Flower bed options
25 Beautiful Flower Bed Ideas
His Majesty – the flower bed – is a centerpiece of any yard. These areas designated for growing flowers provide us with months of beautiful colors and scents and let us express our full gardening creativity when bulding them
But an empty bed at the beginning of your planting season can be a real challenge. An empty backyard where the bed is yet to be – even more so. Why?
Well, flower beds are not so easy to plan and build. An image you have in your mind can be drastically different from what you will end up with after digging and planting – especially if you are inexperienced. Personally, it took years before my flower bed started to look like more than just a bunch of pretty flowers that randomly grow on the same patch.
Fortunately, these days you have plenty of resources like this one to inspire you and help you find something that suits your taste.
In this article, you will find a selection of classic ground-level beds of various styles, as well as raised beds – including many ideas for upcycling.
Before diving into the imaginative world of classic flower beds, let’s learn something about bed edging – a very important element of any flower bed design.
Flower Bed Edging Examples
A flower bed edge will define the look of your flower bed almost as much as vegetation it will contain. The shape of your garden could also depend on the edging style, and vice versa. That is why it is important to consider all options that are available. Here are some of the most common ones.
No Edging
Because the flower bed plant community stands out so much from what surrounds them, whether its grass, concrete or gravel, actually building an edge is not mandatory. The flower bed creates its own natural edge. Even if some plant overflows its bed – it can look charming.
However, having no edge can create some issues, e.g. tricky mowing. Also, an edge is something that can give an additional appeal, so consider the following ways of creating it.
Edging With Border Fences
One of the typical ways to edge a bed is by using a flower bed border fence. They are used for edging typical rectangular or square flower beds, for example along garden pathways or against a building wall. Curves and wavy patterns are hard to achieve when using fences.
Fences are usually made out of wood, plastic or wire. In my opinion, wooden ones look best out of the three, and that goes for any bed design. You can buy a bed fence in garden centers, but with some effort (and tools), you can make it yourself.
Edging With Stones
Edging a garden bed with stones is a classic option that will add diversity and texture to your flower bed. Additionally, warmth-loving plants will benefit from stone structures, as they retain the sun’s heat. Also, small lizards will highly appreciate it.
Edging with bricks or concrete elements falls into the same category. This tutorial uses bricks to create a warm, rustic bed edge.
Green Edging and a Wavy Flower Bed
Although flower beds are often edged with hard materials (e.g., bricks, stones, fences), it doesn’t have to be like that. You can use vegetation as well. You can use different plants, but low shrubs are suitable for this purpose – especially because they will last many years.
Another advantage of using plants as green edges is that they can easily and naturally follow non-linear edge patterns. This particular bed is wavy with deep curves, adding more dynamics to the entire design.
Edging With Flowers
Beds that are edged with one flowering species are really attractive, especially if you manage to create a slope like this one.
Go for inexpensive, densely growing, productive flowering plants such as marigolds, begonias, asters or chrysanthemums. They should be hardy enough to take “life on the edge” well.
Classic Flower Beds
A cool thing about flower beds is that you can make them anywhere where you are allowed to dig and where the soil allows – in your front yard, in your backyard, along with your fence or your driveway, around any garden feature, or in the middle of your lawn.
Besides looking gorgeous themselves, flower beds can influence and change the entire look and feel of your yard, thereby becoming a true landscaping element. You will see what I mean in some of the examples below.
Oval Flower Bed
To a human eye, symmetry is captivating. A circle often considered a “perfect shape”.
That is probably the reason why circular or oval flower beds are so popular. They look especially striking when placed in the middle of a well-maintained lawn.
The flowers inside a round bed can be a single, color, a random mix of two or more colors, or in several colors which follow the round pattern, which can be a little challenging to achieve. To find out how to create a perfectly round flower bed, go here.
Geometric Pattern Flower Bed
In spite of our last example being a classic, flower beds do not have to follow a circular or oval pattern. If you are bored with standard approaches, you could try some unusual geometry. This zig-zag flower pattern is simple to achieve, yet it’s visually very effective.
