabayIf you’re interested in incorporating a unique pond shape while still holding onto the clean, upscale appearance of a professionally installed and landscaped pond, try using symmetry to your advantage. It’s pleasing to the eye and opens the door to more landscaping and decorating options.
Indoor Decor
Image Credit: helicopterjeff on MorgueFileJust how gardens can be both outdoors and in, so can your garden ponds. Add a touch of sophistication to an indoor space with clean modern lines, water features, and your favorite houseplants.
Natural Simplicity
Image Credit: Thomas Northcut on PicspreeWe’ve heard the saying that sometimes less is more, and this can also be applied to your garden pond. A simple pond space with a few rocks around the exterior to frame the space. Not only does it look more like a naturally-occurring pond, but it’s the perfect place to cool off with a refreshing swim.
Frame Your Pond with Potted Plants
Image Credit: artyangel on PixabayLooking for the garden pond feel but unable to plant a garden in your space? Whether you’re renting and don’t want to make any permanent changes to the landscaping in your yard or simply looking for an option that will allow you to easily change up the plants on display, potted plants are the perfect solution.
One of a Kind
Image Credit: PondGuy on PixabayIsn’t creating a one-of-a-kind hideaway everyone’s dream? It certainly is mine, and I can’t stop looking at the combination of the pond, stepping stones, and seating area this design brings together- all while keeping it rustic and not too modern in nature.
Eclectic Lighting
Image Credit: LOGUIDE on AmazonPonds don’t need to be enjoyed only during the day. Design originality goes beyond what you can see by the light of day. Pond lighting can bring your space to life at night using both spotlights and these colorful floating waterlily lights.
Swimming Grotto
Image Credit: Trac Vu on UnsplashA hidden forest swimming hole or a well-managed swimming pool just steps from your backdoor? Utilizing large property spaces to look as if they are part of a natural outdoor sanctuary is an awesome way to plan your landscaping.
Cubic Footage
Image Credit: Andreas Krappweis on PicspreeModern lines don’t always need to be standalone and can be easily incorporated into traditional cottage landscaping with very little ingenuity. Clean pavers, wooden decking, and the greenery of the garden beds as a background make this space inviting.
Make Your Pond Pet-Friendly
Image Credit: Lennart Wittstock on PexelsThey say that dogs are ‘man’s best friend’, so why not include your dog in your planning? When brainstorming your garden pond ideas, choose an overall design that allows your dog to easily come and go. Consider including stairs or a ramp to prevent unnecessary accidents. Don’t forget to choose any plant life carefully and avoid plants that are toxic to dogs.
Stock with Fish
Image Credit: Comstock Images on PicspreeDo you enjoy fishing? If you add a large enough pond to your yard, consider stocking it with fish. Find out what plants and other elements you need to incorporate to create an ecosystem that can sustain your fish over time. It may sound like a lot of work, but it will be worth it to have your fishing spot
Zen Garden
Image Credit: fietzfotos on PixabayDo you need a place to relax and find peace in this busy world? Build your own zen garden, complete with a pond. Any time you need to escape the stresses of your daily routine, you can come out here to listen to the sound of the water and meditate.
Oblong Byway
Image Credit: Wonderlane on UnsplashSo much of putting in a pond is about providing a balance of materials and shapes to provide peace and harmony. This uniquely shaped pond follows the flow of the natural environment around it, providing a tranquil view as you walk alongside.
Deck Overlook
Image Credit: MabelAmber on PixabayThe depths of this narrow pond can be seen from above, providing any fish a great spot to winter and varying footing for different types of water plants seen in and around the pond space. It is a great place to relax outside in the sunshine and enjoy the calm sound of water. A garden pond with decking like the one you see here is the perfect place to relax.
Vegetative Detail
Image Credit: Vito Natale on UnsplashCircular shapes help balance straight lines and sharp corners, but this look doesn’t have to depend on the structure to be complete. Your choice of pond vegetation is just as important to this display, and giant water lilies in this pond are the perfect choice for this project.
Mysterious Pathway
Image Credit: Brad Strait on UnsplashCreate a floating pathway through your ponds that lead to the unknown. Large landscaping rocks, lush moss, and decorative plants create a beautiful location to explore. You can combine this with decorative garden displays to encourage your friends and family to take a journey down the path and discover the hidden secrets that your outdoor space offers.
