Flowers that repel deer

10 Plants that Repel Deer in Your Yard - Lawn Care Blog

Bambi isn’t so cute when he’s chomping away at half your backyard. Deer can be a huge nuisance for homeowners, but choosing the right plants for your landscape will make sure deer find their snacks elsewhere.

We’ll cover:

10 best plants to deter deer

Install a few of these along the borders of your landscape. That includes along fences, near driveways, and at the edges of flower beds. If you have a prized garden feature, surround it with deer-resistant plants to protect it from wandering mouths. 

1. Chives

Matthias Böckel | Pixabay

Chives are a secret weapon for your kitchen and one of the best pest-deterrent plants out there. Their strong smell turns away deer as well as smaller invaders like aphids and Japanese beetles. 

Other culinary herb options for repelling deer include onions, leeks, dill, mint, and fennel. Save basil and parsley for the grocery store, though, because deer like to snack on those.

2. Daffodils

Mabel Amber | Pixabay

Daffodils are an iconic perennial in the United States. Their yellow, star-shaped blooms bring an explosion of sunshine to your garden border. And they’re not just nice to look at. Daffodils contain an alkaloid called lycorine that’s toxic to deer and rabbits.

This is a hardy plant that doesn’t need much fuss, so long as you make sure it’s not sitting in soggy soil. Plant the bulbs in the fall before the ground freezes, and by spring you’ll have beautiful flowers you can cut and bring into your kitchen for some cheer.

3. Lamb’s ear

Lynn Greyling | Pixabay

This plant’s wooly leaves are as soft as velvet, just like a real lamb’s ear. They have a silvery green color and produce conal spikes of pink or purple flowers. While deer and rabbits don’t like lamb’s ear, bees and hummingbirds will happily feast on its nectar.

Lamb’s ear doesn’t like sitting in moist soil. Wait to water until it’s significantly dry. If you live in an area with lots of rain, plant it beneath a tree or overhang, and make sure your pot or soil has good drainage.  

4. Bleeding heart

Bruno | Pixabay

Bleeding heart is a vine known by many names: glory bower, bagflower, and glory tree, to name a few. Its primary name comes from the stunning flowers. From the center of a heart-shaped, white calyx, a ruby red corolla emerges like a drop of blood.

To maximize this vine’s potential, wind it through a trellis or your fence. The structure will encourage growth and provide a deer-resistant barrier at the border of your landscape. Since it hails from a tropical environment, it appreciates some shade and humidity. 


Marigolds Heejin Jeong | Pixabay

The golden yellow tones of marigolds are like little sunsets you can look at all the time. These pops of color with carnation-like flowers are relatively easy to care for and can survive intense heat and poor soil. 

Marigolds are a powerhouse for pest control. They make a great companion plant for crops like cucumbers, strawberries, and onions that are threatened by harmful nematodes (microscopic worms). 

6. Russian sage

ilovebutter | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Russian sage adds an elegant brush of lavender to your landscape. The clusters of bluish-purple blooms cover tall spikes as high as 4 feet. The fragrance of the flowers keeps deer at bay while attracting bees and hummingbirds.

Because this plant prefers a dry environment, it’s a perfect addition to a xeriscape (a form of landscaping designed to conserve water). Space them 2 to 3 feet apart to give them room to grow. Skip the mulch for this plant and go for gravel instead. 

7. Bee balm

Sharon Mollerus | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Bee balm’s showy, eccentric blooms are a crowd favorite for people and pollinators in the neighborhood. It’s a native plant, which means it’s better adapted to the environment and requires less maintenance.  

Although bees and butterflies can’t get enough of bee balm’s nectar, deer don’t like the strong smell. Even better, mosquitoes avoid it too. All you need to do to make sure your bee balm thrives is give it plenty of direct sunlight. 

8. Oregano

Hans Linde | Pixabay

Oregano is a great addition to Friday night pasta and will help protect your flower bed from hungry invaders. A relatively easy plant to grow, oregano is a good herb for a beginner gardener. If you have a friend who has a plant, you can grow your own from a cutting.

