Farrow and ball greens



Gestrichen in Calke Green No.34 in Estate Emulsion

Bild mit freundlicher Genehmigung von The Modern House

Als Farbe, die wir fast unwillkürlich mit Natur und Gesundheit assoziieren, ist Grün eine gute Wahl für alle Räume des Hauses. Es schenkt den unterschiedlichsten Zimmern Lebendigkeit und Vitalität. Indem eine grüne Wand- und Möbelfarbe die harmonischen Wirkung der Natur nach drinnen holt, erzeugt sie eine wohltuende Atmosphäre. Mit unserer Palette von Grüntönen, die von einem dunklen Tannengrün bis zum feinen Salbeiton reicht, ist es ganz leicht, die Natur in den eigenen vier Wänden zu feiern.

Helle Grüntöne

Für einen gemütlichen Look im Landhausstil wählen Sie am besten Farben wie Lichen oder Vert de Terre. Diese sanften Nuancen kreieren eine ruhige Atmosphäre, die einen nahezu perfekten Hintergrund für schöne traditionelle Möbel und Gestaltungselemente abgibt. Etwas frischer und dynamischer wirken Ihre Räume mit etwas cleaneren Farben wie Cooking Apple Green oder Green Ground. Mit ihren frischen Untertönen, die an draußen erinnern, eignen sie sich sehr gut für die die Küche. Wenn Sie Ihren Räumen hingegen einen Hauch von Eleganz und Understatement verleihen möchten, dann wäre vielleicht das manchmal beinahe silbern wirkende Ball Green der richtige Farbton.

UNSER TIPP: Sie möchten nur eine leise Ahnung von Grün in Ihre Räume einziehen lassen? Dann testen Sie unsere traditionellen Neutraltöne. Diese elegante Familie von Weißtönen mit weichen graugrünen Untertönen ist eine gute Alternative für nicht ganz so mutige Menschen.

Olive No.13 in Estate Emulsion

Bild aus Recipes for Decorating

Old White No.4 in Modern Eggshell und Modern Emulsion

Bild aus Recipes for Decorating



Dunkles Grün

Viele Menschen halten Dunkelgrün für eine ernste Farbe. Wir finden, ein dunkler Grünton kann einem Raum ein Gefühl von Ruhe und Erdung verleihen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie sich für die elegante Tiefe eines Duck Green entscheiden oder die Wärme unseres Olivtons Bancha bevorzugen – dunkelgrüne Wände können Ihre gesammelten Schätze und Lieblingsstücke effektvoll in Szene setzen. Das klare Calke Green kreiert einladende Räume voller Intimität und ist eine gute Wahl für Schlafzimmer und Relax-Areas. Atmosphärisch rauchige Nuancen wie Card Room Green oder Green Smoke eignen sich perfekt für Arbeitszimmer.

Duck Green W55 in Estate Emulsion, Snow White W1 in Estate Eggshell

Bancha No.298 in Modern Emulsion



Gräuliche Grüntöne

Wenn Sie eine relaxte Stimmung schaffen möchten, dann ist French Gray der richtige Farbton für Sie. Diese natürlich und organisch anmutende Farbe hat etwas Unbekümmertes – vor allem, wenn sie nur mit dezenten Kontrasten versehen wird. French Gray verändert sich mit dem Umgebungslicht sehr deutlich, es erscheint in helleren Räumen grüner und in dunkleren Räumen grauer. Das intensivere Treron reagiert auf dieselbe Art und Weise auf Licht. Diese etwas grünere Variation unseres beliebten Farbtons Pigeon hat in vollem Sonnenlicht einen komplett anderen Charakter, der sich besonders draußen sehr schön entfaltet.