Image Credit: Hasan Albari on PexelsDon’t end your rock walls, rather extend them into a pond that wraps around and creates a cooling, reflective surface in the shady areas of your garden. This little pond contains a tiny waterfall that extends from the wall for further interest. They can also be built into your pond structure with waterfalls and other features.
Broken Borders
Image Credit: fietzfotos on PixabayWhy have one large pond when you can break them up using garden ornaments, statuary, rocks, and plants? This design creates a series of pools of various heights and depths using the same rocks used along the borders, giving it a natural riverbed look.
Bamboo Pathway
Image Credit: Takmeomeo on PixabayAdd a pathway or bridge across your pond using bamboo for an Asian-inspired aesthetic. Make your path as wide or narrow as you desire to fit your space. You can create a single pathway or combine more than one for additional interest. Not only will it give you a way to cross the pond, but you can also use it as a place to hang out and enjoy the space you have created.
Elevate a Meadow or Open Space
Image Credit: Magda Prokopowicz on PicspreeDoes your property include a large open space like a meadow or field area? If so, you may be looking for a way to bring some interest to the area. You don’t need to fill the space to create a beautiful place to hang out and entertain. Even a small, decorative pond can make a big difference!
Natural Selection
Image Credit: Jupiterimages on PicspreeIn nature, woodland ponds have their own natural features, such as rocky outcrops, wetland vegetation, and the various materials that fall from the trees above, such as branches and leaves. Create your variation of this with delicate pond lilies, large stones, or twisted driftwood or tree branches placed around your pond. You can take this to the next level by introducing natural wildlife, like fish and ducks.
Build Up the Border of Your Raised Pond
Image Credit: Jupiterimages on PicspreeBuild up your raised pond with stones and other natural features to create a more impressive structure. The moss-covered stonework on this pond gives it an older, rustic feel, as if it has aged over time (even if it was just built).
Plants, Plants, and More Plants
Image Credit: paintspreader on PixabayDo you have a green thumb? If so, put it to work and create an eye-catching display by adding a wide variety of different plants, flowers, shrubs, and more in and around your pond. Not only will this improve the appearance of your pond, but you will be able to enjoy a garden pond with natural wildlife coming to visit.
Invite Garden Friends to Join
Image Credit: sberg on MorgueFileYou’ll never have to sit by the pond alone with these adorable garden friends. When building your pond, incorporate gnomes, stone animal figurines, or any other ‘friends’ that you want to have nearby. It is a great way to tie your garden into your garden space by carrying over a theme.
Make A Statement
Image Credit: Mike on PexelsAre you looking for a unique centerpiece for your backyard or outdoor space? Why not use your pond as the opportunity to make a statement? Design the rest of your landscaping around the pond, using it as the inspiration, and incorporate a large, decorative fountain to draw the eye in.
Build A Greenhouse
Image Credit: Skitterphoto on PixabayOutdoor lovers that would love a pond that they can enjoy all year long, regardless of the weather, should take notes from this amazing setup! Build a pond within a greenhouse, offering a dock, bridge, or walkway so that you can go in and enjoy the beauty of the space you have created.
Lovely Lilies
Image Credit: Elina Sazonova on PexelsWaterlilies are usually grown in a submerged pot due to their abundant nature- and desire to cover all available water surfaces. Despite their beneficial qualities as oxygenators, they can end up looking a bit crowded unless you desire a woodland pond look with continued blooms and greenery through the growing season.
Small Natural Stone
Image Credit: ThomasB72 on PixabayAnother example that you can make a big statement with a small water feature, this natural stone pond can fit in small yards or spaces. The gentle waterfall will bring the relaxing sound of moving water, delivering to a basin or even a stream to feed another water feature, if desired.
Pond Mania!
You should no longer have any excuses for creating your own pond scape feature for your garden! The many ideas we put together here incorporate everything from the largest to the smallest yards, including narrow spaces to spacious lawns.
No matter what your landscaping budget is, garden ponds are well within it, especially if you decide to make your own using materials that are inexpensive and easy to find.
20 Beautiful Backyard Pond Ideas For All Budgets
Would you like a fish pond in your backyard? These garden pond ideas feature a range of styles for every budget including above-ground and in-ground backyard ponds. I’ve provided lots of pictures for you to gather ideas.
From there, use this advice for starting a new pond to build your own.