When striving for geometry, you should create edges of your desired on the ground out of sticks or tape. Then plant carefully within the borders of your pattern.
Lawn Occupied By Flower Beds
Vibrantly green lawns can be a real joy. However, if you’re a flower person, they can be a bit dull and lifeless.
As an alternative, check out this garden where flower beds have taken over the lawn completely.
The large nonlinear beds have reduced the lawn to a mere pathway, which meanders between them like a river. It is exactly the complementary irregular shape of the beds which enable the green path to have such a natural looking “flow”.
If you are considering this design, make sure that the lawn grass you are using is the kind can withstand heavy foot traffic.
Wave Flower Bed
This design takes us a step further. This bold garden has asymmetrical beds, with a curved gravel path which is meandering between them. The flowers are planted in independent wavy or rounded patterns of single colors. All these curves and colors together create a mellow, almost psychedelic effect.
Complex Pattern Flower Bed
Here is something for the truly artistically inclined gardeners. Creating complex shapes in flower beds is a real landscaping challenge guaranteed to attract a lot of attention.
A design like this requires a lot of drawing, pre-planning, and measuring – it is not something that can just be done right on the spot.
Natural Guilds Flower Bed
If you want to recreate the natural look, following the natural ecosystem’s law of layers is a perfect way to go.
In natural ecosystems, plants form guilds according to their height. This flower bed uses tall perennials (including trees) and lower annuals and perennials to create guilds, resulting in a lush slope of garden plants.
Against The Wall
Flower beds in front of walls and tall fences add depth and liveliness to the limited space. A well-planned bed can create an illusion that your garden is bigger and spacer than it actually is. Therefore this is an ideal option for fenced yards that give off a “square” impression.
Flower Bed Under Windows
One of the best views you can design yourself is to create a rich flower bed right under your window. It will bring color and fragrance into your room(s), plus you can watch your garden in all weather conditions form the coziness of your home.
You can use taller plants such as these sunflowers to create shade where you need it – especially if your windows are facing south.
Using native wildflowers and pollinator-friendly plants will be an additional treat. Besides beautiful flowers, you will have fun with watching bees and butterflies.
Flower Bed Around a Tree
A perfect way to make deciduous trees “alive” early in the year is by creating a flower bed and planting early spring species such as daffodil and crocus around it.
Depending on the chosen flowers, the tree mulch can benefit both flowers and the tree. These freesias seem to be enjoying it, and the weed problem is solved.
Raised Beds
Raised beds come as a rescue in situations where you can’t plant directly in the soil. This includes balconies, concrete surfaces, but also situations where it is not advisable to dig – like living in a rented home, or when the soil is contaminated or not suitable for what you intend to plant.
Besides utility, raised beds can be a great decoration themselves. Let’s check out some classic and some unusual raised bed options.
Classic wooden raised bed
Here is a typical low-lying wooden raised bed. It is made out of plain wooden boards. Beds like these are easy to construct and are used to grow everything from flowers to vegetables.
If you are not lining your wooden bed with a pond liner, know that the wood will rot in time. All in all – it is not long-lasting, unlike the next example. Still, seasoned, weathered boards can add to the charm of a rustic garden.
Masonry/Stone Raised Bed
Masonry raised beds are a true classic. From public squares to private backyards, they really enrich the space by adding volume, texture and sometimes even resting spots. In short – a stone raised bed is more than just a planting bed.
Besides its primary function, this raised bed has another important purpose – it edges the lawn in a very elegant way.
Stone Terraces
In the previous example, the stone wall was used as a regular bed edge. However, in this example a similar structure is embedded within the bed itself, creating a dramatic terrace effect. It reminds of rocky mountain slopes, so you can choose the plants accordingly.
As previously said, the ability of the stone to hold the sun’s heat will benefit the warmth-loving plants.
L-Shaped Wooden Raised Bed
This raised bed is made from thick wooden beams – therefore, a design like this enables you to upcycle construction material. The L-shape makes the bed suitable for different spaces, and broad wood gives a nice surface to sit on and rest while enjoying the view of your garden.
Wooden beams are also more durable than most other wooden materials. However, since they are often chemically treated, using a durable plastic liner in the bed is a must, especially if you are planning to grow edible or medicinal plants.
