Essential oils for repelling mice

6 Home Remedies That Repel Rodents

If you’ve ever dealt with rats or mice in your Pacific Northwest home, you know how unnerving it can be. Rodents may be a common pest all year long, but did you know infestations spike during the fall in Portland, Seattle, and Boise? Fortunately, there are home remedies that repel rodents naturally. Here are 6 home remedies to repel rodents:


Plants like lavender, elderberry, daffodils, and any type of mint plants are known to repel mice. You could plant some around your home or keep them in pots inside your home. Bay leaves and oak leaves have also been known to deter rodents. You can leave some around your home or put some in sachets and leave them in closets and drawers. This method not only makes your home look and smell nice, but it can help deter rodents.

Ammonia and Vinegar Spray

Another natural rat and mouse repellent is ammonia. These rodents hate the smell of ammonia because it’s similar to a predator’s urine. Fill a spray bottle with 1 cup ammonia and 1 cup vinegar, then mix it. Spray it where you often see rodent activity. Alternatively, you could spray or dip cotton balls with the solution and leave it in these areas, they’ll just need to be replaced after two weeks.

Essential Oils

This method not only helps deter rodents but it also makes your home smell nice in the process. Essential oils that may be helpful in repelling rats and mice include peppermint oil, lemon oil, citronella oil, and eucalyptus oil. You can make an essential oil spray by mixing 2 teaspoons of oil with 1 cup of water or rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Then spray it anywhere you see traces of rodents. Like the ammonia spray, you can also use cotton balls. If you choose the spray method, you’ll want to reapply in about a week and if you use cotton balls, replace them after two weeks.

Fill in Holes and Use Barricades

If you notice cracks or holes that a mouse or rat may use to gain access into your home, fill them in with caulk. You can also fill in larger gaps with a mix of caulk and steel wool. Steel wool is a harder material to chew through for these rodents.

Rat and Mouse Traps

If you aren’t seeing success with your natural rodent repellants, you may need to resort to mouse and rat traps. There are traditional snap traps, glue traps, and the more humane option, catch-and-release traps. You’ll want to first identify which type of rodent you’re dealing as a mousetrap is too small for a rat.

If you are dealing with a much bigger rodent infestation, it may be time to call in the experts. PURCOR has been providing pest control services to the Portland, Seattle, and Boise metro areas, and we provide pest control solutions for all types of pests. So contact us or call us today for fast, effective, and affordable pest control services.

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More From PURCOR Pest

What Natural Scents Will Repel Rodents?

Research has proven that mice are extremely sensitive to scents. Another study that was conducted by Harvard University backed this statement. Mice in some studies have even been trained to detect specific odours. Their efficient sensitivity to scents can also be used to against them since they tend to be repelled from specific smells.

It is important to note that using essential oils as a repellent can be a tricky affair since every situation calls for a different mixture and measurement. And you might have to cope with trial and error in the oils and placement areas to see where it works best. Feel free to call our mice exterminator Toronto services if you need help dealing with mice infestation.

Table of Contents

Peppermint Essential Oil

This natural essential oil smells good to humans, it’s refreshing, uplifting and tangy. There are also several ways that you can use peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is popular for addressing some health concerns that affect humans such as allergies, and muscle aches symptoms. Its aroma is known to boost low energy levels and surprisingly, there is another way peppermint oil can be used. To repel mice. Mice find the smell of mint offensive and overwhelming, keeping them away.

To get maximum results, add 20 to 30 drops of peppermint essential oil to a few cotton balls. Place them in strategic areas where you have notice mice activity in or around your home.


They are aromatic flower buds that belong to the Syzygium aromaticum, Myrtaceaetree family which have ancient traditional medicinal value. These herbs are used to add flavour to several cuisines around the world and especially in Asia, the MiddleEast, and Africa. Unfortunately, mice do not share the same fascination produced by the scent of cloves as humans. This smell is often overwhelming or distasteful and the essential oil produced from cloves is proven to be irritating to rodents

You can either prepare whole cloves or essential oil. Wrap whole cloves in a cotton cloth. For essential oil, use around 20 to 30 drops on a cotton ball. It is very important that they are placed in strategic places in your home.