The Beauty of Backyard Ponds
It’s hard to believe that garden ponds were fairly rare not so long ago. Now they are considered an essential part of most backyard gardens.
If you are new to this, this advice for starting a new pond will save you a lot of headaches.
I built my first backyard pond about twenty years ago. After seeing a massive in-ground pond on a rural garden tour, I was hooked (that’s it in the photo above). The sound of the waterfall was enticing. Dozens of fat fish frolicked in the waterfall. Dragonflies dipped down to drink and then zotted off into the garden. Squirrels would lean over the edge, taking sips of water with their little red tongues. Water spiders danced across the surface. Water lily stems held their flowers high above the surface, leaning their pink and white petals toward the sun. Frogs sunbathed and snoozed on the floating leaves. That pond was clearly the heart of the garden and it was just beautiful.
Related: Tips For Attracting Dragonflies To Your Garden
My own first pond was not nearly so grand. In fact, it was simple preformed pond that I buried in the ground, probably not more than 500 gallons. I added a little makeshift waterfall and a couple of aquatic plants. But that was enough to bring the entire garden to life.
What I wasn’t expecting was how a pond—no matter what size—truly transforms a space. Suddenly my little perennial and veggie garden became the hub for all living things in the area. All creatures great and small made use of the fresh water and chose their nesting spots nearby. As someone who loves not just plants but the living things that rely upon and sustain them, this was a wonderful thing.
Since then, I have built several more ponds: in-ground ponds with waterfalls, above ground ponds in containers, bathtub ponds, patio container ponds, and miniature desktop ponds.
What you build will depend on your resources: the space available, your budget, how big or permanent you want the pond to be, if you prefer a naturalized pond or want something with more of a human touch, and what you want the pond to do for your space.
I encourage you to first browse the backyard pond photos below to get inspired and find the type of pond you want. From there, I have provided tips for everything from advance preparations to building your own beautiful pond.
If you just want small pond ideas, see Best Small Pond Ideas for Patios & Gardens.
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Backyard Pond Photos
The first step when planning a pond is to get inspired. There are so many choices to consider:
- Above ground, inground, or partly inground
- Type of materials to contain, surround, and line the pond
- Formal, casual, or naturalized
- Waterfalls, bubblers
- Fish, plants (the other wild things will find it on their own)
I’ve collected ideas, ranging in size from small containers to very large ponds that cover all budgets and styles. I took these snapshots on garden tours and in my own garden, so don’t expect prize winning images, but I think you’ll find lots of ideas for your pond project.
Start collecting ideas by pinning your favorites to a Pinterest board.
Once you know the style you’re after, you can start the real work of planning and building. And attracting frogs.
It’s probably obvious but, the larger the pond, the more likely you are to need professional help with the planning and installation, the greater the cost, and amount of ongoing maintenance work. This said, some of the smaller ponds can be costly too, depending on the choice of materials and whether you buy them new or used.
Some of the product links below go to my affiliate’s account at I encourage you to try and buy used first, or seek out local end of season sales for the best deals.
Watch How to Build a Pond
DIY Pond Tutorial
1Container pond with stained-glass water lily
This is as simple and low maintenance as it gets: a water tight container, a recirculating pond pump, and a stained-glass water lily. This is the type of recirculating pump I use:
Submersible Pond Pump | Amazon
2Formal raised pond with paving stones
I think the secret to how great this pond looks is the use of pavers and having it against the brick wall.3Small whiskey barrel water feature
These whiskey barrel ponds with liners can be purchased as kits. Check the shop listings carefully to be sure it’s the size you want: some of them are doll size! If you can wait until the end of the season, you might be able to find one for a great deal.
Whiskey Barrel Fountain | Amazon
4Old well converted into small garden pond
52-tier wood-framed raised pond with water feature
This one would take some planning to work out the flow of the water from the top tier to the lower tier. Fun idea to add the gargoyle fountain and statues if you dig that kind of thing.
See a Fish Spitter on Amazon.
6Hot tub converted into backyard pond
This pond was created by a friend of Empress of Dirt on Facebook. Her husband built the wood frame around their old hot tub to create this little pond.
7Farm stock tub used as small container pond
Stock tubs come in plastic and galvanized metal. You can find them at farm supply stores. The metal ones are gorgeous but a bit pricey for a little pond. Be sure you choose a style that is water-tight.
