Double pane window condensation inside house
Condensation in Double-Paned Windows - InterNACHI®
by Nick Gromicko, CMI® and Kenton Shepard
Condensation is the accumulation of liquid water on relatively cold surfaces.
Almost all air contains water vapor, the gas phase of water composed of tiny water droplets. The molecules in warm air are far apart from one another and allow the containment of a relatively large quantity of water vapor. As air cools, its molecules get closer together and squeeze the tiny vapor droplets closer together, as well. A critical temperature, known as the dew point, exists where these water droplets will be forced so close together that they merge into visible liquid in a process called condensation.
Double-pane windows have a layer of gas (usually argon or air) trapped between two panes of glass that acts as insulation to reduce heat loss through the window. Other types of gas used in this space have various effects on heat gain or loss through the window. Some windows also have a thin film installed between panes that separates the space between the panes into two spaces, further reducing heat loss and heat gain through the window. If multiple-pane windows appear misty or foggy, it means that the seal protecting the window assembly has failed.
Silica Desiccant
A desiccant is an absorbent material designed to maintain dryness in the space it protects. In a double-paned window, silica pellets inside the aluminum perimeter strip absorb moisture from any incoming air that enters the space between the panes. If not for the silica desiccant, any moisture in the space between the panes would condense on the glass as the glass cools below the dew point temperature.
Silica gel has an immense surface area, approximately 7,200 square feet per gram, which allows it to absorb large amounts of water vapor. As the sealant protecting this space fails over time, increasing amounts of moisture-containing air will enter the space between the panes, and the silica pellets will eventually become saturated and will no longer be able to prevent condensation from forming. A double-paned window that appears foggy or that has visible condensation has failed and needs to be repaired or replaced.
Why Double-Paned Windows Fail: Solar (Thermal) Pumping
Although double-paned windows appear to be stable, they actually experience a daily cycle of expansion and contraction caused by thermal pumping. Sunlight heats the airspace between the panes and causes the gas there to heat up and expand, pressurizing the space between the panes. At night, the window cools and the space between the panes contracts. This motion acts like the bellows of a forge and is called thermal pumping.
Over time, the constant pressure fluctuations caused by thermal pumping will stress the seal. Eventually, the seal will develop small fractures that will slowly grow in size, allowing increasing amounts of infiltration and exfiltration of air from the space between the panes.
Failure Factors
Windows on the sunny side of a home will experience larger temperature swings, resulting in greater amounts of thermal pumping, seal stress and failure rates.
Vinyl window frames have a higher coefficient of expansion resulting in greater long-term stress on the double-pane assembly, and a higher failure rate. Windows also experience batch failure, which describes production runs of windows, especially vinyl windows, that are defective, meaning that the pane assemblies have been manufactured with seals that have small defects that will cause the window to fail prematurely.
The Nature of Damage
If it’s allowed to continue, window condensation will inevitably lead to irreversible physical window damage. This damage can appear in the following two ways:
- riverbedding. Condensed vapor between the glass panes will form droplets that run down the length of the window. Water that descends in this fashion has the tendency to follow narrow paths and carve grooves into the glass surface. These grooves are formed in a process similar to canyon formation.
- silica haze. Once the silica gel has been saturated, it will be eroded by passing air currents and accumulate as white “snowflakes” on the window surface.
It is believed that if this damage is present, the window must be replaced.
Detecting Failure
Condensation is not always visible. If the failure is recent, a failed window may not be obvious, since condensation doesn’t usually form until the window is heated by direct sunlight. Windows in the shade may show no evidence of failure, so inspectors should disclaim responsibility for discovering failed double-paned windows.
Thermal Imaging as a Detection Tool
Under the right conditions, it’s possible to use an infrared (IR) camera to detect failed windows. IR cameras are designed to record differences in temperature.
InterNACHI provides a thermal imaging course that includes information on using IR cameras for this purpose, and has a message board forum devoted to IR.
Recommendations for Failed Windows
According to industry experts, the glazing assembly can be replaced approximately 75% of the time. Occasionally, the sashes must be replaced, and only about 5% of those cases require that the entire window be replaced.
Inspectors should be aware that there are companies that claim to be able to repair misty windows through a process known as “defogging.”