Greek oregano (the most common type) has small, gray-green leaves that produce purple or white buds in the summer. You can grow it as a container plant or even let it spread as edible ground cover. In cooler climates (zone 5-7), though, oregano may need to be moved inside to survive the winter.

9. Iris

dewdrop157 | Pixabay

Like its namesake, the Greek goddess who got around via rainbow, irises come in every color. You can spot an iris by its three outer hanging petals surrounding three inner upright petals. Blooms start in early summer.

Irises need good air circulation, so plant them a minimum of 16 to 18 inches apart and make sure the ground around them is free from weeds and debris. Be careful not to plant them too deeply in the ground; the rhizome should be exposed a little at the top. 

10. Barrenwort

Ruth Hartnup | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Barrenwort is a low-growing perennial often used as ground cover. Its leaves have deep veins and are a bronze color in spring, turning olive green by fall. Soft pink flowers with petals that drape down bloom in the spring. 

Barrenwort is highly deer-resistant and easy to grow. It tolerates drought and average soils but thrives in fertile ground covered by partial shade. It spreads via rhizomes to cover large swaths of ground once established. Plant it around water features or along fences.

Why are deer attracted to your yard?

Food source

The main reason deer show up uninvited is because you’re growing something they like to eat. Most edible plants (including lettuce, beans, peas, and strawberries) are prime targets for hungry deer, but they don’t stop there. Below is a few plants deer love.

Flowers that attract deer:

Shrubs and trees that attract deer:

You can still include these in your landscape, but place them closer to your house and surround them with a barrier of deer-resistant plants.  

Water source

The other reason deer come to visit is for water. They’ll sip from ponds, trenches, birdbaths, and kiddie pools. Cover what you can so deer aren’t tempted. For ponds and birdbaths, surround them with fragrant perennials deer don’t like. 

FAQ about deer

1. Where do deer live?

White-tailed deer are commonly found all over the U.S. except for in Utah, Nevada, and California. These creatures live in all kinds of environments, from farmlands to mountains to the suburbs.

2. What kinds of problems do deer cause?

A single adult deer can eat up to 2,000 lbs. of vegetable matter annually. If you have any hopes of growing a robust garden, defending it against deer is key.

Deer are also one of the highest transmitters of ticks containing Lyme disease, which is dangerous for both humans and pets.

3. Are deer dangerous?

Deer are usually timid, but they can be provoked under certain conditions. It’s important not to make them feel threatened, especially if their young are around.

If you’re ready to install new deer-resistant plants but don’t know where to start, call a professional landscaper. They’ll help with design, planting, and maintenance. They also can give you a hand with fencing for added protection.

Main Photo Credit: Pixabay




Rachel Abrams

Born and raised in Gainesville, Florida, Rachel Abrams studied creative writing at the University of Virginia. She enjoys volunteering at her neighborhood community garden and growing herbs in her New York City apartment.

Posts by Rachel Abrams

15 Best Deer-Resistant Plants and Flowers

Every item on this page was chosen by The Pioneer Woman team. The site may earn a commission on some products.

Try marigold, lavender, lamb's ear, and other varieties.

By Arricca Elin Sansone

nkbimagesGetty Images

You love digging around in your garden, planting flowers, shrubs, and trees to beautify your landscape. What's not so nice to discover your favorite plants have been gnawed on by the neighborhood deer!

Sure, they have to eat, too, but does it have to be your yard? Although you can try repellants, research says they're only effective about half the time and you will need to reapply them regularly. So if you're looking for advice on how to keep these animals out of your garden, try deer-resistant plants.

While no plant is considered "deer proof," many are less tasty to deer so they're less likely to get nibbled. For starters, they tend to avoid plants that have highly scented foliage or a fuzzy texture. (Our suggestion: learn how to grow lavender, which is a variety included on this list. ) You can also discourage deer by not planting their favorites such as hostas, daylilies, azaleas, and arborvitae. When shopping, read the plant tag so you know how much sun or shade a plant needs. (Full sun is considered 6 or more hours of direct sunlight, while part sun is about half that.) Also, make sure a plant will survive winters in your USDA plant hardiness zone. Adding a 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch also will maintain moisture and control weeds, too, to give your plants a healthy chance at thriving.