Galvanized Raised Bed | Amazon
This pond belongs to Empress of Dirt Facebook friend, Olive:
Got an old bathtub? Turn it into a patio pond!
Wooden Barrel Waterfall
8Pond form in wooden raised bed
This one is from the garden at my previous home. We loved having the pond near the house where we could enjoy it.
I took a pond form and built the raised bed to fit: the instructions are here. Conveniently, it worked for a 4×8′ structure.
Watch How to Add Fish to a Pond
Click here for how to safely add fish to a pond
9Pond form inground garden pond
This was the very first pond I installed in the back garden at my previous home. This was the pond that told the wild things, hey, there’s a great garden here and fresh water! Come enjoy it!
And they did. And yes, I concealed the pond form with flat rocks.
You can buy pond forms like this one at any home and garden store.
Pond Form | Amazon
10Small inground backyard pond with pond liner
This is the pond at my home today. I found a pond liner kit with a pump for 70% off and, because the soil is so sandy (easy to dig), I had it installed within 2 hours. The branches draped across the pond keep the birds of prey from eating my beloved fish.
You can also buy pond kits with liners:
Aquascape 8×11 Pond Kit | Amazon
11Pond liner style inground backyard pond with waterfall
12Midsize inground pond with lilies and small waterfall
13Midsize oval pond with flat stone surround
It takes some planning to have an inground pond like this more formal one that conceals the edges of the pond liner. This deep, flat stone hides it nicely.
14Container pond with water wall
I saw this water wall on a garden tour. If you have a sheltered area without much wind, it’s a neat idea (wind would blow too much water away). You can see how it’s made here.
15Midsize inground garden pond with bridge
16Midsize inground pond with tall grasses
17Midsize inground pond with tall waterfall
18Large double backyard pond
19Large water lily garden pond
20Large backyard garden pond with tall waterfall
Waterfalls can look pretty silly (unnatural and out of place) unless you have a natural hill to work with beside your pond area like this one.
21Large naturalized backyard garden pond with garden art
This was actually the first homemade garden pond I ever saw. It was gorgeous. I went home determined to create my first pond. And I did.
See Bird Garden Art | Etsy
22The number one fan of backyard ponds
It is a badge of honor when the wild things settle in. If they don’t, your pond is too clean! Frogs are honored guests in my pond.
I hope you found some ideas you can use in your garden.
Ready to build your own?
See tips on how to start a pond in your backyard.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to build a pond in your backyard?
This will depend on the size and depth of the pond, if you need to buy materials like rocks to line the pond, and the cost of any landscaping and plants both for the pond and surrounding it.
You could build an inground 4×6-foot pond using a pond form and a submersible pump for a few hundred dollars. You can do it even cheaper if you’re willing to search for a used pond form at yard sales or in online classified ads.
An 8×10-foot inground pond, made with a pond liner kit, complete with a waterfall and 2000 gph (gallons per hour) pump, lined with rocks from a landscaping business, and stocked with aquatic plants and goldfish could cost between $2,000 and $5,000 US.
A larger in-ground pond installed by professionals could cost $10 to $20,000 US or more. I’ve seen magnificent 20×50-foot garden ponds that cost $100k or more. I’ve also seen others that size and budget that were …not good!
That’s why it’s good to have an idea of what you want first, and, if hiring help, be certain the builders share your vision and your budget will cover it.
You could also build a little patio container pond in an old barrel with a liner and small fountain pump for $50 US.
How deep does a fish pond need to be?
Two feet is considered a good minimum depth for the health and safety of pond fish. There are formulas for calculating how much water space each fish should have. I like to allow at least 2 cubic feet of water per fish.
If you are in a cold climate like I am, you have to also plan for overwintering the fish. I use both pond heaters (de-icers that float on the surface and stay heated all winter long) and I keep the recirculating pumps running.
Cold water fish like goldfish and koi go dormant in the cold weather, staying deep down in the pond. They are safe from predators the deeper they can go, and they will not freeze so long as the water is never allowed to ice up or freeze over.
How deep does a frog pond need to be?
Frogs and fish have similar needs in backyard ponds. It’s best if there are deep areas (at least several feet deep) along with shallower areas at least two feet in depth. Greater depths also keep raccoons and other hungry creatures from being able to reach into the water and grab a snack.
