Feng shui bedroom bed position
How to Place Your Bed for Good Feng Shui
Anjie Cho
Anjie Cho
Anjie Cho is a certified feng shui consultant, professional architect, and author with over 20 years of experience designing spaces. She co-founded the Mindful Design Feng Shui School and wrote "Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home."
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Updated on 01/15/21
The Spruce / Almar Creative
According to feng shui principles, the bed is the most important piece of furniture in your home because it represents you.
Just think about how many hours you spend in your bed. You probably devote more time there than any other place. And the time that you are in bed, you are typically resting or sleeping. When asleep, you’re in a passive “yin” state and more susceptible to the energies around you. So your bed placement affects you in your conscious and unconscious states.
Therefore, if you start anywhere with feng shui, start with your bed! If at all possible, always place the bed for the best feng shui. If it’s really impossible, there are some ways to correct it. I highly suggest you can place it in the best way and opt to correct it if you have no other option. Here are some tips to place your bed for good feng shui.
01 of 07
Commanding Position
Illustration: The Spruce / Caitlin Rogers
In feng shui, we place the bed using the principle of the commanding position. You want your bed located so that when you’re lying in bed, you can see the door to the bedroom. However, you don’t want to be directly in line with the door either.
A good rule of thumb for bedroom feng shui, is to place the bed diagonal from the door.
See the diagrams above, which show the most ideal locations.
It’s understandable that there are many cases in which this is not possible. There’s still hope! If you can’t be in the commanding position, you can correct the bed by using a mirror. Place a mirror so that when you’re in bed you can see the reflection of the door.
A freestanding mirror is easy to place and adjust to the correct angle.
02 of 07
Placing the Bed in Relationship to Doors
Charlie Dean / Getty ImagesBesides the commanding position, there are other guidelines to look out for when placing your bed in relation to the doors in the bedroom.
You also want to avoid any doors opening up directly onto any part of the bed. Avoid having your feet point straight out the door. This is often referred to as the “coffin position”.
If the only place for your bed is in line with a door, it can be corrected.
You can hang a faceted feng shui crystal ball halfway between the door and the bed.
03 of 07
Headboard Against a Solid Wall
Hero Images / Getty ImagesThe head of your bed should be sitting securely against a solid wall. This means that you are supported from the back. I know it may seem like common sense, but I’ve seen people place the beds with the headboard in the middle of the room, or even the whole bed floating in the middle of the room. Always remember, you want the support of a wall behind you.
Second, avoid windows behind the head of the bed if possible. This is especially important if you’re on the ground floor or have eye issues. Better to have a solid wall behind you.
04 of 07
Locating the Bed Away From a Toilet Wall
Caiaimage / Martin Barraud / Getty Images
Avoid sharing your headboard with the wall of the toilet. This means you want to rule out placing your bed on a wall that has the toilet on the other side of it.
You don’t want to have a toilet on the other side of the wall from your head.
If it’s not possible, you can place a mirror on the wall above and behind the bed to expand the view of the bedroom beyond. This will energetically erase the toilet.
05 of 07
Space on Both Sides of the Bed
Hero Images / Getty ImagesFor adults, it’s best to have open space on the left and right sides of the bed. I suggest you have at least 18 inches on each side. It’s not ideal to place your bed with one side up against a wall.
The space on both sides allows a balance of your yin and yang, as well as space for each partner (or future partner). If this is not possible, do the best you can to have space on the wall side. You can also place a mirror on the wall that the bed is up next to. This can expand the view of energetically.
For children, it’s okay to have a bed against the wall as it can give them some support.
06 of 07
Beams, Soffits, and Sloped Ceilings
Joe Schmelzer / Getty ImagesFor the best feng shui placement, you want the area above your bed free of beams, soffits or sloped ceilings.
These architectural features above the bed can create unnecessary pressure.
If it’s unavoidable, a correction is to drape fabric to conceal the ceiling feature. If it’s not a large beam or soffit, it may be possible to simply blend the feature into the ceiling by painting it the same color. This makes the dropped ceiling areas less oppressive.
07 of 07
Feng Shui Bed Placement Checklist
Anna Cor-Zumbansen / EyeEm / Getty Images
Here’s a quick overview on what you can look out for when placing your bed for good feng shui:
Bed Placement Checklist
- Place your bed in commanding position, or correct it with a mirror.
