Black front doors feng shui

How to Pick a Front Door Color With Feng Shui

In feng shui, your front door is one of the most important areas of your home and represents the face you show to the world. Feng shui colors for a front door have practical, aesthetic, and potentially energetic implications. On a practical level, it is how you come in and out of your home. Your front door sets the tone for you and your visitors entering your home. It’s also the last thing you see when leaving your home to go out into the world.

On an energetic level, your front door also represents how energy and opportunities come into your life. Just like you want your guests to feel welcome when they enter through your front door, you also want opportunities to be attracted to enter your life. Your front door is the main portal for people and energy to enter your home. In feng shui, we call it the mouth of qi, or universal life force energy.

Your Front Door Color and Feng Shui

A feng shui practitioner looks at the colors and facing direction of your home to assess how the qi (life force energy) flows to your property. These factors offer information on how the qi is received inside the building. 

One easy way to feng shui your front door is with paint. Look at things from a feng shui perspective based on your home's facing direction and work with the colors you are attracted to. Also, pay attention to what colors will work well with the house's exterior and your neighborhood as a whole.

How to Pick the Perfect Front Door Color

Red to Get Noticed

Red is the most auspicious color in feng shui, as well as a powerful color for protection and the transformation of negative energy. Red is also connected to the fire element, which represents warmth, passion, and inspiration. If you want your front door to be clearly visible from the street so that energy and opportunities can find you, a coat of red paint can be an effective way to do this. In the feng shui energy map, red is related to the recognition area. Red makes a bold statement, and it’s a great color to use if you want to get noticed.

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Black to Attract Good Energy

Black absorbs, attracts, and brings in positive energy, which makes it a great choice for a front door color. It’s connected to the water element, which represents wisdom and depth. The north direction is also tied to this element. Water is also connected to your social connections and network, so black can be a supportive color for building friendships and relationships.

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Brown for Support

In feng shui, brown and other earthy neutral colors are connected to the earth element and used to balance, stabilize, and nurture the inhabitants in the home. A brown door is perfect for connecting you and your family to the stability of Mother Earth.

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Yellow to Brighten 

Yellow is a bright, energetic color for a front door. In feng shui, yellow is connected to the earth element. Earth represents stability and grounding, so yellow is an excellent choice if you or your family could use more of that.

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Green for Growth

Green is connected to the wood element in feng shui, which is related to new beginnings and growth. If you intend to invite in new opportunities to help you grow and expand, you may want to paint your door green.

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White for Joy

Connected to the metal element in feng shui, white represents cleanliness and purity. The west direction is also tied to this element. The metal element is related to precision, communication, and joy. Try painting your door white to invite more of these metal element qualities into your life.

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Blue for Knowledge

Like green, blue also represents the wood element, which supports growth and new beginnings. Deeper shades of blue are also connected to the "gen" area of the feng shui bagua map. Gen represents knowledge and self-cultivation, so dark blue can help support an intention to deepen your skillfulness.

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Gray for Helpful People

Gray also represents the metal element, so it is a supportive color for inviting more metal element qualities into your life. In addition, it’s the color associated with the "qian" area of the feng shui bagua. Qian is all about helping people and travel, so a gray front door can support your intention to invite helpful people and benefactors into your life or to travel more.

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After you've chosen a color for your front door, make sure you use it. Many people don't use their formal front doors. It's essential to activate energy flow by opening and walking through them regularly. Even if it's not the entrance you use most often, try going out your front door when you go out to get the mail, for example. 

Finally, don't forget to keep your freshly painted door clean. Part of having an inviting entryway is having a clean entry. When cleaning your home, take some time to wash your front door, including the hinges, knobs, and frame.


The Best Feng Shui Colors for a North-Facing Front Door


Anjie Cho

Anjie Cho

Anjie Cho is a certified feng shui consultant, professional architect, and author with over 20 years of experience designing spaces. She co-founded the Mindful Design Feng Shui School and wrote "Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home. "

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Updated on 09/15/21

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In feng shui, one of the most important areas that we look at is the front door. This is the main way that qi, or energy, enters your space, which is why it’s also known as the mouth of qi. Because of this, it’s a good idea to show this part of your home some extra love and attention. A strong front door can help welcome positive energy and opportunities for the people living in the home. 