This repair method proceeds in the following order:
- A hole is drilled into the window, usually from the outside, and a cleaning solution is sprayed into the air chamber.
- The solution and any other moisture are sucked out through a vacuum.
- A defogger device is permanently inserted into the hole that will allow the release of moisture during thermal pumping.
Inspectors should know that there is currently a debate as to whether this process is a suitable repair for windows that have failed, or if it merely removes the symptom of this failure. Condensation appears between double-paned windows when the window is compromised, and removal of this water will not fix the seal itself. A window “repaired” in this manner, although absent of condensation, might not provide any additional insulation. This method is still fairly new and opinions about its effectiveness range widely. Regardless, “defogging” certainly allows for cosmetic improvement, which is of some value to homeowners. It may also reduce the potential for damage caused by condensation in the form of mold or rot. Some skepticism exists about the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of this method of repair.
In summary, condensation in double-paned windows indicates that the glazing assembly has failed and needs repair or replacement. Visible condensation can damage glazing and is the main indication of sealant failure.
How to fix condensation in double-pane windows
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By Phillip Schmidt, Networx
Most experts agree that condensation or fogging inside of a double-pane window technically is not a fixable problem -- at least not in the sense that your window can be restored to its original level of performance. Presently, there are two different ways to deal with condensation: either replace the window (you can usually replace only the glass unit and not the whole window) or hire a local company to drill holes in the outer pane, clean the windows from the inside and install one-way air vents to help prevent future condensation.
If your condensation problems are in a sliding glass door or a window that is likely to have tempered glass (for example, if the window has more than 9 sq. ft. of glass area and is less than 18 inches above the floor), your only option is replacement. This is because it's essentially impossible to drill tempered glass without breaking it. You should assume that all doors with double-pane glass areas large enough to fit a 3-inch sphere through them are made with tempered glass (or in some cases, laminated safety glass).
Replacing Double-pane Windows
Double-pane windows, also called "insulated" or "thermal" windows, are made with two panels of glass sandwiched over a spacer and sealant, creating a space between the panes that is filled with air or with a gas, usually argon or krypton. It is this sealed space that gives the window most of it's thermal performance. The spacer may also contain a desiccant material to help absorb and moisture in the air within the sealed space. Condensation in a thermal window typically indicates a failure of the seal between the glass panels and/or saturation of the desiccant.
Because a breached seal allows fresh air and water vapor to enter the window space, a condensation problem simply becomes a function of nature. Condensation is also a sure sign that gas-filled windows are no longer so. And since there's no way to re-seal an insulated window, replacement of the glass is the only option for restoring maximum thermal performance, in addition to solving the condensation problem. As mentioned, most glazing on insulated windows can be replaced as a unit, which saves you the expense and remodeling work of replacing the entire window, frame and all.
If your windows are still under warrantee, the first step is to contact the supplier or manufacturer, since replacement may be free. If the warrantee has expired, it's still a good idea to consult with the manufacturer to discuss the recommended replacement options. Many local glass companies can also fabricate new window units in any size.
While insulated window restoration companies may claim that their processes can restore most of your window's thermal performance (in addition to eliminating condensation), these claims remain hotly disputed.
Restoring Insulated Windows
The only way to rid a thermal window of condensation is by removing the moist air in between the panes and replacing it with dry air. And there's a professional service based on this very technique. Thermal window restoration or repair companies come to your house and drill a small hole (3/8-inch or so) at one top and bottom corner of the affected window. They spray various liquid solutions onto the inside faces of the panes through the top hole and suck them out through the bottom hole. Once the window is clean and dry, the holes are sealed with little vent plugs that allow air and water vapor to escape the window cavity but don't let them back in.
Will this process work for your windows? It might. Or it might not. There are numerous consumer accounts in both directions. In any case, restoration companies commonly claim that their process costs 1/3 to 1/2 as much as glass replacement. And don't even consider a service that doesn't offer a money-back guarantee.
Deciding Which Way to Go
This can be a tough call, and you should examine your options carefully. If you decide to try restoration and it doesn't work, you won't really devalue the window further, since it has already failed. On the other hand, if the restoration isn't satisfactory and the company doesn't make good, you'll be out the cost of restoration and will still be faced with paying for new glass. Of course, if thermal performance is a high priority, replacement is clearly the best option.