Just like fish, frogs will survive the winter if the water continues circulating and is never allowed to ice up or freeze over.
It is also good to let the bottom of your pond naturalize with some mud and dead matter, providing frogs with places to hide and rest.
How do I keep my pond water clear?
It can be a challenge to keep pond water clear. The location of your pond is one big factor. Tree leaves can cause lots of trouble and so can hot sun, which makes algae spread like crazy.
Keeping your pond clear of debris, with the right strength of recirculating pump is good preventative care.
Barley straw is shown to do a good job slowing down or preventing the growth of algae as well.
If you have too many fish for the volume of water, their waste can also dirty a pond. More is not more with fish!
If your water is getting murky, often from algae dispersed throughout the pond, you can try my water filtering trick.
Do you need a liner for a backyard pond?
Probably. A liner keeps the pond water contained and prevents it from seeping into the soil. Without one you may have a muddy pond that constantly needs topping up with water. Options include liners made specifically for this purpose or pond forms which are prefab containers.
Do backyard ponds attract mosquitoes?
All water sources are attractive to wildlife because they need it to survive. To reduce possible mosquito problems, use a proper recirculating pump with your pond to keep the water moving. This not only helps oxygenate the water but prevents mosquitoes from laying their eggs on the surface.
Garden Pond Tips and Ideas
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Empress of Dirt
Beginner Backyard Pond Tips
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~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛
Landscaping of a plot with a domestic pond
Even in ancient times, one of the main elements of a garden plot was water. The pond was organized by one's own hands or professionals were invited to implement the ideas of the owners. The garden by the pond looks beautiful and sophisticated. In such a place you want to relax, you can admire it for a long time. You can spend time with family and friends, surrounding yourself with an attractive landscape. It is worth understanding the organization of the pond in the garden, the nuances of its design and placement.
A pond in the garden or backyard adds an extra element of beauty and tranquility.
Features of the design of the pond in the garden
- Features of the design of the pond in the garden
- The main types of ponds for garden
- Little pond
- Fish pond
- for swimming
- Options
- Pond landscaping options
- Tips and tricks for designing a garden plot with a pond
- VIDEO: How to make a pond in a summer cottage with your own hands.
- 50 options for designing a pond in the garden on the site:
A home pond will become one of the main features of the garden. But before starting work on the implementation of all ideas, it is necessary to carefully consider the concept and type of the future design.
Its main task is to show beautiful aquatic plants, although in large bodies of water you can also have fish, such as carps.
Please note! The construction of a pond will require significant financial investments. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort before you get the desired result.
Choosing the right location is an important step. Many factors need to be taken into account. By placing the pond in an open area under the constant influence of sunlight, the water will constantly heat up. This will provoke the growth of algae, their rapid flowering. The water will always be dirty. Therefore, it is important to choose the right place.
It is recommended to carefully consider the approach to the reservoir. This will make cleaning as easy as possible. It is better not to create obstacles on the line near the coast.
Some boast stunning lighting, unique finishes and even streams that add to the pond's appeal.
The main types of ponds for the garden
It is worth starting with finding out what a pond in a garden can be. There are several main types. They differ in type, purpose and construction features.
Small pond
It has compact dimensions and is built as a decoration for a garden plot. Such an option does not imply any active recreation. Performs only a decorative role. Suitable for small areas where the area of the territory is very limited.
A miniature pond can be built even with little money and in a small area.
The perfect replacement for a standard aquarium. The shape of the reservoir can be any. The main condition for the creation is that the fish should be as comfortable as possible in organized conditions. A pond can become a habitat for ornamental fish or those suitable for fishing. It is necessary to organize a high-quality filtration system and enrich the water with oxygen.
Don't overdo the expressive plants along the coast. For a small pond in the country, a couple of bright accents are enough.
For swimming
The pool is a type of artificial reservoir. But it will only be possible to organize it if there is enough space. Therefore, it is suitable for large areas. You can organize everything so that the pond will be both a decorative element and a place for outdoor activities.
A pond in a country house not only as a decorative element of landscape design, but also as a small body of water where you can swim with pleasure on a hot day.
Possible others
Another species is the ornamental pond. It is a reservoir with great depth, equipped with lighting, a bridge and curbs. Arranged for decorative purposes.
In bright light, algae grow actively, and ornamental aquatic plants do not develop well in dimly lit areas.