French Gray No.18 in Estate Eggshell

Ash Grey No.W9 in Estate Emulsion, Snow White No.W1 in Estate Emulsion

Gräuliche Grüntöne

Gräuliche Grüntöne

Lebendige Grüntöne

Frische Grüntöne verleihen Räumen eine fröhliche Vitalität, unser Farbton Arsenic verdeutlicht das am eindringlichsten. Selbst in den kleinsten Dosen wirkt er aktivierend. Das cleane und frische Yeabridge Green verbreitet einen ähnlichen Optimismus, doch bringt es zusätzlich ein Gefühl von Landlust mit. Das etwas reserviertere Breakfast Room Green wirkt mit seinen blaueren Untertönen frisch und unkompliziert, während das gelbliche Churlish Green im Handumdrehen Leben in Räume bringt – vor allem, wenn es im hochglänzenden Full Gloss gestrichen wird.

Arsenic No.214 in Estate Emulsion, St. Giles Blue No.280 in Modern Emulsion

Foto von Harry Crowder

Yeabridge Green No.287 in Estate Emulsion, All White No.2005 in Estate Eggshell




Verwandeln Sie Ihr Zuhause!

Unsere unnachahmlichen Farbtöne helfen Ihnen dabei.


The 9 Best Green Paint Colors Designers Turn to Again and Again

Why leave your love for Mother Nature outside? Sourcing the best green paint colors for kitchens, bedrooms, and cozy nooks can be a fitting tribute to the great outdoors. It’s been less than a year since several paint companies dubbed a sage-like hue 2022’s official Color of the Year, and we’re already seeing this It color incorporated virtually everywhere—from the kitchens of Catskills retreats to the built-ins of historic brownstones.

And despite what you may have heard to the contrary, it’s actually quite easy to be—or go—green. But first, it’s critical to choose the ideal shade for the space by considering the area’s size, function, and natural lighting conditions. Once you’ve established the basics, take a look at the nine designer-approved paint shades below, including inky emerald, earthy moss, and eye-catching teal. Pick the right one, and you’ll be sure to leave other designers—you guessed it—green with envy.

Vintage Vogue by Benjamin Moore.

Aquilo Interiors used Vintage Vogue in this eclectic living space.

Photo: Meghan Caudill

Vintage Vogue by Benjamin Moore

“I mean first of all, the name is fantastic: Vintage Vogue. Need I say more? It’s such a magical color! It’s warm, saturated, impactful, and vibrant. On top of all of that, I’d argue that it is also neutral—well, my version of a neutral. Vintage Vogue is the best supporting actress; she plays well with others. The type of friend you can introduce to anyone. She provides the perfect base for this gallery wall, uniting otherwise disparate pieces. The glue of the group!” —Carmen René Smith, Aquilo Interiors

Verdigris by Benjamin Moore.

Verdigris enlivens the trim in this sunny room by Heather Hilliard Design.

Photo: John Merkl

Verdigris by Benjamin Moore

“Verdigris is one of my favorite greens; it’s a unique bluish green that results from the process of oxidation on copper and brass. We found it was the perfect compliment to the wall covering, which is Extra-Fine Arrowroot, Key West by Phillip Jeffries. It really emphasized the architectural trim work and is still soft, but also a little out of the box. While this room is not in a beach home, I also love it for coastal projects. It’s less predictable than nautical blues, but still gives context to the setting.” —Heather Hilliard, Heather Hilliard Design

French Gray by Farrow & Ball.

Workstead’s Stefanie Brechbuehler identifies French Gray—seen on the wall of this interior—as one of the best green paint colors.

Photo: Matthew Williams

French Gray by Farrow & Ball

“We coated everything at this Park Slope apartment in a matte yet cleanable French Gray by Farrow & Ball (which, despite its name, is really more of a very soft green). We proceeded to bathe all of the residence’s walls, baseboards, window frames, interior shutters, and even radiators in the color, so that multiple architectural elements now read as a textured plane.” —Stefanie Brechbuehler, Workstead

Studio Green by Farrow & Ball.

The hue in a powder room designed by Clive Lonstein.

Photo: Rodolfo Martinez

Studio Green by Farrow & Ball

“For this powder room, I wanted to create a dark environment because the room didn’t have any natural light. When a small space is dark, it creates a sense of depth, and the plaster finish sets the soothing tone of the room. I wanted to work with the soapstone sink to create a monochromatic environment. I chose Studio Green by Farrow & Ball because of its perfect pairing to the material, so it complements the soapstone.” —Clive Lonstein, Clive Lonstein, Inc.