Why condensation forms on plastic windows in winter
Why condensation appears on windows
People who see wooden window frames often complain that condensation appears only on a new PVC window. This is due to the fact that wood fibers pass water vapor better. Often the old frames were covered with imperceptible microcracks, from which a draft blew in winter. The room could get very cold, but the constant circulation of air did not allow excess moisture to accumulate. PVC glazing is completely sealed, so dampness simply has nowhere to go. nine0005
The main causes of condensation on windows are:
- high humidity;
- disturbed convection;
- downed microclimate;
- problems with the double-glazed window or its assembly;
- incorrect mounting;
- manufacturing defects.
Consider them in order.
Modern plastic windows are free from most of the disadvantages of wooden predecessors. They protect against cold, street dampness, wind and noise. They do not require regular tinting, gluing with paper stripes. When installing protective fittings, the degree of burglary resistance increases. However, one common problem with wooden and PVC structures has survived: condensation still often appears on them. nine0005
What is condensation
Condensation is moisture that forms on PVC windows. It looks like fog or mist on the glass. When there is a lot of it, individual drops under the action of gravity roll down, merge with each other, leading to the appearance of entire streams.
Air always contains water vapour. Its amount varies depending on the temperature: the warmer, the more water can be in a gaseous state. When the temperature drops, excess moisture falls on the surfaces in the form of small droplets. nine0005
During the cold season, the temperature outside is lower than inside the apartment. Because of this, the windows cool down, the air next to them also becomes colder, and therefore it cannot hold the absorbed steam, and it turns into a liquid form - condensate.
High humidity
This is the main answer to the question why condensation forms on windows, especially plastic ones.
The room atmosphere is oversaturated with moisture if:
- roof leaking;
- basement too damp;
- ventilation does not work;
- heating system can not cope with heating;
- window sill filled with flowers;
- There are too many people in the room.
When breathing, moisture comes out of the lungs along with carbon dioxide. The more people in the room, the more active they are (for example, during physical exertion), the faster water evaporates from the body. That is why, when condensate collects on plastic windows, they say that this is due to the fact that those present “breathed”. nine0005
Dampness increases during cooking. Boiling pots very strongly saturate the air with water vapor. Fogging of glasses is also observed during water procedures, washing, wet cleaning. In this case, the problem is solved by ventilation.
Houseplants also breathe actively. Water evaporates from the leaves or directly from the pot immediately after watering. If the glasses fog up next to the flower, it is better to remove it to another place. Similarly, you can do with another source of dampness - an aquarium. nine0005
Misting is more difficult to get rid of if the problem is a leaky roof or a flooded basement. Here I advise you to contact the company that manages the house. The same can be done if humidity accumulates due to non-working ventilation. To check it, you need to bring a lighter or a candle to the ventilation holes: if the flame deviates towards the ventilation duct, it means that it is working properly, but if the fire remains motionless, the channels need to be cleaned. Sometimes they are unknowingly bricked up by other tenants during repairs. nine0005
Convection mode
If the ventilation is good, the basement is dry and the roof does not leak, if the hygrometer shows a normal level of humidity in the room, but condensation still appears on the plastic windows, then the problem may lie in a violation of the convection mode. Convection is the natural movement of air. Warm air flows from the side of the radiators rise, cold air flows down. So there is a constant circulation of heat.
Normally, convection currents heat window panes, which is why batteries are placed under windows. This heating prevents fogging. If the glass fogs up, “flows”, I advise you to see if the window sill is too wide. Often it blocks the flow of heat, because of this the glazing remains cold, which attracts steam to itself. This problem is indicated by condensation at the bottom of the plastic window, just in an unheated place. nine0005
Multiple outlets:
- The window sill can be shortened.
- If the width cannot be changed, you can cut ventilation holes in it or insert ventilation ducts.
- Remove decorative grilles for radiators or install structures that better transmit heat.