Options for placing a pond in the garden
It was noted that the choice of a place where a pond will be located is an important step.
The diversity of the terrain will add dynamics to the site.
To make the right decision, it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:
- The size of the garden. The smaller it is, the smaller the pond itself will be. Organizing a pool in a small area simply will not work;
- Land relief. This will affect the shape of the pond itself;
- What is the composition of the soil.
Groundwater is also important. The depth of the reservoir depends on these factors. Sometimes it is necessary to use additional consumables to make the pond deep enough;
- Light level. The detrimental effect of constant sunlight on water and plants in a reservoir has already been noted. Therefore, a dark place will be suitable, where the sun will fall for 5 hours a day. It is better to pre-observe the regime of the sun for several days in order to choose a suitable site;
- Visibility. Such an idea has a decorative function. Therefore, it is better if the pond is visible from the windows of the house or from the gazebo;
- General landscaping. If there are trees nearby, their roots should not damage the body of the reservoir. Also in the autumn, leaves and branches from nearby plants and shrubs will fall on the pond. They will also complicate the care of the pond. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully consider these little things so that it turns out not only beautiful, but also practical, convenient;
- Availability of power supply.
Some decor elements can only work on electricity. And if its presence is not provided for on the site, problems will arise. The situation can be corrected by high-quality electrical wires to the water. It is recommended in advance, at the stage of developing a project for a future design, to think over this issue. It is better that the wires run underground. This is the safest option;
- Future improvements. It is worth considering whether it is planned to expand the installed structure, make it larger or increase the amount of decor. Then you should leave a small free area on one side in order to realize ideas in the future.
Landscaping options for a garden with a pond
After choosing a suitable location, it's time to decide how to decorate the pond. There are many options. Landscape design offers a wide range of different decorative solutions.
One option is to install a decorative fountain. You can make it yourself or buy ready-made. If there is additional space, you can supplement the composition with a bridge and garden figurines.
It does not require a lot of space, and with its help you can zone the site, select certain objects.
Plants are often used for decoration. They are divided into shallow and deep water. For planting the latter, special baskets are used, placed at the bottom of the pond.
Important! Deep water plants should occupy a maximum of 30% of the total water area. Otherwise, visually the reservoir will look like a swamp.
Care must be taken when planting the plants, as they will grow larger and more luxuriant over time.
Do not plant it with plants: let the sky reflect in the surface of the water, visually increasing the size of the pond.
You can plant nymphs. And only after that proceed to placing a decorative stone at the bottom. In the terrace area, it is recommended to plant sedge, susak, marsh calla. For the water surface, a swamp, hyacinth or rogulnik is suitable.
Locate free-form ponds away from habitation close to natural surroundings.
Fountains and streams create the effect of water moving in a natural flow. A stream can be let through the entire territory of the garden, using the same materials as in the construction of a reservoir.
If the pond is small, narrow, do not plant tall plants close to it. They will grow and completely close it.
Not only the structure itself needs decoration, but also the area around it. A decorative stone is suitable for the path. To create an original ensemble will allow tiles of different sizes. Additionally, spotlights or small lanterns can be arranged around the perimeter. In the evening, soft light will create a magical atmosphere.
Even a small do-it-yourself pond can be supplemented with the attributes of a large one: a stream or a waterfall flowing into it.
Designing a bathing pond should begin with the arrangement of the surrounding area. It can be given the look of a sunny beach. It is enough to scatter sand nearby, put a table, an umbrella and sun loungers.
This design of the pond on the site will create a beach atmosphere.
Tips and tricks for designing a garden plot with a pond
When the main work is completed, the decoration phase begins. In landscape design, there are a lot of elements and techniques for decorating a pond and its surrounding area. You can run live fish, plant aquatic plants, place benches and gazebos nearby. For convenience, the paths are decorated with gravel or special tiles. In order for the created beauty to be noticeable even in the dark, as well as to create a cozy atmosphere, it is worth organizing night lighting around the perimeter.
Pond shore can be reinforced with stone, gabions, concrete slabs.
When arranging, you should follow the following tips:
- To create an interesting composition, you should choose stones of different sizes and avoid sharp elements;
- When creating a reservoir, it is not recommended to dig too deep a pit, supplemented by sheer walls.
