Can i grow cilantro in a pot
Growing Cilantro: Planting & Care Tips
Growing Cilantro: Planting & Care Tips | Kellogg Garden Organics™
Cilantro is a common herb that is flavorful and easy to grow. It is often used in Asian, Caribbean, and Mexican cuisines, where the plant’s leaves add a distinctive flavor and aroma to any dish. Its leaves grow on long, tender stems, which can be readily snipped off for harvest. Cilantro is a fast-growing herb that tends to bolt in very warm temperatures, which can make leaves bitter to the taste. Once the cilantro plant flowers, its seeds can be harvested as the ever-popular coriander.
While it is known to be an acquired taste, cilantro is loved by many. Even if you don’t love to cook with this herb, growing cilantro can benefit neighboring garden plants in many ways. Follow our guide to growing cilantro: planting care & tips to grow your own successful crop and get the most out of this culinary favorite.
Soil Preparation and pH for Growing Cilantro
Cilantro thrives in well-draining soil with a targeted 6.2 and 6.8 on the pH scale. Cilantro grows best in nutrient-rich, well-draining soil but can tolerate lesser quality soils. Amend your garden soil with rich organic matter and well-decomposed compost and provide one to inches of mulch around plants for optimal results.
Water and Nutrients for Growing Cilantro
Water cilantro plants regularly, especially as temperatures rise. Be sure that soil is well-draining and does not get soggy. Add a couple of inches of mulch around cilantro to help regulate moisture levels and keep roots cool.
Feed plants every couple of weeks with a balanced organic fertilizer and plant alongside plants that fix nitrogen into the soil as they grow.
Light and Temperature for Growing Cilantro
When growing cilantro: planting care & tips can guide gardeners to consider light and temperature when planting their crops. Cilantro is a fast-growing plant that tends to bolt quickly in warm temperatures. They should be planted in full sun, but they like it cool. If you live in a warmer climate, you may want to provide your cilantro with some light shade to decrease the plant’s likelihood of going to seed.
How to Plant Cilantro
Cilantro traditionally has a short maturation period, so there is no need to get too much of a head start indoors before transplanting.
Follow these simple steps for how to successfully plant cilantro:
- Seeds should be planted ¼ inch deep and can even be scattered on the soil surface.
- Sprinkle soil over the seeds and tap the soil to firm.
Water in well. - Maintain consistently moist soil throughout the germination period of 7-10 days.
- Plan to reseed cilantro every two to three weeks from early spring through early fall to ensure a continuous crop.
- If you do choose to start seeds indoors, cilantro plants should be spaced 6-8 inches apart.
Starting from Seed vs. Buying Plants
Cilantro produces taproots, so they prefer not to be transplanted. It is best to sow seeds directly into the garden bed or container. Plant seeds in mid-to-late spring after the soil warms up, approximately two weeks after the possibility of frost.
If you want to get a head start on your plantings, consider planting your seeds indoors in biodegradable pots, 3 weeks before the last frost in your area. Using biodegradable pots allows you to plant the whole pot directly into the soil so that the roots can remain intact.
Where and When to Plant Cilantro
Cilantro can be planted just about anywhere. Fall is the ideal time to plant in Grow Zones 8-11 because the plants will produce right through the winter until the weather heats up in late spring. In milder climates, plant cilantro late in spring.
- Containers: Cilantro can be grown successfully in containers. Be certain that you have a nice large pot or growing container full of enriching potting mix and water regularly. Growing in containers can be very handy for a plant that tends to bolt.
It enables you to move the plant around to shield it from too much heat. It also allows you to have fresh herbs right outside on your porch or patio.
- Raised Bed: Growing cilantro in a raised bed takes much of the guesswork out of supplying a nutrient-rich and well-draining soil for plants. In a raised garden bed, you can control your garden’s soil quality, and plants and seeds will stay warmer earlier in the season than if they are planted in the ground.
- Backyard Garden: Cilantro can be quickly and easily grown in a backyard garden as long as the soil is well tilled and amended with organic material and well-decomposed compost. Mulching can help with moisture retention, reduce soil erosion, regulate soil temperature and prevent pesky weeds from propagating in your garden.
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Cilantro Succession Planting
Unlike many herbs, cilantro will not continue to produce all season long. As they grow, they can either be harvested or allowed to go to seed. The key to success in having a successful cilantro crop with a rolling harvest is implementing succession planting into your regimen—plant cilantro seeds every two weeks throughout the growing season. Cilantro is also a self-sowing herb if allowed to go to seed, so you are sure to have plenty sprouting up in your garden bed once plants are established.