Convection is also disturbed by long thick curtains. To get rid of the problem, you can shorten them, hang a lighter tulle, replace them with curtains. Or, if such a decision spoils the design ideas, you can move the cornice so that there is a gap of several centimeters between the fabric and the window sill. nine0005
The microclimate is disturbed
Another common cause of the problem. Sanitary standards prescribe to maintain the temperature inside the premises from +18 to +22-23 degrees Celsius. Normal humidity is 30-45%. With these parameters, condensation on plastic windows will not appear. In non-residential rooms, the temperature may be higher, but it should not be lower.
The room microclimate is disturbed not only because of the sources of excessive moisture, which I mentioned above, but also because of insufficient heating. In old houses, cast-iron radiators are often clogged, which is why they heat poorly. It is enough to clean them so that the room becomes warmer and the dampness goes away. They are often replaced with new ones made of steel or aluminum, but their service life is shorter than that of cast iron ones, so I advise you not to change, if possible, but to clean the existing batteries. nine0005
If the central heating can't cope, you can install an underfloor heating system. Another option is heaters. Installing convectors or fan heaters will also solve the problem of disturbed convection. Infrared devices help to eliminate mold and dry the walls.
Incorrectly selected double-glazed window and errors in its assembly
Plastic windows must be selected, focusing on the climatic features of your region. The wrong choice of double-glazed windows and profiles is one of the main reasons why condensation forms in the apartment. nine0005
Where the winters are warm, single-pane glass is sufficient. It is suitable for southern regions or for cold glazing of balconies and loggias. In the middle lane, or even more so in the north, only two-chamber double-glazed windows consisting of three glasses should be installed. Additionally, glasses can be coated with special coatings that reduce heat-conducting properties.
If you install a thin profile and double glazing in a cold climate, it will cool down too easily due to frost. The dew point will shift inside the room - and fogging is inevitable. During severe cold weather, frost forms. In this case, the preservation of heat is out of the question. Savings are inappropriate here, it only turns into even more spending on replacing window components. nine0005
If a suitable profile and a reliable double-glazed window are installed, but the glass still flows, it is possible that a mistake was made during assembly. If drops appear inside the double-glazed window, this is a 100% marriage. So the seal is broken.
Illiterate installation of windows and slopes
Installation errors are difficult to notice in summer. They usually appear in winter when the temperature outside drops. The cause of condensation on plastic windows is insufficient insulation during installation. Overly thrifty installers often save on mounting foam by not filling the seams with it as it should be. As a result, voids remain that are not able to retain heat. Glass cools down and fogs up. nine0005
The technology prescribes the use of three-layer insulation. One foam is not enough, the profiles must be fastened using special insulating tapes. Then the foam must be additionally closed from the sun, under the rays of which it quickly collapses. For everything to be done correctly, I advise you to contact trusted companies that value their reputation and do not make mistakes.
Condensation can settle not only on windows, but also on walls. Sometimes this happens when the owners of the apartment, for reasons of economy, decided to install the slopes themselves, but in the process violated the technology. For example, they neglected insulation, insulation, or chose poor-quality plaster, paint, or other finishing material. As a result, not only the profile, but the entire window opening cools down in winter, and a decrease in temperature leads to moisture settling on the wall. nine0005
Defective or incorrectly selected window
Often, when people see condensation on the windows in winter, they blame the company that installed the profiles. However, dissatisfied customers turn out to be right in their accusations only 3-5% of the time. Marriage is rare. However, in order to understand why cloudiness is formed, it is really correct to call the installers. They will inspect the window structure, if necessary, use a thermal imager and find the source of the problem. Defects can be indicated by the fact that with the same humidity in the entire apartment, only one window fogs up. nine0005
Both double-glazed windows and profiles have air chambers. Plastic frames are also selected according to climatic conditions. It is better not to skimp on too thin three-chamber profiles, because they do not retain heat well, break easily, and are sometimes made of low-quality plastic, especially when contacting dubious companies. According to the standards, the optimal thickness of the outer wall of the profile is 3 mm; for central Russia, the number of cameras should be at least three, and the frame depth should be from 60 mm. nine0005
Other causes
Sometimes sources of moisture are quite unexpected. For example, condensation often appears on windows in a new building or after a major overhaul of any building. The fact is that some building materials retain moisture for up to two years. One of them is concrete, cement-sand screed. Other materials - glue, plaster, various mixtures - dry out faster, but they are also able to evaporate excess liquid for weeks.
