Fruit flies in the bedroom
The 10 Most Common Fruit Fly Questions Answered
It’s not fun dealing with fruit flies in your kitchen – or anywhere else for that matter.
These bugs seem to be present at all times of the year and are a frustrating pest to battle. For one thing, their small size makes them difficult to see until they’re buzzing by your face. They also seem to reappear even after you’ve cleaned everything you can think of that might attract them.
Get Rid of Fruit Flies Today
Of course, the best way to defeat an enemy is to understand him. With that in mind, we’ve assembled a list of the most common questions people have about fruit flies, their habits and the best ways to get rid of fruit flies.
1 – WHAT ARE FRUIT FLIES ATTRACTED TO?Fruit flies are attracted to the scent of ripened fruits and vegetables, both of which are commonly found in your kitchen. Alcohol and sugary drinks are also on the menu for hungry fruit flies.
Those are the most obvious attractants, but non-food items can also draw in fruit flies, especially cleaning supplies. Don’t be surprised if fruit flies feed on the residue remaining on damp mops, moist cleaning rags and sponges, or near buckets of wastewater.
Most of all, it’s important to know they only need a thin layer of fermenting material to thrive and lay eggs, so extreme cleanliness is vital.
2 – CAN FRUIT FLIES MAKE YOU SICK?Unfortunately, fruit flies can easily pick up filth and contaminants from the objects they land on – especially since many of their favorite food items are found in our waste receptacles.
Further, their larvae, which develop in the fermenting fruit they prefer to eat, can cause stomach distress or illness when unintentionally consumed by people. Even larvae can transfer contaminants from their parents’ breeding site to fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are the primary places where adult fruit flies lay their eggs. To do so, the produce needs to be overripe or rotting – they won’t try to burrow into food that is not yet fermenting. Once conditions are right, the adult fruit fly breaches the outer portion of the fruit or vegetable and deposits eggs inside.
Overripe produce is not the only place where fruit flies can lay their eggs, though. Look for small accumulations of sludge that fruit flies can utilize for laying eggs. This sludge is best described as a goopy solution of debris and liquid that collects in the bottom of trash cans, inside garbage disposals, inside plumbing and in the seams of appliances. Even a small amount of sludge can host a few fruit fly eggs.
4 – CAN FRUIT FLIES LIVE IN DRAINS?Fruit flies eagerly live and breed inside drains, where they can often find the food and moisture they need. Though it may seem like they would get washed away whenever you run your faucet, they often survive this flood of water.
Also be aware that the bugs you think are fruit flies may actually be drain flies, so determine what you are dealing with before taking further action. Get rid of drain flies, which look more like tiny, fuzzy moths with TERRO® products.
5 – DO FRUIT FLIES DIE IN THE WINTER?Winter weather doesn’t kill off fruit fly populations – after all, winter in many areas can be quite warm. Cold temperatures, however, will stunt the development of new generations of fruit flies.
Scientists have found that at 60°F, the lifespan of fruit flies decreases. When the temperatures fall below 53°F, these flies stop developing entirely.
Still, adult fruit flies have the ability to “overwinter” when conditions get too extreme for them. This allows a fruit fly population to survive frigid temperatures and start the next generation when favorable conditions return.
6 – CAN FRUIT FLIES GET THROUGH SCREENS?There’s some debate on whether fruit flies can wiggle their way through window and door screens. Part of the problem is that not all screens are made the same way, so one screen may keep fruit flies out, while another may not. Further, screens aren’t the only opening that may be letting fruit flies into a home. Opening and closing doors, gaps in the structure, and plumbing could all be allowing fruit flies to enter a home.
Fruit flies don’t discriminate about where they get their nourishment – if they can find something to eat in your bedroom, bathroom or living room, they’ll stick around.
If an area not normally associated with food storage or food consumption has a fruit fly problem, do a thorough cleaning of the room. Look for food that may have been dropped or spilled. Carpets may harbor some moisture from spilled wine, beer or soda. All of these items are major fruit fly attractants.
In a bathroom, check drains and garbage cans for sludge that may be attracting fruit flies.
8 – WILL FRUIT FLIES DIE ON THEIR OWN?If you’re willing to wait a long time and keep an area absolutely spotless, then yes, a fruit fly population will eventually deplete its food sources (which also serve as their breeding site).
This is easier said than done, of course. After all, who wants to wait out such an infestation when there are simple steps to take to eliminate these pests? If you do not want to wait, TERRO® has you covered, place one of our TERRO® Fruit Fly Traps and take care of these unwanted pests.