This design is difficult to decorate;
- The lowest point of the pond must be below the ground freezing point. This rule is especially relevant when planning the placement of fish in a pond. This will allow them to comfortably wait out the winter period;
- Do not overload the design with landscaping. At least half the pond should remain free;
- It is better to start the construction of a reservoir in the spring;
- It is recommended to install a quality water filtration system. The ideal option is a combination of a biological filter type with a mechanical one;
- To protect the fish from cats and other animals, it is worth installing a fence.
The pond is a real decoration of any area. It is necessary to decide in advance on its design and think over every detail carefully. This will avoid many problems when performing work on the construction and design of the reservoir.
A pond with a fountain in the middle looks harmoniously in a large garden, becoming its integral element.
VIDEO: How to make a pond in a summer cottage with your own hands.
50 options for designing a pond in the garden on the site:
DIY pond in the garden photo: original ideas and design
A decorative pond is not only one of the most beautiful elements of landscape design, but also an ideal place to relax - water soothes, relaxes, saturates the air with freshness and coolness. It is not easy to make and equip a pond, but with the desire and perseverance, you can easily overcome any difficulties.
Pond in the garden: how to choose a site and not make a mistake with the shape and size
Do-it-yourself pond in the garden
Do-it-yourself original pond in the garden photo
Do-it-yourself pond in the garden photo: choosing plants for compositions
Do-it-yourself decorative pond in the country
Having a beautiful pond in the garden is the dream of any summer resident. In order for the reservoir to be original and easy to care for, it is necessary to think through all the details: choose a location, select materials, select residents and plants, and then proceed with construction.
Pond in the garden: how to choose a site and not make a mistake with the shape and size
Reservoirs in the garden of bizarre and sinuous forms
At the initial stage, often due to their inexperience and ignorance, gardeners make mistakes that can cause many problems in the future. Only the right terrain, size and shape, ideally suited to the area of the site, is the key to successful construction. That is why, before carrying out such work, a scheme is drawn up and planning of landscape design objects and buildings in the garden is carried out.
Site selection
- An open area is best suited for a pond, as tall trees and shrubs will constantly clog the water. Alternatively, you can cover the surface with a net for the period of leaf fall, but in the summer the protection will have to be removed, and the debris from the surrounding plants will still be at the bottom of the reservoir.
A pond placed in the shade will take a long time to warm up, especially in early spring.
- It is very important that the selected area is exposed to sunlight either in the morning or in the afternoon.
- The surface of the construction site must be perfectly level. Even a slight difference in elevation can spoil the whole appearance, for example, waterproofing protruding from high banks does not look at all aesthetically pleasing.
Small round pond for summer cottage
The laws of landscape design say that for a small palisade in a natural style, the best solution is a sinuous, intricate shape. As practice shows, it is quite problematic to place such a pond in a small area, and it will look comical.
But this is not a reason to refuse a reservoir, you can make a waterfall with a height difference or a small semi-fountain. With proper decoration, even the simplest geometric model will fit into all sorts of plantings without disturbing the landscape.
Small pond near the house combined with rockeries
If the palisade is designed in a certain style, then the pond must also correspond to it. So, for the English style, a round pond is suitable, for the classic one - with strictly defined corners, and the oriental design will allow you to choose a completely arbitrary shape.
Size and depth
Small pond for a small summer cottage
A garden pond does not have to be large, even if the area allows. A properly placed small pond will look much more spectacular than a lake in the middle of a lawn. Although the larger ones are easier to care for, easier to decorate and can be used for swimming or fishing.
The optimal depth of the pond is from 30 to 50 cm, under such a water column it will be comfortable for both vegetation and living creatures. But it should be borne in mind that such a reservoir will freeze through, and fish and plants will have to be relocated for the winter. It is much easier to mount and decorate a shallow pond with gentle banks.
Do-it-yourself pond in the garden
Garden pond tank made of pebbles and concrete
Garden ponds are mounted from a wide variety of materials: plastic, concrete, stone, film, geotextile. You can also buy a ready-made base - it is relatively easy to install, it is suitable for overwintering aquatic plants and has a fairly long service life.
The purpose of the pond can be different:
- cast-iron tub or garden cart mini pond;
- decorative swamp, which can be used to drain a problem area;
- abode for local flora and fauna;
- a haven for exotic fish and plants;
- pool with overflowing water.