Largo Teal by Benjamin Moore.

Arditi Designs specified Largo Teal in this bedroom.

Photo: Sinan Tuncay

Largo Teal by Benjamin Moore

“I love the Largo Teal from Benjamin Moore because, while it is a bolder color, it still has a calming undertone, and it can be used in various rooms of the house. We chose to use it in this primary bedroom to balance off the delicate patterns on the wallpaper.” —Rozit Arditi, Arditi Designs

Green Smoke by Farrow & Ball.

Green Smoke takes over a powder room by LH.Designs.

Photo: Lauren Pressey

Green Smoke by Farrow & Ball

“Green Smoke has a very soft, tranquil quality. I loved using it in this powder room, because it brought in some of the natural elements from outside without feeling ‘woodsy. ’ I love this perfect green because it can act as a neutral, so other elements can stand out in a room, but can also complement other colors such as gold, black, ivory, brown, mustard, plum, navy, and more.” —Linda Hayslett, LH.Designs

Bancha by Farrow & Ball.

Katie Davis applies Bancha all over an interior—including on the ceiling.

Photo: Kerry Kirk

Bancha by Farrow & Ball

“We love the pop Bancha provides. It is a bright enough green that it makes a ‘wow’ impact, but doesn’t blind you. Our client wanted something dramatic for this entryway, but with limited natural light in the space, we didn’t want it to feel too dark. We decided to make the paint lacquered, which extends an extra sheen to lighten up the color, but still gives that dose of drama.” —​​Katie Davis, Katie Davis Design

Shady Lane by Benjamin Moore.

Cathie Hong identifies Shady Lane as one of the best green paints—and puts it to good use on a kitchen island.

Photo: Margaret Austin

Shady Lane by Benjamin Moore

“I’ve always been a proponent of olive green and find that it adds warmth and depth to almost any space. For this kitchen, we tried out about five different olive greens, including Benjamin Moore Avocado and Benjamin Moore Guacamole. Ultimately, we landed on Shady Lane, because it provided a subtle depth that we believed would age well and looked pleasantly serene from dawn to dusk.” —Cathie Hong, Cathie Hong Interiors

Pigeon by Farrow & Ball.

Pigeon, used on cabinetry in an interior by Sarah Fultz, who identifies the hue as her pick for the best green paint color.

Photo: Matti Gresham

Pigeon by Farrow & Ball

“This is one of the most versatile paint colors I’ve ever worked with. It reads differently, depending on the room, which can make it a bit tricky to use. But if the room has plenty of natural light, you’re essentially guaranteed to have a beautiful result. ” —Sarah Fultz, Sarah Fultz Interiors

Animal Hydroponic Greens

A. Vasiliev S. Moskalenko L. Sivokhina

Hydroponic greens for animals

A. Vasilyev S. Moskalenko L. Sivokhina

October 2017 • Pig breeding

Download the article in PDF

Feeding hydroponic green fodder to pigs of different sex and age groups has a positive effect on the reproductive qualities of sows, the safety of young animals, their growth rate, and also helps to reduce feed costs and improve the profitability of farms.

Keywords: pig breeding, sow, weaned piglets, gilts, productivity, nutrition, diet, offspring, hydroponic green fodder (GZK), barley grain, pork, fattening, monokorm, age group, pigs, large white breed vitamins, enzymes, digestive system, nutrients, exchange energy, lysine, methionine, crude protein, live weight, gross growth, multiple pregnancy, milkiness, weaning, safety, case, growth rate

Feeding hydroponic green feed to pigs of different sex and age groups has a positive effect on reproductive qualities of sows, livability of young animals, intensity of their growth, and also promotes reduction of feed consumption and improvement of farm profitability.

Keywords: pig production sow pigs weaning pigs yelts productivity nutrition value diet issue hydroponic green feed (HGF) barley grain pork fattening mono-feed sex and age groups pigs Large white breed vitamins enzymes gastrointestinal tract nutrients metabolic energy lysine methionine crude protein live weight gross weight gain prolificacy milking capacity weaning livability die off growth rate.