Cilantro Companion Planting
Cilantro is an excellent companion plant to others in the garden and can also benefit from other plants. It has a fragrance that wards off predatory pests and also attracts beneficial pollinators to the garden when it flowers. It attracts hoverflies whose larva feeds on destructive aphids, and its strong scent wards off spider mites and other threatening insects. When growing cilantro: planting & care tips can help keep plants thriving as they help each other grow.
- Plant cilantro with spinach, melons, tomatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, yarrow, basil.
- Beans, peas, and lupines are also compatible planting buddies, as they fix the soil with nitrogen, thereby feeding nearby cilantro plants.
- Plant chervil with cilantro to deter pests that feed on the plant.
- Plant cilantro under tall varieties of cosmos and sunflowers to provide shade and reduce the tendency to bolt.
- Plant cilantro far away from fennel. The fennel plant releases a chemical into the soil that will inhibit the growth of cilantro.
Cilantro Pests and Disease
As always, the best defense against pests and disease is planting with intention, providing plants with space for airflow, utilizing companion planting practices, and providing plants with essential nutrients, water, and soil conditions. When growing cilantro: planting care and tips for reducing the impact of pests and disease include:
- Aphids – A few sharp sprays of water from the hose and companion planting will keep aphids at bay.
- Whitefly – A few sharp sprays of water from the hose and companion planting will keep whiteflies at bay.
- Wilt – Choose disease-resistant varieties and keep leaves dry by providing airflow and watering at the plant’s base.
- Mildew- Proper spacing will help with airflow, which can prevent powdery mildew from forming and spreading. Remove any diseased plant and dispose of it to prevent spread.
- Leafspot – Add neem oil to help ward off bacteria. Remove diseased leaves and debris from the garden bed and dispose of immediately.
How to Harvest Cilantro
Cilantro seeds can be harvested approximately 35 to45 days after sowing seeds. Simply snip their thin, leafy stems roughly a third of the way down the plant with sharp scissors. This will allow you to use the cut portion while encouraging new growth. With the practice of succession planting, you should be able to harvest cilantro at least once per week or more throughout the growing season. Cilantro is best when used promptly, otherwise it quickly loses its flavor.
If cilantro plants bolt and go to seed, the coriander seeds may be harvested and stored in a cool, dry place. They can be used in culinary dishes or stored as seeds for planting. Cilantro can also be left alone to reseed itself in the garden bed, creating new cilantro plants.
Recommended Cilantro Varieties
- ‘Confetti’ produces fernlike minuscule leaves. This variety is great for microgreen production.
- ‘Calypso’ bolt resistant variety with full plants full of fragrant leaves.
- ‘Marino’ slow to bolt variety of leafy fern-like herbs.
- ‘Santo’ is a standard cilantro plant full of flavor.
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How to Grow Cilantro in a Pot
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How to Grow Cilantro in a Pot with all the tips and tricks to help you grow this herb all year round with ease!greenie.ginnyCilantro is a highly aromatic herb used to enhance the flavor of many South-East Asian, Indian, and Mexican cuisines and as a dressing to improve the appearance of the meal served. If you follow all the useful information on How to Grow Cilantro in a Pot given here–You can easily grow it in your home garden!
Here are the best windowsill herbs you can growPropagating Cilantro
If you’re planting grocery store seeds, gently crush the seed husk before sowing. Some seed companies sell whole seeds–If you find them unopened, slightly crush or rub the seeds between your hand or on the ground.
It is better if you sow the seeds directly in a final pot in which you would like to grow the plants later because cilantro has a long taproot, and it doesn’t transplant well, especially when the plant grows up slightly.
- Sow seeds 1/4 inches deep and place them at a bright spot.
- Keep the soil moist until the seedlings germinate.
- If you have grown them in the seed tray, once the plants have formed 2-3 leaves, plant them in their final location in a pot.
Choosing a Pot
Most people choose too shallow pots for growing cilantro, but that’s a mistake. Similar to dill, cilantro needs a pot that is deep and wide.
For growing lush and full cilantro in a container, choose one that is at least 8 inches deep. If you can get a window box or large plastic tub — this would be a perfect size.
Best Cilantro Planting Time
Start growing cilantro once all the dangers of frost are passed. You can grow it successively from spring to fall. In warm temperate parts and much hotter regions (USDA Zone 8 and above), you can grow cilantro in winters, too, with some care.