It's important to remember, however, that if there is a high population of deer, insufficient food sources, or a hard winter, they will eat pretty much anything in your garden to survive! Still, if you're determined to keep them at bay, explore our favorite deer-resistant plants for your garden.

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Oodles of bright flowers attract pollinators such as hummingbirds, but deer tend to leave this shrub alone. Some types of weigela rebloom throughout the summer.


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Catmint grows in all soil types, is drought tolerant, and blooms for weeks and weeks in mid to late summer. The purple spikes of flowers of this perennial are set against pretty, silvery foliage that has a slight minty scent deer don't like.


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Bee Balm

Bee balm is a perennial that pollinators love! But deer usually steer clear of its highly-scented leaves. Look for new well-behaved varieties that stay in clumps and won't overrun your garden.


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This classic perennial has beautiful, delicate foliage and deep purple spikes of flowers. Nothing beats lavender's romantic scent, which deer don’t like.


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These pretty perennials are grown more for their brilliant foliage, rather than their tiny flower spikes in midsummer. Heuchera come in a range of gorgeous shades from burgundy black to chartreuse.



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This sturdy shrub isn't a favorite of deer, but its bright foliage and clusters of pretty flowers make it reliable for landscaping or foundation planting. Some new varieties of spirea are reblooming.


skymoon13Getty Images

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Japanese Painted Fern

Shady spots in your garden will shine with these elegant ferns. Plant them in masses for best effect; deer almost never bother them.



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Also called perennial geranium, this super-cold-hardy plant has pungent foliage deer don't like and delicate blooms in mid to late spring. Some types bloom sporadically all summer long.


Srdjan StepicGetty Images

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Lantana is a tough-as-nails plant with bright flowers all summer long. Pollinators adore it, but deer don't like its somewhat prickly texture. It's considered an annual in cold climates but perennial in warmer parts of the country.


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Dusty Miller

The fuzzy silver foliage of dusty miller is not enticing to deer. Still, it makes an attractive upright accent plant when combined with other annuals in containers or beds.


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Also called summer snapdragon, this long-blooming annual is usually ignored by deer. It comes in every color of the rainbow, so it's smashing in containers or beds.


Orest LyzhechkaGetty Images

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These cheerful annuals have been popular since your grandmother's day because they're super-hardy, they bloom all season long until a hard frost, and they are easy to grow. Their scented foliage is not tasty to deer.


Jacky Parker PhotographyGetty Images

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Butterfly Bush

Butterflies will flock to this shrub, and deer won't! Look for new types that are more manageable in size and aren't invasive.


Oksana ChaunGetty Images

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Sweet Alyssum

Sweet alyssum is a beautiful annual that looks lovely draping out of pots and containers or spilling over the edges of walkways or walls. It's a pollinator magnet, but not preferred by deer because of its honey-scented blooms.


Anastasiia Burlakova

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Lamb's Ears

Besides having a very cute name, the little rounded, fuzzy leaves of the lamb's ear plant aren't appealing to deer. Plant this perennial in mixed borders or along walks.


Here's How to Plan Your Vegetable Garden Layout

Arricca Elin Sansone Arricca SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more.

Top 5 Deer Repellent Review & Buyer's Guide

Deer are always looking out for all kinds of plants, and your well-groomed garden is no exception. As a result, they can destroy your plants or vegetables, leaving your garden in complete disarray. For this reason, you need something that will always keep deer at bay. Deer repellents are the best option for you.

Repellents come in many forms. Some come in granule form, while others come as a concentrated liquid that you will need to dilute and spray on the plants. nine0003

When choosing the best repellent, always choose an environmentally friendly repellent and one that is made from natural ingredients so as not to harm your pets or children if you have them at home.