Reverse situation - too old house. It is exposed to weathering, the exterior finish is gradually destroyed, cracks appear, drafts appear. The temperature in the room drops, the air gets rid of the water vapor that settles on the glass. nine0005
When there was no repair for a long time, but the house is like new, the ventilation is working, the heating is working properly, dampness is excluded, the windows can still fog up if it is very cold outside. In this case, you should not worry, as soon as it gets warmer - the problem will go away.
Consequences of fogging windows and what will happen if it is not dealt with
The appearance of condensation brings not only an aesthetic problem. Many people easily put up with the fact that plastic windows, fogging up, temporarily lose their vaunted transparency. However, neglecting this trouble threatens with much more serious problems. nine0005
First, the light level is reduced. In winter, the days are very short, so it is better not to deprive yourself of sunlight. It is useful for the eyes, immunity, and finally, for the prevention of clinical depression.
Secondly, condensation on windows leads to constant dampness, which is an ideal breeding ground for pathogens, bacteria, fungus and mold growth. The air becomes musty, unpleasant, like in a damp basement. A runny nose appears, the mood of the household deteriorates, sleep is disturbed, and the risk of getting sick increases. nine0005
Thirdly, mould, dampness, bacteria spoil finishing materials. There is nothing pleasant in green and black spots on the slopes, ceiling and wallpaper, and it is very difficult to remove them. Constant freezing destroys the insulation, it starts to blow out of the frames. In especially neglected cases, structures become brittle, which threatens with dangerous destruction.
How to get rid of condensate
Before you start getting rid of condensate, you need to find the exact reason why drops appear on plastic windows. If it was not possible to find the source of trouble on your own, I advise you to call the installers of the company that installed the profiles, especially if the warranty is preserved. However, if the company seems unreliable, you can turn to more professional specialists. nine0005
There are also universal remedies that you can try before contacting the masters:
- elimination of heat loss;
- dehumidification;
- ventilation installation;
- application of chemistry.
Elimination of
heat losses
If condensation appears on the windows as a result of problems with thermal insulation, you can:
- replace the sealing contours;
- switch windows to winter mode; nine0012
- make sure that the gaps around the frame are securely sealed;
- install slopes of plastic panels with insulation or sandwich panels;
- insulate the walls.
Rubber seals wear out over time, lose their elasticity and tightness. Sometimes they are deformed due to improper use of the window or as a result of accidental damage. It remains only to change them for new ones. They are carefully removed, then new rubber bands are inserted into the grooves without stretching. nine0005
Profiles produced in the last ten to fifteen years support summer, winter and demi-season settings. In winter mode, the sash adjoins the frame with the greatest density, in summer it is the most loose. The tighter the fit, the better the tightness. In winter, this prevents drafts with freezing, but in summer the cold is not terrible, so the clamp is loosened for ventilation. To switch, you need to turn the cams of the pins on the end of the sash.
It is necessary to check the sealing with mounting foam under the window sill, as well as around the entire perimeter of the frame inside and out. If necessary, voids must be filled and then closed with finishing materials so that it does not collapse from street dampness and ultraviolet radiation. This is done including slopes. I advise you to equip them with plastic panels or sandwich panels. This guarantees tightness, insulation and durability. nine0005
The most radical method is complete wall insulation. It is better to fix the insulation material outside the building, so this method is not suitable for every high-rise building, it is usually used for private houses. Additionally, you can insulate the roof and floor, if necessary.
Air dehumidification
This is the second method of defogging. Suitable for dehumidification:
- heaters;
- special dryers; nine0011 improvised means.
If the humidity is not too high, but sufficient to make the panes “weep”, salt can be spread on the windowsill. Any will do - sea, food, coarse or fine grinding. After a while, it can be calcined in the oven and reused. Wood or activated carbon, silica gel also absorbs moisture. If condensation appears at the bottom of the plastic window due to a lack of convection, it can be eliminated with ordinary candles. One or two candles are able to dry the glass, forming heat flows. The main thing is to monitor safety so that there are no flammable objects nearby. I advise you to light thick candles burning from ten o'clock. nine0005
The easiest way to dehumidify is to ventilate regularly. It is usually enough to open the doors three to four times a day for five to ten minutes.