- Check that doors don’t open up directly in line with the bed. If it’s unavoidable, correct it with a feng shui crystal ball.
- Have a solid wall behind your headboard for support.
- Avoid placing your bed on the other side of a toilet wall.
- Have space open on both sides of the bed for the adults in the home.
- Avoid beams, soffits, and sloped ceilings above the bed, otherwise, try to cover them with fabric to lessen the impact.
Watch Now: Tips for Decorating Your Home for Good Feng Shui
Feng Shui Tips for a Bed Aligned With the Door
Anjie Cho
Anjie Cho
Anjie Cho is a certified feng shui consultant, professional architect, and author with over 20 years of experience designing spaces. She co-founded the Mindful Design Feng Shui School and wrote "Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home."
Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process
Updated on 01/19/22
The Spruce / Ellen Lindner
The bed is the most important piece of furniture in your home to locate for feng shui. Feng shui is a philosophy that looks at the flow of qi in your space in order to improve your well being. Since we probably spend the most time in bed than anywhere else in the home, it’s critical to have your bed following the most optimal feng shui guidelines.
We also spend many hours in bed while we’re sleeping, in a passive state. When we’re asleep, we are more open to energies around us. Another reason why the bed’s feng shui position is so influential is because it’s a private place in the home. (Hopefully it’s not open to the public!) Therefore, you spend your most private time there. This is why in feng shui, your bed best represents and most deeply affects you.
The Coffin Position
Most of the dozens of schools of feng shui agree that the bed should not be aligned with the door if at all possible. The classical feng shui schools have something called the “coffin position.” This describes one way in which your bed can be in line with the door.
How do you know you’re in the coffin position? When you’re laying in bed, your feet point towards the door.
The Commanding Position
When your bed is aligned with the door, it’s also out of the “commanding position.” Ideally you want your bed in command, which means that you’re in command of your life. This places you in the best position to receive positive energy, improving your success in the world. To be in the “commanding position," you want to have your bed situated so that when you’re in bed you can see the door without being in line with the door.
Flow of Qi
Another reason why it’s not ideal to have your bed aligned with the door is that when your bed is in this placement, the qi (life force energy) comes in through the door and directly into the bed.
Check If your Bed Is Aligned With the Door
Your bed is aligned with the door if you walk in straight through the bedroom door and keep walking in a straight line, you run into your bed. This is exactly how the qi flows directly into the bed. The diagram below shows two examples with a suggested correction.
The Spruce / Ellen Lindner
Tips to Adjust a Bed Aligned With the Door
Move the Bed
The first and best choice is to move the bed. Again, if at all possible, the most ideal way to correct a bed that is aligned with the door is to move the bed. A lot of people are resistant to this: They just jump to the second (crystal ball) option. But to be honest, the second option should only be used if you really can’t move the bed into a more favorable position.
Hang a Feng Shui Crystal Ball
Another way to adjust a bed that is aligned with the door is to hang a feng shui crystal ball. If you use this method, be sure to purchase a new faceted feng shui crystal ball and hang it with a red string. The faceted crystal ball will deflect and disperse any qi that comes in through the door so it doesn’t rush towards you in bed.
Anjie Cho / Holistic SpacesHang the new crystal ball from the ceiling halfway between the bed and the door. The length should align with the top of the door frame. Be sure that the door does not hit the crystal ball. See the diagram above for recommended locations.
Use Furniture to Adjust
If your bedroom is large enough, you can place a piece of furniture, such as a screen or a free-standing bookshelf, halfway between the bed and the door. This will also deflect and disperse any qi that comes in through the door. It’s good option.
If you use this option, be sure that the room is still spacious and not cramped. There should be a generous amount of space to get in and out of the bed and in and out through the door. Basically, don’t use this adjustment if the furniture becomes an obstacle to the door or the bed. Instead use the crystal option above.
How to put a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui? Basic Rules
- The essence of feng shui
- Feng Shui cardinal points
- feng shui bedroom bed
- feng shui plants
- Order
- feng shui bedroom colors
- Do not place furniture in corners and niches
- feng shui mirror
- natural materials
- feng shui bedrooms in a nutshell
According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, everything is interconnected by the flow of energy. If it is interrupted and can no longer flow freely, it affects our general condition. The environment plays a significant role in this. Even furniture and interior items can affect energies. Here are some tips for furnishing your bedroom that will help you get more peace and relaxation. Let's look at feng shui rules together.