Livestock Breeding Publishing House

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Biocorrector KLIM Pig for pregnant sows

“Human capital increase is the basis of success”

“Simeks success” 9002

Status and development prospects of the pork market in the EAEU

The EAEU member states are faced with the task of ensuring an efficient production chain, creating competitive production of domestic analogues of imported resources, and intensifying breeding work.

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Dry apple pomace for piglets

Replacement of part of the barley grain in the diets for weaned piglets with dry apple pomace contributed to an increase in the intensity of growth of young animals, improved meat forms of animals and increased livestock safety.

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Productivity of gilts of different body type

Replacement gilts of transitional body type, in contrast to animals of the eirisomal (wide-bodied) and leptosomal (narrow-bodied) types, are characterized by higher productivity, which means they are most adapted to the conditions of production on pig farm.

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Modern approaches to feeding pigs

Lallemand Animal Nutrition held a technical seminar in St. Petersburg on the topic "Modern feed solutions for industrial pig production."

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Evaluation of sows by reproductive qualities

A new mathematical model of the evaluation index has been developed to determine the degree of evenness (homogeneity) of the sow nest by the live weight of piglets at birth.

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Pig breeders are active

The annual meeting of NSS members was held in Moscow, which was attended by representatives of authorities, the largest pig farms, scientists, manufacturers of veterinary drugs, equipment and feed.

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Cargill innovations for pig production

At the end of 2019 in Prague, Cargill held a workshop for Russian pig producers Focus on Fattening. Reducing the cost of production. Improving the quality of meat.

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Benefits of in-line pig breeding

The use of in-line breeding in commercial pig production as an element of the hybridization system allows you to continuously improve the productive qualities of the herd.

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Treatment of piglets with congenital malnutrition

The use of citric acid in the treatment of malnourished piglets improves their survival and growth rate.

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Effects of insoluble fiber on sow health and performance

ARBOCEL® fiber from J. Rettenmaier & Söhne can control hunger in sows during gestation, improve bowel function, increase water intake, nutrient absorption and reproductive performance.

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Evaluation of sires inspected

In large farms, sire boars should be evaluated by average litter weight when pigs are sent to slaughter, or at least by average litter weight when transferred to fattening - indicators that take into account both the intensity of growth young animals, and the safety of the livestock.

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“Automation is the way to reduce costs”

In an interview with the magazine, Nedap Eastern Europe Manager Ton van den Akker talks about modern digital technologies for pig production.

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Microclimate for chicks

When rearing replacement gilts for meat production, the temperature in the room must be maintained at 20–24 °C in order to increase the number of animals that come to hunt.

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Breeding for meat

Breeding pigs according to the model parameters of the exterior and interior, for example, according to the meat body type, can improve the slaughter yield, meat content in carcasses, the quality of pork, etc.

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Pig breeding in Russia: new reality

The article provides an analysis of the current situation in the domestic pig industry, taking into account the consequences of the spread of COVID-19 in the world.

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determination of the sow's farrowing date - avamarket.com.ua

The ability to come into heat all year round and bring many piglets at a time - the biological advantages of pigs. Sows come into heat from the age of six months. This is the beginning of semi maturity, but there is no need to rush to mate them. It is best to mate young sows from 10 months of age. It is important to mate only those pigs that weigh at least 100 kg and no more than 200 kg - small pigs will be too exhausted by pregnancy and may not be able to nurse piglets. Pigs that are too large cause fertility problems. If the pig does become pregnant, farrowing will be difficult and there is a high risk that the sow will crush several piglets during the first days of life. When selecting a pig for a tribe, it is important to pay attention to the number of nipples - there must be at least 14 of them, otherwise it may turn out that the boar will do its job, the eggs will be fertilized, the pig will farrow, and will not be able to feed all the piglets.

If a pig comes into heat, it is noticeable by restless behavior, refusal of food, swollen labia. The female, in which fertilization has successfully passed, becomes calm and even apathetic, eats well and her nipples swell. So it's time to count down the days until farrowing.