Ventilation installation
If full ventilation is not possible due to severe frost, you can choose profiles with micro-ventilation mode. It involves the installation of special fittings. By turning the handle diagonally (about 75 degrees), you can move the sash to the side so that a gap of only a few millimeters appears. This is enough to let in fresh air, remove excess dampness, but not lose heat. nine0005
Another option is to install ventilation valves. They are mechanical or automatic. Mechanical valves allow you to independently choose the intensity of ventilation by adjusting the mechanism. Automatic devices are equipped with climate sensors. They respond to changes in humidity and temperature, open the ventilation passages wider or narrower, maintaining an optimal microclimate.
Kitchen and bathroom solution - range hood. By turning it on when cooking or during water procedures, you can avoid not only fogging, but also the spread of odors throughout the apartment. nine0005
The easiest way to remove condensation is to install a fan. It is suitable as a temporary solution for plastic window sills, slopes and profiles, if only one or two windows become damp, with which you will then have to work more precisely to remove the trouble completely.
Glass treatment with
Special chemicals can serve as a temporary measure. For example - means for processing automobile glasses. Before applying them, all dirt must be removed from the windows. nine0005
Other anti-condensate formulations:
- detergents containing alcohol;
- glycerin soap or solution thereof;
- a mixture of glycerin, potassium oil with turpentine in a ratio of 20:40:4;
- saline or chalk solution.
Glass used to be wiped dry with newspapers. Printing ink repels water, so this method can also be used now. However, any chemistry reduces fogging for a short time. If the dampness does not go anywhere, then gradually the fogging of the glasses will return. nine0005
A guide for those who are faced with condensation for the first time
If after a while after installing the windows condensation formed for the first time, I suggest the following procedure:
- etc. If possible, it is better to choose lighter short curtains or at least hang them away from the glass.
- Check the performance of the batteries, especially if the apartment is noticeably cold in winter. Condensation from the inside of the window is highly likely to evaporate as soon as the room warms up sufficiently. nine0012
- Turn on the extractor. Open the sash for micro-ventilation. If the air from this almost does not move - check the ventilation ducts. They can become clogged, blocked by neighbors, or birds or pests could get stuck in them.
- If no effect, install a dehumidifier.
- Install a ventilation grill in the window sill or place an exhaust valve under it.
- If you really want to close the terrible batteries with a screen, it is better to choose a grill that minimally blocks the air flow.
- A combination of methods can be used to deal with severe condensation. For example, put moisture-absorbing materials (salt, coal, silica gel) on the windowsill, and stick a nichrome thread or a special conductive film on the windows. By connecting it to a 12-24 V power source, you can achieve the same effect as heating windows in a car. The main thing is to make sure that the heating is not excessive, otherwise the glass will burst.
How to prevent condensation on windows
Dealing with condensation on plastic windows can be exhausting. Therefore, it is better not to wait for the appearance of fogging, but to provide for all possible causes of this trouble. In fact, prevention repeats the ways to fix the problem, but to fix the methods, it is better to list them again. nine0005
The easiest way to get rid of excessive moisture. There will be no dampness at home if you open the doors every day three to four times for 4-5 minutes. For efficiency, you can open windows and front doors. The main thing is to make sure that the sash does not slam under the gusts of wind.
To avoid hypothermia, you can install frames with micro-ventilation. Turning the handle to a diagonal position slightly opens the sash by a couple of millimeters. Enough fresh air penetrates through such a gap to remove dampness, while there is no tangible heat loss. nine0005
Installing valves
In order not to keep the windows open, you can install air inlets on the plastic profiles. They are mounted at the bottom or top of the frame. The device has a ventilation channel passing through the profile. Outside, it is closed with a lattice. Inside is a winding air passage, as well as a filter. The device provides a constant flow of air, preventing condensation from accumulating.
Depending on the model, the ventilation intensity can be controlled mechanically by opening or closing the damper, or automatically by relying on the climate sensor. nine0005
An alternative is to install more advanced climate technology, such as a breather. The device keeps the window frame intact, since it is mounted in the wall. The device performs the role of an improved air conditioner, which takes air from outside, heats it up, cleans it from dust, dirt, and then delivers it to the room. The stale damp air of the apartment is forced out through the ventilation.