Cedarwood oil

It is considered one of the best mice repellents. This is because it contains natural effluvium that is known to irritate mice. It also contains hydrocarbons such as phenols as well as acids that are harmful to mice. Cedar oil is known to cause the respiratory as well as skin irritation problem to mice when they are exposed to certain concentrations.

To yield maximum effects, sprinkle the product directly to a spot you are sure mice frequent. You could also soak cotton balls into the cedarwood oil. It is very important that these cotton balls are strategically placed in areas with mouse activity.

Essential oils are a natural and effective way to deter mice. However, it will take more than a dozen cotton balls every single day to completely chase the mice out of your property.  Contacting a professional pest control Toronto service is the most effective method of getting rid of mice in and around your property. Pest control professionals have the industry experience, skill, and know-how to effectively get mice out of your property for good.






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Folk wisdom against mice -

No matter how great the scientific progress of mankind, including in agriculture, there are problems that still cannot be completely solved. One of them is mice. Over the long years of fighting annoying rodents, people have accumulated a truly extensive arsenal of so-called folk remedies - from household chemicals to aromatic herbs. What is the best way to expel mice?


Shed without mice

Non-residential premises are primarily at risk of mouse invasion: warehouses, sheds, the yard of a village house, barns - in a word, all those places where there are no permanent residents, but there is food. nine0003 Root crops are in danger as long as there are mice in the house

Thus, the harm from rodents is obvious: they gnaw holes in walls, earthen floors and boards, and also eat our crops and spoil it, because they do not hesitate to shit right into food bags . And especially dangerous is the fact that mice carry many dangerous parasites and infections, such as leptospirosis and tularemia, for example.

In order to save the harvest, and the premises itself, you need to get rid of the impudent invaders once and for all. One of the most common ways is to repel mice with unpleasant odors. Harsh and strong-smelling household chemicals - the kind that are almost always available either on hand or in the nearest hardware store - are great for this. nine0051 Vinegar, bleach, ammonia, kerosene, gasoline, turpentine, formalin are most often used. The odorous substance is dissolved in water and floors, walls, baseboards, door and window openings are treated with it, furniture is wiped with it, and if mouse holes are found, the liquid is poured inside.

Non-flammable substances - vinegar, ammonia, bleach - can be poured into small containers and placed around the perimeter of the room to make the unpleasant smell stronger. Vinegar is also impregnated with cotton balls, which are laid out in the corners, along the baseboards and next to the mouse holes. Since we are talking about non-residential premises, you can not be afraid of poisoning yourself with toxic fumes, although directly during processing it is still worth protecting your hands and face. Products stored indoors should also be placed in tightly closed chests or containers before the procedure. nine0051 However, the main thing is to observe fire safety, since substances such as turpentine, gasoline and kerosene are very dangerous in themselves due to their combustibility. Do not light an open fire or smoke in the room treated by them, and in very hot weather it is better to completely abandon flammable products.

A house without mice

Smells of household chemicals can actually keep mice away for a long time. However, using them in an apartment and in a country or village house is not a good idea. Not only are these pungent smells unpleasant for humans as well as for mice, the fumes of some - especially formalin, naphthalene, gasoline and kerosene - can have a deplorable effect on the well-being of your household, especially the elderly, children, allergies and pregnant women. Fortunately, there are safer means to deal with gray rodents. nine0003

Fragrant helper herbs

Some plants, quite available in our latitudes, also have specific odors that will make mice retreat from your home. Bundles of such herbs in a dried form are laid out or hung around the house - in the corners, next to doors and windows and under furniture. The most effective in the fight against mice are black root medicinal (aka rat rat), wild rosemary, lavender, peppermint, wormwood and common tansy.