L-Shaped Bed With a Bench
Another L-shaped design successfully uses the corner of this balcony, creating more space for planting in a limited area. It is made out of panels (different sorts of panels will work), with metal profiles added for additional sturdiness.
This sturdiness is needed considering that this raised bed features an elegant wooden bench nested inside the “letter L”.
Repurposed Trolley Flower Bed
Old trolleys are like raised beds on wheels. Their entire look makes them very attractive addition to any garden.
In some situation, you and your flowers may benefit from having a taller bed – for example, if you have a dog that likes to dig and can’t help it.
There is one major drawback. If you don’t already own one, trolleys might be pricey and hard to find. And if you are a proud owner, you may be reluctant to use your cart as a flower bed since in time it will succumb to moisture and rot.
Literal Flower Bed
Here is a true flower bed! Parts of an old metal bed frame were added to the matching white wooden bed, creating a real bed for the flowers. Note that some people use full vintage beds for this purpose.
Flowers in pastel colors such as pink and lilac, as well as plants with silvery leaves (think lavender or lamb’s ear) would complement this design nicely.
Wood Flower Bed
This bed is made out of a real raw piece of wood. No boards, no screws – the bed is simply carved out of a tree trunk. The larger the trunk – larger the bed.
One downside of this bed is that the wood will eventually rot – it is not a lasting option. Still, if you like simple solutions in tune with nature, it is worth considering.
Old Tire Raised Bed
Old tires are probably the most common item upcycled as a raised bed. That is because of their availability, and also the fact they a big environmental problem, so they are worth upcycling. My example here is straightforward and raw-looking, but tires are often painted in vivid colors and used in charming “recycled” setups.
A word of caution: I wouldn’t recommend tires to grow edible plants, as they may leach some of the many chemical components automobile tires are notorious for.
Upcycled Wheelbarrow Raised Bed
Wheelbarrows are our trusty allies in gardening, so why not upgraing one at the end of its lifetime to serve as a flower bed?
A wheelbarrow bed would look good placed next to another larger, ground-level wild-type flower bed.
Flower beds and garden furniture
Although most beds shown here are “lonely”, don’t forget that flower beds are perfect spot to place your garden furniture next to.
This stone pavement combined with stone raised bed and stylish metal furniture evokes the sense of Mediterranean. A perfect place to start your day with a coffee if your garden is facing east, or to have an afternoon drink if it’s facing west.
Just be careful – if you are facing south and experience full sunshine throughout the day – this setup can definitely get too hot.
Because they are the essence of every garden, flower beds are worth investing in. I’m not talking (only) about finances, but primarily about time – for research, planning, and building. If this feels overwhelming, just remember that you will be richly rewarded by all the botanical beauty that your ideal flower bed will bring you for many years.
What types of flower beds look best to you? Are you a fan of geometry or are into wild style? Feel free to drop a comment and let the world know!
28 Flower Bed Ideas Perfect for Big or Small Yards
Flower beds can completely transform an outdoor space when used correctly. Putting careful thought into how your flower beds will be organized and arranged in addition to what you want to plant in them can make a huge impact on your landscape and curb appeal. Whether you have an expansive yard or a few square feet of space, these flower bed ideas can help you make the most of your garden to wow visitors.
It’s easy to define your flower beds and add some dimension with limestone. Simply lay the limestone out along the edge of the garden, stacking two or three stones on top of one another. You can further define the bed by planting shorter flowers along the inside edge of the stone.
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2. Rose-Covered Trellisesistockphoto.com
If you’ve ever dreamed of growing your very own rose garden, turn that dream into a gorgeous reality by adding some trellises. Plant climbing roses at the base of each trellis and wait for the spectacular and vibrant display that will follow. Sprinkle a few rose bushes in between the trellises or elsewhere in the garden to increase the rosy charm factor.
Low-growing succulents can add a nice contrast when placed next to taller plants. Not only are succulents attractive and popular, but they’re also easy to care for. With evolutionary adaptations like thick stalks and fleshy leaves, succulents can survive with very little water.