Pig pregnancy: duration, periods, number of piglets

A normal pregnancy for pigs is considered to last from 100 to 127 days, and farmers describe this period as three months, three weeks and three days. Usually this period is 114 days. However, only 25% of pigs bring piglets just in time, the rest of the farrowing occurs a little earlier or a little later.

The following factors influence the gestation period of piglets:

  1. Pig breed;
  2. Gestation season. If the pig bears piglets in the summer, the pregnancy may be delayed, and in winter the pregnancy lasts less;
  3. Number of piglets: the more fruits, the sooner the moment of farrowing will come;
  4. Age of sows. In primiparous, the gestation period is longer; in experienced sows, the offspring matures more quickly;
  5. Pig weight. Large sows bring piglets faster than thin sows.

During pregnancy, the pig may experience a period of toxicosis, which, however, may not be. The first 13 weeks are the period of active fruit development. By the end of this period, swellings are noticeable in the body of the pig and you can understand how many piglets the female has and how they are located. Then comes the period of preparation for farrowing.

The number of piglets depends primarily on the breed. For some breeds, 7-9 piglets per offspring is considered normal, while for others, 12-15 piglets and even more are considered normal.

How to care for and feed a sow

During the hunting period, the sow should be well fed, offering her about 5 kg of compound feed per day. This will contribute to the formation of multiple offspring. You can enrich the food at this moment with microelements.

Feeding should be restricted for 12 weeks after mating. For example, feed to give 2-3 kg per day. And in order for the pig not to feel hungry, you need to provide her with a sufficient amount of food rich in fiber. It will stimulate intestinal motility, which is important, including for the care of symptoms of toxicosis.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, in the last stages it is possible to enrich food with protein products - fish, meat and dairy waste, hay of legumes.

After 12 weeks, the amount of feed can be slightly increased. But remember: for a successful farrowing, a pig cannot be fed; for the entire period of bearing piglets, a pig must gain 25-40 kg, no more. If the piglets are large, farrowing will be difficult. If the pig is large, it can overwhelm the piglets.

Closer to farrowing, reduce the number of feedings to once a day.

It is advisable to walk a pregnant pig during almost the entire period of pregnancy in order to improve its physical condition.

How to calculate the sow's farrowing date: pig pregnancy calendar

A special pig farrowing calendar has been developed. On the day when the mating was made, you can mark the date of farrowing on the calendar. To do this, you need to select the month when the pig was fertilized in the top line, and the number in the first column. At the intersection of the lines, the breeder will find the estimated date of farrowing.

However, we have already indicated that the date may differ. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to non-physiological signs of impending farrowing:

If there are signs of an impending farrowing, the pig should be transferred to a separate pen, provide her with peace, cleanliness, an armful of straw. It is important that this room is warm enough - + 15-25 ° С. If the pig is farrowing in the summer, it may be necessary to do the opposite - pour water over it to refresh it.

Due to the loss of moisture during farrowing, it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient clean water in the pen.

Signs and features of childbirth: what time, place for childbirth and human assistance during the birth of the sow

Farrowing usually lasts about 4 hours, the piglets come out every 10-15 minutes. But the time of farrowing depends significantly on the form in which the sow is and how many piglets are in the offspring. In some cases farrowing lasts two hours, in others this process lasts up to 10 hours. Farrowing usually begins at night.

It is desirable that a person be near the pig at this time. It is necessary to stock up on a weak solution of iodine for treating wounds, a solution of potassium permanganate, clean towels, and a special box with soft straw that will be closed. This is where newborn piglets should be placed.

If a piglet is born with a shirt on, this film must be removed immediately before it suffocates.

If the pig does not show the desired activity, it should be washed with warm water and rubbed vigorously. This is usually enough to cheer up the pig. Newborn piglets need to be applied to the nipples so that they drink immunoglobulin-rich colostrum. Usually, after giving birth, animals are poorly oriented where to look for nipples, they should be helped.

If healthy labor activity is delayed, the pig is massaged on the stomach, it can be driven around the barn, drink sweetened water.

In critical situations, when there is no farrowing, there is a suspicion of uterine rupture or other complications, it is worth calling a veterinarian.

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