Preformed pond construction
Garden pond mold
With a specially designed polyethylene or fiberglass tank, creating a small mini-pond with stagnant water is quite simple. They come in a variety of shapes and types and are sold in specialized stores and at thematic landscape design exhibitions.
Preparing a hole for a mold for a garden pond
- Place a two-level base in the predetermined place and outline its contours on the ground, adding 15 cm for the seams. Dig a pit for one level, and then, after trying again, for another, but 15-20 cm deeper than the bath itself
- Thoroughly remove stones and plant debris from the recess and tamp down well. Next, make a layer of dry sand, 10 cm thick, level it. Using a level and a rod, make sure that the container is installed correctly.
- Fill the resulting air space with sand, moistening it until it stops seeping down. At the same time, fill the pond with water and monitor its level. If necessary, twist until the position is even.
- After 24 hours, check if the reservoir has subsided. If this happens, add sand and tamp. Then empty the container, wash and pour clean water.
- That's it, the pond is ready for decoration. Lay stones around it or make paths from colored gravel, plant plants in containers.
DIY pond in the garden photo
Original bathroom pond with fence
Often the main determining factor when choosing one of the options for an ornamental pond is the financial side. We offer some very original and relatively inexpensive ways to build a treasured water structure.
Original pond for a small suburban area
Second life
Old barrels located in a secluded place will serve as an excellent habitat for aquatic plants. The principle of laying such a mini-pond is the same as in the previous method. Wooden barrels are best used from oak, the main thing is that they are not dried out. But with metal containers you will have to tinker a bit: wash, cover the outer surface with bitumen, and paint the inner surface with black oil paint to give visual depth.
Small barrel or basin pond
Man-made lake
What could be more charming than a small lake next to a country house? You will need a plastic film that can be wrapped around pieces of cardboard and plywood 3 by 3 meters or similar pieces of plastic (5 pieces).
Beautiful garden pond with waterfall
Will have to work hard:
- dig a pit with a volume of 3*3*3 m;
- fix the ground (using thin plywood or construction cardboard), if plastic compound is not installed, then pre-cover them with plastic wrap;
- perfectly evenly install the plastic coating of the inner surface and bottom.
As a result, your creation will please the eye for more than one year.
Raised Pond
Garden tub pond with fountain
If the homestead territory is already quite small, this is no reason to deprive yourself of the pleasure of admiring the water composition. The basis can serve as an ordinary old bath, the sides of which will successfully disguise wood or stone. This design is not recommended for breeding fish, but it is ideal for aquatic plants and snails.
Original raised pond in bowl
For ease of cleaning in the pond and masking the white enamel, use a black film, fixing its edges with decorative stones so that the bath is not visible at all.
Do-it-yourself pond in the garden photo: choosing plants for compositions
Without a doubt, a pond made by one's own hand is a great achievement, but in order for a pond to attract the eye and have a rest, one should choose the vegetation well.
Floating crops
A key place in every garden pond is occupied by the well-known water lily or nymphea (lat. Nymphaea). Many small-flowered and large-flowered varieties allow you to beautifully design a pond of any size.
Water lily or Nymphaea (lat. Nymphaea) for the pond
For example, dwarf water lilies (Pygmaea Alba, N. tetragona, Marliacea Rosea) are the most suitable for a small pond, as they can visually increase the area. It is not advisable to plant other floating plants next to the nymphaeum, as well as erect a rockery or fountain (splashes can harm the leaves).
Marsh turkey (Hottonia palustris) and water buttercup (Ranunculus aquatilis) will look very expressive on the water. These species are unpretentious, a piece of shoot is enough for their reproduction, but they are completely unsuitable for wintering under the ice, therefore, for the period of cold weather, the plants should be transferred to the basement.
Shallow water plants
Features of the root system of amphibian crops make them most suitable for landscaping decorative swamps, reservoirs located in low areas, as well as shallow waters. This group includes: iris, marsh marigold, manna, arrowhead.
Coastal area
Bathing suit (lat. Tróllius) for decorating the coastal zone of a reservoir
The selection of a plant for framing a pond depends on the level of soil drainage and the depth of groundwater. Geuchera (Heuchera), daylilies (Hemerocallis), bathing suit (Tróllius), Siberian iris (Íris sibírica), cornflower (Thalictrum) will take root on the gently sloping wet shore. Numerous varieties and the most unusual color schemes make it possible to combine these aquatic plants favorably.