The herb can tolerate light frost easily. Below zone 8b, in much cooler regions, you can grow cilantro indoors, in cold frames and hothouses, and overwinter it.
In a hot tropical climate (USDA Zone 10 – 11), cilantro grows best in fall and winter. However, it can be grown year-round in such climates as in many tropical countries fresh cilantro leaves are available throughout the year, but you’ll need to cope with the bolting problem. You may need to harvest quickly and provide shade in spring and summer.
Requirements for Growing Cilantro in Potpixiegirllll
The herb grows best in the sun. But be careful, too much heat will make it go to seed quickly. In summer (or in hot climates), place it in a position that receives shade in the afternoon.
Cilantro likes evenly moist soil, so water it regularly and thoroughly. When watering, make sure you never wet the foliage as it will make it susceptible to powdery mildew. Also, avoid overwatering and waterlogging.
Neutral soil that is very rich in organic matter and crumbly in texture helps this plant to grow really well. Also, the addition of aged manure or compost provides a good steady supply of nitrogen and other trace elements, which promotes vegetative growth.
You can grow cilantro plants closely, but for optimum growth, space the plants 3-4 inches apart.
Cilantro Plant Caretarynchantalwurzbach
Feed the cilantro bimonthly with any half-strength nitrogen-rich fertilizer to promote foliage growth. You don’t need to fertilize your cilantro plants too much if you’re side-dressing them with compost or aged manure.
Also, the application of fish emulsion is recommended. Make sure you don’t overfertilize, otherwise your harvest will be less flavorful.
Inspect your cilantro plants every now and then to see if the flowers are appearing. If they are, deadhead them regularly to promote the production of leaves. However, you can leave them if you want your herbs to seed.
Pests and Diseases
In pests, look out for aphids and mites. Mildew is the most common disease that kills this herb, more consistently occurs in humid, warm weather.
To prevent powdery mildew, keep distance between the plants, provide good air circulation and avoid overhead watering. Wetting the leaves also promotes the growth of many other fungal infections.
Problems With Coriander / Cilantro
The recurring problem with cilantro is bolting. The plant eventually seeds, but it does the same a lot earlier in hot weather. Flowers start to appear quickly, then give way to seeds, and after seeding, the plant dies.
The best solution for this problem is to sow seeds successively, and plant seeds every other week to get a regular harvest. Also, once the plant starts to bolt, pinch the top of it to slow down the process.
Have a look at the best herbs you can grow for eggs hereHarvesting Cilantrourbanamateurnaturalist
You can start to harvest young cilantro leaves early, about 3-4 weeks after sowing seeds. Leaves can be picked from the plant when they have reached 5-8 inches in length.
If you want to harvest the entire plant, you should wait at least 45-70 days. Cut the entire plant at soil level or 2 inches above the crown.
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How to grow from seeds, landing and care
- 3.1 Optimum conditions for growing cilantro on the windowsill
- 3.2 Watering
- 3.3 Fertilizing
Growing cilantro from seed at home on a windowsill is becoming more and more popular. This makes it possible in winter to have fresh herbs and a whole range of useful substances necessary for the human body. Cilantro is a unique seasoning used in cooking in different countries. Has several names. Among them are coriander, calender, hamem, Chinese parsley, chilantro. Latin - Coriandrum sativum. The only caveat is that the greens of the plant are called cilantro, and the seeds are called coriander.
Is it possible to grow cilantro on a windowsill?
This popular herb is traditionally grown by gardeners. However, any vegetable grower can easily grow cilantro from seed on a windowsill. It is only necessary to provide appropriate care and competently sow the culture. The taste and aroma of cilantro greens will be the same as when sowing in open ground. This is an annual crop, so the agricultural technique of growing greens on the windowsill cannot be called complicated.
Lush bush of spicy greens grown on the windowsill serves as a source of nutrients in winter
How to grow cilantro at home on a windowsill
There are two main methods that will give you the same results. Cilantro on the windowsill is grown in a pot. It is convenient and practical. You can collect ripened seeds or cut green sprouts.
Coriander is harvested in two ways:
- By sowing seeds.
This is a variant of seedless technology. Cilantro seeds need to be sown in a container and provide them with the proper conditions. The process is longer, but it is more reliable. It is important to sow high-quality cilantro seeds, then follow all the requirements of agricultural technology.