Choosing the best deer repellant can be tricky given that there are many products on the market from different manufacturers. So to make your shopping experience easier, our experts have tested and reviewed the best deer repellants that are highly effective and that you might want to consider. nine0043

  • Without chemical or poisonous ingredients

  • can scare deer up to 3-4 months

  • 2. Enviro Pro 1025 Reproof for

    900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 9,000 900,000 900,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 900,000 900,000 9,000 9,000 900,000 900,000 9,000,000 based on biological scents

  • protects up to 5,400 square feet

  • 3. Deer repellent I Must Garden

    5. PlantSkydd repellates for animals

    1. Concentrated repellent from deer Out

    Technical characteristics:

    97% only

    value for money

    Pros :

    • Has a minty, fresh scent that repels deer, but smells pleasant to humans.
    • Made with 2 natural stickers that keep it on your plants without washing it out.
    • No chemical or poisonous ingredients used.
    • Safe to use on edible fruits and vegetables. You can also use it on shrubs, flowers, row crops, vines and trees. nine0043
    • Long-playing. It can keep deer away for up to 3-4 months or even longer.
    • Works great at any time of the year: summer, spring or even winter.
    • 32 ounces of concentrated liquid makes 2.5 gallons of repellant.


    • Must be applied several times a week for optimal results.
    • May be washed away by heavy rains.

    Final double:

    You will have a good smelling deer repellant in your garden. This repellent cannot affect or disturb your breath as it has a minty-fresh scent that you will love. The two natural stickers ensure that whenever you spray the repellent it will stay active when the weather is favorable and your garden will be permanently protected from deer. In addition, deer repellant cannot harm your pets or children when they walk around the yard or garden. The smell itself is enough to keep deer away without biting your plants. Hence, this repellent is very effective. nine0195


    12 x 16 x 16 inch

    Purcillary force


    Dimension Classes Calles Calles. Scoop from a bucket and sprinkle.

  • Environmentally friendly. It cannot harm animals or people.
  • The granules do not dissolve quickly even in rain or snow. They don't wash off quickly, so they last longer and protect your garden. nine0043
  • In addition to scaring off deer, they can also scare away rabbits.
  • Granules are biodegradable. They eventually decompose into organic material in the soil. This is very beneficial for the health of your plant.
  • Use a bio-scent formula. They give off an odor that is not unpleasant to humans, but strong to wildlife.
  • Easy to use, reapply every 30-40 days depending on the weather.
  • Protects up to 5,400 square feet. nine0043


    • Very strong packaging that can be a problem for older people or people with weak muscles to open.
    • Expensive, especially since it needs to be reapplied after a few months or after heavy rain.

    Final take:

    This deer repellant has a very unpleasant odor for wildlife. It smells like the remains of a dead deer. This keeps the deer away from your garden. The active ingredients are high nitrogen organic nutrients and do not contain synthetic additives or poisons. This makes it safe to use with pets as long as you have them separate from dogs. The repellent is also easy to use. You scoop directly from the bucket and spray it around the perimeter you want to protect from deer. The smell coming from the pellets will deter deer from returning to your garden. nine0043

  • Has three times more active ingredients than other repellents. This provides maximum plant protection against deer.
  • Safe for direct spraying on plants that deer like to chew on. It protects perennials such as daylilies, shrubs such as roses and vegetables. These are all deer favorites.
  • Has a strong sticky substance, thanks to which the repellent stays longer on the leaves of the plant. This provides long lasting protection.
  • Natural ingredients and vegetable oils are safe for pets, people and pollinators.
  • Environmentally friendly as it does not contain harmful chemicals or adhesives that can harm wildlife.
  • Rain resistant. After moderate rain, no need to reapply.
  • Repellent is a ready-to-use spray.
  • Cons:

    • Takes time to plant as it can be washed away by heavy rains. nine0043
    • After using 70 to 80 percent of the contents, it will be a little difficult to use the spray as you will experience an irregular amount of spray.
    • A bit pricey for the features it offers.