4. Natural Landscapingistockphoto.com
You can easily create a natural-looking flower bed by adding a few large stones and smaller rocks into your garden. No flashy decor is needed; the light colors of the rocks will contrast nicely against the vibrant colors of your garden’s plants.
5. Watermelon Gardenistockphoto.com
Grow your own juicy summer fruits by planting watermelon seeds in your garden. Add in some flowers alongside the melon seeds to bring some extra color to the bed. Then, sit back and wait to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
6. Birdhouse and Bathistockphoto. com
Adding a birdhouse and bird bath to your flower bed is sure to bring colorful songbirds to your garden, but these fixtures can also give your outdoor space a special feel. This can be especially true if you seek out unusual birdhouses or baths that you can’t find just anywhere.
RELATED: 14 Old-Fashioned Flowers That Still Look Great in Today’s Home Gardens
7. Tree Stump Flower Bedistockphoto.com
If you’re looking to make a DIY raised garden bed that’s one-of-a-kind, why not convert an old tree stump into a flower bed? Carve out the stump a bit (if necessary), add some soil, and plant a few flower seeds to make the most of a stump that would otherwise be expensive or time consuming to remove.
8. Patio Garden Bedsistockphoto.com
Using raised garden bed plans, you can add small splashes of greenery alongside your home’s patio, deck, or porch. A raised garden bed next to an outdoor entertaining or dining space can enhance the area and make it all the more relaxing when you have gorgeous flowers and plants to admire.
If you’re searching for flower garden ideas to add flair around the base of a tree, consider this attractive method. Planting different flower varieties relatively close to each other and incorporating a few large stones will maximize the available space and serve as a nice backdrop for your tree.
10. Walkway Flowersistockphoto.com
Create a front yard flower bed along the walkway to your home for a classic and timeless option. Lining a sidewalk or stone path with small flowers and plants helps guide visitors to your front door. To illuminate the path after dark, consider also adding a few solar lights.
11. Cheerful Picketsistockphoto.com
Add some springtime cheer by planting flowers along the perimeter of a white picket fence. The bright pinks, yellows, and purples will stand out nicely against the backdrop of the fence. As a plus, lining your fence with flowers further defines your yard and makes a welcoming impression.
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12. Flowery Lawnistockphoto.com
Place your flower bed alongside your lawn where it can benefit from getting watered by your sprinkler system. This will keep your garden healthy while also mixing some extra beauty and color into your turf. Time your sprinklers to water in the early morning to give your grass and flowers the water’s maximum benefit.
13. Purples and Greensistockphoto.com
A green-and-purple garden can attract butterflies and other beneficial insects to your flowers. Butterflies love pretty purple prairie flowers, making them more likely to frequent your garden when it’s in bloom. Add some brown mulch to help define the plants and enhance the overall appearance of the garden next to a stone walkway or sidewalk.
14. Repurposed Tinistockphoto.com
If you’re looking for an unconventional and inexpensive raised garden bed idea, you may have the supplies to make your own sitting around in the basement, garage, or attic. Old tin tubs, buckets, and milk pails can easily be converted to large flower pots or raised flower beds. Before filling the containers with soil, drill a few drainage holes into the bottom of each one to prevent diseases like root rot.
Another DIY raised bed garden can be built using weathered or rusted sheet metal. When planning your raised garden bed, measure the available space and make a plan. Then, you can create a custom piece for your backyard. Once your beds are laid out and assembled, add soil and seeds or your choice of live plants.
16. Nature’s Finestistockphoto.com
Incorporating different plants and natural elements into a flower bed can really make an impression. In the pictured example, the large fern, Japanese maple, dwarf bamboo plant, golden koi statue, and slate mulch all work together to create a peaceful and inviting atmosphere. You could even add in a bird bath to encourage birds to visit your garden and further add to the natural elegance.
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17. Retaining Wall Flower Bedistockphoto.com
If you have a sloped backyard, you may already have a retaining wall in place to prevent erosion. Put this necessary structure to good use by converting the grassy area above the wall into a flower bed. Planting some flowering plants can turn a retaining wall into a your outdoor space’s focal point.