- Growing hydroponic plants. Planting material can be bought in the distribution network. The advantage of the method is time, and the disadvantage is the poor survival of greenery, because cilantro reacts with a strong decrease in growth during transplantation.
Important! Sowing cilantro seeds at a certain interval, you can provide yourself with greenery throughout the winter period.
Experienced farmers advise to adhere to the sequence of sowing greens 1 time in 12-14 days. There are also basic steps and rules for growing cilantro on the windowsill.
Preparing the soil and planting container
In order for the culture to feel comfortable and develop well on the windowsill, attention must be paid to the choice of containers. The root system of coriander is large and powerful. She takes up a lot of space and doesn't like transplanting. This is due to the very small number of adventitious roots. Injury to the main root leads to the death of the plant. Therefore, a pot for growing greens should be chosen taking into account these nuances. Capacity must be:
- Rectangular. The width of the flowerpot is not more than 25-30 cm, the depth is more than 40 cm. Such parameters will allow the gardener to place it on the windowsill with the most beneficial use of space. The size of the pot depends on the amount of greens grown.
- From a certain substance. Another important requirement for capacity is the ability of the material to “breathe”. Ceramic, plastic, wood or clay without enamel are suitable.
- As required. The pot must be equipped with drainage holes to avoid moisture stagnation.
Important! When using a plastic pot on the windowsill, the frequency of loosening should be increased.
For sowing it is allowed to use an ordinary flower pot with drainage holes
Now for the right choice of substrate. For cilantro, you will need a loamy or sandy loamy soil of a loose structure. You can buy this soil mixture for greenery at the store or cook it yourself. It is enough to mix garden soil with compost or humus, peat and sand in equal amounts. Add 3 tablespoons of wood ash for every kilogram of the mixture. Warm the soil in the oven or spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then use to grow cilantro greens on a windowsill.
Preparation of planting material
For sowing greens, you need to purchase only fresh cilantro seeds. This is due to the fact that they quickly lose their germination. Sowing material three years ago, you can not wait for the appearance of sprouts. It is better to purchase it in specialized stores where they sell high-quality seeds.
The spice department sells heat-treated coriander seeds. If you decide to collect cilantro seeds yourself, then it is important to give them time to ripen well.
Dry cilantro seeds should be sown. Some farmers advise soaking planting material for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent diseases. To improve seedling quality, you can soak cilantro seeds for 2 hours in plain water.
It is better to sort out cilantro seeds before sowing in order to leave the largest ones
Planting rules
The algorithm for sowing cilantro from other crops is not fundamentally different. But it still has its subtleties. The main stages of growing greens on the windowsill:
- Lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the container.
- Fill the cilantro container with the prepared soil and moisten it slightly. The distance from the edge of the pot to the surface should be at least 2-4 cm. This will allow you to add soil as needed.
- Place cilantro seeds with a sowing depth of 0.5-1.5 cm. There are several planting patterns. You can put from 3 to 10 seeds in one pot with a distance of about 7-10 cm between them.
It is very convenient to arrange them in a spiral. The second way is a few cilantro seeds in one hole in the middle of the pot. Get a lush bush of greenery. If you sow cilantro in a container or box, then it is better in rows. The distance between the grooves is 5-7 cm, between the seeds is 1.5 cm. If necessary, cilantro seedlings can always be thinned out.
- Sprinkle a thin layer of sifted peat on top and moisten.
- Cover container with film or glass and keep in a dark place.
- Moisten the soil periodically.
- Open the film to remove condensation and ventilate the mini greenhouse.
The first cilantro sprouts will appear on the windowsill in 10-14 days. The film must immediately be removed and the containers transferred to the light.
Caring for cilantro at home on the windowsill
As soon as tiny loops of sprouts appear, competent care is required immediately. It consists of:
- thinning;
- watering;
- weeding;
- loosening;
- top dressing;
- pruning.
It is important to create comfortable conditions for the growth and development of crops on the windowsill.
Optimal conditions for growing cilantro on a windowsill
Cilantro can grow on a windowsill all year round. To do this, you need to take care of the environment appropriate for the culture. The main requirements without which a good coriander crop cannot be obtained:
- Ambient temperature. For culture, a value of at least + 15 ° C should be maintained. The top should not exceed + 30 ° C, otherwise the plant will begin to form flower stalks very quickly. In this case, there will be almost no greenery. Room temperature is ideal for cilantro.