    Final take:

    This lovely smelling repellant is just what you might need to keep deer at bay from your various plants and vegetables. Unlike other deer repellants, this one is made from concentrated vegetable oils that greatly irritate the deer's sense of smell. You also don't have to worry about your pets or children when using this repellant as it is made from natural ingredients that are eco-friendly and won't harm them. It is easy to use as you apply it to dry plants and let it dry for at least one hour before spraying or raining. Be sure to spray every 30 days to control deer deterrence. nine0043

  • Easy to use. It is already diluted in water. You fill a trigger sprayer and apply it directly to plant surfaces.
  • Repellents are environmentally friendly and cannot harm wildlife, your pet, or even yourself.
  • Safe to use on most plants. You can spray it directly on ornamental flowers and most edible vegetables.
  • It is best used on dry plants when winter temperatures are between 35-85 degrees Fahrenheit. nine0043


    • Has an extremely strong odor that can also be offensive to users but dissipates soon.
    • Washes off after heavy rain.

    Final take:

    This deer repellant is sure to work well in your garden. To be effective, always spray dry plants between 35-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Covering all surfaces front and back, let it dry for at least 6 hours before watering or before it rains. What's more, this repellant can be used all year round without worrying about being washed away by rain or watering. nine0022 Dimensions

    13 x 8 x 5 inches

    Repulsive force


    The price ratio


  • The frequency of application should be 6-8 weeks during the active growing season and at the beginning of the dormant period and before snowfall.
  • Can be used all year round to repel deer, rabbits, elk and other herbivores that can ruin your plants. nine0043
  • Ideal for plants below 2 feet tall.
  • Comes with a handy shaker jug ​​for easy splattering.
  • Not harmful to bees or birds; therefore, it is favorable for pollination.
  • Cons:

    • A 3.5 lb bag seems too short to cover the recommended 1,750 square feet of coverage, especially if you need to reapply after heavy rain.
    • May stain stones and other concrete surfaces. nine0043

    Final take:

    This deer repellant is very effective for your garden and plants. In addition to repelling deer, it also repels rabbits, moose, hares, voles, squirrels and chipmunks. These are all herbivores that can get close to your plants, eat and destroy your garden. The pellets are very easy to use as you spray them before the animal starts to get hurt. It would be better if you scattered the granules around the plants to visually cover the ground. You can also use repellant to protect the bulbs by spraying it into the holes when planting and on the ground around them after planting. nine0003 Check Price

    Get What You Deserve — LiveJournal


    I haven't written for a long time because the couple was somehow out of sorts. At first we got divorced here, then we didn’t get divorced, but we seemed to reconcile - in general, it was somehow not up to writing. Got two rabbits. The girl's name is Bun, it's like little Bun - and little Bun is Bunny. And also because when she walks out of her raisins fall out. She's just incredibly dumb. And the boy's name is Anatoly Borisovich, because he is reddish and his bangs hang over his eyes - pure Chubais. In general, as soon as we brought them into the house, they didn’t even have time to devour them when Anatoly Borisovich took advantage of the stupidity of Buns so that she didn’t even understand what had happened. He is also not particularly gifted - Bulka’s ears hang, so it’s not immediately clear from her where her front is and where her back is - she is oval, so at first he credited her on the wrong side. After 30 days, when she began to pull out the hair from her chest, we suspected that she was pregnant. From the plucked wool she made a nest. She gave birth to 4 small sweet rabbits, but if these 4 were left, then in six months we would have an uncountable number of rabbits. I posted on the Internet that I give away rabbits for free. Two Mexican girls came and took away all the little ones. Do Mexicans eat rabbits? I read online that they only eat guinea pigs but they have giant guinea pigs. nine0003

    Even when Bulka had just given birth to rabbits, Anatoly Borisovich came to visit them and again climbed onto Bulka when newborn children were running around him. And I posted this video on tiktok and it got 120 thousand views. Who would have thought.