Herbs against mice - photo gallery
Peppermint is a great mouse killer.
The sharp camphor smell is not to the liking of gray pests
Bitter wormwood effectively repels rodents
Scented boletus will also help drive mice away.
The rat racer has long been known to man as the best herb for rodents.
Lavender will decorate your home, flavor the air and protect you from mice.

If you are worried about the cleanliness of floors and furniture, fearing that dry leaves will lull the whole house, you can make a sachet. To do this, dried plants must be cut into small pieces, and then sewn into any clean cloth, thin enough so that the smell of fragrant herbs freely penetrates. Sachets can also be hung and laid out throughout the house. nine0003

In addition to frightening smells, plants can cause other problems for mice. Some housewives advise laying dried burdock and thistle inflorescences in the corners, under furniture, and especially next to mouse holes. The thorns cling to the fur of rodents and cause them severe discomfort - as a result, the pests leave the dangerous house and then bypass it.

The only serious problem you may encounter when working with herbs is allergies. So if you or your family can't tolerate any of the recommended plants, it's best to use other options - or even different ways to repel mice. nine0003

Scented Helper Oils

Another way to get help from scented plants is to use their essential oils. And among the leaders here will be oils of lavender, wild rosemary and peppermint. By itself, essential oil is a very volatile substance and, as a result, quickly evaporates. To consolidate the effect, you need to mix the essential oil with something more resistant. There are several popular options.

Peppermint oil remains the most popular anti-rodent essential oil and is sometimes mixed with a tincture of the same plant to increase its effectiveness.

Peppermint against mice

Helper spices

Not only plants have a strong, pungent smell, but also something that no kitchen can do without - spices and spices. Bay leaves, cloves and coriander are best deterred mice, so they are advised to put them in cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. nine0052

You can also make a strong decoction of spices and wash kitchen furniture with it. Spices are also suitable for laying them out among food supplies that mice can encroach on, both in the house and in the cellar. By the way, the essential oils of laurel, coriander and cloves can also be used against rodents by mixing them with vegetable oil or with water and alcohol. The resulting mixture needs to process the kitchen and furniture in it.

In a slightly different way, ground hot red pepper can help against mice. Of course, its sharp, pungent smell also repels rodents, but only at first, as it quickly disappears. However, it is supposed not so much to protect the products, but to scatter pepper powder along the walls and near the mouse holes, so that the rodents, firstly, inhale the burning poison (and the pepper is usually ground very finely), and secondly, they get an upset stomach by licking it off their paws. and wool. nine0051 Some craftsmen, however, turn ordinary pepper into a poisonous gas, constructing appliances based on a blowtorch.

A garden without mice

In addition to directly human dwellings and outbuildings, mice attack gardens and kitchen gardens - their minks can often be found under trees, and in beds, and in a flower garden.

Mice burrow under the trees and in the garden

To start with, to prevent the appearance of rodents on the site, it is worth planting repellent plants around its perimeter, and elderberry and castor bushes work well here. Lilies of the valley, aconite and foxglove can be settled in the flower garden - their roots are poisonous, and mice, having tasted them, will try to bypass the dangerous place. Next to the beds, it is good to plant wormwood, tansy, lavender and cilantro - these plants will also be a good prevention against pests, both rodents and some insects. nine0003

For more information on how to get rid of mice in the garden, read our article - How to deal with mice in the country.

However, if mice have already appeared in the garden and you have found exits from their holes there, it is worth starting to act more radically. And here simple economic means will help us.

Birch tar is easy to buy at any pharmacy Calcium carbide is one of the most effective rodent repellents Wood ash - both fertilizes the earth and drives away mice

Mice, for all their outward harmlessness, are quite dangerous pests, they can cause serious damage to your household and your health. In addition, given that these rodents also reproduce very quickly, it is important to start fighting them immediately after they are discovered. And it turns out that you can get rid of them with the help of the most ordinary home “chemistry” and a front garden with fragrant plants. nine0003