- Humidity. The average value is the most optimal. In dry air, the plant looks oppressed, slows down growth. High humidity leads to rot and fungal infections on cilantro seedlings. Therefore, you should not put the pot on the windowsill above the heaters. It is also required to avoid places where there are drafts.
- Lighting. Diffused light works best, although cilantro can withstand direct sunlight well. If the containers are on the windowsill of the south, east or west window, then there will be enough lighting. It is not recommended to put plants on the northern windows. Cilantro needs light for 10-12 hours. Minimum 6-8 hours. In winter and on dimly lit window sills, additional cilantro lighting or backlighting will be needed.
Important! Every day you need to turn the plant so that it develops evenly.
If cilantro lacks light or moisture, the bush will grow weakly. From the moment of sowing seeds until the appearance of the first leaf, it should be plentiful. Then the intensity needs to be reduced and the soil should be moistened moderately for 1-1.5 weeks. As soon as the period of active vegetation of cilantro comes, you can again switch to abundant watering. If it is required that cilantro seeds ripen on the bush, then at the time of their ripening again reduce the amount of moisture. It is important not to let the soil dry out and to maintain the rhythm of watering. After 15 minutes after irrigation, it is advisable to drain the excess water to avoid the development of powdery mildew. On hot days with increased dryness of the air, you need to spray the leaves with warm water.
Top dressing
When growing cilantro on a windowsill, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. The frequency of feeding is 1 time in 14 days. It is optimal to use complex mineral compounds and prepare the solution strictly according to the instructions. You need to start feeding the sprouts after the formation of the outlet. It is possible to replace chemical compositions with biocomplexes. In this case, be sure to combine any top dressing with watering. For the active growth of greenery, complexes with a high content of N (nitrogen) are required. When ripe cilantro seeds - phosphorus and potassium. Too zealous with the nutrition of cilantro on the windowsill is not recommended. Feeding once every 2-3 weeks is enough.
In addition to watering and feeding, when growing cilantro from seeds on a windowsill, other important procedures must be followed:
- Thinning. It is not always possible to accurately calculate the number of plants per pot volume. To get lush green cilantro, you need to thin out seedlings in a timely manner. Too dense sowing will lead to a lack of green mass and forcing of peduncles. Plants on the windowsill will have to compete for light, water and food. The first thinning is necessary at the stage of 1-2 true leaves. Of several nearby cilantro seedlings, one should be left the most developed and strong. For the normal development of one bush, 35 square meters are required. m area.
- Weeding is another necessary condition. There should be no weeds around the plant that reduce the intensity of green growth. This event also reduces the possibility of diseases and pests of cilantro.
- Loosening prevents an increase in soil density.
Cilantro loves loose soil, especially when grown on a windowsill.
- Pinch off flower stalks if seeds are not needed. Then the cilantro greens will be much more magnificent.
- Cut. No need to cut the stems at the root, just cut off the leaves of cilantro and eat.
In general, the process of caring for a plant on the windowsill is not considered difficult.
Thinning allows cilantro seedlings to get enough light and nutrition
Useful tips
In addition to the generally accepted rules for growing cilantro on the windowsill, gardeners know some secrets and tricks. This allows you to get high-quality results faster and without much effort. For example:
- Cilantro should be sown constantly at intervals of a month. Thus, fresh herbs will be on the table all year round.
- The soil can be reused by adding a little compost and disinfecting it in any convenient way.
- Do not dry cilantro greens. She will not please with either taste or smell.
It is better to dry the seeds and grind them into a powder before use.
- Add coriander powder to dishes before the end of cooking so that it does not lose its aroma.
- When cilantro blossoms, the greens smell like bugs. Then this smell is replaced by citrus. You just need to wait.
- It is recommended to plant several varieties of cilantro at once. They behave differently under the same conditions. The taste will be more varied, you can choose your favorite variety for further cultivation.
- Pinch off flower stalks in time to prevent unpleasant odor from the leaves.
One more tip - do not plant cilantro in the same pot with other herbs. She doesn't like her neighbors very much.
Grow cilantro separately from other herbs so as not to oppress the plant
Growing cilantro from seeds at home on a windowsill is easy even for beginners. By following agrotechnical recommendations, you can have fresh spicy herbs with your favorite taste all year round.
Cilantro on the windowsill
By Biomaster Reading 5 min Posted on
Cilantro grows beautifully on the windowsill and gives fragrant greenery, so loved by many. Its peculiar taste is not like any other spice. How to grow cilantro at home, read the article.