    At the same time, we also have Felix, who is a beagle. And beagles have been bred for centuries to do what? That's right - hunt rabbits. For some reason, he is indifferent to Bun, but how he runs merrily after Anatoly Borisovich.

    Anyone interested in photos - come to instagram, I'm there lnovascotial

    The child was with a friend for an overnight stay, we went for a walk with my husband and dog.
    - So she will go to college and be so bored every day.

    I wanted to say "Well, then we'll either have a second child or a lover," but I misspoke and said, "Then we'll have a second lover."
    - Anya, you can think of any shit just to get rid of why you don't want to clean the house. nine0003

    - Mom, can I have a snickers? Today we rode a horse, but this is a sport?
    - Sport for you or for the horse?

    As many of you know, there is a Russian sign that if a knife falls on the floor, a man will come. As some of you know, if when you pick up this knife and knock it on the floor three times, then the man will not come. In general, I stopped knocking when I pick it up. Let it come.

    This year I set myself the goal of drinking less and exercising more. Therefore, I decided to drink only if I had already gone to the gym that day, so to speak, to check what would win - alcoholism or laziness. And what do you think won? Weakness. nine0003

    Today one employee told me that her grandmother had been an alcoholic all her life and stopped drinking only when Alzheimer's started because she forgot that she was an alcoholic.

    I caught myself thinking that I suddenly became very bored. Well, that's right - I finally finished my studies, the child takes care of himself, my husband plays computer games all evening, and I never had a lover. 7 days of work a week is not enough for me. And I decided that there was something else I could learn. I looked at the courses of barbers (she recently cut her husband's beard and accidentally ruined it) - before entering the program, they want applicants to take an English course (well, it seems right, you have to talk about something with clients), mathematics (probably counting tips) and psychology ( well, maybe because the barber is required to know the difference between cognitive-behavioral therapy and conventional psychoanalysis). But then the strangest thing begins - the duration of the program is 47 credits. For those who did not have the experience of studying in an American college for 47 credits + 9Prerequisites credits (English, mathematics, psychology) can be at least a nurse.

    Family life is when you hide from a child to eat sweets, hide from a dog when you eat sausage and hide from your husband when you want to drink wine.

    - Mom, what should I do to never go to the violin again?
    - Cut off the left hand.
    The child goes to the kitchen and takes a knife.
    - But do not forget that for this you need to take a board for meat.

    The New Year has not yet arrived, and the neighbors are already throwing out Christmas trees and removing Christmas decorations from their houses. My hands usually reach the Christmas tree by the middle of spring, and then I collect needles for another month, so I buy a Christmas tree every 5 years. And if I ever decide to hang the scenery on the street, I'm unlikely to take it off before the second coming. This Jesus appears in June - and we have everything ready, as if we were just waiting. nine0003

    So my second job is risk assessment for an insurance company. It sounds boring, but it's actually quite exciting. I travel to different districts of several regions, go to people's houses and collect information (mainly about the severity of physical health). As an immigrant, it is very interesting for me to see how other people live in America. Everything is very diverse and I have a lot of impressions. I will sometimes write down when not too lazy. Yes, I go to the ghetto too, and there is also very diverse, but this time I will not talk about that. nine0003

    I stop by Neighbourhood - several dozen houses that are located near the river. The river seems to be 500 meters away, but the water comes right up to the houses, flooding even the backyards. As if the day before, although it had rained, such flooding looks quite dangerous. I go into the house, in between times I ask about the flood of the river. The owner says that she has been living in this house for 20 years and this has never happened before, but this is the second time this year. He wants to sell the house, to which I say that he will have to sell it during the dry season, because no one will buy it the way the river looks now. She shows me the back yard where there is a cage with chickens in a dry place and a second empty cage that is flooded. I tell her that it's probably time for her to start getting ducks. nine0003

    Well, throw off a screenshot in a personal that you rinsed me there - it's curious.