9 – WHY ARE FRUIT FLIES IN MY HOUSE PLANTS?We mentioned earlier that insects in your drains could actually be drain flies. Similarly, if you’re seeing a haze of flies lingering around a potted plant, then you may have fungus gnats, not fruit flies. Fungus gnats live and breed in the soil, and rarely travel far from it.
Further, fungus gnats are shaped more like a mosquito, while fruit flies bear a certain resemblance to house flies; the main differences being that fruit flies are smaller and tan-colored with red eyes.
10 – HOW CAN I GET RID OF FRUIT FLIES?To properly battle fruit flies in your household, you should start by placing fruit fly traps in problem areas. You can make your own trap, but it’s easier and far more pleasant to use a pre-manufactured trap.
Next, clean the problem room thoroughly:
- Remove spilled or dropped food.
- Empty trash cans and clean them.
- Clean grime off of appliances, including your dishwasher.
- Scour cabinets, which may have food residue on them.
- Flush out sinks and drains with a cleaning fluid.
- Keep sinks dry when not in use.
- Dispose of or clean mops, cleaning rags or sponges.
- Remove any food that could be attracting fruit flies.
With those chores done, keep your fruit fly traps on your counter for several weeks and replace them as necessary.
YOUR FRUIT FLY BATTLE PLANNow that you have more information on what makes fruit flies tick, we want to hear from you about your efforts to eliminate your fruit fly problem. Let us know in the comments below or when you visit TERRO® on Facebook. You can also learn more about fruit flies and other insects on our YouTube channel and the TERRO® Insect Library.
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Recommended Fruit Fly Solutions
How to Get Rid of Gnats in the Bedroom & Bathroom | Home Guides
By Kimberley McGee Updated October 30, 2019
Those tiny unwanted guests that take over bedrooms and bathrooms can become an annoying nuisance. Gnats and fruit flies can be removed from the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or any other living area that has become infested with the insects. A well-made flying insect trap can significantly cut down on the minuscule germ carriers that have made your house their home.
How a Gnat Trap Works
A gnat infestation can be brought down quickly with a simple trap. Setting out the right bait in the correct way can draw the tiny buggers away from your space and to their early demise.
Gnats are drawn to the scent of rotting food or sweet scents, such as banana pieces, a rotten apple, ripe berries and fleshy stone fruits. Place a small piece of bait in a bowl and cover it with water or apple cider vinegar. Cover it with plastic wrap and poke small holes with a toothpick into the top of the wrap. The gnats will be drawn to the sweet scent and drown in the liquid, unable to find their way out of the small holes in the top of the homemade trap.
Place a small gnat trap around houseplants to control the bug population. Spray the plant down with a mist of water to further dampen their control over your living space. You can also place double-sided tape on windows and areas where the gnats are most prevalent.
Creating a Gnat Trap
You can use an empty liter or pint soda or water bottle to create a gnat trap from household items. It takes just a few minutes, and it immediately will begin to remove those pesky flying invaders from your bedroom, bathroom and connected areas. The flying pests are attracted to the whiff of the sweetened bait and travel down the narrow opening of the water bottle and drown before they can find their way out.
Fill a used plastic water or soda bottle with apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap. Shake the bottle with the cap on to coat the inside with the soapy liquid. The apple cider vinegar will attract the gnats, and they will drown in the liquid. The soap on the insides of the bottle will attach to their wings and otherwise debilitate the gnats.
This type of trap works for most unwanted winged pests, including fruit flies and white flies that can come with new houseplants. It can also work well on houseflies if the opening is wide enough and the bait sweet enough. Change the bait often because gnats and fruit flies can get bored with the original source of their attraction and resist a homemade trap.
Gnats in My Room
Fruit flies in the bedroom are annoying space invaders. They make a cozy and chill space into a war zone as they dip and dive over your face. Gnats or fruit flies may have gathered in your bedroom for a few reasons, including:
If no forgotten food is lying about, you may have a water issue. Check for leaks in a nearby bathroom or along the roof line. Houseplants can also host hundreds of tiny gnats. They live in the soil and hide in the foliage, making themselves known only when they become a nuisance and fly through that sacred sleeping space. Hampers can hold moisture and possibly create a space in the seams or ridges where gnats can congregate. Sinks and tubs that aren’t used can also become an ideal environment for the flitting pests.