To install the breather, a place is chosen on the wall - for example, near the window, near the radiator, under the ceiling. The selected area is drilled with a diamond tool. The hole is insulated, closed from the outside with a grill, additionally protected by sound insulation. The connected appliance is firmly attached to the wall, preventing drafts. You can control it through an app on your smartphone. nine0005
Convection screens
Modern interiors do not welcome open radiators. However, they are needed to heat the windows so that they do not sweat. The solution is to install convection screens. They are placed on windowsills. Such screens are equipped with plates located at an angle of 30-60 degrees to direct the air flow directly onto the glass. This avoids not only frost even in severe frosts, but also fogging.
Insulation and finishing
To prevent the glass from getting wet, it is necessary not only to choose the right profiles, double-glazed windows, but also to carefully approach the slopes. Dampness cannot be avoided if you use plaster or neglect insulation. The best way to finish slopes is drywall with insulation and waterproofing. But it is better to finish them with plastic or sandwich panels. They will relieve freezing, drafts. With them, the walls will be warmer, which means there is less risk of getting condensation or frost.
To save heat, increase the dew point, move it outside, the outer walls of the house can be insulated. Mineral or stone wool, polystyrene foam, any other materials are suitable. For efficiency, they are complemented by vapor barrier and wind protection. A ventilation gap is maintained between the facade finish and the insulation so that all the moisture escaping through the walls evaporates without hindrance. As a result, the walls will be warm, heat losses will decrease, which means that the likelihood of dew formation on the glass will decrease. nine0005
Answers to the most frequently asked questions
Why do the windows fog up even though it's warm outside?
Condensation is caused not so much by the weather outside as by the temperature difference between outside and inside the room. To prevent the window from “crying”, its maximum thermal insulation is needed. Then temperature differences will not lead to the appearance of drops. Another possible reason is excess humidity in the room.
Why does fogging occur in winter and autumn?
Due to the temperature difference between the room and the street with a lack of thermal insulation of the glasses. If the insulation is poor, the surface of the glass cools, cooling the air at the same time, causing moisture to fall out of it, which it can no longer hold.
Why does water condense on windows in the morning?
Because at night, as a rule, the heating works more intensively, the batteries heat up more. At the same time, it is at dawn that the lowest temperature is set on the street. As a result, before sunrise, the temperature difference between the street and the apartment is maximum, which leads to strong condensation on the plastic windows. nine0005
The house and windows are insulated, but the windows still sweat. Why?
The insulation may have been excessive. As a result, excess moisture simply cannot get out of the house. Its level rises, and the excess settles on the glasses. Good ventilation solves the problem. Another reason is errors in insulation, especially at the junction of the wall and the frame. The third option - perhaps there are too many plants on the windowsill with damp soil or water in the pan.
Which windows do not fog up? nine0008
Only those that are correctly installed and regularly ventilated. They should be located away from the outside of the wall. The seams should be well sealed, and the ventilation valves should work properly. For middle and northern latitudes, two-chamber double-glazed windows and three-chamber profiles with a thickness of 60 mm or more are required.
Why does ice appear?
Because there is a cold bridge. They can be a crack, a depressurized double-glazed window, or a gap between the frame and the sash. Another reason is too thin a single-chamber double-glazed window, an insufficient number of cameras in the profile, due to which the frame can become frosty in extreme cold. nine0005
How to clean fogged windows?
Be careful, especially if the condensate has turned into frost or ice. Suitable for wiping a non-woven fabric that absorbs liquid well. Such a cloth will not scratch the plastic of the frame or glass, it will gently remove ice crumbs.
Is fogging considered a defect according to GOST?
GOSTs and SNiPs consider the situation when double-glazed windows mist up from the inside as an unambiguous marriage. If the condensation settles on the outside of the glass, the rules do not attribute this case to a design defect. nine0005
Where to contact?
If the windows fog up or even freeze, contact the company that installed them. Installers must quickly determine why the problem has occurred and how to fix it. Decent firms monitor their reputation, so you can not be afraid that they will shift the blame on the client.