    In a nutshell, the events of the last episodes:
    A friend got me a job. I quit my old job to start a new one, but the coronavirus happened and I was also turned away from the new one. So I didn't get unemployment benefits. I hung around for 4 months, agreeing to everything that can even be stitched up wounds from a chainsaw without any experience. But they didn't take me. And here, by the way, my old friend, an old (specially repeating myself) oncologist, suddenly helped. He got me into his office. This is America. Democracy. It's all just acquaintances. In general, I'm like a paramedic for two doctors. Since people get into this office mainly by acquaintance, and I look good, the conclusion for the employees is that I am sleeping with someone. But it’s hard for them to understand with whom exactly, because my main boss is 85 years old, and even though today he tried to feel the lymph nodes in my armpit, they still would doubt that we have something with him. With the second old oncologist, who is not even old compared to the first one, about whom I had a couple of posts here, everything is very extremely incomprehensible. If my readers have people who believe in socionics, then we can discuss. nine0693 In general, I work 7 days a week at two jobs and I have a lot to say, but I'm too lazy for now.

    Me: - I got up in the morning and my whole upper lip was swollen. Allergy, herpes, or maybe the evil eye?
    - Evil eye! And rightly so - why the hell are you posting so many pictures.
    Me: - Are you idiots? It's the 21st century, what the hell is the evil eye? I was joking.
    - Do you want holy water?
    Me: - Is there one? Come on

    PYs: I drank famotidine, smeared it with acyclovir and an antibiotic, washed my face with holy water and almost passed, but it is not clear what exactly helped. But I even liked it - the lips seemed to be filled with fillers after injections. nine0003

    I watched the movie "365 Days" and I don't know whether to wash my eyes with soap or plan a trip to Sicily.

    To be honest, I have always been apolitical. I never even voted. Didn't know about parties. And then I realized that not only am I a Republican, it also became clear that people with whom it is difficult for me to find a common language, then it turns out that they are Democrats. This was the discovery of the year for me (I just realized a couple of weeks ago). It seems that this is just such a trifle - political preferences, but why does the whole person deteriorate from them? nine0693 I think that after all the shit that's happened over the past week, Trump has a good chance of re-election again after he screwed up badly with the coronavirus.,-Cumming,-GA-30040_rb/14626959_zpid/

    The price has already dropped three times, but it didn’t help much.

    We need to quit our almshouse - otherwise, when I was hired there, I said that of course I would participate in all sorts of epidemic and nuclear disasters - but who knew that in 7 months such garbage would happen. nine0003

    I don't like that on Facebook and Instagram you have to filter what you can post and what you shouldn't. Once I posted a joke about vegans - so all vegans unfriended me. Look how sensitive. In general, I can’t post it on FB - here’s one thought for you. She was born in English when I was clearing the fridge and found a very moldy cucumber. That is why I am writing it.

    I was cleaning out my refrigerator and found a cucumber in one of the latest stages of evolution. A few more days and it would start selling essential oils and refuse vaccinations. nine0003

    By the way, there was a joke about vegans (I didn't come up with it):
    When my wife sends me to the store for Orur people, I always take Vaseline so that the cashier doesn't think I'm a vegan.

    I was very, very disappointed in the idol of my youth, the soloist of the band Rammstein, Till Lindemann. And not at all because he hobnobbed with this Loboda. But because in his old age, insanity got stronger (but what, in theory, should not have grown stronger so that) and he starred in some kind of vile porn. Moreover, the women were not even paid - they did it solely out of love for art. Till, how could you, how could you. nine0693 Do not think that I have a bad attitude towards porn - but for a person of such a scale as Till was, this is just the bottom.

    I woke up so tired today and couldn't understand why. It seems that she went to bed not so late, like she didn’t drink so much in the evening - why then? Then I remembered that all night every hour or two I got up to let out a whining dog with diarrhea, because he again ate some shit, and in between this I dreamed that I got a job as a nanny / housekeeper in a family with 6 small children-weather. Well, what kind of vacation? nine0693 No, I quit my job in the morning, of course, because everything was bugging me, but it was already too late. By the way, they didn’t pay me in my dream for the last working day.