The term "Feng Shui" is on everyone's lips. But what does it really mean? The Feng Shui doctrine concerns the relationship between man and nature, describes how the environment can positively influence a person. In the center is vital energy - invisible qi. It plays an important role in home improvement. With the right arrangement of furniture and accessories, chi energy can flow freely throughout the home and maintain good health.
The bedroom is a yin room. Yin means peace and darkness here. Bedroom feng shui should be given special attention as it affects the well-being and harmony of the entire family.
The room itself is just as important as the placement of the bed. At the same time, both orientation to the cardinal points and the coordination of the bed with the shape and structure of the room, as well as the location relative to windows and doors, are of great importance. The direction of the head and feet affects feng shui.
The cardinal points according to Feng Shui are located as follows: at the top - north , at the bottom - south , on the right side - east , on the left side - west . Intermediate directions: in the upper right corner - northeast , in the upper left corner - northwest , in the lower right corner - southeast , in the lower left corner - southwest.
In order to achieve well-being, Feng Shui advises to activate the most important areas for you in the apartment. To begin with, let's figure out what meaning each side of the world has in Feng Shui.
First of all, we are interested in the bedroom. In this room, it is better that the windows face east or west. Where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui is also an important question.
A lot will depend on which direction you choose to sleep:
- North - intuition is activated. Couples are advised to sleep in this direction if they want to strengthen their attachment to each other and improve intimate relationships.
- Northeast - mental abilities improve. This direction will not let you relax, but it will help you find a purpose in life. It is not recommended to sleep with your head in this direction for a long time.
- Northwest - gives a sound and deep sleep. This direction is especially favorable for the elderly.
- East means in Feng Shui that sleep will be deep and truly relaxing.
- South-East - will help get rid of complexes and constraint.
Career success is guaranteed.
- South is a destination for careerists and people who dream of fame. In no case should you lie down with your head to the south if you are stressed or depressed. In this case, the situation will only get worse.
- Southwest is the best destination for those looking for love. It will help you find harmony in your life.
- West - suitable for people associated with creativity. This direction not only gives inspiration, but also enhances sexuality.
To ensure the free flow of positive life energy, you need to wisely approach the location of the bed. You can not put it in front of the door, so as not to create an obstacle to the flow of energy. The less furniture in the bedroom, the better, nothing should distract from calmness and relaxation.
The head of your bed should be against the wall. In case of a threat of negative energy from the door, you can install a partition.
According to Feng Shui philosophy, plants should not be placed in the bedroom. However, there is one “but” - there can be several plants in the room that emit oxygen, rather than absorb it. For example, chlorophytum, spathiphyllum or aloe.
Structure and order play a very important role in Feng Shui. So chaos and disorder certainly hinder the flow of qi. It is especially important to keep order in the closet with clothes. But the shelves and night table should also be tidied up.
In Feng Shui, different colors are assigned to the rooms in the house. For example, cheerful colors are welcome in the dining room to ensure a harmonious stay with family or friends. What feng shui colors are suitable for the bedroom? Restrained natural colors are optimal. They promote calmness and relaxation.
- White
A minimalist all-white bedroom promotes well-being and harmony. This works especially well if you add wooden furniture, which gives the bedroom a warm atmosphere. - Warm colors
To really feel good, we need warm colors. Therefore, in Feng Shui, cold shades, such as blue, purple or cold green, are not provided. Instead, experts advise using warm shades of brown that pair beautifully with reds, yellows, or oranges.
Feng Shui teaches that a square room without hidden niches is best suited for a bedroom. To avoid blocking the flow of energy, place the bed at some distance from the corners.
A large mirror is very beautiful and practical, but interferes with harmony in the bedroom. At the very least, don't place it in front of the bed. Mirrors in front of and to the side of the bed act as permanent energy reflectors and can significantly disrupt sleep. A feng shui mirror is best placed on the wall so that it reflects natural light and visually enlarges the room.