There are many different schools of feng shui, all with varied approaches. Each school is valid and has valuable insight to offer, so we recommend choosing the one that resonates with you most. Some schools of feng shui, like the Classical, Compass, and Flying Star schools, look at the magnetic compass directions of various aspects of your home, including the front door. If you are working with a school of feng shui that uses the magnetic compass directions, one way to strengthen your front door is to find out which direction it is facing and paint it a color that supports that direction.

How to Find Your Front Door Facing Direction

To find your front door facing direction, grab a compass and stand in the entrance to your home facing out. Your compass can be one that is specifically meant for feng shui, or simply an app on your smartphone. Use the compass to find out which way you are facing when you’re standing in this position; this is your front door facing direction.

In feng shui, the north direction is related to the water element, which represents wisdom, introspection, and fluidity. It’s also connected to the Kan area of the feng shui bagua, representing your career and path in life. If you work with a feng shui consultant, they will likely look to this area if you want to strengthen and support your career, or gain clarity around your path in life.

Paint Colors for North-Facing Front Doors

Each of the five elements used in feng shui is associated with particular colors. If your front door faces north, you can support it by painting it in a water element color. Alternately, you can choose a metal element color, because metal feeds water in the five element cycle. Metal is connected to joy, precision, beauty, and communication. 

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Water Element Colors

Metal Element Colors

If You Can't Repaint Your Door

If you live in a rental or are otherwise unable to paint your door, don’t worry! There are still plenty of ways you can incorporate feng shui colors to make the most of your north-facing door. Here are a few ideas, but feel free to use your creativity to find something that works well for your space. 

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Watch Now: How to Give Your Front Door Good Feng Shui

Feng Shui Tips - what the front door can tell you.

1. Feng Shui and the harmony of life
2. What is a Feng Shui door?
3. Entrance door and sides of the world
4. Color of the entrance door
5. Shape of the entrance door
6. And if the door is not according to Feng Shui
7. Correction of incorrect location
8. Mirror in the hallway
9. Stairs and entrance door
10. Tips and Recommendations

West and East interpret the principles of harmony and human happiness in different ways. Western culture focuses on functionality, practicality and external beauty. The East is trying to get to the bottom of things. Feng Shui, with its oriental aesthetics, offers us, people of a different culture, a fresh look at familiar interior solutions. One has only to plunge into his philosophy and see how the world around us is changing. nine0012

1. Feng Shui and the harmony of life

How do well-being, prosperity and good luck come to the house? Just like the people living in the house, they enter through the front doors. According to the laws of Feng Shui, space, people and everything that surrounds us consists of energy, in China it is also called Qi. The human body and soul cannot live without constant replenishment of Qi, as well as plants and animals. Qi is invested in us from birth, it comes to us in the form of food and water. It enters our homes with air currents. In order to feel strong and happy, we must not hinder its free penetration. From the point of view of Western culture, the door is only a necessary element of a human dwelling. Its dimensions, color, opening side, location relative to the cardinal points - these are just small nuances that can be neglected for the sake of comfort, beauty, functionality. But if you think about it, a door is what connects two different worlds. It is the link between the inner and outer life of man. nine0012

2. What is a Feng Shui door?

According to Feng Shui, the front door should be of medium size. It is believed that too large an entrance to the premises can create financial difficulties, a small one leads to family quarrels. The door itself should be of a regular rectangular shape, open and close easily and freely, and have a beautiful appearance. The color is chosen depending on the direction of the world - the north, east, south or west direction in which the door is facing. In the hallway, as well as in the outer corridor, if it is an apartment, there should be no extra things, untidy shoes and clothes. Clutter, blockage of a direct passage to the dwelling block the flow of energy. But in order to understand this, it is not necessary to be a follower of Feng Shui. Aesthetics, purity and freedom of space make our thoughts and feelings cleaner, more consistent and clearer. nine0012

Feng Shui consultants advise to install the front door in the form of a solid sheet without glass inserts. Also, an absolutely glass version will be undesirable. The entrance to the house must be reliably protected and hidden, which is why it is not recommended to make a door from fragile delicate materials. For free penetration of energy into the dwelling, the door leaf is hung so that it opens into the room. It is believed that the opening outward allows the dissipation of Qi, its loss. If there are windows on both sides of the front door, it is necessary to decorate the window sills with pots of live plants or beautiful curtains, so the energy will remain in the house. nine0012

3. Entrance door and cardinal directions