    Here my husband got jealous of one person.

    - Are you afraid that he will come to your garden to dig up carrots while the watchman is sleeping? So you need to water your garden more often so that it does not dry out.
    - I think that the garden does not so much want to be watered more often, but wants to be watered from another hose.

    Full list of people who wished me happy birthday:
    husband, child, mother, father, brother with wife and husband's aunt (I don't have notification about others on facebook, that's probably why)
    and LIBRA! And the scales first showed the weight and then said "Happy birthday." If only they had lied about a kilogram or two instead of a gift.

    It is strange that the breed was called "beagle" and not shit-eating husky. Yes, and barks too.

    Sometimes the most effective methods are the simplest at the same time. The problem with a hangover headache was solved quite simply - you just had to drink more often. nine0003

    The other day I decided to rewatch "The Taming of the Shrew". My God, now this would not be allowed on the big screen at all - and for black people it is probably on the black list for viewing. If you recall the plot - a farmer-winemaker-misogynist lives in an Italian village and he has a black maid Mami. He calls her "my black girl" (my child was speechless when she saw this), "Snow White", and there is a moment when he blows out the candles on the cake and all the powdered sugar flies on the maid's face that it turns white. I freaked out too. And I've only seen half of the movie. And as a child, of course, I did not notice anything like that. But there is a lot of this in old films and books - Pippi Longstocking, Chung-Chang cartoon (Our happiness is constantly
    chew coconuts, eat bananas), Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. All this in our "tolerant" society would not have worked. I’m already silent that in England they banned the fairy tale about the three pigs because they are not halal.

    I bought a package of frozen ready-made food like dumplings for work. A couple of weeks later I wanted to take it - but no. I ask my husband if he ate these dumplings. He says he hasn't eaten and doesn't even know what he's talking about. Well, I think the child ate. I bought another package, today there was nothing ready - I offered the child to eat these dumplings, and she says, "Dad said they were tasteless." This is how people scorch out of the blue. nine0003

    Today I dreamed that I returned to one of my old jobs and was put back in our "shock room" on the first day. And there, all the patients lying on a stretcher are either completely dead, or behave like zombies and look like zombies (but in a dream you don’t understand that this is because they are zombies). And one patient is not even all there - but only the head, arm, and part of the body - but several hours have passed and he is still moving. And I think - what to do with it? Put on a drip? So useless. I go to the head nurse to complain that I've only just returned the first day and I can't be given such a difficult assignment. And I don’t even have certification for this, I wasn’t signed off for that, that’s all. She excused herself as they usually excuse themselves like "Aim, sorry, go ahead and work." Then I woke up. I should have been glad that it was just a dream, but for some reason I wanted to see what would happen there - mainly because the staff there was pleasant and there was a lot of entertainment. Although maybe because I woke up exactly at the moment where I was hugging a young handsome doctor? (I specify about the young and handsome, because when I just say "doctor" I have associations with an elderly undersized Indian). Yes, even in dreams about a zombie apocalypse there is always room for a little erotica. nine0003

    I sit and eat sweet popcorn. The dog sits under the table, eats what falls out of my mouth. The cat jumped on the table, stuck his face into a bag of popcorn - he brazenly eats from the bag. But as soon as I leave the dog will also jump on the table and start eating.

    When I lived in New York, there was an awesome guy in the gym with the nickname "Dessert". Because even though I'm on a diet, I still read the menu. And here in our collective farm gym there is a man who is very similar to that one. So to speak, tiramisu, but mascarpone was replaced with whipped cream and a little curry was added instead of marsala. It looks similar, but it's still not the same. Indian roots spoil the whole picture. nine0003

    I don't write about work because I don't know how to describe it all. To be honest, I have never had such a job, but I heard that people said that such jobs do exist. In general, hell, I will ever return to the hospital (well, if it doesn’t press financially).

    So far I really like the new work. I didn't even touch a single patient. My working tools so far include only a flashlight and a seal.

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