Well-being requires more than just the right arrangement of furniture. The choice of materials also plays an important role. Natural materials such as wood, cotton, or even glass are great for feng shui concepts.
- If possible, discard the mirrors in the bedroom - they carry conflicts and quarrels.
- Avoid electrical appliances.
- Do not put plants - the element of water in the bedroom means loss.
- The bed should not have sharp edges.
- The head of the bed should be directly against the wall, not in an empty space, but in no case against the wall behind which the toilet is located (rooms where there is moisture).
- The bed should not stand between two doors, and in no case should it be located under a free-lying beam. In addition, it should not be opposite the sharp corner of the room, but best of all - parallel to the window with sufficient indentation from it.
- The color scheme should be muted, and the light should not be too bright.
- You should not hang pictures in the bedroom with images of water, noisy fun, aggressive animals and natural elements.
- You can choose paintings for the bedroom that create a mood of peace and quiet, but do not hang them over the head of the bed.
- The bedroom should be dominated by simple, clear forms.
Feng Shui bed arrangement
Yulia Yashenok17.01.2021
One of the main ideas of the Taoist sage Le Tzu is that life is a dream, and a dream is reality. He divided dreams into 6 varieties: ordinary, disturbing, scary, joyful, caused by thoughts or memories. His companions and followers also argue that nightly rest is the most important thing in life. Therefore, the correct location of the bed according to Feng Shui (Taoist practice) is an important task. The ancient doctrine of the organization of space will help to solve this difficult puzzle even for those who, for no apparent reason, have despaired of restoring sleep.
Dependence of sleep on the interior of the bedroom and bed
The atmosphere of the rest room depends not only on the shape and location of the bed in Feng Shui. For the circulation of vital energy Qi (according to Eastern philosophy, absolutely everything in the Universe consists of it), you need to take into account the overall design of the bedroom, including the ceiling. The best solutions for it are a smooth and plain surface without stucco, beams, or a matte stretch fabric.
Decorated in light pastel colors, the walls and ceiling create a feeling of softness and serenity, which is what a relaxation room needs. It is better to refuse bright elements only if it is not required to improve relations between partners in a delicate intimate sphere. In this case, it is permissible to place in the bedroom a couple of accents of crimson, yellow or red shades, corresponding to the “masculine” beginning of Yang. It is responsible for activity, firmness and courage.
Lighting elements are required to be sufficiently compact and unobtrusive. Heavy chandelier, sconces, hanging structures above the bed cause an almost imperceptible feeling of anxiety, which does not allow you to relax even in your sleep. The same list of items includes paintings, photographs, shelves.
A few basic rules on how to put a bed in feng shui .

These are the simplest feng shui principles that tell you how to place a bed in the bedroom. If they are observed, the beneficial influence of Qi will be preserved and multiplied. Its course will become calm and measured.
How to put the bed in relation to the cardinal points
The location of the bed according to Feng Shui to the cardinal points also matters. Each of them has a certain effect on the sleepers. Let's look at examples of how the placement of the head of the bed affects sleep:
- east - brings a calm and peaceful rest, balance in partnerships,
- southeast - luck and material well-being,
- south - healing of sleepers, increased passion between partners,
- southwest - strengthening relationships between lovers,
- northeast - spiritual development and enlightenment,
- west - health promotion, strengthening of romantic feelings between partners,
- north - getting rid of chronic fatigue,
- northwest - favors travel, helps get rid of depression and feelings of loneliness.
How to choose a feng shui bed
It is not enough to determine how the bed should be according to Feng Shui, you also need to choose the right model. What matters is the shape of the headboard, the stability of the legs and the size of the bed.
Shape: although sharp corners have a bad effect on the location of the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, round models are also not recommended for use. Most preferred in Taoist practice is a rectangular bed with slightly rounded corners.
Size: it is important to pay attention that the bed is not too big or too small in relation to the bedroom. The bed for a couple of lovers should be solid, no need to connect 2 mattresses or 2 bases. One of the most popular bed sizes - 140 by 220 centimeters - is considered unfortunate in terms of the flow of Qi energy. Bed dimensions of 150 by 220, 19 are considered optimal.0 by 220, 220 by 220 or 220 by 240 centimeters.
Headboard: as a symbol of security, it is an indispensable element of the bed.