18. Bathtub Planteristockphoto.com
Bathtubs of all kinds can make for striking raised flower beds. If you’re in the process of a bathroom remodel, consider saving your old tub for this purpose. If you aren’t remodeling, you may even be able to find a vintage bathtub from a local antique shop. When converting a bathtub to a flower bed, drill holes in the base to allow for proper drainage. Once your tub is ready, add soil and plant your favorite flower seeds or bulbs.
19. Wooden Raised Garden Bedamazon. com
Classic wooden raised garden beds next to your patio or deck allow you to watch your flowers bloom and keep homegrown veggies nearby. This elevated planter, the best patio option in our guide to the best raised garden beds, is constructed from rot-resistant red cedar wood. The taller design makes it ideal for those with back, joint, or muscle pain, all while adding a lovely touch to any outdoor space.
20. Rock Gardenistockphoto.com
A flower bed doesn’t have to be filled with greenery, flowers, and mulch to be attractive. There are plenty of ways to introduce a gorgeous rock garden to your space while still improving the overall aesthetics. In addition to possessing a simple beauty, rock gardens tend to be easy to maintain with fewer plants and flowers to tend to.
21. Tantalizing Tulipsistockphoto.com
Strolling through your yard or garden can bring a lot of joy if you plant colorful tulips and other flowers along the edges of a walkway. The bright and happy colors of tulips on a warm and sunny spring day are enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face.
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22. Butterfly Gardenistockphoto.com
Entice beautiful butterflies to visit your flower garden by planting some of their favorite flowers. Some of the top plants that attract butterflies include goldenrod, coneflowers, ironweed, lantana, and asters. If you’re serious about convincing butterflies to stick around, grow host plants where the insects can lay their eggs. Milkweed, violets, asters, and dill are host plant examples, but check with a local garden center to find the preferred flower varieties of your area’s butterfly species.
23. Rubber Landscape Edginghomedepot.com
Create a custom border around your flower bed without digging using EcoBorder rubber landscaping edging available at The Home Depot. This brown border, made of recycled tires, is easy to install in straight or curved lines to match the shape of any garden bed. Conveniently, the necessary hardware needed to install these 4-foot pieces of rubber edging is included with purchase.
The staggered 5- and 7-inch heights of this wood log edging available at The Home Depot helps create an intriguing flower bed border. Edging also helps to keep soil and mulch in the flower bed, reducing runoff and waste. The half-logs, finished with an attractive cedar stain, are attached to a flexible plastic backing, allowing for installation around curved and straight garden beds alike.
25. Lush Greeneryistockphoto.com
Fill your garden beds with verdant green plants and bushes to enjoy stunning spring and summer views. Adding in a few flowering plants can help craft focal points and increase the space’s overall beauty. You may also want to consider adding darker mulch or rocks to the beds to really make the vibrant greens pop.
26. Curved Stone Wallistockphoto. com
Clearly define your garden beds by building a curved stone wall to separate them from the rest of your yard. Bends in the border make the view more interesting and attractive, drawing attention to the flowers growing in the garden. As an example, look at how the white and pink petunias along this curved wall enhance the yard’s appearance overall.
27. Garden Walkwayistockphoto.com
An excellent raised garden bed idea is to incorporate them into your backyard landscaping and hardscaping design. Adding raised beds along the sides of the steps between higher and lower elevations on your property can add a nice touch and draw attention to the space’s flow. Planting taller flowers along the beds can also help accentuate natural slopes.
28. Wheelbarrow Garden Bedistockphoto.com
When you’re thinking about adding elevated garden beds to your outdoor space, there are a number of creative ways to make your own. One timeless idea is to convert an old wheelbarrow into a raised bed. Drill a hole in the base of the wheelbarrow, add soil, and plant some flowers for a decorative accent bed.