Contents of the page
Cilantro or coriander?
Botanical name - Creeping coriander. This name is common in Europe and its origin is Greek. The word kinza (kindza) is borrowed from the Georgian language. In different countries, this plant is called - kishnets, kolandra, kuzbara, etc.
Supposed homeland - Eastern Mediterranean. Even in ancient times, coriander spread to adjacent territories. Its seeds have been found in the pyramids of Egypt dating back to the second millennium BC, it is mentioned in the Old Testament.
Each region developed its own varieties. In addition, the traditional use of this ancient cultivated plant in cooking and medicine developed. So, in Georgia, Armenia, both the green part and the fruits are loved, in other areas they prefer seeds. The spicy taste of cilantro is due to the essential oils in all parts of the plant, but they are chemically different, so the taste of the leaves is very different from the taste of the seeds. The content of other plant components that also affect taste sensations - oils, vitamins, acids, tannins, resins, sugars in percentage terms is very different in coriander, which grows in different countries. How to grow other herbs at home read in article .
Growing conditions
Growing cilantro at home is not difficult.
Containers are selected plastic, ceramic, any size.
Medium pot (15-20 cm) fits 2-3 bushes. In large containers, the distance between plants must be at least 7 cm.
Drainage is mandatory - water must easily pass through all layers.
Prefers indirect light, but can withstand direct sunlight. In summer, the southern, western and eastern windows get by with natural light. In winter, at home, they are illuminated with fluorescent lamps and LEDs.
Not sensitive to temperature. Withstands significant temperature fluctuations. Seeds can germinate even at 6°C. When it rises - about 30 ° C and above, the rapid formation of peduncles begins.
Moderate room temperature is great for growing cilantro.
Watering abundantly, especially when the plant is on the southern windows with bright sunlight.
Soil and fertilizer
The soil mixture is made light and fertile, pH 6. 5-7.5. A mixture of soddy soil, humus, sand, coconut fiber (peat) in equal proportions is well suited. A common reason for growing failure is too acidic soil, which has a lot of peat. When using purchased soil, special attention should be paid to its acidity.
Feeding is not necessary if the soil is fertile, because cilantro has a short growing season and there are enough nutrients for its development. If there are doubts about the quality of the soil, they are fed with complex mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content to build up green mass 2-3 weeks after germination. Fertilizers should be dominated by phosphorus and potassium at the stage of seed ripening.
The process of growing cilantro
For sowing, fresh seeds are taken and sown immediately in a permanent place: cilantro does not tolerate transplantation. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm, 2-3 seeds are placed in each hole. The distance between the holes is 7-10 cm. Cover with a transparent covering material to increase humidity.
Seedlings appear in the open field in 2-3 weeks, and even faster at home. When the seedlings grow a little, the weak ones are removed, leaving 1 plant in each hole. The soil is kept constantly moist - watered abundantly, and as soon as the top layer begins to dry out, water again. High-quality tender greens are obtained with sufficient moisture, otherwise the leaves will be rough, and the taste will become worse. It is mainly consumed fresh, because when dried, the taste becomes completely different.
Start collecting leaves after 30-50 days (depending on the variety), when the plants reach a height of 15-20 cm. Harvesting is carried out in three ways: the leaves are stripped, the rosette is cut off before the stalking phase, or the plant is pulled out of the ground along with the root. Regular removal of flower arrows slightly prolongs the collection of greenery. A change in taste and stiffness becomes a signal of the unsuitability of cilantro for food.
Seeds mature in 90-120 days: their color turns brown and they fall off heavily. At home, it is easy to adapt to their collection, but you can do otherwise, as is customary on an industrial scale. The fruits are harvested at the stage of wax ripeness, laid out in the shade and dried for 2 weeks. During this time, full ripening occurs and they can be planted again.
Coriander has a short growing season during which the greens are obtained, and crops are planted every 2-3 weeks to ensure regular supply. In winter, they must be artificially illuminated, otherwise they will stretch out and develop slowly.
The best varieties for growing
Indoors, it is customary to grow varietal cilantro.
The plant quickly develops flower arrows, after which the greens become unusable. Therefore, breeders purposefully breed varieties whose cultivation is intended to obtain green mass, which increases this process in time. In addition, the leaves should retain tenderness and aroma for as long as possible, and there should be a lot of them. Varieties Pervenets, Venus, Eva, Caribe fully meet these requirements.