- University of Florida: Eye Gnats, Grass Flies, Eye Flies, Fruit Flies Liohippelates spp.
- Good Housekeeping: 5 Genius Ways to Kill Fruit Flies
Writer Bio
Kimberley McGee is an award-winning journalist with 20+ years of experience writing for a variety of clients, including The New York Times, Las Vegas Review-Journal Home section and other national publications. As a professional writer she has researched, interviewed sources and written about home improvement, interior design and related business trends. She earned a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her full bio and clips can be viewed at
step-by-step instructions with expert advice
We used to call midges everything small with wings, but behind this word there are many varieties of insects. Each of them has their own motives for moving into your apartment, their own tastes and their own weaknesses. Let's figure out who they are - your uninvited neighbors - and how to get rid of them.
Reasons for the appearance of midges in an apartment
Of the abundance of insects in apartments, two or three species of midges most often settle. The most common fruit, or Drosophila. They usually start in spoiled fruits and vegetables - they are attracted by the smell of fermentation. They are harmless, but very annoying. These insects get into the apartment along with the harvested crops or products bought in the store. In warmth, they wake up, and then begin to actively multiply. By the way, this midge is not easy, but very valuable. nine0003
- Drosophila is a model object of geneticists, thanks to this fly, the structure of DNA has been discovered, and many scientific and medical discoveries are now being made, - says entomologist Mikhail Krivosheev .
In addition to fruit flies, there are other insects in houses.
- In apartments, you can often find sciarids (mushroom gnats) living in the soil in pots with houseplants. These are small, less than 1 mm, black midges, their larvae develop in the ground. They do not cause harm to plants, only aesthetic hostility, - says Mikhail Krivosheev. - Worse than whiteflies, pests of plants - their larvae feed on the juice of indoor flowers. nine0003
Many midges are attracted to moisture. They love to live in basements and any place that is damp, rotten or moldy. Therefore, by the way, midges often appear where the garbage is not taken out in time.
- The same basement midges are able to fly into apartments and often they bother the residents of the first three floors, - Nadezhda Mirasova , an employee of the SES Dezservice Service, clarifies .
Effective ways to get rid of midges in an apartment
Finding and eliminating the source
Efficiency: high
The most difficult thing here is to find the source of midges. If you're dealing with fruit flies, go through your supply of fruits and vegetables. Take everything that is rotten and throw it away, and wash the rest and, ideally, put it in the refrigerator or on the balcony - where it is colder. Watch out for those fruits that show signs of falls or impacts, these spoil faster than others.
If you are attacked by midges that love moisture, the tactics are somewhat different. nine0003
- If the midges have chosen a flower, then most likely it is watered too often. Wet soil is infected, so the plant will have to be transplanted. If they started up because of rotting organic garbage, dispose of it, advises Nadezhda Mirasova.
In the case of fungus gnats, you can use top drainage: pour fine expanded clay, gravel or sand over the soil in a pot. Such drainage will dry quickly and insects will not be able to lay eggs, so you will soon be able to get rid of midges in the apartment. nine0003
Efficiency: medium
You can get rid of midges, which love the smell of sweet and fermented, with a trick. There are many instructions on the net on how to assemble a fruit fly trap from improvised means. For example, you can pour any sweet liquid into a deep bowl, be it apple cider vinegar, beer or honey. From above, you need to stretch a transparent film over the bowl and make holes in it with a toothpick so that the flies can easily soak their wings, but they could no longer fly out into the wild. Let the trap stand for some time where the most midges fly. Later, check how many fruit flies fell for your trick and found their inglorious end in the bowl. nine0003
If you are too lazy to assemble the trap, you can buy it in the shop.
Sticky tape
Efficiency: medium
If there are a lot of insects and there is no time to wait until they all fall into the trap, use the old proven fly tape. Place it near fruits or next to an affected plant so that as many flyers as possible are captured. For greater efficiency, it is worth spraying the tape with something odorous so that it attracts midges. nine0003
Efficiency: high
— To remove midges in the apartment once and for all, you can use purchased insecticides: agents like Raptor, Dichlorvos or Reid, advises Nadezhda Mirasova.
Spray on shelves, racks and window sills where potted plants are placed. Spray the area near the trash can and all the nooks and crannies of the apartment where the humidity is high. Make sure that there is no food, utensils, and pets in the treatment area - take cages with hamsters and birds away. nine0003
Use mosquito repellent. If you plug them into an outlet near those places that midges have chosen, this will scare them away.