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DIY flowerbed: 90 photos, beautiful ideas
Dacha is an excellent place for a good outdoor recreation, so the landscape design of the site is of no small importance. Organizing a flower bed with your own hands is a great and inexpensive way not only to add zest to the design of the local area, but also the opportunity to admire and be proud of your own creation. If you approach the matter with imagination, you can build original masterpieces that will undoubtedly arouse the interest of guests and become the joy of the owners of the house. nine0005
Getting Started: General Tips
Organizing a flower bed with your own hands is not only interesting, but also quite troublesome. First of all, you need to decide on the place where the flower garden will be located. A good option is to arrange two or three flower beds at once on the site, in which to place crops that delight with their color in different periods. There are many other options too!
Often, lush flower beds are planted at the entrance to the house or near the garden arbor - then they significantly ennoble the buildings. If it is decided to place a flower planting in the depths of the garden (a good option for shade-loving crops), you need to take care of free access to it by designing a path. nine0005
Flowerbeds can serve as garden borders, framing paths or separate areas. Flower beds can be of a wide variety of shapes - square, rectangular, round, oval or disproportionately curly. Mixborders are an attractive option, where plants make up a certain pattern.
Beds can also be encircling, enveloping ponds and trees, located in islands (standard options), have a stepped structure, which is a vertical planting. The latter option allows you to save a useful place in a small area, as well as become an amazing unusual landscape decoration. nine0005
Technical points
If you are planning to organize a flower bed with your own hands on a site on the site of a lawn, you first need to draw up a plan for its placement and “stuffing” on paper, following which it will not be difficult to plant a flower bed. When the plan is ready, at the site of the future flower garden, you need to remove a layer of top soil, about 20 cm high, and fill in fresh fertile soil. A fence is necessarily formed along the perimeter of the flower bed, which can be designed independently from a wide variety of materials (read about this later in the article). nine0005
To make the flowers feel as comfortable as possible, it is better to take care of an irrigation system that will help to evenly distribute moisture and fertilizer throughout the flower garden. To do this, a hose with holes made in advance is laid out throughout the site. If a centralized water supply is connected to the site, the hose can be connected directly to the tap. If there is no supply, a pump must be used.
Rules for choosing colors
nine0004 Flowers are undoubtedly the best decoration for a summer cottage, but at the same time, they require a lot of attention. It is better for beginner flower growers to start with planting perennials, which perfectly tolerate all the hardships of changing natural conditions and are not demanding to care for.To choose flowers for planting, you need to familiarize yourself with their main characteristics, rules of maintenance and care. In particular, this applies to the height of the flower, which will determine at what distance to plant plants in the flower garden and in what place. nine0005
Flower beds should be arranged in an orderly manner. So, in an oval flower garden, the height of the plants varies from the highest in the center to the lower ones towards the edges. Climbing plants are planted along fences, gazebo walls and other small architectural structures. In a flower bed adjacent to the wall of a house or fence, tall flowers will occupy the background, stunted ones in the central part, and ground cover specimens will bloom in the foreground. In this way, each flower will receive enough light and look great without being hidden in the shade of taller crops. nine0005
When planting flowers, planting density must also be taken into account so that they can develop normally. Usually, plants are planted more densely along the edges of the flower bed, and less often towards the center. The flower garden should correspond to the landscape design of the site, and the representatives of the flora located in it should be perfectly combined with each other, both in terms of external beauty and care conditions. It is important to pay attention to the compatibility of different cultures so that one of them does not harm others.
Making a flower bed with your own hands
In creating a flower bed on a personal plot, an important role is given to design, thanks to which the most unexpected ensembles are created. Skillful and quick-witted summer residents use a variety of materials for this, starting with brick, stone and ending with elementary improvised materials.
Brickwork is one of the most common materials for creating flower bed fences. Most often, red brick is used, which will adequately emphasize the aesthetics of the flower garden. In addition, this option is highly practical - the brick easily withstands the loads, humidity and whims of nature. nine0005
To make a fence, you will need bricks and mortar. After laying is completed, it is recommended to plant flowers no earlier than two weeks later.