If you have any questions, you can always contact me directly, I will try to understand the problem in detail and advise. nine0008
Condensation on windows: causes and ways to combat fogging of windows
It is believed that plastic windows in terms of their functional properties are superior to "obsolete" window structures made of wood in everything. Why is everyone so sure about this? Because advertising is talking about it day and night!
Indeed, when you change the old wooden windows (which every year had to be prepared for winter, plugging numerous slots in one way or another, and then tearing it all off and washing it in the spring) for ultra-modern plastic ones, you immediately notice the difference:
- No more gaps! Tightness and soundproofing at altitude!
- At the same time, warm air does not escape through the cracks into the street, and cold air does not blow with invigorating drafts.
- Neat appearance. If wooden windows had to be cleaned and painted every few years, then plastic windows can be wiped with a damp cloth and it is like new again.
However, with the arrival of cold weather and turning on the heating, the plastic novelty begins to sweat and “cry” stubbornly, sometimes no worse than the fairy-tale princess Nesmeyana. nine0005
What is the reason for such a "weepy" character of plastic windows?
Dew point - what it is
Condensation appears on plastic windows in winter for the same reason that a bottle of drink just taken from the refrigerator is covered with sweat - the so-called "dew point" is to blame.
Water molecules are constantly in the air. Sometimes more, sometimes less. According to the recommendations of doctors, at a temperature of 20-22 ° C, the humidity in the room should be 40-50%. If the humidity is higher, it is already considered high and then the water will most likely begin to condense on the coldest object in the room, which is the window in winter. Moreover, the balance of temperature and moisture in a closed room contributes to moisture condensation, or vice versa - prevents:
- The colder the room, the less steam is needed to create moisture droplets. In a damp and cool enclosed space, condensation is inevitable.
- The hotter the room, the more moisture can "hold" in the air without falling into dew. A good example is a couple. There, with almost one hundred percent humidity, raindrops do not form due to the high temperature.
Many have noticed how quickly the windows fog up in the kitchen during intensive cooking, or in a crowded room (each person exhales about two liters of water per day). nine0005
Video: Causes of condensation on windows and how to deal with it
Causes of condensation on plastic windows
Let us briefly list the causes that contribute to the appearance of condensation:
Plants as sources of local increase in humidity
Some types of plants (not related to cacti) evaporate moisture very actively. That is, in the back of the room it can be relatively dry, but on the windowsill - a corner of the tropics. Checking the "guilt" of home plantings is simple - just move them from the windowsill somewhere else. If the condensation has disappeared, it's time to buy a hanging shelf or a fancy pot stand for your home greenhouse. nine0005
If the air from the battery does not “reach” the window due to the window sill
It is enough just to change the window sill to a narrower structure. Alternatively, a series of holes can be carefully drilled in a wide wooden window sill so that warm air from a convector or battery “rolls” over the PVC window, heating it and taking excess moisture with it.
There are summer and winter curtains
In summer, batteries located under the windows are not needed, and they are tried to be hidden behind long light curtains, which also serve as protection from the sun. But in winter, the batteries need to be opened to ensure the normal movement of air in the room and to exclude heat loss through the windows. For this, short light curtains made of dense fabric are used. It is worth trying to change the curtains - it may very well be that the windows will stop “crying” from this. nine0005
Down with the water!
Old houses, by the way, were designed for ventilation, which was carried out through windows. And this is without taking into account the good old vents! With the advent of hermetic PVC windows, this air exchange is no longer there. At the same time, the moisture in the air began to "stagnate" by increasing the humidity in the rooms. So, you need to try to remove it:
- Nobody canceled the need to ventilate the apartment from time to time.
- Check the ventilation ducts in the apartment - they are most likely just clogged. nine0012
- In order not to turn the kitchen into a sauna, it would be nice to hang a hood over the stove so that all the steam is removed from the apartment during cooking.
- There are household dehumidifiers that allow you to remove excess moisture from the home atmosphere.
Installation of windows must comply with GOST
A separate important point is the installation of windows. Taking advantage of the fact that consumers have little idea of the features of the technology, installers often install PVC windows in such a way that almost a gap remains between the window and the wall.