You can also use insecticides to cultivate the soil in pots. In gardening stores, you can find chemicals in the form of granules, which, when added to the soil, will poison all unwanted guests. The most famous insecticides are Agravertin, Inta-vir, Fitoverm, Karbofos, with their help it is also possible to get rid of midges in the apartment.
Pest control
Efficiency: high
Midges are often found in abundance where they are rarely cleaned. Such an atmosphere attracts not only midges, but also other insects, in which case it is more profitable to hit all the “residents” at once.
- It is more effective than store-bought and folk remedies, of course, to call professionals who will carry out pest control, and at the same time poison cockroaches and bedbugs. The drugs that are currently being used are not dangerous for humans and animals and act exclusively on insects, Nadezhda Mirasova recalls. nine0003
Exterminators usually use a cold mist generator. With it, insecticides are broken down into tiny particles and cover all surfaces in the treatment area - this is a sure way to get midges out of the apartment once and for all. However, such processing is a troublesome business for the owners of the apartment: they will have to vacate the housing for a while, and then carry out a thorough cleaning.
Frequently asked questions and answers
What harm do midges do?
Most of these midges are harmless to humans and only irritate with their flickering. nine0003
- Sciarids do not harm either humans or plants. Drosophila fruit flies are also harmless and feed only on decaying plant debris and rotten plants. But whiteflies are dangerous for flowers, as they feed on their juices, - warns entomologist Mikhail Krivosheev .
Biting midges are, most often, vagrant individuals - midges.
What repels midges?
People say strong odors such as mint, horseradish, or lavender repel flies, but these folk remedies have not been proven to be effective. nine0003
- The same fruit flies can develop on any decaying plants, including onions and garlic. So at least the smell of these plants does not scare away Drosophila, - explains entomologist Mikhail Krivosheev .
- It is said that midges do not like the smell of geraniums. How true this is, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it myself, Nadezhda Mirasova admits.
On the other hand, these funds are very budgetary, so you can go for experiments.
where they come from, what means to use, the most effective ways
Illustration, midge bite mark
Causes of
Small fruit flies (Drosophila) in nature feed on any organic matter, such as fruits and rotting plant debris. They lay their eggs on fruits, vegetables and even mushrooms. Together with the fruits of plants, as well as on animal hair, on clothes or shoes, Drosophila eggs and larvae get into houses and apartments. During the day, the female can lay from several hundred to one and a half thousand eggs. Therefore, even a couple of insects can literally "occupy" the premises in a few days. nine0003
The main food of midges is perishable foods and other organic matter.
At home, this is:
ripe, overripe or rotten fruit;
water, dirt and grease;
leftover food in pet bowls;
spilled fermented milk products;
wine and juice residues.
Sciarids (earth midges), which can be found near pots with indoor plants, are also distinguished by good fertility. They penetrate into apartments in the absence of nets on the windows, through cracks and the ventilation system from the entrance, basement or from neighbors. Also, larvae of earth midges can be brought into the room in a pot along with an infected plant. "Water midges" breed in damp places (in aquariums, showers, sinks or bathrooms), and clothes get into houses on dirty hands or clothes. nine0003
Species of midges
In nature, there are more than 2 thousand varieties of winged insects. In everyday life, this group includes flies and other small midges (including microscopic ones), which scientists do not classify as midges. Despite the diversity of species, only a few inhabit the human dwelling. Some of them deliver only aesthetic discomfort only by the fact of their presence. Others are capable of inflicting bites, especially dangerous for sensitive people and those suffering from allergies. nine0003
In the house and apartment most often appear:
- Drosophila are fruit flies that look like very small flies. They cannot physically bite through human skin, but the eggs they lay in food can cause food poisoning.
Therefore, at the first sign of their presence, it is important to immediately get rid of pests.
- Sciarids are soil (leaf) mosquitoes that lay their eggs in plant roots. They can be carriers of diseases, and their larvae take nutrients from the soil and eat the root system. This slows down growth and interferes with flowering. nine0122
- Sewer midges (humpbacks) are small insects that have something similar to hairline. They are dangerous because they carry pathogenic bacteria.
- Whiteflies are insects 1.5-3 mm long, covered with white powdery pollen. Their presence is easily identified by a white sticky coating on the shoots. Whiteflies feed on plant sap and lay scale-like larvae on the underside of leaves.