Pretty economical material used not only in home gardens, but also in urban areas. For decoration, you can use a wide variety of stones: sandstone, limestone, slate, granite, quartzite. The most common option is pebbles. In order for the fence to stand as long as possible, a cement base is formed before laying the stone. A flower bed made of stone with its unusual appearance is able to perfectly decorate any landscape design. nine0005
With the help of metal structures, you can create not only a reliable, but also a stylish, expensive looking fence. To maximize the service life, the metal is coated with anti-corrosion compounds and special paints. Structures are made by forging, welding or casting. Often such things are made to order, which makes it possible to obtain the most sophisticated forms. The structures are completely fixed to the concrete base or only the supporting posts are fixed. nine0005
Wooden railings fit quite naturally into the natural landscape. The material will require special processing, as wood is quite picky about the influence of environmental factors. It is not difficult to make a wooden fence yourself. Most often, a palisade, a low picket fence, small logs, branches and a vine are used for this. Wicker fences, which fit perfectly into the ethnic design, have a special attraction.
You don't have to buy anything to create a fence - all the material (pegs and willows) can be collected by yourself near the nearest water body. The design process is quite simple: along the perimeter of the flower bed, at a small distance from each other, stakes are driven in, which are braided with rods according to the rules of basket weaving. Each row must be lightly tapped with a hammer to seal the canvas. nine0005
Original borders can be made from snags, especially if the landscape includes wooden benches, old rustic items. A small, but very pretty flower bed can be made using the most common stump (deck) left after cutting down a tree on the site.
Handy materials
The simplest, but very interesting design options for flower beds can be obtained using improvised materials. Here, much depends on the presence of unnecessary things and the imagination of the owners. Consider some options popular with gardeners:
1. Tire fence. A wonderful way to design flower beds, used by many gardeners. In this case, you can use any used tires, but imported ones are recognized as more elastic. Before installation, the tire must be cleaned of dirt, washed and painted in the preferred color. With the help of several tires, you can build a vertical flower garden with various kinds of plants. Some craftsmen carve real masterpieces from tires.
2. Plastic bottle border. A wonderful way to get rid of accumulated containers and decorate a flower bed beautifully at no extra cost. For these purposes, you will need to collect the required number of bottles of the same size (usually 1.5 liters). They are installed in a tight row, neck into the ground. The finished fence can be painted or pre-filled with multi-colored pebbles. nine0005
3. Furniture. Old pieces of furniture can also be turned into original flower beds. If these are wooden furniture items, they must first be treated with special moisture-resistant solutions. Usually such gizmos are painted with bright colors.
Plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, sinks, toilets can also be used to create a flower bed. In such designs, it is important to consider compatibility. For example, delicate forget-me-nots perfectly fill the space of a shell bed, imitating soap suds, multi-colored annuals, reminiscent of a motley mound of clothes with their flowering, can be planted in the drawers of an old chest of drawers. nine0005
In addition to the do-it-yourself ways of decorating flower beds mentioned above, you can use various other options. Sometimes the most unexpected objects that have lost their intended purpose over time become flower beds: an old bicycle, a cart, an umbrella, and even a car.
DIY flowerbed - photo
Creating a flower bed with your own hands is the best option for placing flowers in a summer cottage. An organized planting with a beautiful fence looks much more aesthetic than flowers that grow in a chaotic manner. You can see a lot of solutions on how to independently organize a flower bed in the country in a further photo selection, which presents the best and rather original ideas. Happy viewing! nine0005
105 photos and recommendations for improvement
Building something in the country by yourself is an exciting and interesting activity. Especially when we are engaged in the design of flower beds and flower beds with our own hands. Rest areas, immersed in a variety of colors of different shades, always amaze and attract the eyes of passers-by. nine0005
Experienced gardeners plant plants so that they are continuously pleasing throughout the flowering period.
Brief content of the article:
Designing a site for ornamental plants
Each owner wants to make a beautiful summer cottage or decorate the yard of his house with taste. It is enough to look around to understand how to make a flower bed with your own hands.
You don't need to be a designer and incur big expenses. The easiest way to arrange a flower garden in a geometric shape. This area is easy to block off. nine0005
In fact, a beautiful flower bed can be created from any orphan material. Old utensils, dry sawn branches, unnecessary car tires and various items that have already served their intended purpose are used. When planning, keep in mind that long flower beds are placed along the fence or paths in the garden. See also: compost pit.