- Clothes midges prefer to live among stale or damp clothes in a wardrobe. There you can find both adults and larvae. nine0122
Elimination of causes depending on the type of midges
Prevent the appearance of pests by destroying their food supply and eliminating comfortable conditions for the midges to live. Control methods depend on the specific type of insect.
Fruit flies
To get rid of food pests, food contaminated with them should be removed. Best in the refrigerator. Most often, these are rotten fruits or vegetables in the trash can or pantry. It is enough to throw out the rotten fruits so that after a couple of days the fruit flies disappear from your home. nine0003
Another food fly feeder is spoiled grits. Checking for pests is simple: pour the product from one container to another and look at its condition. Throw away the rotten cereals, and close the high-quality ones tightly and put them in a dry place. After that, it remains to do the cleaning using detergents.
Humps in pipes
These insects love moisture. You can prevent the appearance of humpbacks if you monitor the condition of water supply systems and prevent blockages and water leaks. Repair or replace leaking pipes, clear clogged siphons with drain cleaners. The water seal must function and prevent the appearance of insects. nine0003
Treat plums regularly with disinfectants for prevention, and use insecticidal sprays to kill pests.
Fungal midges in houseplants
These insects appear in excessively moist soil. Therefore, you need to follow the watering schedule and control the soil moisture in pots with indoor plants. It is also important to properly organize drainage and use mineral fertilizers in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. nine0003
Prevention of mushroom midges consists in the regular treatment of indoor plants with special preparations. If insects are found, it is necessary to replace the soil (partially or completely) and treat it with a fungicide.
Little-known species of midges
Much less often you have to deal with clothes midges. You can prevent their appearance with the help of lavender twigs. The smell of this plant repels insects and prevents them from settling in the closet. Of course, the clothes stored there must be dry and clean. Install repellant-treated netting on windows and ventilation ducts to keep out midges, fruit flies, and any other insects. If you need to get rid of insects, use traps and insecticides. Not bad help folk remedies to scare away a variety of midges. Essential oils, ground cloves, garlic and horseradish are most effective. In addition to them, they use geranium, lemon or tomatoes, which can be planted in flower pots. nine0003
Methods for getting rid of midges
The main rule in the fight against midges in an apartment and in food production is to remove all fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator and do not leave them on the table for a long time Against midges, many adhesive decorative traps are produced, which are glued, for example, to window glass. There were problems with insects long before the invention of modern chemicals. Then there were "folk" methods of struggle and home-made traps that were as safe as possible for people. nine0003
It often helps to treat the ground in flower pots with any insecticide in a minimum concentration. For this, both dusts and solutions of insecticides can be used. There are special insecticides for flying insects, such as Bayer's Fly Bite and Quick Bite, as well as Agita.
Mosquitoes are very sensitive to certain odors. This weakness of theirs is successfully used to get rid of uninvited "guests". At home, such remedies are popular: nine0003
- Geranium. The smell of this indoor flower is not tolerated by midges, as well as flies and mosquitoes.
- Tomatoes (tomatoes). Seedlings or adult plants in pots have a characteristic aroma that repels insects.
- Garlic or horseradish. The smell of garlic cloves will help get rid of many insects. The midges are no exception. The same applies to crushed horseradish roots
- Carnation. Pour 5 grams of ground cloves with a glass of boiling water and hold over low heat for 2 hours. The rich smell of the resulting broth quickly expels midges from the room. nine0122
The aroma of room lemon, hellebore water and a variety of essential oils (tansy, camphor, cloves, vanilla, pine, lavender fir and some others) repels insects. The best result can be achieved by choosing a mixture of 3-4 oils.
From folk remedies, traps made from glass jars, plastic bottles or an ordinary plastic bag are also effective.
For bait use wine or apple cider vinegar, juice, beer or a little honey. You can get rid of midges with a solution of milk and formalin (or milk with black pepper), poured into a small container. As an alternative, you can try to catch insects with a vacuum cleaner, smoke, or simply ventilate the room so that they are taken out by drafts. nine0003
Better yet, take advantage of the latest advances in science. Hardware stores sell aerosols, fumigators, glue and light traps, and a variety of insect repellants.
Professional wrestling
Midges lack resistance to insecticides and die from the minimum concentration of the drug. Therefore, the main method of control is the spraying of areas where they can breed. These can be garbage containers, buckets, flower pots (don't worry, nothing will happen to the plants), sewers (drains) in the floor.