Whatever idea comes to mind, you need to calculate some nuances: the shape and appearance of a flowering flower bed, location, choose the appropriate material. The finished flower garden should fit perfectly into the design of the site. nine0005
Making flowerbeds
It is possible to make flowerbed decoration from anything: it can be abrasive material or improvised means. In some cases, they simply litter the site. It will turn out a double benefit - original flower beds will appear on the territory, and the site will be cleared of debris.
The most accessible item is a wheel and a tire from it. If a house or a garden plot is located near a forest, then it will not be difficult to find dead wood for arranging an unusual flower garden. nine0005
Old used furniture and even sanitary ware can be used. Almost all summer residents have building material. A flower bed of stones will look peculiar. This fence requires skill, so it's not for everyone.
Designs made of plastic bottles have been particularly popular lately. Such material can be found in large quantities. A good solution would be to build a flower bed from this raw material. Here you can use your own creative imagination as much as possible or see a photo of the design of the flower beds with your own hands. nine0005
Neighborhood of flowers in a flower bed
To make the front garden surprise with its unique beauty, you should know the rules of combining plants. They exist with character, whimsical, but special ones stand out, which are better where conditions are bad. In this regard, the flowers must be properly completed.
Do not forget that plants placed in the same flower garden must contain equal needs for lighting, moisture, soil features.
The most wonderful perennials love to revel in the stream of rays - luxurious roses, beautiful peonies and amazing creepers. If you want to transform such a flower bed, choose a moderate, modest border for it. Gypsophila with its small, lacy inflorescence is perfect. Without it, the flower garden looks incomplete. nine0005
Ornamental lavender or openwork silver wormwood leaves can also be planted. Protective plants are needed next to the rose garden, designed to drive out dangerous pests. The best option is wonderful marigolds or salvia.
In spring, flowerbeds in the dacha, flooded with abundant rays, will decorate prefabricated tuberous plantations: beautiful tulips, universal hyacinths and garden daffodils. This company will gladly include ornamental bulbous plants. nine0005
By the time the leaves of the tulips have withered, they will be covered by a wall of tall and drought tolerant varieties of annuals or perennials. These are "Golden Ring", "Hawaii" and fragrant verbena flowers.
In equal conditions, snow-white flowers of lilies and colorful phlox, bright chrysanthemum bushes and inflorescences of variegated aster, fiery, with a long flowering period, dahlias and elegant sunflowers that do not need special care, elegant sunflowers, gladiolus and graceful petunia, massive inflorescences coexist well royal canna and the flower of love - the daisy. nine0005
Planting should not be too dense, as many plants will eventually overgrow and create obstacles to growth. By planting flowers in a large imaginary bouquet, correctly combining in shape and color, you will create indescribable beauty in the flower beds near the house and achieve an amazing combination of the natural landscape on your site.
Types of flowerbeds
A medium-sized flower bed of various shapes, with marked boundaries, is called a flower bed. In accordance with the planted plants, there are: nine0005
- Carpeted - composed of low-flowering or deciduous ornamental plants of various colors and of equal height. To preserve the expressiveness of the pattern, such flower beds are sheared from time to time;
- flowers are decorated with a variety of fragrant perennials and annuals and replenished with decorative seedlings with elegant leaves.
Arabesque - a separate element for decorating flower plantations, but sometimes it is a component of the main flower bed. They are made in the form of a circle or an oval with a bizarre natural pattern in the form of an ornament, an epigraph or an image of someone. Arabesques work well with seasonal flowers or plants that tolerate shearing well. nine0005
Rabatka is a flower bed in the idea of a ribbon. It is located along fences, structures and paths. This design option serves as a border for different areas of the garden plot.
Flower plantations in a narrow strip, which are edging for flower beds and paths, are called borders.
The rock garden is an imitation of the landscape of the Alpine mountains. The photo shows a flower bed with your own hands. It is made up of ornamental plantations in combination with hard rock. nine0005
Solitaire tends to use a solitary plant. Especially expressive look on the lawn in abundance flowering perennial shrubs of high growth.
Mixborder - a plantation of lush flowers and beautiful plants.